HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-10-20, Page 9'THURSDAY OCTOBER 20, 1955 CLINTON NEWS - RECORD Nevus of Hensall Rev. Dan Gaynor, Chatham, will R:ocupy the pulpit at Z3ensall Unit- •ed Church next Sunday morning in the absence of Rev. C. D. Dan- fel,+who Will be preaching anni- versary services at Park St. Unit, ed Church, Chatham, Carmel Ladies Mrs. --Clarence Reid and her ;group were hostesses for the OE- `,ober meeting- of Carmel Presby- te$an Ladies Aid on October 11..: . Scripture passages were read by Mm. Basil Edwards, and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth led the group in prayer. The devotional was taken by. Mrs. Roy Bell, Mrs. Len Purdy read- a beautiful poem entitled, "Do your dishes match?" Mrs. L. Baynham presided for the business part of the meeting. :Mrs. W. T3.. Bell gave the •financial statement to date. Plans for the - 'bazaar and chicken pie supper Were tentatively laid. '. )3111s brought before the meeting were ordered paid. Mss. Harry Hoy gave the ladies a very interesting and educational discourse on a trip which she and her husband took through the States and the Canadian West during the sum - Canadian mer. Mrs. R. Y. McLaren moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Hoy for a much enjoyed travelogue. Rev. Donald MacDonald was asked to accept a beautifully de - °orated box filled to capacitywith 'specialities" from the various canning kitchens. Mr. 'MacDonald thanked the ladies and said he knew what ever the, contents• might be he would enpoy it. He thanked the ladies and the con- wgregation for giving to their min - :ster, a • good and comfortable, home, and then _.pronounced the benediction. The ladies were ,served luncheon by Mrs. Reid and her `helpers. :.1TheRecord Speaks IT WILL PAY YOU, TO GET For the latest portfolio. of securities 4' Call Vic Dnnin Phone 168 P.O. Box 190 Zurich, Ont. I� for itself . THE FACTS! O j( VJ INFST Mutual ,, C...d,tu.,,,..d.' . Roamz w., Managed & distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canadalhnited FARMERS. We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United I• Co-operatives of Ontario and soliot your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager. Phone—Day 9, Evei:ings 481w `39-tfb 1 _ ' 1 � Lassie Makes Much Of Her Bread Salesman. ; Qwner LAC J. F. Kilgore HasLBrown Trophy For Truck Roarleo 5 �'F Keen competition marked the Truck Raadeo held at RCAF Sta- Named for the Pa alar movie P o x and, TV personality (or should it be dogality?) this Lassie showed all the faithfulness which•has come to be expected from an animal of that name. Some two years ago, Bob Denonune. (the chap above who is getting all the attention) moved to Exeter, and thinking his dog would not care for town life, gave her to a brother-in- 1'aw who liveswest of Mount Carmel: However, lassie did not take to a new owner, so she left home and nothing had been heard of her until recently. Mr. Denomme is a bread_ alesman. He was making his ounds at Egerton Beach (just hree miles south of Bayfield) ane day when a customer asked f she might have a dry loaf to eed,a dog they had found in the bush nearby, Denomme agreed,. and even went along. when a trip.. to visit the dog was suggested. - They approached the den with caution, since it was known that there were puppies, and the mother had shown herself less than • friendly. However, Lassie recognized heroldmast- er and bounded to meet him as if the two years separation had been only two minutes. The puppies? Well the six of them found homes, and their owners can ,be proud of having,. dogs from loyal stock as their pets. Lassie is how living in Exeter with her human family; and seems happy about the whole thing. Mr. Denomme reports • that she reserves a seat on a kitchen chair next to the desk where he makes up his nightly reports, and sits patiently watching the procedure every evening. tion Clinton, Monday, as 'LAC J. F. Kilgore won top honours in a contest of driving skill. He re- ceived a trophy donated by Lorne Brown Motors Limited, Clinton. Open to all service and civilian driver personnel at Station. Clin- ton, this annual competition is a part of the joint services accident prevention programme and is de- signed