HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-17, Page 3°C'CX ALSDAY; YVOVEXVkBER 11, 1955 Constance Couple Mark Silver Wedding Date (By mu. const. 'correspondent) : A very pleasant evening was spent on Tuesday, November 8 at the home or Mr. and Mrs. George Addison '(nee Grace Tebbiitt). It was the occasion of their 25th friends IaYid relatives, Including the bridesntard, Mrs Walter lis (the former Dial Finnigan),. the Nile, and Joe Haggett., near Blyth, the groomsman.' The bv$ring was spent in music, contests and a mock wedding. Many beatitiftil 'gifts were receiv- ed. Those from a distance attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Walter W ollia Shatioe; Mr. and Mrs+, Frank Wright, Brantford; Not - Wedding , anniversary. A turkey niait Snyder, •Woodstoelc; 1VIrs, suer was enjoyed by about 35 Levi Snyder, London: Townshipof Tutkersmlili !CLERIC'S NOTICE Of 'fist5r •¥OSTIN'O OF 'VOTERS' ,LI'ST NOTICE is hereby ,given that 1 have''complied with Seetio-n 9 of'39re `slaters 'List Act and that I have posted up at any irffiae at 'd'tiekersmith.'on. the 14th day of No- vember, 1955, the dist •of all persons entitled to vote in the std 1VltiniCipality at municipal 'elections' and that such list remains there :for inspection, AND i hereby'call Upon all voters .to take immediate 'proceedings to 'have :any errors or ' omissions corrected :according .etc ilaw, the last day for'appeal being the 29th day +of Novel—Aber 1955. !LAMED alas :11:4th'day of November, 1955, E• P. "CHESNEY, Clerk, -Township • of Tuckersmith 46-7-b )loniimtions TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH A Nomination 'Meeting for nominating a Reeve and 4 Councilors:for the year 1956; and also for nom- inating 3 Trustees for the Township School Area Board for 2 -year terms' will be held in the CLINTON TOWN HALL on Friday, November 25th between the hours of 1.00 and 2.00 p.m., Elections If en Election be necessary, it will be held on Monday, December 5th, between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m., at the following places, with, the following DRO's and Pall Clerks: Ward Place D.R.O. Poll Clerk 1—Orange Hall V. Falconer 13, Fuller 2,—Beg. Sturdy's H, T. Sturdy James Young 3—Bert Schilbe's Chas. Wallis Wm. Mellwaln 4—A. Rathwell's E. Trick Don Middleton 5—IL McCartney's 11. McCartney Les Pearson •Rowden's R.' E. ILowden Reg. Miller R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk of Goderich Township 46-7-b asmar PROC[AMATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION To•WN :OF CLINTON NOMINATIONS Friday, N,ov..25 8„9.5.5 ELECTION Monday, Dec. 5 1955 Notice Is hereby gLven that a irrigating .of the Electors for the Nomina- tion omin -tion of candidates Icor the position of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors, P.U.C. Commissioners and Public Scheel .Board for the ensuing term will be •held in thei COUNCIL CHAMBERS of the TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1955 Between the hours of 7.30 o'clock and 8.30 o'clock in the evening. JOHN LIVERMORE, Returning Officer and if necessary, an election to fill the abo,vo named positions will be held ,an MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 at the following places and by the following named persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD - At the Council Chambers; Deputy Returning Officer, Erna Radford. ST. JAMES' WARD — Legion Hall, Kirk St.; Deputy Return- ing Officer, Mrs. Margaret MacDonald. WARD—At Balt Macaulay Show Room, King St.; Deputy Returning Officer•, Mrs.. Charlotte Freeman. ST. GEORGE'S WARD - At K. W., Colguhounts Office, Royal Bank Bldg.; Deputy Returning Officer, Eddie mitten. commencing, at the hour of nine o'clock in the -forenoon and corr inuing,until the hour of six o'clock' in the afternoon and the results