HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-09-01, Page 3T'IiURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE News of Holmesville Miss Betty Stock, London, spent the weekend at her home -in the village. • Rev. and Mrs. C. Tavener, Glen Allen, are guests of Mrs. Brogden MacMath, Miss Frances McCullough is in Scarboro, the guest of Mr. and • Mrs: Ivan McCullough, Mr. and'Mrs, Jack Yeo and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Grigg spent the weekend in Detroit, Mich., Paul Cudmoz'e, Bob Norman, Bob Grigg, Bud Yeo and Don Yeo are at the .United Church Camp near Goderich. Mrs. Frai k McCullough has returned to her home from Kitch- ener, where she was the guest of Mra. H. M. Bezeau, Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Eagleson, Aberdeen, S. Dak.; Mr: and Mrs. Len Heard, Clinton; S/Sgt, and Mrs. ' Frank Heard, Sue and Danny, Cornwallis, N.S.; Judy Shore, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs,., Nelson Heard and Mrs, Lawrason; Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. William McElwain, Goderich Township and -Mr. and Mrs.Ray' Cox, Porter's Hill, were recent guests. of Mr. and Mrs. Ninian Heard and Mrs. James Harrison, J S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR For Service Call 377W After 6 p.m. +- 377.1 WMS Meets The Woman's Missionary Society of Holmesville United Church met in the Sunday School rooms with Mrs. Stewart Farquhar in charge. The theme ofthe meeting was. "The Door of. Understanding." The meeting opened with the call to worship taken by Mrs. Far- quhar and the hymn 'TiMaster, Let Me Walk with Thee The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Fred' Mulholland and Mrs, Jack Yeo gave the guided ,medita- tion, The hymnRise•Up 0 Men of God" was sung, followed by prayer by Mrs, Farquhar. Mrs. William Norman and Mrs. Ed- ward- Grigg sang a duet, accomp- anied at the piano by Mrs. W. Yeo. Mrs, William Norrnan con- ducted the business period, and plans were made for the sectional meeting of the WMS to be held in Holmesville on September 30. A letter from .India that had been received by Miss Helen Pot- ter, was read by Mrs. Frank Mc-. Cellough. Mrs. Eldon Yea review .ed the chapter in the studybook, and the meeting closed vdith the hymn "Blest Be The Tie That Binds)' and prayer by Mrs. Far- quhar. WA The Woman's Associationmeet- ing followed and was in the charge of Mrs, Jack Yeo. The meeting 'opened with the theme song and creed. Mrs. J. Yeo read the Scripture lesson and gave the comments on it. Mrs. Edward Grigg gave the treasurer's report. The meeting closed with the hymn The Lord's My Shepherd" and prayer by Mrs. Jack Yeo. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs. W. Yeo and Mrs. W. Biggin, 4-H Tractor Club At Varna Garage Fourteen members of the Hay - Stanley 4-H Tractor Club met in Boyee's garage, Varna, under the leadership of Hank Gellman. It was decided to place a float. rade at the Ontario Bean Festhe Labor tal in Hensall. Ontario Bean Festival AT HENSALL Labour Day, Sept. 5 1,30 p.m, . Henson Community Park _• Monster Parade.- Midway ' Horseshoe Pitching Champions Sports --- Tug -of -War Band Concert HOME -COOKED BEAN SLPPER t EVENING PERFORMANCE 8 p.m. In The Arena CHML Main Street Jamboree Goderich Girls' Trumpet' Band 8 to 9 p.m. Old and New Time Dance 10 to 12 p.m. MONSTER GATE PRIZE - FREE MOVIES DRAW FOR CADET MODEL VACATION TRAILER ADMISSION: Afternoon 75e and 50c (including Bean Supper) • Evening• -$1.00- and 50c Sponsored by The Kinsmen 'Club of Hensall CKNX-TV Work Proceeds; May Oen. October 30 Progress is the keynote around CKNX in. Wingham these days, as work goes ahead at a rapid pace on all phases _of