HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-06-23, Page 5" '#UURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1955 CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday followingdate of in- se,rtion)—Two cents a word first .11:Exertion '(minimum 50 cents); subsequent,insertions 13 cents a -word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra ,for box number or •fcir direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT — `:furnished. On Victoria Street, No children. Garage. Phone Clinton :795J, after 5. - 25p TWO APARTMENTS, both self - .contained. One recently compiet- ,ely redecorated. Contact O. Swit- Tier, phone Clinton 397. 18 -tib TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart :ment; use of frig. and washer. .Available immediately. Phone Cl aton 73J. 25p APARTMENT- IN SEAFORTH for rent. Oil heated, self-contain- ed; available July 1, Phone Sea- forth 583W after 6 p.m. 25p TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR family to a week at the lake. It Will be good for your moral. Deer Lodge Park, Bayfield, phone Clin- ton 107W4. 23:4-5-b HAYFIELD, LAKE FRONT cot- tage, sleeps six., Inside plumbing, electric stove, heatilator furnace 5 -per week. Mrs. H. Bower, .phone Clinton 107W1. 25-6b • R RENT FOR PART of July, Ywo bedroom, lakefront summer cottage, in charming location, 4% :miles north of Bayfield at Iron wings, Hydro, running water, good beach. Apply to F. Cunning - home, phone Clinton 176. 25 -tib Accommodation Wanted 'FURNISHED accommodation re- quired for a period of 12 months in Clinton and vicinity. Two or 'three bedroom modern furnished 'house. Box 250, Clinton News - :Record. 25b ARTICLES FOR SALE 'BOY'S BICYCLE. $10.00. Phone Clinton 443R. 25p TWO -WHEEL, SEVEN FOOT trailer, with good tires and ball :hitch. Herb Jenkins, Orange St., phone Clinton 253. 25p ;RCA VICTOR "DEEP IMAGE" 'Television, new low prices on all models, T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, •lJrtt, Phone Clinton 634r4. 19-ttb TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We 'Rent — Move —Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators .and antenna. All work fully guar- etnteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb 'GOOD CHEER COAL and Wood range, with waterfront and reser- voir; also small Duo -Therm space heater; also outside toilet, new, lour feet two inches by four feet two inches, Miss M. Watson, phone Hayfield 33, 25b `FIVE H.P. SIMPLICITY garden tractor, in excellent condition. 'Three forward speeds and reverse; -counterweight, wheel weights lights, stand, 'plow, disc cultivator, 'seeder, scraper and snow blower. Reasonable. Max Carter, Egmond- eUle. Phone Seaforth 454W after S km. 24-5-b ARTICLES WANTED SECOND HAND TRICYCLE. Phone Clinton 430. 25b STRAL REFRIGERATORS, in . , . condition as trade-in on and new RCA refrigerators. ig allowance given. Call T. A. utton, RCA Victor dealer, Bruce - Id. Phone Clinton 634r 4, 25b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 DODGE FOUR -DOOR; good tires, Reasonable price. Phone Clinton 339R. 25p 1948 BLUE DELUXE PIymouth Sedan, mileage under 50,000, Good condition. Priced reasonably. See Decay at . Layton's. Garage. 25-6-p INE 1952 FARGO STAKE truck; ane 1947 Dodge stake truck; both :wo-ton and in real good condi- ;ion. Priced low for quick sale. Stewart Sohoenhals, phone Clin- .on 570M. 25p BABY -CHICKS TRAY CHICKS, MIXED, Pullets. 7ayold, startetl. Order July broil - es now. Prices, etc, — Agent: Ars. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 22-9-4-5-6-b 4ANTED TO PURCHASE — gullets, all ages and breeds. High- st prices paid.State breed ed nd a umber for sale. Box 251, Cl.' r- an News -Record. 25 to 32b ,SK FOR NEW ATTRACTIVE Ammer prices on Kitchener Big -4 hicks. Variety breeds, crosses, fined. Pullets. Broilers. Day - Id and started. Real • value. gent — Charles Scott, Auburn, hone, Blyth 43 r 23. 25b s OULD YOU LIKE TO SELL Stelling eggs every week in the ear at a premium up to 33 cents ar dozen more than market price )r your eggs? If you would, write i immediately, We are one of snada's oldest and largest Can- nan. -Approved Hatcheries. Ap ly Clinton News -Record, Box 234. 23.4-5-6-b OSTOM NAY. CUTTING We Cut: How you Want -- When you wont. M. Elliott and Son (PHONE CLINTON 67 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO MEN. Phone Clinton 6953. 23-4-5-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Win t er Real Estate, tate=Hi h Street, Clinton/ Clin- ton 448, 13111) MECHANICAL GARAGE building for rent or sale, Princess Street East; cement block, Could be used for other business. Available July 1, Moderate rent. 