HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-07-07, Page 6AGE' SIX -
Ontar3o's Cl`mpron Country CorrDnsSpo.'.
PONAYk'J•,LD 45 r 3
E B 1
Clarence Larson, London, was,
iaomeover the 'weekend.
The Guides and Brownies will
be out selling their cookies os
July 12.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Flagg, London,
were at 'theit,cottage over the
Weekend. and
Dr. and Mrs. R.. G. Hunter
family, Toronto, are at their home
.the village. .
Mr. and
Mrs, William Munro,
London, are at Shangri=la,'their
home in the village.
Mrs. R. J. Larson left Tues-
day •.to visit her sister, Mirs.•
Harold King, Sarnia. •
Mica Wilda Reid, Lucknow, is
with her aunt, Mrs. Don ,Kings-
bury for the summer.
Misses M. and R. Kruke, Dear-
born, Mich., are : at The Village
Guild for the 'summer. '`
Mrs. Alec Reoch and three
sons, Toronto, are occupying Mrs
George Beattie's cottage.,.
Prof, and Mrs. 11. K. Kalbfle-
isch, London,were at their cott-
'age over the holiday weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smith
and, Janet„ London, occupied
their cottage over the holiday
weekend. , 1
Prof. and Mrs. Manley 'fhomp-
ne left on
Wednees Catherine
home in
Chicago, 111.
Mr. and: Mrs. Claude Robbins,
Mrs. J. DesJardin'Eric and Bobby
Plater, Detroit, were guests' of
Mrs. Donald McLeod over the
American holiday weekend. •
SAWMILL "Situated
6 Miles from Clinton
on Bayfield -Clinton Road.
at Mill in Bayfield
Phone Clinton 23811
Mr.,'' and .Mrs. Norman, Toms,
Detroit, are visiting :at the home
of the .fornier's brother, Charles
and' Mrs. Toms.;
The Rev, Canon H. M, and
Mrs. ' LangFord, 'Kitchener, came
on 1VLonday to spend the season
at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. T. James, Detroit,
were the guests of Mrs'. A. W.
Reid, `Enfield" over the Foix
of July weekend,
The Rev, and Mrsr P;`Tf 1?auil,
returned to The Rectory, List-
owel, on Tuesday morning after
having 'visited ? friends : in the
-village from' Sunday, afternoon.
Mr,: and Mrs. W. G. Morley,:.
Birmingham, Mich,, were , the
guests of,_ the former's . 'sister,
Miss L. C. N forley, ','Bircheliffe",
over the American holiday week
Mr. andDewar,
.Mi• James
Mrs. ,
Janice and Master Gary Gilmour
returned to a Kingston on Tues-
day after
uesday-after having spent a week.
with the formers mother, Mrs.
David Dewar.
Mrs, W. M, .Purves, •'Birming-
ham, lalich.,
irmingham,-Mich., is at her cottage. Her
niece and her, husband, Mr. and;
Mrs. J. V. ;Ingold,' Birmingham;
,Mich„ spent - the. weekend with
Mrs. Purves.
Mr' and Mrs; Fred Ritchie, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Snowden and.
Miss Florence' Ritchie, Elmvale,
were with Mrs. Ritchie's- mother,
Mrs. George King on ` Saturday
and ;Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Johnston.
and two children, Strathroy, and
Mrs, Johnston's _ mother, Mrs.
Greenlees, Sarnia, are occupying
Miss M. Hodgins cottage, "Stone-
haven" for the season.
Mrs. J. MacKenzie entertained
the bridal party at a buffet sup-
per at her home on Clan Gregor
Square following the rehearsal in
St. James' Church', Middleton, on
Friday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buc-
han who visited, Mrs. N. W.
Woods last week left on Satur-
day to spent the weekend in
Durham before returning to their
home in Dunnville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Twentyman
and three daughters, Lynn, Vicky
and Cynthia, Waukegan,
spent the holiday weekend with
Mrs. Twentyman's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Paul. Cleave.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Olson
Stephanie, David and Kim, Liv-
onia, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. David
Ormond, Lucy, Stephen and
Brian, were with Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Ormond over the Fourth
of July weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendrick
returned to Birmingham. Mich.,
on Tuesday after having been at
their cottage "Westwind," fora
few days. With tblem over the
weekend were Mr. Hendrick's
brother and sister-in-law from.
William L. Cameron, Detroit,
and Miss Mildred Cameron. Lon-
don, who were visiting Mrs. J.
