HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-10-20, Page 10AGE Wit" . 1.initon Farmer at IN`i'QN NkWS-RF,C.Q'. ins I For OAC; .62 Study Agric. Clinton's young farmer, Lloyd will be studying at either OAC, Holland, who is enrolled in the first year of the diploma course, at OAC, Guelph, has been award- ed the $100 Huron scholarship. Norman Hyde, ' Hensall, has re- eeiued a similar award, andisen- rolled in . the Western Ontario Agricultural School at Ridgetown. James I. McIntosh, Seaforth, (who has enrolled this year in the four year degree course at Guelph, won the third scholarship. Awards are made each year by a select committee. This .year, Warden Earl Campbell, Hay Township; J. H. Kinkead, public school inspect- or for forth -Huron and G. W. Montgomery, agricultural repre- sentative for the county met to- gether to, pick the winners. These are based on scholastic qualifica- tions, participation in Junior Far- mer and 4-11 programs, and in church and community activities. In all; 62 people from the county Ontario, Veterinary College, or to the agricultural 'school at Ridge - town this year. Four young ladies are entering Macdonald Institute for the four year degree course at Guelph. They are Miss, Rosemary Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Miss Ruth Hemingway, ' Brussels and Miss Marie Hodgson' and Miss Joan Thomson, ''Exeter. Miss Mary, Whyte, RR . 2, Seaforth, is entst-" ing the diploma course at Mac- donald Institute. Ten young Huron County men are entering the first year of the two year course at Ridgetown. They are Robert Down and Nor- man Hyde, Hensall; Jerry Kading, Dashwood; Kenneth Cartwright, Londesboro; Donald McCharles, Lorne Hackett and Frank Alton, Lucknow; Neil Haugh, Brucefield; Kevin Delbridge and William Pin- combe, Exeter, ,54 4-H Club Members Will Compete At Inter -Club Meet At OAC Guelph The 4 -II Clubs of Huron. County will send two young people each to the Provincial Inter -club cora- petitions held in Guelph on Fri- day. The 54 members will com- pete with similar .teams from all the other similar 4-H Clubs in the province. In each case they will give oral answers to six questions, and judge four lasses of livestock or grain exhibits. Forestry club teams will have a leaf and wood identification test, and the trac- tor maintenance teams will have a tractor driving and machinery defects test. 'Representing 'local clubs will be: Bayfield -'Beef .Calf club, Neil McGregor, RR 5, Clinton and Bert Pepper •R 3, Seaforth; Zurich Calf club, 'Beverley Dick, RR 2, Hen - Choose From the BIGGEST`' most DEAUTIEUI andVARIED display of Christmas Cards we have shown in many'a year. , • Clinton News -Record '‘"42-w*". ,47Ve sail and John Eckel, RR 1, Varna; Bayfield Dairy Calf club, Reg. Riehl, RR 5, Goderich and James Harrison, RR 1, Goderich; Bay- field Swine Club, Joanne and Mary McCullough, RR 3, Clinton; Sea - forth Swine club, Ron Trewartha, RR 1, Seaforth and David Living- stone, RR 2, Seaforth; McKillop Grain club,,Robert Broadfoot, RR 1, Brucefield and Donald Dodds, RR 1, Seaforth; Clinton Grain club, Lloyd Holland; Clinton and Donald Lobb, RR 2, Clinton; Hen- sall White Bean club, Edgar Wil- lert, RR 1, Zurich and Keith Lovell, RR 2, Kippen; Clinton Lions Poultry club, Gordon Jenkins, and Murray Neal, RR 1, Clinton; Exeter Kins- men Poultry club, Don Ballantyne, RR 3, Exeter and Norman Hyde, Hensall; Zurich Tractor Mainten- ante club, Gerald Parsons, RR 2, Hensall and James. Love, ii.R. 1, Varna. o - Rev.. D. J. Lane Has Devotion At Auburn S.S. Meet The devotional period' at the Sunday School convention of North Huron branch of' the On- tario Council of Christian Educa- tion in Knox Presbyterian Church Auburn, last Wednesday was con- ducted by Rev. D. J. Lane, Clin- ton. Departmental groups formed for discussion, had as leaders, Mrs: A. Holland, Clinton; Mrs. K. Powell, Blyth; Lieutenant Goodridge, Wingham and 5. McDonald. Rev. J. T. White, Londesboro, gave a summary of these groups at the evening session, Rev. AIlan Duf- field, Lambeth, gave an inspiring address on "What is our task in Sunday Sehooi and Church? Officers were appointed as fol- lows: past presi$ent, Earl »Hamil- ton, Wingham; president, Frank Raithby; first vice-president, Sam- uel Scott;' second vice-president, Norman