HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-10-06, Page 113XYRSDAlr, OCTOBER 6, CLXNTON *WO -retic D CONSTANCE 4.4-sar4+÷+11=11-4• There will be no; church service ..next Sunday in Constance church.; Mr. and MA. Charles Riley spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley, Kit Members of the Senate. and the House of Commons y'eceive a ses- sional indemnroty ' of $8,000.' plus $2,000 tax-free expense i allowance. Mrs. Ross Mann and Miss=Jen- nie Mann, Wingham, called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley om Thursday ;last. TNECAIVtif SPORTS COLUMN There has hardly been a world series in which a whole batch of now records didn't go into the book. Here's a thiunb-nail col- Iection of general records and odditiese The longest game went 14 innings. That was. in 1916, and Babe Ruth, then pitching for Boston won over Brooklyn, 2-1, Last year narked only the second occasion the National League (New York Giants) took four straight. Boston Braves did it in 1914. Longest nine -inning game by time went 3 hours, 19 min- utes (1947, New York Yankees vs. Brooklyn), Shortest game by time went 1 hour, 25 minutes. Chicago N.L. 2, Detroit A.L. 0 at Detroit, Oct. 14, 1908. Smallest attendance, game, 6210 at Detroit, Oct. 14, 1908. ., t Largest attendance, game, 86,288 at Cleveland, 1948. Largest share,- winning player — $11,147 Giants vs. Cleveland, 1954. Largest share, losing player — $6,712.50 to Cleveland, 1954, Smallest share, winning player—$1,108.45—Boston, A.L. e vs. Chicago, N.L. 1918. Smallest share, losing player -$382.-- •n Philadelphia, A.L. vs. New York, N.L., 1905. Oldest pitcher to start a World Series game-eJohn P. Quinn, ,inn A's, 1929-44 years, 2 months. Oldest pitcher to finish '' a Series game—Quinn, .45 years, 2 months -1930. Youngest pitcher to win complete World Series game—Leslie A. Bush, A's, 1913-20 years, 11 months. • Winning Series after winning one game and losing three— Boston, A.L., vs. Pittsburgh, 1903; Pittsburgh, N.L., vs. Wash - 1 ington, 1925. yl Winning Series after losing first three games accomplished. The New York Yanks played through a five -game Series, 1937 (Giants without making an error. Fewest. errors both clubs in a seven-game.Series--6. - never Triple pitching feats: Old Hess. Radbourne for Providence, N.L. 1884; Bill Dineen for Red Sox, 1908; Christy Matthowson for Giants, 1905; Babe Adams for Pittsburgh, 1909; Jack 1 Coombs for Philadelphia Athletics, 1910; Smokey Joe Wood for Boston, 1912; Harry (The Cat) Breechen for St, Louis Cards in 1946. Your comments and suggestions for Mb column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calved House, 431 Yonge Sf., Toronto: CaLvtrt DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO Alley fowling Schedule The Clinton Mixed Bowling evenings commencing at 7and 9 League has already commenced their . long'; bowling schedule at thie,Clinton Bowling Alleys.