Reid and Miss Mary Galbraith,
Mr. and 1Virs. Art Sullivan and
David, Port, Huron, are occupy-
ing Mrs: Des.ardin's cottage for
a couple of weeks.
Mrs, J. Sturgeon, Sr., left on
Wednesday morning to attend
the funeral of her brother, Basil
Parker, Port Dover, •
1VIrs, B. T. Stephenson and
Barbara, Toronto, and .Miss Ada
Bingley, Detroit, are at their
cottage for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fraser and
George Fellows, Riverside, were
with his wife and family at their
cottage over the weekend.
Mrs, 'Bessie Matthews and Mr.
and Mrs. Cleave Richards, Strat-
ford, called - on ,relatives in the
village on Dominion Day. '
George Bell. who has been
sailing aboard the SS Vandoc,
as an engineer, returned home
on Monday night from Britt.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bricker,
Kitchener, spent the weekend at
the cottage of his grandfather,
the Rev. Canon H. M. LangFord.
Martin" Ormond, son Thomas
and nephew, Timothy Davis,
Deprborn, are spending a few
days this week with hiss parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon.
and Gerald Sturgeon, Preston,
spent the weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Stur-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, Det-
roit, and two boys who were
their guests, Detroit, left this
morning after having , occupied
"The Cedars" for a week.
Mrs. Edith Crowell, son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Henry, Detroit, were the guests
of the former's niece, Mrs. Lloyd
Scotchmer,•over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hughes,
Detroit; Richard Ellis, Dearborn,
and Kent Barlow, Grosse Pointe,
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
LeRoy Poth over the weekend,
Mrs.' Lulu Lord and son Jack,
Montreal, are 'visiting her moth-
er, Mrs. J. Davison. Also with
her over the weekend were Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Davison, Detroit,
Miss Helen Aberhart Reg ,N„
London;' has been staying- With
her grandfather at the: family
cottage,. Dr:, and Mrs. W. Aber -
hart and soil .Bili and family
were there', over the, weekend.
Mrs. Abethart, Jr„ and two
children remained: for a 'longer
Now is the Time to Prepare Your.
Entries for the
Ladies' Work
Directors in charge: Mrs, E. McEwen, Mrs. J. Sturgeon Jr„
Mrs. C. Houston.
All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor. Judges of
Ladies' Work are authorized by the directors of the Society to
discard all soiled, defaced or old work and instructed to award
the prizes to the new and up-to-date work. In case of no com-
petition, unless the exhibit is worthy, the prize will be withheld.
No exhibitor allowed to make more than one entry in each
Needlepoint (Cover for Chair or Footstool)
Crocheted Centrepiece, must be 18" in diameter .50 .25
Chesterfield Set of Three Pieces, Crocheted .50 .25
Table 'Centrepiece (Fancy) .5050 .25
Cushion, complete, any kind .50 .25
Crocheted Table Cloth .75 50
Tea Towels (2 hand finished) and 2 Pan Holders .75 .50
Tea Cloth, embroidered .75 .50
Centrepiece, over 18", for dining table, white emb, .50 .25
Luncheon Set, Cloth and Serviettes, 5 pieces, emb. .75 .50
Buffet Set, 3 pieces, Crocheted or Embroidered .50 .25
Luncheon Set; Runner and 4 Place Mats, crocheted 75 .50.50
Four Place Mats and Centrepiece .75
Any Other Work
Pillow Cases (one pair) embroidered ' .50 .25
Pillow Cases (any Style) .50 .25
Vanity Set, 3 pieces .75 .50
Pair Guest Towels (different design) .50 .25.
Overalls (any age) ,
Girls' Wo01 Socks
Girls' Wool Mitts
Child's . Sun Suit
Child's Pullover Sweater
Child's Cardigan Sweater
Child's Dress, smocked
Baby's Jacket, Bonnet, and Bootees, crocheted-
Baby's Jacket, Bonnet and Bootees, knit
One Crib Quilt
One Carriage Cover, any style
Sport Shirt, Wool or Brushed
.50 .25
.50 .25
.75 .50
.75 .50
.75 .50
.75 .50
.75 .50
.50 .25
.75 .50
Cotton .75 .50
Stole, Knit or Crocheted :50 .25
Apron, work apron .75 .50
Dress,' house work, cotton .75 .50
One Homemade Bed Jacket .75 .50
Women's Gloves, wool, handknit .50 .25
One' Hostess Apron tooled leather .75 .50
One Ladies' Fancy Handbag, .75 .50.