McDowell; secretary, Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft; treasurer; Mrs. D.' A. MacKay; boys' work secretary, Harry Snell; girls' work secretary, Mrs. Earl Mills; temp- erance secretary, Mrs., Earl Raith- by; young people's secretary, Rev. D. J. Lane. Next year the con- ventioft will be held in Grace United Church, Porter's Hill. r Now on sale—for cash or by instalments at all branches of the Royal Bank CANADA SAVINGS BONDS ...a sure way to save These bonds never drop in value. They can be cashed for their full face value, --plus accrued interest, as any time, at any bank. They bear interest at the rate of 33' a year, Order your bonds today at our nearest branch. " Just telephone, if you like. THE ROYAL BANK F CANADA ews of Brucerield (Intended for last week) Miss 'Donna McBride, Stratford Miss Al. 'Swan is visiting„with General Hospital, spent Sunday her nephew, Mrs, Wesley Ilam in With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane. Alvin McBride. Mr. and ' Mrs. `Stewart Knox Mr. and Mrs. D on McKenzie Sarnia, spent the' weekend with d Spent” Thanksgiving with the for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. , mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs: S. Mr. and ` Mrs. Harold Holmes, McKenzie. . Parry 'Sound, spent the weekend Mrs. A. Hohner is .visiting her with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ratliwell. sister, Mrs. W. Smith, Exeter,` Miss Margaret Aikenhead, Lon- Mrs. M. Dawson spent Thaniks- don, spent the holiday with her giving ;with her brother, Roy mother, Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead. Doan, Alvinston. Gordon Mustard visited with Mr. and Mrs. V. Hargreaves and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex family spent Thanksgiving with Mustard. the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hendersonf Ingersoll. T1ie many friends Of Ivixs.> W. Pepper are pleased to know that she is much improvedin health, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Anderson and daughter, Ina, Toronto, spent the yY;eekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs, Allen Those visitingMrs. II. Berry on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and family, Stratford; Mr, and 'Mrs. A. H. Smith, Miss Elean- or Smith and Jack Horton, Blue - vale, Mr. and Mrs, John K. Cornish left on Friday for a few days holidays, Mrs. James Moodie, Mrs. Mc- Queen and Margaret are spending a week or so camping at Bayfield. Mrs Murray Squires spent ing commute er s -w i t d THURSDAY, OC IN/OER 20, 190' '. Thanksgiving with'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen. Visiting with Miss Mary Gibson on Monday were :Mr. and _Mrs. John MoMurtrie, Hensa11 WA Meeting., Twenty ladies attended the meeting of the WA earlier this month, when Miss E. Bowey and Mrs.'' W. Ham had charge of the devotional exercises, Miss,Bowey, led in prayer and Mrs. Ham gave the topic, "Bread of Life." Mrs, N. Baird took the chair for the business session. Mr's. W. McBeath gave the secretary's re- port and also the treasurer's re- port, since. Mrs. Berry was absent. Final plans were made for the, November bazaar, and the follow - 4-4-+-4-$4+.++-.-4-4-4-4-+•4-4-4.4-4-4-• e e app; n e ; apron, 'booth, Mrs. L. Wilson sad i Mrs. Graham;. fancy work, Mrs•';: Richardson and Mrs. T. Baird';' baking, Mrs, 'Ross Scott, Mrs. '4tr,; Broadfoot, Mrs, Walters and Mrs, D. Triebner; candy, Mrs, Thomson, and Mrs. John Broadfoot; toneh. and. take, Mrs. Fotheringhani and; Mrs, Douglass; fish pond, Mrs. L .. Eyre and Mrs. 'John McGregor; produce, Mrs, ' George Henderson;. Mrs. J. -Henderson and Mrs. Alex:- Mustard; receiving and welcoming, committee, Mrs, Davison, Mrs, Robert Allen; serving tea, Mrs, Ml Stewart Baird, Mrs. Berry, ;. W. Moffatt, Mrs. Hargreaves, Miss M. Swan, Martha McDonald. Group one had charge of the, program: a duet by Mrs. Herder. • son and her sister, Mrs. Cox; two contests, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot RTOON CAPERS CONTEST $7.00 Weekly In Merchandise Certificates RULES Each week there will be an .extra word in a few of the ads appearing on this page. Re d the '.ds, find the extra • words. Write these words on o piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads you found each word. When properly assembled they will give the title