Clinton News Record, 1955-06-02, Page 6PAGESIX • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD T%IURSDA' , JUNE 2, 1955 Gift Suggestions F O R JUNETI3E Bllpp�.IDE. "ALL WOOL" KENWOOD BLANKETS $13.50 - $16.95 $19.95 46 Towels 1 Tablecloths • Sheets • Pillow Cases. • Bed Spreads MARTINS DEPARTMENT STORE Probation Officer Will Be Named For Huron County y Word that a' probation officer. for the County of Huron will soon be'appointed was brought by Thomas Pryde, Exeter, to the an- nual meeting of,the Huron County Children's Aid Society meeting In Walton last Wednesday evening.. Mr, ' Pryde expressed his great interest in child welfare and said that he by being a member of the welfare boardhe had � great insight ireceived a nto special problems in institutions. He said that he had found broken homes to be the main source of juvenile- deliquen- cy. John Hanna, 'candidate in the Huron -Bruce riding, also express- ed his interest in the welfare of children. Rev, R. G. McMillan, whc is president and chairman of the Huron CAS was in charge of the meeting. Itir, and Mrs, Dave Kay spent ast Sunday in Marlette, •Mich., visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Ross, De- troit, spent the weekend with Mr.' and Mrs. Murray McEwan. Mrs,, John Wallace, Oakville, visited over the weekend with M. and Mrs. W, Pinning, Isaac Street. Mr. -; and Mrs. W, A. Willard, Buffalo, visited the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Shob- brook. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Baker, Gen- eva, Ohio, visited with the latter's cousin Mrs. May McElroy over the, weekend. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Shannon, Harriston, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A, J. McMur- ray over the weekend. Mr . and Mrs. William Stewart: Fergus, and Mr.' and Mrs. Brown Stewart, London, visited Mrs. Goldie Graham last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Agar, Pt.' Edward, and Mr. and. Mrs. Don Keyes and baby Sandra, Varna, visited .with Mrs, May IVIcElroy on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McRae, Detroit, have been visiting at the home of the former's brother-in- law and,. sisters, George Roberton and -Mrs. MacLennan. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Moore, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. George Dufresne, Ferndale, Michigan, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. MclViurray this week. Miss Theresa Cummings, Los. Angeles, ,California, has just re- turned to her home by plane after spending a vacation with her brother Frank Cummings, Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Hanley at- tended the graduation exercises at the University of Toronto i last Thursday, May 26, at which their daughter Phyllis received her B.A. Phyllis specialized in Latin. 0 REQUEST FULL ATTENDANCE ONTARIO ST. GIRLS MEETING The Ontario Street Girls' Club will hold their regular meeting in the church parlour en Thursday, June 9, at 8.00 p,m, This will be a very special meeting and all members are requested to make a special effort to attend. Reeve J. Doig of Tuckersmith Township stated: "The grants to CAS are never questioned' by Council, Approximately 4,000=vis- its are made each year by the staff. There is to be a detention room. incorporated in the new county building, where a child will not be considered a criminal, but rather a wrong -doer." Members of the staff described their work in detail. Mrs. Mary Chaffee, local director, said, We are very fortunate in having a most efficient board and our County Council has always placed our children before our roads ' Inviting You To Special Gospel Meetings Commencing Tuesday, June 7 to Friday Night 8 p.m. IN THE, COMMUNITY HALL, SUMMERHILL The Speakers Are: Mr. Russell Harris and Mr. Earl Pears, Orillia, Ontario COME AND HEAR THE OLD TIME GOSPEL EVERYBODY WELCOME Wesley -Willis United Church Anniversary Services, 11.00 a.m.-MORNING WORSHIP Rev. Angus McQueen, B.A-, B.D., of London 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 p.m. -Church School 7,30 p.m. -EVENING PRAISER. Rey. (Capt.) Howard Johnson, of London HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m,--CHURCH SERVICE - Sunday School COME TO THE HOUSE OF PRAYER - - G. W.Montgomery, agricultura'( representative forthecounty, and'. his assistant, H, R. Baker, are at- tending the conference of'agricul- tural representatives now in pro- gress in Ridgetown. They are ex pVeted to return to town tonight,- Rev. D. J, , Lane left yesterday for Toronto, where he will attend as official delegate from Huron Maitland Presbytery, . the week- long Gene •Assemblyof the 1 ia, Presbyterian Church. To the meet- ing .which is in St. Andrew's Church, King Street, ltev. J. R. McDonald Ripley and Rev. D. G Campbell, Seaforth have also been commissioned. Bus Trip To Guelph has been arranged by the Clinton Citizens Horticultural. Society For June 14 Bus will leave at 10 a.m, and return that evening, Guide provided by College will conduct tour of grounds, greenhouses, etc. Full dinner at OAC, 75c Bus Ticket, $2.50 Please place name with Mrs. Lillian McKinnon, Huron Street, Phone Clinton 128J, not later than June 10. 