will be publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 6th day of Decem- ber, ecember, 1955, at 12 o'clock noon_ JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk and Returning. Officer 46-7-b PAGE THREE Ontario `Street ;.WMSRe-Appoints Mrs. liohnes And Other Officers The Woman's Missionary Society of.' ntaario Street United Church, last Tuesday re -appointed Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes as president for 1956,_with vice-presidents,, Mrs. Mr, M, Aiken, Mrs. M. Wiltse and Mrs. F. Townsend. Past president of the society is Mrs. A. J. Mc- Murray. Other officers will be: record- ing secretary, Mrs. Fear and Mrs. McMurray; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. F. Townsend; Christian stewardship secretary, Miss H. Courtice and Mrs. H. Swan; com- munity friendship secretary, Mrs. D. Carter, Miss L. Gibbings, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Josling; assoc- iate helpers secretary, Miss . S. Courtice and Mrs. Swan. Christian citizenship secretary, Mrs. J. Livermore;' Watch Tower secretary, Mrs. B. Olde; supply secretary, Mrs. Sly, Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Ilabldrk; expense secre- tary, Mrs. Wheatley; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. N. Car- ter; study book and literature secretaries, Mrs. A. G. Eagle, Mrs. VanEgmond and Miss E. Wiltse. Treasurer will be Mrs. J. B. Levis; pianists, Mrs. E. Radford, Miss E. Wiltse and Mrs. Treleav- en; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. R. Trewartha and Mrs. George Col - dough; Baby Band Ieader, Mrs. Hoggarth; auditors, Mass Mary Turner and Mrs. McMurray. This slate of officers was brought in by Mrs. Aiken. During the meeting the presi- dent, Mrs, Holmes presided and there were 29 ladies present. De- votional . exercises were ably con- ducted onducted by Miss E. Wiltse using the theme "The Call to Fellow- ship" Scripture passages were read by Mies S. Courtice front Luke 10 ; 6-17; Mrs. Wiltse from Luke 9 : 22; and Mrs. Martin from Luke 11, with a questionnaire on each part depicting "The Stand- ards of Jesus are high and exact - "Get "Get well cards were to be sent to 1Vtrs. Elliott and Mrs. Hill. The quilt convener, Mrs. Sly ask- ed for quitters for the next after- noon when a quilt • was finished for the bale to be packed for Korea on Monday, November 14. The treasurer reported $324 sent to the Presbyterial treasurer and $120,10 for Thankoffering to date. Community friendship sec- retary reported ten calls made in October. The expense secretary reported $3.05 on hand, The Mis- sionary Monthly secretary Mrs. N. Carter reported 26 subscriptions ordered. Mrs. J. Livermore gave a very timely temperance talk. Mrs. E, Radford played a piano solo, "Transcriptions of Hark the Herald Angels Sing." Mrs. Aiken reported on the morning session of the Sectional. meeting at. Wal- ton, and Mrs. Holmes reported on the afternoon session, including Mrs.Pike's address on "An Ex- panding Canada expects an Ex- panding" Legion Auxiliary Reviews Finances; New Record For Poppy Fund: $521.90 The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion reset: in the Leg- ion Hall ori Monday eventing, No- vember 14, Mrs.'` Burton :Stanley presided and called en Mrs. Louie Dutot and 'Mrs. V. Habgood, :sec- retary and treasurer for their re- ports. Bank balance In the gen- eral account showed 3239:95 end in the welfare fund '$13,78. Thank you cards were received from comrades and from 'the (Con- vener of Poppy Day, T. D. Thorn - dyke for assistance in ,making the sale the most successful of this bran& Total realized was $521.90. A question'aire to the J,egion Executive meeting .downstairs was submitted and a satisfactory reply received in regard t9 the use ,of the Hall. A comprehensive ;and ,gtatif3'ing report from