HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-07-28, Page 4•PGE FOUR dN'Totl,NEWS=RECORD THURSDAY, JULY28, 1955 Pitblado' Brandon By our Bayfield correspondent) afternoon, hi a i e th z beside cedars, e u N n s a The r c v e ds e a i ra n over f e with e e bouquet d 1 gown e carried The scene of a very pretty wed ding on Saturday, fternoon, July 23, was the lawn at the home of H. N. Brandon, Hayfield. Baskets of gladioli adornedthe front of the house, •A white trellis with roses entwined against the side of the house set off the fiowerbeds in front of it., The gti sts were seated in the shade of the trees, • At three o'clock, the beautiful bride, preceded by her attendants came down the front steps and took her ,place the groom before an' arch of artistic- ally decorated with gladioli and trumpet vine, on the east lawn. The Rev. Peter Renner, St. And- rew's United Church, united in marriage, Barbara Joy, third dau- ghter of Harold Brandon and the late Mrs, Brandon, and Wen- dell E. Pitblado, on of Mrs. F. Pitblado, Goderichand the late Mr, Pitblado, in a double -ring. ceremony, Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of nylon net over taffeta, ffeta, featuring frosted flowers. xe floor -length full skirt, was crinolined. The tightly fitted bodice had a sweet= heart neckline over which was worn a short sleeved jacket. Her long gloves of net cane to lily points on her hands. She wore a two -strand pearl necklace, The fingertip nylon veil tell from a coronet of seed pearls andisequins. and she carried a white Bible crested with lace and pink roses, which was showe •ed with white satin ribbons and baby roses, Miss Shirley Brandon, was her sister's maid of honour. She wore a ballerina -length dress, of powder blue nylon net taffeta. Lace insets around the lull skirt gave it a three tiered effect. The bodice was fashioned a sweetheart neckline. Her headdress was a bandeau of powder blue net, to which was caught blue lily -of -the - valley. She wore white gloves and carried an arm of white gladioli with wide white satin streamers, The bridesmaid, Miss Carol Petts, Niagara Falls, was similarly attired in a go of pastel pink with •matching headdress, white gloves and white gladioli. Popular Bayfield Girl Weds MR, AND MRS. -WENDELL E. PITBLADO, are pictured. here following their marriage on Saturday afternoon, July 23, on the lawn at the home • of the bride's father, Harold N. Brandon, Bayfield. The bride is the former Barbara Joy , Brandon, Toronto, and her husband is the, son of Mrs, F. Pitblado, Goderich and the late Mr, Pitblado. Follownig a wedding trip to Northern Ontario and the United States, the young couple plans to live in Toronto. (Photo by MacLaren's) • The winsome flowergirl, Lynn Brandon, a niece of the bride, wore a dress of white nylon net over taffeta, in three tiers, with lace insets. Her headdress was of mauve shirred net, With white lily - of -the -valley and she carried a basket of snapdragons in wine, rust and yellow shades. The groomsman was Angus W. Barnes, Toronto. Before the ceremony Mrs. Ralph SHIRLEY'S BSHOP is CLOSING this week The great friendliness of the people of Clinton and the loyalty of all my customers is deeply appreciated. -SHIRLEY MRS. SHIRLEY STEWART, Prop. Specials For July 28 - 29 - 30 PEAS, Sp. Deal, New Pock, 15 oz., 2 tins 23c PORK and BEANS, Clark's, 20 oz., 2 tins .,,,,,.,, 33c KAM, Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. 39c TEA BAGS, Kadana 100's 85c PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL, Ib, 49c WEINERS, Ib 35c BACON, Swift's Prem., 1/z Ib, pkg. 35c WATERMELLONS, Ige. size, each 95c COOKED HAM, Ib,` 99c MB, New Improved, Ige. pkg, 29c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s, dpz. 37c POTATOES, 10 tbs. 29c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver fer. Speckil Look Over These 2 Exceptional Buys Now! ON WINDOW DISPLAY: ONE DAVENPORT and GROUP 1st Group: 3 -Piece Chesterfield Flower Lamp Arborite Top Coffee Table Arborite Top End Table ONE CHESTERFIELD GROUP WAS $357.35 YOURS FOR $289.50 2nd Group: Davenport with folding arms Matching Chair Walnut End Table Flower Lamp WAS $246.95 NOW $1.98.50 "A REAL BONUS `BUY". - BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE --- FURNITURE PHONE 195 CLINTON, ,ONT. 0 Try Our Customer Parking Lot at Rear. of Store Moyer sang "Because" and during the signing of the register, "Through the Years". She was accompanied by Miss Ruth Clarke, Varna. The- reception was held in the United Church