HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-11-03, Page 7'''THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 34550 INION NEWS-R,EC oRD ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'UNFURNISHED, TWO Bedroom ,apartment. Phone Clinton 376W. 44b IONE.. SELF-CONTAINED apart- ment. Contact O. Switzer, phone Clinton 228. 38tfb • 1WO APAR'IIVIENTS IN FARM home, mile and a half from Clin /''ton, hydro and telephone. One furnished apartment, share bath. :Phone Clinton 72733. Lorne Tyn- 43-4-b 7'IIiEE ROOM FURNISHED, Heated apartment, Available soon. ,Phone Clinton 1625W. 43-4-b NEW ROUSE ON PRINCESS -`treet West. Fully equipped and modern, 'Apply to M. McAdam, 'phone Clinton 6943. 44p 1UN,FURNISH18D APARTMENT, four rooms, heated, immediate possession. H. C. Lawson, Real :Estate. Phone Clinton 251W. 44b 'TWO APARTMENTS, each suit- able for one or two adults. Lower one installed with oil burner ',stove. Phone Seaforth 833r12. 44b FARM HOUSE for RENT. Avail- able imme'dia'tely. Phone Clinton "7321x23: 44b "THREE ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Private entrance, private bath, no convenience for children. '$30 per month. Apply 54 Picton. .Street, Goderich, phone Goderich '1040W, 44p UNFURNISHED, S E L F -C 0 N- tained apartment. Roy Tyndall, ';phone Clinton 722W2. 44tfb. 'NEWLY DECORATED, THREE roam, furnished apartment. In 'Loridesboro. Bath, electric stove, frig., washing machine. Private front entrance. Further particul- `azs phone Blyth 37r6 or Clinton 188. 44b 'TERN/SHED APARTMENT suit able for couple. Heated. Hot wat- sisr,•Electric refrigerator, electric .stove, use of. electric washer and 'itaundry, • Phone Goderich 380. 40-tfb ..APARTMENT FOR RENT avail- • -able December 1, fully modern, two bedrooms, living and dining :rooms, up to date kitchen and private bath, oil heart, For inspect - 'Son phone Clinton 330W. 44-p ARTICLES FOR SALE USED SKATES for sale or ex- change. Misses and Ladies figure or tube outfits: Men's and boy's ?hockey and skating outfits. From "$2,00 up at AIKEN'S. 44b TV FIT FOR A "KING" We Rent —Move —Install, Complete service on all makes of rotators •aid antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower lnstallatlon4 phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb 'WE NOW HAVE THE RCA Vic - 'tor slide-o-matic record player ",flay your favourite record; :through any radio or TV equip- ped with a phono-jack. Priced ,/low at $12,95 including $5.00 wor- th of your choice of records FREE. T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton '634114. 41-tfb AUTOMOBILES 'FOR SALE 1939 DODGE COUPE. Six tires, :rotor, radiator, heater, good. Cheap for quick sale, Phone Clinton 16293, 44p 1941 DODGE, IN GOOD CON - edition, heater, radio, etc. Tires -good. Contact Mitchell 4983. 43-4-5-b 1948 CHEVROLET COACH, two ''tone paint, new battery . and brakes, radio, turn signals, A-1 condition. Phone Clinton 593 af- ter 6.00 p.m. 42-3-4-b BABY SITTING 'WILL LOOK AFTER CHILD-' ;ren when mother works, baby .sitting, etc. Phone Clinton 347. 41.2-3-4-b1 'WILL DO BABY SIO LING, even- ings, also all day Friday and Sat- •urday. Phone Clinton 467M any- time. 43-4-5-p BABY CHICKS 'WANTED TO PURCHASE, pul- lets all ages and breeds. Highest "prices paid. State breed and number for' sale. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FERGUS, Ontario 36-8-9-40-1-2-3-4-b BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO alone or four sharing. :Meals by '•arrangement. Private entrance, Phone Clinton 454J. 44p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. •Cgntact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, •:Thigh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb. a ' CLOTHING FOR SALE "BABY'S SNOW SUIT, Blue. 0 to one year size. Phone Clinton 298J, 44b MOUTON COAT, size 15-16. Good condition. Phone Clinton 661 al. ter 5 p.m. 44b EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED. 'Full or part time. Male amputee. "You try—I'll show": Born here. Apply "Box 440, Clinton News -Record, '44=5-6-p CUSTOM WORK BOB'S SKATE SHARPENING Service. Lengthwise hollow ground. Bob Morgan, Mary St. 44b HOME AND AUTO RADIOS and appliances repaired, electric motors rewound and repaired Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop. Phone Clinton 138W. 40p-tfb FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-ttb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estai:e Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. 