the .Provincial .Com- mand president, Mrs. Margaret Richardson and .secretary, Mrs. Edna McMillan -was read .showing the wonderful ,growth in ,every auxiliaries in zone rallies, .Schol- arship and Educational .Funds.and total assets of $7,743,63. Because of this expansion the .Provincial meeting will not .be held .until September 1956 as few cities have accommodations for so large :a delegation. London Will be hostess at that time. The December .meeting ,will take the form of; a pot-l.uelt.supper on the 7tia of the .month, .Requests for a banquet for the Legion ,on December 12 .and a supper .far .50 boys was left to the executive to make preparations far .Game. Mrs.' Alex. Irilrley ;presided' Jos suited as follows: past %president, If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Ever ix* sets a bat um-dmen,nnW then, tired -out, heavy-headed,.end ,ma bothered by backaches. Perhaps ;nothing seriou*iy wrong, just a ie nporeay tloiic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the trine to take Doll a Kidney Pills. Dodds stumdatethe kidneys, and so help restore their norurai action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feet better, sleep better, work'better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pitts now. Leak for the blue box with the red band at ill dinggists. You can depend en Dodd's. 52 Mrs, Burton Stanley; president, Mrs. Kenneth Cooke; First vice- president, Mrs. W. R McAlpine; second vice-president, Mrs. C. IPredtor; secretary, Mrs. Louie Dniitot; treasurer, Mrs. V- nab - good; standard bearers, Mra. M. Schoenhals, Mrs. Florence Wood, substitute, Mrs. D.- M. Bisbaek; Executive committee, Mrs, 0. 'Watkins, Mrs. 1'. Bennet, Mrs. J. D. Thorndyke; social committee, Mrs. I3. Managban, Mrs. Robert Morgan with other names to be added; flower conunittee, Mrs. 'T, Leppington, Mrs. :john Butler; buying, Mrs. A. Wilson, 1VIrs. Bis - back; pianist, Mrs. Alex Maddy; press secretary, Mrs. Marion Ley- burne, The meeting closed in form •and lunch was served by Mrs, Mc- Alpine's group. 0 Londesboro Pair Celebrate 'On Remembrance Day '(Byour Londesboaecorrespondent) On Friday evening, November 11, Mr. and Mrs, Earl .Gaunt were given a surprise 'party by their son and daughter, Kenneth and :Faye, hi honour of their silver :bwereddin12,g anniversary on Ialovem- The guests, numbering '33 -were met• at the door by Kenneth and Yana, and the house was beauti .fullydecorated with pints and white streamers and bells with touches of silver :and the ;table was centred by a three-tier wed- ding cake with tall candles on .eacla side. The evening was spent in eon - .tests and games. Later a humor - our reading was given by ,Mrs. .Alma McDowell and some beauti- fiul gift's presented. Photos were taken by Lloyd McDowell and lunch was served by Mrs. Jack Snell, Mrs. Alva Mc- Dowell, Marguerite Lyon. .Each small table was centred with a white candle. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt have the good wishes of the community on their silver anniversary. Track mileage of Canadian rail- roads at the end of 1953 totalled 58,594. SAYE AT Jill's BUY NOW! TIES—in gift boxes—$1.00. MEN'S SEMI -DRESS 1.38vEs- DRESS GLOVES only 2 q0 3g All Leather, Lined .0 Monarch Knit 1tIRES9 Shc7iiS, Stretch -fit size LQ C 10-13 Cpr. Ass't. colors, patterns Men's CAPS limed 1.10, 1.25 Fl 'sate 2.68, 2.98' WORK, PANTS Pair 2.68, 3.66' 3.95 Heavy Nylon. WORK SOCKS 89c Sizes 9, 10, 11, 111!