HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-28, Page 5"THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1955 CLIIVTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIV3I 'Classified Rates ,CASH 'RATE — (If paid by ''Wednesday following date of in- aaertton)—Two Gents a word first ;'insertion (minimum 50 cents); aubsequent insertions 11 cents a word (miniintun 35 cents);' 15 •cents extra for box number or ,?or ',direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- -•r 'ACCOMMODATION for RENT ;FIVE ROOM HOUSE in Bayfield. •..,Available immediately. Phone Clinton 41734: 17p TWO APARTMENTS, both self- ' contained. One recently complet- ely redecorated. Contact O. Swit- bei, phone Clinton 397, 17p TWO ROOM UNFURNISHED a- • partment in Londesboro, private. entrance, share bath. Phone Clin- ton 803r22. 17b a - E.IGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE, with hydro, ten miles from RCAF Station Clinton, on paved •road. 'Immediate possession. Phone Clin- ton 1625W, 17b SMALL COTTAGE on Na. 4 High- -way near RCAF Station Clinton. 'Unfurnished. Suitable for couple. Phone Norman Manning, Clinton, phone 631r23. 17b APARTMENT, suitable for couple, furnished, bath„built=in cupboards, centrally located. Phone Clinton 641. 17p .APAR'T'MENT, FOUR ROOMS and bath,- heated, ground floor, separate entrance. Unfurnished. Available June 1. Apply to Box 160, Clinton News -Record. 16-7-p Accommodation Wanted -WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished .house. Adults. Apply Box No. :141. 17-8-b ARTICLES FOR SALE 50 CEDAR POSTS. Willis Swit- zer, phone Clinton 468W3, ti 16-7-p FRIGIDAIRE, 73j cu. ft., good as , new; baby crib, in good condition. Phone Clinton,. 15. 17b JUST IN — RCA VICTOR CAR Radios, at $49.50; 18” rotary pow- er mowers at $65.95, • We deliver. T. A. Dutton,'Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 17b SPRING FILLED MATTRESS, Matching cable spring, brand new; full size.; -$25. May be seen at corner.. of Isaac and Wellington Streets; phone Clinton 1633; F/S L. J, Palmer. 17b NEW LOW PRICES ON RCA Victor Television. 17" table mod- els $199.50 and up. See them at "T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer, :Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634r4. 1-tfb "TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We '.Rent — Mo've — Install. Complete :service on all makes of rotators ,and antenna. All work fully guar- . anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb CLEARING ODDS AND ENDS— Paints and Varnishes at greatly • reduced prices—many other items including aluminum louvres, latch- es, cabinJ. W. But ders'et Supplliies. es. PhoneCounteClinton 120. 16-17-b BABY CHICKS CLUCKS — DAYOLD--STARTED. Most breeds and crosses available. From well-known Bray Hatchery. Ask agent —Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefreld. 17b HUNDREDS OF BIG -4 CHICK customers testify to their .out- standing characteristics for eggs or weight. Your choice now should certainly be Big -4. Canadian Ap- proved. Wide choice of breeds, crosses, chicks, cockerels, started, Ask us for full particulars. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone .Blyth 43r23. 17b FOREMAN LEGHORNS EGG -FAMOUS throughout every State of the U.S.A. A 1955 neces- sity for the Canadian egg -produc- er! Day -olds available weekly @ 41c; Started pullets for May and June delivery: 5, 8 and 12 weeks old @ 73c, $1.10 and $1.40. ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCKS FIRST GENERATION for the fin- est Broilers, June and July deliv- ery. "Other Breeds To Suit Your Needs!" PHONE YOUR ORDER in to No.l 7 Exeter, or "Drop in and see . Sheldon". THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Exeter, Ontario Sheldon D. Wein, Mgr. - 17 -8-9-20-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI BUSINESS and LIVING ' Quarters, good basement, coal furnace. Phone Clinton 175. 16-7-p OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. •G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ' ton 448. 13tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE PADDY GREEN GABARDINE lady's suit, size 16. IIalf price. Good condition. May be seen at William Masters' home, Matilda Street. 17p CUSTOM DELIVERY SERVING CLINTON AND RCAF Station. C ont rafts on local house - old moving. Evening contracts if desired. Safe handling assured. Reasonable rates. W. G. "Bill" 'R Riehl, phone Clinton 685R. 8t£h FARMS FOR SALE; S t i NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale, L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down :payments. 33-tfb CUSTOM WORK GARDENS PLOUGHED & work- ed; ashes and garbage taken away. W. E. Steep, phone Clinton 554J. 16-7-p BULLDOZING and Excavating. Clearing land. J, & G. Postill, R.R. '3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 70234. . •12-23p RADIATORS CLEANED, repair- ed, tested and chemical boiled. Work guaranteed.. Special this month for tractors. .Collins Ser; .vice Station, Seaforth on Highway No. '& Phone collect Seaforth 667r12. 16-7.8-p FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING and Repair Work contact Seaforth. Concrete Products, Seaforth. We do any kind of repair work, erect new buildings, remodel andrepair barns, concrete work of all kinds, plain or coloured. Seaforth Con- crete Products — Phone 740 or after six p,m. Phone 22, Seaforth, Ontario. 15 to 19b FARM EQUIPMENT For Sole LUNDELL HARVESTER, swift way to make hay. Used one sea- son. Perfect condition. Phone Bayfield 57r11, R. R. Cornish, RR 2, Bayfield. 17p MILKERS — MORE FARMERS are switching to the Surge Milker every month. Contact Lovell H. McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, phone Wingham 593 collect. We specialize in good cow milking. 15-6-7-8-p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G, Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 8-p-tlf HELP WANTED --Female GIRL TO CLERK IN STORE, good working conditions. Apply Reg. Ball. 17b FULL TIME WORK in Laundry, Start working at 55c an hour. Clinton Laundry and Cleaners. 16-7-p LADY TO DO GENERAL house work. Full or part time. Phone Clinton 431R. 17b WOMAN FOR GENERAL Kitchen duties. Full ' time employment. Apply in person to Bartliff Bros, Phone Clinton No, 1. 16-7-b TYPIST EXPERIENCED TYPIST to do dictaphone and general typing for co-operative automobile insurance company located in Toronto. Sen- ior matriculant or commercial equivalent. Bloor-Bay district, 5 - day week, air-conditioned office. Starting salary $45-$50. Reply, giving full particulars to Box No. 152, Clinton News -Record. 15-6-7-b HELP WANTED—Male TAXI DRIVER, PART TIME or full time. Apply Clinton Cab—Roy Mann, phone Clinton 660, 16-7-p LOCAL SERVICE CLUB desires reliable man to sell tickets on new car. Good commission, work your own hours: Must be aggressive and show results. Apply Box 171, Clinton News -Record. 17b LIVESTOCK WANTED • HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old, sick and disabled horses and cattle, animals bled out. Phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153 col- lect. 8-16-b WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 938r32, or 930r21. - 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE PIJ EBRED RED Shorthorn Bull, 14 months old., Glen Bros., phone Clinton 620r15. 1.7p TWO GOOD DURHAM CALVES for sale. About two weeks old. Phone Clinton 808r3. 17p MISCELLANEOUS DRIVING TO TORONTO Sunday night, returning Friday night, weekly. Phone Clinton 475 or To- ronto, Lombard 5026. 17-8-b VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. 17p NOTICE to all persons who consider, themselves to have undertaken any transactions with the Clinton Cemetery Board. NOTICE is hereby given that all personswho have undertaken any business transactions or have in any way dealt with any person who held himself out as acting on behalf of The Clinton ,Cemetery ,Board during the period from Jan- uary 1, 1953 to March 11, 1955, are requested to so advise the under- signed ;.Secretary- Treasurer and provide the said Secretary -Treas- urer with full details of the nature of the transaction on or before May 9th, 1955, after which date the Clinton Cemetery Board will deal only with those obligations and .claims' of which they have notice. CLINTON CEMETERY BOARD BERT GLIDDON, Chairman, JOHN LIVERMORE, Secretary - Treasurer. 