HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-17, Page 5'?;l'H,URSDAY, "NOVE3 1BER 17, 1955 CLIIVTON NEVIS -RECORD ACCOMMODATION for RENT YOUR ROOM UNFURNISHED .apartment, unheated. Share bath. Available December 1. Phone 'Clinton 374. MODERN FOUR ROOM apart - anent, unfurnished. Available December 1, W. N. Counter, phone Clinton 230. `TWO BEDROOM partment, newly redOo �Eon RdN - Albert Street. Phone Clinton 535r1. FOUR ROOM SELF -Contained, ;heated, apartment. Immediate possession. Apply H. C. Lawson, phone Clinton 251W. 46b FURNISHED • APARTMENT, self contained, ground floor. Modern conveniences, Frigidaire. Quiet couple preferred. Phone Clinton .363. LARGE, BRICK FARM HOUSE, itwo miles east of Benmiller. Wat- 'er, hydro and telephone. Immed- iate possession. Aaron Fisher, ;phone Carlow 167. 46-7p 'FURNISHED APARTMENT suit- able for couple. Heated.'Hot wat- •er. Electric refrigerator, eledtric stove, use of electric washer and laundry. Phone Goderich 380_ tfb 'TWO APARTMENTS IN FARM 'house, mile and a half from Clin- ton. Hydro and telephone. One furnished -apartment, share bath. Phone Clinton 727J3. LorneTTytin- da1l: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE GREY TWEED 'TOPCOAT, near- ly new. Phone Clinton 652W. 46b CUSTOM WORK SHARPENING SERVICE for cattle clipper blades. Satisfact- ion guaranteed .75c per set. Leave at AIKEN'S or. Alvin Cox resi- dence, Rattenbury Street. 45-6b HOME AND AUTO RADIOS and appliances repaired, electric motors rewound and repaired Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop. Phone Clinton '138W.40p-tfb BRICK HOUSE, CLOSE to Sea - 'forth. .Unfurnished. Available 'December 1. Modern conven- iences. $45.00 a month. J. M. Scott, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 1153. 45-6p FURNISHED OR Unfurnished self-contained apartment, with two bedrooms, in Goderich near -square. Three-piece bath; contin- ous hot water, built-in cupboards. -Nicely decorated. Immediate pos- session, Apply 59 Hamilton Street or 110 Park Street, Phone Goder- ieh.1102W between 5 and 6 p.m. 45tfb Accommodation Wanted EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG GIRL DESIRES employ- ment in Clinton. Will do house work. Apply Box 460, Clinton News -Record. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Full or part time. Male amputee. "You try—I'll show".Born Apply Box 40, ClintonewsReco 44-5-6-p -FURNISHED Apartment wanted by December 15, to suit four peo- ple. Apply Box 461, Clinton News - Record. 'YOUNG COUPLE WITH TWO 'children desire three-room furn- ished apartment by December 15. Phone Clinton 460W. 46b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low 3 down payments. 'UNFURNISHED SMALL HOUSE or four room apartment required by young couple without children. 'Businessman, would be staying permanently in Clinton. Urgently required before December 10th. .Apply Box 462, Clinton News -Rec- =ord. 46-7-8-9b ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Br"os. Mink Ranch, Goderich: Phone collect, 1483J1, or 148314 HIGT-FST CASH PRICES PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 153 collect. 32to46b PERSONAL "OLD AT 40, 501 60?" MAN! YOU'RE CRAZY. Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For run - ll feeling caido al"old"". Get -acquainted size only 60c. All druggists. 41-46b PET STOCK FOR SALE GOLDEN LABRADOR Retriever. Three years old. Needs a good home. Will give to suitable fam- ily. Good with children. Phonee Bayfield 48r3. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. 39p-40tfb FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE DRY SHELLED CORN. TRUCK loads delivered, or can be picked up at farm. S. Marsh, Arkona. Phone Arkona 32. Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refW. G. Pickett nd re- pairing, apply , phone Clinton '761M. 39p-tfb FUR REMODELLING and REPAIRING PIANOS FOR SALE COLONL4L PIANO with Bench, very good condition. Phone Blyth 28r4. 46b POULTRY FOR SALE 200 WHITE LEGHORN Pullets, started to lay. Phone Clinton 468W1. A. Blok, RR 2, Hayfield. e6P COMPLETE F U R REMODEL - ling and repairing service. Esti- mates gladly given. Also New Fur Coats, made to order. Searle Furs of Stratford. Representative at Lovett's Specialty Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturday night 7.30 to 10 p.m. with samples. 33-tIb 'LADIES' WHITE FIGURE skates maize' 61. Phone Clinton 230. 46p WALNUT DINING TABLE, pric- =ed reasonable. Phone Clinton MAN'S OVERCOAT, trombone,. 1945 Victor record player 45 rpm, with records. Also skis, 63i feet. 'Phone Clinton 633r13. 45-6b USED 17" RCA VICTOR TV, IN. .excellent condition. Price $100 cash. T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clintonn '634r4. 