HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-09-29, Page 3ctohear ,Bazaa1 y Ladies ,Of Summerhill Club The September meeting of .;the Summerhill Ladies', Club was held at the home of Mrs. Percy Gib- bings. .The 'president, '.Mrs. .Keith Tyndall, was in the chair. The singing of "Blest -be the Tie that Binds' was followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Eighteen mem- bers answered the roll call and ` there were six visitors present' Plans were made for the bazaar in' October. There will be booths for the following; baking, aprons, - embroidery and pillow slips, nov- elties and candy, and farm pro- duce. Tickets will be sold on•'a cake; at the door ba' will also be solved„ ' During,the afternoon, :'penny, ticker were. sold, In .+aid' of the Clinton Hospital Aiud1iary and $3.50' was raised. The -program consisted"' of,. readings by Mrs. Chester Farquhar and Mrs, Ivan Hoggart. Mrs. E. Ellis condUeted a contest which was won by Mrs. Orval' Rapson, Mrs. Ross Lovett gave a number on the piano. The raffle was won by, Mrs, Billy Jenkins. • The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ivan. Hoggart. The lunch committee' will be Mrs. Fred Vodden, Mrs.: Wes. Vodden, Mrs, Wes. Hoggart and Mrs. E. Ellis. The program committee will be Mrs, Russell Good, Mrs Wes. lloggart, 1VJrs. Neville Forbes and Mrs. Billy'Jen- CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP ' OPEN TOES.,' THURS. and- FRIDAY AFTERNOONS At other times contact Thomas Steep, phone Clinton 186W; "residence, ' Shipley Street. • T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH — PHONE CLINTON 1620 -- Clerk's Clerk's Notice OF FIRST POSTING 'OF VOTERS` LISTS FOR 1955 Municipality of the Town of Clinton County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given .that 1 have complied with -Section 8 of the VOTERS` LIST ACT -.and I have posted up in my office at Clinton on the 16th day of September, 1955, the list of. all persons entitled to vote in said Municip- ality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And 2 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate -proceedings to have any errors or omissions 'corrected ac- cording to law, the last day of 'appeal being the 7th day of October 1955. Dated at Clinton this 16th day of September, 1955. JOHN LIVERMORE Clerk of the Town of Clinton 38-39-40-b TTilrtBER r=i, roars the woodsman `above the chatter of his power saw '"ai a skinny jack -pine swishes through the air and crashes to the ground. Felling is the first step in the pulpwood harvest and the 'beginning of an industrial operation that benefits every Canadian. For trees like this, even though mature, are too small for !umber. But thoy do make good paper. Phone 74W 10R THE BEST IN QUALITY SERVICE A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton ADEQUATE •iN1R�NG -far Better Electrical Living. Adequate wiring in your home assures convenient, economical electrical living at its best. If you are planning .to build a new home, have your local Hydro or your Electrical Contractor explain why it is to your advantage to have sufficient circuits, switches and convenience outlets in order to derive the full benefit from today's many electrical aids to living. Too often the unsatisfactory operation of electrical appliances is due to inadequate wiring. Many older hoznef, _ and some newly built homes, are not wired. to'ef$ciently operate more than a few electrical appliances, Specify "Red Seal" wiring to the standard of` The Electric Service League of Ontario, a non-profit organization maintained to assist you with wiring problems. See your local Hydro Manager, or send for the FREE BOOKLET, "Facts About Electrical Wiring For Your Horne." Write.to:• The Electric Service League of Ontario, 4 Carlton Street, Toronto 2.. This Red Seal on the service box is your assurance of an Adegziately Wired home. PORTER'S HILL Anniversary Large congregations attended the anniversary services held in Grace United Church. last Sunday Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna, wasguest