15-6-7-b PROPERTY FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE, •RAGLAN ST. Close to two schools. D. S. Cant- elon, phone Clinton 636. 16-7-8-9-p BUILDING LOT ON NO. 4 High- way, 97 foot' frontage; also six room block cottage and Iot. Will sell separately or together. Apply Ross Fitzsimons. 16-7p NEW HOMES—with or without acreages, in Town of Clinton Budget terms can be arranged. Also two -acre plots in town. A. J. Deseck, Base Line Road, Clin- ton (North End). 15-tfb PROPERTY WANTED LOT FOR -AVERAGE SIZE gar- den. Near town. Box 172, Clinton News -Record. 17p TREES FOR SALE GOLDEN BARK WEEPING Wil- low Trees, four to ten feet high; $1.00 to $2.50. Fred Gilbert, Hu- ron Road, Goderich, phone Gode- rich1 48 331. 16_7_8-p. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER wanted for SS No. 7, Hullett Township. 12 pupils. Duties to commence in September. Apply stating salary, qualifications and experience to Mrs: Leonard Shobbrook, secretary treasurer, RR 1, Blyth. 17-8-9-p PROTESTANT TEACHER want- ed for USS No. 10 Hullett and Goderich. Applications to be re- ceived by the undersigned until May 10, 1955. Please state qual- ifications and salary expected. R. J. Snell, secretary -treasurer, USS No. 10, Hullett and Goderich, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont. 16-7-b WORK WANTED FARMERS — IF IN NEED OF experienced farm help, call us. Single and married man available. Call Corn. Buruma, RR 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 807r21. 10 to l8b FARMS FOR SALE SPECIAL ONE OF THE BEST of 100 -acro farms in Huron County must be sold. Reduced $2,000 in price, 100 -ACRE FARM, 5 miles from Clinton in Hullett Township; 7 - room 'frame house, barn, good water, hydro; full price $6,000. 100 -ACRE FARM, three , miles from Clinton, on No. 8 Highway, good barn, hen house, 8 -room house, water, hydro; price: $7,500. Buying or Selling Contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Goderich Phone 1108 17-8-b. WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a,m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m, on Sundays. 6-tfb IN ANY BUSINESS, REPEAT orders are the yard -stick of suc- cess. Farmers who have tried Egmont Minerals' for their live- stock are now using them reg- ularly. Always available at the farm, at $7.00 per 100 for cattle. $6,75per 100 for bogs, Slightly higher delivered prices. Remem- ber no matter how much you pay, you cannot buy better livestock minerals. 3. W. VanEgmond, Clin- ton, phone Clinton -805r13. 9-17-b MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE MOTORBIKE, in good condition. Apply to David Livingstone, phone Seaforth 847r31. 17p NOTICE ANYONE FOUND Trespassing on Lots 41-51, both sides of river, Tuckersmith Township, at ANY, TIME hereafter will be prosecuted. By order of the owner — A. E. Parry. 16-22-p PET STOCK 5 -ROOM 1 -STOREY DWELLING; Asphalt siding; oil burning fur- nace; double lot; garage; im- mediate possession. Price; $3500. —o- 1yr STOREY, 8 -ROOM Dwelling— which includes (3 room), with bath, self-contained heated apartment, with separate ent- rance, New oil heating furnace;+ modern conveniences... garage;S good location. —0. 1 STOREY BRICK, 3 Bedroom Dwelling. Modern conveniences. oil heating; built in 1953..Good location.- -0 1 STOREY, 5 Roomed Cottage; 11 acres land. Price $1,800.00. -o- 1 STOREY, 3 Roomed Dwelling; 16x24; wired; on skids; can he moved, --0— ONEISTOREY Double Dwelling; modern conveniences, oil heated. Good income property. 85 ACRE FARM — bank barn, 30x56, six -room 'dwelling, hydro, adjacent to school• BIRTHS BEDARD—In Clinton Public Hos- pital,: on Tuesday, April 26, 1955, to Mr.