One Ladies' Sweater, handknit,, Wool .75. .50'
One Ladies' Nightdress, homemade .75 .50
Ladies' Pyjamas, cotton .75 .50
Women's Gloves, crocheted .75 .50
Ski Mitts and Hat to match
MEN'S WEAR. .75 .50
Pyjamas , homemade , :. . "' • ' .75 .50
Knitted Pullover Sweater, sleeveless
Mitts, one pair, heavy, handknit 50 .25
Gloves one pair, fine, handknit .50 .25
Socks; one pair, diamond, handknit , .50 . .25
Socks, one pair,heavy, handknit' .50 .25
Socks, one pair, fine, handltnit .75 ' .50
Man's Sport' Shirt
Bedspread, crocheted 1.00 .75
Bedspread, any other ,design "'_ ' 1.00 75
Quilt' Applique
Quilt, cotton patched, quilting & design considered 1.00 .755
Quilt, cotton plain, fancy quilting 1.00 .75
Afghan, crocheted in colored wool ,.. , 1,00 .75
Afghan, , knitted in colored wool 1.00 .75
Hearth Rug, hooked yarn 1.00 .75
- Hearth Rug, hooked wool rags 1.00 .75
Rag Mat, braided 1.00 .75
Two Bars of Hand Soap, home-made ',50 .25
stlrfced Toy .. 50 55 t3.R.2, CLINION. +u• 52b,i
House Slippers, any style .............. . „ , ,...,, ..,
Mr. 'and S4rs J. M. - Stewart
returned home on Sunday after.
having :visited. the latter's sister,
Mrs,' G. I-lolman' London, for a
few days. Another sister, Mrs.
R. B, . Johnston, Sault Ste Marie,
left by plane to spend the sum-
mer and
mer in h on the eon-
Mr,: and Mrs..Charles Parker
and Bonnie, 'Weston,. spent the
long weekend with'' his parents,
Mr. and, Mrs, J. H. Parker. Bona
nie remained, to; spend two mon-
ths with her 'aunt, Mrs'. Fred
Weston. Mr, ' and Mrs. Keith
Pruss and Janice, and Blair Cool,
London, also spent the weekend
with Mrs. Pruss' `parents
Miss C. P. Rankin and Mrs. J.
Neander returned to Glen Boig,
on. July 2 'after` a most'enjoyable
trip. They left here on June •TV
motored up the Blue Water
Highway to Owen Sound, where
they embarked on the, Norgoma,.
which • took them on a cruise to
Lake Superior and Whitefish Bay
They returned from Owen. Sound
across country, via Durham.
Guests at Mr, Walter West -
lake's over the weekend' included
G, M, Ver and Miss Marion
Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich,;
Mr. and Mr's. A. S. Atkinson,
Birmingham, Mich.; Miss Barbara
Pollock and Miss Ruby Fisher,
Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Bow-
man, Renouf Johns and son
Guane, Detroit; Mrs. Patricia
Harding, St, Clair Shores; and
Wes Vanderburg, Clinton.
Dr. and .Mrs. A. V. Diedrich
with their family will occupy
'J,K.J." the lakeside home of Mr,
and Mrs. Gordon` A. Cunninghame
on Cameron Street, during the
nonth of July and Dr. and Mrs.
B. C. Brown, London, for the
month of August. In "Cedar
Nest", the Cunninghame cottage
at Cameron and Tuyll Streets will
be Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lillis, De-
troit, and Mr. and Mrs, G. On-
feasa, London.
Mr. and Mrs Orval Gemein-
hardt, son Carl and daughter
Lois, Saginaw, came on Satur-
day and spent two weeks with
the former's mother, Mrs. F. C.
Gemeinhardt. • Their daughter,
Mrs. Stanley Wuhner, husband
and son are also with her grand-
mother this week. and _ another
Seaforth, who had accompanied son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
them on a motor trip to Detroit, and Mrs. Robert Woolever -and
called on friends in the village son Gavin, Saginaw, were here
for the weekend.
Guests of Mr, and Mrs. J.
MacKenzie for the marriage of
their son, John to Miss Lois
Middleton on Saturday included;
Mr. and Mrs. James 11. Phinney,
Detroit: Mrs, James Munshaw,
Mrs. Wilson McAsh, London; Mr.
and Mrs, Charles MacKenzie,
Brigden; Miss Jean MacKenzie,
Ann Arbor, Mich.; Ted Michaud.
La Fayette, Indiana; Mr, and
Mrs. William Kellett, Belleville;
Prof. and Mrs. Manley Thomp-
son. Chicago. Ill.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur R. Ford.