speaker for -both services, , In the morning he took his text from 4th chapter of St. Luke, 16th verse, The guest soloist in the morn- ing, Leslie Pearson, RR 2, Clin- ton, rendered tivo very pleasing solos, "The Prodigal Son" and "One Sweetly Solemn Thought", accompanied by Mrs. James Lobb, The choir anthem "The Theme of My Song" was very much enjoyed. In the evening Rev. Pitt took his text from St. Luke 15: 17. Both sermons were heard with great interest and were very help- ful. Two numbers sung by a male quartette from Turner's Church, were very much enjoyed. Tlie evening anthem by the choir was "He'll .Take You Through".' Mrs. Austin Harris was at' the organ for both services. Flowers and harvest decorations placed in the church for the oc- casion were beautiful and added to the impressive services. Community Club .The regular Meeting of the Porter's Hill Cornmuuuty Club was held Iast Tuesday in the church basement with Mrs. Bert Harris as hostess. The president, Mrs. Peter Harrison opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer. Secretary and treasurer's reports were read and adopted. Roll call was answered with "sing", "say" oh„ pay” which proved very int- eresting. A pattern was picked for the making of an autograph quilt which is to be started as soon as material is obtained: Two Wo- man's Association crib quilts were quilted during the afternoon. The meeting closed by repeat- ing the Mizpah benediction and the hostess served a. nice lunch. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. William Harris. �nERT 5 morn for T'ir oro low') ATTENTION FARMERS Be sure you get your fall and winter oil require- ments at our service sta- tion, • ' THREE Famous Brands from which , to choose: 5D KOOLMOTOR CITIES -SERVICE Top discounts if your order now. RAY'S Cities Service Cities. Service ,Products Raymond lioggarth, Prop, "Tho place Where-You"Never Have To Blow Your Horn"; Clinton ,Ontario (By our Auburn correspondent) llXr. and Mrs. Warner • Andrews, Auburn, celebrated their -25th wedding • anniversary September 18 when they were at home to friends and relatives: •'fhe home was -decorated with atitumn flow- ers. A buffet supper was served to 40 relatives, Mrs. Andrews' is the -former Jean 'Dobie, daughter of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. William Dobie, Au- burn. Mr. Andrews is the son of Mrs. William Andrews, Dungan non, and the late Mr. Andrews. The celebrants were married at. Knox Presbyterian manse, Gode- rich) by Rev. R. C. McDermid. Following their marriage they fanned until 12 years ago, when they bought the grist mill at Au- burn, where they have since re- sided. They have a family of seven,, Mrs. Keith (Audrey) Machan, Auburn; Sandy, Windsor; Marie, Ruth, Billy, Kathleen, and Linda, all at home; one 'grandson, Randy Machan. Mrs, Andrews has one brother, Gordon Dobie, Auburn; two sist- ers, Mrs. Margaret Russel, Toron- to and Mrs. Wilfred (Mary) Kina- hen, Goderich, Mr. Andrews has one brother, Harvey, , West Wawanosh; one sister, Mrs, Benson (Margaret) Mole, Dungannon. • Among the Iovely gifts received was an elec- tric food mixer, from the family, Trandma's .Place At End of Summer. No more tumbling.out of trees, Or bandaging of damaged knees,' No more blistered `skin from RUM- . Or sound of feet like ponies running. Down the hill in headlong races -- No •more impish, dirty faces, Or deafening whoops, and scratchy scrambles Berrying, through thorny branches; No more patient exillanation To, seekers after information— What is fog? How tall's the sky? Do whales ;have _children? Why, No more stings from bees on ' clover, Hot=,barbed hornets... Summers over, , And when the', last smell nuisance. goes, How deafening'the silence grows! • —Martha B. Thomas Auburn Couple Celebrate Their .25th Anniversary PAGE raIRVE University Begins' At Chnton School r " orii':. The University of Western Ont- ario began its fall Work in Olin- ton last, Saturday; September 24, in the Public School. In a real way Wstern is the University of'We terneOntario