- and Mrs. Percy' Bedard, RR 3, Zurich, 'a daughter, BOND—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, April 27, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Roderick. Bond; 'Clinton, a daughter CANTILON — In Clinton Public, Hospital, on Wednesday, April 20, 1955, to Mr. and, Mrs, George Cantelon, RR 5, Clinton, a son. FALCONER In Clinton Public Hospital, on. Monday, April 25, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs, Frank' Falconer, RR 5, Clinton, a dau- ght, on Ther. Mr. and Mrs. George Grant, Clinton, a daughter. HESSELWOOD—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Tuesday, April 26, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hesselwood, Londesboro, a son. KENNEDY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 22, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Christoph- er Kennedy, R.R. 1, Londesboro, a son. KLOPP—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal; on Thursday, April 21, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Klopp, R.R. 3, Zurich, a daughter. RIDDELL—In Alexandra Marine and General. Hospital, Goderich, on Tuesday, April 26, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ridden, RR 2, Bayfield, a son. STEWART — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, April 21, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart, RR 1, Clinton, a son. DEATHS BAKER—After a: short illness, in Metropolitan Hospital, Windsor, on Friday, April 22, 1955, Wil- liam H. Baker, formerly of God- erich and 'Bayfield; and father of Fred Baker, Bayfield, in his 82nd year.- Funeral from the Lodge funeral 'home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Mon- day afternoon, April 25. CLARK—Suddenly in Deaconess Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, on April 15, 1955, Robert Clark, 3803 West 36th' Street, beloved husband of May Howard (for- merly of Bayfield), father of Roberta. Funeral under Masonic auspices from Spalding funeral home, Cleveland, Monday, April 18, 1955. HOLLAND—In Winnipeg, Man., on April 19, 1955, Cecelia Hol- land, widow of the late Thomas James Holland, formerly of Goderich Township, in her 82nd year. Funeral service on Thurs- day afternoon, April 21, from the A. B, Gardiner funeral home, Winnipeg, to St. John's Cathed- ral Cemetery, Winnipeg. WELSH — Suddenly, at Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday, April 25, 1955, Robert Nixon Welsh, RR 10, London, beloved husband of Lydia (Lillian) Jen- kins and dear brother of Edward J. and Wilbur A. Welsh, both of Clinton, in his 66th year. Rest- ing at the family residence, Lambeth, until Thursday morn- ing at ten o'clock, then at the A. Millard George funeral home, Wortley Rd. at Elmwood Ave., London, where funeral service. will be held in the chapel at 3 p.m. Interment in Clinton Ceme- tery. - NOTICE TO' CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of OLIVER W. POTTER, Bite of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 16th day of May, A.D. 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to • the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 25th day of April, A.D. 1955. E. BEECHER MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 17-8-9-b Save Today On New B.F. Goodrich "CAVALIER" TIRES ROXY THEATRE C L INTON' Now Playing-Thurs. Fri, Sat: 'BORDER ORD ER RIVER Zona Libre, independent territory between United States and Mexico is the scene of this Technicolor Film. Two million in gold and Yvonne de Carlo- add to the haz- ards. With Joel McCrea. MON. TUES. WED.—May 2-4 'LOVE LOTTERY' R 1 A British comedy with an Italian background. Technicolor. David Niven. - Peggy Cu,nuritis Herbert Loi Coming—Thurs., Fri., Sat. "Ride . Clear of Diablo" Audio Murphy - Susan Cabot T PARK TELEPHONE 1150 , Goderich NOW—Thurs., Fri, & Sat. Alan Ladd - Patricia Medina and AntoFilmed in England and Spain, and telling a story of, King: Arthur's court; when some pseudo Vikings attempted to overthrow the King, The Black Knight' In Technicolor MON., .TUES. & WED. Richard Widniark - Bella Daryl and David Wayne A dangerous plot to drop an A- bomb on Korea is thwarted by a French atomic scientist; who also has an interesting daughter. "HELL °and. IIIGH WATER" In Technicolor Coming: "Fire Over Africa" In color with Maureen O'Hara AT CAPITAL P TELEPHONE 7 Goderich NOW—::Thurs., Fri. & Sat.' Richard Demwtg - Lisa Faraday and Norman Lloyd A famous, cabaret dancer in Istan- bul threatens