HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-17, Page 6PAGE SIX NEws-REdoR 74RLIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1955 0444444,44,4444+ ews of Bayfield BY MISS LUC.Y R. WOODS Ontario's Champion Country Correspondent PHONE BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mrs. E. R. Weston went to God- erich last week for a visit.. Miss Marion Makins, London, was; home over the weekend. ;Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, was home on Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth were in Detroit from Thursday night until Sunday. A. C. Edward Parker, RCAF Station Clinton, visited his cousin, Mrs. R. J. Larson, over the week- end, John Sturgeon, who was taken suddenly i11 on Tuesday, is a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaford). Misses Helen Blair and Barbara Bassett, London, were at their respective homes in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and daughter, Gwen, London, Were at their" 'cottage, "Wlieel In" over Remembrance Day. Mrs. J. Davison, who has been indisposed for a few days, was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday. Mrs. F. McEwen accompanied Dr. and Mrs: R: Nicholls, who were here for the weekend, on their return to London. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hayman and Miss.Ruth E. Hayman were. attheir cottage over Remem- brance' Day and the weekend. F/0 „and -Mrs. Andre Toma and baby'Michael, Egmbndville,' were. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod, over the weekend. Barbara Turner, .daughter,..,of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner, is recovering at , home after having undergone a tonsillectomy in Clin- ton Public Hospital" on Friday. Mrs. David 'Dewar returned home on Saturday after having visited her children in Montreal, Kingston and Toronto for ;several Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Mal- lett, London, were with their mother, Mrs. J. Davison,,, Qver the weekend Harold Scotchtner, from the Federal Department of Agricul- ture ht Winnipeg, •vislted relatives here on Sunday. He was attend- ing the Royal Winter Fair, Toren - Reg. Francis and Bill ; McIlnvain returned home on Saturday after having been away a week on a hunting trip near Britt, Parry Sound District. They each bagged a deer. Miss Mary Marks was with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Marks from Friday morning until Sunday. She returned to Toronto with Victor Pickard who came on Saturday.. Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson who spent last week at her home on Main Street returned to London on Sunday evening with her hus- band who was with her over Re- membrane Day. The Elyth Construction Comp- any moved pile driving machinery to the 'village last week. Work was commenced on the dikter- men's iskter-risen s dock on the south side of the river en Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Stratford, spent last week with Mr. and. Mrs. George Campbell, Stanley rownship. Fred Turner also visited at the home of his Goderich Township A. social evening will be held at Stewart ' Middleton's on Friday eventing, November 25, under the auspices of the WA of St. James' Mrs. Ethel Path,` Bayfield, will be the special speaker; her sub- ject, "On the History of Goderich Township:": Mrs. Poth has re- quested that everyone bring some information on this subject, if possible, so discussion may ensue. A musical programme is also' being planned. The WA and their husbands and any interested per- sons are invited to attend. The ladies' will please bring lunch. husband, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirldram, London, who . were here for the day. Mrs. O. H. Doerr and Braden, Mitchell, visited her sister, Mxs. J. E. Hovey, from Wednesday un- til Friday while their husbands went duck shooting in the Arthur area. They returned from Damas- cus on Friday without having bag- ged any birds. Mrs, Kenneth Brandon and Lynn are visiting her parents in Bid - sister = for a couple of days, falo. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Atkinson returned to Mrs. W. Pitblad'o, who spent the Sarnia to -day (Thursday) after weekend of October 6 with her having been the guest of Mrs. C. father, H. N. Brandon, on their W. Brown since Sunday. She ac- return to Toronto and went on to companied Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Buffalo by train. Holmes. and Peter to the village. Mrs. L. M. Burt visited her sis- Boys who wish to become Cubs ter, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer from or Scouts should go to the base- Friday until Sunday. She return - meat of the town hall on Friday ed to London with Mr. and Mrs. evening at eight„o'clock with their Howard Burt and three children, membership fee. All interested JoAnne, Karen and Geoffrey, who persons and; especially parents are were also the guests of Mr, and asked to attend. Mrs.. Scotchmer, on Sunday. P.C. 'arid Mrs: Lloyd Westlake . H. H. Ormond returned home and, Ricky were the guests of on Monday evening after having Constable, and.., Mrs. J. Barker, been to Detroit. He went down Listowel; On Tuesday. They were on. Saturday. toattend the Prince accompanied by Mrs. Arnold' Ma- ton •luncheon at the, University. kins and two children who visited Club with his brother, Dr. John relatives in that town. K..Ormond, and hear the returns Mrs. D. Newman, Who has been of ' the . Princeton: -Yale 'football visiting in Wyoming for a month, game. ' returned on Friday afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart re. the home of her son-in-law and turned home on Friday after hay - daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fitz- ing been away for the week. They sim'ons. Mrs. Newman' is confined visited .the latter's niece, Miss to bed with an attack of bron- Helene .Brownlee, in London, and, chitis. Mrs.; Stewart was with her cousin, Emerson Heard attended the Miss S. Pollock, Brantford, while Black Knight banquet held in the her husband attended a masonic Orange Hall, London, on Saturday function. in Hamilton. Mrs. H. A. Lawson is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, where she underwent surgery on Friday. Owing to .her mother's illness, evening. He returned home on Sunday with his daughter and her START THE WINTER ”" )i' °r 4w w=i a with A Reconditioned Used Car A Few EXTRA GOOD Ones Left: 1951 DODGE SEDAN Only 1950 MERCURY Sedan Radio, Overdrive 1949 MERCURY Sedan Very Clean 1949 CHEV. COACH $950 $850 $750 $595 MURPIIY B1IOS. CHRYSLER—PLYMOUTH—FARGO Sales and Service ._ PHONE 46 5 Huron Street CLINTONt ONT. 1 Mrs. L. R. Gray was with her sister, Mrs. Maynard Corrie, from Thursday until Sunday. She re- turned to London with her hus- band Who was also here for the weekend, • Miss Emily Thompson and Mrs., John MacDougal, accompanied by their nephew, Glenn Ringland, To- ronto, were the guests of their cousin, Mrs, Thomas Westlake, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, over the Remembrance Day weekend. They visited with their sister, Miss Elsie Thompson on Saturday, and also called on cousins, Colin Campbell, Bronson Line, and Mrs. W. Daniels„ Hen- sall, while in this neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond re- turned home on Wednesday of last week after a three weeks' motor trip through the Great Smokey Mountains, Tennessee, and North Carolina to Montgomery, Ala- bama, where they, visited friends they had know'ii in ' 8au Paula, Brazil. En route, they visited their daughter and family in Ash- tabula, and friends in Mt. Vernon, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Greenville, South Carolina, and they stopped at resorts in the m o tt It tains both going and returning. They had delightful weather until they ran into snow at Niag- ara Falls, New York State, on the return trip. But When they cros- sed at Fort Erie, the only snow to be seen was on their ear, - Turkey Dinner. Over 200 people: 'attended the turkey, dinner in the Town Hall, Friday, November 11, which was sponsored by the Guild of Trinity Church.. Some. came from as far as 'London, end people were also present from Goderich and Clin- ton for this event. And, according to all reports dinner was worth it. The tables were gay with flow- ers and lighted tapers which ad- ded greatly to' the appearance of the basement. The Rev. W. S. Outerbridge said the Grace. To the careful planning of the convener, Mrs. Percy Weston and her committee, and the 'efficient help of all the women, girls and men of the church who assisted goes' the credit for such a success- ful evening. The proceeds wilt be devoted to furnishing the kitchen in the new parish. hall. Following the dinner there were 11 tables of progressive euchre. The prizes were won by Mrs. Geo- rge-Reid (high), Miss Helen Blair (low)' and Nelson Heard (high), William R. Elliott (low). or .9n'es Correspondent — MRS. I3, DTJIiNIN , Phone Blyth 37 r 19 Mr. and: Mrs. Frank Potter and Greg were with Mr.; and Mrs. Tom Millar on Sunday. Mrs. Beacom and Edythe spent Friday in Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bayans. Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor, Goderich, visited with Mr. ' and yfa's. George McVittie on Sunday:, Nits. spending Bert Allen is'' sp g the weekend in Toronto and will at- GOSHEN LINE µ~ WMS Meeting, The ladies of the Goshen United Church Woman's' Missionary So- ciety met in the church for the November meeting with Mrs. John Armstrong presiding. Scriptures were read by Mrs. Russel Erratt, Mrs. Keith Mc- Bride and Mrs, Walter Eckel. Mrs. Arnold Keys read the minutes and about 25 answered the roll call. Aninvitation to Zurich on Decem- ber 1 was accepted. Mrs. Robert Peck and' Mrs, El- mer Hayter sang a duet accomp- anied by Mrs. Russel Erratt. The study book on "Indians” was in the charge of Mrs. Roy, McBride. "In Christ there is no East or West" was sung followed with prayer by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. The December, meeting is to be held on Tuesday, December 6 instead of , on the 8th. Fowl Supper One hundred people attended the fowl supper and program held in the church basement on No- vember 2. The guest speaker was Rev, McMillan, of Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderich. Several numbers were sung by the male quartette from Tucker - smith, accompanied by Miss Carol Pepper, , Mrs, Either Keys sang and . played accordion numbers. Mrs, , William Taylor and Mrs. Clare McBride played saxaphone and trumpet duets and Mrs. Ebner Hayter and Mrs, Elmore, Keys sang duets. These were accomp- anied on the piano by Mrs, Bruce Keys. ted the Royal Winter Fair while there. Mr. and Mrs. William Govier are spending a few days visiting their daughters in London and Kitchener. Mrs. Thomas E. Adams is spending .a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ham- ilton, Win gham. Clifford Saundercock, Thomas Allen, Weldon Tyndall and Ar- thur Colson have been spending a few days in the Bracebridge district, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cudmore, Crumlin; Mrs. Grant Fraiser, Mrs, Alex Lowrie, Seaforth, were with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Radford on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hooper and Bambara, Mrs. Eldred Holmes, Mrs. Erwin Holmes and Debbie, Dresden, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Hesk. Mr. and Mrs. W. Manning, Gail and June, spent the weekend at Niagara Falls, N.Y., with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Mor- ris. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moroso of Hamilton on their way home. CONSTANCE William Carnochan is under the doctor's. care. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown spent Sunday in Woodstock. Frank Riley and William Hal- lahan were in Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Grace Riley, and Heather Norris, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Riley. WA-WMS The regular meeting of the Woman's Association and Woman's Missionary Society was held in the Sunday School rooms on Wed- nesday, November 9, The slate of officers for 1956 was brought in for the WA as follows: president, Mrs. Verne Dale; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs, G. Meliwain; secretary, Mrs, Frank Riley; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Lawson; pianist, Mrs. Wil- liam Jewitt; assistant, Mrs. Frank News of Brucefield Correspondent — MRS. II. F. BERRY Phone Clinton 618 r 22 or Seaforth 659 r 22 Friends visiting LAC McInnis and Mrs. McInnes were the form- er's parents, Windsor. Miss Marguerite McDonald, London, spent a few days with Misses Kaye and Marie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squires spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan. The many friends of Mrs. John Granger are sorry to know she is confined to Clinton Public Hos- pear. . , , �.,-._.•. Mrs, George Pinkney and dau- I ghter, Walkerton, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent the weekend with friends in Ham- ilton and with their daughter in Trenton, . -. -. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mustard, Weston, spent the weekend with Mr. Mustard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mustard. Mr. and Mrs, Trevor Davison and family, Batavia, New York, spent the weekend with Rev, .and Mrs. Sydney Davison, Mr. and Mrs. S. Neal and Ron- ald, Glencoe, spent the weekend with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. "Mac" Wilson. Mrs. Walter Moffatt is visiting with her mother, and brother-in- law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. El- eanor Fisher at Gravehnrrst, • Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge and their daughter Mary Ellen, spent a feW days with Mr. Bur- dge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Mr. and Mrs. R.' Barr and fam- ily, Burlington; Mrs. A. E. Munn and family, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Dinnin and Billie, Zurich, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Dinnin. Friends visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Baird recently were: Dr. and Mrs. William Aikenhead, EXTRAS We have accepted the franchise; for the, well known appliances of McLary'S f�rrs►� iia el►1+� it* to youwtelt VI* best in • REERiGERATORS • WASHING MACHNEB (both conventional and 'automatic). ;r°" • DRIERS 'ice 4 ELECTRIC STOVES ll^ DON'T MISS OUR SPECIAL INTR( L'I d'OR ' ii?R1`O S Hawkins &: Phone 244 Hardware land Piafriiiiitragl __. .._ rGletiton Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Aiken - head, Margaret Aikenhead, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aiken - head, Seaforth and Mrs. Frank Aikenhead, Hensall. +VWISE & BATEMAN' ' UM PLUMBER' WERE VERY PROUD OF OUR -1 GOOD NAME, W MEASURE D UP TO WHAT WE`CLAIM WISE & BATEMAN ELECTRICIANS G PLUMBERS CLINTON • (71.-i147 6,`4,''x; >s f ?': ' Awa rest .r,0vitd+resere err 1 FOR THE BEST IN TV MARCONI and WESTINGHOUSE $179,95 Clam Ele� tric Shop i?tdiit — 'D. W. Cornish — S rhir 'WESTINGHOUSE Dealer 'I'fi(NE 419— CLINTON �1'Ybu can b -e Sure if 'if's `Westinghouse" STANLEY Mrs. Walter Moffat, is spending a feW weeks in .Gravenhurst. Morley Taylor, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. Jack Graham, Toronto, visited. with his: mother over the weekend. Miss Kate 'McGregor, VVingham,. spent the weekend at the homes of her brothers. Miss Alice Caldwell and Miss Jean McGregor, London, spent the weekend at their homes here. Community Club The November meeting of the Stanley Connnunity Club was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Taylor with 11 members, four visitors and five children present. The president, Mrs. Robert Glen opened the meeting, by all, repeating the Lord's Prayer: Mrs. Norman Baird gave the secretary report and roll call, which was answered by "What form of enter- tainment I like best." The treas- urer, Mrs. John McGregor gave her report and the collection was taken amounting to $4,06. It was decided to send $10 to the .Children's Aid Society at God- erich. An invitation irom the London Road Club to a euchre to be held in the Legion Hall, Clin- ton on November 15, was read. Riley. The officers, for the WMS are:, president, Mrs. Ross McGregor; first vice-president, Mrs. W. S. Whyte; secretary and press sec- retary, Mrs. Frank Riley; treas- urer, Mrs. Earl Lawson; temper- ance, Mrs. William Jewitt; Mis- sion Band, Mrs. William Dale; as- sistant, Mrs. Mellwain; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Brown; visiting committee, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. V. Dale, Mrs. Charles Riley. Card convener, Mrs. Brown; Christmas boxes for shut-ins, Mrs, Brown; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Milison; group leaders, Mrs. W. S. Whyte, Mrs. Earl Lawson„ Mrs. Joseph Babcock. It was decided to . send flowers to John A. McEwen, who is a' patient in Clinton Public Hospital.. A program followed with a read ing `by Mrs. Jack ; Taylor, and a• contest by Mrs, N. Baird. The 'next meeting' will. be held at the. home of Mrs. Frank McCowan.. Roll call will be "a historical, place - in 'Canada I. ;would . like to visit" Blanket Protection' Oti'CtlOn' Cities Service: 5-D Motor Oil CHECK -N -CHANGE FOP. WINTER NOW! —//— LIVING IS FUN DRIVE CAREFULLY AY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop, 1 "Tke'Plaee'Where You Never Have To Blow Your Horn" Clinton . . . Ontario Modern Dance Band. 5 -PIECE MODERN DANCE COMBO ANYTIME ANYWHERE Jack Fisher and his RHYTHMAIRES Don't Be That Way — Let's Dance 25 Regina Road Phone: RCAF Stn. Clinton Clinton 589R4 1 Goderich Little Theatre presents MACBETH by the Canadian Players in the GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Friday, November 4 25 8.30 