Clinton News Record, 1955-07-14, Page 5For Sale By Tender. SEALED TENDERS will be received until 7 p.m., D.S.T., Monday, July 25, 1955, for the Property' on Ontario Street, known as the Wesley -Willis Church Manse, Lot No. 159, Tenders Should be Addressed to William R. Hearn, Recording Steward, Box 306, Clinton, Ontario. For appointment to view property, contact Rev. H. C. Wilson, Phone 101, Clinton, . The highest or any tender not necessarily;, accepted R. N. IRWIN, Chairman Building- .Committee, , Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, Ont. RURSDAY, JULY ,14, 1955 INION NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIV'A CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE - (Ifn paid by Wednesday following date of in ;sartion)-Two cents a word first hisertion (minimum 50 cents) ; subsequent insertions 1s' .cents a word-(minimilrf 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or for direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IP' CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. ,ACCOMMODATION for RENT SMALL APARTMENT, oil heat ed, ' Phone Seaforth 583W after 6 p.m. 27-8-b TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, available after July 15. Phone Clinton 376W. 27-8-h. FOUR R O O M APARTMENT,. share bath, ' close to downtown. Phone Clinton 751W2. 28-b TWO APARTMENTS, both self- eonkained. One recently complet- ely redecorated. Contact O. Swit- zer, .phone Clinton 397. 27tfb SIX ROOM, MODERN HOUSE, in Varna. Immediate possession. 11, L. Stephenson, RR 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 802r23, 28-p THREE ROOM APARTMENT, furnished -or unfurnished; available immediately. Phone Clinton 528 P FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE MIXEDGRAIN FOR SALE. $45 a ton at the barn. Carman Teb- butt, RR 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 28-p 727W3. MIXED GRAIN, AT THE BARN or delivered to, the mill. R. E. Thompson, RR 2, Clinton, phone e Clinton 75133. - FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton' 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good ;farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. 25-tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio' cabinet, refinishing an re- pairing, apply W. G. kett, phone Clinton 761M. 18b-tfb "THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE, -all conveniences; close to lake and river. Apply at Hodgins' cottage, -Bayfield, Saturday or Sunday. TWO FOUR ROOM FURNISHED .apartments, with bathroom, in a eotmtrY farm house, available now., Phone Clinton 630r16. 26-7-8-b 'THREE LAKEFRONT Cottages, inside conveniences. Apply Bert Conley, Lane O'Pines, three miles north of Bayfield. 27-8-9-b THREE ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment,- modern conveniences. Available immediately. Mile and a half from Clinton. Phone Clin- ton8b722W3. • SMALL APARTMENT in Hensall, unfurnished, available now. Priv- ate entrance. Apply: Mrs. Carl McClinchy, phone Hensall 107J. 28-b TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment in modern home, suitable for. two, all conveniences including frig. and both hard and soft water. Phone Clinton 557 during day, 3241 evenings. 28-b FURNISHED .APARTMENT, oil heating, suitable for couple, el- ectric stove and frigidaire, hot water, use of laundry and electric washer. Phone Goderich 826 . HELP WANTED-Femala GIRL FOR STEADY , WORK. Apply Clinton Laundry and PDry Cleaners. Engagements . A inounced. Mr. and Mrs, Guy Cunningham, Hullett• .Township, announce' the engagement oftheir daughter, Mary Ina Eileen, to -Lloyd Arnold McClinchey, _son. of Mian and Mrs. Sidney 1MIcClinchey, also of; Hullett Township., The wedding will take place 1n July. 28p Mrs. Norman Holland wishes to announce the engagement of. BIRTHS her daughter, Margaret Anna, to Mr. Terence John Laird, son of Mr.•and Mrs. Eldon' Laird, RR 1, BAKKER-In Clinton Public Hos-, Medford. The marriage will take pita', on Friday, July 8, 1955, in Wesley -Willis ''United to AC1 and Mrs. Richard Bak- place ker, Clinton, a son. Church in August. ' 28x DEWAR-In Clinton Public Hos Mr. and Mrs. John Francis pita', on Wednesday, July 13, Trait, Toronto, announce the en - 1955, to W/02 'and Mrs. John gagement of their daughter Sarah Dewar, 10 Quebec Road, Adast- Patricia, to .Donald Hugh Ross, rad Park, RCAF Station Clinton, B.A., B-Paed., Oaltville son of Mrs. a ALIS -r. Ross, 'Auburn, and the late Fred- GREALIS-In on Su Clinton JuPly 10, 5s- pital, Sunday, July 10, 1955, erick Ross. The marriage will to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grea- take place at four o'clock, August lis, Clinton, a daughter. 