HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-10, Page 4PAGE FOUR MINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY', NOVEMBER i1, ;1955 News of ' Brucefield Correspondent - MRS.' IL P. BERRY Phone Clinton 618 r 22 or Seaforth 659 r 52 (Intended for last week) and Miss,Mary Swan for, a few Mrs. C Ham and Miss Mary days. Swanspent a few days last week Mrs, J. W. Steakhouse and Mrs, visiting Mrs. Ham's relatives in Mac Wilson visited with Mr, and Fergus. Mrs. StanleY Neal, Glencoe, re - Abs. Mss Doris Walker, daughter of Gently. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walker, The many friends of Robert had an appendix operation in Scott "Butch" Mustard, are ' sorry to 'Memorial, Hospital, . Seaforth, last learn that he is seriously i11 at week: his home. Mrs. Gordon :Elliott and son Lawrence, visited a few days with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and 'Mrs, George Griffiths in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent the weekend in London with Misses Ina and Ellen May Scott. Mr. and Mrs.' Drew Boyce, To- ronto, visited with Mrs. C. Ham SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR. TORONTO, NOV. 11-19 'FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Goodgoing-Nov.lOth-19th incl. Neturn-Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 20th. Full i forseafion from any agent. T-5-53 WA Meeting The Woman's Association met in the church school room on Oc- tober 25, with 24 members pres- ent. Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. Ross Scott, were in charge of the devotional exercises. Scripture was taken from John 14: 1-15. Mrs. Scott led in prayer, and Miss Bowey took as her topic, "The Way." Mrs, N. Baird, president, took the chair, and the creed was re- peated in unison. Mrs. W. Mc- Beath made the secretary's re- port; Mrs. H. Berry .gave the treasurer's report and received the offering. Decision was made to pay for the shingles and other work done on the manse, Thank -you notes were read from Mrs. Triebner, Mrs. Cairns and Mrs. W, H. Pep- per. Repairs will be made on the gas stove A special offering was taken to defray expenses of the lunch for the bazaar. A striking committee to bring in a slate of officers for 1956 was appointed: Mrs. Ross' Scott, Mrs. Ed Allen, Mrs. W. Fotheringham, Mrs, T. Caldwell, Mrs. W: Me - Beath, O WINGHAM MAY HAVE INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY The possibility that an Inter- mediate '"A." hockey team may be organized in Wingham has been discussed during the past week. Under the proposed set-up the Wingham team would be in a hockey loop consisting of Gode- rich, Exeter, Milverton, Strathroy and Forest.-Wingham Advance - Times. Canadian defence expenditures run close to $2,000,000,000 a year. THE OLD HOME TOWN ..r;>de.. B STANLE OOK,YHEMINUTE r RAISE my '> a PRICE A NICkE 4,, 7HATMI-KMAN I-IK'5' ALWAYS SAY @UY$' A bo -IT YO1.1reSSLI" HAI(c 4 FIGHT FIRE WITH. CUIT/AG KIT -•- I CALL rT FII Ec.I . WHY DONT' You BUY ACOW9/ ECONOMIC SABOTAGE ii CD -411111 r { CKNX-TV Speaker At Blyth Lions Vin Dittmer, of CKNX-TV staff predicted opening dates for the station going on the air, as No- vember 18 or November 25, when he spoke before a meeting of the Blyth Lions Club recently. According to Mr. Dittrner, Blyth should receive excellently from Wingham, since that village is on the rim of the "A" reception area. The "B" reception area should reach as far as Wiarton on • the north and Mitchell and Bayfield in a southerly direction. This would include Clinton. and the surrounding farm area. "C" re- ception is expected to reach Lon- don, Galt, and Alliston. The speaker mentioned that along with the popular network shows currently seen on CFPL- TV, CKNX plans to develop their own shows from the studio as well. One of the Wingham shows will be a TV version of the Sat- urday night barn dance, Staff at CKNX will increase 20 to 25 people to handle the extra work They expect to come on the air at 4 p.m. Hensall IOOF Has Officers Installed (lay our Henson correspondent) Past District Deputy Fred Boyce and his installing team from Brucefield installed the following officers of Hensall IOOF lodge No. 223, in the .lodge rooms on November 1: Junior Past Grand, Wilmer Jones; Noble Grand, Har- old. Parker; Vice Grand, Milton Lavery; recording secretary, Percy Campbell; financial secre- tary, P. L. McNaughton; treasur- er, Ed Munn; warden, Charles Hay; conductor, Tom Meyers; chaplain, Clarence Volland; Inside guardian, Allan Johnson; outside guardian, Garnet Mous- scan; right supporter of Noble Grand, Sydney McArthur; left supporter of Noble Grand, Ed. Corbett; right supporter •of vice grand, Edwin Taylor; left support- er of vice grand, Bill Coleman; left. scene supporter, Joe Flynn;_ right scene supporter, Ernie Chip - chase. The open-hearth method is em- ployed for most of Canada's steel production. OWN TV at LOWEST 1(1.5 Brand New 1956 Models by 3M0 f� assn Z�a♦ • Full front - big screen 17" • Handsome cabinet available in choice 'wood grain finishes • Full tonal quality for greater listening. pleasure • New easier tuning controls of ONLY Full service warranty • Big powerful Emerson chassis • Brighter clearer