HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-10-27, Page 7• 3t7RSDAY; 'OC1"OBER.27, 1955 ACCOMMODATION for RNT xaa TOUR ROOM APARTT — :available November 1. pply Bill ++Grigg, phone Clinton 94W after "5.00 p,m, -43b ONE SELF -CONTAIN' D apart- -merit. : Contact c Svz% zer, phone Clinton 228. 38tfb 'TWO . APARTMENTS IN ARM `house , r mile and a f_.m Clin- ton ii dra and tel 1 of c. .Phone ••Clsiton 727J3. . Loi ne yndall.' 43b °1rI;T,EE ROOM, FU ISHED, 'heated apartment, ! v ' able soon. :Phone 'Clinton '16 43b FURNISHED, 'HEA apart- ment, available . ediat Mod- ern eonveniencee. S table for two. Phone Clintoi , .36. D. S. 'Cantelon, Raglan S 'eet. 43-b ''i'WO ROOM anent. Availa Phone Clinton APARTMENT AT 59 Goderich. Five too furnished. .Phone C HED apart- mediately. 43b H St., ed, un - 71731. 43p ISHED o. Heat - machine.. Apply' on Street, 43p DOWNSTAIRS, F U R :apartment, suitable f ed and use of was] Available irnmedia 'Mr,. M. Seeley; 'Clinton. 'FURNISHED APARTM .. T ON •.ground floor, well local odern 'oor-veniences. Frigidai a Qui -couple preferred. 'Pho :363, 'FURNISHED STE M r ATED, 'well located, 'FURNISHED, Available; 'for quiet couple. F. 'nghame, phone' Clinton '176. 42tfb BABY SITTIQIG YOUNG GIRL W evenings. Phone after six o'clock. ABY SIT on 471W 43b WILL LOOK AFT R CHILD- ren when mother Irks, baby sitting, etc, Phan C me 347. 4 `-3-4-b WILL DO B S t I'1- ' ABY ings, also all day Frida urday. Phone Clinton time. 1 even -y d Sat - BABY an - 43-4-5- P BABY CHICKS WANTED TO PURCHA, pul- lets all ages and breeds. Highest prices paid. Stat eed and number for sale. DDLE CHHICK HATCHE LIMITED, FERGUS, Ontario 36-8-9-40-1-2-3-4-b BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATIO alone or four shai meals by arrangi Clinton 454J. p�}FOR TWO w Room and Meet. Phone 43b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR O BUSINESS. Contact L. G. i er, Real Estate, High Street, C ' on. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE et TWO MEN'S SP ton blue, size 36. Seco 43p of Ontario Street C 'SLE ROOM HOUSE Clinton on Erie Street, Mode conven- iences, heavy 'ring partial] Tarnished. Avail le November 15. Rent $35 a nth. Phone ''Clinton 459R. 43b -NEWLY DECORATE - room, furtiished apa 'Londesboro. Bath, e frig., washing mach .front entrance. Fur ars phone Blyth 37 r THREE nt, In c stove, Private er partied], 43p +able for couple. Ho ,,er. Electric refrig' stove, use of eleetr, 'laundry. Phone iNT 'suit- e d. Hot .orat- e tor, electric e washer and detich 380.' ,40 tfb FURNISHED APAR ',NICE BRICK HOME ne. r the 'Square with two furnishe apart- -meets. Lower apartmen consists' 'of four rooms and bath, asenrent, furnace, garage. Ren $45 per month. Upper a art nt, private entrance, three r 'o and bath. Rent $35 a month pply JOHN BOSVELD, Real tate Brolter, 40 Wellesley Str et, Goderich. 'Phone Goderich 1108. Also a nice two-bedroom home on Huron 'Road for only $37.50 a month. 43x -4b Accommodation anted 'WANTED, A VIRE DROOM house by reliable to t to rent. Close to Radio Schoo . Apply Box 430, Clinton News- ord. 43-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'PAIR OF GIRL'S WHITE Figure 'Skates, size 4. Used t seasons, '$7.00- Phone Clinton 6 •1 43-b 'SMALL GIRL'S SIDEWALK "'bicycle, with outrigg heels. In goodcondition. Ph ne Clinton o 43b NEW CYLINDER TYPE Vacuum 'Cleaner with attach ts. Never been used. Will s 11 " $32. Apply Box 435, nto News- 'Record. 43b FIGURE SKATES, MAN'S, 'sure 64,; child's 1'4. 1 one Clirn ton 142. , 43p U.S. PORTLAND ' rr IENT, ,super -strength. ReasteE]. ' price., New Idea Distribute Phone, Carlow 28r21. 