39p-40tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR. FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 39p-tfb FUR REMODELLING and REPAIRING COMPLETE F UR REMODEL - ling and repairing service. Esti- mates gladly given. Also New Fur Coats, made to order. Searle Furs of Stratford, Representative at Lovett's Specialty Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturday night 7,30 to 10 p.m. with samples. 33-tfb HELP WANTED—Female FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good, working condi- tions, Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 44-tfb LOST and FOUND LOST—On Monday, October 24, on Main Street in Clinton or in a store, lady's small gold wrist watch. Finder please leave in News -Record office, 44-b FOUND—PARKER PEN. Found on Saturday, October 22. Owner may have same by identifying the pen and paying for this ad. Phone Clinton 194M. 44b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOUR HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and one cow due in November. Robert Rathwell, phone Clinton 702J1. 43-4-p REGISTERED AND ACCREDIT - ed Hereford cows and heifers; also a purebred boar, John D. Lindsay, RR 3, Clinton, phone 727W2. 44-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 148334 9ptfb HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 153 collect. 32to46b MISCELLANEOUS BOY SCOUT BO i-i'LE DRIVE, Saturday, November 5. Save pop bottles. and a Scout will call at your door, 44b RELIGIOUS GOODS — Rosaries, Prayer Books, Bibles, Missals, Crucifixes, etc. MacLAREN'S Studio, Clinton and Goderich. 44b SHADE TREES FOR SALE. Golden Bark, Weeping Willows, six to nine feet high. Right time for planting. Price $1.50 to $2.00. Apply Fred Gilbert, corner of Hu- ron and Mill Road, Goderich. Phone Goderich 148331. 42-3-4-'p VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. 44-9 WATERLOO CAi-t'LE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10,00 a.m. onweek days and 7.30 and 9.30 a,m. on Sundays. 6-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner'—, A, E. Parry. 38-44-p PET STOCK FOR SALE GOLDEN LABRADOR, thorough- bred, three years old, extremely fond of children; also two puppies, six weeks old, Full price — good home. Phone after six, Bayfield 48r3. 44b PERSONAL HYETT'S REMEDIES—ECZEMA remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's, , the IDA store, sole agent. 44b "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! YOU'RE CRAZY. Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron, For run- down feeling many men, women call "old". Get -acquainted size only 60c, All druggists. 41-46b POULTRY -FOR ''SALE 200• F0REIV' AN LEGHORN "Pullets, six months old:'; Starting to lay. A, Biok, RR ' Bayfield, WOOD FOR SALE D'RY MAPLE AND BEECH limb and cordwood; also some cedar. Phone Clinton 702J12. STOVES FOR SALE QUEBEC COOK STOVE, wood and coal. Call Bayfield 51r 4. 44p TWO OIL BURNERS, one med- ium, one small. Boh in good condition, Phone Clinton 60132. 44b GURNEY HEATER, Medium siz- ed (Quebec type), $8..00. Good condition. Phone M. 3. Butler, Bayfield 56 r 12. 44b MEDIUM SIZE • OIL STOVE. Fawcett, Used only two winters. $60. Chas, Cunningham, Blyth. Phone 17R12, in the evening, 44-5-p CARDS OF THANKS 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50e Would like to thank my neigh- bours for their very great help in fall plowing while I am in Clinton Hospital,—JOHN A. McDWEN. I wish to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to all my friends and neighbours for kind- ness and sympathy during my recent bereavement. Also to those who sent flowers and loaned cars. Special thanks to Dr. Addi- son who was such a great help during my father's illness—JACK CREE. 44-p We would like to thank all the firemen of Clinton and RCAF Station, and all our friends and neighbours for their kindness to us—GORDON and GRACE LAW - SON. 44-p The family of the late Mrs, George Charter wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages and flowers received during her illness and in their bereavement. Special thanks to doctors and nurses of Clinton Hospital. 44-p I would like to thank all the friends who remembered me with cards, flowers, fruit, etc.; and the doctors and nurses for their • at- tention while I Was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London.—MRS. N. McILWAIN. 