HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-08-04, Page 5-THURSDAY, 'AB'OUST 4, 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD .The Power- 4f The Press Is CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE (If paid, by zWV'e'dnesdayfollowing date of in- .sertion)—Two cents a word first ;Insertion (minimum 50 cents); subsequent insertions 11/4 cents a 'w'ord (minimum 35 cents) ; 15 cents extra for box number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD ;Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- ACCOMMODATION for RENT "THREE ROOM APARTMENT, •.unfurnished, private bath, central- ly located. Heated. Phone Clin- ton. 643R after six o'clock. 31p TWO APARTMENTS, both self- contained. One recently complet- ely omplet-e y redecorated. Contact O. Swit- • zer, phone Clinton 397. 27tfb THREE ROOM FURNISHED and heated apartment, share bath, • .suitable for couple. Phone Clinton 145J. 31b .Accommodation Wanted .UNFURNISHED HOUSE, adults. ..- eply by letter to Box 310, Clin- ton News -Record. 31-2-p FURNISHED APARTMENT, for • couple, in Town of Clinton prefer - Tea. Phone Clinton 710 and ask ''forG. A. Theal, Room 114. 31p • ARTICLES FOR SALE ARMY BELL TENT, $32; Cocoa mat rug, 6x9, $6.00; two -burner hot plate, $2.50. E. D. Surbey, phone Clinton 539M. 31b BICYCLES—TOP QUALITY AT reasonable prices, $39.95 up. Tires, "tubes, batteries, tools, etc. West- ern Tire and Auto Supply Limited, (associate store), Clayton Dixon, proprietor, phone Clinton 349.31b RCA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" "Television, new low prices on all unodels. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, Ont. Phone Clinton 634r4. 19-tfb FRIGIDAIRE FOR SALE, 1953 model, in good condition, will ac- • rept best reasonable offer. Phone. Bayfield 48r3. 31b TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent —Move — Install, Complete •aerSice on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, . •iLhone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb ARTICLES WANTED BABY'S HIGH CHAIR, in good condition. Phone Clinton 682R. 31x AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1953 CHEVROLET "BEL AIR" 'Sedan, just like new, radio, heater, directional signals, actual mileage ' 7,000 miles. Contact Mrs. James Elliott, Chalk Street, Seaforth, 'Phone Seaforth 249W. 30-1-b BABY CHICKS "WANTED TO PURCHASE — ptfllets, all ages and breeds. High - 'est prices paid. State breed and ',number for sale. Box 251, Clin- 'ton News -Record. 25 to 32b 'HATCHING EGGS WANTED by .este of Canada's largest and old - ,est established hatcheries. Eggs taken every week in the year. Et premium paid. For full 'de- taijs write Box 280, Clinton News - 'Record. 28-35-b KITCHENER BIG -4 PULLETS, "2-6 weeks, most breeds, at low •summer prices. Also mixed chicks. .And Arbor Acre, White Rock .:chicks. Ask us for full particulars. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone 'Blyth 43r23. 30-1-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to 'tram to earn worthwhile income as- a figure stylist. Phone Clinton ,509W4. 31b OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, ;Thigh Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- -ton 448. 13tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale ' ONE No. 6 GEORGE WHITE "Threshing Machine, in good work- ing orking order, good rubber tires, 12 - foot elevator, straw shredder, used four seasons, has done no custom • work. Apply to Cecil Elliott, phone Clinton 669R. 31b FARM EQUIPMENT WANTED 'POTATO PLOW, for digging po- tatoes. L. Idsinga, RR 2, Clint b 'FARMS FOR SALE 'NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR 'sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb 'IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. A 'good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate 'Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- , erich, phone Goderich 1108. 25-tfb "FURNITURE FOR SALE :ANTIQUE SOFA, in perfect con- dition. Phone Clinton 254. 31b Furniture Re -Finishing (FOR. FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 18b-tfb HELP WANTEDMale GOOD STEADY, RELIABLE young man for full time work in Food Market. Phone Clinton 40. 31p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink. Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO HOLSTEIN CALVES, suit- able for vealing. Apply Ross Tre- wartha, RR 4, Clinton. 31p THREE' PUREBRED "Canadian" Yorkshire boars; almost ready for service. Contact James Lobb, Clinton, phone'Clinton 75831. 