for it functions in fifteen, centres in Western Ontario outside of London. in addition there are three centres inthe north-west- ern, part of the Province. At the Summer School that closed" on August 13 there were between seven aiid eight hundred students present: In the correspondence division there were nearly three hundred registered last year, Thus with the five or six hundred ex- tension students in: western and northern Ontario the university has a very large body of students who are •able .both to learn and earn at the same time, Congratulations Burt and ON YOUR NEW Red & White Super Market On Saturday, September 4 at 11.49 p.m, 'in Central School, Dr, Carl Klinck,•, head of the Depart - meat of ;English' at the University of Western Ontario offered ' the first course in English Literature and. Composition, . English 20. This subject .is a prerequisite for aU further, courses in English and in- cludes a discussion of selections from Chaucer`; Shakespeare, Don- ne, Milton, Pope, Swift and Keats. At 3,00 p,m,•the same day, Dr, Klinek presented a course in Canadian and American Were- .' tore, English 38. This ctrurse will cover selections from the works of major American and Canadian, authors, including a number of novels. '.Dr, Klinok has done con- siderable research and writing in this field, so the subject should.be of great interest not only for those working for credit, but also for those who are interested in this field and wish to take it on a non-credit basis. Classes meet on alternate Sat- urdays. Other Extension classes in the area are held at Owen Sound, Stratford and Kitchener. We have had the pleasure of building the ' entire 'exterior and interior of the new addition, it is the most modern and largest store of itskind in Clinton, .EARL R. DOUCETTE Building Contractor PHONE 186J CLINTON EARL DOUCETTE'[VfTO EARLS EARL NIVINS Mrs. Rooth Hostess For London Road. Ladies' Club The. September meeting of the London Road Club was held on September 8 at the home of Mrs. Rooth with 15 members present. The meeting was presided over by Mrs, Watkins, president, and was opened by singing "The Spanish Cavalier", followed by The repeat- ing of the creed. - The roll call was answered by telling "something good about the member on 'your left" Mrs. Col- lins thanked the club for a card and liox of fruit which had been sent to her. Elva Manning read the minutes of the last meeting. and they were approved as read, The mystery box was in the charge of Mrs. Doucette and was won by Mrs, LeBeau, It was de- cided to present Mr. and Mrs. Hoytema (a newly married couple) with a present. The meeting was closed by "God 'Save the Queen", after which a delicious lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. Rooth and Nellie Nott. The October meeting ,will be held at the home'•of Mrs. Ander- son, Sr. Roll call: "something for Penny Sale", Mrs, Bennett will give a talk on her trip. Hostesses are Mrs. Anderson, Sr., and Mrs, Anderson, Jr. - Burton Stanley's New Red and White Super Market SPECIAL BUYS --'Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 PICKLES—Supreme Mixed 2 16 -oz. }ars 39c JAM—Wagstaffe's Mom -24 oz, 'jar 39c MUFFETS 2 pkgs. 29c PEANUT BUTTER—Circus 4 Ib, pail $1.29 APPLE JUICE—Grove's-48 oz. tin 23c RICE—Dainty White—i, Ib. pkg. 16c SODAS—Salted or Plain Ib. pkg, 25c AND MANY OTHER ITEMS ALSO, WATCH WEDNESDAY'S LONDON FREE PRESS RED and WHITE ADV. Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables BANANAS—Golden Ripe 2 lbs. 33c CRANBERRIES—Fancy Cape Cod—lb, pkg. 23c HEAD LETTUCE --Crisp Calif. each 19c CARROTS—Tender Sweet 2 20 -oz, pkgs. 23c Fresh Made Beef and Pork SAUSAGE • 4 lbs. $1.00 LIVER --Beef or Pork Ib. 25c per Ib. 65c Dressed Ready far the Oven FRESH PICNICS—Boneless ib. 45c VEAL CHOPS PHONE 414 -- FREE DELIVER-`' Queen- Street •-- Clinton CHfflSTAS CMOS ' that vital ink 'n each of your. friendships Choose from the DK6EST most BEAUTIftRI and VARIED display of 'Christmas Cards we have shown in many q year. • YOU'LL LIKE THE Featured IN Tile NATIONAL LINE