HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-09-29, Page 11i'i iTFt$DA' SEPTkfMBIR: 5 orrner U1NDele ateA.Y. McLean 0. Reassures Kippen An informative address on the e t n re e e a e t s n f United Nations was given byA . Y, McLean, Seaforth, ` when - r spoke at a bneeting of the Kippen East "Women's{ Institute, held las week at the home of Mrs, Joh Henderson. Mr, MoLe an said that the were many problems facing th UN and, although some people Wondered if it were accomplishing anything, it must be remembers :that there had been very positive results. Most notable was the far that open war had been pre- vented. Pointing out that the UN wa a young organization, Mr. McLea said that, despite all the distill,- - •-ointments, there was today in the world a spirit of inter-depend encs, The speaker was thanked by Mrs. V, Alderdice, • Mrs. William Kyle assisted the hostess and the president, Mrs.. Bert Peck, chaired the business session, Roll call was responded to by naming a member of the ?United Nations. Mrs. Robert Simpson,, Hensall, discussed the motto: "He who thinks for himself helps to solve world problems," A solo was sung by Mrs. T. C. Coates, accompanied by Miss GladysLuker, and current events were reviewed by Mrs. J. Drum- s mond. Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. t East WI Members L. Mellis were named delegates to attend the London area -conven- tion in October. Mfrs. William Caldwell and Mrs William Bell, Girls` Club leaders, 'were re -alp pointed in that'capaoity., Mrs. J, McNaifghton presented the treasurer's report and it was reported that the- .. sunshine com- mittee plans to purchase a gift for'. a sick member. Planswere made for a euchre and dance next mon., th, and Mrs. William Kyle and Mrs. William Bell offered to,ar- range dates for a series of similar functions, It was decided to send`a dona- tion of $10 to the CN1l3 James Scott, Seaforth, will be guest speaker at the next meet- ing to be held at SS. 2, Tucker - smith,' with Mrs. 3. McNaughton and Mrs; M. Cooper as hostesses. REEVE MEL CRICH STILI WINNING FAIR PRIZES Attendance at the Seaforth fall fair with his poultry brought Reeve Mel Crich seven firsts, four seconds, and when he went to Zurich the awards were four firsts, four seconds and one third. He's showing the feathered beaut- ies to Bayfield this afternoon — why not drive out to see what they're like? If you miss Bay- ield, then visit either the Brus- els or the Teeswater Fair. Clin- on's Reeve will be there. News of Auburn Carl Govier has returned home from a visit to Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoltz and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stoltz, New Dundee, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz - Miss Sadie and Joe Carter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Carter and family, Port Elgin. Keith Machan and Sandy And- rews, Windsor, spent the weekend at their homes here. William S Craig, Clinton, was guest soloist at the anniversary of Constance United Church. Mr. and Mrs. James Craig have returned home from a month's visit to the West Coast. Mr, and Mrs. Donald H. Ross, Oakville and Miss C. M. Ross, Wirmipeg, visited Mrs. Fred Ross -at the weekend. Mr. Delmont and Fred Darg, London; Mrs. John Pepper, Mar- ion and Bloss, Kippen, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Good- on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Ross attended the wedding of John Hansuld and Jane Rutherford which took place at Wesley United Church, Galt, on Saturday, Miss Maty Houston and Miss Sinclair, Hamilton; Miss Francis Houston, R.N„ and Miss J. Sharp, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Houston. George Wright has received word that he has been awarded the I,O.D.E. Grade 13 bursary of $140 awarded to students of God- erich Collegiate Institute, George is now a first year student of Western University. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Monek and family, London, visited the former's sister, Mrs. Ed Davies and Mr. Davies on Sunday. Mr. Monek was guest soloist at St. Mark's Anglican Harvest Home service. Harvest Rome Successful Harvest Home ser- vices were held in St. Mark's Anglican Church on Sunday. At the morning service the rector, Rev. Bren Devries, brought the message and at the evening ser- vice Rev. S. V. Uptigrove, tempor- • ary assistant to the Dean of Hu- ron, was the guest speaker. Ken- neth Monck, London, was soloist. The church was decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables, A generous thankoffering was. re- ' ceived. Commencing next Sunday, ser- vlce in Knox Presbyterian Church will be held at 2 p.m. with Sun - day School at•1,p.m, The minist- er, Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, is in charge of the Ciinton,•Auburn and Blyth congregations. Shower Sueeess A shower was held in the For- ester's Hall on Thursday night en honor of Miss Amelia Mcilwain, bride -elect. The hall was decorat- ed with streamers and baskets of autumn flowers. Mrs. Wes Brad - nock presided 'for a program which included a piano instrumen- tal by Mrs. Elgin Josling, Londes- boro; a duet by Margo Grange said Gladys McClinchey; a reading by Mrs. J. W. Graham; an ac- cordian number by Rena McClin- ehey, and a duet by Mrs. G. R, Taylor and Mrs. Ron Rathwell. Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour gave a humorous reading and Mrs. Larry Glasgow and Mrs. D. A. MacKay contributed a duet. Mrs. Ed Davies showed' pictures of Flor- ida, California and Vancouver, BC. following the prograni the guest of hohor was called to the platform and seated In a decorat- ed chair. Mrs. Gordon Dobie read an address extending congratula- tions and best wishes, while Mrs, Keith Machan, Mrs. Gordon Mil- ler, Mrs, William Straughan, Mrs, Cliff McDonald and Mrs, Gordon Mcclinchey, presented her with many useful gifts and a purse of money. Amelia expressed her ap- preciation. Refreshments were served, STANLEY Dr. and Mrs. Wendel Hartman, John and Paul, and. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Caro, Mich„ visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baird. Seventeen members of the Stan- ley Community Club motored to Godericli on the regular meeting day, to visit the important busi- ness places. First stop was the Schaeffer pen and pencil factory; then to Bissett's farm where they make ice cream; Rice's salt block and then to the museum to see all the interesting items there. Finally a delicious picnic supper was served at the Harbour Park. The next meeting will be field at the home of Mrs. Stewart Baird on October 5, The roll call will be the name of "a flower, starting with the first initial of my name." Modern - White Rose, Service Station For Lease on NO. 4 HIGHWAY, HENSALL Good Gallonage — Easy Terms Possession At Once ,Apply Sam McDonald, Box 329, Clinton 39-tfb THERE'S MONEY FOR FEED .at the Etat illi Running short of feed? Don't let stocks fall too low because you haven't the ready cash. 'Talk things over with your 'B of M manager. r' H4 RA ilii Remember -when you ask for a loan at the B of M you do not ask a favour. If you. can plan repayment from your farm income, %srmoruwo�K there's money for you at "My Batik", And that goes for seed and fertilizer,'too, BANK OF. MONTREAL Gra ^Place Mori "'WORInH6 WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OP LIPS SINCE 1HIr. a>zto, JOrop' Annual Meeting Officers •andire dr stars of the Huron County Soil and Crop Im- proyement Association has set, Wednesday, December. 7, as the date of the annual banquet and meeting.; to be held in Londesboro Community Halla Plans are made for a bus trip on Thursday, Oc- tober 13, to attend the Interna- tional Plowing Match and Cash Crop Day at Leamington: , Sales of radios by , Canadian manufacturers dropped in 1954 to a postwar low of 487,237 sets from 620,860 sets in 1953, •PAGE" kLEVEN' Huron PiresbY�a ter" I WMS Holds' T` ., oth Meeting; Ladies HaarSpeakers Good S eskers The 70th anniversary rally of dent be the Presbyterial, spoke the Huron Plesbeteriel Women's , P Misslonar Society. the- the; theme of the rally, "R;eeom-. Y yPresby-, initment to Service". She said terian Church in Canada -was held . in St. Andrew s Presbyterian -Chat it was natural to look. back Church,. '. yens that had passed leading up Clinton, on September 15 Auxiliaries ' from eight chur reo the 70th sutversesy and one ches res itis dthat processes u ce e s s 1 ' s rad been rb n w e re resen edr t e The p mo'` itn n' g bo' n t o session 'opened with the ,'.singing of We problems'nand future of Psalm 74, "0 "God, Our• Help withtps'' We can face ealizeuthat in Ages' Past " confidence if.