HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-09-01, Page 6AGE' SIX aul,TrON NEWS-R'ECOItlj News •of Bayfield ' BY MISS LUCY R. WOODS Ontario's Champion "Country Correspondent PHONE HAYFIELD 45 r 3 Donald MacLeod, Port` Mait land,, was home over the weekend. A. Sullivan, Port Huron, spent the weekend with his wife and son. Dr. A. C. Chapman, Detroit, was at his cottage over the week- E. A. Featherston, London,. spent the weekend at his home in the village. Mr, and Mrs. J. Cavanaugh, London, are at their cottage on Delevant S Dr. R G', Toronto, unterwas H at his home in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant left on Monday to spend a few days at their home in Byron. Mrs. Henry, Toevs, Kansas City, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs: W. J. Hall, Chiniquy Street Mr. and Mrs. T. Mack, Phyllis and Merry, left on Tuesday for their home in Tampa, Fla. Mr, and Mrs. Cleave Gingrich, Lansing, Mich., spent last week at the River Rockery Cabins. Mr. and.: Mrs. Walter Grierson, Charles and Anne, Kitchener, 'spent Sunday -in the village. Mr. and Mrs. George Willits, Detroit, are spending a fortnight at their cottage in The Highlands. W. Ewing Buchan, Dunnville, visited his aunt, Mrs. N. W. Woods from Thursday until Sun- day a1r. and Mrs. 'James P. Ferg- uson have returned„ to London: af- ter having spent August at their cottage. Mrs. I3. Fixter, London, and .-aur sa.•► daughter 'Mrs. T. Cleland, Oak- ville, are Holidaying' at Edighof- fer's cabins. Mrs. James A, Cameron return- ed from Victoria <Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday and is recuperat- ing at home. Misses Barbara Bassett and Ethel Blair, London spent the weekend at their respective homes in the village. Master Francis Anders o n, Science Hill, is spending this week with- hisgrandparents,Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Sturgeon, Massesoa and J n Shoe- maker, Yellow Springs, Ohio, were the guests of Miss -Jessie Metcalf last week. The Rev. and Mrs. Peter Ren- ner returned tp the parsonage on Friday evening after a vacatiop spent in Saskatchewan. Mrs. William McCormick and Miss Sally Williams, Detroit, were recent weekend guests at the home of Miss Jessie Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt and three children, JoAnne, Karen and Jeffrey, London, visited Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer on Sunday. Mrs. Graham Jones ' and small daughter, Leslie, , returned to. Windsor 'on. Sunday after having visited Mrs. A. W. Reid for ten Prof: and Mrs. R. K. E. Pem- berton and daughter Joan, Lon- don, are spending a few days at their summer cottage on Howard Street. _Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins re - hutted borne on Monday after HAVE YOUR MOTOR CHECKED TODAY! Don't blame those "knocks" and "noises" on the gas you usel The condition of your motor may cause these troubles, Let us check it, to- day. South End Cities Service Cities Service Products Clinton, Ont. Phone 602 Children's Summer Toys WHEEL BARROWS -steel all -metal, • $L59 $1.25 Reg, 2.25 Reg, 1,98 GARDEN SET Hoe, Rake, Shovel 65c for 39c Rake, Shovel 35c for 19c Rake, Shovel' „ 29c for 15e WATERING CAN 89c for -49c 559c for 39c PAIL and SHOVEL SETS, metal— , 59c for 39e; 45c for 25c; 25c for 15e PLASTIC SHOVEL 'SET -- SAND SIEVE SET 39c for 25e; 25c for i9c 79c for 39c; .35c for 19c' Beach Toys PLASTIC BOATS 49c for 29e two ring; ,... . $9.95 1 ONLY— WADING POOL—giant size 72"; decorated bottom: Reg. Price $14.95 for 2 ONLY WADING POOL --54 65 gal Reg. $6.95 for AQUA MATS -6 ff. long, ideal 'for toyng on beach or Water. Reg. $7.95 — SPECIAL SPLASHER SR. ---large inflated 'ring. Reg. $2,98 ,.. ... .,.„i..,. BULGY JR. -inflated whale. 