31-2-p MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. 31p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 arid '10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted By order of the owner — A. E. Parry. 27-37-p PERSONAL HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES, full line of cosmetics, lotions, 'etc. Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of- fice. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. 22tfb PET STOCK FOR SALE FOX TERRIER PUPS for sale. Joe Corey, phone Clinton 808r12. 31p POULTRY FOR, SALE 350 PULLETS, New Hampshire x Sussex, for sale. Starting to lay. Pere Johnston, Varna, phone Clin- ton 623r21.: 31b 80 RED ROCK PULLETS, six months old, laying. G. Vanderhaar, RR 1, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r24. 31b PROPERTY FOR SALE USED, THREE BEDROOM, Ranch Bungalow, every conven- ience including oil furnace with summer cooling fan. Low down Council In Action PAGE FIV2; Packed In The (Continued from Page One) Reeve Stanley, a letter of apprec- iatoin was authorized to the War- ren Paving Company (which laid the sidewalks) for their considera- tion in providing the use of the air gun, gas to run it, etc., free of charge. The Chief's report was scanned, and Conn'. Trewartha asked- what percentage of the $100 in fines would come back to the town. Clerk John Livermore stated that. he thought it amounted to 50 per- cent after the costs had been de- ducted. Close scrutiny was given the long distance calls recorded from the police office telephone. PUC Responsible Council passed a motion making the PUC responsible for mainten- ance and servicing of the traffic signal lights, with costs for this charged to the town each month. A suggestion was made that the Department of Highways should be willing to pay part of the cost of this, and to this idea the Mayor said: "Well, it's a funny thing, but when you're talking about the lights the Department says the streets are ours. When we talk about parking regulations, they say the streets are not ours." Payments Split Cost of paving for the laying of the new sidewalks down town for this year will be $2,800, ac- cording to a report made by Dep- uty Reeve Stanley of the public works department. The second equal payment will come due next year. Expenses in the public works budget included a repair bill of $490 .for the town grader. This machine was purchased second hand early this year, when Coun- cil decided the old grader was needing expensive repairs. Mayor M. J. Agnew congratulat- ed the chairman of this committee for his work in supervising the jobs of his men. "He does a great deal more than I'd do if I were chairman," said the mayor. Building Permits Building permits were OK'd as follows: Burton Stanley, addition to store on Queen Street, $2,000; Arthur Aiken, house on Raglan Street, $8,000; Mrs. J. Beacom, house on Kirk Street $5,000; J. A. Arrstett, sunporch on house on Mill Street, $400. Indigent Patients Discussion of requests for pay- ment of hospital bills for two young Clinton men was held. Chairman of the health and wel- fare committed, R. N. Irwin, was absent, and Reeve M. Crich, speaking on the matter, said he payment, balance as rent. A. J. felt the one bill would have to be Deseck, Base Line Road, North Paid, He had discussed the mat - End, Clinton. ' an ter with the County Clerk and found that in other such cases the towns had had to make the pay- ments. One of the young men is work- ing, so Councillors felt that even though they had to pay the bill, they could regain the amount from him later. The other one was apparently trying to get the money for the expense in some other way. STOVES FOR SALE thner o 341MHEATER. Phone C lb COAL AND WOOD RANGE, Mc - Clary Royal Charm, white enamel with black trim, in new condition, half price. Apply to Box 311, Clinton News -Record. 31p SALESMAN WANTED WANTED AT ONCE Rawleigh Dealer in Huron County. Write Rawleigh's Dept. H -169-R, Mont- real, P.Q. 31b TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the Town of Clinton for the purchase of the property at the north-east corner of the Clinton Community Park, which extends approx. 275 feet northerly from the fence now erected east and west at the north end of William Street, and from the same point 54 feet Westerly from the limits of the Cudmore property line. Tenders •to be in the hands of the clerk -treasurer, John Livermore, by Saturday, Au- gust 20, 1955. 31b TRAILER FOR RENT HOUSE TRAILER, 22 feet long by eight feet wide, sleeps four, built-in cupboards, sink, wired for hydro. Will rent by week or month. Eldred Emmerson, Maple Street. 