�we realize that God leads, the way". She ended The devotional period was con her remarks by urgingher listen-, ducted by Goderich senior elven ers to be faithful iall .the' iary and the, Seaforth Barbara Kirkman auxifla r.y work in the Christian church, Mrs, le, W. McKenzie spoke war p ds o f Welcome 1 emet` _I rs. D. Glenn Campbell, 'presi- o the auxiltar, ies, Greetings were brought frorn the Presbytery by the moderator, Rev, David J. Lane, Dinner was served by the ladies of St, Andrew's Church, In the afternoon a devotional period Was taken' by the Hensel' senior auxiliary and Mrs. W; Good, AUburft, conducted .an "In Maixi'. oriam", - Miss Beatrice trice c S ort was home on furlough from the Bhil kd$ld, India, where she ,was supervisor of education in the village schools of Mendhi. ; She told of work with native students in preparing them as helpers in the mission fields. She very graphically de- scribed •some e-scribed.some of the native teach- ers and leaders • and how they were responding' by their efforts, She brought to her audience a realization of what theenriching experiences of,individual Christ- ians mean to missions. A very interesting skit, "Fiona Small -Beginnings drainatizing the organization and development of the WJVIS was given by some of the members of the Goderich senior auxiliary, The costumes and ,the dialogue delighted the audience. n e. A trio and the `Mission Band added greatly to the program. with their musical numbers. The, meet- ing closed with prayer by ¥r$, A,_ Taylor, Goderieh. Every week more than 1,500,000 eggs are received at the ware- house of just one supermarket chain in Montreal ARTOON CAPERS CONTE$T Certifjcates FIRST WEEK $7.00 Weekly In Merchandise -- RULES Each week there will be an extra Word in a few of the ads appearing on this page. Read the ads, find the extra words, put them together and when properly arranged they will give the title of the,.cartoon. Write these words on a piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads you found each ' word, then see if you can write a - better title. Send your entry in to CARTOON CAPERS, % CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. Ball Macaulay Limited Lumber, Builders' Supplies, Lime, Cement and Coal QUALITY — SERVICE -- SATISFACTION CLINTON ` SEAFORTH 97 — — 'Phone — 787 TAKE CARE OF YOUR HANDS & FEET Wide Selection of Mitts and Gloves -- Rubber Boots --- Overshoes Over Rubbers AIKEN'S. The advertisers on this page always give you the best value possible at lowest prices. They will' be a*arding some one $7 each week in Merchandise. Certificates and at the end of 26 weeks someone will have their c4ioice of one of the valuable Feature Prizes. Do not neglect to ask for your sales slip when you make a purchase at any of these firms. Read the rules carefully, . . ') nIN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES ou TO SOME ONE AT END OF CONTEST '$30. FEATURE PRIZE: The best one selected each week will 'be awarded $7 in merchandise certificates, good at any of the stores participating, IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEAT- URE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED AT THE FND OF 'THE CONTEST YOU MUST EN- CLOSE A SALES SLIP WiTH YOUR ENTRY or something to prove you have done 'busi- ness with any of the 'firms participating, South End Cities Service GAS. — ACCESSORIES — .OIL TIRES -- BATTERIES -- REPAIRS TOWING PHONE 602 Wes, Holland Dory. Rutledge McEwan's GIFTS — STATIONERY -- CHINA PHONE 84 -- CLINTON T. As DUTTON RCA VICTOR. TELEVISION BRUCEFIELD PHONE CLINTON 634 r 4 CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Magazines - Photo Service REG. CUDMORE ' Isaac St. Phone 799 RAY'S Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIR F -A -S -T S -E -R -V -I -C -E FOIL AN IDEAL DESSERT Take Home a Brick ' S!LVERofWOOD'S' ICE CREAM - BAR,TLIFF BROS. SOUNDS Bakers & 'Confectioners CLINTON PLUMBING and HEATING ' Fess Oil Space Heaters Plumbing Fixtures Repairs and Alterations Phone 577 tE• J. "MIKE„ REYNOLDS GROVES ELECTRIC 1954 ADMIRAL TV now on display - Phone 6883 LIKE HAIR STYLING CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY • PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 529 COLD WAVES MERRILL Radio & Electric TV REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Sales and Service Gosh Phone 313 CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 CLINTON WESTERN TIRE & Auto Supply Ltd, WESTERN ANTI -FREEZE AUTO ACCESSORIES Phone. 349—Clinton Buy Your " - HIAUGrH'S 88' OVERALLS SMOCKS PANTS — AT — HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL, APPLIANCES • FRIGIDAIRE C.I.L. PAINTS Sutter -Perdue PRONE 147 — GY.iNr+oN PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE Phone 14—Clinton Palmer's Beauty Lounge Phone CLINTON 585 Princess St. East MRS. S. PALMER prop• Gliddon Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING HUSBAND REPAIRING FAST DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 66W — Clinton J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES --//•— Sturgeon's Paints Sta-Dri Masonry.. Paint PHONE 120 -- For "Better Buys" "Better Used Cars" SEPI Lorne Brown Motors LIMITED ,.. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service FOOTWEAR NEW FALL LINES NOW IN STOCK AT THE Clifford Lobh Store Clinton - Ontario BLUE C -O -A -L CHAMPION FUEL OIL PHONE 74W A. G. Grigg & Son PICKETT- and CAMPBELL LIMITED MEN'S WEAR WORK CLOTHING LUGGAGE MAIN CORNER PHONE 25 LADIES" and CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR DRY GOODS — MARTIN'S DEPT. • STORE RELIANCE GAS and OIL Mechanical Repairs Complete Lubrication TOWING (24 ROUR sEitVICE) PHONES N TYE 3 6W Geo. A. Currie. STANLEY'S RED & WHITE Super Market "Where Your Dollar Buys More' PHONES: 4114 Shop In Clinton: Shop At Horne .• John A. Anstett jeweller and Watchmaker 1V1Y S -P -E -C -I -A -L English Cups and Saucers Reg. $1.50 to $1.75 value :1.00 Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Phones: Bus., 429; lies,, 558 CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR COMPLETE RADIATOR CLEANING and REPAIRING PAINTING BODY and FENDER WORK BY EXPERTS "There is no sub. for Quality" Phone 408 Clinton RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET Government Inspected Branded Meats LOW PRICES 1 1 s) o } ..111 1�t , 44 . . 000 #, VA ilAN • iii. d Mk mit . (I '���� mink ksik fit ') nIN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES ou TO SOME ONE AT END OF CONTEST '$30. FEATURE PRIZE: The best one selected each week will 'be awarded $7 in merchandise certificates, good at any of the stores participating, IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEAT- URE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED AT THE FND OF 'THE CONTEST YOU MUST EN- CLOSE A SALES SLIP WiTH YOUR ENTRY or something to prove you have done 'busi- ness with any of the 'firms participating, South End Cities Service GAS. — ACCESSORIES — .OIL TIRES -- BATTERIES -- REPAIRS TOWING PHONE 602 Wes, Holland Dory. Rutledge McEwan's GIFTS — STATIONERY -- CHINA PHONE 84 -- CLINTON T. As DUTTON RCA VICTOR. TELEVISION BRUCEFIELD PHONE CLINTON 634 r 4 CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Magazines - Photo Service REG. CUDMORE ' Isaac St. Phone 799 RAY'S Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIR F -A -S -T S -E -R -V -I -C -E FOIL AN IDEAL DESSERT Take Home a Brick ' S!LVERofWOOD'S' ICE CREAM - BAR,TLIFF BROS. SOUNDS Bakers & 'Confectioners CLINTON PLUMBING and HEATING ' Fess Oil Space Heaters Plumbing Fixtures Repairs and Alterations Phone 577 tE• J. "MIKE„ REYNOLDS GROVES ELECTRIC 1954 ADMIRAL TV now on display - Phone 6883 LIKE HAIR STYLING CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY • PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 529 COLD WAVES MERRILL Radio & Electric TV REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Sales and Service Gosh Phone 313 CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 CLINTON WESTERN TIRE & Auto Supply Ltd, WESTERN ANTI -FREEZE AUTO ACCESSORIES Phone. 349—Clinton Buy Your " - HIAUGrH'S 88' OVERALLS SMOCKS PANTS — AT — HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL, APPLIANCES • FRIGIDAIRE C.I.L. PAINTS Sutter -Perdue PRONE 147 — GY.iNr+oN PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE Phone 14—Clinton Palmer's Beauty Lounge Phone CLINTON 585 Princess St. East MRS. S. PALMER prop• Gliddon Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING HUSBAND REPAIRING FAST DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 66W — Clinton J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES --//•— Sturgeon's Paints Sta-Dri Masonry.. Paint PHONE 120 -- For "Better Buys" "Better Used Cars" SEPI Lorne Brown Motors LIMITED ,.. Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service FOOTWEAR NEW FALL LINES NOW IN STOCK AT THE Clifford Lobh Store Clinton - Ontario BLUE C -O -A -L CHAMPION FUEL OIL PHONE 74W A. G. Grigg & Son PICKETT- and CAMPBELL LIMITED MEN'S WEAR WORK CLOTHING LUGGAGE MAIN CORNER PHONE 25 LADIES" and CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR DRY GOODS — MARTIN'S DEPT. • STORE RELIANCE GAS and OIL Mechanical Repairs Complete Lubrication TOWING (24 ROUR sEitVICE) PHONES N TYE 3 6W Geo. A. Currie. STANLEY'S RED & WHITE Super Market "Where Your Dollar Buys More' PHONES: 4114 Shop In Clinton: Shop At Horne .• John A. Anstett jeweller and Watchmaker 1V1Y S -P -E -C -I -A -L English Cups and Saucers Reg. $1.50 to $1.75 value :1.00 Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Phones: Bus., 429; lies,, 558 CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR COMPLETE RADIATOR CLEANING and REPAIRING PAINTING BODY and FENDER WORK BY EXPERTS "There is no sub. for Quality" Phone 408 Clinton RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET Government Inspected Branded Meats LOW PRICES 1 1