HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-07-28, Page 3=UR Y; JULY, 28, $55 cuivu 1v NEWS- 3:1EtdoR eUn� n Tebbutt Reunion The annual Tebbutt Reunioi was held at Harbour Park; • Gode rich, on Wednesday, July 20, Wit approximately. 100 present, A public address system brought from Detroit by Cliff McCartney supplied music during d the after- noon. and added much to the:oe- casion; A good program of sports was enjoyed. The winners were as fo)lows: Rages: five and under; girls, Patty Tebbutt, Lois Merrill; boys, Wayne Tebbutt, Ian Hulley; six' to eight, girls, Faye Merrill; boys, Don Taylor, Wayne Norton; nine to 12, girls,- Jacqueline Bishop, Shirley Mallough; 'boys, Gary Fee gars; young ladies, Beverley Bish opp, Dorothy Feagan; young men, Nelson'Dow ,.Jim Nelson; Ladies' ]tick -the -slipper, Lulu' Merrill, Madden Mcllwain• cloth- es pin race; Mary McCowan's group, Grace Addison's group; dress up race, Lorne Jervis and. Willa Taylor, Murray Forbes and 1VMarlene Forbes, Betty Hulley and Jack . Tebbutt; balloon and pin; race, Gary Feagan, Jack Tebbutt; longest distance, Bishop family, Niagara Falls; youngest, Donald Hicks; most recently married, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Forbes; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Curry; largest family, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Murphy; oldest per- son, Wallgate Tebbutt. The executive for 1956 is as follows: honorary president, Lewis Tebbutt; past president, Will. Teb- butt; president, Lorne Jervis; vice- president, Cliff McCartney; secre- tary -treasurer, .Alta -Lind Rodges; • assistant secretary, Mrs, Carman Tebbutt; management committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grigg, Mr. and Mrs: Robert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan, Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vine Tebbutt; sports. committee, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Gibson, Mr. and Mrs.= Fred Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy. In pay pay and allowances- the Can- adian Prime Minister receives $37,000 a year. • l WISE G BATEMAN'S Pl.t)MB.EPI ��� WE KNOW THE Cosr OF LIVING, 70 O, J AND VC)141. i)e;x1-O 13,«.,11..„u...,. WISE BATEMAN %Gu`.ig9u+er� ELECTRICIANS6PLUM SERA' CLINTON • (74...6147 PAGE -THREE opular Your Hoyterna-Guetter The groom's father officiated at the pretty wedding in the Christ- ian Reformed Church, Clinton, last Friday evening, July 22, When Jean Guetter, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John Guetter; Clinton, be- came the bride of John Hoytemay Son of Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Hoy tema, also of Clinton, The bride was lovely in a floor - length _ gown of nylon net over crinoline, with a floral design out- lined with sequins an the gown' and bolero' collar. Her, matching' headdress was caught by a three- quarter length pointed veil. She. wore nylon gloves, and high white pumps, and carried a streamered bouquet of white carnations, with baby. 'mums and fern. Theresa Guetter, the 'bride's sister, was maid of honour and Frances YYoytema, the groom's sister, was bridesmaid. They wore ice blue nylon net, styled at floor- length, with armlets and bolero, all matching; a white floral head- dress, and silver ballerina shoes. They carried bouquets' of white 'mums and fern: Two dainty flowergirls, Marilyn 'and Frances Zoridervan, cousins of the groom, wore floor -length dresses of pink nylon net, white floral headdresses and white shoes, and carried flowerbaskets of baby 'mums and fern. Joe Wiersma, Stratford and Jake Feenstra, Wyoming, were the two groomsmen. Cees Guetter, brother of the bride, provided the music for the ceremony. For the reception afterwards in the church