HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-08-11, Page 3h;'FIIURspAY, AUGUST 11, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Obituaries Mrs. E Zapfe Service was held from the all and Mutch funeral home • High Street, Clinton, on Friday after- noon, August 5, for Elizabeth Bartley, widow of the late John J. Zapfe. Rev. R. M. P. Milted, St. Paul's Anglican Church, here, conducted the service. Pallbearers .were Arthur Ni. Knight, H. .0 Lawson, G. M. Counter, George Walker, A. E. $ HE'S '- +I,A WELL PROTECTED ARE YOU? . . Insure' Your Prized Yosses- sions Now! r ' •564 / . Your family is 'fI io : surely you r 4mostprized possession. �/l6What is their ,e444 future if some- w!� thing happens I& - to you? Let ,i'4., .. us plan a life insurance pro- gram for you and your fam- ily! HAL HARTLEY Representative Canada Life PHONE CLINTON 454W Fines, Dan Surbey, ' Flower -bear- ers were William' Wells, Fletcher Townsend, Lorne Brown, A. J. Mc- Murray and Frank Evans.- Inter- ment was in Clinton Cemetery, Mrs. Zapfe died on Wednesday in the Clinton' Public Hospital, Where she had been a patient for. Some time. Since he>r husband's death in February of , this year, her health has steadily worsened, Formerly of Owen Sound, Mrs.' Zapfe had lived here since 1921, She was active in the work of St. Paul's Anglican Church, and. was a charter member of Clinton Chapter No. 266 Order of the Eastern Star. Surviving are two sisters-in-law, Misses Grace and Ethel Zapfe, Kitchener. W. W. Walters Funeral service for the late William W. Walters, Goderich, formerly of Clinton; was held from the Lodge funeral home Goderich on August. 5, to Goderich Ceme- tery. A large number of sorrow- ing friends and neighbours atten- ded. He leaves to mourn his death, one son Gordon and his aged mother, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Clinton, formerly Mrs. Edward Walters•and the late Edward Wal- ters, Tuckersmith, five brothers and two sisters, Frank, on the old homestead, Tuckersmith; Elliott, Seaforth; Mary, Mrs. Walter Lay- ton; Sadie, Mrs. Jack Horton, Dodsland, Sask.; Mellville James, Waterford, Mich.; Bertrum, Tuck- ersmith; Edward, White Fox, Sask.; one sister, Grace, Mrs. W. J. Miller, passed away fiveyears ago. Mr. Walters died on August 3, after a lingering illness, in his 59th year. Studebaker al Specials 1954 FOURDOOR WITH OVERDRIVE 1952 COACH WITH OVERDRIVE 1951 FOURDOOR WITH OVERDRIVE 1951 COUPE WITH OVERDRIVE. 'N. H. Dalrymple & Son BRUCEFIELD STUDEBAKER Sales and Service IWHVYV V Mrs. Lydia Wallis' • Funeral; service was held, from the Presbyterian Church, Rudyard; Mich., on Tuesday, July 16, for Lydia B. Blair, widow of the late John Wallis. • Pall -bearers were six nephews, ail of'Rudyard,and; Sault Ste. Made, in Michigan: Otto, Erwin, Fred, Percy and Charles Wallis, and Willard Welsh, Intermentt was in the Cottle Ceme- tery at Rudyard. Born in Goderich, Ontario, 86 years ago, she married John Wal- lis, Bayfield, in 1897, They went, to Chippewa County and, settled on a farm near Rudyard, where they were among the earliest pioneers of the district. Mr, Wallis predeceased her four years ago. Mrs. Wallis died in the War Memorial Hospital at. Rudyard on Saturday, July 16, following a long illness. Surviving are one daughter, Ml'S Eva Hamilton, Oakland, Calif.; two sons, Cecil and Regin- ald, both of Rudyard, and six grandchildren. VARNA Miss Anne Ostrom, Toronto, spentthe weekend at the home of her parents. Rev. Mr. Down,. Exeter, had charge of the service in the Unit- ed Church on Sunday last. On August 14, Rev. T. J. Pitt will be M charge of the service. The many friends of George Reid were sorry • to hear of his recent accident and .confinment in the Clinton Public Hospital and wish him a speedy recovery. • The members of L.O.L. 1035 and the ladies of the W.A. of the United Church are each having a booth at the fairgrounds in Goder- ich, on Saturday, August 13, at the Derry Day celebrations. • Skinny.menwomen gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill! Bony limbs fill out; ugly hol- lows 511 up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved,sickly bean- pole" look—'emuse of poor appetite due to lack of iron, Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely, healthy -looking bodies., They thank Ostrex Tonic Tablets, Contains iron vi- tamin ,, calcium. iron, Helps build' blood, improve appe- tite and digestion so food gives you morn strength and nourishment; helps put flesh on bow bones. Get Lovely Curves ' As you gain pounds, you gain lovelier curves too. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. See how quick they help build upbody "skinny" due to iron deficiency. "Get - acquainted" size only (341/4 -At all druggists, PAGE New Canadians 'Married Here • Goderich Toweish p Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Todd, Lucknow, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. ' Mrs, Edward Mullens and 'dau- ghter Clare, Toronto, have been holidaying with Mr, and Mrs; Fred Middleton. Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middleton and Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Leith- waite attended the orchard spray machine demonstration ,at Clarks- burg on ;Thursday last. Tbis larg- ely attended event was sponsored • by the Georgian Bay District Fruit Growers Association. DRUG STORES New Canadians, MR. AND MRS,' LEO AYE, London, were married in the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, on Saturday, July 29 in the evening. The bride is Trudy, daughter of Mrs. P. Valkenburg, Clinton and the late Mr. Valkenburg, formerly of Holland. Her husband is the son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Dyk, still resident in the Netherlands. They plan to live in London, (MacLaren's Photo) •-. a.+.•. r-..-. AUBURN •• ..-►.44+44 4- +.4-.-w-+-$ 4 * * Mrs. G. R. Taylor was a recent Toronto visitor. Mrs. William Roulston, Wing -4 ham, spent a few days with Mrs, J. W. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardin and family, Clarksburg visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Straughan, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Weir and family, London, were weekend vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay and Dr. B. C. Weir. Among those who attended the Ross -Trait wedding in Toronto last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, 'Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Anderson, William and Nancy, Mrs. F. O. McIlveent Mrs. D. A. MacKay and Mrs, Fred Ross. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT BUY A BETTER GASOLINE! so million times a day at home, at work or on the way There's of a !- 1. SO BRIGHT... so right for you1.., so tangy in taste, ever -fresh in sparkle. 2. SO BRACING ... so eleick13r refreshing with its bit of wholesome energy. A.,Thorlxed boItIoy OI COLO -Colo eerier edoitbsat Y. ,.:, S: o. a••t:vr,� t.'d. 658 Erie St. ESBECO LIMITED Stratford, Ont, Phone 78 bottle carton 3�i` eiGadmp FN,nI Patna Mr d,podr 20 p,r 1roMk Wedding Dyk—Valkenburg Rev. J. G. Hoytema performed the wedding ceremony in the Christian Reformed Chureh, Clin- ton, on Friday evening, July 29, when Trudy Valkenburg, daughter of Mrs. Valkenburg, Clinton, and the late P. Valkenburg, Holland, became the bride of Leo Dyk, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyk, Hollond. The organist was G. Roorda, and a reception followed in the church hall. The bride wore Chantilly lace over white nylon net, fashioned with a fingertip veil and very full floor -length skirt. She car- ried white carnations. Following a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the young cou- ple plans to live in,London. Sunset Drive4n 1% Miles East of Goderich on No. 8 Highway THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 11-12 "On the Water- front" Marlon Brando Eve Marie Saint Cartoon Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY August 13.15 "BEACHHEAD" Tony Curtis Mary Murphy Comedy Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 16-17 "UNDERCOVER AGENT" Dermot Wash Hazel Court Comedy Cartoon Box Office Opens 8 p.m. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk PLAYGROUND — Refreshments Children under 12 in ears FREE 1s 'I.D.A. SPECIALS Aug. 8 -Aug. 13 Cocoanut Oil Shampoo -8 oz, — 39c • COLD CREAM ; 1 Ib. jar -- 69c COLD CREAM SOAP 2 for 23c PENCILS — 3 for 10e SPOT REMOVER 4 oz. 33c —.10 oz. 59e . • WRITING PADS mute 13c; 2 for 25c IEEE: waving lotions • BATHING CAPS 59c - 98c - $1.19 • NO GUESSWORK • FABERGE •'INSTANT NEUTRALIZING Summer Time Cologne t MORE NATURAL WAVES $1.25 ' Yon O,ob. of CwtmnMad. tow Hon. Poosnowy.-, NESTLE STREAKS & TIPS Ihrpular, Suver, very 6entiO- , all with l5.e*o,e wovjnp lotion. ef'•%.'y Silver Gold $1.75 HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET with FREE Shampoo $1.75 • HAZEL BISHOP NEW COMPACT MAKE-UP $1.00 KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE Reg. or Chlorophyl — 2 for 89c NESTE SPRAZE — 69c - $1.00 - $1.50 FIRST AID KITS $1.50 - $1.75 - $2.25 - $2.75 $3.25 BLUETTE RUBBER GLOVES — 51.79 UNIQUE Fe B. PENNEBAKER PHOTO SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 1 1 Rumball's Meat Specials LEAN GROUND BEEF DAISY BACON , .. . LEAN COTTAGE ROLLS SUGAR .. . MAPLE LEAF PEAR-SHAPED HAM Ib. 35c 1 lb. pkg. 49e Ib. 65e• 10 lbs. 82c $1..49 'A SALAD DRESSING 35e DOG HOUSE - DOG FOOD 4 for 39c MILKO 35c • --4-P-O4?io-t•4 wo-o i1umball's F;A c arket $ CLINTON PHONE f .-.-.moo-o-o•s-o- , 6 Special Annouflcement CANADIAN LEGION — BRANCH 140 of CLINTON, ONTARIO Announces that they are sponsoring a \Subscription • Campaign for the purpose of Purchasing Sick Room Equipment. THIS EQUIPMENT WILL CONSIST OF HOSPITAL BEDS, WHEEL CHAIRS, INVALID WALKERS, CRUTCHES AND MISCELLANEOUS SMALL EQUIPMENT. YOUR MAGAZINE ORDER (NEW OR RENEWAL) WILL HELP FURTHER THIS COMMUNITY PROJECT AND EVERY RESIDENT IS URGED TO CO-OPERATE. Residents when called upon, should request to see •the representative's letter of introduction signed by Branch` 140 Officers. TfiTs is toeliminate arty misrepresentation by unauthorized persons, Donations are not to be solicited or accepted. J. W. COUNTER J. G. HERMAN W. J. DENOMME J. E. DALE President Secretary Vice=Presaderat Treasurer