HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-06-02, Page 8PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD` THURSDAY, JUNE 20,05", Bayfield Rate ayers Voted 32 to 11 Ratepayers To Build New School On Present Site (continued 'froni page one); ing an offer? The Department has Spencer Ervine. He stated that told tis what to do." the new school plan was designed Someone asked: "Isn't some ?tit - so that additions could be made. er site available?" Ervine replied: But as to acreage, it would depend "Not without expropriation," on the ruling of the Department Jack Tillmann's six acres on of Education at that time. Tuyll Street and the Emily Os - "Suppose more land were need- mond property on Cameron Road ed, what would happen then?" the were suggested but did not meet writer asked. With much approval. "Expropriate again," said John B. Dresser stated that Byrds Howard,' had property to sell, ; Mrs. Byrd The opinion was expressed that said that they had two and one- the principle of expropriation of half acres for sale. They had been land valuable to the owner' in a asked if they'd sell it, but they small community like this did not felt that it was the place of the seem right. school board to approach them on H. Dresser stated that if the the subject. (This fine bit of land school board expropriated their is high and dry between Sarnia land, it would be taking valuable Road and Elizabeth Streets.)• fruit and ornamental trees, the On the motion for a poll, for best part of their garden, a hedge which Mr. Fitzsimons explained, which had taken some time to the ballots would be "Yes" to stay grow and their well. Asked how and "No" to move, it was stated long they had owned the lot, he that anyone on the voters' list replied: "Fifteen years." could• vote. Harold Stinson ques- The question was asked: "Have tioned this. He was told that ft Dressers ever been made an of- was not a money by-law. Hestat- fer?" to which Ervine replied in ed that money was involved in It. the affirmative. H: Dresser: "Don't The chairman conceded that he say that. We have not beenmade was right, and that only registered. an offer," S. Ervine: "You were property owners of British or Can - asked if you'd sell: You replied adian status could vote. 'No' so what was the use of mak- News of Bayfield BY MISS LUCY R. WOODS Ontario's Cluunpion Country Correspondent PHONE HAYFIELD ' 45 r 3 Mrs, Frank Nelson is visiting re- latives at Dundas for a fortnight. Miss Edna Jowett, Port Huron, called on relatives in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, T. James, Detroit, were the guests of Mrs. A. W. Reid from Saturday until Monday. F/O " D. D. Stewart, ; Ottawa, came on Friday, to spend a week in one of the Jowett cottages. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Kant- er, Detroit, were at their cottage. over the Memorial Day Weekend. ONTARIO •CHAMPION Fiddlers' Contest HENSALL Friday, June .3 8 p.m. - Free Press Trophy Square Dancing; Step Dancing Lloyd Wright, CFPL-TV, London, Master of Ceremonies.. bANCE IN HALL after 11 .Admission: 75e; Children 25c 22-b Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colquhoun, Mitchell, were at their cottage in, the Jowett area over the weekend, Dr. and Mrs. R. Nicholls, Lon- don, were with the latter's mother Mrs, Fred McEwen, over the week- end. Mrs. Robert Fulton and grand-. song Bruce MacKay, Biggar, Sask , are visiting her sister, Mrs. Percy Weston. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., spent the long weekend at their home on Colina Street. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foyston, and son John, Byron, occupied their cottage in the Jowett • area over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and Miss Barbara Stephenson, To- ronto, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. W. Coates and family who have been staying at the New Ritz Hotel, are occupying the Goodhew cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Weston, Chicago, I11., arrived on Sunday to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston. --- Mrs. William Robinson is at her cottage on Tuyll Street after spending the winter with her dau- ghter in Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Schnell, De- troit, spent the holiday weekend with their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schnell, Dr, and Mrs. E. Williams, return- ed ;to London today (Thursday) after having been guests at The Albion Hotel for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and David, Port Huron, ..visited Mrs. W. J. McLeod and daughters over the holiday weekend. Mrs. Fred Watson was able to leave Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday and is reduperating at her home on the Bronson Line. Fred W. 13aker who has been in ill -health for some time is now confined to bed at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer. Mr. and Mrs, F. Hendrick re- turned to Birmingham, Mich., on Monday after having spent several days at their cottage, "Westwind", Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sturgeon, Port Dover, visited the former's mother, Mrs. William Sturgeon. on Friday on their way, to Manitoulin Island. Mrs, Arthur Suppnick, Miss Hol- ley Louise Suppnick, Harold Prim and Mr. Sprague, Detroit, spent the holiday weekend at "Holley Lodge." John E. Howard presided at the ballot box and the other scrutineer' was Leslie Elliott. Forty-three' votes outof a pos- sible 186 was not what could be called representative. But those who stayed home or refrained from casting ballots, condoned the out- come. Have we in this matter doomed our children of 25 years hence, or sooner, to travel by bus to a con- solidated school somewhere in the centre of Stanley Township? If so, the blame rests squarely on our shoulders. If the school left Bay- field, one more nail would be ham- mered into the coffin for business and community life in this village, nor with NEW Big Capacity 6 -foot MOWER BAR Now Gehl offers you a choice of BIG CAPACITY 5 -Ft. or 6 -ft. . Mower Bar Attachment to fit the NEW "Chop -All" Harvester More Exclusive Features • New "Chop -All" Features: Unmatched capacity, cleaner cutting for better packing, best keeping silage. • All -steel cutter bar, boiler- plate steel flywheel, adjust- able axle, self -aligning bear- ings on feed rollers. • New Gehl Sodium Bisulfite Feeder for better gam .si- - lage, mounts on Chop -All. • Metal Parts and FREE Plans far PTO all-purpose side -unloading bunk -feeder box. Do it yourself! The Gehl "Chop -All" Harvester earned its name and proved its fame: • "Walking through" tall sudan, sorghum and soybean mixtures with its Mower Bar Attachment. • Taking tall corn "in stride"— with either the 1 or 2 -Row Gehl Corn Head, w«,vs+ w,0 -..r w•.,w: • "Sweeping up" giant windrows of dry or wilted hay with the Gehl Windrow Pick-up. Only Gehl gives you FOUR attach- ments with the famous "Quick- \ Switch." Buy right. Buy Gehl— owned by more farmers than any other independent make! Come in and see them Today John Allington YARNA Phone Clinton 62615 THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN A GEHL! 12MD.55 22-b •-•-,1-•••-••••• Mrs. ♦sr— Mrs. J. Pease, Mrs. J. Barron and, two children, and Ervine Pease, London, were at their cot-' tage oli Elizabeth Street over the weekend, Renouf Johns and son, Guane, Mrs. Patricia, Harding and John E. Eubank, Detroit, were guests at the home of Mrs. W. Westlake, ov- er the long weekend. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. John Bird who' on Friday received a great shock when a cablegram from England arrived informing; her of the death', of her father. Mrs. J. Des Jardin, Eric and Kenny Plater, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Martin and Dale Terribile, were at the former's home on Colins Street over . Decoration Day weekend. Mrs, J. A. Brock and son Jim, with his two daughters, Christine and Nancy, Port Dover, visited her brother, L. H. D. MacLeod and family and called on other rela- tives on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Galbraith re- turned last week after a honey. - =ion trip to New York city, hav- ing travelled by TCA from Mahon Airport: They are occupying one of the Galbraith cottages on Bay- field Terrace. Guests at the New Ritz Hotel over the Decoration Day weekend included: Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Cox and Roger Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Paul, Mr. and, Mrs. J. A. Hend- erson, Detroit; Charles Wyse, Lon- don; and Mr. and Mrs. Weston, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wood, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond from Friday until Sunday. They are home in the United States on three months leave. Mr.'and Mrs. Wood were friends of the Ormonds while in Brazil. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Quigg and family, Preston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnston on Sunday. Mrs. Quigg is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc- Clinchey, and Mr. Quigg served Overseas in World War 11 with Walter Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Latta, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Murtaugh, and two children, Cheryl and Mary Jane, Rockport, N.Y., were guests at the Rectory over the Decoration D'ay weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Latta are Mrs. Outerbridge's parents. Congratulations • go to Edwards Watson, Sintaluta, Sask., who in graduation exercises -from high school, gave the valedictory ad- dress. He illustrated the school paper and drew the advertisements therein. He was also chosen to make the place "cards for the school banquet. Guests at The Little Inn over the long weekend were: J. W. Brown, Mrs. George Gaston, Mrs. R. Moore, Richard and friend, Miss A. M. Hammertz, Miss M. Davis,` Detroit; Miss A. Geary, Grosse Pointe; Miss J. Savage, Dearborn, Mich., Misses' ^s tene and Gladys Sharpe, Detroit. Bayfield Fire Department an- swered a call to the farm of Harry Torrance, Fifth Concession, Goder- ich Township, en Tuesday evening. Clinton Brigade had answered a call earlier and were unabl"e to save the barn. Bayfield relieved the Clinton men and stood guard. in case the wind changed and en- dangered the house. Mr. and Mrs. William Naftel and three children, Don, Bruce and Jean, accompanied by Don's pal David Bell, Berkley, Mich„ and Mr. and Mrs, William G. Osborne (nee Catherine Naftel) twin sons, Dennis and Douglas and daughter, Donna, Oak Park, Mich., spent the Decoration Day weekend at their ancestral homeonthe Blue Water Highway, Goderich Township. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE supplies a complete ser- vice for you whether with or without home-grown grains and 'gives you the important advantages of: • The local manufacture of SHUR--GAIN's first and only brand. • Quality control through field inspection and laboratory testing. • The purchase of feeds direct from the manu- facturer. Feeds that are, mixed fresh daily. 41 The practical .feed . testing facilities of the SHUR-GAIN Demonstration farm. T HIS MEANS "The best possible feeds at the lowest possible, cost" COME IN AND DISCUSS YOUR FEED REQUIREMENTS CLINTON FEED Mill ,..*aunimonsmons-.ow.- Bayfield Guide Company At Stratford . Rally' Led In Camp Singing (By our, Hayfield _correspondent) The First Company Bayfield Guides attended the rally at Strat- ford on Saturday at which there were 275 Guides from this district. Spencer Ervine took the following' members of the Bayfield Company in the school bus: Mrs. Jr. B. Hig- gins, lieutenant; Margaret Howard, Charlene ; Scotchmer, Judy Chaff, Margaret Wallis, Cathy 'Wallis, Elaine Weston, Marilyn and. Elaine Rathwell, Rosemarie Telford and Catherine Welsh. Mrs; R. H. F. Gairdner, chairman of the local Woman's Association accompanied them. Contests, puzzles and games were held, but much of the pro- gram had to be given up including the camp fire owing to the inclem- ent weather. The First Bayfield Company had been chosen to lead in the camp. firesinging, under the direction of Mrs. Higgins who has devoted so much time instructing and thor- oughly training the. girls. In lieu of a camp fire, Mrs. Higgins lead the 275 Guides in their familiar songs, closing prayer and taps. LAC Matthew Lithgow and ,fam- ily arrived on Friday to oveupy one of the Jowett cottages. Mrs. Lithgow and -children had just ar- rived from Scotland and reported a very rough