HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-06-02, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE. 2, 1955
E. ;Langstaff, Optometrist
Will be absent from offices in Seaforth and Clinton,
the week of June 6 ,to 11, -while attending a
post -graduate course at the Pennsylvania
State' College oroptometry, in
Philadelphia, Pecan,
Kindergarten Classes.
Parents ore requested to register all children eligible
to attend Kindergarten Classes, commencing
September, 1955.
Children will be admitted on basis of age until accom-
modation is filled. Register by letter not
later than June' 20, 1955.
On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of
age must be submitted to the Principal of
the Public School.
(Signed) on behalf of
H. C. Lawson, Secretary
Chicken Barbecue
By 4-11 Leaders
Seaforth, June 11
A, mammoth 4=1I Club County
Chicken Barbecue will •be held at
the 'agricultural grounds, Sea -
forth, on Saturday, June 11, This
project is sponsdred by the Huron
County 4-11 Club Leaders' Associa
tion, an organization which is
made up of 67 prominent Huron
County farmers and business amen
who 'volunteer to assist the On-
tario Department of Agriculture in
operating the 4-11 programme in
Huron County. •
This programme in 1955 involves
30 4-11 clubs with a total, enrol-
ment • of 517 members who will
carry out projects in calf, ,swine,
grain and poultry clubs as well as
tractor maintenance, forestry and
white beans,
• Everyone in Huron,. County is
invited and welcomed to this -.ma-
jor event. A poultry barbecuing
firm has been engaged toserve
the 3,000 people expected for the
programme. The barbecue chicken
supper will be served from 6 to 8
p.m., Saturday, June 11, at the
Seaforth arena. Following the sup-
per talent from the 4-11 clubs will
be assembled to stage a one-hour
show of excellent entertainment;
Much of the talent which will
be heard will be made up of win-
ners from zone and provincial
music competitions. Following the
programme a dance will be held in
the Seaforth arena to which every-
one is invited.
Not only 4••1-1 members, parents
and friends are asked to attend,
embers Judge'
Stock,: In Compet�twn
Over 300 junior farmers ranging 3, Bayfield,' 570C18, MUrraY_Daw-
son, 'Hensall, 556;19, Bob Broad -
foot,, 539. ,
road-foot,539.. There were 22, entries
in this class.
Ray. Cann, Exeter, topped the
junior.class at the competition, in
112 t`
in age from 12 to 30, entered the
Huron County, Junior Farmer live-
stock judging: competition at Sea -
forth on Satgrday. This competi-
tion is believed to be the largest
ever staged in Ontario.
The event was held at the agri-
cultural grounds • and, in the com-
munity centre at Seaforth on Sat-
urday, MAY 21, and results have
been released by the agricultural
office here this week.
Top five in the senior class,
which was open to 'Royal• Winter
Fair team members and graduates
of the two-year diploma course,
are,; Bill Taylor, Belgrave, 624;
Arnold AIton, Lucknow, 617; Hugh
Rundle, Exeter, 592; Frank' Alton,
Lueknow, 587;- Earl McSpadden,
RR 1, ,Seaforth, 570., Six entered
this class.
Top of the intermediate class
which was open to. all those be-
tween 19 and 23 years, who had
not: represented the County on a
Royal Winter Fair team. was
Kenneth Campbell, 1111 1, Dublin.
Other winners included: 2, Ken-
neth Alton, Lucknow. 630; 3, Mur-
ray Gaunt, Lucknow, 623; 5, Doug-
las Keys, Seaforth, 617; 8, Lavern
Godkin, Walton, 594; 9, Jean Scott,
Seaforth, 593; 16, Ted Dunn, RR
but rural and urban people in
Huron County, who are unfamiliar
with the 4-H Programme are ask-
ed to attend and see what our G
rural boys and girls are doing. 1
en ries were trade, Ray
totalled 630 points out of a .pos-
sible 1,000. •'
Others in the Junior competi-
tions were: 6, Bruce Lobb, Clinton,
601; 11, Jim Etherington, Hen-
sall, .595, tied- with James Palin
and Agnes "Hicltnell, -Seaforth;
15, Bert Pepper,. Seaforth, 590;
19, Don Lobb, RR 2, 'Clinton, 586;
21, Norman Hyde, Hensall, ' 584;
29, Neil McGregor, RR 5, Clinton,
574; 36, Howard Cartwright, Lon-
desboro, 566; 37, Norman Cart-
wright, Londesboro, 563; 39, Larry
Powell, Clinton, .561; 45, Murray
Neal', 'Clinton, 577; 50, Steven
Scotchmer, Bayfield,' 552; 54; Bill
Etherington, Hensall, 550; 59, Bob
Greig, RR 3, Clinton, 544; 62, Don-
ald McKenzie, Bayfield, 543.