` From now until the end of 1955 bowling Will be on Monday: and Friday 7 PM. Oct. ,3 -Stars vs. Hearts 7 -Coops vs. Cleaners 10 -Cleaners', vs. Imps. 14-Dobbers vs. Stars 17—Coops vs. Dabbers 21—Cleaners vs. Drivers 24—Budsies vs. Cleaners 28—Hearts: vs. Dobbers 31 Hearts vs. Coops Nov. 4 -Drivers vs. Budsies 7—Stars vs. Imps - 11 --Cleaners vs. Hearts 14-Budsies .vs. Hearts 18—Stars vs. Coops 21—Coops vs. Cleaners 25—Dabbers vs. Drivers 28—Dobbers vs. Stars 2 -Coops vs. Budsies 5—Cleaners vs, Drivers 9—Hearts vs. Imps. 12 -Hearts vs. Dabbers 16—Drivers vs. Stars Jan. 2—Drivers vs, Budsies 4—Imps. vs• Dabbers- 9—Hearts abbers9—Hearts vs, Cleaners 11—Drivers vs. Coops 16—Coops vs. Stars 18—Cleaners vs. Dobbers 23—Drivers vs. Dobbers 25."1 -"Imps. vs. Budsies 30—Budsies vs. Coops Feb, 1—Hearts vs, Drivers 6—Imps. vs. Hearts 8—Budsies vs. Stars 13—Stars vs. Drivers 15—Coops vs. Imps. 20—Dobbers vs. Imps. 22—Stars vs. Cleaners 27—Drivers vs. Coops 29-Budsies vs. Dobbers Mar. 5—Cleaners vs. Dabbers 7—Drivers vs. Imps. 12—Imps. vs. Budsies 14—Hearts vs. Stars 19 -Hearts vs. Drivers 21 ;Imps. vs. Cleaners 26—Budsies vs. Stars 28—D'8bbers vs. Coops Apr. 2—Coops vs. Imps. 4 Cleaners vs. Budsles 9—Stars vs. Cleaners 11—Coops vs. Hearts Dec. O'clock. After, the new year play will be oh. Monday and Wednes- day evenings. Following is the complete schedule, with times of "games; • 9 P.M. Dobbers vs. Dig;vers Budsies vs. Inp�s. Coops vs. Budsies Drivers vs. Hearts Hearts 'vs. Imps,' Stars vs. Budsies Drivers vs. Stara Imps. vs. Coops, •Imps. vs. Dobbers Cleaners vs. Stars Coops vs. Drivers Dabbers vs, Budsies Dobbers; vs. Cleaners Imps. vs. Drivers Budsies vs. Imps. Stars vs. Hearts Drivers, vs. Hearts Cleaners vs, Imps. Stars vs. Budsies Coops vs. Dobbers Imps. vs. Coops Budsies vs.. Cleaners Cleaners vs. Stars Hearts "vs. Coops Budsies vs. Dabbers Imps. vs. Stars Drivers vs. Imps. Hearts vs: Budsies Hearts vs. Stars Cleaners vs. Coops Imps. vs. Cleaners Stars vs. Dobbers Dobbers vs. Coops Drivers vs. Cleaners Cleaners vs. Budsies Dobbers vs. Hearts Coops vs. Hearts Budsies vs. ,Drivers Imps. vs. Stars Hearts vs. Cleaners Hearts vs. Budsies Coops vs. Stars Cleaners vs. Coops Drivers vs. Dobbers Stars vs. Dobbers Budsies vs. Coops Drivers vs. Cleaners Imps, vs. Hearts Dabbers vs. Hearts Imps. vs. Drivers Budsies vs. Drivers Dobbers vs. Imps. Dobbers: Gordon Lawson, cap- Stars: Charlie Johnson, cap- tain; Doug Rozell, Fred MacDon- ald, Don Pickard, Ruth Knox, Anita Bozell, Ruth Pickard. Budsies: Eugene Gamow, cap- tain; Clarence Freeman, Dirk Carter, Clarence Cooper, Marg. Carter, Gwenn Vezina, Leona Finkbeiner. Cleaners: Helen Fairservice, captain; Jack Holmes, Dick Free- man, Howie Grealis, Hary Ash- ton, Marg Reynolds, Freda Smith. Hearts: Irma Hartley, captain; Fred Trevena, Don McCaughen, Alvin Vodden, Asa Deeves, Marg Trevena, June McCaughen. tarn; Jim Lockwood, Roy Pickard, Harry Crich, Kay Lockwood, Ruby Pickard, Marg Freeman. Imps.: Harold Black, captain; Earl Reynolds, Gird Nivins, Aldie Gliddon, Marj Steep, Bessie Black, Mary Nivins. Coops: Edwin Cooper, captain; Jerry Holmes, Ken Taylor, Earl Mero, Emily Scruton, Pam Mero, Marion Leyburne. Drivers: Don Strong, captain; Harold. Gibbings, Len Fawcett, Jerry Brown, Lois Gibbings, Betty Fawcett, Helen Brown. 