HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-05-05, Page 5'17IURSDAY, MAY 5, • 1955 ' CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE' Classified`; Rates CASH RATE (If paid by SVedne"sday.following date of In- saertion)—Two cent's a word first insertion (mini/num 50 cents); ,ianbsequent insertions 11 cents a 4spor4t (minfln&m 35 cents); 15 -eerits extra . for box number or tlor "directi'on to. NEWS -RECORD tOffiee. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. ' DEADLINE -12. neon, Wednes- day. 'ACCOMMODATION for RENT .ACCOMMODATION for YOUNG 'married couple- without children :Phone Clinton 1629W. 18b MODERN, SELF-CONTAINED »:apartment, centrally rocated. Ap- rH. C. Lawson, phone Clinton W. 18-b FIVE ROOM APARTMENT IN Goderich on Kingston Street. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. B. Whitely, phone Goderich 1034W. 18b "TWO APARTMENTS, both self- - contained. One recently complet- ely redecorated. Contact O. Swit- - phone Clinton 397. 18-tfb THREE ROOM, SELF -CONTAIN - ed apartment on ground floor, •furnished, Frigidaire, available af- ter June 15. Phone Clinton 363, 18-p FOUR ROOM COTTAGE in Bay- field, furnished, modern conven- iences. Adults preferred, immed- iate possession. Phone Clinton 487J. 18p Accommodation Wanted YOUNG BUSINESSMAN requires room and board .in respectable ' Clinton home. Phone Clinton 529. 18-b WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished house. Adults. Apply Box No. - 141. 17-8-b ARTICLES FOR SALE :MAN'S BICYCLE; AND BABY'S •buggy. Phone Clinton 589R1. 18-b . SUNSHINE TRICYCLE, 16 -INCH wheel, $6.50, Phone Clinton 543M, 18-b STORE REFRIGERATOR, 30 lb. scales, hand meat slicer. Apply to Mrs° G. W. Elliott, Hensall, On- tario, 18-b LAWN MOWER, RAKE, COAL heater, walnut bedroom suite, good • condition, reasonable. Phone Clin- ton 32J. 18p -19b HOME FREEZER -16 cu. ft. cap- acity, International' Home Freezer, only one year old. Bargain price. :'Phone Clinton 798J1. 18-b UPRIGHT PIANO, in good con- dition (tuned, and Pew felts) ; also - vacuum cleaner with attachments (like new), cheap: Box 180, Clin- ton News -Record. 18p ONE PAIR OF CEMENT URNS in perfect condition. Suitable for entrances. Selling less than half price. F. Cuninghame, phone Clin- ton 176. ` 18b MOWAMATIC POWER LAWN mowers, reel or rotary type, high quality yet priced very low. Apply Robert Glen, Clinton, phone Clin- ton 60831. 18-9-20-p SENATOR DUNLOP Strawberry Plants, $2.00 per 100; Giant Lath- am raspberry canes, $4.00 per 100 or $35.00 per 1,000. A. Leibold, RR 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 60133. 18-p NEW LOW PRICES ON RCA Victor Television, 17" table mod- els $199.50 and up. See them at T. A, Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer, Brucefield, Phone Clinton 634r4. i'-tfb TV FIT FOR A "KING" We -Rent — Move — Install. Complete •service on. all makes of rotators .and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, Phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb BABY CHICKS' BRAY CHICKS. PULLETS; Day- old, started: Canadian Approved. Prompt shipment.. Contact agent, Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield, 18-9-20-1-b CHICK BUYERS—Now you want to be 'choosy' with. your 'chick buying. More than usual. That's why we say they should be from Kitchener. Big -4. Wide choice chicks, started. Prompt shipment. Ask us for current prices, let's have your order. Agent -Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. 18b FOREMAN'LEGHORNS EGG -FAMOUS throughout every State of the U.S.A. A 1955 neces- sity for the Canadian egg -produc- er! : Day -olds available weekly 41c; Started pullets for May and June delivery: 5, 8 and 12 weeks old @ 73c, $1.10 and $1.40. ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCKS FIRST GENERATION for the fin- est Broilers, June and July deliv- ery. "Other Breeds To Suit Your Needs!" PHONE YOUR ORDER in to No. 7 Exeter, or "Drop in and see Sheldon"° THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY" LTD. Exeter, Ontario Sheldon D. Wein, Mgr. 17-8-9-20-b FREE HOME TRIAL WHY DREAD THE THOUGHT of starting that grass cutting and gardening, our power equipment • will do it for you; try a FREE home demonstration today. Ball and Mutch Hardware, phone Clin- ton 195. 