passage by ship. Mrs. G. Lindsay, Mrs. Charles Bell, James Hutchings and Brown Lindsay motored to. Paris, Ontario, on Sunday last and spent the day with the former's son, George Lin- dsay and family. Sunset Drive -In 11/4 Miles East of Goderich on No. 8 Highway THURSDAY & FRIDAY June 2 and S "SOUND OFF" Mickey Rooney — Anne James CARTOON COMEDY SATURDAY & MONDAY June 4 and 6 "Raiders of the Seven Seas'"' John Payne — Donna Reed CARTOON COMEDY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Jute 7 and 8 "SPLIT SECOND" Goderich, Township Mrs. John Middleton was a guest of her daughter, Miss Lois, at "Fudger House," Tdronto. Mrs. John Middleton and F/O and Mrs. Allan White spent sev- eral days in Toronto and attended the Metropolitan Opera in Maple Leaf Gardens. Conununity Club The SS 4 Community Club, met at the home of Mrs. M. Jones with an attendance of 13 members and four visitors. The first vice-president, Mrs. S. Farquhar, was in charge of the meeting, which was opened by re- peating the Creed and Lord's Pray- er in unison. The roll call was answered by members paying their fee The annual treasurer's report was given, showing a balance of $37.29. The meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, H, Oakes and Mrs, J. Tebbutt. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ira Merrill. - Let Us Help You l Fresh -up your home — we will give your draperies a complete, colour -fresh cleaning now! from June 2 to June 11 DRAPES $1.00 pr. (one -day service on request). Glidd�n Cleaners "We Pick Up and" Deliver" PHONE 466W CLINTON Steve McNally -'-- Alexis Smith (Adult Entertainment) CARTOON COMEDY Box Office Opens 1.45 First Show at Dusk Two Shows Nightly Children under 12, in cars, FREE a WISE & BATEMAN'S' PLt)MBER rEMERGENCIES WE ALWAYS HEED. ' WE WANT 'HCS BE. r A FRIEND IN NEED Ed. Siddel and John R. MacLeod motored to Port Dover on Friday evening last. They were accomp- anied by the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs. Malcolm MacLeod and baby Bruce who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Robert L. H. D. MacLeod fol three weeks. E. Siddel and John MacLeod brought the "Vary Brothers", which had been in Port Dover for repairs, back to her home port on Tuesday evening. See,me for., remarkably LOW RATESON AUTO MURANC. ,w.mraq With State Farm Mutual! LLOYD ETUE ?hone Collect Zurich 78r5 8-15p-tfb E'LECTRiciANS`p PLUMBERS, CLtNTON - ♦ 31 FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative: H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tfb Your Car Up To Par May is safety month — be ready for the safety check campaign., Drive in today and let our mechanics make things right. They will check the V BRAKES V HEADLIGHTS V .HORN V WINDSHIELD WIPERS �V STOP LIGHTS V Every important paint WISE MOTORISTS HAVE REGULAR CAR CHECKS - BE SAFE IT COSTS SO LITTLE We Sell Powr Mowers Various model and prices. Call' us for o free demonstration. "While King Street is under construction arse Wellington Street for service." , a ,• AUTO \WELLS ELECTRIC "The Original Tune -Up Shop" PHONE 762-3 CLINTON' �roeww+-•+++��+�'!�'O'°ts-.+e,+s+++-e++� n-rwse•�e+++r NW Important Notice! ANY QUALIFIED ELECTOR Who cannot be present in the Riding of." Huron oa Election Day, June 9th, is entitled`taa vote' at the Advance Polls. JUNE 2nd, 3rd and 4th AT GODERICH, EXETER, OR SEAFORTH" DON'T LOSE YOUR VOTE For' furfher information or transportation- to these polls, 'call: 556, Exeter; 224;. Clinton;' 1271, Goderich, or 480',. Seaforth THIS NOTICE 15 PUBLISHED IN YOUR INTEREST BY - JIM SCOTT "A. Fighter For Huron." (Inserted by the Huron Liberal Association) re-s-e-o-o-sem-►.. '54 HUDSON -- Super Wasp 11,000 miles — fully equipped '53 PONTIAC SEDAN— '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN N 1 '50 PONTIAC COACH '50 PONTIAC 2 -DOOR y_ '49 FORD COACH '52 G.M.C. 1/2 -TON PICK-UP ANSON GILBERT MOTORS Pontiac — Buick — G.M.C. SEAFORTH PHONE SEAFORTH 461 18-tfb I SEE! Hear JIM SCOTT CFPL - TV CHANNEL 10 Saturday, June 4 - 940-9.50 -p.m. CKNX, WINGHAM Friday, June 3 "-- 0.00-3.15 p.m. Monday, June 6 — 10.15-10.30 p.m. (Inserted by the Huron Liberal Association)