43p BABY CARRIAGE, E • E. • ENT condition, used very Intl-: Con- vertible, storm cover., r ey and •cream. Was $32.50, sell for VII.. 21 Regina 'le d. Phone -Clinton 772331, 40-tfb TV FIT FOR A "RING" •- We Rent•— Move —Metall. Complete service oh all ma es rotators and antenna. All ork ully guar- anteed. Huron To r nstallation, phone Goderich 1344 . 6tfb 'HOUSEWIVES, SAVE UP' O $3. .A package of Log Cabin oncen- 'trate' makes one int of pure Vanilla Flavouiing. i le direc- tions.; Price $1.00 pos aid, LOG CABIN PRODUCTS, Ajax ' e nt. Agents wanted. -3-b 'WE'NOW HAVE THE "Re' Vic- tor..slide-osmatic record player 'Play ay ,your favo rite e e o r d through any radi.' or equip- ped with a phon. ja. Priced low at $12.95 inclu.'a.e'$5.00 wor- 'th of your choice of records FREE. T. A. Dutton,' RCA Victor dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634R4. 41-tfh AUTOMOBILES 'FOR SALE 1938 BUICK OPERA $100 or best offer. Phon1 '191W. Please phone afte OPE, inion, 3b 1951 PONTIAC, seat co conditioner., pric 'Phone; Clinton "2123. 1946 DODGE SEDAN, , it working condition with h 'B1ue'in colour, good tire 'Clinton 8071'13 after six 1941 DODGE, IN GOO ' dition, - heater, radia, good. Contact' 'Mitch& , air- 95.00. good' ater, hone clock, 43p cow - 98 J res -5-b , two and -1 '1948 "CHEVROLET CO 'tone paint, new bat brakes, radio, ..turn sib ',condition, Phone 'Clint 'ter "6:00 p.m. erer gals, LADY'S WINTER new. Size 12 to 14 tun 1625W SHEARED BEAV sale, Mrs. Anderson, MAN'S WINTER CO coat, both size 40. winter coats and on 14. All in good cone Clinton 252. j COATS, d house east urch. 43-p /BOAT, like Phone Olin- _, 43b i COAT for aple Street. 43x and rain - o girl's ress, size on. Phone 42-3-p CUSTOM WORK GARDENS PLOWED Buzzed. Bill Steepe, ton 554J. GARDENS PLOWS: Kenzie. Phone Clint DRESS MAKING done by experience Clinton 464W. HOME AND AUTO appliances repaired, motors rewound avid Art Levett, Isaac St lop. Phone Clinton 38 tyd Wood e Clin- _,�• 43b Ken Mc - 552W. 42-3-p rations Phone 9-43-b DIO and electric epaired t Dun - ' d40p-tfb FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE HYBRID COB COR R SALE. 200 tons, in first condition for cribbing. Ap y to Lorne Kivell, RR 1, Walk r, Ont.,P hone Alvinston 618r 4. r 42-3-p SPRAYED APPLES. CO KING apples. 50c bus. and u . • Also Snows, Spy and Deli io ring your own contained. ry PluBm- "teel, phone Clinton 1r4, 43b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF sale. L. G. Winte Phone Clinton 441 payments. FAROS FOR al Estate. ow down 33-tfb 73 ACRES MORE O LESS ON Highway 8, two '1 east of Clinton. Ten a e ceded to wheat. Price r r a e. Only cash buyer need a 1y,' rs. Edna P. Weeks, RR 4, Linton. 43b IF YOU ARE LOOKING good farm in Huron Cou tact John Bosveld, R Broker, 40 Wellesle erich, phone Goderi,h R A y, con - Estate •eet, God - 108, 39p-40tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR F R U NiTUP radio cabinet, reg pairing, apply phone Clinton 76 E, P ANO AND ini ing and re - G. Pickett, 39p tib FUR REMODELLING and REPAIRING COMPLETE F UR' R ' MODEL - ling and repairing sery ce. Esti- mates gladly given. Also New Fur Coats, made or er. Searle Furs of Stratford. R presentative at Lovett's Specie t Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturda night 7.30 to 10 p.m. with samples. 33-tfb HELP WANTED Mak or Female Government Departments at CLINTON, ONTARIO Require CLERKS, Grade 1 $1500.—$1920, per annum CLERKS, Grade 2A $1800.