22-b pick ofthe portables NEW ROTO-TENNA 1 1 Motorola The handle is a rotating antenna! Turn handle (tot radio) for better reception! CONGRATULATIONS! Mrs. Margaret Johnston, RR 1, Clinton, has just received word that her grandniece, Margaret Electa (Peggy) Coates, has receiv- ed the gold medal for highest. standing in her final year of hon- ours at the University of Western Ontario, London. Peggy is the daughter of the late Gordon Coates, Hamilton, and. Mrs. Coates, who was the former Electa Coultas, a one time resident of Clinton, 0 Engagements Announced Mr, and Mrs, Edward Brauti- gam, Clifford, Ont., Wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marlene Caroline, to Mr. John Edward Porter, son of , Mr. and Mrs. E, R, . Porter,. RR, Zurich. The wedding will take plane on June 18, at 2,30, P.m. in Trinity Lutheran, Church, Clifford. 22x Mr.Charles Shanahan, London, ent of his engagement announces, the n a g g youngest daughter • Phyllis' Maur- een to Owen Alexander Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyd, St. Andrews, N.S. The marriage will take place in Blessed Sacrament. Roman Catholic Church, London, on Saturday, June theeleventh, at eleven o'clock. • 22-x Schoemaker - De Ruyter J Grandson Of Clinton Lady Saves Life, Sonny IVfallough, Goderich, .gran- dson of Mrs. D. Steep, was ;credi- ted with saving the life of Ronald Lyon, 14 year 'old London, youth on Sunday. Ronald is reported to have slipped from the south pier into the deep water df Goderich harbour. Mallough jumped fully clothed into the water and caught the young lad's hand, pulling him to the dock where other willing handstook charge. Dr. A. H. Taylr, Goderich, revived the boy using artificial respiration. The Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, was the setting for a pretty wedding on Friday evening, May 27, when Rev. G. J. Hoytema united in marriage Miss Helena De Ruyter and Gerrit Schoemaker, both of Clinton, The bride is a daughter of Mrs. De Ruyter, ; Clinton and the late Derk De Ruyter, formerly of Noord Scharwoude, Holland. The bridegroom is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schoe- maker, formerly of Vrdomshoop, Holland. The bride wore a floor -length gown of accordion pleated nylon tulle over white satin, with bodice of Chantilly lace fashioned with long pointed sleeves, and a pointed collar embroidered with irridescent sequins. She wore a lace -edged three-quarter length veil of illus- ion net caught to a matching lace bandeau. She carried a_ bouquet of white carnations. Following a trip through South- ern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Schoe- maker will reside at Goderichl o� Rev. and .Mrs. D. J, Lane have visited in Wallaceburg and Chat- ham last week and attended the 70th anniversary of Chatham Pres- byterial Women's Missionary So- ciety in First Church, Chatham. As a former president, Mrs. Lane brought greetings to the society. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS WMS WILL MEET JUNE 9 The June meeting of the • Wo- man's Missionary Society of Wes- ley -Willis United Church will be held in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon, June 9, at 2.30. Mrs. Norman Holland's group will be in charge. The roll call is to be answered with an item on temperance. Eastern Star Lodge Cooking School Clinton Chapter No. 266, Order of the Eastern Star, was well pleased with the enthusiasm with which the cooking school was re- ceived by the public, which was held recently in the Clinton Public School Auditorium. Kenneth Me - Rae was master of ceremonies and introduced Miss Nina Banfell, the dietitian, whose demonstrations were enjoyed. At the close of each evening's performance, the food items were drawn for. Win- ners of the food items and of the 20 shopping bags which Clinton Chapter gave each evening, and the door prizes are listed: Mrs.' Joseph Gibson (2,), Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. Alex Haddy (2), Mrs, James Lobb, Mrs. Alex Cudmore, Mrs. J. Newcombe, Mrs. W. C. Newcombe (2), Mrs. Bob Morgan, Mrs. H. Cudmore, Mrs. Geo. Cunningham, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. R. Bulteel, Mrs. Bruce Tyn- dall, Mrs. S. Moodie, Mrs. Herb Jenkins, Mrs. Harold Adams, Mrs. R. N. Irwin, Mrs. K, Fowler,. Mrs. Walter Moffat, Mrs. Everett Har- ris, Mrs. H. Henry, Mrd. S. Far- quhar, Mrs. Walter' Forbes, Mrs. H. Elvidge, Mrs. J. Barrow, Mrs. L. Leferge, Mrs. Murray Forbes, Miss Maud Torrance, Mrs. Cam- eron Proctor, Mrs, Jack Woods, Mrs. N. Heard, Mrs. Grant Turner, Mrs. George German, Mrs, N. Fremlin, Mrs, Benson Sutter, Miss Rena Pickett, Mrs. Frank Mutch, Mrs. E. Murray, Mrs. M. Sloman, Mrs. Bert