London, are occupying the Met-
calf large house for the month
of July; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Weil and Nancy are in the cott-
age; and Mr. and Mrs, King
Boughner and family, London,
are occupying )William L. Met -
calfs zottage for the season...
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston
and two children, Ray and Sus-
anne, Ferndale, Mich., and guest
Ray Rozell, are spending this
week With the latter's father.
George Weston.
used in darning the rivers, Mak-
ing the tunnel through the maim -
tains, , and constructing the pow-
er' line, to Kitimat, B.C. : It was
in colour and gave one 'a glimpse
of the beauty of this pioneer
country"'beaides seeing something'
of this gigantic engineering feat.
Sgt, Mayman, or"Joe" as he pre-
fers to be" known, showed the
picture t -o a group of' ,men in.
Westlake's garage on Saturday
night, and also to other' iiiterest
ed persons, including the;; writer,
over the weekend.
Amongst those who have taken
Jowett Cottages are: S/L and
Ors. Spear, Trenton; F/L and
Mrs. R. K. Wilson and ,Barbara,.
Halifax; Mr, and Mrs, - James
Cameron, London; Mr. and Mrs.
R. M. Ross and family, MacDon-
ald College, P.Q. for the season;
Mr, and Mrs S. Greenburg and
sons, .London.; British Consul and
Mrs. John Fisher and sons, Det-
roit; 'Mr. and Mrs. P. Lorean and
family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Swartz,
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fram-
er and family, Kitchener; Mr..
and Mrs. E. J. Robichaud and
grandson, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
John .MacKenzie and family,
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs.' Omar
Denomme and family, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer and
Gary, Weston, all for the month
of July.
Light Fishing
Stan. Smith, Zurich called on
L. H. D. MacLeod on Dominion
Day. - je hadbeen up around
Britt;• in the Parry Sound hist=
riot and he reported that com-
mercial fishing is very light in
Georgian Bay this year .whereas
last year catches were good. Ed.
Siddel moved his two boats, "The
Vary Brothers" under Donald
McLeod and the "Naomi" under
John R. MacLeod to Port of
Goderich for chub but the hauls
are i.ight.
From California
Harry King, Venice, Calif.,
arrived by motor on June 30, to
visit his sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo-
rge King. His son, Herbert drove
with him to Detroit and then
returned by plane. He was also
accompanied by Mrs. Norma
Storey and son, returning to her
home in Londonafter a three-
month stay in California. Mr.
King still likes to visit his home
village and he• was accompanied
by one of Bayfield's native dau-
ghters, Mrs. Lillian Mercer, Los
Angles, who is also the guest of
Mrs. King.,
Mrs. Mercer is a daughter of
the late John Morgan who for
many years owned the River
Hotel; later he bought the house
now owned by Miss Elizabeth
William Craig Soloist For LOL
Service At
Hayfield ield Church, S�nal�ada
(By our Bayfield correspondent) this liberty may be abused: Front
that he went on to give the reason
why he was a protestant and hop-
ed that those present might have
similar reasons, First: because he
,believed in the necessity,in re-
eforming' any church where corrup-
tion and abuses 'ex'isted, Second:
because he believed in a religion
based on the 'authority of the word
of God, Third: because he believ-
ed not' in, a totalitarian church,
with one man at its head, but in
the Lordship of •Christ over all
He appealed to the Orange 01" -
der, not to be negative in their
religious '• faith but to be: positive
witnesses for the faith which they
professed to hold.
Knox Presbyterian Church was
killed to ,capacity on'Sunday even-
ing, July 3. About 50 members of
LOL No. 24, and friends, paraded
from the Orange Hall to divine
worship under the direction of the
marshal',Ninian Heard. The guest
soloist was William Craig of the.
Clinton District Collegiate, Instl-
tute staff. His sister, ;Mrs, H.
Worseli, Goderich, . played the ac-
companiment, Mrs. C. W. Brown
presided at the organ for the
The Rev. D. J. -Lane preached a
stirring sermon basing his re-
marks on the Epistle to the Gala -
tions 5: 1, "Stand fast therefore,
in the liberty ; wherewith. Christ
has made us free, and `be not
entangled again with the yokes of
bondage." From the text, the
minister described the liberty- of
protestantism,.- and warned that
on Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Chapman,
Detroit, were at their cottage on
Louisa Street over '.the weekend.