p.m. Students $1.00 — Adults $1.50 An Advance Sole of Tickets WINTERIZING of Cars and Trucks is now in full swing! You may think that winterizing is an inevitable_ oc'currance and you grudgingly give in to it — truth- fully a good winterizing job ,is one of the best things. that can happen to your car. We believe happy customers are better customers and therefore do our best to give you the best winter- izing job obtainable. We recommend .the following check points.:: ✓ Cooling System V Battery' ✓ Lights' V Exhaust System V Windshield Wipers V Tires• V Brakes We check the engine, transmission; reorrexhaust, acid 'air -filter for winter grade lubricants; spark plugs, distributor points, high tension wiring- ' — everything to make your car start and nun, properly, regardless of how severe the winter. AUTO \VE LS ELECTRIC "The Original' rune44p Shop" PHONE 7624 CLINTON Rumball's IGA Market Meat Specials , TABLERITE SHORT RIBS of BEEF LB. 29c PEAMEAL BACK BACON , `LB. 55c DEVON BRAND SAUSAGE LB. 39c NIAGARA BRAND SIDE BACON I B 49c • _r Grocery Savers I.GA, RED, PITTEIi •.' ,. CHERRIES 15 OZ. TIN 2/35c IGA CHOICE PEAS ..,wwrM i ' '-bz: 2/33c MARGENE MARGARINE iik. 31c Df�TIO S"OI 'ENING Llcs. 27c CARNu1.TIONIli a „(y MTLK TALL wa a�#u 1 2/ Rumbai1"s PHONE 8 6-� CLINTON a, .. .• :`'ostial K"`_ wry - Mrs. L. R. Gray was with her sister, Mrs. Maynard Corrie, from Thursday until Sunday. She re- turned to London with her hus- band Who was also here for the weekend, • Miss Emily Thompson and Mrs., John MacDougal, accompanied by their nephew, Glenn Ringland, To- ronto, were the guests of their cousin, Mrs, Thomas Westlake, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, over the Remembrance Day weekend. They visited with their sister, Miss Elsie Thompson on Saturday, and also called on cousins, Colin Campbell, Bronson Line, and Mrs. W. Daniels„ Hen- sall, while in this neighbourhood. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond re- turned home on Wednesday of last week after a three weeks' motor trip through the Great Smokey Mountains, Tennessee, and North Carolina to Montgomery, Ala- bama, where they, visited friends they had know'ii in ' 8au Paula, Brazil. En route, they visited their daughter and family in Ash- tabula, and friends in Mt. Vernon, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Greenville, South Carolina, and they stopped at resorts in the m o tt It tains both going and returning. They had delightful weather until they ran into snow at Niag- ara Falls, New York State, on the return trip. But When they cros- sed at Fort Erie, the only snow to be seen was on their ear, - Turkey Dinner. Over 200 people: 'attended the turkey, dinner in the Town Hall, Friday, November 11, which was sponsored by the Guild of Trinity Church.. Some. came from as far as 'London, end people were also present from Goderich and Clin- ton for this event. And, according to all reports dinner was worth it. The tables were gay with flow- ers and lighted tapers which ad- ded greatly to' the appearance of the basement. The Rev. W. S. Outerbridge said the Grace. To the careful planning of the convener, Mrs. Percy Weston and her committee, and the 'efficient help of all the women, girls and men of the church who assisted goes' the credit for such a success- ful evening. The proceeds wilt be devoted to furnishing the kitchen in the new parish. hall. Following the dinner there were 11 tables of progressive euchre. The prizes were won by Mrs. Geo- rge-Reid (high), Miss Helen Blair (low)' and Nelson Heard (high), William R. Elliott (low). or .9n'es Correspondent — MRS. I3, DTJIiNIN , Phone Blyth 37 r 19 Mr. and: Mrs. Frank Potter and Greg were with Mr.; and Mrs. Tom Millar on Sunday. Mrs. Beacom and Edythe spent Friday in Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bayans. Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor, Goderich, visited with Mr. ' and yfa's. George McVittie on Sunday:, Nits. spending Bert Allen is'' sp g the weekend in Toronto and will at- GOSHEN LINE µ~ WMS Meeting, The ladies of the Goshen United Church Woman's' Missionary So- ciety met in the church for the November meeting with Mrs. John Armstrong presiding. Scriptures were read by Mrs. Russel Erratt, Mrs. Keith Mc- Bride and Mrs, Walter Eckel. Mrs. Arnold Keys read the minutes and about 25 answered the roll call. Aninvitation to Zurich on Decem- ber 1 was accepted. Mrs. Robert Peck and' Mrs, El- mer Hayter sang a duet accomp- anied by Mrs. Russel Erratt. The study book on "Indians” was in the charge of Mrs. Roy, McBride. "In Christ there is no East or West" was sung followed with prayer by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. The December, meeting is to be held on Tuesday, December 6 instead of , on the 8th. Fowl Supper One hundred people attended the fowl supper and program held in the church basement on No- vember 2. The guest speaker was Rev, McMillan, of Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderich. Several numbers were sung by the male quartette from Tucker - smith, accompanied by Miss Carol Pepper, , Mrs, Either Keys sang and . played accordion numbers. Mrs, , William Taylor and Mrs. Clare McBride played saxaphone and trumpet duets and Mrs. Ebner Hayter and Mrs, Elmore, Keys sang duets. These were accomp- anied on the piano by Mrs, Bruce Keys. ted the Royal Winter Fair while there. Mr. and Mrs. William Govier are spending a few days visiting their daughters in London and Kitchener. Mrs. Thomas E. Adams is spending .a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ham- ilton, Win gham. Clifford Saundercock, Thomas Allen, Weldon Tyndall and Ar- thur Colson have been spending a few days in the Bracebridge district, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cudmore, Crumlin; Mrs. Grant Fraiser, Mrs, Alex Lowrie, Seaforth, were with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Radford on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hooper and Bambara, Mrs. Eldred Holmes, Mrs. Erwin Holmes and Debbie, Dresden, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Hesk. Mr. and Mrs. W. Manning, Gail and June, spent the weekend at Niagara Falls, N.Y., with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Mor- ris. They called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moroso of Hamilton on their way home. CONSTANCE William Carnochan is under the doctor's. care. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown spent Sunday in Woodstock. Frank Riley and William Hal- lahan were in Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Grace Riley, and Heather Norris, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Riley. WA-WMS The regular meeting of the Woman's Association and Woman's Missionary Society was held in the Sunday School rooms on Wed- nesday, November 9, The slate of officers for 1956 was brought in for the WA as follows: president, Mrs. Verne Dale; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs, G. Meliwain; secretary, Mrs, Frank Riley; treasurer, Mrs. Earl Lawson; pianist, Mrs. Wil- liam Jewitt; assistant, Mrs. Frank News of Brucefield Correspondent — MRS. II. F. BERRY Phone Clinton 618 r 22 or Seaforth 659 r 22 Friends visiting LAC McInnis and Mrs. McInnes were the form- er's parents, Windsor. Miss Marguerite McDonald, London, spent a few days with Misses Kaye and Marie Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squires spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan. The many friends of Mrs. John Granger are sorry to know she is confined to Clinton Public Hos- pear. . , , �.,-._.•. Mrs, George Pinkney and dau- I ghter, Walkerton, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent the weekend with friends in Ham- ilton and with their daughter in Trenton, . -. -. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mustard, Weston, spent the weekend with Mr. Mustard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mustard. Mr. and Mrs, Trevor Davison and family, Batavia, New York, spent the weekend with Rev, .and Mrs. Sydney Davison, Mr. and Mrs. S. Neal and Ron- ald, Glencoe, spent the weekend with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. "Mac" Wilson. Mrs. Walter Moffatt is visiting with her mother, and brother-in- law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. El- eanor Fisher at Gravehnrrst, • Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge and their daughter Mary Ellen, spent a feW days with Mr. Bur- dge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge. Mr. and Mrs. R.' Barr and fam- ily, Burlington; Mrs. A. E. Munn and family, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Dinnin and Billie, Zurich, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Dinnin. Friends visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Baird recently were: Dr. and Mrs. William Aikenhead, EXTRAS We have accepted the franchise; for the, well known appliances of McLary'S f�rrs►� iia el►1+� it* to youwtelt VI* best in • REERiGERATORS • WASHING MACHNEB (both conventional and 'automatic). ;r°" • DRIERS 'ice 4 ELECTRIC STOVES ll^ DON'T MISS OUR SPECIAL INTR( L'I d'OR ' ii?R1`O S Hawkins &: Phone 244 Hardware land Piafriiiiitragl __. .._ rGletiton Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Aiken - head, Margaret Aikenhead, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Aiken - head, Seaforth and Mrs. Frank Aikenhead, Hensall. +VWISE & BATEMAN' ' UM PLUMBER' WERE VERY PROUD OF OUR -1 GOOD NAME, W MEASURE D UP TO WHAT WE`CLAIM WISE & BATEMAN ELECTRICIANS G PLUMBERS CLINTON • (71.