HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-06-02, Page 11THURSDAY,, JUNE 2 1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE ELEVEN IESE'PT1N BOY WINS TV AT IDSNSALL BINGO HensaIl'branch of the Canadian, Legion sponsored a bingo • party in •the town hall Saturday night. Ron - aid Eyre, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Eyre, Hippen, won a tele- vision set. The winning ticket was drawn by Judy Young, Kip - pen. The $15 door prize was won by Tom Brintnell, Chiselhurst, CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP OPEN TUES., THURS. and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS At other times 'contact `Phomas Steep,. phone Clinton 186W; residence, Shipley Street. T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER — SEAFORTH - PHONE CLINTON 1620 smissemmasiammissaimmut Timely Tips For The JUNE. BRIDE T Quart SAUCEPAN (Heavy Cast) $5.45 2 Quart SAUCEPAN (Heavy Cast) 8.15 3 Quart SAUCEPAN (Heavy Cast) 9.95 CHICKEN' BROILER 8.25 DOUBLE FRY PAN • 8:55.. Come In And See Oiar Complete Line. -- FREE COOK BOOK with each purchase of "Super -Health"" Sutter -Perdue �.•+. tr. s.. e o ski ...-,e. a .-, .+q s * e o- s e+as a e.+.. see .e PORTER'S HILL WA invitation The Women's Association Grace Church has invited the la les of St, Andrew's United Churc Bayfield to be their guest at . t June meeting to be held in tl church basement on Thursda June 16. SS Anniversary Sunday School Anniversary se vices will be held in Grace Chur Porter's Hill, on Sunday, June 1 at 9,45 a.m.Special speaker fo the service will be Albert Marti pastor of the Mennonite Church Zurich. Mr. Martin is the supers tendent of the Vactim Bible Scho at Porter's Hill, and is well know to all. There will be special musi by the Sunday School choir. Eve eryone is welcome. Community Club The Porter's Bill Cominu nit Club met at the home of Mrs. Al len Bettles. The president, Mrs. Peter Harrison was in charge of the meeting which opened` by re- peating the Lord's Prayer. 'It was. decided' to give a $10 donation to the Salvation Army. Readings were given by Mrs. Peter Harrison and Mrs;' Bert Harris. A quilt was quilted during the afternoon. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Rag Cox, on Wednes= day, June 8, one week earlier than usual. of d he ne Y, rh, 2, 1 , n- 01 n„ y Mrs. R. Snowden Celebrates Her 80th Birthday With Ord -Time Gathering (By our Bayfield' correspondent) . "were amongst those present Congratulations and best wishes It was one of the old-time gath- go to Miss Margaret Rosamond ermgs for which the Snowden Snowden, familiarly knownto the homestead was well known in days older' ` gone by. After social chat, tables folk as "hose," who was Se years young on Tuesday, May 31. were setup and a game of cards The day began' just the same as enjoyed. Before Munch, Robert any other for Miss" Snowden, who Sowerby expressed congratulations has lived X11 her life on the home- and best wishes to his aunt., Miss stead the r life Line (now- Snowden made a suitable reply. Blue Water Highway), Stanley Then there was the ceremony of Township. She had just . finished blowing out 80 candles on and hanging out the wash when the around the birthday cake (baked school children from SS 4 West al,.thebMrs. .. Graingeerrs' assisted nt rs rived to sing Happy Birthday." Grainer and Mrs. Turner in ser Miss Snowden wished to be a g teacher, but family pressure was vans: brought to bear to keep her at Miss Snowden' was the recipient home. But she has always loved of many cards, gifts and flowers children; and it is to her the school on this ocbasion. children go for dress -ups for school Carrying on the farm in the Snow - concerts. They were treated to tradition of her father, Miss Snow cookies. den is the youngest and only sur Several other 'friends dropped in viving member of the family of five during the afternoon. Mrs. R. daughters and two sons born to Grainger,, a niece, and Mrs: J. Tur- Barnard Snowden, who emigrated ner, a cousin who arranged the in' 1842 froth Morton Head" near. surprise party, served tea. Carlisle Cumberland, and Eliza - In the evening about 40 relativ- beth Westlake who came ..from es, friends and neighbours gather Dev,onshire, England, with her par- ed to offer congratulations., Miss eats in 1855 and settled an the Snowden's' five nephews, Edward farm now owned by Clifford Tal - and Robert Sowerby, Fred, Thom- bot, as and Alfred Hudie and two nice- For over 13 years Mozart Gel es, Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. J. Keys, Inas has worked the farm on shay lies es and Miss Snowden has a share with members of their famines, in the sheep, Shorthorn cattle and hogs. She still has her own chick- ens and ducks and " may be seen with her warm padded hood in winter and sunbonnet in summer, out caring for them. Her garden hasn't been ,planted yet, but Gerrad Gelinas asked her to wait until he came home as he wanted to help her put it in. Miss Snowden lives alone with "Linda" • a small' collie, which guards her mistress jealously, and sits up on her knee lest strangers take her away. Linda is very knowing. She dances and sings and asks the baker for cookies. But Miss Snowden is never