HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-06-30, Page 5'3rmrRSDAY, 'JUNE ; '30, 1955 CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE •(If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- sertion)—Two cents a word first .insertion (minimum 50 cents); :subsequent insertions 1% cents a .word . (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or ,fel direction to NEWS -RECORD IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon,, Wednes- -,dav - ACCOMMODATION for RENT MODERN HOUSE, TWO bed- -rooms, r, phone 1 Clinton 230. N. 26-p ACCOMIVIODATION available .'after July 4, for young married couple without children, Phone.j Clinton 1629W, 26'-p • TWO APARTMENTS, both self- contained. One recently complet- zer, stone edecorCIintoed. n 397 et O. 8-titb- "TWO FOUR ROOM FURNISHED -.apartments, with bathroom, in a ^country farm: house, available -.now, Phone Clinton 630r16. 26-b HAYFIELD, LAK FRONT cot- tage, sleeps six. Inside plumbing, -electric stove, heatilator furnace; per week. Mrs. 11. Bower, phone Clinton 107W1. 25-6b :FURNISHED APARTMENT, oil heating, suitable for couple, el- ectric stove and frigidaire, hot -water, use of laundry and electric washer. Phone Goderich 380. 26-tfb FOR RENT FOR PART of July, 'two bedroom, lakefront summer ,cottage, in charming location, 4% miles north of Bayfield at Iron .Springs. Hydro, running water, good beach. Apply to F. Cunning - :berm, phone Clinton 176. 25-tfb ARTICLES WANTED USED BABY CARRIAGE IN O condition, Phone Clinton 26-p ARTICLES FOR SALE GIRL'S BICYCLE, IN GOOD nondition, Phone Clinton 230, 26-p EIGHT VERANDAH POSTS for sale, See them at the School of Commerce. 26-p ICE BOX, 50 POUND capacity, 'very reasonable for quick sale 'Phone Clinton 373W, 26-b RCA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" Television, hew low prices on all models. T. A. Dutton,, Brucefield, Ont. Phone Clinton 634x4. 19-tfb 'TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators :and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb s► AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1.951 VANGUARD, wine, leather eseats, five tires, heater, custom 'radio. In good shape. At Blyth; -Phone Blyth 22r18, 26-p 1948 BLUE DELUXE Plymouth Sedan, mileage under 50,000. Good -condition. Priced reasonably. See !Oscar at Layton's Garage. 25-6-p BABY CHICKS 'BRAY CHICKS, MIXED, Pullets. `Dayold, started. Order July broil- Ters now. Prices, etc. — Agent: Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 22-3-4-5-6-b WANTED TO PURCHASE pullets, all ages and breeds. High - ,est prices paid. State breed and 'number for sale. Box 251, Clin- Aon News -Record: 25 to 32b ''WANT MORE PULLETS ? OR )Mixed Chicks, Or Broilers. Sum- -rner. prices on Kitchener Big -4 'make them real buys, productive when prices are good. Started chicks also. Agent .— Charles ..Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23 28-b -WOULD YOU LIKE TO SELL botching eggs every week in the year at a premium up to 33 cents per dozen more than market price 'for your eggs? If you would, Write 'as immediately. We are one of -Canada's oldest and largest Can- .•a:dian Approved Hatcheries. Ap- :ply Clinton News -Record, Box 234. 23-4-5-6-b `3,000 R.O.P. SIRED—BRED TO 7 AY - PULLETS in Red x'Sus- sex; .Red x Rock; Red x White Rock between 6 and 7 weeks of age. This is your opportunity '-to purchase reasonably priced pullets, delivered free within a ,reasonable distance on orders of 100 or more. Write the SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, SEAFORTH .or phone Seaforth 853. 26-7-b BOARD AND ROOM 'BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO G1EN. -Phone. . Clinton 6953, 26-7-8-b BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO men sharing. Phone Clinton 261M 26-b BARD AND ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen sharing. Phone Clin- ton linton 163R. 26-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS.' Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton, Phone Clin- ton 448. - • 13tfb CHERRIES FOR SALE CHERRIES— Sweet and Mont morency ready July lat. Bring containers and pick your own without stems at Govenlock Or- chard, one mile north of Forest on Highway No. 21. - 26-7-b EARLY BLACK ENGLISH and white arenow ready. Montmor- ency and -the later sweets should be ready by the 4th of July. You can pick your -"own at Burton Wells' orchard, Lot 14, Con. 10, Bosanquet, three milts south of Ipperwash Military Camp,,, .25-6-p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM BAILING AT reason- able rates; also Massey -Harris drop -head hay loader for sale. Stewart Eroadfoot, phone 621 r 3. 