HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-09-29, Page 5THlJ1i,5D,AY SEPTEIKBER 29, 1955 cc. PAGE Fitt, Fee -Parish Baskets of bronze 'mums and softly gleaming candelabra made fitting decoration in St. Paul's ,.Anglican Chum* .here, hast Sat- urday evening, when at seven o'clock, Alice L Parish, Clinton, became the bride of Charles W. Fee, Hensall. The bride is .the daughter of Mrs. M. Elliott, Lon- don and the late William J, Par- rish, and herhusband is the son of Mrs. George E. Fee, Hensall and the late Mr. Fee. Rev. R, 1Vf, P, Bulteel conducted the ceremony, and an organ solo, "Bless This House," was' played by the church organist, Mrs. Theodore Fremlin during., the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her cousin, Clarke Stanley, Clinton, the bride was charming in a ballerina - length gown fashioned of nylon tulle and chantilly lace over satin. Tire strapless fitted satin bodice was covered with chantilly lace which extended over the satin tri nolined skirt. The front and back panels of nylon and net trbn formed a pleated frill at the top of the bodice. The jacket of chan- trny.lace and net had a Peter Pan collar with satin covered buttons down to the waistline, and lily - point sleeves. The .scalloped ef- feet was carried out in the front and back of the jacket. Her fingertip veil of nylon net was held in place by a band of white satin with tiny white 'daisies on either side, She carried a bouquet ofred roses. Mrs, Robert Carrick, Burling- ton, cousin of the bride, was the matron of honour, wearing a yel- low strapless ballerina -length gown of nylon 'taffeta, topped with a double layer of nylon net and a net stole. The bodice was cover- ed with embroidered nylon net which extended to form a peplum desdending the back of the sleirt in butterfly fashion. She wore a headdress of small yellow flowers and carried a bouquet of bronze 'mums. Lorne Kendrick, Fenwick, was groomsman, add ushers were -Rog- er Venner, Hensall and David Reid, Clinton. For the reception which follow- ed the ceremony in the Commer- cial Inn, Clinton,. the bride's mo- ther received in a rose crepe .dress with matching: bolero trimmed with nylon lace and corsage of white roses. She was assisted by the groom's aunt, whoa wore a grey dress and a corsage of yel- low roses. Guests attended from Burlington, Fenwick, London, Exeter, Wingham and Dashwood. The bridal couple left for a wedding trip to Rondeau Park for which the bride donned amauve linen dress, yellow nylon coat, black hat and accessories and a corsage of white roses. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs: Fee plan to live in London. We Have The New Revolutionary ��.� TRANSPA w PLAST I FLEXOGL For Windows .qf All Kinds. & Hundreds of Other Uses! Crystal Clear -Flexible -Shatterproof -Long Lasting Storrs Doors and Windows. Perch Enclosures, HOLDS iN HEAT -- CUT WITH SHEARS Only 330, Lin. FL Protects wells behind stoves, sinks, tables. (36 Inches Wide) in Ctrnada Chair Covers, Garment cap, Shower Curtains. KEEPS OUT COLD - CHEAPER THAN GLASS & TACK ON - EASY To SEAL OR SEW •1: Suter—Perdue Tire Prices have Increased DUE TO AN INCREASE IN RAW RUBBER FROM 21c . TO 48c A POUND, TIRE PRICES HAVE RISEN 5 to 7 PERCENT. MANUFACTUR- ERS EXPECT TWO FURTHER INCREASES BEFORE JANUARY 1956. WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF THE FOLLOWING SIZES AT THE OLD PRICES: 600-16 650-16 410 - 15 760.15 Yours. While They Last 600-16 $12.95 and $14.85 iced TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY -LTD. ASSOCIA1E S1Olt** Clayt. Dixon PHONE 349W CLINTON Gray -Hawkins The Rev. R. 1& P. Buiteel` of. yiciated at the wedding in St Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton en Saturday afternoon, which United in -marriage Joyce Miller f-Iawldns, Clinton, and Donald Ross Gray, The bride'is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hawkins, Clinton, and the groom is the son of 'Mrs, Stanley McMul- len,-Chesley, and the late Arthur Gray, formerly of Atwood. Baskets of bronze 'mums and lighted .candelabra formed a pretty setting for the wedding during which Miss Jayne Mary Snell, Stratford, (formerly of RR 2, Clinton), sang, accompanied by Mrs. Theo Fremlin. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was lovely in a floor - length ggwn. of eubroi4ered im- ported Swiss organdie over satin, Miniature seed pearl flowers cir- cled the demure oval-shaped neck- line of the formal fitted • bodice which had long pointed sleeves, and the bouffant skirt fell grace- fully into a short train. A Juliet cap of organdy petals sprinkled with rhinestones held her finger- tip veil; of nylon net scattered with iridescent sequins. She car- ried the gift of the groom, a white prayer book crested with a white orchid, froth which fell streamers with sweetheart rosebuds. The maid of honor, Miss Joan Brown, London, and the brides- maids, Miss Ethel Gray, London, and Miss Jane Hartley, Clinton, wore identically styled waltz- length gowns of crystalette over net and taffeta, with tucked,bod- ices and full skirts. Miss Brown. was in ,turquoise shade and the bridesmaids in gold color. Their headdresses were bands of or- gandy petals centred with rhine- stones and they carried cascades of bronze baby 'mums. Cousins of the bride,, Miss Bon- nie Smith and Miss Valerie Smith, both of Clinton, as flowergirls, were in frocks of turquoise cry- stalette with black velvet sashes, and headdresses of black velvet bands trimmed . with lily of the valley. They carried baskets of bronze baby 'mums. Groomsman was Ralph Gray, Guelph, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Richard Elliott, Clinton, and Gordon Gray, Lon- don. At the reception at Hotel Clin- ton, the bride's mother received guests wearing turquoise taffeta with black accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses. She was as- sisted by the groom's mother who wore dusty blue crepe, black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink roses. For a wedding trip to the Laur- entiails, the bride travelled in a taupe• knitted suit, carmalchach- mere "topcoat, brown accessories end an orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will reside in London. Quick Canadian Quiz 1 Which of Canada's ten prov- inces has_ the greatest area of forestland? 2, Last year did benefit pay- ments from the federal unem- ployment insurance fund aver- age $100,000 a week, $2 million a week, $5 million a week? 3 Exports from Canada have ex- ceeded imports to Canada in how many years since 1950? 4 Which of Canada's wild anim- als builds a home in the water with the entranceway below the deepest ice level? 5. What is the annual pay of a federal cabinet minister? ANSWERS: 5-427,000 a year; 3—Exports have exceeded imports only in 1952; 1—Quebec; 4 -The beaver; 2—$5 million a week. Material prepared by the edit- crs of Quick Canadian Facts, the pocket annual of facts }about Can- ada. Banff, Alta., which has a winter population of 2,500, swells to 8,000 in the summer. 0 Do You Need A Place to Live? Try a ' Want Ade ALL Rumball's IGA Market OUR MEAT SPECIALS MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, BRANDED GUARANTEED FRESH. FRESH PORK SHOULDERS 39c lb. TABLERITE ,. LEAN, BONELESS POT ROAST 35c lb, PHONErawarinorwmwmosomminwoorommwsswnsterisc '86 TABLERITE RIB BOILING BEEF. i- %c lb. TABLERITE -SKINLESS WEINERS 37c lb. AND SLICED BEEF LIVER 19c lb. DAISY BREAKFAST BACON 54c lb. pkg. m all's CLINTON-, Hasson -Cranston Tn a setting 0f , autumn -toned gladioli and •'mums, at North. Street United • Church, Goderich; Mary Audrey Cranston . became the bride of . Don Milton Hasson, Sarnia. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cranston, Goderich, and the groom is the son- of Mr. and Mrs. G, W, Has- son, Woodstock, The Rev. Ho, Dickinson perform- ed the double -ring ceremony. Miss Glenyce Bainton, Blyth, accomp- anied „ Miss Corinne :' C??anston, Goderich, who was soloist. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was lovely in an Em- pire, gown of white featherlane velvet.'' A Spencer Victorian jack- et, with lily -point sleeves, topped the fitted basque and the full skirt was ballerina-Iength. Her finger- tip 'embroidered veil Was caught to a pearl studded velvet flower- ed headdress and she carried a bouquet of red sweetheart roses centred 'with' an orchid, Miss -Ciarmairde Hasson, Lon- don, sister of the . groom, and Miss Eleanor Yea, Clinton, as brides- maids, were gowned identically in ballerina -length bronze and gold chiffon velvet with sweetheart necklines and standup collars. They wore, matching headdresses and carried bouquets of autumn flowers in bronze and gold. tones. Leonard Durnin, Goderich, was groomsman and ushers were Bob Shiell, • London, and Bill Jewell, Goderich. At a reception in the church parlors the bride's mother receiv- ed wearing a shot crystalette -gown with white, feather hat and corsage of white orchid gladioli and 'mums. She- was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a black wool crepe with pink aeces sories and corsage of creamy gladioli and 'mums. For a wedding trip to Quebec, the bride travelled in a black and gold ensemble, black suede shoes and purse, white feather hat and orchid corsage. Straughan-"° McIlwain (By our Auburn correspondent) A quiet but "pretty wedding took place at James Street Unit- ed Church manse, Exeter, on Sat- urday, September 24, when Rev. Harold Snell united in marriage Amelia Mcllwain, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Mc - 'twain', Auburn, and Calmer Straughan, Goderich, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Straugh- an, Colborne Township. The bride was attractively at- tired in a grey tweed suit with black accessories and a corsage of roses. - Mr. and Mrs, Willows Mountain were the witnesses. Following the ceremony a din- ner was served at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Mountain. Later Mr. and Mrs. Straughan left on a short wedding trip. On their re- turn they will reside in Auburn. ° Calgary was founded as a North West Mounted Police post in 1875 and originally was called Fort Brisebois. Teeswater Fall Fair October 5th Light and Heavy Horse Shows Livestock 2 HARNESS RACES Running Race GODERICH GIRLS' TRUMPET BAND Hanover Musical Society Brass Band 1,000 Reserved Seats for Grand - Stand at 75e Send Money Order to: Alex 13. McKague, Teeswater 3,000 Rush Seats at 50c W. J. Freeman, President Melvin Rome, Secretary -.+'t-• rr$ * LONDESEOR•O Thomas Fairservice is a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital, Mrs. Jack Clark attended her class reunion. at Victoria Hospital, London, one day recently. Peter Brown, Riverside, was a recent' visitor -with', his uncle, David Ewan. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, Brussels, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Hesk. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Lyon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Holmes, Dresden. Mrs. Bert 'Allen spent •the weekend with Mrs. Annie Gibson, Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake, Edwin; Donald and. Joyce, Elim- ville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin. Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Manning visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Gorm- ley Thompson, Brantford, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. David Mair and Charles, Detrdit, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fairservice. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nesbitt and Mrs. "George Potter were with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaunt on Sun- day. Dr. W. L. Mair has rieturned to his home in Detroit after spend- ing the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservice. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mr's. • Robert Fairservice were Mrs. W. Crittenden, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, Detroit; Mrs. Don Publow, Vancouver,BC. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Toronto; Mrs. Mosack, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller; Bel - more were with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cronin. Mr. and Mrs, Willis Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblutt spent a few days with Mrs. Moun- tain's sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Glover, near Detroit, Mich. WI- Will Meet The October meeting of the Women's Institute will be held. October 6 at two o'clock when the Grandmothers' Club will be entertained. Roll. call:. "A law for which. I am thankful". The guest speaker will be Margaret Brophey of CKNX. Those wishing to go on the bus trip to Toronto in November should purchase their tickets at this meeting as it will be the last chance to get them. Program committee: Mrs. W. Manning, Mrs. L. Hunking, Mrs. J. McCool, Mrs. R. Riley, Mrs. Saundercock. Hostesses — Mrs, M. Little, Mrs. Thomason, Peggy Peckitt, Mrs. T. Allan, Mrs: J. McCool, Mrs. A. Riley. SunsetDrive-Ill 11/4 Miles East of Goderich on No. 8 Highway THURSDAY and FRIDAY Sept. 29 and 30 "DESTINATION GOBI Richard Wtdmark — Murvyn Vye Cartoon - - - - Comedy 99 SATURDAY and MONDAY Oct. 1 and 3 "Treasure of the Golden Condor" Cornell Wilde Constance Smith Cartoon - - - - Comedy Box Office Opens 1.30 pm. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT PL-4XGROVND -• t5efreshmente Children under 12 in ears FREE 39b Competitive Prices `Plus Personal Servide DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUE AND REMINDERS FOR • THIS WEEK! Shop;, at your Drug Store, the safe, logical and depend- '. able place to buydrugs, s, medicines and other products for health and n d euxx' care. b tY NOW! Your Choice of SUPER -SPEED 3 GILLETTE RAZORS LIGHT REGULAR HEAVY One has exactly the right edge angle, edge exposure weight to give you superb shaves. Clean( Fast! Refreshing! With Blue Blade Dispenser 1.29 and Travel Case . Featured on Gillette's World Series TV - Radio Broadcasts and dcast I.D.A. Brand SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/4 grain 100's 20c 500's 55c 1/� grain 100's 23c 500's 65c FOR HAY FEVER RELIEF I.D.A. Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, 20 cc, squeeze bottle ...95c Lantigen E. $6.00 a htl. Benzedrex Inhaler The Templeton's Raz-Mah Capsules 19c, 1.50, 5.00 SPECIALS! ABSORBENT COTTON, C(1 1 ib. grass wt rollll//..77C COMBS (Bobby .or Pocket) lOc• 7C, 2/13C 4`. 6 m l•D•A BRANDS Cascara Tablets 5 Grain 100, reg. 390 33c Idasal Tablets For Headaches, 300's, Pain in general, reg, 89c *1 Stomach Powder 4 oz., reg. 75e 16 oz„ reg. 1.95 IDAMALT Extract of Malt & Cod Liver Oil 1 ib. 2 lbs. 4 lbs. reg. 75e reg. 1.29 reg. 2.29 59c 98c 1.69 VITAMINS - IDA Brand HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 50's 100's 250's 500's 69c 1.15 2.29 4,29 GERITOL TABLETS 40's .... 3.29; 80's ... 5.49 SCOTT'S EMULSION, $1, $2 SCOTT'S EMULSION CAPS 1.65, 3.00 SQUIBB'S 10-D COD LIVER OIL 1.00, 2.25 Waterbury's Compound .- 1,50 Allenbury's Haliborange Vitamins A & D, 4 sizes, 1.00, 1.75, 3.25, 11.50 Vita Diet, 7 essential Miner- als & Vitamins, 100 cap- sules 4.50 MiLK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's 300's Reg. 39c Reg. 89c 29e 59c Manufacturer s SPECIALS! Richard Hudnut. Special! FREE 4 ounce EGG CREiIE Shampoo, reg. 75c, with Phi-Qnicic PinQtrrl Permanent Both 1,75 Lady Esther 4 -Purpose Face Cream, reg. size 98c.,..83e Woodbury's Bath Size Soap, 3 for 31c VETO DEODORANT reg. 33c 25c UNIQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER PHOTO SERVICE D01170G113T PHONE t 14 t Modern White Rose Service Station For Lease VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON Available Decemebr 1, 1955 Apply Sam McDonald, Box 323, Clinton 39 -tib ±mak- ?L> N3"I .44 kdH +1' +Ft;**22.3t04121*. •."i+hd!o_4Iti e UOODTAPE tRACE•MAAR PLYWOOD EDGING FIRST AE FOR BIRCH -FIR -OAK -WALNUT PHILIPPINE MAHOGANIES- , e•rineal Feet %-Inch Width 8 -Lineal feet 34 •inch Width IT'S EASY... IT'S QUICK' ,IT'S REAL WOObl tSOODTAPE* Plywood Edg. ing is. an amazing new way to ;Siye plywood edges, the, full, luxurious effect of solid wood. No damping, nailing or saw - Jan tape -it on • - • anyone'' can do a professional job with WOODTAPE*.• • BALL LIMITED • Lumber, Lime, Cement, Sosh CLINTON• -- SEAFORTF1 97 - PHONES - , 78744»: z s4'$ +4.9 *+$ 1. +.-10., 4 4+*'••. -6•C•► -Pew* O-e� e.•4i-- -R 0-t- 10 POiNT WINTER TUNE-UP • Check Distrihutorj • Check and c'efljf battery s • Focus liglits • Check baIerri cdble •• Check ignition .wiring • Adjust Carburetor • Check Fuel Pump • Clean Air Cleaner •.-Check sparklugs,' regap or replace if needed • Check timing Before she Arse -coal cold snap comes along, it's smart to sive your car a winter checleop and tune Cleo cosine for quilt, ewe new. Delve is TODAYI AUTO \VELLS ELECTRIC "Me Original Tune -Up Shops" PHONE 762-3 SERVICE PARTS CLINTON tFre Use Only Original Facr'ory iia! L) PCIA S All Wadi Dona by FACTORY 'MANED 5 E U TS, •