'Apply to 3. H. Brunsdon, Rattenbury Street East, phone Clinton 15,' 25b CHERRIES FOR SALE EARLY BLACK ENGLISH and white are now ready. Montmor- ency and tii'e later sweets should• be ready by the 4th of July. You can pick your own at Burton Wells' orchard, Lot 14, .Con. 10, Bosahquet, three miles south of Ipperwash Military Camp., 25-6-p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM: BAITING AT reason- able rates; also Massey -Harris drop -head hay loader for sale. Stewart Broadfoot, phone 621 r 3. - 25-6-p GRAVEL HAULING FOR FILL, lanes, or choice cement gravel. Contact Bud Chanmey, phone Blyth 43r5. 23-4-5.6-p CUSTOM DELIVERY SERVING CLINTON AND RCAF Station, Contracts on local house- hold moving. Evening contracts if desired. Safe handling assured. Reasonable rates. W. G. "Bill" Riehl, phone Clinton 685R. Stfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MASSEY - HARRIS PUSH- BAR hay loader, new condition. Robert Stirling, phone Clinton 702W3. 25p SEE AND COMPARE the Londell economy harvester, the Londell Drive -over Bl ower has the largest capacity of dry forage material of any blower made. Apply G. L. Martin, RR 4, Goderich, phone Carlow 1922. 25-6-7-8-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. • 33-tfb IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A good farm in Huron County, con- tact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, God- erich, phone Goderich 1108. 25 -tib Furniture Re=Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M, 18b-tfb HAY FOR SALE • QUANTITY OF STA1MIDING HAY for sale; also seven -foot Massey - Harris binder, in good shape. Ap- ply Robert E. Rowden, RR 3, Clin- ton, phone Clinton 610W4. 25-6-b HELP WANTED WANTED — YOUNG MAN to work in Food Store; also young lady. Phone Clinton 40, 25-b HELP WANTED—Female LADIES WANTED TO demons- trate, above average commission plus a monthly bonus. Write to Nova Home Utilities, 69 Edmund Road, Kitchener. 24-5-6-7-p° HELP WANTEDMale CARETAKER, F 0 R ONTARIO Street United Church, Clinton. Duties to commence July 1. Ap- plicants to state salary expected. Address all communications to Chairman of the Property Com- mittee, A. J. McMurray. 24-5-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 17 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, Ross Hoggart, phone Clinton 802r33. 25p 15, YORK PIGS, SIX WEEKS old, Charles Stewart, phone Clin- ton 808r3. 25b FOUR PURE-BRED YORK Sows, first litter, due beginning of July. Kenneth Tyndall, phone Clinton 717J2. 25p ONE REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 13 months old, accredited. John Lindsay, RR 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 727W2. 25p HOLSTEIN COWS FOR SALE; " Your choice of one grade ad due Ju e 21 • or one 'registered cow, good plus, due July 6. Apply Bob Har- ris, phone Clinton 300W2. 25b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 436r32. or . 936r21. 9 -pt LOST and FOUND LOST—SNOW TIRE and WHEEL from truck, size 16x750, either between Clinton and Seaforth or Zurich and Seaforth, Huron Farm Feeds, phone Seaforth 644J3. 25b LOST — FIVE DOLLAR 'BILL, between Sutter -Perdue Hardware and Clinton Laundry, on Satur- day. Finder please contact Peter Giron, phone Clinton 312W. 25p STOVES FOR SALE RANGEi-1r, FOR SALE, ACME. Phone Clinton 462. 25p MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird ' and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230, W. N. Counter. 25p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used," Artificial Insemina-tion service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information •phone elinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m.• on Sundays. 6-tfb KEY AND LOCK WORK BE SAFE AND SURE at home and away, don't let lost Keys or faulty locks spoil' your holiday. We do combination changing, re- setting locks without keys, keying alike, etc., and a two -minute key cutting service. "Don't be stuck with one, let us cut you some." BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE, 25-6b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter -will be prosecuted. By order of the owner .— A. E. Parry. 23to29g PERSONAL HAIR STYLING, COLD WAVES, full line of cosmetics, lotions, etc. Next to Simpson -Sears Order Of- fice. Charles House of Beauty, phone Clinton 529. . 22tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE MODERN' FOUR -ROOM HOME, twu bedrooms, oil heating, garage and breezeway. R. H. Stewart, Albert Street, phone Clinton 185. 