—$2400. per annum Further particulars on posters displayed at Post Offices and Of- fices of The National Ebiplayment Service. Application forms, ob- tainable thereat, should be filed with The -,Civil Service Commission 25 St. Clair Ave. East Toronto 7, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN NOVENE BER 4th, 1955. Please quote competition5 num- ber 55-T1094 for Clerks, Gr. 1; Please quote competition num- ber 55-T1095 for Clerks, Gr 2A. 43-b ale Apply at 43b HELP WANTED WAITRESS WAN Ruby and Bill's. r ;li HAY 'WAN ED WANTED—ABOUT 40 BA of good Red Clover hay. Pay top price delivered to r ce track af- barn hi Clinton. Ross Ewan, 42-3-b. Clinton. LAND FOR NT 20 ACRES ON WE 17, ,Concession 2, l ploughed. For pa William Hoggart, 683. iT t be ett, to be tcular•s apply hone Clinton 43p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEVEN PIGS, 12 W irKS OLD; seven pigs, eight old, Mrs. Helen C46uff not p e B . i id r q 3. y�1 431 PUREBRED HERE will sell, or exchan cattle or hogs, W. phone Clinton 645W4 Bulls, r. grade iddletoit, 42-3-p FOUR HOLSTEIN ut , ERS and one cow due in Nove b r. Robert Rathwell, phone Clint. 702J1. 43-4-p ONE HOLSTEIN -CA , suitable for waling. Apply s Trewar- tha, RR 4, Clinton, one Clinton 807 r 4, / 43p LIVESTOCK WA WANTED. OL dead cattle. Gil Ranch, Goderich. 148331, or 1483J TED RSES AND Bros. Mink hone collect, 9ptfb HIGHEST CASH PR ES PMD for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. ,P ne promptly, Atwood 153 cone) , 32to46b MISCELLANEOUS SHADE TREES F SALE. Golden Bark, Wee g Willows, six to nine feet h46: . 'ght time for planting, Pri. 0 to $2.00. Apply Fred Gilberner of Hu- ron and Mill, Goderich, Phone Goderich 1. 42-3-4-p VISIT COUNTER'S store for best valu Rings, Bluebird a Not. For evening phone Clinton 230, LLERY in Iiamond orget-me- pointments . N. Counter, 43p WATERLOO CAI-rt,D Association, "Where B Are Used." Artificial In service for all ree For service or on Clinton 515 collo t, and 10.00 a.m. on eek days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, on Sundas. 6-tfb reeding ter Bulls emination of cattle. ation phone etween 7.30 NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Ti Lots 41-51, both si Tuckersmith Towns TIME hereafter will By order of the o Parry. ssing on of river, at ANY prosecuted, er ,-- A. E, 38-44-p PIANOS FOR SALE COLONIAL PLA, ER PIANO with bench, in ood condition, Phone Blyth 28r 43b GERRARD HEINTZM in ex- cellent condition. Thor, tun- ed. Phone Clinton 395. 43b PIANO, CABINET ERRARD fleintzman, with ben, ,. Splendid condition, $300. ' Box 432, .linton News -Record, 43b POULTRY FOR SALE 3,000 FOREMAN L G !IRN pul- lets, five months. o Laying, Andrews Poultry • rm, RR. 3, Seaforth. Phone S aforth 647r3. 40-43p PROPERTY FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR ale, centrally located, on Fulton Street. Phone Clinton 49111. 41-tfb HOUSE FOR S in good re- pair. In small to n Reasonable. Terms available.' p Box 434, Clinton News -Rete 43b SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN WANTEDcover district for fast-gi4:e1;t food company. Highest po earn- ings and chance for aeent, Car an asset. Box .ton News -Record. 43b STOVES FOR : LE LARGE COAL SP . EATER. Excellent condition. -hone Clin- ton 726W, 43p MOFFATT S ELECT IC ANGE, $20. Mrs. C. G. Middle on, 43b • TRAILER FOR RENT HOUSE TRAILER, 22 ET long by eight feet wide; es four; built-in cupboards, si t, fired for hydro. . Willrent by week r by month. Eldred Emme aple Street. 42-3-b BUSLOADS. F160l1 ,ZURICH REAR BILLIE GRAHAM Several bus loads of enthusiasts have availed themselves and join- ed the bus loads going to Toronto to attend the Billie Graham evan- gelistic campaign meetings.