18-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CUSTOM DELIVERY SERVING CLINTON AND RCAF Station. Contracts on local house- hold moving. Evening contracts if desired. Safe handling assured. Reasonable rates. W. G. "Bill" Riehl, phone Clinton 685R. 8tfb CUSTOM WORK GARDENS PLOUGHED & work- ed; ashes and garbage taken away. W. E. Steep, phone Clinton 554J. 18-b ORDERS TAKEN FOR ENGLISH smocking on women's and . child- ren's clothing. Phone Clinton 1629W. 18b BULLDOZING and Excavating. Clearing land. J. & G. Postill, RR. 3, Clinton, Phone Clinton 70234. 12-23p RADIATORS CLEANED, repair- ed, tested and chemical boiled, Work guaranteed. Special this month for tractors. Collins Ser- vice Station, Seaforth on Highway No. '8. Phone collect Seaforth 667r12. 16-7-8-p 1937 OLDSMOBILE COUPE for sale. Mrs. G. W. Elliott, Hensall, Ontario. ' 18-b 1947 PONTIAC Coach (two tone), motor in good condition. Apply Frank Haines, phone Clinton 175. 18b 1954 FORD FOUR -DOOR Custom Sedan. All accessories. Less than 5,000 miles. Mrs. Mary Nott, phone Clinton 527. 18p BOARD AND, ROOM- - ROOM AND BOARD, FOR ONE alone, or two to three sharing. Private entrance. Phone Clinton 454J. 18b ROOM AND BOARD FOR FIVE gentlemen. Mrs. Alex McMichael, phone Clinton 163R. 18=b BULBS FOR SALE FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING and Repair Work contact Seaforth Concrete Products, Seaforth. We do any kind of repair work, erect new buildings, remodel and repair, barns, concrete work of all kinds, plain or coloured. Seaforth Con- crete Products — Phone 740 or after six p.m. Phone 22, Seaforth, Ontario. ' 15 to 19b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF . FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MASSEY-I-IARRIS PONY Tractor with direct connected plow and pull behind disc harrow, $375.00. Murphy Bros„ phone Clinton 465. International Harvester dealer. 18b 'LOST AND FOUND LOST—BEAGLE HOUND PUP, nine months old. Black, white and tan. Answers to the name of "Smokey", Child's pet. Phone Clinton 576M. 18b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner — A, E. Parry. 16-22-p SHUR-SHOCK FENCERS. I am keeping repair parts for above fencer, bring in your machine and have it put in order. W. J. Clark, Goshen Line, phone Hensall 687r12. 18-9-p MILKERS — MORE FARMERS are switching to the Surge Milker every month. Contact Lovell H. McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, phone Wingham 593 collect. We specialize in good cow milking. 15-6-7-8-p MIXED GLADIOLI BULBS, large. 50 for $2,50; medium 50 for $1.50. Not delivered. Also one used man's. bicycle. Murray E. Tyndall,:Bruce field, phone Clinton 634r12. :186 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin +ton 448. 13tfb TREES FOR 'SALE 3 GOLDEN BARK WEEPING Wil- low Trees, four to ten feet high; ' $1.00 to $2.50, Fred Gilbert, Hu- ron Road, Goderich, phone Gode- -rich 148331 16-21-p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone _ Clinton 76113. 8-p-tlf HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME work° Apply in person at Bart- liff's Restaurant. 18-b 'LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old, sick and disabled horses and cattle, animals bled out. Phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153, col- lect, 3-16-b WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Raneh, Goderich. Phone, collect, 936r82, or 936r21° 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE_. LOTS FOR SALE, RAGLAN ST. Close to two schools. D. S. Cant - e'en, phone Clinton 636, 16-7-8-9-p NEW HOMES'' with or without acreages, in Town of Clinton. Budget terms can be arranged. Also two -acre plots in town. A. J, Deseck, Base Line Road, Clin- ton (North End). 15-tfb NINE PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply to Ross Hoggart, phone Clinton 802r33. 18-b SEVEN Lit I'LE PIGS, six weeks old. Ivan McClymont, phone Clin- ton 613r24. 18b MISCELLANEOUS TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER wanted for SS No. 7, Hullett Township. 12 pupils. Duties to commence in September. Apply stating salary, qualifications and experience to Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, secretary treasurer, RR 1, Blyth. 