25-6-b NEW HOMES—with or without acreages, in Town of Clinton Budget terms can be arranged. Also two -acre plots in town. A. J. Deseck, Base Line Road, Clin- ton (North End). 15-tfb SALES OPPORTUNITY PART TIME SALES OPPOITY Earn $25.00 $5000 CASH, week- ly taking orders for the worldfam- ous "WEAR -EVER" • Waterless Cooking Utensils —Cutlery Sets —Super Food Cutters (None' of these products are sold in stores) SE/I'S FROM 362.30 Individual pieces' sold separately. Low Down payments, Low monthly payments No collecting. Full balance of commissions paid upon delivery of orders. FREE SAMPLE EQUIPMENT FREE SALES TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: —Age 21 to 35 married —own your own car —pleasant personality —free evenings —desire tomake money For personal interview, telephone or write, giving telephone number to: ° New Products Division, ' Aluminum Goods Ltd 32 Foxbar Rd. London, Ont. Telephone 4-5085 "Wear -ever" products are used in OVER ONE MILLION CANAD- IAN HOMES. 24-5-6-7-b EXECUTORS' SALE of Household Furniture and REAL ESTATE 48 Joseph Street CLINTO.N, ONTARIO Edward W,Elliott, Auctioneer, has received instructions to sell at the premises, Lot 96 on Joseph St. and part 'of Lot 80 on the south side of Wellington Street, more particularly described in Register- ed Instrument No. 8429 for Clinton, Upon, this property is said to be erected a large 2% storey solid brick house containing kitchen, kitchenette, livingroom, dining - room, large den and good-sized hall with glassed -in sun porch at the rear on the first floor and 4 good-sbath and toilezed ton the bedrooms, piece sec- ond. There is hardwood flooring throughout. Attic contains three rooms, two with hardwood floors, The house has a 3 -compartment basement and is heated by a hot water system. Located on spacious grounds with a frontage on Joseph Street of 105' running through full length 100' to Wellington Street, more or less. At the same time there will be offered for sale household furni- ture and effects consisting of: washing machines, stove,. heater, chairs, rockers, tables, china cab- inets, large bffet, walnut desk, roll-top desk and chairs, bookcase, marble table, love seat, couches, st, ches benches, bench seats, piano, fernery, several pieces wicker furniture, large mirror, walnut bed, dresser, spring and mattress; brass beds and mattresses; inner spring mattress; rugs; wall tap- estry; antique lamp; ornamental Vase; dishes, trays, typewriter and stand, trunks, garden hose and reel, and many other articles. Time of Sale: SATURDAY,. JUNE 25 Chattels, 1 p.m.; Real Estate, 2.,30 pan. Place: 48 Joseph, Street, Clinton, Ontario. Term of Sale: On Chattels, Cash; on Real Estate, 10%; re- mainder within 30 days. Real Estate will be offered subject to a reserve bid and usual conditions of of sale, Immediate possession, For further, particulars apply to Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, (Phone Clinton 1621,1.) RICHARD BATTERTON and THE CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY, Executors,' William Campbell Brown Estate; A. C. Whaley, Q.C., Solicitor for the Estate. 24-5-b CLINTON NEWS-'REQIW BIRTHS BELL In Clinton Public °tal; ori Monday, June 20, 1955,• to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bell, Blyth , a son. COOPER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, June 17, 1955, to F/0 and Mrs. George Cooper, Clinton a son (Steven Graham), DANIELLS In Kitchener, on Wednesday, May 25, 1955,.. to Mr. and Mrs, Grant Daniells (nee Ardyss Inkley), 190 Hei- man Street, Kitchener, a dau- ghter (Cheryl Ardyss, sister for Linda, Nancy and •Barbara.), GRANT—In Clinton ,Public • Hos- pital, on Monday, June 20, 1955, to, F/S and Mrs.. Henry Grant, RCAF Station Clinton, a song HENDERSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, June 17, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Clinton, a son. HOWARD --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, June 18, 1955, to Mr. and• Mrs. Harold Howard, RR 2, Clinton, a son. LIVERMORE In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, 'June 17, 1955, to, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Livermore, London, a (Peter Allen) a brother Jimmy anda great gran for Mr. and Mrs, James L more, McINTYRE — In Clinton Publi Hospital, • on Tuesday, June:21 1955, to Cpl. and Nips. Harol McIntyre, Clinton, a' daughter O'BRIEN—In Clinton Public Hos pitai, on Wednesday, June 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Stanley O'Brien, Clinton, a daughter (Kathleen Ann), PARTRIDGE -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Partridge, Sudbury (nee Isobel Webster) announce the arrival of their chosen daughter Bonnie °Lynn, SANGSTER - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, June 22, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sangster, Hensall, a daughter. MARRIAGES. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat. "TIRE SIEGE AT ' RED RIVER"'` Suspense, spectacle and Techni- color photography of scenic back- grounds combine to make this pic- ture hard to beat. Van Johnson — Joanne Dru MON., TUES. Ix WED. "INFERNO (Adult Entertainment) Left to die in :a desert' canyon, the central character in this tense drama is able to survive and con- front his would-be murderer. Robert Ryoin— Rhonda Fleming COMING: "THREE RING CIRCUS" Dean Martin and JerryLewis PAGE FIVE HE PARK TELE HONE Goderich NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat, Barbara Stanwyek —'Glenn Ford and Edward G. Robinson Filmed in Cinemascope: a power- ful land baron is driving out the small dirt farmers until a vigorous " crusader turns against him. The Violent " Men — In Technicolor — MON., TUES. & WED, "A Life in the Balance" In Mexico City a ..phantom slayer meets his `nemesis through':the heroism of a ten -year-old' boy, Arno Bancroft — Ricardo MontaIban and Lee Marvin V�stavrsron COMING: Mai 2otterling and son Richard Widmark in as n Firs "PRIZE OF GOLD" First showing: 7.00 o'clock Technicolor Iver- ■ � c Clinton Brownie a. Pack Picnic 1 I Next ursday All parents of Brownies are wel- come to attend the Clinton Brownie Pack picnic to be held in Seaforth Park at two o'clock next Thursday afternoon, June 30, Come and bring your Brown- ie and a contribution to the sup- per table. Tea and drinks sup- . plied. On Monday afternoon in St. Paul's Parish Hall the Brownies were favoured with the presence. of Clinton's Chief Constable J. Ferrand, who yery constructively spoke on safety regulations of bicycle riding and walking. Twen- ty eight brownies passed their tests on traffic rules and safety. Appreciation was shown to Chief Ferrand by the Brownies in giv- ing to him the "Grand Howl." CARTER -POTTER — In Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, June 18, 1955, by Rev: A. G. Eagle, Ferne Alita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Potter, RR 3, Clinton, and Ronald George Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs: George Carter, Clinton. COLLYER-GUEST —In Chalmers United Church, Windsor, on Saturday, June 18, 1955, Doro- thy Jane, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Guest, Windsor, to Dr. Robert Talbot Collyer, Lon- don, son of Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Robert Collyer, London, former- ly of Hensall. MARGESON-PROCTOR —In On- tario Street United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, June 18, 1955, ,by Rev. A. G. Eagle, ShirleLaurine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Proctor, Clinton, and Clarence John Lewis Marg- eso», Kentville, N.S„ son of L, C. Margeson, Toronto, and the late Mrs. Margeson, DEATHS ANDERSON — At her home in Toronto, on Monday, June 13, 1955, Mrs. Thomas Anderson, formerly of Auburn, beloved wife of Thomas Anderson. Fun- eral from Knok United, Church, Auburn, to Bali's Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon,. June 16. CRICH—At her home on Queen Street, Clinton, on Tuesday, June 21, 1955, Eliza Helen Row- cliffe, beloved wife of Joseph Crich, in her 83rd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, High Street, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, June 23. ELLIOTT—In St. Joseph's Hospi- taI, London, on June 16, 1955, James William Elliott, beloved husband of Viola Mae Pepper, in his 40th year. Funeral from the Box funeral home chapel, Seaforth, to Clinton Cemetery, on Sunday, June 19. NAY—In Clinton, on Sunday, June 19, 1955, Irene Matilda McCart- ney, widow of the Iate Robert Nay, in her 83rd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral , home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, June 21. SCOTT—In Guelph General Hos- pital, on Friday, June 17, 1955, John Lorne Scott, Guelph (for- merly of Hensall), beloved hus- band of Blanche Petty, in his 78th year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensel], to Hensall Union Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, June 20. o Cards of Thanks I would like to thank publicly the many people who helped make the Western Ontario Aberdeen - Angus Field Day held on our farm on Saturday, June 18, such a success. Special thanks to the Trinity Ladies' Guild of Bayfield,, who catered so capably; to Gerry Montgomery, Ken Merrier and family, Don Middleton, etc. STEWART MIDDLETON 25-b �I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all those who visit- ed me, sent cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. • —W. C. SINCLAIR. 