lon ely. There is -always someone coming or going. It has been that, way all her life. A , life . long member of Trinity Church, Bayfield, Miss Snowden was also an active member of the Guild and Woman's Auxiliary as long as she drove a car. And fora great many years it was she who saved the grain and made sheaths for the Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vice. ' Always kindly and generous, Miss Snowden was ready to help out in case of sickness in the neighbourhood. Although she was, no nurse, she declared she had been in the house when all except the last child of Peter Ducharme was horn. Sometimesshe assisted the doctor, but Mrs, Ducharme seemed to feel better if she were just in the room. DRIVE IN FOR ONE-STOP SERVICE! A complete check and tune-up by our expert trouble-shooters will put your car into smooth running order. Drive in any-' time .. , quick service! South . End Cities Service Products Clinton, Ont. Phone 602 Before You Buy T°WI1VE Get the facts about EMNRE BRAND FULLY GUARANTEED 100% KNOTLESS BALER AND BINDER TWINE FULL LENGTH -- .FULL STRENGTH FULL, WEIGHT available at S. R.IODICK and SONS FEEDS and GRAINS PHONE '114 CLI PITON VARNA Whitsunday Whitsunday was . observed at both Varna and Goshen Unitdd Churches last Sunday morning with appropriate services. IOOF Service Brucefield IOOF members and Rebekahs conducted church service in Varna United Church on Sun- day evening for a Large attendance and visitors from other lodges. Mrs. Bruce Keys was organist and an instrtunental duet by Mrs. Wil- liam Taylor and Mrs. Clare Mc- Bride was enjoyed. Rev. Y. J. Pitt preached the sermon . on "Friend= ship.". *-.'+, e+rI- CONSTANCE 114rs. Joseph Riley is under the doctor's care. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. George Hoggart in, the death of her. mother Mrs. Coleman. Congratulations to Miss Grace Riley, on finishing her year's cour- se 'ate Teacher's College Stratford. Miss Riley didn't have any final examinations to write and early in Mardi accepted a position on the Guelph teaching staff, HARRY WILLIAM; r A L. WAY'S f> FARMERS NEED IT, CALL FOR GASOLINE, WE'LL HEED IT! GIFT FOR TIM ,f(TNJi BM/P- TO-BE Schuett's of 11rlildmay have for your a free BRIDE'S BOOK also a Valuable Gift for the Couple with each suite of Furniture purchases) Godfrey Sehuett Mildmay, Ont. 212b THE Catvet SPORTS COLUMN` iEsteot Pe/1446w This cohunn rejoices at the sudden and'. surprising decision of , the Canadian Ruby Union to transfer the. Grey Cup game of 1955 from the traditional site in Toronto out to the British Empire Games , Stadium is Vancouver. ' It may be a move toward an objective this column .has been advocating for the past three years, namely: a two -game series for the Grey Cup annually', in the cities represented by the eastern and western winners respectively; total points to. count. Hitherto, the western champions ware obliged to travel east, whether they liked • it or not, meet the eastern champions in Toronto's fine Varsity Stadium, We don't claim that this one -day clash of east and west wasn't a great show, with colour, drama, background, everything. It was all of that— wonderful. Wonderful, that is, for those who could see It. But what about those who, - for one reaspn or another, couldn't get to Toronto to watch their heroes inthecrowning, football game of the season? Those are the fans. who. were. getting the short end of the stick in this one -city deal. Taking the Grey Cup out to Vancouver breaks this one -city tradition, and also is a smart bit of promotion Vancouver is new battle theren fessional last yeareand in ttball. heencitystUf st venturan e into the game, his club got amazingly fine support. profes- sional hockkes y, throw-back to the west long-ago thenn as when as last year, invaded Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster and became a tremendous game overnight, But Vancouver, in football, can do with the shot -in -the -arm the Grey Cup game will provide. We -trust this isn't just a one-year move- Other cities, east and west, would like to be hosts to the Grey Cup finals. And tii'ey deserve it: But we still believe in our own idea, a two -city play-off .between the two champions. Baseball does it. Hockey does it. It's good for them. So why not for football? Vow soMwwe ..d reilq.dks. kr Nth esi rs.r we br w.liewsi by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert House, 431 Yong. St., Toronto. Catvert DISTILLERS LIMITED. AnNIEFRM, WINO FUELOIL " zn �h GASOLINE NIOTOROlL 9 LUBRICANTS R42, CLINTON •?Pkowit 526J perfect circle' discharge vents no dogging Dealer: SAVE TIME AND LABOUR WITH LAWN KING PoweuMowe By WELDING, Waterloo, Ont. Large 7" dia- meter special tread wheels, easy pushing and grass~pro- tection. LIFTING DEVICE for, quick, ' easy height adjustment, from 1" to 4" by pulling ratchet lever. Lawn King Is Available With Either 2 'i; 4 -Cycle Motor. HUGH HAWKINS HARDWARE, CLINTON What .a Party! Here's Strawberry Ice Cream Marilyn's our favorite' hostess..,..she always serves such good IceCream! ... Strewn with plump, juicy berries, STRAWBERRY'S a flavor we eat "gobs" of! Yum, let's have some more! AVAILABLE, AT ALL YORK ICE CREAM DEALERS 21-2-b