HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-17, Page 4WELCOME TO 2nd FLOOR OPENS SAT., NOV. 19 One of the Largest Selections of Toys in Huron County. DEPT. STORE MARTIN'S PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ;, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 17, 1955, , Wingham's TV Begins Nov. 10 To-niorrow evening at 6.30 first regular broadcasts will begin from Channel 8, OK NX -TV at Wing - ham. For an hour the weather, fawn news, sports and general news will be given, Then at 7.30 a half hour show The Falcon will be followed by Wayne and Shuster and the Plouffe Family, each half hour shows, and then a half hour for opening ceremonies of the new station. ' After OBC news at 11 o'clock, the late show which will be called Pajama Playhouse, will go on the air. Rev. A. H. O'Neil General Secretary of Bible Society will be the special speaker at St Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday, Nov. 20 7.00 p.m. A community service un- der the auspices of Clinton Branch, Upper Canada Bible Society. - All Welcome - Mothers Plan For Father and Son Supper, Nova 30 The monthly meeting of the Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Black on. November 10 at 2.30 ` p.m. with 17 members pres- ent. The meeting opened with the Scout and Cub Mothers', promise. A letter was read from, the Pro- vincial Command advising on ways to raise money. The Father and Son banquet is to be held on November 30 in Ontario Street Church. Mrs. Nor- man Tyndall is to be the convener. Mrs. Bateman is to be in charge of decorating tables, A meeting of the conveners and group lead- ers eaders is to be held at Mrs. Robert Draper's, Tuesday night, Novem- ber 15 to arrange the menu. • It was decided to cancel the De- cember meeting. The next meet- ing will ,be at Mrs. T. Darling's on January 12 in the •fternoon', The meeting was closed with the benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Mair and Mrs, Smith. . 1 JOHN PLUMTREE1 STARTING NOV. 21 PRICES OF HAIRCUTS in my Barbershop will be based on work and time involved. They will range from 50c for a neck clip up to 75e for a brush cut. CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE STUDENTS' COUNCIL and CLINTON LIONS CLUB 'TEEN TOWN ore sponsoring a Special Parents' Night Dance FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 8.30 to 11.30 p.m:. In CDC! Auditorium -THIS IS YOUR INVITATION - 46-b 1 Dedication AND Official Opening of the New Christian Education Wing of Ontario Street United Church Sunday, November 27 Morning Service - 11 a.m, REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, B.A,. B.D. Evening Service -- 7.30. p.m. REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, B.A., B.D. OPEN HOUSE AFTERNOON 2.30 - 5.00 p.m. EVENING 8.30-10.00 p.m. 46-7-b Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stephen- son have left to spend; the winter in Florida. Miss Pearl Hiles, London, spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs. Norman Carter. Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Holmes and Peter, Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. •S, R. Hobnes. Miss Arthur and her sister Mrs. Laura Barber, Paris were recent visitors with Mrs. T. "R. Jenkins and the Misses Walkinshaw.. Louis Tebbutt, Woodstock Col- legiate staff, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Tebbutt, Goderich Town- ship. Mrs, M. T. Corless spent last week with Mrs, ,K. M. Breakey and Richard at Zurich; during this period Mr. Breakey was away with a deer .hunting party. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKinley, Winnipeg, Man., Mrs, J. E. Scott, Seaforth, Mrs. Isobel Hiles, Miss Arlie Hiles, London, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hartley and daughter Christine, visited over the weekend with Be. R. J. Hart- ley, St. Catharines and attended 80th anniversary services at Mem- orial United Church there. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Leppington were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter, Lon- don, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. • John Carter, London, and Mr, and Mrs. William "Bill" Lep- pington and tluee sons, Toronto. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart at the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Lockhart, son Jim and daughter Tammy, Royal Oak, Mich.; Mrs. E. Her- ald and daughter Ann, Birming- ham, 'Mich.; also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ludlow, Hazel Park, Mich. were callers • one day. o' Banquets Planned. For Farm Groups To -morrow night the Goderich Township Federation of Agricul- ture is holding its annual banquet and meeting in the auditorium of the Goderich District Collegiate Institute with Charles McInnis, president of the Ontario Hog Pro- ducers Co-operative as the guest speaker. Next Tuesday evening, the Clin- ton Lions Club is holding a comp- limentary banquet for the mem- bers embers of the Clinton Lions 4-H Poultry Club and their parents, in St. Paul's Parish Hall. OVEN- F•RESH CAKES COME IN AND CHOOSE FROM OUR DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS Our Saturday Special -- From Our Store Only - Apple Spice Cake 33( Reg. 40c for BARTLIFF'S Bakers and Confectioners Phone 1 .