'Reg. 98c BEACH BALLS Reg. 98c for 59c Reg. 79c . for 449c Reg, 59c for 39c BATHING CAPS—Reg. 98c for 49e Reg. , 79c for 39c $4.75 $4'95 $L98 69c ca 5 BOOKS and STATIONERY baying spent ten days vacation with Mrs. Milton Chesney,,.. "Mil - mar Point", Haliburton, Ken Arkell who has been in training with the Ottawa Rough Riders football team, during the summer, is with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. -Fred P. Arkell. Mr. and Mrs, David Dewar and George returned to' Toronto. on Monday ,after having been with the former's mother, Mrs. David Dewar, from Wednesday. Mrs. George Fellows and three children returned to their home in Riverside on Wednesday of last week after having been at their cottage on Louisa Street. Clayton Guest spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms. Mrs; Guest, who has visit- ed her sister for the past two months, returned to Leaside on Sunday with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham, the former'sr batherS Kerman Montreal,who has been spending ig the sumer vacation with them in London, and Mrs. E. Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Heard, James Fisher and family ;have closed their cottage and returned to Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs., Munro Fisher and family who were occupying Dr.. • McMaster's cottage for August, have also re- turned tp their home in Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs, J. M, Stewart were called to London on Friday last owing to the sudden death of thelatter's sister, Mrs. George Holman. Mr. Stewart returned home on Tuesday evening, while Mrs. Stewart remained with her niece for this week. Sgt. Frank Heard, Canadian Army Dental Corps, wife and family who have been spending a leave in Goderich, visited relatives in Bayfield last week. They re- turned to, Nova Scotia this week. Sgt. Heard expects to be posted to Germany' in November. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Twentyman and daughter Cynthia, Waukegan,. III., visited - Mrs. Twentyman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave from Saturday until Wednesday. On their return, they were ac- companied by their other daugh- ters, Lynn and Vicky, who have spent the summer with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kneeshaw and two children, Mary and Sysan returned to Toledo, Ohio, after having spent a vacation at the Thomson -farm. Their oldest child, Thomas, remained.with, his grand- mother, Mrs. Violet Walters. Oth- ers who have been holidaying at the ancestral home are: Mr. and Mrs. • Hubert Thomson and two children, Chicago; Mrs. Harold Standr'iff and son, Ross, Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson and three children, Grand Rapids. Birthday. Mrs, W. J. Hall entertained at dinner at the New MU Hotel on Sunday in honour of Mrs, Violet Walter's birthdaly. Asters set off by green foliage decorated the table. Eighteen relatives were Imlasinnellasimmiessie Mrs. I. Lawrason Feted On Ninetieth Birthday By. Friends And Relatives Congratulations and best wishes go to Mrs. Isabella Lawrason who on Sunday, August 28, was 90 years young. Mrs. Alice Hohner, Brucefield, entertained at a surprise birthday party for her, sister-in-law when 18 sat down to a fowl supper, complete with birthday cake. Table decorations were carried out With pansies as - the central theme. Mrs. Lawrason was the recip- ient of many cards and gifts. She wore a corsage of- red roses which was presented to her by Mrs. H. Berry. She was particularly pleased with this gift, since the flowers with whichher garden is usually aglow, were all dried ed up with the drought this year. Mrs. Lawrason was formerly Isabella ' Hohner, daughter of Catherine Motter and. Matthew Rohner, She was born in Hay Township but came with her par- ents to live on the Bronson Line, when 12 years of age, Following her marriage to Geo- rge Lawrason on March 5, 1896, she went as a bride to the home present to wish the guest of hon- our' "Many