17-8-9-P WORK WANTED FARMERS — IF IN NEED OF experienced farm help, call us. Single and married man available. Call Corn. Buruma, RR 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 807r21. 10to18b HOUSE for SALE FIVE -ROOM, INSULATED BLOCK COTTAGE With 2 -piece bath, 2 bedrooms, tile floor throughout; town water, rural hydro; also land for garden. Cash Price — Real Buy May be seen any evening after 7. DRIVING TO TORONTO Sunday night, returning Friday night, weekly. Phone Clinton 475 or To- ronto, Lombard 5026. 17-8-b CONTACT Ross Fitzsimons d. s * 1 BUILDING LOT Adjoining Milt and Mabel Ranch with 97 ft, frontage on No. 4 highway. CONTACT Ross Fitzsimons FOR SALE. 5 -ROOM 1 -STOREY DWELLING; Asphalt siding; oil burning fur- nace; double lot; garage; im- mediate possession. Price: $3500. —o- 1. STOREY BRICK, 3 Bedrobm Dwelling. Modern conveniences. oil heating; built in 1J53. Good location. VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store, for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230, W. N. Counter. 18-p, WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are' Used;" :Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, .between 7,30 and 10.00 a.m, on week days and 7.30 •and'9l30 •a.m, on Sundays. 6-tfb 1 STOREY,' 5 Roomed Cottage; 11,8 acres land° Price $1,800.00. —0— 1 STOREY, 31 Roomed Dwelling; 16x24; wired; on skids; can be moved. —o— ONE-STOREY Double Dwelling; modern conveniences, oil heated. Good income property. 95 ACRE FARM — bank barn, 30356, six -room dwelling, hydro, adjacent to school. 0 H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251W -- Clinton .-+-e-+�--�ew:•es•« $-.-. TAXI SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI BIRTHS COSBY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, April 27,. 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cosby, RR 2, Clinton, a son. DURAND-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday,. April. 28, 1955, to Mr .and Mrs. Philip Durand, RR 2, Zurich, a son. HADDY— In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, April 30, 1955 to Mr. and Mrs. W F. Haddy, formerly of Clinton, a son (Scott Douglas, brother for Paul). HILL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 30, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs." William Hill, RR 1, Clinton, a son. KIPFER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, April 30, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil •Kipfer, Hensall, a daughter. KAY—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, May 1, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kay, Clinton, a son. MISTELE-In Espanola Hospital, on Wednesday, May 4, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Mistele (nee Jean Hearn), a daughter. O'NEILL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, April 29, 1955, to Sgt. and Mrs. William O'Neill, Clinton, a daughter. PARKS—In Clanton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, April 28, 1955, to Sgt. and Mrs. Allan Parks, RR 1, Aylmer, a daughter. RACE—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, May 2, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Fred Race, Clin- ton, a son. STEEPE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, May 1, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe, RR 3, Clinton, a daughter. • STROPLE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, April 29, 1955, to Cpl. and Mrs. Lawrence Strople, Clinton, a daughter. SWAN—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, May 1, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan, Bruce - field, a son. TASKER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 3, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tasker, Blyth, a son. TIMLECK — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 29, 1955, to Constable and Mrs. Richard Timleck, Clinton, a son. DEATHS ROXY THEATRE150 CLINTON. NOW PLAYING— Thurs., .Fri., Sat. "RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO" Audie Murphy and Susan Cabot in a movie that really moves. Technicolor action drama — with Dan Duryea and Paul Birch BRIGHAM At her home on Al- bert Street, Clinton, on Thurs- day, April 28, 1955, Lavinia Brigham, beloved sister of Mrs. Ada Adams and Miss Olvetta Brigham, both. of Clinton, in her. 82nd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, to Clinton Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, April'30. GRIDZAK—Suddenly, in Kippen, on Monday afternoon, May 2, 1955, Terry Gridzalc, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gridzak, Kippen, in his second year. Pri- vate service from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, by Rev. Norman McLeod, Kippen on Thursday afternoon, May 5. HESSELS—Suddenly in Hullett Township, on Tuesday afternoon, May 3, 1955, Arend Hessels, dear son of Mr. and Mrs.