'ONE PAIR SNOW TIRES, 670/15, driven about 5,000 miles, excel- lent condition. Priced reasonable /or .quick sale. Apply to J. W. Crich, phone Clinton 617r2345 -6p STOVES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE by the Wednesday flowing -publica- tion) — Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. 11/2 cents a word for each following inser- tion, minimum 35 cents. BOX NUMBER. -15c extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS—no Charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS Sr IN MEMORIAMS —Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. • CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. Rev. W.J.Woolfrey Will Return For Opening Day Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, B.A., B.D., who was minister at Ontario Street United Church for the five years between 1946 and 1951; will come back to Clinton' on Novem- ber 27 to take part in the open- ing services which are being plan- ned. The Ontario Street Church has had some very stable influences. History notes only three recording stewards previous to 1938. They were John Gibbings, Harrison Wiltse and Oliver Jervis. Inn the same way organists at the church have been constant. Those listed are Mrs. E. G. Courtice, Mrs. (Dr.) W. J. Kay, Mrs. J. W. Tre- leaven, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. Lator- nell and the present one, Mrs E Wendorf. The Ladies Aid, now known as the Woman's Association was first formed in 1886. The Sunday School. dates back even further, to 1871, when only two classes were need- ed. The Woman's Missionary So- ciety dates back to February 1888. Even the Young People's Union has its roots in the past, for it was begun in the time of Rev. W. Sperling, some time between 1885 and 1888. BIRTHS BROMLEY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, November 11, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis. Bromley, RR 1, Londesboro, a son, FRY—In Clinton Public Hospital, . on Sunday, November 13, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry, Clinton, a daughter. MAGEE—In Clinton Public Bos- ipital, on Saturday, November 12, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Ern- est Magee, Clinton, a son. MARTIN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital,1on Tuesday, 955tMr. aMrsNovember Joseph Martin, RR 3, Bayfield, a dau- ghter. • MODDEJONGE-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Friday, Novem- ber 11, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Moddejorrge, RR 2, Kip - pen, a daughter. MOORE--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, November, 12 1955 to Mr. and Mrs. Thom» COOK STOVE in good condition. About five yards of pipe. D. Bruinsma, RR 4, Clinton. Phonee Clinton 616r81. HELP WANTED—Female HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, to assist in housekeeping and look after children. Live in if desired. Phone Clinton 562. CARDS OF THANKS 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50c I would like to thank the nur- ses, friends and neighbours for cards and flowers sent at the time of my mother's funeral. — MRS. WILLIAM GLEW. 46b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Giron, Clinton Laundry and d Dry Cleaning. TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation. 'phone Goderich 1344M. • 6tfb ,STOVE (TWO LID ANNEX) 'suitablefor rooms or small apart- ment; electric heater and two :Firestone Super -balloon tires 670- -15 — good condition. Langford's Secondhand Furniture. 46p • ARTICLES WANTED as'Moore, RR 4, Goderich, a son. McGREGOR — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, November 11, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGregor, RR 5, Clinton, a son. WALTER,—At the Red Cross Hos- pital, Rainy River, Ontario, on Thursday, November 10, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Walter, Rainy River, a daughter (Janet Margstan Elizabeth). WELBANK — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Novem- ber 10, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen 1WelbanLondesboro, a daughter. MARRIAGES FINES--•MANSZ —In St. John's United Church, Stratford, on Thursday, November 10, 1955, by Rev. McLeod, Betty Cather- ine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Man'az, Stratford, to Robert Arthur Fines, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fines, Clinton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of 30 S E P GEORGE CRICH, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Carpenter, Deceas- ed. All persons• having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 28th day of November, A.D. 1955, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 4th day of November, A.D. 1955. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 45.6-7-b HELP WANTED --Male RELIABLE YOUNG MAN TO learn plumbing and heating trade. Apply in person to Hawkins and nd Jacob. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HEREFORD X HOLSTEIN Bull calf. Kenneth Tyndall, RR 5, Clinton. Phone Clinton 717J2. "WANTED — CUB SUIT, SIZE 10-12, cap, sweater and pant's. Phone Clinton 152. WANTED — SECOND HAND, white. enamel % cook -stove, large size in very good. condition. Phone Blyth 21r23. • 46p Local Newswomen Take Part In Publicity Panel The editor of the Clinton News - Record, Miss Wilma Dinnin, and daily press representative Mrs. C. A. Trott (London Free Press, S t r at for d Beacon -Herald and CKNX Radio and TV, Wingham) ,took part in a panel discussion in Goderich on Saturday at the sec- ond annual conference of the Perth -Huron Unit of the Canad- ian Cancer Society. Mrs. B. D. Hay, Listowel, also took part in the publicity panel. The all -day conference was headed by John Stratton, Strat- ford, president of the Unit, and about 100 representatives attend- ed from Bruce, London and Mid- dlesex, Waterloo and Huron Units as well as Clinton, Exeter, Gode- rich, Listowel, Milverton-Morn- ington, St. Marys -Blanchard and Stratford branches. On the education panel, F. Sturdy, Goderich; F. Dobbs, Exe- ter, and Benson Sutter, Clinton, were the speakers. Dr, R. M. Aldir, Goderich,, was guest speaker at the complement- ary luncheon served at noon. Oth- ers present from Clinton were Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Mrs. C. F. Lockwood, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Nev- ille Forbes and president Ross Merrill. 0 Airman Fined For Driving Too Slow PAGE FIV: ROXY THEATRE 'CLINTON NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Far Horizons' In thrilling Vistavision, the trem- endous' story of the famed. Lewis and Clark expedition, which open- ed up the American West in the early 19th century. Fred MacMurray — Charlton Heston — Donna Reed In police court here on Tuesday morning Magistrate D. E. Holmes warned that it was just as big an offence against the Traffic Act, to drive slow, as it was to speed. "Slow drivers can do just as much harm as others," he said. The statement was occasioned in the case of an airman, LAC Dube, who was charged with $20 and costs for going too slow, and so obstructing traffic. Evidence in this case was given by Provin- cial Police Constable Morley Groves, Goderich, and by cab drivers Johnny Bezzo and Ken- neth Ashton. In the same court LAC Augus- tin A. Moran pleaded guilty to a charge of impaired driving and was fined $50 and costs (minimum charge) or ten days. Robert Riley, Londesboro, was fined $25 and costs when he pled guilty of failing to file an income tax return. Royal Canadian Mounted Police were on hand to press this charge. Miss Minnie Proctor was fined $5 and costs for failing to give a left hand signal before turning a corner. Huibertus Zondag was fined $15 and costs for careless driving in connection with an accident at the corner of Mary and Orange Streets involving a car driven by K. W. Colquhoun. Lochlar McIntosh, who was in- volved in an accident at the cor- ner of Orange and Huron Streets, in which a vehicle driven by Eu- gene McAdam was struck, was fined $15 and costs for failing to stop at a stop street. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Young at Heart" Based on a story by Fannie Hurst, this delightful musical version of "Four Daughters" makes pleasant entertainment, Frank Sinatra — Doris Day Ethel Barryinore, Dorothy Malone COMING: "BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI" Frederic March - Gru;e Helly William Holden +.++. AUCTION SALE to be bold at Elton McLelland & Sons, Bervie, on Friday afternoon, Nov. 18, at 1.30. Guarantee all springers, must freshen right in udder or we pick up and your money refunded. Also if you buy cows at sale, they may be turned back after sale if you are not entirely satisfied. 35 fresh and springing Holstein cows and heifers; 2 young year- ling Jerseys; 1 reg. Ayrshire cow, springing; and 2 Ayrshire heifers; a few good young Durham cows, springing; 1 reg. Hereford bull, 11/1 yrs. old; 10 open Holstein heifers, 1%%• yrs. old. Usual buyer's prize and door prizes. Donald Blue, Auctioneer Dome and Doris McLelland 46b MISCELLANEOUS 20 ACRES TO BE BROKEN UP and ploughed on shares. Goderich Highway, three miles from Clin- ton. Phone Clinton 601r2. 46p BE SURE TO DROP IN AND see the new McCrary Appliances at Hawkins and Jacob Hardware. 