HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-10-13, Page 5�!'1Ii1RSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1955 •ACCOMMODATION for RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ONCE SELF-CONTAINED apart- ' mead. Contact O. Switzer, phone Clinton 22$, 38tfb :FOUR ROOM FURNISHED ap artment, share bath, private -en - "trance, close to downtown. Phone • Clinton751W2. 41-h FURNISHED, HEATED apart- ment, available immediately. Mod- ern conveniences. Suitable for two. Phone Clinton 1636. D. S. Cantelon, Raglan Street 41-b "' DOWNSTAIRS, Furnished apart. inent, suitable for two: Heated and use of washing machine. Av. enable weekend of October 15. :Mrs' M. Seeley, Huron Street: Clinton. ` 41-b 'FURNISHED APARTMENT suit- able for couple. Heated. Hot wat- er. Electric refrigerator, electric Stove, use of electric washer and laundry, Phone Goderich 380. 40-tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE • 73ABY CARRIAGE, EXCELLENT condition, used very little. Con-, vertible, storm covers. Grey and cream. Was $32.50,' will sell for -$18, 21 Regina Road. Phone Clinton 772M1. 40-tfb TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of, rotators • and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb "WE NOW HAVE THE RCA Vic- ' for slide -o -uratic record player Play 'your favourite r e c or d through anyradio or TV equin- ped with a phono-jack. Priced low at $12.95 including $5.00 war - "ill of your choice of records ' FREE,: T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor dealer, BBrumfield, phone ClintonEin BABY SITTING " WILL LOOK AFTER MELD- ' lam when mother works, baby sitting etc. Phone Clinton 34, 41-2-3-4-b ' WILL DO BABY Sit LING, even- ings, also all day Friday and Sat- urday. Phone Clinton 467M any- ' •tune, 41-p BOARD AND ROOM :ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. Phone Clinton (98VJ1 41-b ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE alone or two sharing. Box 401, Clinton News -Record. 41-p ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO or four sharing. Room and meals by arrangement. Private ent- rance. Phone Clinton 4547. 41-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G, Winter, Real Estate, -High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- -ton 448. 13tfb BABY CHICKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, pul- lets all ages and breeds. Highest prices paid. State breed and number for sale. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FlellGUS, Ontario 36-8-9,40-1-2-3.4-b CLOTHING FOR SALE BOY'S DUCK BLUE SUIT, with two pair trousers, In perfect con- dition, size 10. Has li-een dry cleaned. Phone Clinton 22634. 41-b CUSTOM WORK GARDENS PLOUGHED. Phone Clinton 395. 41-b 'GARDENS PLOUGHED, Phone ' Milton 214, 41-2-p DRESS MAKING AND alterations done by. experienced sewer, Phone Clinton 464W. 39-43-b 11014E AND AUTO RADIOS and appliances repaired,." electric motors rewound and repaired Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dun- lop: Phone Clinton' 138W. 40p-tfb FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. Spy; Greening, Snow, Delicious, Tasman Sweet. Phone Clinton 613r24, Fred McClymont, Varna. 41-2-b SPRAYED 'APPLES. 'COOKING apples, 50c bus. adv up. Also Snows, Spy and Delicious. Bring your own contained. Harry Plum - steel, phone Clinton 631r4. 41-2-p SPY OR BALDWIN APPLES — $1.50 per bushel delivered; $1.00 per bushel, pick them yourself, Lloyd Medd, RR, 1 Clinton, phone Clinton 801r41. CHESTERFIELD, TWO-PIECE, aqua -frieze. Apply 40 Winnipeg Road, RCAF Station Clinton, Phone Clinton 589r12. 41-b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS. FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments: 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John' Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God-, erioh, phone Goderich 1108, 39p-40tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 39p-tfb FUR REMODELLING and REPAIRING COMPLETE F REMODEL - ling and repairing service. Esti- mates gladly given. Also New Fur Coats, made to order. Searle Furs of Stratford. Representative at Lovett's Specialty Shop, Clin- ton, every Saturday night 7.30 to 10 p.m. with samples, 33-ifb HELP WANTED—Female WANTED, RELIABLE PERSON to care -for two small children, five days' a week, while parents work. Would prefer vicinity of Adastral Park, Apply Box 410, Clinton News -Record. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PUREBRED YORKSHIRE boar, six months old. Ready for use. Apply to Jim Lobb, phone Clinton 758J1. 