25-6-p GRAVEL HAULING FOR FILL, lanes, or choice cement gravel, Contact Bud Chamney, phone Blyth 43r5. 23-4-5-6-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED 16 YEAR OLD 130Y WOULD like full-time work in Clinton or on farm during July and Aug- ust. Phone Clinton 764R. 26-p FARM EQUIPMENT For Sole INTERNATIONAL DROP -HEAD hay loader, like new condition. Keith Tyndall, phone Clinton 808r23, 26-b MASSEY-HARRIS CLIPPER six foot engine -drive combine, cut three crops only. First class condition. Bargain price, Murphy Bros., Clinton, phone Clinton 465. 26-b economE y- harvester, COMPARE theeLondell Drive -over Blower has the largest capacity of dry forage material of any blower made. Apply G. L. Martin, RR 4, Goderich, phone Carlow 1922. 25-6-7-8-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 20 ACRES OF HAY TO BE taken off on shares. Bill Harris, phone Clinton 797W2. 26-p A QUANTITY OF MIXED grain for sale. $45.00 per ton at barn, Apply Neville Forbes, R.R, 1, Clinton, phone Clinton 805r6. ' 26-p FARMS FOR SALE sale.NICE L LIST Winter. RealSEstatte Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments, 33-tfb IF YOU ARE. LOOKING FOR A act1n senlsattJohn BovldReal County, Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. 25-tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re - paring, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 18b-tfb HELP WANTED BINDERY MAN (with 3 years' experience) $1,35 An Hour PRINTING and STATIONERY APPLIANCE OPERATORS (with a year of experience) 1.00 AHour BINDERY GIRLS (with no experience) 70c An Hour Dept, of Public Printing and Stationery Clinton, Ont. Details and application forms at Post Office Time limit extended to July Oth 1955 HELP WANTED—Female LADIES WANTED TO demons- trate, above average commission plus a monthly bonus. Write to Nova 'Home Utilities, 69 Edmund Road, Xitchener, 24-5-6-7-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Eros."Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. ,, 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CHOICE HOLSTEIN COW, five years old; also calf suitable for raising. Massey -Harris seven foot binder, Lorne Tyndall, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 727J3. 26-p MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER-'SJIEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton' 230, W. N. Counter, 26-p WATERLOO -CATTLE Breeding, Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for alb breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10,00 a,m, on week days and 7.30 and 9,30 a.m. on Sundays, 6-tfb KEY AND LOCK WORK BE, SAFE AND SURE at home arid away,' don't let lost; Keys or faulty locks spoil your holiday. We do combination changing, re- setting locks without keys, keying alike, etc., and a two -minute key cutting service. "Don't be • stack with one, let us cut you some."' BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE, 25a6b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41,-51, both, sides of river' Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner — A. E. Parry. - , 23to29p PERSONAL • HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES, full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc. Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of- fice. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. 22tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE MODERN FOUR -ROOM HOML, two bedrooms, oil heating, garage and breezeway. R. H. Stewait, Albert Street, phone Clinton 185. 25-6-b. NEW THREE-BEDROOM ranch home, on large lot 100 x 100. Large living-diningroom; modern kitchen with table space; forced air oil furnace; oak floors; col- oured bathroom; cedarlined 'clo- set; cement laundry tubs; bonded wiring throughout; plastered walls; stainless steel kitchen sink; paved street; close,to store. Ready for occupancy, July 7. Price: $8500. $1,500 down, pay- ments, $50 monthly plus taxes, Lower down payment to Veter- ans, Built to NHA specifications Acreage can be arranged In case of Veterans. A. J. Deseck, Base Line, Clinton. 26-p SALES OPPORTUNITY SALES REPRESENTATIVE TO COVER YOUR . DISTRICT. );very car owner and farmer a prospect for our service. Aver- age earnings of present staff $100 weekly. - Steady employ- ment. No slack season. If you want to make big money and can sell, apply Box 260, Clinton News -Record. 