hall, the bride's moth- er wore navy blue polka dot dress, with white carnation corsage, and the bridegroom's mother wore navy crepe with white embroider- ed flowers, and a white carnation corsage. • The bride donned a dress of sea blue dacron with dainty white flowers, and a large white scarf cellar, withwhite accessories and a white carnation corsage. The young couple left for a wedding trip to Northern Ontario. Upon their return they will live at RR 5, Clinton. Both bride and groom are New Canadians, and met here in Can- ada. The bride arrived with her family in 1949 from Andyk, north Holland, and settled in Clinton. 'The groom and his parents, two brothers and sister, arrived in 1952 from Monster, south Holland, and also settled in Clinton: PORTER'S HILL Mrs. Dorothy Locking, Port El- gin, spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. .Alvin Betties. How "Skinny” Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 Lbs. New Pep tausands wfio never could gain weight b... fore, now have shapely, attractive figures. N more bony limbo ugly hollows. They ' osbox Tonle Tablets, Helps put flesh on bod skinny due to impaired appetite because bl ., tacks Iron. Improves digestion, nourlsbn Increases pep.' Get -acquainted' stze only CO I try per, Ogres today. Alipound,, lovely oam74 druggists. Caldwell—Kyle $t. Andrew's' United. Church, Kippen, lovely with a floral back- ground of white and salmon glad= solo was the setting for a charming wedding on Saturday. July 23, when Wilma Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kyle, I(ippen, became the bride of Har- old Lloyd Caldwell son of Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell, Kippen. Rev. Norman McLeod officiated. Traditional wedding music, was played by Miss Jean Ivison; church organist, who accompanied soloist Geroge Woodcock, Dearborn, Mich. cousin of the 'bride), who sang,' "'she Lord's Prayer and "0 Promise Me". Given in marriage by her father, the bride Was lovely in a waltz length . strapless gown of embroid- ered 'Swiss tulle; over nylon net. The fitted lace jacket featured a Peter Pan collar trimmed with seed pearls and sequins, and fash- ioned with lily -point sleeves, . A Juliet cap of lily -of -the -valley held her finger-tip veil ofembroidered illusion net. She carried a white Bible with a cascade of white rib- bon knotted with rose buds and baby 'mums. Miss Eleanor Venner, • Hensall, as maid of honor, was gowned in turquoise net over taffeta, waltz length with embroidered net pol- onnaise and hug -me -tight jacket, with matching bandeau headdress of net, trimmed with sequins and rhinestones. • Bridesmaids, Miss Bonnie Kyle, ICippen, sister' of the bride, was.. costumed identically to the maid of honor in a shrimp shade gown, Both carried bouquets of yellow 'mums. Robert Caldwell, Kippen, was his brother's groomsman Tom Kyle, Kippen, brother of the bride, and Harry Tozer, London, ushered. The wedding dinner, attended by 60 guests was held' in the church parlors, attractive in white and pink streamers, and pink and white gladioli.. The bridal table was centred with a three -tiered wedding cake. For receiving, the bride's mother wore powder blue lace over taffeta with accessories in white. The groom's mother as- sisted wearing rose lace over taf- feta with beige accessories, They wore corsages of pink and white roses respectively. Assisting at the wedding dinner were Mrs. Harry Smith, Hensall; Mrs. Grant Smith, Hensall; Mrs. William Cleary, Toronto; Miss Margaret Campbell, London. For their wedding trip to the USA, the bride donned a white linen afternoon dress, over which was worn a blue linen duster, with accessories in white and a corsage of gardenias. Guests were present from Dear- born, Mich.; Toronto, Clinton, London, Dashwood, Montreal, Sault Ste. Marie, ' Hensall,' and Cromarty, The young couple will reside in Hensel,. 