71, Gerald Keys, Varna, 538; 73,
Ralph Holland, Clinton, 536; 76,
Gordon Tebbutt, RR 2, . Clinton,
534; 77, Mary Geiger, RR 2, Zur-
ich, 533; 79, Grant Keys, Varna,
531; 83, Kenneth Potter, RR 2,
Clinton, 529; 87, Beverly Dick, Hen
sall, 523; 93, Bob. Gibbings, Clin-
ton, 508; 95, James W. Storey,
RR 3, Clinton, 507; 96, Richard'
Harrison, Bayfield, tied with
Charles Wayne, Bayfield, 506; 100,
arnet Wright, Londesboro, 501;
03, Douglas Jamieson, Clinton,
LESLIE M. FROST, Prime Minister of Ontario
A Personal Message toxo
Pre ier Leslie r st
Dear Friends:
Your community -along with a thousand others -forms the
keystone of Ontario's progress and prosperity. As your' popula-
tion grows, Ontario grows. As your schools, hospitals, utilities
and roads improve, Ontario improves. And as you and your
community prosper, Ontario forges ahead as the greatest
province in Canada.
To keep Ontario -and all its people -going forward to greater
progress and prosperity, I ask you to re-elect your Progressive
, Conservative government in the Provincial Election being held
on June 9th. Give the Progressive Conservative Candidate in
your riding, the opportunity to carry on your government's
excellent record of making Ontario a better place for you and
your family. As proof of that record, look at these facts:
1. This year, government grants to municipalities amount to
$165 million, or more than 44% of all provincial revenues. This
large stun of money will help build new schools, hospitals, roads,
bridges, community centres and other services, All this ,will be
• done at a saving of about one-third of all the local tax bills.
2. We believe that every child in Ontario has an equal right to
free education -and that Ontario shouldhave the finest schooling
in the country. In 1955, your government will spend over $102 ,
million . on education, including the greatest school building
campaign in our history.
3. Your Progressive Conservative Government has helped bring
the modern convenience and comfort of Hydro to over 85% of
rural Ontario. Half the cost of bringing in rural Hydro lines has
been paid for directly by the province.
4, Jobs for over 175,000 people will be .provided by the
$'700 million construction program of the province and its'
municipalities, which is now underway.
5. Your provincial government was the first in Canada to make
discrimination illegal- Every citizen of Ontario -regardless of
his race, colour or creed -has the opportunity to live where he
likes, to work at any job he chooses, and to rise as high in life
as his own ability on take him.
6. Ontario's, government has provided grants for 74 new homes
for the aged, 25 thousand new hospital' beds. We have secured
Old Age Pensions for all at 70 and for the needy at 65. Ontario
is the first province in Canada to provide pensions for the totally
disabled and the blind at 18.
The spectaoglar achievements of the past three and a half
years have been accomplished with no new taxes -and with some `
tax reductions. Ontario's taxes are the lowest in Canada.
On June 9th, I ask for your support of my government. I urge
you -in your own best interests -to elect the Progressive
Conservative -candidate in your riding ... for the prosperity and
progress of everyone in this great province. Forward ONTARIO! '
n Huron
Re-elect Tom
Winners Of Swine Entries At
Clinton Spring Show Announced
Boar, littered before December
1, 1953, W. Turnbull and Son, RR
2, Brussels; Sid Henry and Sons;
Listowel; George Douglas, Mit-
chell:' Boar, littered betWeen' De-
cember 1, 1953 and September 1,
1954, W. Turnbull, Robert E. Mc-
Millan, RR 2, Seaforth; Albert J.
498; 106, Wayne Stirling, RR 3,
Clinton, 494.
This class was open to those 18
years and under, excluding past
inter -club 4-11 team members.
Special Novice Class was open
to those 17 years and under, who
were entering the contest for the
first time, and who were 4-H Club
members -for the first year in ,1955.