6, 1955, at the Church of the LOCiiIE-Ih Clinton Public Hos" Transfiguration, 111 Manor Road, pital, on Saturday, July 9, 1955, East Toronto' 28x to LAC and Mrs. George Leckie, o Zurich, a daughter. LOBE -In Clinton Public xospit^ ; Clinton itonNurses' BOOKKEEPER -stenographer, for manufacturing plant in Clinton. Steady employment. Box 281, Clinton News -Record. 28-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32. or 936r21. 9-ptfb LOST and FOUND al, on, Tuesday, July 12, 1905, Mr. and Mrs.. William Lobb, RR 2, Clinton, a son. WATKINS-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, July 9, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins, RR 1, Londesboro, a son, (Robert Henry). MARRIAGES COLLISON-ARMSTRONG - In London, on Saturday, July 9, 1955, by Clarence -Leeson (or- dained minister of Jehovah's Witnesses), Edna Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and M s. How- ard Armstrong, Ronald Adair Collison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Collison, Wheatley. • EDGAR--JERVIS - In Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, by Rev. Hugh C. Wii55 n, on Lola Saturday, July 9, Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Jervis, Clinton, to John Hugh Edgar, son of Mrs. Winnifred Edgar and the late Murdie Edgar, Brussels: rdes' StreetEi United Church, Ex ter, on Saturday, July 2, 1955, by Rev. H. J. Snell, Shirley Lenore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor, Exeter, and Donald John Mousseau, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex Mousseau, Hensall. MUNK-MCGILL - In Wesley - Willis United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, July 9, 1955, by Rev. H. C. Mary, daughterWof MrKathleen. and Mrs. James A. McGill, Clinton, and Soren Peter Munk, Brampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Munk, Copenhagen, Denmark. FOUND -LIVE HOLSTEIN cat- tle, strayed to. Lot 3, Con. 3, Hull- ett. Owner contact Roy Tyndall. Phone Clinton 722W2. 28-b 'VERY NICE, FOUR ROOM, self- -contained apartment, with built- in cupboards, three-piece bath, continuous hot water; near the square in Goderich. Phone Gode- rich 1102W. Apply 59 Hamilton Street. 28-1? Accommodation Wanted :SELF-CONTAINED apar t m e n t for couple, preferably furnished. Ociiupancy August 1. Contact F/L E. Stroud at 382 local 315 between 8.00- a.m. and 5 p.m. ARTICLES FOR RENT FOR RENT, BY THE DAY, 15 inch commercial scrubber and floor polisher. Bartliff Bros., Rhone Clinton 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN GOOD, dition. Phone Clinton 230. 28-p MISCELLANEOUS RELIGIOUS GOODS - Rosaries, prayer books, bibles, missals, cruc- ifixes, etc. MacLaren's Studios, Clinton and Goderich. 28-30-32-tfb Storerforrbest values in DiamonJEWELLERY Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Cou 2Ser.. WATERLOO CAI J.LE Breeding Association. "Where Better .Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. -tfb ondition, $5.00 RANGE, IN oGOOD b, two- urner hot plates, $1.50 and $4.00. Pnone Clinton 778J. 28-b RCA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" Television, new low prices on all models. T. A. Dutton, Brucefied, Ont. Phone Clinton 634r4.• 19-tfb - NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner 27-37-p. Parry. PV FIT FOR A "KING" - We Rent - Move -Install. Complete service on all makes of, rotators sad antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, lnhone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb PERSONAL HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES, full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc. Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of- fice. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. 