of the cartoon. Then see if you can write a better title. Send your entry in to CARTOON CAPERS, % CLIN- TON NEWS -RECORD (entries must be in our hands by Monday at 6.00 p.m.) Ball - Macaulay Limited Any Lumber, Builders' Supplies, Lime, Cement and Cool _ QUALITY - SERVICE -- SATISFACTION CLINTON SEAFORTH 97 — — Phone — — 787 TAKE CARE OF YOUR HANDS &. FEET Wide Selection. of Mitts and Gloves — Rubber Boots -- Overshoes Over Rubbers AIKEN'S The advertisers'on this page always give you the best value possible at lowest prices. They will be awarding. some one $7 each week in Merchandise Certificates and at the end of 26 weeks someone will hove their choice of one of the valuable Feature Prizes. Do not neglect to ask for your soles slip when you make a purchase at any of these firms. Read the rules carefully. $30 ITNO SOMHNDATENDERTNAE FOURTH WEEK $30 FEATURE PRIZE The best one selected each week will be awarded $7 in merchandise certificates, good at any of the stores participating. IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEAT- URE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END OF THE CONTEST YOU MUST EN- CLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or something to prove you have done busi- ness with any of the firms participating. South' End Cities Service GAS — ACCESSORIES — OIL TIRES — BATTERIES — REPAIRS TOWING PHONE 602 Wes. .Holland Dory. Rutledge Ask About Our CHRISTMAS LAY -AWAY :FLAN McEwn's T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR. TELEVISION BRUCEFIELD PHONE CLINTON 634 r 4 CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Magazines - Photo. Service REG. CUDMORE Isnuac St. Phone 799 Shoes Last Longer when polished with ESQUIRE Get some at RAY'S Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIR F -A -S -T S -E -R -V -i -C -E Bartliff Bros. Phone 1 CLINTON PLUMBING and HEATING Fess Oil Space Heaters Plumbing Fixtures Repairs : and Alterations Phone 577 E. J. "MIKE" REYNOLDS' GROVES ELECTRIC 1956 ADMIRAL TV now on display Phone, 688) HAIR STYLING CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 529 COLD WAVES MERRILL Radio & Electric •TV REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Saks and Service Phone. 313 -CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 CLINTON WESTERN TIRE & Auto Supply Ltd. KNOTS WESTERN ANT1-FREEZE - AUTO ACCESSORIES Phone 349—Clinton Buy Your HAUGH'S 88 OVERALLS SMOCKS PANTS AT — HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE GOOD C.J.L. PAINTS Satter -Perdue PIiIONE 141 - CLINTON PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE Phone 14 --Clinton Palmer's Beauty Lounge Phone CLINTON 585 Princess St. East MRS. S. PALMER prop. .Gliddon Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING REPAIRING FAST DELIVERY SERVICE — o Phone 66W — Clinton J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Sturgeon's Paints Sta-Dri Masonry one Paint PHONE 120 -- For "Better Buys"" in "Better Used. Cars" SIDE , Lorne Brown Motors -LIMITED Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Soles & Service, SALE of FOOTWEAR Watch for the date. ' Clifford Lohh '-Store Clinton - Ontario Untying C-O-A-L CHAMPION FUEL OIL PHONE 74W A. G. Grigg & Son .. ..........__ FREE WHITE SHIRT With each cash purchase of a New Suit Ready -Made or Made-To- 1,feasmre Pickett and Campbell LIMITED Phone 25 ---Main Corner LADIES' and CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR -- DRY GOODS — MARTIN'S DEPT, STORE RELIANCE GAS and OIL Mechanical Repairs Complete Lubrication qT,,O YANG [T (24 OUR SERVICE) PHONES: NITS 326w - Geo. 6w Geo. A. Currie STANLEY'S RED & WHITE Super. Market "Where Your Dollar - Buys More" PHONES: ! I s Shop In Clinton. Shop At Home John A. Anstett Jeweller and Watclu ahher S -P -E -C -I -A -L English Cups and Saucers Reg. ;1.50 to 31.75 value $100 AT Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Phones: Bus., 459; Res„ 1158 CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR. COMPLETE RADIATOR CLEANING and REPAIRING PAINTING BODY and FENDER WORK BY EXPERTS "There Is no sub. for Quality" Phone 408 Clinton RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET Government Inspected Branded Meats LOW PRICES +-0 +4+44-•-•-•-04-4-11-0-4-0.4-0-4.4-4.4- -►+•f+o•h?•40-4-0.6++4-4.4- 4+e• -H 9 -4 -0 -4,A•4. -0 -444•e -0•e-6