to promote better and saf- er driving techniques. Contestants were judged on six standard exercises in a field course which entailed expert op- eration of a vehicle in situations that could arise under- normal driving conditions. However, the operating limitswere reduced,—in some- eases a clearance of only one inch oneach -side .af the truck. was allowed. In addition to these practical tests, competitors were judged on personal appearance, knowledge of. first aid, vehicle % servicing , and fire fighting. Among the judges for the event, in addition to Station officers and NCOs, were local garage dealers, including. Joe Murphy, Carl Cox, Kelso Streets, Lorne Brown, H. B. "Hap" McAlpine, Walter Jervis, William Johnston and John Bayes. Officials of Clinton and provinciai police also lent 'valuable assist- ance. (HE-ESE.i.. Satisfying Versatile No basic food is as versatile as cheese! Varieties include cheese flavoring and garnishing, cheese for slicing, 'Cheese for spreading, cheese for cooking, cheese for nibbling, and cheese in many flavors; shapes and textures which are traditional favorites for .des- sert. • In addition to its versatility, cheese is a concentrated dairy Here noc.. therzewHfght-led >>. H S€ ZOOL ksk ;7.1'7" 7a 471457 h pais*111/iI'on :automatic gear se%fir»ij AMY --lust push a button ...and away you go l' 'Push-button driving is here! That's right, you now 'control Plymouth PowerFlite automatic transmission with•buttons on a special panel at your finger tips. The shift lever is eliminated. Just press a button 1 .'step on the gas .'.. and GO I Try this marvellous new `driving thrill. PowerF'lite with push-button"control ..available at extra cost on all '56 Plymouth models. NOW- More "pickup"` power! New Plymouth 6 -cylinder engines give you more ypower than ever. So does the new Hy -Fire V-8, now available. in all Plymouth series. You get higher torque, too, for ',more wallop and, getaway. :NOW— Safer than ever with many exclusive features! New Life Guard door locks. New, stronger frame. New ..headlamps that provide more light with less glare. Exclusive Safety -Rim wheels that help to guard against i blowout -dangers. Electric windshield wipers. NOW Better=than-ever power driving aids! = New easier action power brakes: Coaxial fullttime power \ • steering—the kind with no annoying !`on and off" feeling. Power -operated window lifts. Power seat adiust.. I ment. All are optional at moderate extra cost. PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4 -DOOR SEDAN Newheauiyyil/es'tyiugs to tle/on/kWlookr your P/ymou6h e'ea/er invites you to see for powseff Now, Plymouth, -finest car in the low -price field, brings you new flight -styled beauty. The '56 Plymouth has greater power, too, and revolutionary push-button automatic gear selecting. Forward -thrusting front fenders and low, sloping hood enhance the streamlitled Forward Look give ypu better vision, too. Newest styling innovation is the .upward -sweeping line of slenderrear quarter panels -sleek as the tail of a jet, ' smooth as a jet in flight ! Yes -Plymouth for '56 is brilliantly new, inside and out,. It's styled to make your spirits soar—powered to give you .spine -tingling performance. Manufactured in Canadd,by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited r' - T se (PHONE YOUR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER NOW FOR A PHONE 465 MURPHY RO DEMONSTRATION RIDE! CLINTON food with high nutritional 'value. It abounds in good quality pro- teln, in important minerals and vitamins, and is .one of our best and most nutritious food, buys. Serve ft often In your home! Here's an ideal way to use an assorted domestic cheese tray for entertaining. Make it an after- dinner cheese tray, featuring at least six different kinds of Can- adian cheese to intrigueend'piease your guests. Serve it with plenty of crisp crackers, glasses of milk, perhaps a bowl of fruit. If the occasion is a formal one,. garnish cheese tray with ripe and stuffed olives and Blue Cheese Rounds. BLUE CHEESE ROUNDS 2 (4 oz., pkgs. cream cheese '/a lb. Canadian blue -veined cheese, crumbled abdut 4 tbsps, mayonnaise tap. celery salt. Combine cream cheese, crumbled Canadian blue -veined cheese, mayonnaise and celery salt. Blend thoroughly until mixture isfirm enough to roll 'into balls. Chill for at least two hours. Shape in to balls and serve with crackers. * * Cheese Flavoring Tricks For cheese muffins or biscuits, add % cup grated Canadian ched- dar cheese to the sifted dry in- gredients in a family -Sized muffin or biscuit • recipe. For soup: sprinkle grated Canadian cheddar cheese over individual servings of any vegetable soup made with meat broth or milk. For potato soup, add about .