-i147 6,`4,''x; >s f ?': ' Awa rest .r,0vitd+resere err 1 FOR THE BEST IN TV MARCONI and WESTINGHOUSE $179,95 Clam Ele� tric Shop i?tdiit — 'D. W. Cornish — S rhir 'WESTINGHOUSE Dealer 'I'fi(NE 419— CLINTON �1'Ybu can b -e Sure if 'if's `Westinghouse" STANLEY Mrs. Walter Moffat, is spending a feW weeks in .Gravenhurst. Morley Taylor, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. Jack Graham, Toronto, visited. with his: mother over the weekend. Miss Kate 'McGregor, VVingham,. spent the weekend at the homes of her brothers. Miss Alice Caldwell and Miss Jean McGregor, London, spent the weekend at their homes here. Community Club The November meeting of the Stanley Connnunity Club was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Taylor with 11 members, four visitors and five children present. The president, Mrs. Robert Glen opened the meeting, by all, repeating the Lord's Prayer: Mrs. Norman Baird gave the secretary report and roll call, which was answered by "What form of enter- tainment I like best." The treas- urer, Mrs. John McGregor gave her report and the collection was taken amounting to $4,06. It was decided to send $10 to the .Children's Aid Society at God- erich. An invitation irom the London Road Club to a euchre to be held in the Legion Hall, Clin- ton on November 15, was read. Riley. The officers, for the WMS are:, president, Mrs. Ross McGregor; first vice-president, Mrs. W. S. Whyte; secretary and press sec- retary, Mrs. Frank Riley; treas- urer, Mrs. Earl Lawson; temper- ance, Mrs. William Jewitt; Mis- sion Band, Mrs. William Dale; as- sistant, Mrs. Mellwain; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Brown; visiting committee, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. V. Dale, Mrs. Charles Riley. Card convener, Mrs. Brown; Christmas boxes for shut-ins, Mrs, Brown; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Milison; group leaders, Mrs. W. S. Whyte, Mrs. Earl Lawson„ Mrs. Joseph Babcock. It was decided to . send flowers to John A. McEwen, who is a' patient in Clinton Public Hospital.. A program followed with a read ing `by Mrs. Jack ; Taylor, and a• contest by Mrs, N. Baird. The 'next meeting' will. be held at the. home of Mrs. Frank McCowan.. Roll call will be "a historical, place - in 'Canada I. ;would . like to visit" Blanket Protection' Oti'CtlOn' Cities Service: 5-D Motor Oil CHECK -N -CHANGE FOP. WINTER NOW! —//— LIVING IS FUN DRIVE CAREFULLY AY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop, 1 "Tke'Plaee'Where You Never Have To Blow Your Horn" Clinton . . . Ontario Modern Dance Band. 5 -PIECE MODERN DANCE COMBO ANYTIME ANYWHERE Jack Fisher and his RHYTHMAIRES Don't Be That Way — Let's Dance 25 Regina Road Phone: RCAF Stn. Clinton Clinton 589R4 1 Goderich Little Theatre presents MACBETH by the Canadian Players in the GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Friday, November 4 25 8.30 p.m. Students $1.00 — Adults $1.50 An Advance Sole of Tickets WINTERIZING of Cars and Trucks is now in full swing! You may think that winterizing is an inevitable_ oc'currance and you grudgingly give in to it — truth- fully a good winterizing job ,is one of the best things. that can happen to your car. We believe happy customers are better customers and therefore do our best to give you the best winter- izing job obtainable. We recommend .the following check points.:: ✓ Cooling System V Battery' ✓ Lights' V Exhaust System V Windshield Wipers V Tires• V Brakes We check the engine, transmission; reorrexhaust, acid 'air -filter for winter grade lubricants; spark plugs, distributor points, high tension wiring- ' — everything to make your car start and nun, properly, regardless of how severe the winter. AUTO \VE LS ELECTRIC "The Original' rune44p Shop" PHONE 7624 CLINTON