the television operation. It was just 14 years ago that the present radia towers arrived atthe railroad siding in Wing - ham, heralding the ^new -'increased power of CKNX Radio', On Fri- day, August 26, last week, a train. pulled in at Walkerton bearing the immense steel beams and sec- tions, which will grow in a few short weeks into the gigantic 659 - foot television tower. The building which will house the actual transmitter; has been almost completed, and installation of the technical' equipment from RCA willbegin shortly. In the town of Wingham itself, electricians and carpenters are putting the finishing touches on the studios, and the erection of the • new cement block `live" studio section is nearly complete. To add to the hubbub, equip- ment such as projectors and amp- lifiers have also been arriving'I and are being checked out, and readied for installation. Additional staff members have been lured, bringing with them theirhighly specialized skills and trades, with training and rehears- ing gaining momentum every day. If progress continues at the pres- ent rate, 'it is not too improbable that a test pattern may be broad- cast on channel 8; somewhere around the end of October, Interested citizens from West ern Ontario are more than wel- come to visit the transmitter and studio sites, for a preview of what CKNX-Til will be like: Further reports will be issued as the work goes on. * NO TUBE TO BLOW OUT * FITS YOUR PRISM RIMS * COSTS NO MORE THAN A REGULAR TIRE AND MBE Ray's Service Station CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Clinton - Ontario L,z4.,,:)r.[ TUBELESS TIRE S4'.t., '`New Wayto Wash' . ADVANTA-GES of the WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT AGI -TUMBLE ACTION . L1FTAWAY RINSING . FRONTS LOADING WEIGH -TO -SAVE DOOR . WATER -SAVER DIAL . LOWEST WATER CONSUMPTION SELF CLEANING , FLEXIBLE ''CONTROL NEW LAUNDROFILE Clinton PHONE 479 the New Way to Wash EVERYTHING, uniformly aeon, without wear. doesn't strain dirty rinse water through the clothes No awkward lifting or stooping, accurately measures size of every load. measures hot water supply to the size of the load. Sqves clean hot water, inthe tank, . not dirty suds, (by far) of any automatic, No parts to remove. Nothing to clean. Adjust the time . . start or stop at any point in the washing cycle. Ever/thing anyone needs to know about home laundering . . . in this handsome, plastic bound volume., Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" CLINTON' FAST RESULTS? YES! THROUGH CLASSIFIEDS Talk about fast results) One of our advertisers last week, Lloyd Batkin, who had an apartment for rent, reports about the fastest reaction one could hope for. On the afternoon the News- Record came out he and his wife made a special trip in from the lake, thinking to be on hand should anyone wishto inquire. about the apartment, When, they got to the house they found prospective renters Sitting on. their doorstep, They had already seen the accom- modation, and were all ready to sign up. BRUCEFIELD Dwayne Elliott is attending boys camp at Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Paterson are away on a fishing trip for a few days. Mrs. Don Gray and sons, Billy and Peter,, are on vacation with her sister in Montreal. Douglas MCBeath and friend, Wallaceburg, spent last, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBeath. Miss Louise Allen, Hamilton, is visiting with her brother and his family, Mr, and Mrs•'Edgar Allen. Master Tommy Richardson was rushed to Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, for an emergency appendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rumble, Toronto, are spending their vaca- tion