Happy Returns of the Day.” Mrs. Walters, who is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, was the recipient of flowers and gifts on this occasion. Baptisms In Trinity Church on Friday evening, the Rev. W. S. outer - bridge held the service. of holy baptism for John Michael Earp and Catherine Margaret, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, Edmonton, Alta. Mr. acid Mrs. Harold Pounder, Stratford, were godparents for John and they also stood proxy for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eaton; Devon, Alta., the godparents of baby Catherine. Following the service, Mrs. J. Pounder's mother, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, entertained the mediate relatives at her home. The top layer of their `wedding cake was cut by Mrs. J. Pounder and served with the refreshments, At the morning service in Trin- ity Church on Sunday, following the Lord's Prayer, the rector ad- ministered the sacrament of holy baptism to Christine Dalyce, in- fant nfant daughter of Cpl. and Mrs. George Adams, whose godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tur- land and Mrs. W, S: Outerbridge; and James' Robert infant son o1 Mr. and Mrs William,. Stoddard Elliott, Newmarket, Miss Kath- leen Elliott,: Reg.N., and Gordon EAiott, Brucefield, were god- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott entertained relatives at noon at the Albion Hotel, and Cpl. and Mrs. Adams their christening party at dinner at the Albion Hotel at night. Attention Cattle Owners A meeting to organize a Huron County Beef Pro- ducers' `Association will be held in the Agricultural Board Room in Clinton at 8.30 p.m. (DST/ on TUES- DAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1955'. • . Guestspeaker will be Mr. B. B. Arnica of Barrie, A past president of the Ontario Beef Producers' Assoc- iation. Beginning Sept. 26, 1955, a levy is being mode,on all cattle and cqlves sold at public stockyards and meat packing plants. The levy amounts to 10 cents per head on all cattle and 5 cents per head on all calves. Come to the meeting and get the details, • . .WILFRED SF?<OR`18.1✓Fb, president; GORDON M, GREIG, Sec.-Treas., ' Huron County Federation of Agriculture Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bullis Are Used" We have used -frozen semen 100 percent since •l?ecember L. 1954. The conception rate has been slightly higher than it was before frozen semen was used. •This new development has made it possible for the members to use the bull of their choice more of the time, Where else can you get as much for your money as by breeding your cows artificially to our co-operativ- ely owned bulls? For service or further information, phone collect to: CLINTON 515 Week Days -7.30 to 10.00 a.m. Sundays and Holidays -7.30 to 9.30 a.m. • where she has resided ever since. Her husband died 30 years ago. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heard, reside with her. Despite her advanced years, Mrs. Lawrason keeps active, do- ing little household chores and walking about ,the, garden. At. present she . is piecing a quilt to. pass: the time, No longer able to read the newspaper, due to failing eyesight, she keeps up with cur- rent' -events over the radio. Relatives who were guests at the, birthday; celebration included Mrs. Lawrason's son, Samuel and wife, Mitchell; daughter Carrie and husband, Hayfield; d gra ds n Lloyd Heard,wife and small n ma 1 son Eddie,Varna (accompanied . by Ray. cott, Bayfield) ; Mrs. Doro- thy Rohner ,and granddaughter, Phyllis Taylor, Varna; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rohner and fam- ily, Stratford. Coffee Hours At' ``Dingieton' , Home Of Mr. Mrs. Will (By our Bayfield correspondent) "Dingleton", the charming sum- mer home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. -Will, Delevan, was tastefully decorated