41-2-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 148374 9ptfb HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Atwood 153 collect. 32to46b MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. 41-p WATERLOO CAI-ILE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m, on week days' and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb THIRD SEMI-ANNUAL PONY consignment sale. Friday, Octob- el 14, at 1.00 o'clock at Elton McLelland and Sons 'sales barn; Bernie (highway 9). Mares, stallions and geldings in chesnuts, browns, blacks and spotted. Come as a buyer, consignor or visitor. Dinner and lunches. Auctioneers, Clint Jantze, Donald Blue, Dorne and Doris McLelland. PS: To the girls and. boys: See that Daddy brings you to see all the ponies. 41-b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river; Tuckersmith' Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner — A. E. Parry. 38-44-p PERSONAL HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES, full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc, Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of- fice. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. 22tfb PiANOS FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, PLAIN case, excellent condition $200.00. Phone Clinton 196. 40.1-b; POULTRY FOR SALE 200 PULLETS, RED. W. Kolk- man, phone Clinton 805r11. 41-p 100 HYBRID PULLETS, SIX months old, laying. Jim- Keys, Varna, Phone Hensall 696r14,' 41-b 3,000 FOREMAN LEGHORN pul- lets, five months old. Laying. Andrews Poultry, Farm, RR.,3, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 647r3. 40-43p PROPERTY WANTED LAKE FRONTAGE, ACREAGE wanted, Bayfield area. Call Clin- ton 772'1 after 5.00 pm. 41-b 1948 :CHEVROLET COACH, two tone paint new battery .and brakes, radio,' turn signals, A-1 condition. Phone Clinton 593 af- ter 6.00 p.m:. 41-p PROPERTY FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR rale, centrally located, on Fulton Street,- Phone Clinton 491R,. 41 -tib HOUSE IN HENSALL, SEVEN room, solid brick, with furnace, bath. Excellent location on Main Street. Double garage with work shop, suitable for business pur- poses, immediate possession, Mrs. D.. L. Geiger, Zurich, phone Zur- ich 97r8. 41-2-b ESQUIRE GRiLL, Goderich, Ontario Established Restaurant, well equipped, seats 48, good volume of business. Price, $7500.00. Half cash required, balance easy terms, plus stock on hand at inventory. Business to. be sold as owner has other inter- ests. For further particulars con- tact: C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor, Box 96, Phone 18W'' Goderich, Ontario • 40-1-2-b STOVES FOR SALE ROYAL PRINCESS PAT range for coal or wood. Reservoir and warming closet. Real good con- dition.. Reasonable. Phone Clin- ton 632r5. 41-b Harris and David Oakes, Uni- versity of Toronto, spent the holi- day weekend with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who sent flowers and cards while I was a.. patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, special nurses, Miss Sinclair and staff.—MRS. AL- FRED I-HUDIE. May I, through this medium of- fer most sincere thanks for the ministrations of Dr. Newland, the kindness of the nurses, the gifts oe flowers, fruit and cards from relatives arid friends. They help- ed to make my stay in hospital much more pleasant. — ERNEST FEATHERSTON", Bayfield. 41..b • IN MEMORIAM KEYS—In Ioving memory of a dear Father and , Grandfather, Amos Keys, who passed away six years ago October 13, 1949. "This day we do remember, .A loving thought we give To one no longer with us, But in our heart still lives." —Lovingly remembered by the family. 41-b FINLEY-In loving memory of a dear husband and father George R, Finley. Taken from us as - the result of a hydro accident two years ago October 15, 1953. "They say time heals all sorrow And helps you to forget, But time so far has only proved' How much we miss him yet." —Always remembered and sad- ly missed by his 'wife EFFIE and. daughters LINDA and JUDY. `41,04,404,10,1,1141,0441,04~114.00.4104.0.00,41/ TAXI SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASNTON'S TAXI FOR SALE ONE -STOREY FIVE -ROOMED Dwelling, two bedrooms, sun porch; modern conveniences; garage. Price $4,800. Down payment $1,500. 11/2 -STOREY, IP I V E ROOMED Dwelling, new; large living room, modern kitchen, four - piece bath; oil heating; lin- mediate possession. Price: $8,000. 