the Suez Canal but repents under romantic pressure. "FLAME of STAMBOUL" MON., TUES. & WED. Bernard Brothers - Cathy Downs and Robert ' Huttoh A nautical musical comedy based on two prankish yeomen who mystify the navy but help un cover a couple of spies. "GOBS and GALS" Coming: "RIO GRANDE" Starring • Jahn Wayne & Maureen O'Hara ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Grain and Household Effects At lot 28, concession 1, L.R.S., T/z mile south of Brumfield, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 s. at 1 p.m. Machinery: D.C. Case' tractor, fully equipped (like new) ; Massey Harris 7 ft. binder (new); 9 ft. 3 -drum steel roller; Deon thresh- ing machine and.drive belt. (thresh ed 60 acres); John Deere spring - tooth cultivator on rubber (new); McCormick Deering culti-packer; Bissel tractor disc; 3 -furrow Case tractor plow; circular saw on wheels; set sloop sleighs; walking plow; set diamond harrows; Mas- sey Harris manure spreader; Cock- shutt side rake;. Massey Harris bean scuffler and puller; cement mixer; garden scuffler; 32 ft. ex- tension ladder (new); sulky rake; fanning min; side rake; pig crate; steel posts; colony house 10x12; 4 shelters; electric brooders; steel water tank; number steel barrels; forge; Renfrew 2,000 lb, scales; leg vise; double rope wire stretch- ers; wheel barrow; power rip saw and emery; power post drill; wood lathe. 1 h. p. and r/.r h: p. motors; Woods 3 h.p. motors; grinder; also roller; Renfrew electric white en- amel cream separator (like new) ; hay loader; hay tedder; 2 -wheel trailer and rack; rubber tired wagon; combination 16 ft, hay rack and grain box (new); 2 bag trucks; root pulper; quantity of wood; feed cart. Grain: 400 bus. oats; 50 bus, wheat. Cattle: Brindle cow, fresh, with calf at foot. ' Household Effects: quantity of household effects including kitchen chairs, extension table; modern dining room buffet; rocking chairs; occasional chairs; Quebec heater; bedroom furniture; dishes; forks; shovels; garden tools; other art- icles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash Estate of late Alton Johnston, Proprietors Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk A. W. Sillery, Solicitor 17-8-b FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS will be received by Edward Wise, RR 3, Clin- ton, on the frame building approximately 42'x45', known as MIDDLETON CHURCH SHED by May 7. Highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. EDWARD C. WISE 16-7-b Better See Mto1a . ore 670/15 - Installed Not Installed $14.65 $14.15' 600/16 InstalledNot Installed: $13.75 .$13,25 Let us equip your car for safe driving. .,RAY'S Cities,' Servi• ce H. C. LAWSON Cities SerVice Products TAN COLOURED, SIX WEEKRaymond Hoggar•th, Prop. old Pups. Golden Labradors and REALTOR.. Clinton Ontario Walker Hound. Phone Clinton Phone 251w --Clinton . 41913.. 17b tea+«s+o+- - - .$.s+s-r.f.... a. COMPARE BEFORE YOU PICK : . AND YOU'LL PICK MOTOROLA TV 17T21—Ebony. Finish or Blonde BIG LOOK — 17" PICTURE Front auxiliary controls. Removable safety glass. . Also available in 'Walnut and Mahogany - at Galbraith ,RADIO AND Television. "We Service Everything We Sell" CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Feed At Lots Numbers 41 and 42, Concession 1, London Road Sur- vey, Tueliersmith Township, on No 4 Highway, 3 mules south of Clinton, or 2%2 miles north of Brucefield, on TUESDAY, MAY 3 at 1.30 p.m:, the following: Cattle: Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, milking, with calf at foot, bred again; Durham cow, 5 yrs, old, in calf; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old, in calf; Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, due in May; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, freshened, with calf at foot; 2 Dur- ham heifers, 11/4 yrs. old; Durham heifer, 1 yr. 