HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-07-28, Page 5ORSDAY, :JULY '28, 1955 CLINTON NEWS-ltECORb CLASS lFLED RATES ' CASH RATE —(l:f paid by Wednesday following date of in 'sartion)—Two cents a word first ',insertion (minimum ,.50 cents) ,.-silbsequent%insertions 'l% cents a ,word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents ektra for box number o for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. • IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes ACCOMMODATION for RENT FURNISHED, HEATED, THREE - ::.room apartment; share bath; pri- vate entrance. Phone Seaforth 42. 30b '2W0 APARTMENTS, both self- contained. One recently complet- ely redecorated. Contact 0. Swit- zer, phone Clinton 397. 27tfb "TWO FOUR .ROOM FURNISHED „apartments, with bathroom, in a .country farm house, available ':ybw. Phone Clinton 630r16. 26-7-8-9-30b "SMALL APARTMENT in Hensall, unfurnished, available now. Priv- :.ate entrance. Apply: Mrs. Carl McClinchey, Phone Hensall 107J. 30p ARTICLES FOR SALE ROWBOAT, 81/4 FOOT, CHEAP, 'Phone -Clinton 376W •(not Satur- day). 30b CROMATIC BEATTY WASHER, "two-tone, stainless steel• tub; never •been used: Phone Clinton 275. 30b ROA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" Television, new low prices on all models,. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, Ont. Phone Clinton 634r4. 19-tfb :PIANO, UPRIGHT; three-quarter • width metal bed and new spring; • end table. $60 the int or any part, Apply J, Dewar, 10 Quebec Road, RCAF Station. 30p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We • Rent — Move —Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators .curd antenna. All work fully guar- ,ariteed, Huron Tower Installation, Jihone Goderich'1344M. 6tfb AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1953 CHEVROLET "BEL . AIR" Sedan, just like new, radio, heater, . directional signals, actual mileage "?,000 miles. Contact Mrs. James Elliott, . Chalk Street, Seaforth, phone Seaforth 249W. 30b BABY CHICKS :50 THREE WAY CROSS Pullets, ready to lay. Alfred Hudie, phone Clinton 371W3. 30p WANTED TO PURCHASE — pullets, all ages and breeds. High - ,•est prices paid: State breed and 'number for sale. Box 251, Clin- 'ton News -Record. 25 to 32b MATCHING EGGS WANTED by ire of Canada's largest and old- • est established hatcheries. Eggs taken every week in the year. 'Big premium paid. For full de- tails write Box 280, Clinton News - Record. 28-35-b ;KITCHENER BIG -4 PULLETS, 2-6 weeks, most breeds, at low summer prices. Also mixed chicks. And Arbor Acre White Rock, chicks. ,Ask us for full particulars. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. 30-14b BOARD AND ROOM ROOM OR BOARDER, Phone Clinton 798W1. 30b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, ,High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- 'ton 448. • 13tfb BUILDINGS FOR SALE 'BARN 16'x36', to be removed, on James Street. Price reasonable. '.Lucy Levy. Phone Clinton 284W. 30p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 13 CHOICE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Jack McGuire, RR 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 802r5. 30b LOST and FOUND LOST—TRUCK TIRE and wheel, heavy duty, 6-p1y, 670/15, on road between Londesboro and Summer- hill, Friday morning. Finder -please contact. Reward, Bert Lobb, phone 'Clinton 537W4, 30p MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230, W. N. Counter. 30-p WIIY NOT TAKE A LESSON or two in Mambo, Rumba, Tango and other ds while Montori hrealoliday Al Kennedyance, , r will teach you asquickly as you, can learn. Apply to Box 300, Clinton' News -Record. 30p WATERLOO CATTT,F Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7,30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 am, on Sundays. 6-tfb NOTICE ANYONE FOUND. Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will beprosecuted. By order of the owner — A. E. Parry. 27-37-p PERSONAL HAIR; STYLING, COLD WAVES, full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc. Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of- fice. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. 22tfb POULTRY FOR SALE 125 YEAR-OLD HENS. Apply John A. Cooper, Kippen, Ontario. Phone Hensel 672r4, 30p PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE AND ONE-HALF; STOREY, frame, cottage, suitable for mov- ing. Apply to A. Lockhart, phone Goderich 1053W3, 30p SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County, Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh's, Dept. G-169-189, Montreal, F.Q. 30b TV Buyers DON'T PASS UP THIS OPPORTUNITY TO OWN AN RCA VICTOR Deep Image TELEVISION Salo Now On In Our New Showrooms Quantities Limited 5 only -17" TABLE MODELS— reg. Sale Pr ce ,, 159..7 3 .only -17" TABLE MODELS— _ reg. 229.50 1 Q9.CA Sale Price` 107 a50 2 only 21" TABLE MODELS— Sa. 249.50 le Price 199.50 2 only -21" FLOOR MODELS— reg. 329.50 • 259 50 Sale Price 1 only—RADIO-PHONOGRAPH reg. 229,50, 3 speed, auto - oma n tic changer 159 U 50 sle CALL THIS NUMBER u�7 Tel. Clinton 634 r 4 T. A. DUTTON RCA Victor Dealer Brucefield, Ontario CUSTOM WORK 'DRESSMAKING and Alterations. Phone Clinton 588M. 30b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR •sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A : good faun in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate 'Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. 25-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE DINE1.42E SET, FOUR CHAIRS, table, buffet, honey blond, in good elean condition, sacrifice price. Phone Clinton 634r11. 29-30b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. • G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 18b-tfb HELP WANTED-Femala ' GIRL FOR STEADY ' WORK. Apply Clinton Laundry and Dr3 Dieaners. 28-9-b PART TIME WAITRESS AT Finger's Restaurant. Phone Clin- ton li iton 405. 30b, LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND Bead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink ,Ranch,; Goderich. Phone cdlleet, I 1.483J1, or 1483J4 i 9ptfb Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W —• Clinton Hensall Accident In,j1.l.res London Man; $1000 Damage Victor McMaster,RR Lon- don, was treated for 4, several brok- en ribs and required three stitches to close wounds on the back of his head after the station, wagon he was driving was in collision last Saturday afternoon with a car driven by William Caldwell, Happen. • The accident occurred as Cald- well was allegedly making a left turn from Highway 4, two miles north of Hensall, into the drive- way of William Kyle. McMaster was taken to South Huron District Hgspital, Exeter, and later releas- ed. About $1,000 damage was done M each car. Provincial Constable Highton from Goderich investigat- ed. 0 SEAI'ORTH NOW HAS NEW SIDEWALKS ON MAIN STREET July 21—Uneven sidewalk on Seaforth's Main. Street was ripped up this week and a new sidewalk of asphalt and cement compound is being laid to replace the chipped rough surface, which has plagued succeeding Seaforth councils and citizens for 15 years. - Huron Expositor. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for the gifts, cards, treats and flowers sent to me while I was a patient in the Clin- ton Public Hospital. MARJORIE DOWSON. 30b IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Frankie Switzer, who passed away five years ago, July 27, 1950: "Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses you more than us. When old times we oft recall It's then we miss you most of all." —Always remembered by Mummy and Daddy, brothers and sisters, 30b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY corn uencing at 8.00 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUH6UN, Clerk The Big Names In Gasoline Cities Service PREMIUM and REGULAR * Best for your car • * More mileage per gallon * Easy on your pocketbook„ TRY A TANKFUL TO -DAY FROM RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop, "The Place Where You Never Have To Blow Your Horn" Clinton . Ontario House. For Sale The former residence of W. C. Brown of Clinton, will be offered for sale for a short time. This beautiful home offers many possibilities from a private