1/2 STOREY, SEVEN -ROOMED Dwelling, consisting of double living room, with fire place, dining room, kitchen, bed room and two-piece bath down; 2 bed rooms and bath. up, fully furnished. Garage; lot 82'x132'. Suitable for duplex. Price $9,000. ONE STOREY DWELLING, con- sisting ' two self-contained. four -roomed apartments; on heated; modern conveniences; good location. H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate ,, Investments Bank of Montreal Building Plumes: Office 251W; Res. 2517 CLINTON, ONTARIO' • ' oisemotao' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CLASSIFIED RATES, CASH RATE (if paid' by the Wednesday following prurlioa iron) Two cents per wordy minimum 50 cents. 11/2 'vents a word for each following Inser— tion, minimwn'35 cents: BOX NUMBER -15c extra, BIRYIHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS—no charge. ENGAGEMENTS,'CARDS OF THANKS & IN MEMORIAMS —Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. CHARGED -15 cents, extra. DEADLINE. -12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. .Alanon Family Groups More than 10,000 delegates reg- istered at their convention in Cleveland in 1950. Returning to their homes other groups were spawnedall over the. country.: In the next five years 650 were or- ganized. They are still forming at a current rate of one a week, A wonderful . organization doing splendid work. The name varies in different sections, e.g., Alanon, Alano,•Onala, but all are compos- ed of one type Qf member and have a single aim, Al -an -non is a contraction for. Alcoholics Anony- mous and the groups are auxiliary to A.A. Alanon grew out of a desperate need. Non -alcoholics related to alcoholics have distres- sing problems • distinctly their own, The growth of Alanon roughly parallels that of A.A. for the wives of the two founders of A..A, were important partners. They turned their ' homes into virtual rescue missions. As more and more drunks became A.A.'s more and more wives, husbands and children needed help and en- couragement. The National Committee on Al- coholismin. the US estimates that of 65 million Americans who drink, four million have well de- veloped cases of alcoholism. In Canada? We already have 300 such groups! HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE FEDERRATION Stanley Township Miss Leola Taylor spent a few days in Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Zurbrigg and Patricia, Wingham, visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McEwen. Miss Kate McGregor, Wingham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor. Hugh McGregor, Detroit, spent a few days in the vicinity. DISPERSAL SALE of Scotch Shorthorn Cattle of the herd of George Mann, from the Fair Barn, Clinton, ' Wednesday, October 19 at 2 p.m. —Augusta's Minstrel —332102—, - Male, born Dec. 6, 1950. Sire, Beathon Meterman; dam, Augusta 160th. , 2 Princess Royal B 6th —357- 550—. Female, born April 2, 1946. Sire, Templar'sRegent; dam, Princess Royal B 2nd. 9—Claret Fancy 25th —332060—. Female, born Oct. 5, 1943. Sire, Aberfeldy Favorite; dam, Claret Fancy 3rd. A -Jean Comet —360805—. Fe- male, born July 25, 1946, with red bull calf at foot. Sire, Upper - mill Royal; dam, Comet, • — Grace Emmeline —373146—. Female, born, Aug, 20, 1945; with red heifer calf at foot. Sire, Aberfeldy Favorite; dam, Violet Emmeline. Emmeline 53rd —332058—. U Female, born March 5, 1943; with red heifer calf at foot. Sire, Templar's Baron; dam, Violet Emmeline. 7—Claret Fancy 40th —404051-. Female, born July 30, 1950; with red heifer calf at foot. Sire, Braedoon General; dam, Claret Fancy 25th. VIChive Augusta 3rd --403947--. Female, born Sept. 15, 1950; with "red heifer calf at foot. Sire, Braedoon General; ' dam, Olive. Augusta --2nd. ft—Annie Carrie —403948=. Fe - a. male, born July 8, 1950; with red buI1 alf at foot. Sire, Brae- doon General; dam, Carrie 9th. IU—Violet Carrie --435084—. Female, born April 10, 1952; with red bull calf at foot, Sire, Braedoon General; dam, Marie Carrie. I 1 Cora Eine --434630—. tnnri.lFemale, born Dec. 20, 1951, with roan bull calf at foot, Sire, Braedoon General; dam, Grace Envniline. 12—Jean , Comet Sth —435083—, Female, borne Jan, 25, 1951. Sire, Braedoon General; dam, Jean Comet. , 1I3 Tidy' 00 m et 13th —403- 950—. Female, born July 15, 1950; with red heifer calf at foot. Sire, Braedoop General; dam, Tidy Comet, --Tidy Comet —304753--. Fe - born Dec, 1, 1939. Sire, Premier's Barrage; dam, Comet 8th. [ Blossom -447851 Fc - 1 male, 'born Feb. 15, 1954. Sire, Augusta Minstrel; dam, Orange Blossom G. 1 —Annie C. —447849—. Fe - 4 V male, born Jan. 30, 1954. Sire, Augusta Minstrel; dam, Annie Carrie. 