Murphy, Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Miss Winnie Gray, Mrs. George Knights, Mrs, W. Colclough, Mrs. Robert Young- blut, Mrs, Alvin Dutot, Mrs. C. Throop, Mrs., Marian Waters, Mrs. Harry Williams Mrs. Howard Crich, Mrs. W. Burton, Mrs, J. Snider, Mrs. W; -Norman, Door prizes went to Mrs. Vic Roy, Mrs. Harry Ball, Mrs. J. Newcombe, Mrs, Frank McCul- lough, Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, Mrs. Doug Freeman, Mrs. Pearl Mc- Farlane. The grand prize of a Sunbeam Mixmaser, donated by Sutter - Perdue, was won by Mrs. S. C. Jones, Clinton. At the close of Friday evening's performance, Mrs. Helen Wells, Worthy Matron, expressed her thanks for the co-operation she had received from her committee in charge, and, the public. She stated that the school had been held to raise funds to furnish a room in Clinton Public Hospital. .. LONDESBORO Charles Cuming and son, Esta• van, Sask., visited Fred Shobbrook and family one day recently, Miss :Lillian Webster spent a week in Goderich With her brother, Louis, and Mrs. Gooier. Howard Tait, who has spent the past 15 months in Korea, is home for a few week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake and family, Elimville, called on Mr. and Mrs. 17. Durnin, 'Sunday, Mrs. 3. H. Shobbrook, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook spent the weekend in Ccllingwood with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford, Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere 1 E •ANNUAL BAZAAR AUSPICES OF ST, ANDREW'S WA SATURDAY, JUNE 4 3.00 p.m. in the Sunday School Rooms BOOTHS: Home -Made Baking; Aprons, Sugar 'n Spice; Plant. Afternoon Tea 25c Cash and Carry Specials for June 2-3-4 COFFEE -Maxwell House --1 Ib. bag 98c SUGAR -Redpath Granulated -10 Ib. bag 83c SALMON -Maple Leaf Sockeye -1/2 lb. tin 39c LARD-Whyte's Pure -1 Ib. 19c JAM -E. D. Smith's Plum -24 oz. jar 27c JUICE -OM South Blended- 48 'oz. tin 29c MILK -Evaporated --16 oz. tin 2 for 25c COOKIES-Weston's Peanut Butter -14 oz. bag -29e PORK & BEANS-Stokely's-20 oz. tin .... 2 for 33e ORANGES -Sunkist ---size 252s doz. 35c POTATOES -New No. 1 White 10 lbs. 69c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 ' We Deliver K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W - Clinton The cabinet is steel! Lightweight, book -size, covered with miracle - fabric the price is just $49.95, this week at GAL RAITH RADIO AND Television TV SERVICE SPECIALISTS A quiet atmosphere In pleasant surroundings. And is trained competent staff. FUNERAL SERVICE BALL & MUTCH AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 361W amarawswwwwr SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1955 (all times Daylight Saving Time) ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m,-Holy Communion and Sunday School. No evening service during summer months. Tues., June 7-7.00 p.m. -Confir- mation Class. Tues., June 7-2.45 p,m.-The June meeting of the Ladies' Guild will be held on the rectory lawn. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, June 6 10.00 a.m.-The Church School 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship. • KNOX CHURCH, BAYFIELD 9.45 atm - Divine Worship. Mi. Peter Walter will conduct service at both churches. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11.00 a,m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME Huron' Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV, J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a,m.-Morning Service. 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School. Evening Service withdrawn in fav- our of Wesley -Willis Anniver- sary. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH L BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a,in.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. You are cordially invited to these services. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service ....,8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L, SWEIGARD, Pastor FRIDAY, JUNE 8- .1.15 p.m. -Happy Hour. 8.00 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors SUNDAY, JUNE 6-- 10.00 -10.00 at -A. -Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Evening Gospel Service. Tuesday, June 7-8 p.m. -Prayer ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-ICEV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. , ORGANIST - MRS. E. WENDDRF 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School. 71.00 a,m.-Morning Worship '7.00 p.m. -Union Service in Wesley -Willis TURNER'S CHURCH, 9.45 a.in,-Divine Worship 10.45 a.m,-Sunday School. SANFORIZED HOBBY JEANS For Real Comfort MEN'S 3.95 - 4.95 BOY'S 2.95 For Work or Play . . COOL PLISSE SHIRTS For Men 1.95 to 2.95 AIKEN'S Shoes and Luggage Phone 2 See Our Delicious, Tempting BAKED GOODS OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL From Our Store Only - LEMON SNOW BUNS - REG. 35e for 28c BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE I. C ON