/ WORK Gi,oVES. Cotton, Leather and Jersey pair 49C SHOES SALE! Sizes up to 12t/2 Pair 2.98 Sizes up to 3 Pair A few at $100 pair BABY ' ILANKETS, SHEETS, DIAPERS,' DRESSES, ItOMPERS, Etc. 3.50 Jili's LADY'S SLIPS Cotton 1.89 Jersey' 2.75 All Nylon 3.25as — SPECIAL — BRIEFS, Cotton Aim_ 9 C All sizes, long wearing ... BRIEFS, PANTIES, BLOOliiERS Sills, Cotton, Interlock, Wool VESTS: Silk, Cotton, Interlock, NYLONS—first quality,` full- fashioned; 45, 51, 60 gauge 95'c, 99c, 1.25, 1.45, 1.49 Pair STOCKINGS -Mercerized cotton 49c> 84c, 95c, 1.45, 1.75 Pair LADY'S realgoodpqualiittyyAS ,043 NIGHT GOWNS — $2.00 PsAMAS°y�' 1.9R'8 2.48 KNITTINGf, WOOL—Imported; finest quality; assorted colors. LINED JEANS 2 a9 C All sizes be stock •aanat up TEX-MADE BLANKETS Large size J C 90 Pair ,7 Clothing and Fotratwear Store (formerly Schoefer's Ladies' Wear) CLINTON ALBERT ST.''' John Clark John Clark,.89, Brussels, died in Seaforth . on Wednesday, Novena leer 9, in the Muir Nursing Home. He ` was born in Grey Township, and farmed there most of his life. His wife, the former . Joan Sher - ran,` of East Zorra' Township, died in 1926. He was a member of the Pres byterian Church. Surviving are two sons, James, Shoal Lake, Manitoba; Leslie, Hamilton; three daughters, Mrs. Charles MacKay, RR 2, Kippenn Mrs. Alfred Johnston, Varna; and MVIrs. Edna Macklam, London, and one brother, Joseph, Fergus. Service was held Saturday af- ternoon, in the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, by the Rev. Glen Campbell. Interment was in Malt - landbank Cemetery. William Kinney William J. Kinney, 89, who died in Clinton Public Hospital last Wednesday night, November 9, was a lifelong resident of MoKil. lop Township, ;and until retiring had followed his trade as a black- smith. He was unr:tarried ile wasone of the oldest mem- bers of Cavan United Church, at Winthrop, and belonged to the Orange Lodge, Surviving is one sister, Mrs. Robert Beattie, MtKallop Town- ship. Service was held Friday after- noon at the, Whitney funeral home Seaforth, by the Rev. R. J Holden and the Rev. 11. T. Livingstone. Interment was in Maitlandbank Cemetery. Mrs, Albert Bell. (By our venal] correspondent) Mrs. Albert Bell-, 70, died No- vember 8 in London, at the home of her son, Harold S. A. Bell, 80 Beattie Ave, London. She was the former Effie J. Troyer, Ilay Town- ship, and had lived in Bensall district most of her life. She went to London to live with her son°15 years ago. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs, William Dignan and Mrs. William Hyde, Hensall Service was conducted Friday afternoon, Nov 11, in the Bonth- ron funeral home, Hensall, by Rev. Duncan McTavish, Rodney, assist eel by Rev. T. Clarke, Trinity Unit- ed Church, London. Mrs. George Hess and H. W. Horton sang two duets, "Safe in the Arms of .Jesus" and "Abide with Me", ac- companied by Miss Greta Laramie. Pall -bearers were Laird L ickle, .pack Faber, Gordon Troyer, Glen Parkinson, Charles Workman and Russel Coleman. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery, Hensall R.ebekahs Plan Ticket Sale (By our Hensel] correspondent) The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wed- nesday evening, November 9 with Mrs. Archie MacGregor N.G. pre- siding. Plans were made for the sale of tickets on a living room rocker, sponsored by the C. T. and T. committee of the Rebekah and LO.O.F. lodges, with all proceeds for welfare work. Members enjoyed a recreation- al period of progressive euchre, convened by Mrs. W. R. Bell, un- der the entertainment committee. Ladies most points, Mrs. William Caldwell; consolation, Mrs. Eva Carlile. Lucky cup winner was Mrs. E. Shaddick- 0 In the first eight months of this year federal sales and excise taxes on new ears, collected at the fac- tory, totalled $127,989,563. IflITESi 1 Santa Says... FOR POWERFUL GETAWAYS CLINTON LADY'S 'OltANDSON WINS HERO'S AWARD David A. Mallough Goderich, (grandson of Mrs. David Steep, Clinton), has been 'awarded a "Heroic Action" certificate by the Royal Canadian Humane Society. The award was in connection! with the saving o:f the life of a 14- year-old London boy who slipped from the South pier at the