Their daughter. Mrs. Jean Fisher
and two boys, Jimmy and Johnny
Florida, were with them and
other guests were Mr. and Mrs.,
Header and Mr. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Furter, re-
turned to London on Tuesday
after having spent the, weekend'
with the latter's brother,. H. A.
Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jolm
Stumpf, Port Washington, Long
Island, N. Y., are also the guests
of her brother for a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and
Gwen, London, are holidaying at
their cottage on Main Street,
"Wheel In." Mr. and Mrs. Don
Robinson, ' Toronto: Miss Sylvia
Baker, V.O.N., and Douglas Long,
London, were also with the
ladies' parents over the weekend.
Misses M. Fierro and Lydia
Holtman. Detroit, are vacationing
at the home of Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner. Mr. and Mrs. W. V.
Gorton, Toledo, Ohio: Mrs. H. B.
Haskins and Mrs. Willard King,
Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
Simpsona Hainilton, were also
guests at her home over the
Order your supply early as prices
will advance August 1
for Stove, Diesel, or Furnace
Available Now
Weston. He was clerk of the
7th Division Court until his pass-
ing in 1899.
Always musical, Mrs. Mercer
kept up her singing, which she
began as a young girl in solo and
choir work in local concerts un-
til within recent"years. For six
months before she left home, she
was organist'in the old Methodist
Church whichstood between the
residences of H. McGregor and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie,
Sr. . At the age of sixteen, Miss
Lillian Morgan accompanied Miss
Belle. Parker and Wellington
Johnston to N. Dakota where
she joined• her sister: It is many
years since she has visited Bay-
field and she sees many changes,
Roe Mixed Feeds and
Always Fresh
Mustard Lumber & Coal
Phone Clinton 634r11.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard
went to London a week ago Sun-
day and -on Monday they mot-
ored to Detroit with Mrs, E.
Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Kirkham where they were the
guests of Mrs. Mabel Wallace.
They also visited other cousins
of Emerson Heard and went to
Onstead. Mich.. to see his aunt.
Mrs. -William Howard who_is at
present staving with her daugh-
ter, Mrs, W. Wiley. They re-
turned home on Friday with Mr.
and Mrsa H. Kirkham.
Guest at the Albion Hotel last
week were Mr. and Mrs. D, E,
Guiry and son John, Windsor:
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Neville,
Stephanie and David. Sarnia:
Over the weekend, Patrick Corby
and Jerry Pranger, Detroit, Ro-
bert Boldt, Grosse Pointe Farms,
Mich.: Mr. and Mrs, F. K. Rat-
toff, Dayid and Carolyn, Royal
Oak, from Friday until Tuesday;
Miss Eileen Kelly, London, is- a
guest there for .three weeks; Miss
Beatrice Finnigan, Egmondville
is at the Albion for the- summer.
Sgt. and Mrs. J. Mayman were
with the latter's , parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. McMillen over'
he weekend, Sgt. Maynian pro-
jected a very interesting ,, fihn
showing the heights of construct-
ion and present day machinery
' 9-24
as low as $13.29
Gordon Radford
Service Station
Phones: Clinton 803r41
Blyth 24r8
A. G. Grigg & Son
Every Sunday EveningC, ,5.30 to 7.30 p.ce.
For Reservation Call Bayfield 8
"The Little Inn"
A Stage Coach Inn of Early 1800s
Ruth Eleanor Hayman
Grand Opening
-9f our new Modern Store
Westlake Furniture offer you. these
Sale June 29 to July 9
FREE•DOOR'PRIZE given away each evening
to holder of lucky ticket.
Westlake Furniture
Phone 89J ZU i Cif
Store open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. during salle;
also Wendesday afternoons
t! ..,.:, ,««,. a of aaoakms :iaaf»::raaaaatat,: ;M a4,aoa as •aaioafa'.:''aaftX! ftt+:»k_» k_ =± atfta:aaffaat i« #«b raav waaha » 'aaf:aa:!i :.Nanta •wP •aaaaaaaIw
We are Stocking a Complete New Line of Scarfes Paints in our New Store
and are discontinuing our Martin Senour line of Paints and Enamels,
Kem Glo, Super Kem Tone and Varnishes
All Paints .Mentioned 25% off
Also 2 Babies Play Pens Special $9.00 each
2 Rotary Mowers at a Special Discount
Phone 244.
'�'i."c•4'.`}C4:'+Ha.'. w.faio iH«1,aafHa MolaTaf laTa?a!�•.F. Mµ'�'F•F� f 11'NTMI H'.'F H+N41•