—Zur- ich Herald. Court of , Revision for Goderich Township The Court of Revision on the 1956.As. t Roll for this Mtutici t ty been set for 7.00 p.m. M r DAY, NO- VEMBER 7 olntesville. There, are n: app e entered on any assessment no e: Any changes in ownorsb and/or ' address shouhl • : forwaided to the wide - ed' on or be- fore thee .«FYI date. R. E. TuomksON, Clerk 3-b CLiN7'O •• NEWS-RECdRD CLASSIH IED RATES CASH ,RATE, (if Paid • by the Wednesday, `following" oubliette tion) ' — Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents.' 1%2 cents a word for each following inser- tion, minimum 35 tents. BOX NUMBER; -15e extra, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS—no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARPIS OF THANKS .& 1N MEMORIAMS —Two cents per word, minlmnm 50 cents.. CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. IN MEMORIAM 2 Cents per word,: Minimum 50e ANDREWS—In loving memory of our dear daughter Katherine Ann Andrews, who passed away... one year ago, October 27, 1954: "No stain was on her ' tle heart, Sin had not entere t re; And :mro, innocence ale sw etly on That pale white ow so, fair, She was too pure f this cold earth, Too beautiful to ay, And so God's holy angel bore Our darling one a ay." —Always remember missed by her Moth and. sisters Marie a rows. AS our dear two yea 01.1 ler T and sadly r and Daddy 4 Lyn And - 43 -p In loving memory of ther who passed away go, October 25, 1953: ory i5 a keepsake, ch we will never part; God has her in his in W I e; her gin our hearts," —A ways remembered by her family. 43-b COLCLOUGH—In precious mem ory of our belovedwife and moth- er, Mrs. W. T. Colclough, who was taken home to glory on October 27, 1947; daughter Lulu, Decem- ber 15, 1940; daughter Phoebe, January 25, 1927: "Every day brings back sweet memories, Every memory brings a tear; Deep within our hear ' e cherish oved so Thoughts of one dear, , The one so t taken, Her voice so was stilled; A place down ,t, e is vacant, Which never - an be filled. God in his ' .om took her, The one his lo e had given; And while she aits to greet us Her sorii is safe in Heaven," —Lovingly rememb'• red by Hus- band and Father, Sons and Daughter, 43p NEWIVLAN—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Frederick Dundonald New - mare who passed away ne year ago, October 25, 1954 "When evening she s ar falling And we sit in q et a ne, To our hearts t1 re nes a longing If only he could ne home; Friends may thi t we have for- gotten When at times th see us smile, But they little kn w the heart- ache Our smile hides all the while." —Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by his will:, 'children and grandchildren 43p NOTICE TO CREDITROS IN THE ESTATE of THOMAS `HARDY, late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons havin claims against the Estate of the ve deceased are required to file e with the undersipltgd So. 'to for the or .re the 8th r, A. i'. , 55 after sets a dist- th 6`"; rties en- avrn regard only w notice shall said Estat day of No which • e ribute titled to the c have b DAT a „ Clinton, this 18th day of Octo •r, A.D. 1955. E. B. ZIES, Clinton, Ont., ' Solid or for the said Estate. 42-3-4-b Clinto F r rs "ty AUCTIO ALES EVERY RIDAY commend at 1.30 p.m. TE'•, S CASH J, CORE,Sales Manager E. W. , IOTT Auctioneer K. % COLQUHOUN, Clerk FOR SALE ONE -STOREY FIVE -ROOMED Dwelling, .two bedrooms, sun porch modern conveniences; garage. $.'rice $4,800. Down payment 111,500, 1% -STOREY, FIVE ROOMED Dwelling, new; large living room, modern ]cite four - piece bath; oil ting; 3m - mediate possess ,P r i e,e $8,000. 