at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John R. Murdoch, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Bonnie add Betty, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple, attended the 25th anniversary picnic of the Dalrymple and Stevenson Clan on Saturday, August 27. SOth Birthday An enjoyable birthday party was held at the home of Mrs. Alice Rohner, Brueefield, on Sun- day evening, August 28, on the occasion of the 90th birthday of her sister -in Iaw, Mrs. "Bella" Lewrason, Bayfield. Friends from Mitchell, Varna, Stratford and Bayfield were in attendance. Mrs. Lawrason received many congrat- ulatory cards and lovely gifts. HENSALL Mr, and Mrs. W, R. Davidson, Port Colborne, spent a few days with friends in-Hensall. Miss Lillian MacKay, Windsor, has been a guest with her broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd. The Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church will hold a pot -luck supper in the,church schoolroom on Septembe8, fol- lowed by a meeting, Mr. and Mrs: Herb Mousseau, Zurich, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. George Hess,- have returned after a pleasant week's vacation at Manitoulin Island. Bayfield Pavilion was packed. to capacity and many were unable to get in, .for a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Shorty) Cald- well, last, Wednesday when they were presented with a well-filled' purse of money. More Horseshoe In connection with the ,Bean Festival here en Labor Day, three new horseshoe pits have been built by the Hensall Kinsmen. Begin Season The Ladies' Auxiliary -to the Canadian Legion and the Legion at Hensall will begin the season on Friday, September 9, with_ a joint meeting and a turkey supper will be followed- by the meeting and recreation. Local Breeders Will. Exhibit At Western Fair Western Fair's ; $400,000 ' Live- stock building will be jammed to full capacity with a record total of 2,227 animals; when the Fair opens for a full week Monday, September 12. Tile entries from Huron County include: Light horses, A. J. Darling, Exeter; -heavy horses, T. J. Mc- Michael, Auburn; Holstein cattle, Huron County Holstein Breeders Association, Ross Marshall, Kirk - ton; Peter Simpson, Seaforth; Herefords, ' Whitney Coates and Son, Centralia; H. C. Wright and Son; Cromarty. Fat cattle, Whitney Coates- and Son, Centralia; Dorset horned sheep, P. E. Dearing and Son, Exeter; Leicest- ers, Ephraim Snell, Clinton. • • Puts New Life Into Your Farm! h Wait 7... go ahead with FIL See your nearest Bank of Montreal manager BAJf about a Farm Improvement Loan. rar•tw acatelor BANK OF MONTREAL H4*(419(44 '454 55554 working) with CRnadlana In •very walk of Il.f• sins 1017 • Clinton Branch: WILLIAM MORLOIC, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Mon. & Thurs. Labour Day Specials 1950 Austin Sedan ONLY $345.00 1953 Dodge Sedan Very low mileage $1495.00 TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 Chev.1/2 ton pickup ONLY $525:00 MURPHY BROS. d RYSLER-PLYMOUTH FARGO Salt and Service PHONE 465 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT. MEANS 0 TOO! GPPIY Beautifies Masonry Stops stains Adds color Seals water out All in one easy operation Counter Builders' Supplies 'PHONE 120 CLINTON PORTER'S HILL Church was resumed on Sunday. with Rev:' P. Renner in charge. after his month's holidays, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Li so s mbe and Canada: and family left for Vancouver Island on Sunday where they will reside, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waddell, ()mak, Wash., were guests, over the weekend of Mrs, Blanche Cox and family. The lady is a niece of Mrs.. Cox. They are on a motor trip _through the United States 1 SCHOOL OPENING NEEDS AT ALL I.D.A. DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders for this week! SCHOOL TIME is Vitamin Time I.D.A. Brand VITA DIET 7 essential minerals and vit- S P E C I A L S! aurins, 100 capsules 4.50 I.D.A. Brand 00D LIVEYL OIL (High Test) 8 oz. 900 16 oz. 1.50 I.D.A. Brand IDAI+'ER LIQUID )1'on & Vitamin IDAMALT EXTRACT of L-Oomplox Tonto-- uid 1.50 Malt and Cod Liver oil Capsules 1.50, 4.50.. 