-- Clinton 41111 Alberta Wheat King Is .Native Of Huron County (By our Mensal]. correspondent) Robert Cochrane, 79, Grand Prairie, Alberta, who raptured the Wheat King title of the World at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, is a native of , this district. He wase. born on a farm two miles and a half west of Kippen, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cochrane, and attended school in SS. 3, Hay, later attend, - ng College at Belleville, Ont. He went to North Dakota and then to Winnipeg, Man., where he was a contractor. He travelled by caravan from Edmonton 350 miles north-westt to Peace River District where ,he was one of the fist pioneers,. Married in Winnipeg, Mr. Coch- rane has two daughters, one son, and five grandchildren. This sunnier Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane enjoyed a 10,000 mile trip and spent two months visiting with the former's brother and sis- ters in Hensall and Clinton: John H. Cochrane, Mrs, Bruce Walker and Mrs. Harry Fuss, Hensall; Mrs. Hugh Cameron, and the Misses Jessie and Agnes Cochrane, Clinton. Some years ago Mr. ,Cochrane was awarded the Timothy Ring title in Chicago. Besides being active in egricul- tune, Mr' Cochrane invested mon- ey in the early oil discoveries and proved quite successful in this field. He has a large collection of rock, and at one time discover- ed a dinosaur skeleton, managing to dig up the: complete animal all but one bone. Happy Workers Meet On Nov. 10 The Huron Road Happy Work- ers met Thursday afternoon, No- vember 10 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Holland. The meeting open- ed by singing "Listen to the Mocking Bird", followed by the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were given and the treasurer's re- port was read:' The roll call was answered by "My Favorite Cake". It was decided that the annual turkey banquet would be held on November 25 at 7 p.m. in Bruce - field United Church for the mem- bers and their families. Tickets were drawn for the ex- changing of Christmas gifts. Vera Glazier held the lucky ticket on the mystery box. Anyone with used clothing was asked to please bring it to the next meeting to pack a bale. The meeting was adjourned by singing "God Save the Queen" and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. A 'pot -luck lunch was enjoyed by all. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Glazier. Summerhill Club Has 17 Present The November meeting of the. Summerhill Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. Billy Jenkins with 17 members and four visit- ors present. The meeting was opened by singing, "0 .Canada,". followed by the Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison. A thank you card was received from Mrs. Clark Ball. .It was de- cided to have the annual turkey supper at the community hall, Londesboro, on Friday, November 18. Mrs. Billie Jenkins gave, a reading entitled "Creed". The raffle was' won by Mrs. William Lovett. The next meeting will be held. at the home of Mrs, Don McLean the first Wednesday in December. The program committee will be Mrs. Don McLean, Mrs. Wes Hag- gett, Mrs. Russell. Good, and Mrs. Charles Merrill. Lunch committee will be Mrs. Jim Snell, Mrs. Percy Gibbings, Mrs. Wilfred Penfound, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. .Roll call for the December meeting is to be answered by a 50 -cent donation for the Children's Aid Suciety. 0 Good Will Group Has Thankoffering The Thankoffering meeting of the Goodwill Club was held in the Sunday School room of Wesley - Willis Church on Tuesday evening, November 8, with a good attend- ance. The meeting was in the charge of Mrs. L. Jervis and Mrs. A. L. Rodges with Mrs. Jervis conducting the meeting and Mrs. N. Sheppard at the piano. The meeting was opened with a short invocation by Mrs. Jervis and a hymn was sung. Psalm 714 was read in unison. The president, Miss W. O'Neil led in prayer con- cluding oncluding with the Lord's Prayer in unison. She also conducted the business of the meeting. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe and the financial state- ment was given by the treasurer, Miss L. Walkinshaw. As has been stated the offering is to be given to the W.M.S. Oth- er donations were made to C.A. R.E. and the Save the Children Fund. After some discussion it was agreed that the Goodwill club will do a small part toward the furnishings of the new manse. The offering was taken by Miss L. Walkinshaw and Mrs. Steepe with Mrs. Jervis offering prayer. Miss S. Carey, accompanied by Mrs. Radford sang "My Prayer". Mrs. Paisley read, Peter Mars- hall's Christmas sermon from "Let' Us Keep Christmas" by Mrs, Marshall. Miss Carey sang "He". The guest speaker ',vas Mrs. N. Holland who gave a most inter- esting talk on "Missions" with special reference to Indian Miss- ions. Miss Stone moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Holland and all others taking part in the program. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1955 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, Nov. 18- 8.00 p.m. -Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, Nov. 20- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.- Evening Gospel Ser- vice. Tuesday, Nov. 22- 8.00 p.m. Prayer & Bible Study BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m. -Gospel Service Special baptismal service. You are cordially invited to these services. hull egCep= uru; Wt tiniteb Cbuecb REV, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 11.00 a.m.-Morning - Worship "The Gospel of Andrew" 11.20 a.m.-Primary School Evening service withdrawn in fav- our of the Bible Society ser- vice in St. Paul's Anglican Church. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m. -Church Service and • Sunday School Come to the House of Prayer Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Friday, Nov. 18-7.00 p.m.-Child- ren's .m.-Children's Hour. Everyone wel- come. Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m; TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Sunday, November 20 8:30 a.m-Holy Communion 11.00 a.nL-Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7.00 pm -Evening Prayer: Rev. A. H. O'Neil, for the Bible Society. Nov. 24-6.30 p.m. --Chancel Guild pot -luck supper at the rect- ory. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEWV, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, November 20 The Church School is preparing for Christmas. Every pupil should be present. at 10 a.m. The sermon subject at 11 o'clock service will be "Wash' and be Clean:." The congregation is asked to join in the Bible Society service in St. Paul's Church at 7.00 p.m. Rev. A. H. O'Neil, secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be the speaker. - Everyone Welcome Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Sernoe ALL WELCOME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MRS. E. WENDO$F 9.45 a.m,-Stinday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship ' 7,00 p.m. -Union Service in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Rev. ,A. H. O'Neil, special speak- er, reptesenting the Bible Society. Turner's Church 2.00 p.m -Divine ' Services 71 3.00 •.m. -Sunday School MOTHERS' STUDY GROUP TO, MEET'•TUESDAY EVENING The Mothers';' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet on Tuesday, November 22, at the home of Mrs. Alvin Wise, with Mrs, William Murch in char- ge and Mrs. Glen Wise and Mrs.. H. Kingswell as hostesses. Mem- bers will meet at the church at eight o'clock for transportation to the meeting place, Please have used clothing and layette articles ready to hand in at the meeting. ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50o Mr. and Mrs. George Ander- son, Brucefield, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Leona, to Mr, Albert Ringrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ringrose, Windsor. The marriage to take placeDe- cember. 3rd in Brumfield. 46b Clinton Pentecostal Church Special Evangelistic Services November 23 to December 4 Every night except Monday and Saturday Featuring: REV. and MRS. C. M. WARD Flash Oil Paintings instrumental and vocal selections with variety of nine instruments A Hearty Welcome Awaits YOU. SEE and HEAR DR. BOB PIERCE DR. BOB PIERCE This Rally is being held in Clinton District Collegiate Auditorium Tuesday, November 22 8.00 p.m. Ray. and Mrs. C. M. Ward are supplying special music Don't forget this important date - Come and bring a friend. 46-b President of World Vision of Canada Dr. Pierce has just returned from the Orient. Hear his first hand information and experiences direct from the Mission field. Clinton Area Youth for Christ were only able to get Dr. Pierce to a one-night rally. Specials for November 17-18-19 BAKING SALE FLOUR, Monarch Pastry 7 ib. bag FLOUR, 5 Roses 7 Ib. bag SHORTENING, Snowflake 2 lbs. DATES, Pitted Ib. RAISINS, Aust. Seedless 2 lbs. RAISINS, Aust. Seeded Ib. CURRANTS, Aust. Ib. RAISINS, Bleached Ib. WALNUTS, Shelled 1/41b. ALMONDS, Blanched 3 oz. bag PECANS, Shelled 3 oz. bag BAKING POWDER, Magic 16 oz. tin POTATOES, Ont. No. 1, 10 lbs. 49c 47c 39c 15c 33c 21c 19e 25c 21c 29c 35c 35c 25c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver �ss�as+oe SNOWSUIT CLEARANCE ALL • SNOWSUITS (1- and 2 -Piece) 4 STATION WAGON COATS ell LINED JACKETS ,6v SEPARATE SNOW SUIT PANTS •Sizes ranging 2 to 8 years. ALL REDUCED 20% DRESSES TO CLEAR LOOK OVER OUR RACK OF SPECIALS Sizes 11 to 17 and 161/ to 221/2 All Prices Slashed for Quick Sale 2 Only - MISSES COATS Size 14 - 14x. Extra Special at 1/2 : Price t I