'old; 3 steers, 11/4 yrs. old (baby beefs); These are good quality cattle in A-1 condition. Poultry & Equipment: 300 Sus- sex X Red pullets, 7 weeks old; 3 range • shelters; colony house 10'x12'; colony house 8'x10'; feed- ers and drinking fountains. Implements: tractor Ford with plow; Ford trac- tor tor pulley; International side de- livery rake (nearly new); Inter- national mower, 6 ft. cut; M.H. 13 - disc fertilizer drill (nearly new), (with power lift); M.H, binder, 7 ft. cut; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; cultivator; 14 -plate in -throw disc; 3 section of drag harrows; root pulper; grain roller; electric fencer; quantity of lumber; 100 gal. gas tank; gas pump; forks, shovels, barrels and numerous other articles. Feed: Approx. 250 bales of hay; quantity of loose hay; approx. 100 bales of straw. Household Effects: Enameled kitchen range; Duo -Therm space oiI heater (nearly new) ; bed- springs and mattress; six dining room chairs; Quebec heater; num- erous other articles. Terms—Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. J. HOWARD SNELL, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer G PLAN A FORMAI WEDDING OR DANCE I as an added service to you... FOR All OCCASIONS Including accessories... TAILORED TO FIT LIKE YOUR OWN CANADA'S FOREMOST FORMAL CLOTHES RENTAL COME IN OR PHONE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION PICKETT & CAMPBELL Phone 25 Clinton vtrs STATION WIVES AUXILIARY ' PLAN MONDAY MEETING' A meeting of the Wives Auxil- iary; RCAF Station Clinton, will be held on Monday evening at 8.30 in the Richie Building. Will • play "Coodie". All members and hon- orary members are especially wel- come. Anyone needing transport, phone Mrs. Stevens at Clinton 29311. Cards of Thanks MR. and MRS. JOSEPH FLYNN wish to ank their neighbours for making frienand their 25th wedding anniversary a memorable occasion. Special thanks for the wonderful gifts and cards. 17p We would like to express our sincere thanks and 'appreciation to all our neighbours, friends and, relatives of Hensel!, Kippen and surrounding communities, for their help at the time of the fire and since; for all the clothing, bedding furniture and household wares, Special:* tothe.Cu'thSaforRed Cross and the Hensel). Fire Depart- ment. MR. AND MRS. JOHN MODDEJONGE, MR. AND MRS. ROSS FORREST. 17-b IN MEMORIAM MANN -In loving memory of our dear father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, who passed away 11 years ago, April 28, 1944, and May 6, 1944, and dear sister Lula (Mance) Crittenden, who pas- sed away August 14, 1948. "Gone but not forgotten". —Ever remembered by the family. 17-b. MIDDLETON—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John R. Middleton, who passed away April 25, 1954: "One of the best the world could hold, Your cherished smile, your heart of gold; Always so good, unselfish, kind, A wonderful memory, you left behind." -Lovingly remembered by wife and family. 17p CRAIG—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, who passed away five years ago, April 28, 1950 "Years may wipe out many things, But this they wipe out never. The memory of those happy days When we were all together." —Ever remembered by her hus- band and family, Clinton, Ont.o 17 COWAN—In loving memory of my dear husband, who passed away May 7, 1954:. "Since you've gone first and I re- main To walk the road alone, I live in memory's garden, dear, With happy days we've known. Since you've gone first and I re- main, One thing I'd have you do, Walk slowly down the path of death, For some day 1'11 follow you. I' want to know each step you take, That Ionay walk the same, And some day, down that lonely road You'll hear me call your name." —Lovingly remembered by h i s wife Marion and family. 17p GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY • NIGHT SATURDAY NIGHTS—PA'UL CROSS and his Orchestra WEDNESDAY NIGHT is SQUARE DANCE NIGHT with CLARENCE PETRIE and the NIGHT -HAWKS Victoria Day Weekend Mid -Night Donee ' SUNDAY, MAY 22.,--- PAUL CROSS AND HIS ORCHESTRA Phone Goderich 675 or 419 for rental or catering information. POSTAL CLERKS $2010. - $2760. . Post Office Department CLINTON, Ontario Further information available on ,posters at the Post Office Application forms, available thereat, should be filedwith the CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto NOT LATER THAN MAY 7, 1955