25-p MRS. VIOLA ELLIOTT and family, Mr. and Mrs. David El- liott and family wish to express their sincere appreciation and t he r a felt thanks to kind their l in d friends., relatives and neighbours for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beauti- ful floral offerings received dur- ing their sad bereavement. 25p s. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our neighbours and friends who so generously came to 'our assistance when we lost our barn by fire. — JOHN MILLER and FAMILY.' 25p IN - MEMORIAM In loving memory of a deck Father and Grandfather, David' Steep, who passed away June 23, 1940: "He was a wonderful Father, He played life's battles square, No matter when we needed him We always found him there. Looking back with tenderness Along the path you trod, We. bless' the years we spent with you And leave the rest to God;" --Sadly missed by daughter Sadie, Susan and David, , 25p $100.00 REWARD LOST Between Bayfield and Gode- rich on Thursday, June 2, smooth hair fox terrier, male, six years old, nearly all white with black and tan face, round black bull's eye on back near tail. 3100 Reward on contacting owner. Please Contact: GODERICH 1190R or GALBRAITH TV• Phone Clinton 482 24-5-6-b a arIsruenmpull9muuumui Model KS 105 Capacity: 10.5 cu. ft. Total Frozen Food Storage: 70 lbs. Model KS 105 with Standard Defrosting Only 28 inches wide, but Cold - Clear -to -the -Floor design provides full 10.5 cu. ft capacity • Safely stores 70 lbs, of frozen foods: 52 lbs, in the full -width Frozen Food Chest: 18 lbs. in the Meat Tray that` keeps meat fresh for your daily requirements • Bright Steel Bar Shelves with gold - finished a 1 u m i num fronts • Shelves in the door. for tall bottles, eggs, snacks' .• Butter Chest • Cheese Chest • Twin "Moisture - Seal" Crispers • Powered by the. Polarsphere Sealed Unit. PRICES FROM ,[ $259.95 GALBRAITH RADIO AND Television Phone 482- : : Clinton mossisswansweerssassimesemowses THE CAPITAL TELEPH ol41 Goderich NOW—.Thugs., Fri. & Sot. Bonar Colicin -- Mary Castliy and Arthur Franz From .the B'way hit: A Sound Hunting", tate of 'eight sold iers. and of the girl who walks " in their sleep. Eight Iron Men9/ MON., TUES. & WED. Alexis Smith — Dean Jagger and Sterling Hayden One of the most outstanding pic- tures of the season. The chronicle of a man and his struggle against the elements. "The Eternal Sea" COMING: "JUNGLE MOON MEN" starring Johnny Weissmulier and Helene' Stanton Specials For June 23-24-25 PEAS, Stokely's New Pack, 15 oz., 2 tins 33c PEANUT BUTTER, Gold Medal, 16 oz. 'jar 29c SALMON, Red Sockeye, 2' lb. tin 35e CAKE MIX, Robinhood White, pkg. 19c CORN FLAKES, Quaker,' lge, pkg. 19c TEA, Lipton's bags with coupon, 30s 35c POTATOES, Ont, No. 1, 10 lbs. 49c CHEESE WHIZ, 13‘ oz., 33s, 16 oz 51c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 252s, doz. ' 37c SUGAR, Redpath Gran.—Cash and Carry -100s $8.25 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR PITTED RED MONTMOREANCY CHERRIES, 22 18. PAIL THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver LEE'S Driving School IN CLINTON Every Friday Appointments From 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For Appointments Call 110 Or drop in to Ashton's Taxi Clinton Ontario Per Lesson 1 hr., $3.50; 1/2 hr. $1.75 23-tfb GODERICH PAVILION FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY -_ SATURDAY, JUNE 25 George Tingey and His Orchestra,. featuring vocals by June Barna, Jack Levie, Loiue Rahn is ht with G ARENCE Wednesday and uare Dthe cNIGHe THAWKS 35th Anniversary Dance—Friday July lst Door Prize: 21 -inch TV Johnny Downs and his Orchestra Friday Night Teen -Age Record Swing --- Friday, July 8 J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb Help Wanted TOWN OF CLINTON Applications are invited for. Utility Man (part time) and/or Relief Constable (part time). Applications accepted for either or both positions until 5 p.m., June 27th, by the Clerk, Town of Clinton. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 8.00 p,m. TERMS -CASH J. COREY, S es Manager E. W. ELPIOTT Auctioneer K W. COLQirH6UN, Clerk SAIL �L �©2 e� U118gd t KEEP COOL You'll agree that these styles are just right for you, SPORT SHIRTS T-SHIRTS SWIM SUITS PLAY SHORTS STRAW HATS LPI.CKETr CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts . Stetson Hots "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 -- (Main Corner) -- CLINTON