1 ib. jar, reg. 75c SOe Mead's Oleum Pereomor 2 ib. jar, reg. 1.29 „ 98o Pham Caps 1.25, 8.15 4 Ib. jar, reg. 2.29 ,,.., 1.69 Mead's Poly-Vi-Sol Ayerst Alphamottes , I485, 8.10, 4.15, Meads Tri -Vi -Sol 1.45, 2.45, 3.85 One -A -Day Multiple Vita mins '....:1.40, 2.50, 3.95 One -A -Day A & D Tablets 1,35, 2.50 Scotts Entulslon ., 1.00, 2.00 Scott's Emulsion Caps 1.65 8.00 Squibb 10-D Cod Liver 011 Squibb S 1.00, 2.25 Special Formula Waampole's Cod Liver 4 00 Extract 1.35 Waterbury's Compound 1.25. IDA Brand HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's .. 1.15; 250's 2.29; 500's -. 4.29 Allenbury's HALIBOILANGE 'Vitamins A & D-4 sizes .. ..,. 1.00, 1.75, 3.25, 11.50 • COD LIVER OIL OapSules 100's, reg, 1.19 89e Cod Liver Oil: B.P. Standard Reg. 16 oz. 89c 69e 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 8.00, 15.00 Ayerst Aqueous, Alphamette 1.45, 2.65, 4.85 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oil 1.00, 2.25 Dr. Chbse Enerjets 5.95 Frosst Neo -Chemical Food. 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Frosst Neo -Chemical Food Caps 1..65, 2.95, 6.60 Horner's Infantol ., 1.00, 2.00, 3.25 Horner's Maltlevol 2.00 Kepler's Malt & C.L.O. 1.00, 1.15 rileasi's 10-D, Clod Liver 011 100, 2.25 Mead's Oleum P'ereomor-. phum 1.10, 8.00, 4.75 BORBIPIN CURL. PERMANENT " No Neutralizer * No Re -setting * No tiresome, winding! 1+7 CComplete Kit For fast relief from HEAD- ACHES & STOMACH UPSET BROMO-SELTZER 29e - 55e - 98c SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS! • ZIPPER BINDER * 2 inch rings - * Trigger closure a Heavy Zipper. Wide Tapes * Water re- sistant * 2 Pockets. 8.29 Vittue 2.98 Val Other ZIPPER BINDERS 8.95 and 5.95 Eclipse FOUNTAIN PENS (discontinued models) 1,00 to 1.95 values 59c SPECIAL a? "Vacmaster" VACUUM )3OTTLE Canadian mredadeplas15tic ozCap.. bottle with 98e Value SPEOIAL ..., a 9Q' Manor TOOTH BRU2SH G .for. d C Dr. West TOOTH BRUSH 2 re for 49C I.D.A. Brand IDASAL TABLETS 5 -grain acetylsalicylic acid for relief of headaches, neur- algia, pain in general en, 300's, reg. 89c 7 I.D.A. Brand Milk of Magnesia Tabs. 100's, reg.- 39c 290 300's, reg. 89c ..., 59c I.D.A. Brand BEEF, IRON & WINE with VITAMIN 131 16 oz. Reg. 1.00 ��C vamensiousenan Davy Crockett LUNCH KITS A genuine Thermos LUnch Mit includes 10 oz. 1POLLY RED TOP Davy Crockett Vacuumrya bottle •• ei UPHOTta"IQUE F. B. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 LLASHMAR �•J DRIcV-E�-IN TH CLINTON NEXT TO CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK OPEN AT 8.00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSTS THURSDAY and FRIDAY --Sept. 1 and 2 "ARROWHEAD" Charlton Heston and Jack Palance (COLOR) SATURDAY ONLY -September 3 "CRIJISIN' DOWN THE RIVER" (COLOR), Dick Hayrnes and Betty Daniels - and - "THREE STOOGE COMEDY" SUNDAY MIDNIGHT and MONDAY --Sept. 4 and 5 "RIDING SHOTGUN" (COLOR) Randolph Scott and Joan Weldon TUESDAY and' WEDNESDAY -Sept. 6 and 7 • 'PUFFY OF ,SAN QUENTIN" Louis Hayward and Joanne Drumoommarommimra THAM and FRIDAY -Sept. 8 and 9 "THE STOOGE" MARTIN and LEWIS Cartoon and Short At Each Performance CHILDREN'S PLAYGROT)ND 2 81101118 NIGHTLY -- 2 Children Under 12 in Cars FREE! 1.44-•-•-.4-1-$1-++4÷44-S^.10-4.4.44-04