HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-10-20, Page 71 1711URSDAY, 'OCTOBER 20, 19555 aha ACCOMMODATION for RENT APARTMENT, FURNISHED. dPlione Clinton 62. 42b ONE SELF-CONTAINED apart- ,anent. Contact 0. Switzer, phone • CIinton • 228. 38tfb "THREE ROOM UNFURNISHED. ;apartment, oil heated, heavy wir- ing. Jack Ellidtt. 42p .SELF CONTAINED,. unfurnished ;apartment Available .November 1. .Phone Clinton 491R. 42b FURNISHED, HEATED apart- 4nent, available immediately. Mod- =ern conveniences. Suitable for two. Phone Clinton '1636. D. S. ICaftelon;Raglan Street. •42-p :FURNISHED HOUSE- for RENT. :No children. Apply to L. G. Win - :ter, Realtor, phone Clinton 448. 42b iT IVE ROOM APARTMENT, in =Clinton, self-contained, ground floor, unfurnished, unheated. -Phone Clinton 327. 42-p 'S E L F - CONTAINED, centrally 'located, unfurnislie'd .apartment. 'Suitable for couple. Available im-, ,mediately. Phone '.Clinton 722W2, 42b 'EIGHT ROOM HOUSE with bath, garage, in leo]mesville. Near school. Available' November l:-Ap- ' ply Bert `Lobb, RR 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 537W4. 42p 'FURNISHED, STEAM HEATED, 'well located, apartment. Available 'for quiet couple. F. Curringhame, phone Clinton '176. 42tfb :SEVEN `ROOM ROUSE or Four - 'room apartment one and one half :miles from Clinton. Modern. con- veniences, Francis Powell, phone Clinton 722W3. - 42-b TURNISHED APARTMENT suit- able for couple. Heated. Hot wat- er. Electric refrigerator, electric atove, use of electric washer and '3aundrye Phone Goderich 380. 40-tfb COME, SEE A SNAPPY, newly :decorated, large, three-room apart- • ment. Entire second floor. Bath, -electric stove, frigidaire, washing ••nnachine, bedding, dishes, private front entrance. No children. For further particulars phone Blyth '37rfi. 42b ARTICLES FOR SALE SUNSHINE BABY CARRIAGE. In fairly good' condition, Phone Clinton 407W. 42p Ai rRA.CTIVE and BEAUTIFUL Avon Christmas gifts. Now on display at Miss Win O'Neil's home, Clinton. Phone for appoint- ment. 42p BABY CARRIAGE, EXCELLENT condition, used very little. Con- vertible, storm covers. Grey and cream. Was $32.50, will sell for $18. 21 Regina Road. Phone Clinton 772MI. ' 40-tfb TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent —Move —Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation. phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb rIlIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, small size, $95. General Electric, heavy duty stove with high oven, three elements, deep well -cooker $25. Phone Clinton 543M. 42b HOUSEWIVES, SAVE UP TO $3. A package of Log Cabin Concen- trate makes one pint of pure Vanilla Flavouring. Simple direc- tions. Price $1.00 postpaid. LOG CABIN PRODUCTS, Ajax, Ont. Agents wanted. 42-3-b WE NOW HAVE THE RCA Vic- tor slide -o -uratic record • player Play your favourite record through any radio or TV equip- ped with a phono-jack. Priced low at $12.95 including $5.00 wor- th of your choice of records FREE: T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor dealer, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634R4. 41 -tib AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 MAROON AUSTIN, heater, ;Erection signals, five good tires. Motor new, only 9,000 miles. Phone Clinton 405, 42), L948 CHEVROLET COACH, two :one paint, new battery and )rakes, radio, turn signals, A-1 ;ondition. Phone Clinton 593 af- ,er 6.00 p.m. • 42b BABY SITTING MILL LOOK AFTER CHILD - en when mother works, baby itting, etc. Phone Clinton 347, 41-2-3-4-b VILL DO BABY SI'r1TNG, even- ags, also all day Friday and Sat•• relay. Phone Clinton 467M any- Ime. 42 -3p -4-5-b BOARD AND ROOM OARD AND ROOM FOR ONE lone or two sharing. Phone C1in- M 454J. 42b BABY CHICKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, pul- lets alt ages and breeds. Highest prices paid, State breed' and number for sale. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FERGUS, Ontario` 36-8-9-40-1.2-3-4-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSIIIESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. l3tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE FOOTWEAR SALE opening Oc- tober 21. You can save. money at the Clifford Lobb Store, Clinton, 42b LADY'S WINTER COAT, like new. Size 12 to 14, Phone Clin- ton 1625W. , 42p CHILD'S WINTER COAT, almost new (outgrown), 8 to 10 years. Phone Clinton 338W. 42b MAN'S OVERCOAT, SIZE 38-40, good as new. . Apply Box 420, Clinton News -Record. 42b SHEARED BEAVER COAT for sale: Mrs. Anderson, Princess St. 42b MAN'S BROWN WOOL OVER - coat. size 40. Applysecond' house east of Ontario Street Church. 42-b MAN'S WINTER COAT and rain- coat, both size 40. Two girl's winter coats and one dress, size 14. All in good condition. Phone Clinton 252. 42-3-p BOY'S DARK BLUE SUIT, with two pair trousers. In perfect con- dition, size 10. Has been dry cleaned. Phone Clinton 226M. 42-x CUSTOM WORK GARDENS PLOUGHED! Phone Clinton 214. 41-2-p GARDENS PLOWED. Ken Mc- Kenzie. Phone Clinton 552W. 42-3-p DRESS MAKING AND alterations done by experienced sewer. Phone Clinton 464W. 39-43-b ROME AND AUTO RADIOS and appliances repaired, electric motors rewound and repaired Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop, Phone Clinton 138W. 40p-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAPABLE LADY desires position practical nursing or light house- keeping, Phone Clinton 269W or write Box 421 Clinton News' - Record - 42p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spy, Greening, Snow, Delicious, Tolman Sweet. Phone Clinton 613r24. Fred McClymont„ Varna. e41 -2-b ;HYBRID COB CORN FOR SALE. 200 tons, in first class condition for cribbing. Apply to Lorne Kivell, RR 1, Walker, Ont., phone Alvinston 618 r 4. 42-3-p SPRAYED APPLES. COOKING apples, 50c bus. adn up. Also Snows, Spy and Delicious. Bring your own contained. Harry Plum - steel, phone Clinton 631r4. 41-2-p FURNITURE FOR SALE SOLID' CHERRY BED and Drop- leaf table. Refinished like new. W. G, Pickett, phone Clinton 761M, 42p GOOD STUDIO COUCH for sale. Phone Clinton 5221. 42b FARMS FOR SALE -HELP WANTED—Female FOR LAUNDRY WORK, Modern equipment, good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ple. in person, preferably, to. A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 42b WANTED RELIABLE PERSON to care for two small children, five days a week, while parents. work. Would prefer vicinity .of A.dastral Park, Apply Box 410. Clinton News -Record, 42-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE A NUMBER OF REGISTERED Hereford bulls, one year old, for quick sale. Apply to Clarence Parke, Zurich, Ont, 42b PUREBRED HEREFORD Bulls, will sell, or exchange for grade cattle or hogs. W. H. Middleton, phone Clinton 645W4, 42-3-p ONE SUFFOLK RAM, three yrs.7 old; also quantity of Spy, and De- licious apples. Edward Wise, RR 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 645W2. 42p LOST and FOUND LOST — WHITE LAWN CHAIR from verandah. $2 reward for re- turn of chair and information about who took it. Mrs. Kyle, Albert Street.. 42p MISCELLANEOUS CAR GOING TO SASKATOON, about October 28 from Crumlin or Seaforth. Desirable passenger wanted. Phone Seaforth 24. 42b RELIGIOUS GOODS — Rosaries, Prayer Books, Bibles, Missals, Crucifixes, etc. MacLaren's Studio, Clinton and Goderich. 42-b HYETE'S REMEDIES—ECZEMA remedies, asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are avej]able at Pennebaker's IDA store, sole agent. 42b SHADE TREES FOR SALE. Golden Bark, Weeping Willows, six to nine 'feet high. Right time for planting. Price $1.50 to $2.00, Apply Fred Gilbert, corner of Hu- ron and Mill Road, Goderich. Phone Goderich 148331, 42-3-4-p VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY store for best values 'in Diamond. Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W, N. Counter. 42-p WATERLOO CA'rl'LE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used," Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb POULTRY FOR SALE 175 RED X ROCK PULLETS, four and one half months old. Don Kennedy, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r13. 42b 125 NEW HAMP X SUSSEX pullets, ready to lay. Robert Glen, phone Clinton 60831. 42b 3,000 FOREMAN LEGHORN pul- Iets, five months old. Laying. Andrews Poultry Farm, RR. 3,, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 647r3. 40-43p PROPERTY FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR sale, centrally located, on Fulton Street. Phone Clinton 491R. 41-tfb ONE TWO-BEDROOM Wartime house; and one three-bedroom Wartime house, both . for sale, Apply to L. G. Winter, Realtor, phone Clinton 448. 42b NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale.' L. G. Winter. Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments, 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone ,Goderich,1108. 39p-40tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 39p-tfb FUR REMODELLING and REPAIRING COMPLETE F UR REMODEL - ling and repairing service. Esti- mates gladly given, Also New Fur Coats, made to order. Searle Furs of Stratford. Representative at Lovett's Specialty Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturday night 7.30 to 10 p.m. with samples, 33-i fb HELP WANTED Male or Female OARD AND ROOM FOR ONE tan, sharing. Phone Mrs. Hanly, Tinton 619r21 (opposite RCAF tation Clinton). 42p tt++4+4,+6•4 a BOOKKEEPEER — PART-TIME work. At Murphy Bros. Garage, Huron Street, phone Clinton 465. 42b HOUSE IN HENSALL, SEVEN room, solid brick, with furnace, bath. Excellent location on Main Street, Double garage with work shop, suitable for business pur- poses, immediate possession. Mrs. D. L. Geiger, Zurich, phone Zur- ich 97r8. 41-2-b NICE BRICK HOME near the Square with two furnished apart- ments. Lower apartrineht consists' of four rooms and bath, basement, furnace, garage, Rent $45 per month. Upper apantment, private entrance, three rooms and bath. Rent $35 a month. Apply JOHN BOSVELD, Real Estate Broker, •10 . Wellesley Street, -Goderich. Phone Goderich 1108. 42-3-b ESQUIRE GRILL, Goderich, Ontario Established Restaurant, well equipped, seats 48, good volume of business. - Price, $7500.00. Half cash, required, balance easy terms, plus stock on hand at inventory. Business to be sold as owner has other inter- ests. For further particulars con- tact: C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor, liox 96, Phone 18W Goderich, Ontario 40-1-2-b• BINDERY MAN $1:00 en hour Department of Public Printing and Stationery Clinton, 'Ontario Further information 'available on posters at the Post Office. Application forms, available thereat, should be' filed with the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 29, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE '(if Paid by the Wednesday following , publica- tion) — 'Two cents per word, Minimum 50 cents. eth cents a word for each following tnser. . tine, minimum 35 cents. *BOX NUMBER—line extra.; BIRTHS .MARRIAGES and DEATIfS BIRTHS, ehergo, ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANES & IN MEMORL4IV1S —Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -=12 o'clock (noon, Wednesday. DEATHS CALDWELL — Suddenly at his home,- Tuckersmith Township, on Friday, •October 7, 1955, Harry Caldwell, i hndofRSimpson,nh s 48th year. Funeral 'service from his late residence on Monday, October 10. Interment ,was in Egmondville' Cemetery, CHARTER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, October 14, 1955, Edna Robertson McGow- an, beloved wife of George Thomas Charter, in her 52nd year, Funeral service from the Tasker funeral home, Blyth, on Sunday, October 16. • Interment was in Blyth TJnion Cemetery. CREE — At his' late residence, North