44-b I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere graditude and appreciation to my neighbours and friends who visited me, sent cards, flowers and fruit while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, A. J. McMURRAY, 44p At this time I would like to ex- press my thanks and appreciation to those who remembered me while I was a patient in the hos- pital, to the men who did my ploughing, the hospital staff, and doctors and all those who helped in any way. JACK YEO. 44b NOTICE TO CREDITROS IN THE ESTATE of THOMAS HARDY, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of November, A.D. 1955, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 1Sth. day of October, A.D. 1955. E. B. MENZIIES, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 42-3-4-b Cottage For Rent Furnished with hot and cold water on tap; three-piece bath, linoleum and oil heater; five minutes drive from the Radio School or situated on new Highway 8. Phone at , once: 61603 Clinton or 66703 Seaforth JONATHAN HUGILL 44-b FOR SALE 154 storey, six room dwelling, modern conveniences, small stable on property, early pos- session. Price $6,600. ONE -STOREY FIVE -ROOMED Dwelling, two bedrooms, sun porch; modern conveniences; garage: Price $4,800. Down payment $1,500. 11A -STOREY, SEVEN -ROOMED Dwelling, consisting of double living room, with fire place, dining room, kitchen, bed room and two-piece bath down; 2 bed rooms and bath no fully furnished. Garage; 1,8$''182'. Suitable for duplex. Price $9,000. ONE STOREY DWELLING, con- sisting t w o self-contahred. four -roomed apartments; oil heated; modern conveniences; good location. I. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate -- Investments Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; 'Res: 2513 CLINTON, ONTARIO C/LASSD RATS CASH RATE(if paidEby the Wednesday following publica- tion) Two cents per word, minhnum 50 cents.. 1/y cents a word for each following inser- tion, minimum 35 cents. BOX NUMBER -15e extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS—no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANES & IN MEMORIAMS -Two cents per word, lninimnun 50 cents. ' CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. AUCTION SALE • to be held at Elton McLelland Be Sons, BERVIE, on Friday Afternoon,Nov. 4 at 1.30 o'clock 25 fresh and springing, Holstein cows and heifers'; 20 or more big Holstein heifers, due later; 1 well- bred Holstein Bull; 2 springing 3 yrs. old Jersey cows; 1 registered Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs old, spring- ing; a few well marked yearling Holstein heifers, Realty a good lot of Holsteins Ladies Welcome Usual buyers and door prizes. Lunch counter. DORNE & DORIS McLELLAND Auctioneer, Donald Blue 44b AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects, From the home of Mrs. John Cudmore, Townsend Street, Clin- ton, on Saturday, November 5 at 1.30 pan., the following: Household Effects: 2 Cogswell rocking chairs (velour velvet); Cogawell rocking chair (nylon and rayon); chesterfield bed; occas- ional arni chair; Axminster rug 9x10. NCTE: All above articles are nearly new. Small table; 2 wall' mirrors; cherry chest of drawers; metal bed, springs and mattress; dres- ser: 2 linoleum rugs; walnut 9 - piece dining room suite of table, chairs, china cabinet and buffet; Westminster chime mantel clock; mantel mirror; Stromberg Carl- son radii; Clare Jewel range; Astral refrigerator and utility cupboard; Heatline enamel electric range; kitchen table and 6 chairs; 2 rocking chairs; Airway vacuum cleaner; kitchen cupboard; hand washing machine; step ladder; lawn mower; 2 laundry tubs; ap- prox. 2% ton of nut coal; quantity of cedar; 26 ft. extension ladder; garden tools; couch; 10 -piece Lady Hamilton silver set of knives, forks, teaspoons & dessert spoons; 96 -piece dinner set; other dishes, cooking utensils and numerous other articles, Property: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale (if not sold previous to sale date) the property on which is situated a six -room frame cottage with an oil burning hot air furnace, a sun porch and a 3 -piece hath, kitchen,' dining room, living room and two bedrooms. Terms: On household effects— cash. ondateof sale balance down 30 days. Property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. MRS. JOHN OUDMORE, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 43-4-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm Implements, Choice Holstein Cattle, Poultry, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items, etc. On the premises, Lot '7, Con. 4, anley Township 11/4 miles north Rippon, 2 miles west, on Tuesday, November 8 55, commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m., sharp. High Grade Holsteins: Cow, Iking, carrying third calf, bred t. 3; cow, carrying second calf, e Dec. 24; cow, milking, carry - third calf, due March 25; cow, Iking, fresh sinee'end of Sept.; fer, due Dec. 14; cow, milking, sh since Aug., bred Oct. 6; cow, ging fifth calf, due Dec. 24; CO milking, due March 21; cow, king, due April 14; cow, milk - due March 23. This is an ex- tionaily good herd of cows from gh producing blood lines. Holstein heifer calves; 1101- n bull calf; 2 part Holstein 1 Hereford heifer calves. eultry: 145 choice Rock and w Hampshire pullets, 5% mons. A black Collie dog. Hay and Grain: Quantity of e hay; quantity of mixed n; 10 tons of cob corn. Tractor and Farm Implements: D. Farman tractor, Model 'C' new condition; International g- row tractor plow, like new; 1 binder, 7 ft. cut; deering wer, 5 ft, cut; McD, 13 -run fertilizer drill, like new; In - national 4 -bar side delivery e, used one season; M -H hay er; M -H spring tooth cultivat- 4-section diamond harrows, new; Cockshutt 2 -section drag rows; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft, rack; Renfrew electric cream rator; 8 eight -gal.. milk cans; kshutt root pulper; 75 ft. end rubber belt; hay fork; 150 ft. fork rope; shovels, forks,. ns, and many articles too erous to mention. Terms—Cash OBERrT FLOOD, Proprietor Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer Ross Love, Cleric 43-4-b St of 19 mi Oc du ing mi her fre carr c nul ing cep hig step am 1' Ne old. loos gra' Mc in fur M -I mo rise ter rak load or; like her hay cepa. Coc less hay char Hurn R Sale of Registered SCOTCH SHORTHORNS GEORGE L. REID and SON REIDCROFT FARMS 2 Miles South of Varna 1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 at 1.30 p.m. —31 Head — Accredited — Vaccinated 8 cows with calves at foot, re- ers: bred; 5 bred heifers; 4 open I1eif- ' -- 5 Billie --- serviceable age, including herd sire "Sunny Hill Baronet 20th" grandson of "Edellyn Roman 1Vl'er- cury", an international grand champion; 3 Steers, about 850 lbs.; 23 Pigs, 7 weeks old. No reserve as poor health has forced me to reduce the herd. Sale will be held under cover, James McKinley, liforpeth, Auctioneer BIRTHS COMPTON — In Clinton Pubii Hospital,' on Wednesday, No vember 2, 1955, to AC and Mrs James Compton, Clinton, a son COOK—In St. Joseph's Hospital Sarnia, Ontario,' on Tuesday November 1, 1955, to Hr. and Mrs. W. F. (Blontly) Cook, a daughter. GRANT In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Saturday, October 29 1955, to Sgt. and Mrs, Morris JOHNSTON Grant, Clinton, a dauAt Dr. eIVI'yer' Maternity Home, Brussels, o Thursday, October 20, 1955, to John- ston, Clr. inton sa daughter (Debra Joan). JOLLIMORE-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday Oc- tober 26, 1955, to Cpl. and Mrs. Clarence Jollimore, Clinton, a son. McCLINCl3EY—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Friday, October 28, 1955, to Mr: and Mrs. Harold MaClinehey, RR 1, Auburn, a daughter, NEEB—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, November 2, 1955,.to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Neeb, RR 2, Crediton, a son. OXBOROUGH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, October 27, 1955, to LAC and Mrs, G. G. Oxborough, Clinton, a son. PREECE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, an Monday, October 31, 1955, to Cpl. and Mrs, Kenneth eece Clinton a daughter. c • s n • ' — n y er, on Sunday, October 2, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd J. Stock, Aylmer, Ont., a son (Arthur Lloyd Joseph). MARRIAGES BOLTON -ALLAN — In the Pres- byterian Church, Rockwood, on Saturday, October 22, 1955, by Rev. R. H. M. Kerr, Toronto, Marie Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allan, Toronto, to Arthur Scott Bolton, RR 1, Dublin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bolton, RR 1, Dublin. STEEP-SUTHERBY--In St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church manse on Saturday, October 29, 1955, by Rev. D. J. Lane, Doris Jean Sutherby, daughter of Mrs, Viola Lampman and the late Harold E. Lampman, to Richard A. Steep, son of Edward Steep and the late Mrs. Steep, all of Clinton. DEATHS MCINTOSHH—In South Waterloo Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, October 18, Rev. William Don- ald McIntosh (formerly of Brucefield United Church), be- loved 'husband of Mina Nichol- son, in his 74th year. Funeral from Little's funeral home, Galt, to Port Elgin Cemetery on Friday afternoon. October 21. HOGGART—In Clinton on Wed- nesday, Nov. 2, 1955, Frances Emma Riley, beloved wife of Charles Hoggart, in her 65th year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral hone, High St., Clinton, to Clinton Ceme- tery, to -morrow afternoon, No- vember 4, commencing at two o'clock. IN MEMORIAM 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50e In loving memory of Thomas Shaddick, Hensall, who passed away on November 2, 1954: "Thee dearest Dad the world could hold, A cheery smile, a heart of gold. To those who knew him, all will know How much we lost one year ago." —Always remembered by Albert, Beatrice, Marilyn and Gerald. 