1%2-STOR STEVEN -ROOMED Dwell sisting of double' livin , .; , th fire place, dini t roomy ' kitchen, bed roo •and o -piece bath down; 2 bei: , outs and ,bath up, ftitlly'ft t:hed, Garage; lot 82'x132' Suitable for duple . ' ce $9,000. ONE STOREY DWELLING, con- sisting t w o soli -contained four -roomed apartments; oil heated; modern conveniences; good location, 0 H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service • Real Estate • Investments' Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; Res. 2514' CLINTON', ONTARIO BIRTHS ANSTE1 r — In Clinton Public Hospital, an Wednesday, Octob- er 26, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs: John A. Anstett, Clinton,,: a son. CUNorthI'INtG•HAMEWestern In TorontoonOe's Hospital, - tober 18, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cuninghame - (nee Peggy Parsons), .of 85 Exbury Road, Downsview; . a daughter (Kristin Royce). • DTJCHA.RivIE - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, October 22, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme,RR 1, Dashwood, a daughter. GAGNE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, 5, to Cpl. and Mrs. Williaber m Gagne, Clinton, a son. HOGGARTH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, October 22, • 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray a son. MHc. LIa7CHEYu In Ci Clinton Public Hospital., tat p Saturday, Y October 22, 1955, on to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer McClin'chey, RR 2, Dashwood, a son SEMPLE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, 1 Monday, October. 24, 1on 955, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Semple, RR 2, Bayfield a son. WHITE — On Saturday, October 22, 1955, to Flight Lieutenant and Mrs, D. A. White (nee June Middleton) a son (David Middle- ton White, brother for Pamela). DEATHS DOUGLAS — In Saskatchewan, Mrs, Jessie Douglas, widow of the late Joseph Douglas (for- merly of Stanley Township and Clinton), in her 86th year. Fun- eral service in Bayfield Ceme- tery on Saturday, October 22, 1955. HARNWEL.L—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday, October 7, 1955, Jhn E. Harn- well, beloved husband of the late Frances J. Elliott, in his 86th year. Funeral services were held at North Street United Church, Goderich, on Tuesday, October 11. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery, HESSELWOOD—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Friday, October 14. 1955, James Hesselwood, in his 86th year, Funeral from the Tasker memorial chapel, Blyth, on Monday afternoon, October 17, by Rev. J. T, White to Burns Cemetery, Hullett Township. HOPPDR—In Clinton, on Sunday, October 17, 1955, James Harry Hopper, formerly of Belgrave, widower of the late Frances Stonehouse, in his 85th year. Funeral from Brussels United Church to Brussels Cemetery on Tuesday, October 18. MCILVEEN In Essex, on Friday, October 21, 1955, Jonathan Her- bert Mcllveen, in his 72nd year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High St., Clinton to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, October 24. NEW CHURCH NEARLY COMPLETED AT EXETER Exterior construction of the new Christian Reformed C h u r eh at Exeter north has been completed and interior work is expected to be finished in time for the church to open early in November, Rev, G. Hoytema, Clinton, is minister, —Exeter Times -Advocate, CARDS OF THANKS 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50e MRS. MELVILLE, o desboro Wishes to take this o o unity to thank all those w so kindly helped in any way • her time