har- bor into deep water `last May. David dove into the water, fully clothed, to rescue the lad, —Signal -Star, Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES and REMINDERS For This Week For ' A wide range of gifts One floor shoppingease Competitive prices r Around -the -corner onvenience Shop for Christmas at your neighborhood IDA Drug Store Save Money, Buy The Large Size Here's the proof of the pudding! Now you can make substantial savings by buying the large size at your I.D.A. Drug Store. Figure them out for yourself—take the price ,per unit (ounces, tablets, etc.) of the small size and multiply it by the number of units in the large size. The difference between this amount and the large size price is your saving. It pays big dividends to buy the large size—and it's more convenient too! SAVE Johnson's //vBABY POWDER VCSmall' size 4 oz.... 35c Large Size 9 oz...,. 59c SAVE Johnson's BAND-AID PLASTIC STRIPS C Sm, size 10 strips, 19c Lge. size 42 strips 59e SAVE DETTOL VOL.. c Disinfectant an Antiseptic Small size 1% oz. 430 Large size 7% oz. 1.10 SAVE VICKS Vapol!tub Shall size 1% oz. 53e 1:3C Lge, size, 3% oz. 98c SAVE NEW SCOTT'S 2SCuid Smallsize 6r% oLION f 1.00 Lge. size 14% oz. 2:00 SAVE " ABSORBINE JE, 17 Small size, ' 12 oz. 2.39 SAVE ALKA-SELTZER 3QC Small size, 34c O Large size, 25's ., fisc SAVE Bayer ASPIRIN 79deSmall size, 12's ,... 19c Large size, 100's 79c SAVE AIR -WICK 3'se Small size, 5i oz. 69c 0 Lg. size 15% oz. 1.59 SAVE NIVEA CREME 16Small size, 2 oz... 63c C Lge. size, 4 02.., 1.10 SAVE ENO'S FRUIT SALT 29c Lggellsisize, 4 oz. 69e ze, 8 z... 1.09 SAVE TAMPAX 21'�C SmaLge,llsize, size, 4019's'a .,..., 1,4943c i"3.. SAVE BROMO-SELTZER 47 Small size 8 doses 29e 1 ,„7 Lge. size 40 doses 88o SAVE STOPETTE SPRAY 43 �j DEODORANT C Small size, 1 oz... 250 Lge, size,' 2% oz, 1.25 SW1IDROUT CREAM -O 1.1'UAVE Smadl, 1i oz.IL ..., 43c Large, 8,32 oz. ,. 1.23 SAVE PHILLIPS MIA 111,W9C SmaMILKll sizof e 4'oz,AGNES:. 29e Large size 26 oz... 89e SAVE LISTERI!NE c ANTISEPTIC Y!C Small size 3 oz.., SSe Large size 14 oz. 98c SAVE BUFFERIN 1.35 Small size 1e 2 Remedy 39e Large size 100's 1.89 SAVE RRYLCREEM HAIR •D C Small size R1.E8SSING oz. 43c Large size 4 oz. ,. 69c SAVE COLGATE 40 DENTAL CREAM C Small size 1% oz. 33c Large 5 11/16 oz. 85e SAVE TEMPLETON'S �/n� T -R -C's V Small size 36's ,. 1.50 Large 'size 180's 5.00 SAVE LUSTRE CREME LOTION SHAMPOO ;JAIL Sniall size 1i oz. 45c Large size 3% oz. 75e SAVE! Buy Large Size IDA Products SAVEIDAFER Capsules SAVE COD LIVER OIL 1.50 60's 1,50, 240's 4.50 3,/y C 8 oz.( 9og11 .6e oz. 1.50 SAVE HYDROGEN' SAVE STOMACH St1 C 4 oz. 19ee�—X166E oz. 45c 1.05 4 oz. '7 50-16 oz. 1.95 SAVE OLIVE OIL SAVE IDAaIALT 42 c 4 oz. 35e — 16 oz. 98c 1 Ib. 750 71c4 lbs, 2.29 Save 28c MILK OF MAGNESIA Tablets O 100's 39c — 300's 89c Save 45c, 55c SACCHARIN TABLETS grain 100's 20c — 500's 65e % grain 100's 23c •— 500's 65c Save 1.46 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's 500's 1.15 4.29 Save 28c 1DASAL 100's 300's 39c 89c Save 28c Heavy MINERAL OIL 16 oz. 40 oz, 55c 1.10 Cold Remedies Bronehida Cold Capsules, 30's 1.25 Bronohida Cough Syrup 75e Are You Too Tired To Live? Try RYBUTOt, B COMPLEX VITAMINS 1.98, 3.49, 5.95 PHILISHAVE Electric Shover * Easy to hold * Easy to clean * Quiet motor 27.95 PHOTO UNIQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 What better Christmas Gift? It brings pleasure 52 weeks in the year and at such a low cost! The Clinton News -Record still costs only $2.50 per year. Buy this year-long gift for that friend away from home, now, and you'll save 50 cents. 1 1. Until November 30, all Subscriptions, renewals or gifts cost only $2.50 a year ($3.50 in USA). On and after December 1, rates are going up to $3.00 (4.00' in USA) Clinton News -Record The Home Paper With the News