parlour, The bride's table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake flanked by white tapers. Over the table, hung a wedding bell and decora- tions were carried out in pink and white streamers. Boutonnieres of mauve and white sweetpeas were at each place. Included in the 69 guests were friends from Niagara Falls, Toronto and London. The groom's gift, -to the bride was an orchid pin and earrings. For a motor trip to Northern Ontario, and the United States, the bride donned a powder blue linen suit with navy and white accessories and wore a corsage of pink rosebuds, On their return they will live in Toronto. The bride had attended Clinton District Collegiate Institute. She was twice adjudged Miss Huron County in beauty contests spon- sored by the Lions Club in Zurich. Last year she won the title, "The Niagara Grape Queen". After a course in the Grey School of Beauty in London, Barbara took a position in Toronto in March. Her many friends here join in congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. . o Minister's Son Weds Local Girl IMAGINATION- Key MAGINAATION -K+ey To Salad Sucoess. (By Marie 7f'raSer,, FP001 Editor) "Insipid' as life is without love is thesalad without` imagination", A ,treasured statement indeed from a chef who knew what he was tallurig about.; And he was, talking about .ALL salads, includ- ing those We make in our own kitchens, - If we've been. slipping on this matter of imagination, during the celebration of National Salad Week is a good time to "pull up our socks" as they say!' There couldn't be an easier .time to do it either .. > with the pro- fusion of fresh fruits and veget- ables making their brilliant, debut in markets and; stores and on the table. It's easy enough to discover, courtesy of Webster, that imagina- tion is the ability to create' new things or ideas, or, to combine old ones in new forms. With salads, it's mostly the latter . , . and that ability spells out success for all salad -makers, If you've never served beets and celery together in a salad ... do it now and like in a salad, do it now . and likewise with that unusual orange and onion duo. Maybe you've used cottage cheese in fruit salads, but have never tried it in combination with vegetables and jellied into the bargain. We're suggest- ing this versatile dairy food in a two -layer. version that comes out red and white in a ring, is gay and colorful and crunchy with bits of raw vegetables. The bottom layer is a zippy tomato aspic and the top is white, because it com- bines cottage cheese decked up with diced celery, green pepper and minced onion, seasoned with salt and lemon juice. Cream and mayonnaise give it its velvety tex- ture. Unmold your triumph onto leafy green lettuce and ring 'round it other greens of your choke. And you know what the experts say about those greens . and other salad ingredients too . make sure they're as crisp as mus- lin . and as cold as a politic- lan's heart! • COTTAGE CHEESE TOMATO ' RING (Makes 8 to 10 Servkngs) Top Layer 1 tablespoon gelatin �.4 cup cold water •° 2 cups cottage cheese 14 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 14 cup cream 14 cup mayonnaise 44 cup diced celery 14 cup diced green pepper - 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 teaspoon sugar Sprinkle gelatin over cold water in top of double boiler. Let stand for a few minutes or until soften- ed, Place over boiling water until dissolved. Combine remaining in- gredients and blend thoroughly. Add dissolved gelatin to cheese mixture. Pour into large ring mold which has been rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm, Bottom Layer 1 tablespoon gelatin 111 cup cold water 254 cups tomatoes bay leaf •. 1 slice onion 4 cloves 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons Iemon juice Soften gelatin in cold water. Cook tomatoes, seasonings and sugar for 204,minutes. Add salt and lemon juice. Press through a strainer and pour over firm cottage cheese mold in salad ring. Chill again un- til firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce leaves and garnish with carrot curls and halved cucumber "slices. Fill the centre with celery leaves, MARIE FUASER e COTTAGE CHEESE RINGS (Makes 4 to 6 Servings) 1 tablespoon gelatin Tie cup cold water 2 cups' cottage cheese e( teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 114 cup cream 14 cup mayonnaise fruit or vegetable salad Sprinkle gelatin over cold water in top of double boiler. Let stand for a few minutes or until soften- ed. Place over boiling water until dissolved. Combine ,remaining in- gredients except the salad and blend thoroughly. Add dissolved gelatin to the cheese mixture. Pour into individual ring molds which have been rinsed in cold water. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce or salad greens. Fill centre of mold with fruit or vegetable salad. 0 Summerhill Club Has July Meeting • The July meeting of the Sum- merhill ummerhiIl Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Chester Far- quhar. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Keith Tyn- dall. The singing of "Home on the Range" was followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. A thank - you was received from Mrs. Ira Rapson. There was a discussion and plans were made for the an- nual picnic. The program consist- ed of readings by Arnold Crich and Mrs. Earl Blake. The raffle was won by Mrs. E. Blake. The August meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. ,N. Forbes. Program committee . will be Mrs, George Wright, Mrs. Norman Wright, Mrs. E. Ellis and Mrs. Chester Farquhar. Those on the lunch committee are: Mrs. Ivan Hoggart, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. N. Wright. 0 LOCAL PRESBYTERIAL WIVIS WILL MEET IN WALTON The annual autumn meeting of the Centre Section of Huron Pres- byterial Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the United Church will be held in Walton United Church on September 28, with morning and afternoon sessions, VARNA MAN AND HENSALL WOMAN IN TWO -CAR CRASH Approximately 8100 damage was done in a two -car collision involv- ing cars driven by Mrs. Jacob Boersman and William Murray, Varna. The crash was at the inter- section of Highway 84 and Nelson Street, Hensall. Constable E. R, Davis investigated. MR. AND MRS. JOHN HOYTEMA are pictured here following their wedding in the Christian Reformed Church. Clinton, for which the groom's, father, Rev. G. S. Hoytema of- ficiated. The bride is the dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, John Guetter, Clinton. The young couple were both born in Hol- land, and after their families moved to Clinton, they 'met here. They plan to live at RR 5, Clinton, (Photo by Tan, Hammerton) WCTU To Hold Picnic in Exeter Riverview Park The regular meeting of the Exeter-Hensall Women's Christian Temperance Union was held at the home of Mrs. F. Gunning, Exeter. Mrs..C. W. Dpwn presided and Mrs. W. Cook led in the devotional: worship. Plans were made for the pro- gram for the August meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society on August 11, . Arrangements were made for the meeting to take the form of a picnic at Riverview Park, Exeter. The lives ,ani outstanding ach- ievements of the pioneer leaders pf the WCTU were studied and dis cussd as well as the achievements of the kcal WCTU; Since its for- mation. SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1955 • (all times Daylight Saving Time) 'PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria. Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, July 29- 8.00 p.m. -Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, July 31- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m,--Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Evening Gospel Service Tuesday, August 2-- 8.00 -8.00 pan, -Prayer & Bible Study ST.,. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAL CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, July :31 - Church School at 10.30 a.m. (note) Divine Worship at 11.15 a.m, St. Paul's Anglican meets for worship with St. Andrew's during July. KNOX CHURCH, BAYP7ELD . 9.45 a.m.-Divine Worship. Everyone Welcome eBiep=rilCf>S" tAniteb Chu rdi Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister- MRS. inisterMRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship- "SWEET CERTAINTIES', 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 p.m. -Church School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Praise - Rev. J. E; Ostrom in charge. HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.--Church Service and Sunday School. Come To The House of Prayer Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV, J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.--Morning Service. 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I, BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m,-Sunday School 11.00 a.m,-Morning Worship Services, You are cordially invited to these services. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. Joseph Street GOSPEL. HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.-GosPel. Meeting ALL WELCOME ' ST. PAUL'S' ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenilin, Organist Mrs, J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Services for July in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR --REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORE ANIST -MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00. a.m.-TJnion Service in Wesley -Willis Church 7.30 p.m. -Union Service in Wesley -Willis Church IVIr. and .Mrs, 5, F.:, Oastle are holidaying this Week in Northern ntarro. Weekend visitors at the hope of 1Vtrs. F. Sloman were Mr. and Mrs. L R, Douglas, Meaford. ONAL8 Miss Marjorie Agnew, Vancouv- er, B,C., is spending her holiday with her aunt, Mrs. W. Brydone, Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepper visited with relatives in Meaford 'last Thurs- Mrs. Jack Hamilton, Gary and Kim, London, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H.:; J, McEwan. Mr. and Mrs. William Hoggart and Mrs. Annie. Brown spent. Sun- day with the latter's daugther, Mrs. Gordon Curts, Arizona, Cst. John Wilson has returned to Red Deer, Alta., after a visit to his parents, Rev. and Mrs. H, C. Wilson at Wesley -Willis manse, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Falconer, Mrs. Peter Glazier and William Cook were in Toronto last week attend- ing the funeral of Mrs, Fletcher Young. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Falconer and baby, Halifax, N.S., have re- turned home after spending the past three weeks with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Falconer, Mrs. Ida M. Jones, Rattenbury Street, had as a visitor last week, her niece, Mrs. Lorna M. Murray, of Stratford. Mrs. Murray leaves today (July 28), accompanied by Miss Katherine Rongits, also of Stratford, for Montreal to board the Cunard Liner- Ascania, to spend their vacation in the British Isles. They also plan to visit France and Switzerland before leaving by Dutch Air Lines from Amsterdam, Holland; on the re- turn trip via New York where they will visit friends. ston: Mx. and Mrs. Harold C. John- ston, Paul and Heather, and Mrs. Charles E. Quennell, Toronto, vis- ited'over the weekend at the home of their mother, Mrs, J, E. John - Visitors the early part of this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, John A. Sutter were Mrs. ie. P. Robbins and three children; Richmond Hill, and Miss Shirley G. - Sutter, Preston, Mr. Henry 'Livermore has re- turned to his home in Forest Park, ILL USA, after a holiday with his sister, Mrs. A, D. McCartney and brother, A. Livermore. On Sun- day they motored to Howes Grove in Harriston, and were joined by other members of the family from London, Toronto and Harriston. It was 41 years since the family had been together: • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ashton and Keith returned on Friday from a vacation in Alberta and Saskatchewan. They attended the Stampede and visited Mr. and Mrs. Comerford (nee ' Shirley Ashton) at Calgary, They travelled to White Fox, Sask., and called on' Ed. Walters, formerly of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Matooru (nee Geraldine Denomme) also formerly of Clinton: 0 HENSALL GIRL HONOURED PRIOR TO WEDDING (By our Henson correspondent) ' Complimenting Miss Elaine Beer, 'popular bride -elect, over 40 friends met, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, to pre- sent her with a miscellaneous shower prior to her marriage. Ar - ringing the affair were Miss Shir- ley Flynn, and Miss Betty Moir, and`Mrs. Don Fleas. Mrs. Proctor Palmer wishes to announce the - Opening of a Beauty Soon • at the ,residence of . MRS. GEORGE THOMPSON, PRINCESS STREET Salon will be open the middle of August. Call 585 For Appointments 29-30-31-b Daily Vacation. Bible School Monday, Aug. 1 to Friday, Aug. 5 Clinton Pentecostal Church ;SERVICES 13.00 A.M. to 12.00 A.M. EACH DAY Friday, 8 p.m., Closing Service, to , which parents and friends are invited. This Bible School is for children of ages 3 to 115, Thank You 'for the privilege, of teaching your children God's Work, MRS, K. RENNICK, Monkton, Teacher K. L, SWEIGARD, Pastor, • We're proud of the prize-winning cakes we bake! The best shortening, flour and flavour . . , add up • to make each bite a treat. Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only-- -MARBLE nly--MARBLE LOAF CAKE !REG. 35c for . 29c BARTLIFF BROS.., B PHONE 1 • ra. and. CONFECTIONERS CON