of bereavement. It wa greatly 4ap- preciated. p We, the WILLIAMS FAMILY, wish to thank our m.. friends, relatives and neighb• for the kindness and sympa ' • own us during our recent bereave- ment, also for the . o beautiful floral tributes', Spacial thanks to Rev. Lane. 43-p I would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking my neighbours and friends also t capital staff, Dr. Oakes and 1 ddison for the care, kindne' d atten- tion; also for gifts e I was a patient in Clinton FI. . ital. Thank- ing one and all kin 43-p —WIL AM MOORE I wish to take this opportunity to • express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my neighbors for the ploughin(ekee staged on my farm for myit and also for the get well' cs, flers and baskets of fruit s by my fri 'Ends andcbffer.anizations. during my recent illness," 43-h —EMERSON HESK AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects From the home of Mrs. John Cudmore, Townsend Street, Clin- ton, on Saturday, November 5 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Household Effects: 2 Cogswell rocking chairs (velour velvet); Cogswell rocking chair (nylon and rayon); chesterfield led; occas- ional arm chair; Axminister rug 9x10%. NOTE: All above articles are nearly new. Small table; 2 wall mirrors; cherry chest of drawers; metal bed, springs and mattress; dres- ser 2 linoleum rugs; walnut 9 - piece dining room suite of table, chairs, china.cabinet and -buffet; Westminster rime ' antel clock;. mantel mirro St omberg Carl- son radio; C e Jewel range; ,t,, A,, a1 , r . efri era 0 and. utility g�t cupboard; Heatliti na r el electric range; kitchen tab a 6 chairs; 2 rocking °hairs; , vacuum cleaner; Itchen u. .o hand washing aelun rte ,'ladder; lawn mow r; 2 l dry,;. lbs; ap- prox. 2',4 t n of nut co= quantity of cedar; , ft. tension iad'der; garden tool c. 10 -piece Lady Hasniltotu s . ve • t of knives, forks, teaspoo dessert spoons; 96 -piece dinner s ; other dishes, cooking ntensils and numerous other articles. Property: At thesame time and place there will be offered for sale (if not sold previous to sale date) the property on which is situated a six -room frame cottage with an oil burning hot air furnace, a sun pinch and a 3 -piece bath, kitchen, dining room, living room and two bedrooms, Terms: On household effects— cash. Terms: On property, 10% down on date of sale and balance in 30 deers, Property will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid..'. AIRS. ' JOHN CUDMORE, Proprletre,ss Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer: PAGE SEVEN BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing—THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Ten Wanted Men" — Technicolor — A hard' -hitting story of a man who built a cattle empire and was wil- ling to fight to keep it. Randolph Scott — Jocelyn Brando Richard Boone MONDAY, TUESDAY an dW D E . N ESDAY `Duel in the Jungle' — Technicolor — Breath -taking action set in the actual jungles of darkest Africa: Top entertainment for all. DanaAndrews — Jeanne Crain David Farrar • 1-�-aea ,AT SPARK TELEPHONE Goderich Now Playing: WEDNESDAY„ THURSDAY, FRIDAY and ,SATURDAY — Adult Entertainment -- "The SEVEN . YEAR. ITCH,/ In Cinemascope & Do Luxe Color' The season's liveliest romantic^ comedy: with Marilyn Monroe that is, as a deluscious TV model who, somehow, manages to bewitch a man pledged to behave himself, MARILYN MONROE Tom Ewell & Evelyn Keyes MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "FIVE AGAINST THE DOUSE" The glittering sin -strip of Reno, Nevada, sets the scene for a tour of the