46-b VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. S. RIDDICK and SONS have available Pioneer Poultry Con» centrate, Dairy concentrate for mixing, Big 3 Laying Pellets for noon feeding. Try them. 45 to 48p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE , 1951 CHEVROLET i/ TON pick- ily. . Can be seen at South End Sties Service. 46p 7.949 CHEVROLET COACH with Beater, good tires, good inside and out. Bob Freeman, Princess St. 46p 1947 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE Deluxe, blue, Heater, defroster, lighter, clock, radio, saran seat covers, new tires. Excellent con- dition throughout. Will accept old- er'car as part payment. Can fin -ince. No reasonable offer refused Can be seen at 54 East Street, Goderich, Phone 839W. 46p BABY CHICKS •••••••••••••44•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T S PARK TELEPHONE Goderich NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY' and SATURDAY "FRANCIS IN THE NAVY" The hilarious talking mule, with his equally hilarious buddy, returns.'. in their latest rib -tickler; a briny shipboard tale with a full cargo of rollicking fun. DONALD O'CONNOR Martha layer and Jim ,Backus. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY `Special Delivery' Drama at its thrilling best! The sort of story that will hold your interest clear through to its punch -packed climax. Joseph Cotten and Eva Bartok Comedy - - Cartoon - - and Paramount News COMING: In Cinemascope "The WHITE FEATHER" Technicolor—with Debra Paget and Robert Wagner. GODERICH PAVILION For One Night Only — '-" Nov. ur 19' BOBBY DOWNS and HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SQUARE DANCE NIGHT For the month of November—EARL HEYWOOD and the CKNX Barn Dance Group PLAN YOUR NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTIES NOW. Phone Goderich 675 or 419 for reservations ' 46tfb Girls Club Met At St. Andrew's The Girls' Club met in the church basement with the vice- president, Lillian Cowan in the chair. After the singing of a hymn, Madeline Mutch read the Scripture and Mrs. Lane offered prayer. Ann Shaddock, secretary, read the minutes of the last meet- ing and the treasurer's report was given by the treasurer, Verna Morgan. Ross Scott Feted By Friends On Cottage For Rent 25th Anniversary NOTICE TO HUNTERS. DEER licence, for sale. Farmer's lic- ence $2.00; deer lure, $1.35. Avoid the last minute rush. Mery Batkin, Princess Street East. 45-6p F ARM E R S! WOODCUTTERS! its here, the Model H.M. pioneer. Fastest cutting chain saw made. Also gocd used saws from $100 and up. Robert Glen I.E.L. Chain Saws, Phone Clinton 60871, 45-6p WANTED TO PURCHASE, pul- lets all ages and breeds. Highest prices paid. State breed and ber for sale. TWEDDLE GCK HATCHERIES LIMITED, 3•>•:ftGUS, Ontario45 to 49b HAY FOR SALE • 'QUANTITY . OF HAY; ALSO Pony tractor with plow and at- tachments; also 1941 Pontiac Se- dan,in good condition, with radio, 'Phone H. Morrell, Clinton phone Furnished with hot and cold water on tap; three-piece bath, linoleum and oil heater;. five minutes drive from the Radio School or situated on new Highway 8. Phone at once: 616r13 Clinton or 667r13 Seaforth JONATHAN HUGILL 45-p VIKING SEPARATOR SALES & Service. Authorized dealer for the district of Clinton, Seaforth, Hensel! and Zurich. Allowance made for used separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone Clin- ton 634r21. • WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup- plies these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Esmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb FOR SALE 5 ROOM DWELLING with about 1 acre of land• Price: 51,600, $ installments.0,aance m month 1%2 storey, six room dwelling, modern •conveniences, small stable on property, early pos- session Price $6,500. • ONE -STOREY FIVE -ROOMED Dwelling, two bedrooms, sun porch; modern conveniences; garage. Price $4,800. Down payment 51,500. A striking coni nittee consist- ing of Ruth Neilans, Elva Mutch and Jean Jacob was named to bring in the proposed slate of of- ficers for 1956. A short business meeting fol- lowed and concluded by the auct- ioning of articles brought in by members of the club, which net- ted a substantial sum. JAIL TERM IS PENALTY FOR DRUNKEN DRIVING Seven days in jail, his vehicle impounded for six months and his driving licence suspended for 12 months, and payment of court costs or, in default, seven days in jail, was the punishment imposed in. Goderich court last week on Frank Jones, Clinton, for drunk driving. On a separate charge of driving while impaired, Jones was fined $75 and costs or, in default, 14 days in jail, and had his licence suspended for one year The 25th anniversary