with flowers on Tues- day evening, when Mrs. Will ent- ertained members of Trinity. Church and summer residents who are Anglicans, at the coffee hour. The guests were received by the host and hostess and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. Percy Weston poured coffee and Mrs. Alf. Scotchmer, Jr., presided over the teapot. Mrs. Merton Merrier assisted with the tea and coffee. Others present passed refresh ments. In .expressing thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Will for this delightful hour, the rector Rev. W. S. Outerbridge reminded those present thatany donations toward the parish hall could be placed -in a basket for that purpose and would be most gratefully received. The total amounted to quite a substantial sum. Mrs. Gairdner also announc- ed that she had sterted a fund for chairs for the parish hall which could be memorials if so desired. 0 RIGH COST OF SNOW In 3.953 CPR snowplows worked a total of 127,193 miles and snow removal. bill on tracks alone that winter amounted to more than 82,000,000, • , , THURSDAY, Sr1L"1 MBERTl95 FARMERS Place your order now for a silo. We will be able to build o few more before the corn harvest. We. have been building silos, for 25 years. Elmer Hugili CLINTON' Phone 545 P.O. Box 40 Rurnball 's GROUND BEEF .. lb. 29c DAISY BACON .,,..�. lb. 49c Burn's Large SAUSAGE .. , Ib. 45cc SMOKED PICNICS lb. 39e LOIN PORK CHOPS lb. 75c IGA Peanut Butter z6 OZ. 31c ALLSWEET MARGERINE .: 30c Monarch WHITE CAKE MIX , 23.c Crown CORN SYRUP F LB. Tnbr .. 28c Instant Quaker Oats . , 3 lbs. 35e Rumball's IGA- Market CLINTON PFIONE 136 Increase Egg Production wit it MASTER LAYING PELLETS' When the feed intake of your laying flock drops off,_ egg production suffers, too. One way to keep your hens eating their full quota regularly is by feeding them MASTER LAYING PELLETS os a supplementary feed. Sprinkle Laying Pellets over the noonfeed of RED HEAD, or following the Scratch Grain at , night, and you'll find your flock. eating heartier, laying better, * NO TUBE TO BLOW OUT )t HIS YOUR ARISEN RIMS * COSTS N0 MORE THAN A REGULAR TIRE AND TUBE a. `McPherson Bros. Garage Clinton -- Ontario Phone 492 MMMMM MMMMM IMF Oa OF (/.• r4rtiyo2 TUBELESS TIRES:••rule, MASTER BALANCED FEEDS ALL CLASSES W rouLThe SAWA LIVE STOCK TUN .1ARtNC ANIMALS A OOCS Take home •MASTER ' ! LAYING PELLETS today —greater feed intake for high egg production. i MMMMM MMsMYwMM resye,e Tee, u•ne S. RIDDICK and SONS 1' Phone 114 Clinton WHO KEEP RECORDS USE MASTER STMD SIH1Owe f -a et� ,Special Evening Shows anlyi IBIS each evening. Geo, Handd & Son, 'New York, presents the Grandstand Follies, featuring the Roayette Dancers and 9.ourstand. ing vaudeville acts. Nicest Reserved Seats $2,00, $1,50,-$1:00. Somethingnew has been tackled to Western fon. Two separate and completely different Rodeos 5011 entertain in front of the Grandstand at 2:00p.m. an the following. doys: Monday and Tuesday afternoons.. Cel Jim Es)1ew's Rodeo Frld.ry and Sawrday afternoons- Jelin Baidwin's'Cherokee .Rooth itodno Peo Chddroa.50 ; Adults 31.00. l oserved Soars $1,50, Monday Altoreoo,. ipednl •- Children .25:, Affo rncss . i? ci pfg f . tt�ut Prices. ClrlM,es ,55 , Aduk Reberved thirds 11,50. 2:00 o'clock Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons.. Canada's Richest Colt Stokes: 2• and 3.year Stendard. Bred Futurities plug A otherclass races and light and heavy harness events. Never before such a variety to choose from. Plan toy see at Least itwo of these exceptional attractions.) Make your reservations early by writing to the Western Fair' Association, Queen's Park, London, Ontario, NOW!. TMRRMg A YMEIVERN. AIM AT.., \VME SEPT. I k miiiAi W. 0. :.4005014, uwwo TICKS S. AVAILABLE AT •' BARTLIFF'S RESTAURANT CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY' Clinton Clinton TERM FAO t.5@„