26-b TEACHERS WANTED MUSIC SUPERVISOR Required 1st. September, Seven rural schools. State qualifications, ex- perience, Secretary-Tre salary. W.Tuckersm th School Area No. 1, R.R. 3, Sea - forth. TENDERS TENDERS FOR TRACTOR with man to operate for either Ford or Ferguson. Cut weeds and grass on Goderich Township roads using township mower. State rate per hour. Tenders to be in the hands of the under- signed by July 2. R. 5, Thomp- son, Clerk, R.R, 2, Clinton; Roy Tyndall, • Road Superintendent, 26-b Cards of Thanks I would like all those visited me in the hospital and the gifts, cards and treats. S ial thanks to Dr, W. A. Oa Miss Sinclair and the nu .7ESSIE HART. CO MANS ON FAMILYEw wish to Press their sincere apprecia nd heartfelt thanks to all t Ind friends, relatives and nes ours for the many acts of ki ess, messages of sympathy eautiful floral offerings recei uring their sad bereavement. 2 I wish to express my tha nd appreciation to all th o visited me, sent cards, flo rs and treats while I was atient in the hospital. MRS, UDMORE. We wish to express our hea It thanks and appreciation 1 our friends and neighbo ' the acts of kindness, s, athy and floral tributes duri ur recent bereavement, . Spec anks to Dr. Oakes, Nurs ev. Glen Eagle, also the st the Bell Telephone Compa r their part. AD • and MAR. RET " MCCARTNEY, . 26 who for pec- kes, rses. 26-b • k b n b d a wh e p C fe al for p 0 th R of fo A LE- ex - tion heir gh- nd- and ved 6-b nke ose w - a G rt - to urs vm- ng ial es, aff ny G- -b III i mi Immllllmlllll N111111161miminmmlllmlllllllll1111mllllllllllllllllm "DOCTOR OF SHOE COMFORT" *Day's Shoe Hospital Su W an Po tre mmer vacation time is here. ecr good shoes this summer d avoid wearing arch sup- rts or expensive orthopedic atment. , REMEMBER .. tha •ad yo kee ing Good shoes are .cheaper n special built ones and d more comfort to you, If u now have healthy feet p .there healthy by wear- good shoes. Sat Jul S Our store will close every urdoy night at 6,30 during y and August. RAY'S HGE HOI PITAL 1,1 I III rnuomllll1111mI11i11uiu1iiuiiluvu161Nl imm CLINTON NEWS RECORD BIRTHS BARKER -In Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston, on Friday, June 24, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs: Don Barker, King City, a daughter. DUPUIS-7n Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 28, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Dupuis, Clinton, a son, HARDY -In Mount Hamilton Hospital, 'Hamilton, on Monday, June 13, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald Haddy (nee Harriet Heath), a son (Kim Donald), LOBB-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, June 25, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs; James. Lobb, R.R. 2, Clinton, a daugh- ter (Eleanor Ruth). MCPBERSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 28, 1955, to 1VIr. and Mrs. Harold McPherson, a daughter (Kath- leen Mae). MacDON,ALD— In Toronto, on Monday, June 27, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. . Wallace- MacDonald, ;( Fairview Ave., Toronto, a daughter, (Sandra Lee, grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs, R. MacDonald, Clinton), RAEBURN•-- in Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, June 26, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raeburn, Hensall, a son, (a . brother for Joseph). WILLIAMS--In Clinton Public Hospital, on -Monday, June' 27, 1955, to Mr. ` and Mrs. Knox Williams; Clinton, 'a daughter, MARRIAGES ERSKINE—FULLER— In Union United Church, Goderich Twp,; on Saturday afternoon, -June 25, -1955, by Rev. D. W. Will- iams, Eleanor C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.. Fuller, Goderich Twp., to Harvey Bruce Erskine,. Goderich, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. H, Erskine, God- ,erich, McCONNELL—ARBOUR — In Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Saturday after- noon, June 25, 1955, by Rev, R. G. MacMillan, Gretta Joan, dauHar- old Arbour, ter of Goderich, r, and to John Esser McConnell, Varna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell, Varna. DEATHS BELL—In St. Joseph's Hospital, Fond -du -Lac, Wisconsin, U.S. A., on Tuesday, June 14, 1955, Nettebb, w of late IDr eWtHerbe �dow Bell, sisterthe of Mrs. John esboro.. Funeral lin Hillsdale, to Hillsdale Cemetery, Mich. COX -.