22tfb BOXY THEATRE DLIN-T'0 N NOW-Thurs., Fri. & Sat. "Queen of Sheba" This picture is excellent entertain- ment for all. the family. Produced in Italy with an Italian cast. Gino Ce>;vei - Lenora Ruffo Alumni Hold Sunday Picnic The annual Clinton Nurses Alumni picnic was held at the Sea - forth Lions Park on Sunday, July 10. Twenty-five nurses and their families attended, making alto- gether a group of close to 80 peo- ple. A very pleasant time was .spent in reminiscing, followed by a bountiful supper, much enjoyed by all. Then a business session was held. Plans were discussed for placing a memorial in Clinton Public Hospital to the late super- intendent, Miss J. Grainger. It was voted that a small dona- tion be made toward the new Lions pool at Seaforth. Mrs. John McFarlane, Clinton, was appointed president for the coming year, and Mrs. Lorne Hasty, RR 1, Dungannon, secre- tary -treasurer. MON., TUES. & WED._' ,. "Hell's s . Is land77 _. A. ,soldier of fortune in a single- handed attern'pt to recover a famulous gem. Vistavision. John Payne - -Mary Murphy Coming: "THE SEEKERS" Color Jack Hawldns - Glynis Johns i 77 Children Get Certificates At Vacation School Clintonian Club Picnic Held • On Bayfield Square DEATHS BAKER -In Clinton, on Monday, July 11, 1955, Frederick William Baker, in his 84th year. Fun- eral service in the Trinity Ang- lican Church, Bayfield, on Thur- sday afternoon, July 14, to ay- field Cemetery, 2.30 o'clock. FIFE -At her home, 29 Riverside Cresent, Toronto, on Tuesday, July 12, 1955, Helen Caldwell, dearly beloved wife of Hawley B. (Jack)ister of Mrs. Thomas�e(Mae) , dear sHerman, Clinton; John and George Cald= well, Blyth; Will Caldwell, God- erich; Frank Caldwell, Holbein, Sask. Resting at Yorke Bros. Chapel 2357 Bloor St. W. (at 'Willard Ave.). Funeral service at the chapel on Friday at 2 p.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. STEWART-At her home in Hull- ett Township, on Saturday, July 9, 1955, Revina West Kirk, be- loved wife of Charles W. Stew- art, in her 76th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, 'High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wed- nesday afternoon, July 13. HYETT'S REMEDIES - Eczema remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's, the I.D.A. Store, sole agent. PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE, bathroom, garage, chicken house. Two acres of land, nicely situated on river bank. $3,000; mortgage can be arranged. • B. Zablocki, Londes- boro. Phone Blyth 28r18. 28b NINE BUILDING LOTS for sale in Clinton, 83 feet x 117 feet. Best location, north end Albert Street, No. 4 Highway. Sewage and water handy. Apply F. W. Andrews, phone Clinton 33. - 27-8-b BABY CHICKS WANTED TO PURCHASE - nets, all ages and breeds. High prices paid. State breed and number for sale. Box 251, Clin- on News -Record. 25 to 32h TCHING EGGS WANTED by ne of Canada's largest and old- st established hatcheries. Eggs en every week in the year. premium paid. For full de- tails write Box 280, Clinton News- ecord. '28-35-b' BOARD AND ROOM BARD AND ROOM FOR gentle an. Phone Clinton 261M, 28-b FIVE ROOM WARTIME HOUSE, full lot,' plenty of shade, 111 Huron Street, directly opposite McPher- sons Bros. garage. L. R. Ferrier,. Clinton 269R. 4Manff• 11~0. T'", PARK TELEPHONE Goderich NOW .'Fri, & Sat. Technicolor-Cinomascope` Underwater!! "BENEATH the 12 -MILE REEF" Unique! 'Thrilling! Different! A feud between the sponge fishers of Tarpon Springs and the shallow water divers of Key West pro- motes an astounding drama. Terry .Moore - Robert Wagner and Gilbert Roland MON., TUES. & WED. Gregory Peck - Ann Biotic and Brod. Crawford Shot in Germany, in;Cinemascope, this adventurous drama tells of the intrigue and conflict between East and West Berlin. `NIGHT PEOPLE' - In Technicolor -- Coming: Coming: "FAR HORIZONS" In color with Charlton Keston and Donna Reed rw•01111ri AT CAPITAL TELEPPUONe THE Goderich NOW-Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Joan Crawford & Sterling Hayden Deep in Arizona a gal who runs a gambling house falls for a guitar playing roustabout. and revamps some of her violent ideas. "Johnny Guitar" - In Technicolor - MON., TUES. & WED. Ricardo Montalban, Betta St. John and Rick Jason Saved by a beautiful harem girl a young crusader escapes slavery, marries the girl and returns triumphant to England. "Saracen Blade" - hx Technicolor - Coming: "BAL TABORIN" A new and entertaining musical hit! The annual Daily Vacation Bible School was conducted in the Wes- ley -Willis United Church last week. The school was inaugurat- ed by Miss Margaret Holland. The following