HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-09-29, Page 6PAGE GL SIX C iitrQNI`1E*S-RECOILD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, ,1955, PERSONALS Items for this column ��« college, or a school awelcomed at our office. yf roin home our sow or daughter visitors, and would: like to. see a receive vi , visit or adze t. ifyou about1 -or. tell us 4'and e-� u t shone the Quant made iter J s 1 record of r Master , Neil Deas spent Weekend with his grandparents at the Wesley -Willis manse. New Super Market Gives Awa Prizes Burton =Stanley's new addition to his supermarket was officially opened last Saturday. To com- memorate e the event the Pr 4 P rt et- oiconducted a free draw and gave away 60 baskets of groceries and 24 loaves of bread.' The big winner of the draw was Mrs. Albert Shaddick. who won este Other prize winners r. e. ixm m were Mrs. s. Orrin Dowson, Varna, coca -cola cooler; Master David. Ie Cunninghame, 16 pound ham; Miss Alice Troffers, bushel of apples. Baskets ,of groceries went to the following: Mrs. Valkenburg, Sr., Phyllis Butler, Clete Holland, David in ham Russel Tho- mpson, o inpson, Mabel I-Iarvey, Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mrs. Elmer Potter, Mrs; Alec Inkley, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Edward Glenn, Mrs. Clayton Dixon, Ronald Cunningham, Miss Lottie Sloman, Mr. Vanderhaar, John Knapper, Mr. Boxes, Mrs. A. Rathwell, Mrs. George Bell, Mrs. Jack Porter, Mrs. Frank McGreg or, Mrs. Alf Hudie, Mrs. T. Steep, Mrs. D. Ro2e11, Mrs. John Aiding - ton, Mrs. Fred Reid, Mrs. Leslie Pearson, Edward Deeves, Mrs. Frank Lewis, Mrs. H, Black, Mrs. J. Snider, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. L. Mathews, Mrs. K. Cooke, Mrs. C. Brandon, Mrs. D. S. Rutledge, Mrs. G. German, Nancy MacDonald, Mrs. W. L. Morlok, Mrs. Bate, Mrs. Lola Dou- cette, Edward Andrews. ST, ANDREW'S WA WILL MEET NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT he i year at the Faculty of -Applied Science and Engineering., at the University of 'Toronto. rid er, t H. P. Ob , Lethbridge, Le , g Mrs. Alta:,' is visiting her sister, ,`Mrs; Elizabeth zabtih �'Yal ker Ontario Street. e Kenneth. Carter, 1955 graduate of CDCI, is a student at Queen's University, where lie is specializ- ing in English. 1VIr., and Mrs. J. B. Pothering- Hemispent the week- end end with'the lady's mother .and other relatives in the community. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes returned home Monday from a pleasant visit with her son-in-law and dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dawson, Beaurepaire, Quebec. Mrs. Cree Cook was in. Toronto last week visiting her daughter, Mrs, L. A. Stephens, and 'attend- ing some of the sessions of the Grand Chapter of. Ontario, Q.E S. Former CDCI graduates Bob Love, Cliff Talbot and Morley Taylor have entered their. final Mrs. Leslie Pearson was in To- ronto Tonto last week, as the official delegate from Clinton . Chapter No. 266, Order of the Eastern a Star, • attending the GrandChap- ter p tersessions at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs./ John Nogalo, Trenton, of her home'par- ents, to the motored McGuire, John Mrs. Mr. and after Mr. McGuire's unfortunate accident. She spent the week here while F/O Nogalo was on a train- ing flight to Europe. A Thank You I wish e to thank the people 1e al' Clinton for the associations 1 have enjoyed for the past four years as representative of the Prudential Insurance of America. Having resigned that, posi- tion, I have joined the staff of Stanley's Red and White Store, Queen Street, where, with and staff, Burt 1 will tbeley pleased hispleased serve you with quality groc-• eries, meats and fruit. 414 - 2 Phones -415 HERB BRIDLE Mothers Gr Sends $15 T Band Hosp_i oup 0 tats Thomas Leppington has return- ed home after several days at Westminster Hospital, London, where he has been for a checkup. Before returning home he called on his daughter and son-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, in the city. E. S, Livermore, Q.C., and Mrs. Livermore, London and Mrs. (Dr.) Balmer, Vancouver, were recent dinner guests .with Mr, and Mrs. James Livermore, Mrs. Balmer motored four young men (one is her son) to Victoria. College, Tor- onto. They will graduate this year. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame at their lakeside home in Bayfield were Dr. and Mrs. Granville Nickerson, Town Mount Royal,. Montreal, Que., and William Dawson, Q.C., with' Mrs. Dawson and little son Peter, Sarnia, Mrs. W. Shaddock and Ann were in Sarnia on , Sunday and attended the christening of James, Stuart Macaulay, son of Mr. and Mrs; W. S. Macaulay. The occas- ion was also the dedication of Laurel Lea Presbyterian Church, Sarnia, and the baptism was the first to be celebrated there. Group of The Mothers' Study G W 15 e ' Um ed Church met 1e �Wi11' s Y '4 ore of h Tuesday' night t a thet n Y g :mem- bers Mrs. L. Haughton with. 18 em- bers present. A poem, entitled "Young Mothers" " was read by Mrs. Wilfred Jeiyis;+ who was in charge of the meeting. After the hymns "Around the Throne" and 'Children :of. Jeru- salem.' the Scripture was read by Mrs. E. Cooper and Mrs. Percy Livermore from different parts of St. .Luke's gospel. Mrs. Howard Currie led in a thanksgiving pray- er. Mrs Hauh ton read the min- utes. utas. Mrs. Bagnall gave the treas- urer's report. $15 has been sent to Baby Band hospitals. Mrs. Jervis conducted a short business session, Mrs. Nelson Tre- wartha suggested a dolls' clothes booth at the Country Fair. This idea was accepted. Mrs. Bagnall gook up the collection. "By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill" was sung, followed by a poem, "Untidy Rooms" road by Mrs. Trewartha. Mrs. Fred Sloman, CWL Flans Their November Bazaar Plans for a bazaar to be held m November were discussed at the last meeting of the Catholic Wo- men's League, The meeting was 1 held in the Parish Hall, h short v a e Father Graham ga . F h delicious "-on "Solitude". A de talk lunch was served by Mrs. . S. Spen- cer, cer, Mrs. Altena, Mrs. 'J..'Blake and Mrs. J. A. Anstett. The visit- ing committee for next monthis Mrs. L. Denomme, Miss Brenner' and Mrs. A. Dale. A joint meeting of the Blyth and Clinton branches is being ar- ranged for October. It is expected l that Mrs. J. McConnell, provincial president will tie the guest speak- er. Lucy Levy was the winner of a steam iron, the result of a draw that took place during the .meet- ing, Ladies Club Has Roll .Ca11 For' "Household Hint" HOSPITAL AUXILIARY WILL MEET ON OCTOBER 3 The Tuckersmith =Ladies' Club met at . t 1ie home of. Mrs. William Pepper On September bar 26Vvi th a good attendance. The "Ode" was followed by the Oil Heater with POWER BLOWER ONLY Hoot up to 5 or 6 rooms with natural circulation plus directed warm air at the floor level. HURRY WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS - SEE US NOW! BALL & MUTCH' HARDWARE - FURNITURE PHONE 195 CLINTON, ONT. 0 Try Our Customer Parking Lot at Rear of Store The Woman's Association of St. Andrew's `Presbyterian Church will meet on Tuesday evening, October 4 at the home of Mrs. Norman Ball. guest for the meeting, to o in the 'school .car . at Capreo , (300 ills are expected. people she and Mr. Sloman live g among, and the north country life. The Southern Area. groups will Mrs. Haughton presented the I meet at James Street, Exeter, on club's gift to Mrs. A. Dale, prior Saturday, October 1, from 2 to 5 'in The Northern Area groups will rally at Wingham on Sunday, October 2 from 2 to 5 p.m. The guest speaker is `Mrs. J. Marquis, Durham, director of girls' work and camps in Grey County. The program also in- cludes a worship service, special music by Doris Johnson and• June and Audrey Hackwell, a lively swig -song, recreation, and discus- sion groups. The theme of this World Friend- ship Rally is, "To -day Well Liv- ed". A book display will be feat- ured. Calling All Girls In Their Teens 'an. "Horne • Prayer in finis Lord's on the Range" was .sung after which Mrs. Norris Sillery read the minutes of the last meeting. The roll call "A household hint" prov- ed quite helpful and interesting. Final plans were made for the bazaar which will be held in the Council Chambers at Clinton on ' Saturday afternoon, October 8. It Was decided to have a'fowl supper at Londesboro Hall sometime in November, ' Mrs. Ed Layton gave a reading entitled "The, Milliner's Lament", followed by a contest by Mrs. Bert Garrett. Mrs. Howard Johns gave a very interesting account of her recent trip to the West Coast. The meeting closed with the Homemakers' Prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and group three; . The Clinton Hospital Auxiliary , will meet on Monday afternoon, October 3, at three o'clock in the Nurses' Residence. TURNER'S WA WILL MEET OCTOBER 3 The mon thiY me etin g o Turn- er's United Church Woman's As- sociation will he held Monday evening, October 3 in the church at 8.30 p.m• Mrs. - Elmer Town- send es s: Roll call to h be hostess. will be "How to plan to keep Sunday a restful clay?" A World Friendship Rally is planned for all 'teen-age church school and CGIT girls in Huron County. All are invited. Over to her leaving town. After poem, "Forgive Us" by Mrs. Jer- vis and the Mizpah benediction, the meeting closed. A social half hour followed, with lunch served d by Mrs. Haughton, Mrs, Bagnall, Mrs. E. Cooper and Mrs. A. E. Bond. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Bill Murch. with Mrs. F. Miller in charge and Mrs. Bagnall and Mrs. W. Jervis assisting. Pauline Jervis,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jervis, has enter- ed Stratford School of Nursing. "Polly" is well known as the sup- ervisor of the small children at the Lions Arena last year. She took a keen interest in. the figure skating club, was a majorette for the CDCI Bugle Band, and was president of Ontario Street Unit- ed Church YPU. Clinton Women's Institute Hears District President Girls' Auxiliary At St. Paul's • Plains Tea Oct. 22 Miss Darlene Stanley read the Bible reading at the September meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church Girls' Auxiliary, and the secretary, Miss Margaret Stein - burg presented the minutes for approval. A Hallowe'en Tea is being plan- ned for October 22, at the rectory, and further details of this event will be published in the News - Record coming events column. After games on the rectory lawn, and a hearty lunch, the meeting came to a close. SW MS Andrew's � S t.An Meets At Home Of Mrs. Shaddock 0 The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs, William Shaddock on Tuesday with a good attendance. Mrs..R. W. McKenzie presided and . after a call to worship, Mrs. George Gawley gave the Bible reading and Mrs. John Snider offered prayer. Mrs. Robert Scott and Mrs. J. R. Makins gave the secre tary's and treasurer's reports. Preparations for the thankof- fering in October were made when Mrs. Glenn Campbell, Sea - forth, will be the guest speaker, "Health in India, and the work of Dr. Ida Scudder in that country" Was the topic taken from the Study by book and given Mrs. Shaddock. Mrs. Robert Scott conducted a Bible Quiz, prepared by Mrs. Charles Clifton, a former member, The president closed the meeting with prayer. The hostess served refreshments at the close. • HENSALL YOUTHS ARRESTED OVER MILK BOTTLE THEFT • Three teenage youths from Hamilton were arrested in Hen- "What interested me most at a tall fair," was the roll call quest- ion answered by members of the Clinton Women's Institute at the regular meeting held last Thurs- day afternoon in the agricultural office board rooms. The president, Mrs. Mervyn Batkin was in charge of the meet- ing. Mrs. C. Nelson read the minutes, and Mrs. H. Managhan gave the treasurer's report. The usual wreath for Armistice Day will be purchased, and $10 will be sent to the Unitarian Fund for children and also to the CNIB. The district president, Mrs. sall by Constable E. R. Davis after a resident said he saw three youths taking money from a milk bottle at a home in that village. The boys were subsequently charged with car theft after questioning revealed that they possessed a truck allegedly stolen lin Hamilton. Clark gave an address which left the members something to think about. Mrs. M. Batkin and Mrs. D. Freeman were delegated to take a Leaders' Course which will en- able them to teach sewing to girls. Mrs, H. Snell favoured with two solos during the afternoon. Mrs. W. VanEgmond favoured with her popular accordion selections (Mrs. Sturdy and Mrs. W. Ross took advantage of the music to enjoy a 2 -step. A vote' of thanks to all who took part was moved by Mrs. Sturdy. The hostesses served a delicious lunch and a social time was en- joyed. \/- "• ' From Our Store Only - Delicious Pumpkin Pies Bartliff Bros. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 - CLINTON 1111111.111111111.11115.. CLINTON. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SECOND ANNUAL HURRY ! Penny .Sale HURRYo HURRY! Buy Your Tickets At The See all the Prizes At The BALL and MUTdH. Furniture Store valuable nest tables ($44 value) table (amps; linens doll; bedroom clock; baskets of groceries;' credit slips; ottoman; electric sandwich toaster; beautiful doll with hand -smocked dress. in all 75 Prizes DRAWS will be made at 8 pan. Saturday, October .1 at the store MAIN STREET CLINTON ' -40-- Proceeds to assist with furnishings ,. when old section of hospital . is renovat- ed. 25 I (Chances for 25c SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1955 Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister --REV. J. E. OST$OM 75th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, October 2nd 11.00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Speaker: REV. HAROLD 'TINIER,, ' „ Editor of Lie�CO�Baptist BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. 8.00 p.m. -Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, September 30- 8.00 p.m. -Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, October 2- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.- Evening Gospel Ser- vice Tuesday, October 4- 8.00 p.m. -Prayer Si Bible Study ST. ANDREW'S -PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN A,GNE'IV, Choir Leader and. Organist. Sunday, October 2 10.00 a.m.-Church School 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship - Subject of Meditation: "A NEW SONG" Sunday, October 16 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. with Rev. W. B. Mite T%ncarAneo Knox Church, conducting. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Sunday, October 2 10.00 a.m.-Main Sunday School HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES 11.00 a, .-Heol ySom union and SThe Rector. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service - Rev. N. D. Knox, Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter Please bring decorations to the church,on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. The Chancel Guild will decorate the church on Saturday after- noon. Tuesday, 'Oct. 4-2.45 p.m. -Lad- ies Guild in Parish Hall. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL. CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY$ b p StudyPrayer and Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. --Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME Monday, .October 17 8.30, p.m. -The Great Schneider- Orpheus Male Chorus - concert of 40 voices under Paul • Berg. Sunday, October 2 2.00 p.m. -Knox Church, Auburn Service 3,30 p.m. -Knox Church, Blyth Service "0 Come, let us all worship God" efstep=1D1Diiitto ZEiniteb ebuccb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 10.45 a.m.-The Session will meet 11.00 e a.m.-Morning Sacrament Worship Baptism The Holy Communion; Sermon subject: "THE UPPER ROOM" 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 1215 p.m. -Church School Evening Service Withdrawn Specials for Sept. 29,-30, Oct. 1 TOMATOES, Culverhouse, 28 oz. tin 119e PUMPKIN, Culverhouse, 28 oz. tin 16c PEANUT BUTTER, Gold Medal, 16 oz. jar 29c PEAS, Hollybrand fcy., 20 oz. tin 19c PICKLES, Peter Pan, Sweet Mixed, 16 oz. jar 21c JAM, Stuart's Rasp. 24 oz. jar 35c MARMALADE, Stuart's 2 Fruit, 24 -oz. jar 25c FLOUR, Pat -A -Pan Pastry, 24 Ib. bag $1.29 CHEESE, Golden Bar, 1/2 Ib. pkg. 25c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 288s, doz. 29c BANANAS, Golden Yellow, Ib. 18c TURNIPS, Waxed .... ... Ib. 05c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver ease Announcing We are proud to announce that we have taken over the Purina line of feed formerly distributed by Lloyd Holland. We have a large stock now on hand and will be pleased to fill any or all of your requirements. FEEDS - DISINFECTANTS - CHEK-R-TABS CHEC-R-MYCIN FLYBAIT Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop • (Charles Nelson, prop.) HOLMESV1LLE 9.45 a,m.-The Holy Communion Sunday School Come to the house of Prayer ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PAST . A.MG,RS. . NLAGLEDORFD'D 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Evening Service withdrawn in favor of anniversary services at Baptist and St. Paul's Churches, Turner's Church 2.00 p.m. -Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School W e Feature "CHERUB" Knitwear FOR CHILDREN WE ARE THE REPRESENTATIVE IN CLINTON FOR THIS POPULAR LINE OF NATIONALLY ADVERTISED CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Baby Vests - Children's 'T' Shirts Sleepers Pyjamas - Cardigans Training Panty - Girls' & Boys' Briefs - Girls' Vests - Boys' Tops 'Etc. MARTINS Dept. PHONE 36 " Store