estate to o commercial venture. The present owner has other interests that interfere with the proper development of this place. It can be purchased outright for a fraction of its cost or will consider a lease, with option to buy for an approved business venture. This is well worth thinking over. Contact Gerald Holland, Dublin, or L. G. "Skip" Winter, Real Estate Broker, Clinton, 30-b • BIRTHS BIGGART In -Ottawa Public Hospital, on 'Friday, July 22, 1955, to Cpl. and Mrs. R. C. Biggart, Ottawa, a son (Robert Keith), a grandson for Mr, and Mrs: W. J. Biggart, Clinton. CHAPMAN In Clinton Public . Hospital, on Friday,, , July 22, 1955, to Cpl, and Mrs. Robert Chapman, Clinton, a son. CLEAVE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, • July 22, 1955, to Mr. and ]Vlrs. Logan Cleave,ghten RR 3, Bayfield, a dau- DEWLING - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, July 21, 1955, " to Sgt. and Mrs. James Dew]ing, Clinton; a son. O'NEILL - ` In • .Clinton .Public Hospital, on Thursday, July 21, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Francis O'Neill; "Goderich, a daughter, MARRIAGES JACKSON-McCOOL —In Central United Church, Woodstock, On- tario, on Monday, July 25, 1955, by Rev. Sterling Kitchen, Sadie McCool,' daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William McCool; Londesboro, to Gilbert E. Jack- son, Toronto, CALDWELL-KYLE—In St. " And- rew's United Church, Kipper, on Saturday, July 23, 1955, by Rev, N. McLeod, Wilma Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam T. Kyle, Kippen, to Harold Lloyd Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell also of Kippen. HOYTEMA-GUETTER — In the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, on Friday evening, -July 22, 1955, by Rev. G. J. Hoytema, Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Guetter, Clinton, and John Hoytema, Clinton, son of Rev, and Mrs. G. J. Hoytema, also of Clinton. PrIBLADO-BRANDON -- At the home of the bride's father, Bay-. field, on Saturday, July 23, 1955, by the Rev. Peter Renner, Barb- ara Joy, daughter of Harold N. Brandon and the late Mrs. Bran- don, Bayfield, to Wendell Pit- blado, Goderich, son of Mrs. F. Pitblado, Goderich, and the late Mr. Pitblado. DEATHS GREEN — At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Beverly Beaton, Hensall, on Friday, July 22, 1955, Jonah Josiah Green, be- loved husband of the late Marg- aret Rush,.in his 89th year. Fun- eral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensel, to Grand Bend Cemetery, on Sunday afternoon;, July 24. - YOUNG — In the Bertram Rest Home, Mimico, Ont., on Sunday, July 17, 1955, Bella Cook, widow of the late Fletcher Young, and formerly of Clinton. Funeral from the Ridley funeral home, to Park Lawn Cemetery, Toron- to, on Tuesday, July 19. WINGHAM PLANS ZONING BY-LAW iN NEAR FUTURE A new town zoning by-law which would divide Wingham into four different classified areas, is being sought by Mayor R. E. Mc- Kinney and members of the Wing - ham council, The idea behind the plan would be to apportion the cost of developing new areas as reasonably as possible, and to clas- sify possible industrial sites as such, thereby making the town• more attractive to prospective in -I dustries. — Advance -Times, PAGE FDr ROXY THEATRE C L•I N'T 0 N NOW: THURS., FRI. & SAT. "Abbott & Costello Meet, Dr.. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" The funny men are back, with a brand -hew set of laugh- provoking antics. Mon., Tues., Wed., Aug. 1-2-3 "So This Is Paris" Technicolor These three sailors on leave in Paris will give you a thoroughly delightful evening, with never a serious moment —• Tony Curtis,' Corinne Calvet & Gene Nelson Coming: "RAINBOW JACKET" Kay Walsh -- Bill Owen Robert Morley Oats Judged In Competition For Seaforth Fall Fair The following are the results of the standing field crop competition in Rodney oats, sponsored by the Seaforth Agricultural Society. M. E. Hooper, RR 6, St, Marys, was the judge. Robert E. McMillan, RR 2, Sea - forth 93; Earl McSpadden, RR 1, Seaforth, 91; Gordon D. Scott, RR 2, Seaforth, 90; Lewis P. Coyne, RR 