•Frank Hes-' cels, in his ninth year. Resting at the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street east.' Clinton, until Friday when funeral ser- vice will be held from the Christ- ian Reformed Church, Clinton, by Rev. G. 3. Hoyterna to Clin- ton Cemetery, commencing at two o'clock. LAIDLAW—In Clinton, on Mon- day, May 2, 1955, Annie H. Laid- law, formerly of Blyth, in her 79th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Ratten- bury Street east, Clinton, by Rev. 11. C. Wilson, to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, May 4. McEWAN—Suddenly in Vancouv- er, B.C„ on Wednesday, April 27, 1955, Duncan McEwan, bro- ther of Hugh McEwan, Sr., Hen- sall, in his 79th year. Funeral in Vancouver on April 30. RICHARDSON— In Goderich Township, on Wednesday, May 4, 1955, Robert Richardson, in his 82nd year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch. funeral home, High Street, Clinton to Clinton Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, May 6, commencing at two o'clock. SHAW—At his home on Ratten- bury Street east, Clinton, on Sunday evening, May 1, 1955, Dr. John W. Shaw, beloved hus- • band of F. Harriett Rance, • in his 94th year.• Funeral from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, by Rev. D. J. Lane, assisted by Rev. John Hutton, ' Pine River, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, May 4. o Expect To Finish New Homes By September 1 Occupancy of the 71 housing units at RCAF Station Clinton iS expected •by September 1, Air force personnel living in the sur- rounding area away from the sta- tion areslated to occupy the. homes. Wanted EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED BY LOCAL GROCERY STORE' Apply: BOX 182 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. MON., TUES. & WED. May 9 to 11 •' "DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE" Thoroughly entertaining British comedy, with a'high laugh content, and authentic but humorous hos- pital sequences' — Dirk Bogarde, George Couloris fund I{ay Kendall. Coming: "LUCKY ME" Doris Day. — Phil Silvers amormik low AT THE PARR TELEPHONE Goderich NOW-THURS., FRI. & SAT. Fi4C • !'1 Tire Over Africa In Technicolor Filmed in Spain and Africa, an adventurous story of a treasury agent dispatched to Tangier to un- cover a murderous •:syndicate of smugglers Maureen O'Hara, MacDonald Carey & Binnie Barnes MON., TUES. & WED. — Adult Entertainment - • "Duel in the Sun" — In Technicolor -- A truly notable cast in one of the Most talked about pictures ever filmed' no advance in prices for this outstanding attraction. - Gregory Peck - Jennifer Jones Joseph Cotten -Herbert Marshall and• Lillian Gish Coming: "DRAGNET" In color with Jack Webb and Ann Robinson mainsinarsansuronnassmosa THGAPITAL TELEPHONE 47 Goderich NOW---THURS., FRI. & SAT. RIO GRANDE Brimming with action, suspense, spectacle and musical interluder. A colorful, fun -sprinkled story of cavalry and Indian warfare. John Wayne - Maureen O'Hara and T. Carrel Naish MON., TUES. & WED. "PIRATES OF TRIPOLI"' — In Technicolor In which a pirate chief becomes King of Tunisia by the grace of some warfare and a beauteous Tunisian princess. Patricia Medina, — Paul Henreid. and Paul Newlan Coming: "HELL FIRE" In color with Marie Windsor and William Elliott NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT WILLIAM PENHALE, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert William Pen - hale, late of the Village of Bay- field, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 8th of March 1955, are requir- ed to file particulars of same with Richard Harold Penhale, R.R. No. 3, Bayfield, Ontario, by the 7th day of May, next, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Richard Harold Penhale, R.R. No. 3, Bayfield, Ont., EXECUTOR. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 18-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of OLIVER W. POTTER, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of May, A.D. 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 25th day of April, A.D. 1955. E. BEECHER 3IENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 17-8-9-b NOTICE OF SALE Take Notice that all chattels, situate on the premises known. as The Brown Derby and now under seizure pursuant to a Warrant of Distress under a chattel mortgage between St. Thomas Coil Sales Limited and Bruce Fleet, will be sold by public auction on Tuesday, May 24, 1955, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. For further particulars apply to: E. B. MENZIES, Solicitor, Clinton, Ontario. 18-19-20-b APPLIANCES REPAIRED TELEVISION O RECORD PLAYERS O RADIOS ® IRONS O REFRIGERATORS TOASTERS, Best Service at Lowest Prices at Galbraith RADIO AND Television — CALL 482 — FARMS FOR SALE IN MEMORIAM VEZINA—In loving memory of a dear son and brother, David, age 3, who was killed two years ago, May 5, 1953: "Your memory is my keepsake, David, with which I'll never part, God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart." —Lovingly remembered by family. 18-p SPECIAL ONE .OF THE BEST of 100 -acre fnsnns fn Ruron County must•. be sold. Reduced $2,000 in price. 100 -ACRE FARM, 5 miles from Clinton in Iluilett Township; 7 - room frame house, barn, : good water, hydro; full price $6,000. 100 -ACRE FARM, three miles from Clinton, on No. 8 Highway, good barn, ' hen house, 8 -room house, water, > hydro; price: • $7,500., Buying or Selling Contact JOILN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Godptich Phone 1108 �: ,os.cw KEEP YOUR CAR AT Top Performance Give it the finest care,, available—Bring it here for regular and expert service. Try a Tankful of Cities Service Gasoline either premium or regular. It will take the knock or ping out of the motor and will give you top mileage per gallon: Drive In Today RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond Hoggarth, Prop. Clinton . : : Ontario 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111311113111 MAY • Attractions I I'? 111111111 at the ROXY THEATRE CLINTON THURS., FRI, & SAT—May 5-6-7 "RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO" Audie Murphy — Susan Cabot (color) MON. TUES. WED. _May 9-10-11. "DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE" Kenneth Moore — Kay Kendall (Technicolor) THURS. FRI. SAT.—May 12-13-14 "LUCKY ME" Doris Day — Phil Silvers (color) MON. TUES. WED.—May 16-17-111 "PRISONER OF WAR" Ronald Reagan — Dewey Martin (Adult Entertainment) THURS. FRI. SAT.—May 19-20-21 "THE BLACK KNIGHT" Alan Ladd — Patricia Medina (Color) MON. TUES. WED.—May 23-24-25 "TANGANYIKA" Van Heflin — Ruth Roman (Color) THURS. FRI.S DRAGNET26-27-2S Jack Webb — Ben Alexander (Technicolor) MON., TUES. and WED. May 30 -31 -June 1. "MA and PA KETTLE AT WAIKIKI" Marjorie Main — Percy Kilbride CLIP AND SAVE THIS HANDY MONTHLY CALENDAR See the New Shows at the Roxy IIIIIIIIIR1IIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII4N111111 llllllllllll111111113 11111111111 GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT SATURDAY NIGHTS—PAUL. CROSS and his Orchestra WEDNESDAY NIGHT is SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with CLARENCE PETRIE and the NIGHT -HAWKS Victoria Day Weekend Mid -Night Dance SUNDAY, MAY 22 — PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Phone Goderich 675 or 419 for rental or catering information. J. ANSTETT TET Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches. BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store. Today l=°1ione 562 • Clinton 26-tfb PICKETT and' IAII4PBELL says ... • see yourself in W. R. JOHNSTON'S FAYRESPON FLANNEL WORSTEDS Loomed by Garnett's of England Think of a, suit as fine as it, can be - rich; superfine imported materials like FAYRESPUN . ° long -wearing, excellent shape retention' and tailored exactly to your measure by W. R. Johnston in style of yourchoice, in any of a, dozen handsome new Spring shades, Corrie in today for the finest suit you've ever worn. Ti i1ored-to-your-measure from $69.50.2 pc.