1.938 BETTER FISH S 1'9'55 BETTER HUNTING CONSERVE TODAY — FOR TOMORROW "I give my pledge as a Canadian to save and faithfully to defend from waste the natural resources of my coulitry, its soil. and minerals, its forests, water and wild life" (Compiled by E. R. Doucette) A good crowd turned out for the bushland to agriculture and the Monday meeting when four pasture. • When hunting you may new members to the club were hear a swirl which pretty near accepted, makes you jump out of your boots The meeting was short and ac- and you'll see a blur -well, that's tive with all chairmen reporting a partridge. Other times he'll en progress of their committees. walls out in front of you just a A. Hallowe'en masquerade will be few feet and wait for you to make held and everyone is welcome, the move. There wasno winner of bulletin prize, so it goes,up $2 next month. Ern. Lawson and Louis Free- man each won a turkey and Goldie Smith won a picnic ham in the raffle, • Louis Forest reported on the Gun Club shoot for which a fair crowd turned out and the shoot, went on till dark.- Prize -winners were Beck, Jack Gilbert, H. Prouse, C. Prouse, Bill Lai/thy, Farrish, all of Goderich; Ern, Lawson, Jim Brown, Ellwood Epps, Dicic Steep and Earl Dou- cette, Clinton, Hartman, Kitchen- er. Lady winners were Mrs. Isobel Epps, Mrs. Irene Steep, Clinton and Mrs. Isle Rumbly, Markdale. The pair of bulldogs was won by C. Prouse, Goderich- in the event for men 70 years or over. The club's annual trophy shoot will be on November • 11. The duck and goose season opened last Saturday and the birds are very scarce. As .we all know the water situation is very bad. There are a few flocks of Canada geeve down and some of the local sportsmen have been; able to take a few of these wonderful birds: They are the King of the .water - foul and the average hunter would give his shirt to get a shot at one; I have known hunters to stay long days in a dug -out freezing for a week and get none or only one bird and go home happy. Oth- er hunters will crawl a half mile on their stomach through mud and snow to get a shot. A Canada Goose's eyesight is four times bet- ter than a human's. Next Saturday, October 8, the partridge season opens. This King of the upland birds is found clear across Canada. He is King in flesh and endurance. He survived and has increased where man has taken over his home and turned FABULOUS SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL FURS IN IRWIN'S WINDOW famous Rice Lake Fur Coats offered for One Week Only at Savings of $100 to $200 Make your appointment to see these furs IN YOUR OWN- HOME. Mr. Adam Brown will be in attendance to give advice on qualities and styles. His many years of experience will be a benefit to all purchasers. An Especially Wonderful Collection of Luxurious Furs at Our Low Sale Price, There is no better time of the year to select your, Furs. Buy now, and take advantage of our fine values!; Don't Fail to See Our Beautiful Range of Jackets, Mink Stoles and Capes: Sale Starts Thursday, Oct 6 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! RUSSIAN PERSIAN LAMB 'Very ' Fina Quality, Superbly Styled. Dyed Black GREY PERSIAN LAM The Fur That Never Wanes in Popularity RUSSIAN PERSIAN LAMB Russian Persian Lamb, No. 1 Grey Pelts 3% Length and Full Length Dyed Black No. 1 IIiTJIDSOIV SEAL PERSIAN LAMB COATS (Dyed Muskrat) Tali, Quality and Silky Pelts For Beauty, Warmth and Long - Wearing Quality. Dyed Black. MINK (BLENDED) MUSKRAT NORTHERN LACKS Mink .