% cup grated Canadian cheddar to a quart or more of soup before serving. Stir to melt cheese. Do not boil. For salad bowls: erumble• Canadian blue -veined cheese over salad greens before adding dressing. OHFIESE AND TOMATO CASSEROLE (Makes four servings) 2 cups soft bread crumbs 2 cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon sugar tsp. Worcestershire sauce '!a tsp. salt is tsp, pepper 3 tbsps. butter '4 cup minced onion % Ib, 'Canadian cheddar cheese 1 cup soft bread crumbs_ h cup melted butter Mix 2 cups bread crumbs with tomatoes, sugar and seasonings. Heat 3 tbsps, butter, add onion and saute 5' minutes. Stir in to- mato omato mixture. Cut cheese into thin slices. Place tomato mixture and cheese slices in alternate lay- ers in a buttered 1% quart size baking dish, Top with 1 cup bread crumbs mixed with 3i Cup melted butter. Bake in a moderate oven (350'F. )for about 30 minutes, or until bubbling and well browned. Serve very hot, The average monthly bill for electricity for home use varies from $3.92 in Ottawa to $20,97 in The Pas, Manitoba. PAGE NJNE BUSINESS' DIRECTORY INSURANCE Insure the "Co-op" Way W. V. ROY District. Representative Box 810 Clinton, Ontario Phone Collect Office 557 Res, 324J H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J Insurance Ileal Estate' Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure • • Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSTJRANCE Representative Sun life Assurance Co. of Canada Office; Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 703w2 J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Bayfield 580 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance - If you need Insurance, T have a Policy THE Mc$ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1954: President, John H McEwing, Blyth; vice-presi- dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; secretary -treasurer and manager,,. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. • ,Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert • Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Seas forth. Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes. boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen, Selwyn Baker, Brussels;- Erie Munroe. Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The Facts , Call VIC DINNI1 Phone 168 — Zurich Investors Mutual Managed and. Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd.: OPTOMETRY G. B. CLANCY Optometrist -- Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich J. E. LONGSTAFE ` Hours: Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday -9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Clinton: MacLaren's Studio—Mon- days only -9 a.m. to 5,30 p.m. PHONE 791 - SEAFORTH PUBLIC ACCAVNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.l. Telephone 1011 OODERICH ONT. RONALD G. Mc0ANN Public Accountant Royal Bank Bldg., Phone 561 Res: Rattenbury St., Phone 455 CLINTON, ONTARIO 4-tfb REAL ESTATE LEONARD 0, 'mom= Real Estate and Business Broker High Street — Clinton Phone 448 NNV.MMM~,444NW.I..Y,I,I.►N./rh HA�RykR�Y� �WILLIAMS Tzc Wii,1.-. WWEN WINTER KICKS UP WITH A FROWN - CiI.1R"O/L FOR HEAT WILL TAKE HIM DOWN HARRY WILLIAMS' FIIELOtL,t17. % ',GASOLINE: MOTOR0IL._ ; .LUBRICANTS' R.►):' 2; CIINT0111rnl, 526J Come to the FRI. NOV, lith TO SAT. NOV, lath. • Champion Livestock! • Queen's Guineas Competition! • Cattle Auctions! • Colourful Flower Show! • Cooking Demonstration! • Dozens of other features! ROYAL HORSE SHOW Evenings $3,00--02.00 Matinees, Weds. and Fria,. $1,00 saturdaye $1.50 Send 011045o or money order, with ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIT , self.addressed'envelope t9: ROYAL CO.LISEUM, TURONTO General Admission: 5Q ROYAL COLISEUM toronto