17—Jean and -447850—. Fe - f reale, born " April 28, 1954. Sire, Augusta's Minstrel; dam, Jean Comet 6th. — 1 —Garth!, Ernmiline -459781— O Female, born Sept. 10, 1954, Sire, Augusta's Minstrel; dam, Emmeline 60th, / 1 pp Graceful Emmilitte --459- el782—. FemaIe, born Sept. 2; 1954, Sire, Augusta's' 1Vlinstrel; dam, Grace Emmeline. 941—Scala Comet 19th --459- 18783—. Female, born Aug. 30, 1954. Sire, Augusta's Minstrel; dam, Jean Comet. 2 —Olive Mary 447848 , Fe - reale, born Dec. 17, 1953. Sire; Augusta's Minstrel; dam, Olive Augusta 3rd. 29—Emmiline 60th —447274—. GFernale, barn June 15, 1951; with redheifer calf at foot. Sire, B53rqdraedoon General; dam, Emmiline . 21')—Tidy Comet 2nd —447275—. Female, born July 15, 1951; with red bull calf at foot. Sire, Braedoon , General; dam, Tidy Comet. 'GEORGE MANN, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer . No reserve as the farm is sold. Your advertising this sale will be appreciated, . BIRTHS BALL -In Clinton Public' H pit- on Friday, M. nd Mrs. Stan7ley Bal, RR 1, Auburn, a daughter.' BOWES—In Clinton Publie Hos- pital, on Sunday; October 9, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Irwin• Bowes, Blyth, a daughter. CERVANTES--In' Clinton" Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Oct- ober 5, 1955, to Cpl. and Mrs, Kenneth Cervantes, a son. DESECK —In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, October 11, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Andy Deseek, Stratford, a son (brother for Steven and Dianne), I-IAMLXN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Octob- eghr te12r, x955, to Flt/Sgt. and Mrs. Fred Hanrblyn, Clinton, a dau- JOHNSTON--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday; October 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Clinton, a daughter. MCKENZIE In. Clintons Patella Hospital, on Friday, October 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip McKenzie, 1ZR 3, Kippers, a son. THORNDIIi1— In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorndike, London, on Monday, October 1, 1955, a daughter, (Bonnie Louise). MARRIAGES GRAHAM-LOVE—In the Protest- ant Chapel, RCAF Station Clin- ton, on Saturday, October S, 1955, by Padre B. Garrett, Ellen Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love, Zurich, to Robert John' Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graham, Cloverdale, B.C. NEDIGER-HANLY — In Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Friday, October 7, 1955, by Rev. Dr. James D. Smart, Rose- dale Presbyterian •Church, To- ronto and Rev. A. ' Glen Eagle, Phyllis Jeannette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hanly, Clin- ton to William George Nediger, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nediger, Clinton, THOMSON-LOVE — In Carmel Presbyterian Church manse, Henkel, on Saturday, October 8, 1955, by Rev. D. MacDonald, Grace Edith, daughter of Mrs, Pearl Love, Varna and.. the late John Love, to Warren, George Alexander Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Thomson, Kippen. DEATHS COOK—In Clinton, on Thursday, October 13, 1955, Janet Mc- Donald, beloved wife of the late George Cook, in her 91st year. Resting at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High Street, Clinton, where funeral service will be held on Friday after- noon, October 14, 1955, com- mencing at 1,30 p.m. Interment will be in Clinton Cemetery, MAIR—In Detroit, on Monday. October 10, 1955, Agnes Amy, beloved wife of the late Dr. A W. Mair (native of Clinton and Chesley), in her 85th year, Surviving is one daughter,'Vio- la, Detroit, Two sons, Dr. Har- old. and Wilberton, pre -deceas- ed her, Interment in Chesley Cemetery on Thursday. NEWELL—Suddenly in Clinton, on Sunday, October 9, 1955, Catherine Robertson, beloved wife -of the late John Newell, in her 81st year. Funeral service from the Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenbury Street E., on Wed- nesday, October 12. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. VARNA The Varna United Church held its anniversaryservices on Thanks- giving Sunday, October 9. At both services the congregations were large. The preacher for the day was the Rev. J. T. White, B.A., Londesboro, who gave helpful messages. The choir sang two anthems in the morning, and at the evening service the male quartette from Turner's United Church sang. The choir also sang an anthem. Miss Marjorie Webster was the organ- ist for the day, Miss Carol Pepper accompanied the quartette. At the close the minister, Rev, T. J. Pitt thanked all who had helped to make the day successful. AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects of Miss Lawday Young, from her residence in the Village of Londesboro Saturday, October 15 at 1,30 p.m. Rangette, Coldspot refrigerator,. cherry dining room table, cherry drop-leaf kitchen table, several small tables, four cane bottom chairs and other chairs, two open bookcases, drophead White sewing machine, glass cupboard, wooden bed with mattress and springs, `walnut finished iron bed, walnut. finished single bed complete with mattress,- davenport, two chests of drawers, two dressers, dressing table; .kitchen couch, Quebec cook stove, Quebec heater. Some antiques, pictures, dishes, kitchen utensils, lawn mower, etc., and a nearly new Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Auctioneer; William Morritt, 41-b PAGE FIV BOXY' THEATRE Q L i N T O N Now 'Playing: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Jump' Into Hell" The story of the gallant stand at ;..Dienbienphu, in the faraway jungles of 'Indo-China, Jack Sernas -- Kurt liasznar Arnold Moss MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY The ' e Da m ]�uster,� Terrific true story of the daring RAF as they bombed and destroy- ed the dams of the Ruhr Valley. Told in fascinating detail. Richard Todd - Michael Redgrave ITrsulas Jones Cookies: "THEY RODE WEST" Robert Francis - Donna Reed -41.44-•-• AE PARK ,TELi i HONE Goderich. Now Playing: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Three days left to see the moat. requested picture of the year! "A MAN CALLED PETER" In Cinemascope & Technicolor A biography of the life of Peter Marshall, late chaplain of the US senate and a remarkable "man of God" — starring Richard Todd, Jean Peters $ Marjorie Rambeaa MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Elroy Hirsch - Barbara, Hale Chester Morris & Todd Duncan As daring and different a dram as has ever gripped an audience. A significant story of California's unbarred penal institution. "UNCHAINED" And as an added attrretion, the Warner -color featurette "BLACK FURY" Also Paramount News Coming: "THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH" in color with Marilyn Monroe (Adult), GODERICH PAVILION Dancing Every Saturday Night PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Every Wednesday Night is Square Dance Night Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks. Roy Breckenridge makes a specialty of catering to Christmas parties. Inquiries invited. Phone Goderich 675 or 419. Youcaotqo ' ALL-OUT=: IF you feel' ALL -IN" These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less.. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may -affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 IF are using the ,mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our special MORTGAGE INSUR- ANCE. Consult— HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LiFE Clinton Phone 4S4W 41-b 1 OPPORTUNITIES are still AVAILABLE FOR MEN INTERESTED in an ARMY CAREER Contact THE ARMY RECRUITING OFFICER at CLINTON TOWN HALL EVERY FRIDAY 10 a,m. to 6.45 p.m. 40-tfif Mitchell Cider Mill will operate TUES., WED., THUR., FRI. of each week until NOVEMBER 18, 1955 TERMS CASH FRED HENNICK & SON (Proprietors) tJlintoi1 community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. ' T.ntMS CLASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELIIIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Dispersal Sale Of 42 Scotch Shorthorns WILLIAM E. MANNING HERD• at the farm (under cover) half mile west of LONDESBORO on FRIDAY, OCT 21, at 1 p.m. This herd carries all the blood lines of the famous iM'a.nk . Wood herd (and consists entirely ,of three families' Rosewood's; Augusta's and Marigold's). They are low -set with plenty of scale and bone, have good heads, and most are red in eolour. All cows feed their own calves. Accredited since 1925. Vaccinated. Write for catalogues to Williams 14. Manning, RR 1,, Londesboro. ✓ Lunea h booth at farm under auspices of Londesboro WA. Auctioneers: Janes MacKiniey, Lincoln White. - 41 -b Do you know the secrets of.... SUCCESSFUL BUYING? You do .... if When buying television, you realize that price is only one of the things to be considered. So you also check on the dealer's reputation for ser- vice, realizing that tho qual- ity of service you receive wilt determine the usefuhtess of your set, and the pleasure you receive from it. GALBRAITH RADIO AND Television Takes, pride in offering the best of TV service to all makes. WE SPECIALIZE IN MOTOROLA TV