(Blended) MUSKRAT BACKS These are -full-length. Coats at Great Savings! Wild Mink (Blended) M1JSK1 A'T BACKS Choice Northern Pelee hs Full-length' Coats ` We Make and Sell TRADE IN YOUR Only OLD FUR COAT GENUINE FURS No Rabbits. or Imitations Liberal Allo'}wance Irwin's La CLINTON' ONT. SMALL. DEPOSIT and MONTHLY TERMS can be arranged His flesh is white and he be- comes King again on the dinner plate—though few people have a PAGE ELEtFCaii chane to enjoy him. In the Jig bushwhere they don't seg marl too often the boys 'knock them over with slingshots, It is a prece tice among big game hunters to see who canecut the head off one with a high-powered rifle. So there he's King again, since only Kings of Hunters hunt the King of upland bids; the spruce partridge. You'll find them near water this fall and not in the heart of the big bush. The partridge cannot be kept in captivity and they cannot raise them like pheasants. 8: * N One hunter to another: "Did you have any luck?" "Well I heard seven and saw one. Did you?" "Well, I shot at eight and acct I lucky. I got one." • , a Baffin Island, in the eastern Arctic, has mountains of more than 5,000 feet in height. r.IN -aa-SPECIAL®wle®®a® 2 NOW ... TIP TOP TAILORS INTRODUCES A COMPLETE NEW RANGE OF m UNUSUAL COLOURS AND a PATTERNS IN THE MOST a EXTENSIVE DISPLAY OF IMPORTED .�9 FABRICS EVER OFFERED IN CANADA AT .11 SO 2 T s4; "CLEW CLOTHES'. 2 Taland-w-m.nure a . CANADA'S GREATEST CLOTHING VALUE CLOS � TIM s/r T c oCLOT/OS u 1049"o . soseso '69'so Tip Pickett & Campbell Ltd,,TQp.' HAVE YOU TRIED Shopping in Clinton's most Modern Supermarket ? Where you get the best selection of everything you need: GROCERIES at everyday low prices! QUALITY MEATS properly handled in modern• re- frigeration under the most sanitary conditions! FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES — displayed indoors away from the dust of downtown streets! Where wide aisles permit freedom of comfortable, enjoyable shopping without being pushed, bumped or rushed! Where a courteous, happy staff work in pleasant surroundings to make your shopping tour more enjoyable and profitable for you! Where you can drive to the store door --- lots of PARKING SPACE! Where you can take your choice of two cashiers to save your valuable time NO WAITING! 'Where you con shop at city prices—we follow the Red & White prices as advertised in the London Free Press every Wednesday! YES! GO MODERN! JOIN THE CROWDS SHOPPING AT Stanley's Red 81 White Store Queen Street (Behind Hanover Transport) FREE DELIVERY • PHONE 414 P.S.—Thanks to all our customers who helped win a steak dinner for our staff for the largest percentage increase in volume in competition with Red,& White Stores throughout this section 'of Western Ontario. — BURTON STANLEY. SPECIALS FOR OCT. 6 7 8 4 pkgs29 37c 49e 29c 1.39 2 for 25c Red and White FELLY POWDERS ' Libby's Fancy 'MINCEMEAT -25 oz. tin HAWES FLOOR GLOSS WAX •— pint tin National BABY CHOCOLATE MALLOWS pkg. • Red & White INSTANT COFFEE — 5 oz. jar Red & White Evaporated MILK tall tins RINSO -- with Solium giant pkg. ,,, 63c SURF (Blue) — giant pkg. 73c FRUIT SPECIALS FANCY McIN'TOS'R APPLES -6 qt. 49e TOKAY G'rRAPES lb. 10e FANCY CRANBERRIES lb. pkg. 23e GOLDEN YAMS 2 lbs. 19c -'QUALITY MEATS FRESH KILLED ROASTING CHICKENS DUCKS and TURKEYS FRESH PICNIC HAMS • per lb. 35e Burton `Stanley PHONE 414 -- FREE DELIVERY Queen Street ---- ,Clinton ev