31p Pak Councillor Decision was made to pay ex - Councillor Shaddick for the 1955 meetings of council up to the date of, his resignation. Purchase The purchase of four pairs of rubber boots for the use of the firemen was authorized. Appointed to Boards Councillor Norman Livermore was appointed to the Clinton Plan- ning Board and to the Clinton Community Athletic Field Board for the balance of the year. ACCOMMODATION for RENT MODERN DOWNSTAIRS SELF contained unfurnished apartment in Goderich near the square, new- ly finished and decorated, has built-in cupboards and 3 -piece bath, continuous hot water. Apply 110 Park St. or 59 . Hamilton St. Phone Goderich 1102W, between 4 and 6 p.m, available Sept. 1. 31-b ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING S100.00 A Week or more in\your own Home Town, as a salesman? if so, contact by letter or phone for appointment. MR. A. McDERMID, General Sales Manager, w Royalty Food 8 Freezer Plan. Gummer Building GUELPH, Ontario This is an Opportunity of a Life Time 30-1-2-b BIRTHS ADAMS In: Alexandra 'and Mar- ine Hospital, Goderich, on Fri- day, July 29, 1955, to Cpl. and Mrs, George Adams, Bayfield, a daughter, (Christine Dalyse). JOHNSTON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, July 29, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnston, Henson, a : daughter. STAPLES -In! Clinton` Public Hos- pital, on ` Friday, July 29, 1955, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth Staples, Blyth, a son. MARRIAGES CROSBY-GENNO --In St. John's Church (Norway), Toronto, on Saturday, July 30, . . at three ' o'clock, by the groom's father, Ethel Mae Genno, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roy Genno, Toronto, to John David Woods Crosby, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Hugh G. E. Crosby, Schenectady, N.X. SCHAEFER.-DUNBAR — In Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel, en Monday afternoon, August 1, 1955,; by Rev. W. A. Williams, Brussels, Georgia Ruth, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- bar, and William George Schaef- er, Goderich and Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Schaefer, Goderich. DEATHS CARTER In Clinton, on Tues- day, August 2, 1955, George Ivan Carter, beloved hsband of Margaret Hart, in his 53rd year. Funeral from the Bali and Mutch funeral home, High St., Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, this afternoon,,. Thursday, Aug- ust 4, commencing at two o'clock. POTTER—In Clinton, on Monday, August 1, 1955, Frances L. Pot- ter, in her 65th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East„ Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, this afternoon, Thursday, August 4, commencing at two o'clock. ZAPFE-In Clinton, on Wednes- day, August 3, 1955, Elizabeth J. Bartley, beloved wife of the late John J. Zapfe. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch fun- . eral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery on Friday afternoon, August 5, commenc- ing at 2.30 o'clock. o , $15 And Costs For Failing To Stop Convicted of failing to stop at the stop sign at the intersection of Shipley and Rattenbury Streets, and thereby causing an accident, G. Newton Davies was fined $15 and costs in magistrate's court here on Tuesday morning, Mr. Davies' car collided with a car driven by Lloyd Howatt, RR 1, Blyth, causing an estimated $200 damage to each vehicle, and then caromed into a house owned by Constable Clarence Perdue. No one suffered serious injury. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue and grand -daughter Anne Marie, re- turned on Saturday of last week from Mexico, Indiana, where they spent a pleasant fortnight with the lady's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pape. HAUGHTON' S WELDING SHOP CLOSED FOR Annual Holidays From SATURDAY NOON August 6 to MONDAY August 22 Anyone requiring oxygen or acetylene contact E. J. "Mike" REYNOLDS, phone 577. .Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton Alt •F�40 Clinton Community Farmers. AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 8.00 p.m. '1'b.'RMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Man ger E. W. Eu IO7'r Auctioneer tic W.. WLQUH�UN, Clerk W - Ads —Use Them! BOXY THEATRE AT, PARK TELEPHONE CLINTON THE 1150 Goderich NOW: Thurs.; Fria & Sat. 6`Rai`nbow Jacket" (Technicolor) The British racing scene comes to life in this appealing picture. Hay Walsh — Bill Owen Robert Morley MON., TUES. & WED. "Gorilla :At 'Large" Goliath, ferocious denizen of an amusement park carnival, is the obvious suspect for murder. The real murderer plays the situation to the hilt. Cameron Mitchell — Anne Bancroft — Lee 4. Cobb Coming: "THREE RING CIRCUS" Dean Martin Jerry Lewis easereeir Schaefer's Closes Doors After July Closing -Out Sale Schaefer's Ladies' Wear, Clin- ton, closed its doors on Saturday night, after a month long clearing sale which climaxed two years and three months in business here. Manager W. G. "Bill" Schaefer, was a welcome addition to the ranks of the businessmen in "Clin- ton. Though only 19 when he opened the shop, Bill rapidly be- came an assured salesman, and his customers gained confidence in his buying judgment. He was one of the youngest members in the Clinton Lions Club, and was a member of the Clinton Chamber of Commerce (again its youngest member), serving as chairman of the membership committee throughout the past year. On Monday afternoon he mar- ROXY THEATRE August Shows MonTues., Wed. — Aug. 1-2-3 "SO 'THIS IS PARIS" Tony Curtis - Gloria DeHaven Thurs., Fri., Sat. — Aug. 4-5-6 "THE RAINBOW JACKET" (Technicolor) Kay Walsh — Bill Owen Mon., Tues., Wed. — Aug. 8-9-10 "GORILLA AT LARGE" (Colour) Cameron Mitchell - Anne Bancroft Thurs., Fri., Sat. — Aug. 11-12-13 "THREE RING CIRCUS" (Color) Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Mon., Tues., Wed. — Aug. 15-16-17 "ROAD TO BALI" (Colour) Bing Crosby — Bob Hope Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Aug. 18-19-20 "RACING BLOOD" (Colour) Bill Williams — Jean Porter Mon., Tues., Wed. - Aug. 22-23-24 "FORBIDDEN" Tony Curtis — Joanne Dru Thurs., Fri., Sat. — Aug. 25-26-27 "FATHER BROWN, DETECTIVE" Alex Guiness - Joan Greenwood Mon., Tues., Wed — Aug. 29-30-31 'REACHING FROM HEAVEN' Cheryl Walker - John Qualan Clip and Save This Handy Monthly Calendar The Big 'Names In Gasoline Cities Service PREMIUM and REGULAR • Best for your car * More mileage per gallon * Easy on your pocketbook TRY A TANKFUL TO -DAY FROM RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products „Raymond Hoggarth, Prop. "The Place Where You Never Have To Blow Your Horn" Clinton Ontario NOW: Thurs., Fri. & Sat. John Payne Mary Murphy and Frances Sullivan Meet Mary Murphy, as a femme fatale, in this '•exciting story of the search for a precious ruby. Specifically designed for those who crave a DIFFERENT yarn. "HELL'S ISLAND" Vistavision and Technicolor MON., TUES. & WED. BOB HOPE with Milly Vitale & Angola Clarke By popular request, the number one picture on Paramount's bit parade, the biography of a song - and -dance man and his struggle to support— "The Seven Little Foys" Vistavision and Teclmicolor nensurnmemsnanwrininamone HE CAPITAL TELEPHONE 47 'Goderich. In order to accommodate STAFF HOLIDAYS The CAPITAL THEATRE will remain closed AUGUST 1st • to AUGUST 14th inclusive AMP ried Georgia Dunbar, teacher at SS 2, Hullett Township, two miles from Clinton, and they plan to make their home in Goderich. Mrs. Schaefer will teach Grade Three in the Goderich Public School. Bill's father., G. W. Schaefer plans retirement from active busi- ness life in the near future, and the younger man plans a partner- ship with his brother John. The two sons will then manage Sch- aefer's and Acheson's ladies' wear and drygoods stores in Goderich: SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING * Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects * Courses Approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association. * Modern Equipment. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6 GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE East Street Goderich, Ontario Phone 428W 31-2-3-4-5-b I GODERICH `PAVILION DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT JOHNNY DOWNS AND HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY WEDNESDAY is SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with Clarence Petrie and the Nighthawks LABOUR DAY MID -NIGHT DANCE • Sunday, September 4 FRIDAY NIGHT TEEN-AGE RECORD SWING Friday, August 5, with Johnny Brent as M.C. Motorola TY Model 21T23 "t, NOW ONLY .$289.955 AT GALBRAITH Radio and Television We Give SERVICE on Your TV All Makes Expertly Repaired PHONE 482 CLINTON HOT WEATHER SPECIALS SUMMER HATS and CAPS Regularly priced to $2.95 ea. YOUR CHOICE. $1.00 ea. SOCKS 69c and 98c pr. T-SHIRTS $1. to $2.89 ea. SPORT SHIRTS— Plains and fancies S. M. L. Regularly priced to $7,95 ea. SALE PRICE $1.95 up ' PICKETT' + CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 - (Main Corner)—,CLINTON