44b Trinity Club To Miss Member (By our Bayfield correspondent) The president expressed regret that the vice-president, Mrs. R. Moyer, was leaving the village this week to reside at Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton, as she will be greatly missed in Bay- field. Mrs. Middleton read a poem which she had composed, wishing her every happiness. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "PIRATES OF 'TRIPOLI" Technicolor — A beautiful Tunisian princess and a bold' pirate leader combine forces to defeat savage invading Paul Howled -Patricia Medina Paul Newlan • • MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "AIN'T MISBEHA 9' IN' " Tecluricolor — U n m a r r ed by a single serious moment, this light-hearted picture will give the whole family a hilarious evening, Rory Calhoun — Piper Laurie Coming: Coming: "THE SEVEN LITTLE FOYS". Jean Simmons &Rory Calliouniu Bob Hope — Mill, Vitale "A' BULLET IS WAITING" +yes-� Teclwicolor PAGE SEVER AT THE DARK TELE 11HONE Goderich -------------------------------- Now: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Audie Murphy - Mari Blanchard and Lyle Bettgor Sprinkled with humor — crammed with action—the story of a color- ful old character who turned the laugh onto those who triedto ridicule D�hhim. ESTRY — in Technicolor — MONDAY, 'TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY (Adult Ententainanent) Tony Curdle - Piper Laurie Julie Adams & George Nadur An armored car delivery service is the victim of a 82,500,000 rob- bery; This is the story of the ap- prehension of the six men who perpetrated the holdup, "SIX BRIDGES TO CROSS" Also: "PA'S NIGHT our, — The Big Test & Paramount News GODER,ICH PAVILION EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Dance to PAUL CROSS and his Orchestra EVERY WEDNESDAY IS SQUARE DANCE NIGHT For the month of November—EARL HEYWOOD and the CKNX Barn Dance Group PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS NIGHT and NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTIES NOW. Phone Goderich 675 or 419 for reservations. Tuckersmith Will Pave 290 Feet For RCAF Station Tuckersmith Township council have instructed their clerk to ad- vise the Commanding Officer of RCAF Station Clinton that they will pave and maintain approx- imately 290 feet of township road- way from the existing pavement to the gateway at the easterly side of the station. This was de- cided at the regular meeting of council held in the town hall, Sea - forth, on Tuesday. Charles Henry, representing the Pedlar People attended the meet- ing and clarified a misunderstand- ing concerning the price of a cul- vert purchased earlier in the year. Court of Revision on the 1956 assessment roll was opened but no appeals were presented. It was decided to request the HEPC to install one additional street light in the Egmondville system on the street in front of Egmondville School. OUR BUSINESS INSURANCE DEPT. has been„organized to give helpful specialized service for the protection of PARTNERSHIPS -- KEY MEN -1 - SOLE OWNERSHIPS. Be ASSURED—Consult HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE Clinton .-•- Phone 4S4W 44-b HOSPITAL AUXILIARY. TO MEET MONDAY. AFTERNOON The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary will hold the regular meeting in the Nurses' Residence on Monday afternoon, November 7, at three o'clock. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. T.WRIVIS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local. Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS • It's time to shop for your PERSONAL c1+ugT v g that vital link in each of your Friendships Choose from the BIGGEST most DEAUTIFUG and VARIED display of Christmas Cards we have shown in many a year. ill YOU'LL LIKE THE /i` YliffiYcyr c �r� Featured 1,> �` ., IN THE NATIONAL LINE `�}77” I3 s`, .601 ORDER EARLY "IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK" tlil'`1 a 111t+Att NJt w �.,