0 Do You Need A Place to Live? Try' a Want` Ad. MR. AND MRS. JOHN EDWARD POUTER are pictured here shortly after their wedding -,which 'took place in Trinity Lutheran Church, Clifford, on Saturday, June 18. The bride is Marlene Caroline, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Edward Brantigam, Clifford, and her husband is• the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Porter, Zurich. Following a wedding trip to, Niagara Falls and• the United States, the young couple are living near Clinton. 0-4-41-41-11-•44444-10-4.-•-•-•-•-44-•-•-•-.114. HENSALL Ron Mock who has been a pa- tient at St Joseph's Hospital Lon- don, returned home on Friday of iast week. Mrs; Catherine Redden returned home the latter part of last week after spending a week visiting with relatives In Brantford and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sangster and Sandra, London; Mn and Mrs. Herb Stretton and eggy, Lucan, spent the weekend with Mrs. Min- nie Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. G. Trees and son Bert, Holland, who are spending three months visiting relatives in Clarkson, Canada, were guests Tuesday and Wednesday of fast week with Mr, anis Mrs. S. Rooboi. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McClem- ents, Lynn, Mass,; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hedden, Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hed- den, Woodstock, were weekend AST - CALL Just 3 Days Left, We Close Our Doors Saturday Night' FIN -A L CLEARANCE- 29 'Dresses "t::: Sale 5.00 24 Dresses Ry. -;s° Sale 3.00 Ladies' Suits $_ o Sale 14.88 4 Spring Coats':at 10.00 7 Spring Coats at 14.88:. 4 All: -Weather. Coats 10.00 5 Winter Coats 25:00 2'9 Grand'MereCardiga'ns" 48` Blcuses.': 1.94 Stretchy Nylons �; 9 Sale 1.2S pr TSbir'ts_(final clean. up) 1000 4444444 -0 -e -.4444 -94444 -e44 -s4-4 4 PHONE ,59 CLINTON -off 44'474-± .:" 4444-e-H4,as4.444-e4,4444.w 4.44- / aao..s,+w.+ visitors with Mrs, C. Hedden and Herb.. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell, Kippen, a recent bricl,al couple, were presented with a purse of mony at a reception held in Bayfield Monday • evening. Jim McGregor and Jack Cooper Jr., did the honors, .,avw.vr+wws� "BUSINESS DIRECTORY' INSURANCE Insure the "Co-op" Way W. V. ROY District Representative Box 310 ' Clinton, Ontario Phone Collect Office 557 Res. 324'J IL C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES,; Office 251W; Res. 251,1 Insurance, — Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure • • Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Sun life Assurance Co. o£' Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 703w2 J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy THE'llIeKILLOP MIMI:JAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office; Seaforth Officers 1951: President, John H. McEwing, Blyth; vice-presi- dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; secretary -treasurer and manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm, S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Godericla; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea forth. Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Landes - bora; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The Facts Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — Zurich Investors Mutual • Managed and Distributed by Jnivestors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY • G. B. CLANCY Optometrist Optician' (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 83, Goderich J. E. LONGSTAFF Hoursr Seaforth Daily except Monday & Wednesday -9 a.m. to 5.30 Pm. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Clinton MacLaren's Studio—Mon- days only -9 a,m. to 5.30 p.m. PHONE 791 SEAFORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT RAY N BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (corner South St.) Telephone 1011' GODERICII ONT. RONALD G. McCANN Public Acdonntant • Royal Bank Bldg., Phone 561 Res: Rattenbury St., Phone 455 CLINTON, ONTARIO 4-tfh ~mow AL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER • Real' Estate and Business. Broker High Street -Clilaton:' Phone 148 For your comfort and enjoyment all I.D.A. DRUG STORES; Special Values and Remind.; ers for This Week. BRANDS :.. ak Paper Heavy- grade 100 -foot rolls in dispenser' box with met a 1 cutting edge. Regular 29c. 2 rolls 49c PAPER NAPKINS', 70 white embossed, large size napkins Reg. 17, 2 for 33e 15c, 2 for 29c MINERAL OIL 16 oz,q 40 oz. reg. 55c 4'3 C reg, 1,10 8 7 CALAMINE LOTION 8 oz. bottle' reg. 50c dd g9'e STOMACH POWDER reg.475c 59c re. 195 1.49 KILL FLIES with GREEN CROSS Insect Bomb. A sure way to kill flies, mosquitoes, etc. 6 oz...., 89e; 11 oz. .. 1.39 HEP kills Flies, Mosquitoes, etc..,,, Aerosol Bomb 1.39 SAPHO FLY SPRAY.... 38c, 58e, 98c SAPHO BOMB 1.39 Suntan and Sunburn Preparations Caligesic Ointment 1.00 Aorillex 60c Nupercainal 1.00 Nivea Creme 63c, 1.10, 3.00 Siiulton Bronztan 1.50 Williams Skol 55c, 75c, 1.00 Coppertone Spray 2.25 Coppertone Oil or Cream 1,50 Noxzema: 65c, 89e, 1.69 Noxzema Suntan Lotion in a squeeze bottle 1.00 Noxzema Suntan; Oil or Cream 390, 75c Tantoo 60c, 98c Velvetta Suntan Cream 65c SUN GLASSES SPECIAL VALUE—Aviation 990 type in leatherette case .„c7 Kiddies' Glasses 25e, 29e Polaroid "Fits-on"—clamp over regular eye glasses 2.50 Gltuetutaster Clip -over 69e Polaroid Zephyr or Winsome 1.98 Polaroid Flightline 2.98 Zone -Ray Slipover Glasses ,4.00 Tone -Ray Sum Glasses .. 5.00 to 10.00 TOILET TISSUE Full size 750 sheet' rolls of first quality tissue—extra soft—, extra white, Beg. 2 rolls 25e 2 for 21e Alrol ALUMINUM FOIL 12 inches' wide +1170 25 foot roll �2 "Auer" - LIGHTER Auer"•LIGHTERS A triple -action lighter engineered for beauty and durability— guar_ anteed by maker feature value . •.,,, i 1' "Vacmaster" VACUUM BOTTLES Canadian made. A well made vacuum bottle for travelling, lunch kits, picnics. �9C 15 oz, bottle 6 "Marathon" GOLF BALLS Fine quality durable balls at an economy price — reg. low price 45c, 2 for• 1,25 3 for $1.39 CAMERAS and FILMS CAMERAS Brownie Holiday' Flash Camera 3.90 Brownie Hawkeye • 7.95 Brownie Ilawkeye Flash Outfit 15.50 Kodak Duitflex 111 with Kotiot lens 17.95 with Kodar f8 lens, 26.75 Kodak Pony Cameras - 34.50 "1350" 39.75 FLASHOLDERS Kodalite Midget—fits Holiday Flash Model 3.60 Kodalite—fits Brownie Hawk - eye and Duaflex 111 ._ Cameras 4.50 SYLVANIA FLASHBULBS No. M2, eats. 12c; Bantam 8 14c Bantam 8 Gift Pack (12) 1.68 No. 250 for Colour Film 20c Press' No. 25 16c FILMS VEItJCIBIOME-- 120 .8r 620, 41c; Duo -Pak, 89c 127, 42c; Duo -Pak. 790 KODAOIIRO111E 1355— 20 exp. 4.25 SG exp. 6.55 IiODACOLOR, 3 exp. -- 0127 a,nd C127A 2.45 0120 and. 0620 3.70 TRI - 120 and 127 520; 135 ., 95e lvfOVII F1Isl%i— Kodachrome 8 iron. 50 -ft. roll 4,85 Super 'N Black and White, 8 nun., 50 -ft. roll 3,95 UNIQUE F PHOTO SERVICE . B. PENNEBAKER PHONE DRITGGLST- ` CLINTON BRANCH No. 140 Canadian Legion MONSTER ARNIVAL Canadian Legion Grounds, Kiril~ Street Monday Evening August 1, coiamencfng at 8.30 BINGO -• GAMES OF .CHANCE DANCING 10 pan.., to 1 a.m. DRAW'- VALUAIRf PRIZES AT 11.30 P.M.. 1-24"" HALLICRAFTER Console TV with. London Aerial 2--17" Hallicrafter Table Model TV with London Aerial 3—TELEVISION CHAIR Tickets: 25c each; 5 for $1,00 .ANNOCKI1U IN PIPE BAND In Attendance PROCEEDS ;FOR. LEGION WELFARE.