Street, Clinton, on Wed- nesday, October 19, 1955, Robert G. Cree, in his 87th year. Rest- ing at the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street E: Clinton. Funeral service will be held on „ Friday, October •21, commenc- ing at 2 p.m. Interment will be in Clinton Cemetery. LAVERY — In Victoria Hospital, London, Janet Patrick, beloved of` the late Mr. Lavery, in her 90th year, Funeral. service was held from Staffa United Church, Wednesday, October 19. Interment was in Staffa Ceme- terwifey WARNER—Suddenly at his home on Tuesday, October 18, 1955, Percy Warner, beloved husband of Mary McPhail, in his 55th year. Funeral service will be held from the . Lodge funeral • home, Goderich, on Friday, Oc- tober 21 at 2 p.m, Interment Will be in Maitland Cemetery. LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bios. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 153 collect. _ 32to46b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted, By order of the owner --A. E. Parry. 38-44-p STOVES FOR SALE 1.3 A N G S T TE. Phone Clinton 754W12. 42b 2 2 0 "VOLT WESTINGHOUSE electric stove. Old model, in good condition. Oven and four burn - e, warming oven. Bargain $30. Mr. Faubert, High Street, Sea - forth, across from Bale -Macaulay Limited. - 42p TRAILER FOR RENT HOUSE TRAILER, 22 FEET"long by eight feet wide; sleeps four; built-in cupboards, sink, wired for hydro. Will rent by week or by month. Eldred Emmerson, Mae*Street, 42b You Can Earn Up To $18 A Day AS A SKILLED TRADESMAN iN ONE OF THESE INTERESTING FiELDS: Diesel Television Welding Refrigeration. Sign Writing - We Test, Train and Place Thousands of Men Every Year From 16 to 60. All Training Is The Prac- tial Learn - By - Doing Type No Need To Quit .+.P resent Employment. Day, Evening and' Home Study Courses Available. WHY 'Postpone A Brighter Future For Yourself? Get Complete Information Free and Without Obligation, Write For Free Illustrated Literature CHICAGO VOCATIONAL TRAINING CORP. LTD. 935 Weston Rd. Toronto 9 Name Address City • BINDERY GIRLS - 70c an hour - Deportment of "Public •Printing and Stationery Clinton, Ontario • Further information available on posters at the Post Office. Application forms, available thereat, should be filed with the • CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 St, Clair *venue, East, Toronto NOT LATER THAN OCTOBER 29,•` 1955 it PAGE SEMI BIRTHS ,BALL, --In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, to Mr. and Mr's. Clark Ball, RR 1, Clinton, a soh (stillborn). LAZET —.In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, October 14, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lazet, Clinton, a son; MARRIAGES • LARSON-JOHNSTON In Shal- low Lake United .:Church, on Saturday, October 8, 1955,,E by Rev. J. Richardson, Violia Shir- ley Coleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnston, Owen Sound, to Clarence Edgar Lar- son, son of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Larson, Bayfield NE'WCOBE-JACKSON—In the Clinton,Preson Church 'Saturday, October Edn15, a Alena, daughttRev er J. Lane of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson, .RR 5, Clinton; to James Frank New- combe, son of Mr. and Mrs. FrankNewcomeim WARNER SCHHMIDTB — In St. Jhem, Ontario, onCSaturdayl,aOc- tober G Glebe, Marilyn5Lillian,ilRev, daughter ce Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sch- midt, Petersburg, to Donald Graham Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Warner, RR 1, Bay- field. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and implements At Part Lot No. 26, Hallett Township, one quarter of a mile north of Clinton, on No. 4 High- way, ou Monday, October 24 at 2.00 p.m., the following: Cattle: Durham cow, 9 yrs, old, fresh 3 months; Durham Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs. ld, milking good; Ayrshire ol5rcw9 yrs.old; Jersey cow, yrs. old, fresh; Ayrshire X Durham heifer, bred 2 months; 2 Durham heifer calves. These cows are all bred again. to a purebred Durham bull. Pigs: Three brood sows, bred 6 weeks; one sow with 5 pigs, eight weeks old. Implements: One good farm rubber tire wagon with hay rack; wagon box; set of bob -sleighs with flat rack; cultivator; in -throw disc; three section Diamond har- ows with stretcher; scuffler; tur- ip drill; single walking plow; orse rake; a good rubber tire uox; rangeone shelter;ood c water trough; tone boat; whiffletrees; n e c k okes; electric fencer, with new attery; 2,000 pound scales; roll f snow fence; set of good team arness; two horse collars; set of ngle harness, nearly new; string f bells; buffalo robe; two good liking cans; milk strainer, and rainer pail. Other articles too numerous to ention. All will be sold without reserve the proprietor is giving up the rm, Terms—Cash HARLES STEWART, Proprietor Edward W. 'Elliott, Auctioneer • 42-b r 11 h b b s .y b 0 h si 0 m st m fas a O AUCTION SALE OF 45 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS & HEIFERS At Lot No. 31, Con. 6, Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, October 25 at 2 p.m. 35 young cows and heifers, be- ing Holsteins, Guernseys, Jerseys and Durhams; 5 are fresh, some springing and balance due Novem- ber to March. 5 yearling beef type cattle; 5 young calves. The cows are young and of good quality and condition and mostly vaccinated, and include one man's herd. These cattle will be sold without reserve, - Terms --Cash A. E. TOWNSHF.ND, & SON, Proprietors Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 42b AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS and STOCK CATTLE At Lot 14, Concession 2, Stanley Township, 1�/ miles west of Brucefield, on Wednesday, October 26 Six Holste ni cows,1 fresh and due to freshen in October; 12 Hol- stein cows, due to freshen in No- vember; 8 Holstein heifers, due in calves about 10 00 110 spring ck steers and heifers; 1 purebred Hereford bull; 4 Durham cows milking and rebred., Plan to attend this sale as this is a choice lot of cows and heifers, mostly all vaccinated. Terms—Cash • D'ARCY RATIIWELL, Prop. Harold Jackson,Auctioneer 42b FOR SALE ONE- STOREY. FIVE- ROOMED Dwelling, two bedrooms, sun porch; modern conveniences; garage. Price $4,800. Down payment 51,500. 1%z -STOREY; FIVE ROOMED Dwelling, new; large living room, modern .kitchen, four - piece bath; oil heating; im- mediate possession. P r i o e, $8,000. 11,6 -STOREY, SEVEN -ROOMED Dwelling, consistig of double living room, with fire place, dining room, Idtehen, bed room and 'two-piece bath down; 2 bed rooms and bath up, fully furnished Garage; lot 82'x132', Suitable for duplex. Price $9,000. ONE STOREY • DWELLINI , Con- sisting t w o self-contained four -roomed apartments; oil heated; modern conveniences; good location. 0 "H: C. LAWSON Complete Insurance -Service Real Estate -- Investments Bank of Montreal'' Building Phones: Office 251W; Res: 2513 CLINTON, ONTARIO ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now: Playing — THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "They Rode ' West" Man's inhumanity to man is the. theme' of this fast-moving West- ern, Robt, (Mamie Mutiny) Fran- ern..Robt, (Caine Mutiny) Fran - ion, — Donna Reed — Phil Carey and May Wynn MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "SEMINOLE- UPRISING" torr satisfy thh e most; eager seeker ' of outdoor, adventure screen fare, George Montgomery Karin Booth — William Fawcett Coming: "TEN WANTED MEN" Randolph Scott - Jocelyn Brenda THE'ARK TELEPHONE Goderich Now Playing --- THURSDAY„ FRIDAY and SATURDAY "The BOUNTY HUNTER" in Warner Color — A swift=moving story of "a com- munity doctor, his-. daughter and a rugged character who just about ended the outlaw terror in the old west. — Randolph Scott — Mario Windsor & Delores Dorn MONDAY and TUESDAY "The Silver Star" Deep in Arizona an unwilling sheriff straps on his guns and rescues his town from the control of • gambling syndicate, Lon Chaney -- Marie Windsor and Edgar Buchanan Coming -4 DAYS- - Adult Entertainment — "THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH" Scope and Color with Marilyn Monroe CARDS OF THANKS I win to convey my thanks to my ardsfriends e dsl tterseof gifts, eer flowers, ile :, wag. a patient he Victoria- Hospi- tal. S, BLANCHE COX: A h n an M 42p wislMR.and thank the relatives, BiBIGGART bours and friends for the many lovely gifts they received for their 50th wedding anniversary. 42p thanks fort to oe- flowers, sincere rui and cards from relatives and friends;' my special nurses, Mrs, Junkin and Mrs. Wilkin; to Dr. Addison and Dr. Oakes; and the kindness of the nurses, which helped to make my stay in hospi- tal more pleasant, — HARVEY JENKINS. 42p I would like to thank Pastor and whilMrs. I SweigardiSfoeaforth Hos- pital; for the. Pentecostal Church sunshine No. 710 andeotherse whor of- fered to help if needed. — JOHN D. STIRLING. 42p MR. and MRS. MERVYN FAL- CONER and Bruce wish to express their thanks to those who helped at the time of the accident, for gifts and cards. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes and nursing staff at Clinton Public Hospital. 42p IN MEMORIAM MCCLINCHEY In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Willi ani, McClinciiey, who passed away ten years ago, Oct. 25, 1945: "At home on the beautiful hill of God, By the valley of rest so fair; Some day, sometime, when our task is done, With joy we shall meet him —Ever remembered by his wife, daughters, grandson John R. Cook. 42p AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE Elton McLelland & Sons Sales Barns at BERViE, on Friday Afternoon, October 21 at 1.30 8 Holstein cows and heifers, in fresh, with calves; 20 Holstein springing cows and heifers; 10 Holsteins, due . later; 1 real good roan cow, in fresh, with calf; 8 heavy Hereford heifer calves; 15 yearling Hereford steers; 4 Here- ford heifers, fresh or due soon. ' A real lot of Holstein cows and heifers. Better than average. Usual door uer prizes. Elon l elana&Sons, Props, Auctioneers: Donald Blue; Dorno and Doris McLelland NOTICE TO CREDITROS IN THE ESTATE of THOMAS HARDY, late of the Town of Clin- ton to the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. A the ]Estate ofrsons htheabove deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor, for the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of November, A.D. 1955, after whiche s date the parties thereto, having regard only,_ to the claims of which notice shall -. have been given. • DATED at Clinton, this 18th day of October; A.D. 1955. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for•the said Estate. 42-3-4-b CASH if you live. CASH if you"die. Protection for the family. Comfort for your retire- ment. All in one policy. l nsult•— HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton — Phone 454W 42-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SA ES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1,30 p.m. TERMS CASH 3, COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELL'IOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHHUN, Clerk GODERICH PAVILION One Night Only' SDONRDAYDO; OCTOBER WNS AND HIS-22 ORCHESTRA ONE NIGHT ONLY — WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 DON ROBERTSON and the RANCH BOYS Roy Breckenridge nmkes a specialty of catering to Christmas parties. inquiries invited. Phone Goderich 675 or 419. litoiosielass patterns and colours "CmUeawCreLrnOrThoHleESs"gior000upi of$4925 uh t and tailored10 your CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE CLUB CLOTHES $4950 TIP TOP CLOTHES $59aso FLEET STREET CLOTHES $69"0 PICKETT ie. CAMPBELL LIMITED Arrow Shirts -- Stetson Hats PHONE 25 (MAIN CORNER) CLINTON