-At Langholm, Scotland, on Monday, June 6, 1955, Mrs. Christiana W, Cox, widow of the ]ate Howard J. Cox, form- erly of Goderich Township. YOUNG—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, June 28, 1955, Ada Wilert, 105 Inker- man Street, London, sister of Mrs, Leslie (Edith) MacMillan, Bayfield, in her '52nd year. Funeral poria] frochapeNel n London, to Woodland Cemet- ery, on Thursday afternoon, June 30. $100.00 REWARD LOST Between ;Bayfield and Gode- rich on Thursday, June 2, smooth hair fox terrier, male, pix years old, nearly all white with black and tan face, round black bull's eye on back near tail. $100 Reward on e0nta sting owner. Please Contact: GODERiCH 1190R GALBRAITH TV Phone Clinton 482 24-5-6-b LEE'S Driving School IN CLINTON Every Friday Appointments From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ROXY THEATRE L 7 1N; T O N NOW--Thurs., • <=ri. & Sot. "MASTERSON OF KANSAS" The legendary figures of Bat. Masterson, Doc Holliday && Wyatt Earp come to life in this unusually good Western. George Montgomery - Nancy Gates JFunes Griffith MON., TOES. & WED. GG P SHOVE 99 A taut and tingling melodrama, which ends in tragedy for the, wrongdoer. Fred MacMurray .- Ilam Novak Dorothy Malone Coming: Thurs., Fri. & Sat. "WINGS OF THE HAWK" Van Heflin Julia Adonis ormairoumomummosomearra CLEARING ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of the Estate of the late Robert Richardson from Lot 33, concess- ion 12, Goderich Township, ` 2 miles" south of Holmesville or 4 miles west of Clinton, 011 SATURDAY, JULY 9 at 1,30 p.m. the following: HORSES—Team of work horses CATTLE—Durham farrow cow SHEEP — 3 Leicester ewes 2 lambs. IMPLEMENTS ETC. — M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M.H. mower, 6 ft cut; M.H. hay loader; clump rake; farm wagon; hay rack; steel roller; cultivator; walking plow; fanning mill; set of scales; cross cut saw; set of sleighs; cutt- er; buggy; democrat; woven wire fence stretcher; extension ladder; quantity of coal; 10 cord of hardwood; quantity of buzz wood; 15 acres of standing mixed bay, (if not sold previous to sale) HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS a- piece bedroom suite (antique); 2 spool beds; 2 wooden beds; steel bed; springs and mattresses; walnut chest of drawers; small chest of drawers; dresser and wash stand; oval walnut table, (antique); cherry gate leg table; walnut mohair settee (antique); roll top couch; walnut what -not; pine cupboard; 6 dining room chairs; 12 kitchen chairs; several rocking chairs; arm chair (an- tique); sideboard; player piano and stool; player rolls; roll of linoleum; 9 yds. of stair carpet; a large quantity of bedding in- cluding sheets; wool blankets, quilts, pillows; cushions, etc; a lot of dishes and glassware in- cluding antiques; pictures and numerous other articles. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer ROBERT E. ROWDEN Administrator of the Estate E. BEECHER MENZIES, , Solicitor for the Estate 26-7-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 8.00 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, S en Manager E. W. ELL'IOT1' Auctioneer E, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk For Appointments Cali 110 Or drop in to Ashton's Taxi Clinton.' -- Ontario Per Lesson 1 hr., $3,50; %2 hr. $1.75 23 -db J. A. AN TETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RiVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Dote Jewellery Store Today 'Phone 562 Clinton ` 26-tfb BUSINESS FOR SALE in the Town of Clinton -21/2 miles from RCAF Station Clinton. a FOUR LATE -MODEL TAXI CARS—all equipped with two-way radios; LUNCH ROOM EQUIPMENT and STOCK; SERVICE STATION EQUIPMENT and" STOCK. Apply To C. L. STANLEY Clinton, Ontario 1�. THE TELE'150 NE Goderich NOW—.Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Mai Zetterling,.— Richard WM/nark — Nigel Patrick A bright new star takes us through the dark alleys of London and the rubble of post-war Berlin for a dramatic story. "PRIZE of GOLD" In Technicolor - MON., TUES. & WED. Tony Curtis — Janet Leigh and Torus Thatcher The life story of Harry Houdini, in: Technicolor, from his start as a struggling magician to his success as the world's greatest escape artist. GG�j HOU Df1VI9q Coming ---Mark Twain's "MAN WITH A MILLION" starring Gregory Packer In Technicolor PAGE FIV HECAPITAL TELEPHONE Goderich 47 NOW---Thurs., Fni. &. Sat. Johnny Weissmuller and on Deep intheBaku l ucountry of Africa, Jungle Jim acts as guide for a girl seeking a lost civiliza.- tion,g 'Jungle Moon Men' MON., TUES. & WED. Cornel Wilde — 'Patricia Knight and John Baragrey Portray a romantic drama in- volving a young parole officer who tumbles,for his .beautiful parolee, "SHOCKPROOF" Coming: Double Bill "AFRICAN MAN HUNT" ; and- "1111» RIVER SHORE" Straw Stack Fire Noted By Chi