staff conducted the various departments: Kinder- garten, Mrs. Harold Wise, Miss Mavis Steepe ' and Mrs. Dale; primary, Mrs. Melville Irving and Mrs. Glen Sage; junior, Mrs. Frank Yeo and Miss Helen Potter. Additional assistance was given by Mrs. Edwin Lee, Misses Sandra Williams and Francis McCullough. Rev. H. C. Wilson acted as direct- or. There were 97 registrations and 77 received their certificates for satisfactory attendance on Friday morning. The mothers of many of the children attended the pre- sentation ceremony. The Clintonian Club picnic was held at Clan Gregor Square, Bay- field, on ' Wednesday, June 22. Visitors attended from London, Zurich and Goderich. Everyone enjoyed a picnic supper and the sports contests that were held. Results of the sports were: six to eight, Darryl Gilks, Clinton; nine to 12, Garry Gilks; children's race backwards, Garry -.Gilles, Gor- don Moodie; kicking the slipper, Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. W. Jer- vis; walking race, Mrs. Hatherall, Mrs. H. Gibbings; ladies' running race, Mrs. Flaxbard, Zurich, Mrs. Hatherall; largest step, Mrs. W. Mitchell; blowing paper bags, Mrs. J. A. Livermore, London; lady with most buttons on dress, Mrs. W. Mitchell, Goderich; wind- ing the string, Mrs. Hatherall; calling "hubby" for breakfast, Mrs. Frank Layton; guessing a yard, Mrs. W. Jervis; largest waist, Mrs. H. Thiel, Zurich; com- ing the longest distance, Mrs. Grand, London; guessing beans, Mrs. Moodie; guessing number of people in attendance, Mrs. M. Crich. Mrs. C. Cooper won the lucky draw for a centrepiece. A penny sale was held and the children enjoyed a candy, scramble. 0 In the first five months of this year the Canadian automobile in- dustry produced 206,817 vehicles for sale in Canada. In the period sales and excise taxes remitted to the federal government totalled $80,656,497 and payroll was 368.- 552,716. 68;552,716. 0 Clinton Men Help In Service To 1 Weekly Jitney Won By Mrs. C. Draper The Clinton Lawn Bowling Club held the weekly mixed jitney on Monday evening with an excellent attendance of members. Mrs. Caryle Draper, with two wins plus 16, and an aggregate of 32, was the winner of the lad- ies' division, and Mrs. Fred Trott with two wins plus 14, and an ag- gregate of 37, placed second. For the men, Percy Towne and Bev. Boyes were tied with an identical score of 2 wins plus 15, and an aggregate of 31, but Mr. Towne won the toss for first place. • nduct Rev. Daniel Rev. H. C. Wilson was in charge of the induction service at Hen- sall United Church Last week, when Rev. C. D. Daniel succeeded Rev, W. J. Rogers as minister 01 Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches. Mr. N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, member of the Presbytery, con- ducted Rev. Daniel • to the plat- form. The reception committee at the reception following the ser- vice was made up of Edison For- rest, Jim McAllister, Joseph Fer- guson and Earl Treffry. Rev. Daniel has been minister of Trinity United Church, Inger- soll for 17 years. He was presi- dent of London Conference in 19534, and chairman of the settle- ment committee in 1954-5, as well as chairman of the Conference Radio Committee. He served as a chaplain in World War II, for five years. AUCTION SALE Of the Estate of the late Mrs. A. S. Inkley, Sr. From the corner of Birk and James Streets, Clinton, on SATURDAY, JULY 16 at 1.30 p.m., the following:' Three-piece chesterfield suite; 4 occasional chairs; studio couch; APARTMENT HOUSE, well loca- tubular upholstered chair; china ted, good income, make good pay cabinet; walnut console table; 3 for itself home for working man end tables; several small tables; able to do light maintenance. library table; card table;, bridge Box 282, Clinton New -Record. lamp; tri -light; table lamp; 2 bed - 28 -p room suites; inner spring mattres- ses; Hoover vacuum cleaner; min - VLA PROPERTY for sale in the iature grandfather's clock; Singer town of Clinton. On the property drop -head sewing machine; 2 elec- are two chicken barns, very nice three bedroom house, four blocks from new school. L. G. Winter,• real estate broker, High Street Clinton, phone Clinton 448. 28-b IOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO 1 N. Phone Clinton 695J. 26-7-8'-b. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. ntact'L. G. Winter, Real Estate, gh Street, -Clinton. Phone Clin- on linon 446. 13tfb NEW THREE-BEDROOM ranch home, on large lot 100 x 100. Large living -dining room; modern kitchen with table space; forced air oil furnace, with .summer cool- ing fan; oak floors; coloured bath- room; cedarlined closet; cement laundry tubs; bonded wiring; throughout; plastered walls; aved stain- less steel kitchen sink; p, ocstcupaeet;ncy, July Jue ly 18.r Prie, . Ready$,500 31,500 .down, payments, $50 'mon- thly plus taxes.. Lower down pay- ment to Veterans. Built to NHA. specifications. Acreage can be arranged in case of. Veterans. . J. Deseck, Base 'Line, Clinton. 27-8-b ARM EQUIPMENT For S.le ;SED MASSEY-HARRIS 12 foot, elf -propelled combine, in good pndition and ready to go. A. { niap at $1575.00. Murphy Bros., 1lllhone Clinton 465. • 28-b HE AND COMPARE the Landoll omy : harvester, the Londeli 'ye -over Blower has the largest city of dry forage material of blower made.. Apply G. L. artin, RR 4, Goderich,' phoneCome taxes paid by all Canadians low 1922. 25,6-7-8-pI that year was $1,071.8 million. tric heaters;/kitchen table and chairs; medicine cabinet; scatter rugs; Maytag washing machine;, drop-leaf table; garden hose and reel; step ladder; dishes; cooking utensils; lawn mower; garden tools and numerous other articles. Terms -Cash Lorne J. Brown & Percy Brown, Executors of the Estate. E. Beecher Menzies, Solicitor for the Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 27-8-b SALESMAN WANTED MAN WANTED FOR Rawleigh business. Sell .to 1500 families. Write today Rawleigh's, G -169 -SA,: Montreal, PQ. In 1952 there were 1,840 Cana- dians with incomes .in excess of 350,000. This group• had a total income of 3143 million, on which ft paid 371.2 million in personal in- come taxes. Total of personal in - Clinton CommunitSr Farmers AUCTION SAIES. EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 8.00 p.m. i TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager - E. W. %I:LItlTT. Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk NOBODY HEARD HIM YELLING NOBODY SMV HIM SINK NOBODY CAME TO SAVE HIM DOESN'T IT MAKE YOU _THINK? ON'T GO SWIMMING AL E! The Men's Bowling Club is planning a Mixed Trebles Tourna- ment to be held on the Clinton greens on Friday, starting at 7.30 o'clock. The greens are in excel- lent condition, the best in years and a good attendance is expec- ted. - CONSTANCE Quite a number from this vic- inity went - to the Orange Cele- bration at Blyth on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Hoggart is in bed under the doctor's care. ITer friends hope for a speedy recovery, Miss Shirley Ann Riley and Dennis are spending a few holi- days with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley and family, Kitchener, spent the week- end at the home ofhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Riley. ws t. Despite high unemployment in the period, the total of wages, salaries and supplementary labor income in the first quarter of 1955 was $12.3 billion, 4.5 percent more than in the same period of 1954. TAU SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 110- ` ASHTON'S TAXI - GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT JOHNNY DOWNS AND HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY WEDNESDAY is SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with Cldrence Petrie and the Nighthawks FRIDAY NIGHT TEEN-AGE RECORD SWING Friday, July 22, with Johnny Brent as M.C. CIVIC HOLIDAY MID -NIGHT DANCE Sunday, July 31st -Johnny Downs and his Orchestra REMEMBER THESE NAMES .. . 5-D Koolmotor Cities Service FOLLOW THE + RED CROSS WATER SAFETY RUES Published- in the interests of CIinton,4'and Community by the CLINTON_ .NEWS -RECORD THEY ARE TOPS IN OIL When your car needs an oil change remember to call on us -- you can't beat •our oil or our ser- vice. -RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop. "The Place Where You Never Have To. Blow Your Horn" Clinton • : : Ontario J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb NEW 1955 KELVINATOR Model KA100 - 10.2 CU. FT. 52 LBS. FROZEN STORAGE FULLY AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING ROLL OUT SHELF -BUTTER CHEST CHEESE CHEST -TWO CRISPERS MEAT TRAY -CHILLER TRAY FIVE YEAR WARRANTY SEALED UNIT PRICES START AT . $259.95 GALBRAITH Radio and Television