picture • Choice of stands available • Emerson means years of TV satisfaction 00 Completely Installed. Groves Electric Phone 688J Clanton Hensall Village Nov. 11 Parade (By our Ilengall correspondent) Mrs, D. McKelvie, chaired the meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion held in the Henan Legion Hatt last Tues- day and announced that the Aux- li a will march hon Remembrance a emir m ranee Day from the school to the Ceno- taph and will place 'a wreath. The Auxiliary will also cater to the Legion supper in December, and will sponsor a raffle to take place before Christmas. Nominations were held hi the charge of Mrs. L. Sangster. A recreation period of bingo direct- ed by Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. Gordon Munn was enjoyed. Goderich Township Five More Huron County People Will Register With CRIB For Special Care Five residents of Huron County Board lends jmachines and pays for secord service," Mr. Wheeler said,"and the Post Office handles records without charge. It costs the blind nothing," will be added to the 54 registered with the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind following a trip through the county by E. F. Wheeler, District Field Secretary for this area. At the same time, special pre- ventative eye care is being ar- ranged for a nine-year-old school boy and a high school student. and arrangements completed for a cataract operation for a middle- aged woman. Mr, Wheeler said that talking book machines' had been delivered to three • blind persons in the county and arrangements made to supply recordings of books from CNIB's special library in Toronto. "The Huron County Advisory ' St. Jamas WA The Woman's Auxiliary of St. James Church, Middleton, met on Wednesday afternoon, November 2, at the home of Mrs. Robert Rowdeni with 24 ladies present. The meeting opened by singing "The Lord is my Shepherd" with Mrs. Edward Wise at the piano; the members' prayer and the Lord's Prayer were said in un- ison. The president, Mrs.• John Mid- dleton, read excerpts from the Living Message, from a. letter by the Bishop of Korea. The min- utes were read by the 'secretary, Mrs. Ray Wise and the treasurer's report given by Mrs. Edward Wise showed a balance of $76.45. A nominating committee to con- sist of Mrs. John Middleton, Mrs, Arnold Miller and Mrs. Milton Steepe, was appointed to present a slate of officers to be brought in at the annual meeting in De- cember. Mrs. Gordon Rathwell gave a humorous reading "I always Sew by Ear," which was very well re- ceived and M.S. Milton Steepe gave a serious reading, "God's Care for His Own," based on the Twenty-third Psalni, During the afternoon quilting on a crib quilt was in progress. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction after which lunch was served. P•••••••••••••• .As Mr. Wheeler completed his regular field trip,the Annual Op- erating Fund Campaign' for CTTIB in the county neared its 1955 ob- ' ' jective of $3,500. "Response to the appeal has been excellent to date," he said, "and it is hoped that belated donations will put the campaign over the top." The five new blind to be reg- istered include three elderly men, a middle-aged man and a house- wife, Special services will be ar- ranged for those requiring theta. Treatment by specialists in Lon- don will be arranged for, the school boy and high school student. FREE ■ ■ ■ . . . With every order placed with us before Novetnber'30 we will give absolutely FREE a a 5 -year Personal Christmas Card Register. Come in and .see Coutts cards, the DuBarry line by Don National line. our new Rust, Jr Choose from the BIGGEST most -BEAUTIFUL and VARIED display of Christmas Cards we knave shown in many a year. ., and of course - the Clinton News -Record "The Home Paper With the News" AKI N G LOANS' is part of our everyday business Lending money for many different purposes is a major function of the Royal Bank, so it is only natural to come to us when you wish to borrow. A loan from the "Royal" usually costs less .. . sometimes substantially less ... than one from other types of lending institutions. ' The rnaximarn rate of interest on Personal Loans, for instance, is 6% on the unpaid balance. You do not have to be a depositor to borrow from the Royal Bank. We often make loans to people who have had no previous dealings with us. Table shows how little it costs to arrange a Persona! Loan from the Royal Ranh: a5y � 34 9� r � 1 kl/,S,C.4; r�� ♦'�"'�'�.�„r3.i, ,.rx C. � �a �.<•�St . .T!Fe.:,b,'/ mar,;: .sy.:.?£:i� xn: ,'�i.3,� ,:'cH �'Yi�::{�..::.ril� /�ai.5 4S'.yC`:YZ.:,Ji�)et,"'531��',.r�Q'k s ♦ �° (? aR,, �L «'�w'ir,:�?,'�`,t'y:'tr.%?'ohi.'. TriA.s $?'i'G�3is, ?c.: .@Tix:��g.< :::<s i ..).�R ci2<:v' <. ,: �. :�'%' w,♦%.<i:.,.: ..�, �.�,�+x'(tt:�'�.'°Y�':yi. �`� �:�.:� "�'.�<i%;'4. 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Other types of loans, of particular interest to individuals, are available through the Royal Bank at very reasonable rates: N.N.A. Mortgage Loans to finance new home construction. Home Improvement Loans to repair, alter or extend existing homes. Ask for explanatory booklets at any branch. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CAANADA'S LARGEST BANK