Bill . Rettinger, RR 4, Wingham;
won first place in this class with
577 points. Other winners includ-
ed; 4, John Shaddick, Londesboro,
559; 7, Don Tremeer, Seaforth;
547; 8, Mary Alton, Lucknow, 544;
9, Merle Godkin, Walton 542; 10,
Marjorie Boyd; 536; 13, John Rueg-
er, RR 2, Clinton, 531; 18, David
Alexander, Londesboro, 523; 19,
Jim Alexander, Londesboro, 520;
21, Gerry ` Wallis, Bayfie]d, tied
with Barkley Spiegelberg, Auburn,
517; 28, Bill Norris, RR 3, Kip -
pen, 508; 30, Barry Pipe, Londes-
boro, 507; 31, John Jewitt, RR 1,
Clinton, tied with Ron McClinchey,
Brucefield, 504; 34, Violet Gow,.
Auburn, 502; 36, Claire Cox, Bay-
field, 497; 41, Everett Hessels,
Clinton, 488; 46, Mary Broadfoot,
Brucefield, '484; 48, Gerry Mote,
RR 2, Bayfield, 479; 49, Bill Craw-
ford, Auburn, 477; 52, Harvey
Dale, RR 4, Clinton. 470; 53, Emma
Rueger, RR 2, Clinton, 466; 55, Bill
Shaddick, Londesboro, 464; ' 59,
Dennis Jewitt, RR 1. Clinton, 455;
66, Wayne Chappel, Kippen, 446;
62, Cecil Bruinsma, Clinton, 443;
63, Todd Bakker, Auburn, 427; 67,
Harold Raithby, Auburn, 219,
Bacon, Belgrave; George Kennedy^µ.
RR 4, Ilderton; George ;Douglas.
Boar, littered since September • 1,.:
1954, W. Turnbull and Son, James
W Smith, RR -2, Brussels (2 and
3), Sid Henry and Sons (4 and 7),
Albert G. Bacon, Robert E. Mc-
Millan, George, Douglas, George~
Kennedy. •
Sow, littered before December'
1, 1953, George Kennedy, W. Tum--
bull; R. E. McNFillan, George Doug>'
las, Sid Henry..' Sow, littered be-
tween December 1, 1953 and June`
1, 1954, Robert E. McMillan, W..
Turnbull (2 and 4), George Doug -
as, George Kennedy. Sow,- litter-
ed between June 1, 1954 and Sep-
tember 1, 1954, Albert G. Bacon
James W. Smith, Sid Henry (3 anti:
4), W. Turnbull, Sow, littered'.'
between September 1, 1954 and.
December 1, 1951, Albert G. Bacon,..
W. Turnbull (2 and 3), James W.
Smith, Sid Henry, George Douglas..
Senior Herd, one boar, two sows;'
littered before September 1, 1954,.:
W. Turnbull, Robert E. McMillan,
Sid Henry, George Douglas.
Junior Herd, one boar, two sows,.
littered since September 1, 1954,.
W. Turnbull, James W. Smith, Al- -
bert G. Bacon, Sid Henry,'
Grand Champion Sow, George:+'.
Kennedy. Reserve sow, Robert E:..
Grand Champion Boar, W. Turn-
bull and Son. Reserve boar,
Turnbull and Son.
May beWarninq
Backache is often caused by lazy kidney
action. When kidneys get out of order,.
excess acids and wastes remain in the.
system. Then backache, disturbed rest
or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling;
may soon follow. That's the time to take-
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate•
the kidneys to normal action. Then you-
oufeel better -sleep better -work better,..
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 5g.
This Weekend Only
11 oz.
Reg, $2.00 each .
Aquamarine HAND Reg $20OTION
Jt Double Size .,
2 for $3.75
Suave Hair Cream sag.
2 for $1.00
Drop in and see our display of fine Cosmetics. We are
getting more lines for you in the near future.
- Remember, it costs so little to look so lovely -
Charles House of Beauty
SEC T I 0 N 88 (4)
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to The
Election Act, 1951 (Section 88) a poll for the Electoral
District of Huron will be open on Thursday, Friday,
andSaturday, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days of June,
1955, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., and from 7 p.m.
until 10 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
The polling places for the said electoral district
-will be located at the Town Hall, Exeter, the Town
Hall, Goderich, and Melvin Clarke's Service Station,
Seaforth, for the purpose of receiving the votes of
voters who expect to be absent from the electoral
district on the day fixed for polling.
The b&9lot boxes will be opened and the votes
counted at 7 p.tn. of the. 9th day of June at the
said places.
Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this 24th day •o
May, 1955.
Returning Officer