of the Sunoco distributorship in Bruce - field which is operated by Ross Scott, was marked by a social evening earlier this .month • when Sunoco garagemen 'and their wives gathered in the Legion Hall at Exeter. Bob Dalrymple, Brucefield, was in charge o1 the evening, which included a dinner. Louis Prang, Zurich, read an address of presen- tation, and assisted by Harry Dalrymple, Brucefield and Russel Keyes, Mitchell, a combination silverware chest and coftee table, as well as a floor lamp were pre- sented to Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott. About 85 persons attended the gathering. Also present were Sid Tatham, manager for London district; Les Rayfuse, London, auditor for Sun- oco firms, John Marsh and Nor- man Fuller, both of London.' Rep- resentatives of Sunoco garages attended from Mitchell, •Listowel, Wingharn, Exeter, Lucknow, For- est, and centres in that area. Excellent Health 1%2 -STOREY, SEVEN -ROOMED Dwelling, consisting of double living room, with fire place, dining room, kitchen, bed room and two-piece bath down; 2 bed rooms and bath on. fully furnished. Garage; tot as'x182'. Suitable for duplex. Price $9,000. ONE STOREY DWELLING, con- sisting t w o self-contained four -roomed apartments; oil heated; modern conveniences; good location. 0 H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate — Investments. Bank of Montreal Building. Phones: Office 251W; Res. 251J OLINTON, ONTARIO vw. Happy Doubles Meet At Parsonage The November meeting of the Happy Doubles Club of Ontario Street United Church met on Monday evening • at the parsonage with a good attendance. Devo- tions were in charge of Olga Theai who opened the meeting with the singing of "My Face Looks Up To Tree". The Scripture was taken from Matthew 6:1-16. A.n explana- tion of the Lord's Prayer was giv- en after which Rev. A. (,len Eagle led in prayer. The hymn "0 God Our Help in Ages Past" was sung. The topic "How the Bible came to Be" was given by Rev. Eagle in the "unavoidable absence of Jack McCabe. Rev. Eagle recalled many hundreds of years ago with the original manuscripts • continuing through the years up to the lat- est revised edition of the Bible. Business was discussed and plans were made for the Christ- mas party. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the lunch committee. Crusade For Christ 017. 93rd Birthday Mrs. Thomas Betties, 121 Brock Street, Goderich, celebrated her 93rd birthday on Thursday. A birthday party was held for Mrs. Betties at the home of her son, Allan Betties, Goderich Town- ship, which was attended by her entire family with the exception of Mrs. Jordan (Rhoda), Van- couver, Members of the family present at the gathering were: Mrs. P. Young. (Elms), Goderich; Theron Betties, McKillop Township; Al- lan, Goderich Township, and Er-. land' Toronto Born in Goderich Township, Mrs, Betties moved to Goderich 17 years ago and still enjoys ex« cellent health. 10 Hostesses for the meeting were Martha Wilson, Helen Cooper and Betty Graham. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT',Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk TAXI SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASH'fON'S TAXI Family Income An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the man with a young family CONSULT- HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE Clinton — Phone 454W 45-b 1 Flowers Well Attended. Attendances at The Wingham and District Crusade for Christ have exceeded all expectations. Sunday evening was one of out- standing blessing and inspiration. The auditorium of the Wingham United Church was filled by 6.15 and at 6.30 every available seat was occupied and many chairs from adjoining rooms were brou- ght into the auditorium. A Public Address system had been set up to take care of an overflow crowd and the downstairs auditorium was filled to .capacity. At least 1,100 people lilting and some standing heard the massed choir of some 80 voices sing with wonderful clarity and power the great hymns of the church, under the inspiring leadership of Rev. Wesley Aarum. Homer James, Crusade soloist sang among other numbers the glorious andthe tri- umphant message of The Holy City. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner! Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKS FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS CHECK — SHOP NOW -- While Selections Are At Their Best Check These Suggestions: SHIRTS TIES SOCKS JEWELLERY PYJAMAS, SWEATERS HATS, BELTS, Etc. Ask. For LAMBSWOOL Socks and. Sweaters' GIFT BOXES , . GIFT CERTIFICATES PICKETT a CAMPBELL LIMITED Arrow Shirts -- Stetson Hats PHONE 25 (MAIN CORNER) • CLINTON