casinos and a dramatic tate about four boys and a girl, Guy Madison—Kim Novak and Brian Keith GODERICH PAVILION EVERY SATURD L Y H'T' Dance to PAUL CROSS an ' . r . estra EVERY WED DA For the month of N the CKN Roy Breckenridge parties. Inq ARE NIGHT RL HEYWOOD and Group an es a specialty of catering to Christmas invited, Phone Goderich 675 or 419. Sate of Registered SCOTCH SHORTHORNS GEORGE L. REID and SON REIDCROFT FARMS 2 Miles South of Verna SATURDAY, NOV BER 5 at 1.30 p -- 31 Hea•— Accredited V cinated 8 cows with ca1v ` at foot, re - bred; 5 bred if 4 o.en heif- ers; serviceable •_- eluding herd sir "Sunny Hili ronet 20th" grandson of "Ed syn Roman Mer - clay", an international grand champion; 3 Steers, about 850 lbs.; 23 Pigs, 7 weeks old. No reserve as poor health has forced me to reduce the herd. Sale will be held ander cover. James McKinley, Morpeth, Auctioneer 43-44-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm Implements, Choke Holstein Cattle, Poultry, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items, etc. On. the premises, Lot 7, Con. 4, Stanley Township 1% miles north of Kipper', 2 miles west, on Tuesday, November 8 1955, commencing at 1.00 o'clock pan., sharp High Grade Holsteins: Cow, milking, carrying third calf, bred Oct 3; cow, carrying second calf, due Dec. 24; cow, milking, carry- ing third calf, due March 25; cow, milking, fresh since end of Sept.; heifer, due Dec. 14; cow, milking, fresh since Aug., bred Oct. 6; cow, carrying fifth calf, due Dec. 24; cow, milking, due March 21; cow, milking, due April 14; cow, milk- ing, due March 2 , This is an ex- ceptionally g... erd of cows from high produoin : b ood lines. 4 Holsteihe er calves; 'Hol- stein bull alf; + part Holstein and Here rd he er calves, Peultr . 145 • oice Rock and New Hampshire ,.ullets, 5% mons. old. A black r',11ie dog. Hay and Gr•, n: Quantity of loose hay; q is ntity of mixed grain.; 10 tons of cob corm, Tractor and arm Implements: McD. Farman ar mall : •rector, Model 'C' in new, eonditi, , International 2 - furrow tracto plow, like new; M -I1 binder, " ft. cut; deering mower, 5 ft. cut; McD. 13 -run rise fertilizer '11, like new; In- ternational •rear side delivery rake, used one season; M -II hay loader; M -I3 spring tooth cultivat- or; 4 -section diamond harrows, like ,new; Cockshutt 2 -section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon; 16 It. hay rack; Renfrew electric cream separator; 8 eight -gal. milk cans; Cockshutt root puiper; 75 ft. end- less rubber belt; hay fork; 150 ft, hay fork rope; shovels, forks, chains, and many articles too numerous to mention, Terms—Cash ROBERT FLOOD, Proprietor Alvin Walper, Anetioneor Ross Love, Clerk 43-4-b OIL SHOWING NEAR. RIPLEY SATISFYING A showing of oil on the farm of John Cali!in MacDonald; in Huron Township, four miles northeast of Ripley, is looked upon with sat- isfaction by other district farmers. -Wingham Advance -Times, PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTA RETIREMENT Consull.asl HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE Clinton Phone 454W 43-b >'•Pickett & Campbell ' Clinton-- Ontario WARM WINTER AHEAD IN W. R. JOHNSTON'S famous made -to -measure CHINOOK OVERCOATS Warmer, lighter, more com- fortable than any you've ever worn because it's made from your choice of superb British Overcasting and it's made to fit you. Order yams before the icv winds blow $69.50 4Pickett & Cann Abell FOR FALL PLANTLN DUTCHBULBS BS Just arrived direct from ,Holland :DAFFODILS NARCISSUS TULIPS -- HYACINTH etc. We will have these in stock until Oct. 31 K. C. COOKE - Florist