5, Seaforth, 89%; James M. Scott, RR 2, Seaforth, 89; Luther Sanders, RR 2, Seaforth, 89%; Ken, Stewart, RR 5, Seaforth, 88; Eric Anderson, RR 1, Londesboro, 87%; R. S. McKercher, RR 1, Dub- lin, 87; Oliver Pryce, RR 1, Dublin, 85; Harold Pryce, RR 1, Seaforth, 843 Guy Dorrance, RR 1, Dublin, 84; J. W. Crich, RR 4, Clinton, 83, Contestants are to exhibit one bushel of these oats at the Sea - forth Fall Fair. Final results will be tabulated on the basis of 75 per cent for field score and 25 per cent for exhibit. Alternate generations of the Monarch butterfly migrate from Canada to the southern United States. TAXI SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI PRINTING AND STATIONERY APPLIANCE OPERATORS- (Male). $1.00 an hour Department of Public Printing and Stationery, CLINTON, Ontario Further information available on posters at the Post Office. Application forms, available thereat, should be filed with the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto NOT LATER THAN AUGUST 6, 1955 Big Look Motorola TV Model 2-1T23' ' FEATURES. . , Aluminized Tube 0 Tinted Glass L'iftime Focus 0 Miracle Interlace In Walnut, Mahogany or Blond. - YOU CAN GET SERVICE ON YOUR TV AT GALBRAITH Radio and Television PHONE 482 CLINTON Ammon amminmemeneeme,....„ -T T, pADK TELEPSHONE AT0 CAPITAL TELETHEPPHONI Goderich Goderich NOW: THURS., FRI. & SAT. Rock Hudson — Arlene Dahl and Ursula Theiss Rebel Hindus force a young cap- tain to resign from the famous Bengal Brigade but a later upris- ing brings him: romance and vin- dication — In Technicolor, "Bengal Brigade" MON„ TUES. & WED. Ginger Rogera--Edw. -G. Robinson and Brian Keith Tense drama of an attorney and a girl who combine to upset a sinister czar of the underworld, TIGHT SPOT" Coming: • HELL'S ISLAND" In Vistavision with John Payne and Mary Murphy MINOR CAR ACCIDENT AT SHIPLEY-RATTENBURY STS"' While driving on Rattenbury Street, here last week, a car driv- en by Newton Davies, Clinton, collided with a car driven by Lloyd Howatt, RR 1, Blyth. The accident occurred at the inter- NOW: THURS., FRI, & SAT, Estelita Rodriquez with. Roberti Rockwell & Gordon Jones A wartime promise, to take, • of a buddy's sister, turns into and adventurous and exciting romance. "Belle of Old Mexico" In Technicolor MON., TUES. & WED. Johnny Weissmuuer — Anita Lhoest and Buster Crabbe. Terror stalks the jungle as Jungle Jim carries on his search for the fabulous "leopard woman". "Captive Girl" Coming: "TROUBLE IN THE GLEN" In color with Victor MoLagen mmormniaossissoliminimossammicias section of Shipley and Rattenbury Streets, Davies is alleged to have lost control of his car and the vehicle swung onto the street side careening into a house owned by Clarence Perdue. No one suffered serious injury, but damage was estimated at $150 to each car. GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT JOHNNY DOWNS AND HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY WEDNESDAY is SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with Clarence Petrie and the Nighthawks CIVIC HOLIDAY MID -NIGHT DANCE Sunday, July 31st—Johnny Downs and his Orchestra FRIDAY NIGHT TEEN-AGE RECORD SWING , Friday, August 5, with Johnny Brent es M.C. J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, . Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BiRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Dote Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING $100.00 A Week or more in your own Home Town, as a salesman? if so, contact by letter or phone for appointment. MR. A. MCDERMID, General Sales Manager, Royalty Food & Freezer Plan Cummer Building -- GUELPH, Ontario This is an Opportunity of a Life Time 30-1-2-b .- Don't miss these MEN'S SLACKS— Regularly Priced to $27.51 SALE PRICE from Regularly Priced $27.50— SALE PRICE from SHIRTS— SPORT .95 u Special Group—Reg. $5.95- y PRICE $1..95 ea. SALE BLACK HALF HOSE Reg. $L50 value 79c pr. SALE PRICE ANKLE SOX - Reg. to $1.75 SALE PRiCE 69c and 98e PICKETT a CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats "'The Store For Men" PHONE 25 --. (Main Corner) CLINTON