HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-21, Page 6STAGE SIX, `s CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TIIURSAAY, APRIL 21, 19151F-• ews of Bayfel Representative KISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone'BAYFIELD 45 r`3 E, A. Featherston, London, was home over the weekend., Mrs, William E. Parker was in Detroit from Friday until Sunday. Dr. and, Mrs. A, Chapman, De- troit, are spending a few days at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Bonar Aust and family spent ;a few days last Week at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W, Cook and fan- fly, Londpn,:were at their cottage over the weekend. Miss Ruth E. Hayman who spent the winter, in Toronto has return- ed to The Little Inn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant, Byron, came on Sunday to -spend a few day's at their cottage. Dr. and. Mrs. R. G. Hunter, To- ronto, were at their home in the village over Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. William Murray, Van Dyke, Mich., were in the vil- lage over the weekend. Mrs. William J. Hall returned to Toledo, Ohio, on Thursday .last after having opened her cottage, Misses Ethel Blair and Barbara Bassett, London, were at their respective homes over the week- end. Dr. and Mrs. R. Nicholls, Lon- don, were with the latter's mother, Mrs. F. W. McEwen; over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Murray spent the weekend in the village HARK YeWILLIAMS' 9tez WE SERVICE �a.7` r HOMES WITH `�"' GREATEST 1, �� PRIDE OUR FUEL OIL MAKES THEM WARM --� i ,t_ INSIDE �� 0i Ikait_ O LOCAL PAD! Ae.t, w HARRY WILLIAMS. t . FUECOIL �' �: GASOLINE mcnortoIL :LUBRICANTS R R'.2 GUtITON•8' 526J withthe former's niece,' Mrs. W. J. McLeod. ' Mr. and • Mrs; Arthur Sullivan and David, Port Huron, visited over the weekend With. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod, Mrs. Spencer Ervine-' and Mary Elizabeth returned' home on Sun- day after having spent the Easter vacation • in Southampton. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and Miss Christine, Port Elgin, visited Misses A. M. and E. ` J, Stirling over the weekend.. • Mr. and Mrs Harry Baker Con- nie and Gwen, London, were at "Wheel In", their home on. Main Street' from Thursday until Sun- day, 'Judy Weston returned to her home in London on Saturday after having spent the vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston. George Bell was home for a few hours on Friday evening before sailing on the SS Vandoc, from Goderich harbour for the head of the lakes. • Mrs. E. Guthrie Perry left on Monday after having visited her sister, Mrs. J. MacKenzie. She will stop over in Toronto and visit her daughter in Ottawa before re- turning to her home in Winnipeg, Mrs. James Caineron returned home before Easter after a most enjoyable trip to California. Visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron daring Easter week were his son Evans, arid grandson, Scott Cam- eron, Toronto. Little Linda Hiusser, Seaforth, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stirling, last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hiusser and two with them' on JACKSON HOMES LTD. SEAFORTH GOSHEN LINEDST. Church service on Sunday, ,April 24,, will be on Daylight Saving Thankoiferlrig The Woman's Missionary Society of the Goshen United Church held the Easter T'hankoffering meeting in the church: with the auxiliaries from Brucefield and Bayfield 'as guests. The 'organist, was Mrs: Bruce' Keys. The president, • Mrs. John Armstrong, opened the meet- iWg with the hymn "Christ the Lord is:Risen". The Scripture, was'. taken by Mrs. Frank McClinchey.` Mrs. Walter Eckel gave a read- ing. A duet from 'Bayfield by Patsy Scotchmer and Anna Porter fellowed, Mrs. T. J. Pitt led in prayer. A trio from Brucefield, consisted of -Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Mc - Beth and Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. John McKinley gave a recitation,. "How to Entertain a King." • Folowing , the' offering, Mrs. C. McBride and itirs, William Taylor played a saxophone and trumpet duet, "One S w e e t 1 y, Solemn Thought." Mrs, Russell Erratt introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Desjardine. from Grand Bend. , Mrs. Elmore Keys and Mrs. El- mer Hayter sang a duet, "The Crimson Fountain". Mrs. Elgin McKinley thanked all who took part, and the meeting'closed with the evening hymn, 568. The' ladies were invited (by calling their first names in alphabetical order) to the basement where lunch was served. is ,collecting wool for grading and sale on the co-operative plan. Ship- pers may obtain sacks and twine free of charge from the above or from their Licensed Operators. CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto 16,19,21-b Dreams n Como True for Couple,05 children were also Sunday. And Mr. and Mrs. Dick Russell, Lani1ori, spent the week- end with her parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heath, Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heath, Jr., and/baby, Lynn Ellen, Maythorpe, Alta., arrived on Sat- urday to spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heath are with her bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell. The younger couple and baby are -with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle. • George Weston, who has spent the winter with his son, Harold, and family in Ferndale, Mich., and Miss Elizabeth Weston who was with her sisters in Detroit, return- ed to their respective homes in the village on Saturday, Harold Wes- ton and Norman Toms, who ac- companied them returned to De- troit on Sunday. Norman Toms visited his brother, Charles Toms, while in the village. Light Bulbs Sale Members of the Bayfield Lions Club will go out selling electric light bulbs after their dinner meeting on Tuesday evening, April 26. The profit will be devoted to Lions welfare work.• It is hoped that the canvassers will be well patronized, Euelue Party Twelve tables participated in the play of progressive euchre at the New Ritz Hotel on Tuesday even- ing. The party was sponsored by Trinity Church Guild. Prizewin- ners were' ladies high, Mrs. Milton Pollock; consolation, Mrs. John Lindsay; men's high, J. O. Doyle; consolation, Orville McClinchey; greatest number of lone hands, Arthur Tolland. A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close after lunch served by the guild members. Retire on $200 A ¥onth A popular Quebec druggist and his wife' recently retired on $200 a Month for life. Their dreams of security and comfort have come true, thanks to a decision the drug- gist made in 1925. It was then he took out a Con- federation Life Insurance Pension Plan which included $20,000 insurance protection. He had just opened his store . . . and with the baby and the payments on his home, he had only so much left for retire- ment plans. It was a pleasant sur- prise when his Confederation Man told him how easily his dreams could come true—without risks or ' investment worries. You'll be pleasantly surprised too at how easily you' can make your dreams come true—and protect your loved ones at die same time— . with a Confederation Life Pension Plan with Insurance. Coti ederation, IiiiJe ASSOCIAT1011, For Free booklet,"Retiring : in Comfort Is Not e'Miraele,"' call: H. H. 'THOMSON, C.L.U. Divisional "Manager, Royal Bank Bldg., London 0 Wedding Russell—Stirling (By our Bayfield correspondent) Tulips and daffodils formed' the setting in the chapel of New St. James Presbyterian Church, Lon- don, on Friday, March 25, for the evening wedding When Margaret Rose Stirling became the bride of Richard. John (Dick) Russell. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stirling, of Bay- field, and the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Russell, Lon- don. - r The Rev. -Richard Stewart of- ficiated at the ceremony. The bride was lovely in a pow- der blue crystalette dress fashion- ed on princess lines accented with white accessories, and a corsage of gardenias. Miss Anne Nichol, maid of hon- our, wore a dress of beige brocad- ed taffeta with pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. George Palmer was groomsman. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rus- sell where the bride's mother, re- ceiving guests, wore a navy dress with powder blue, accessories and a corsage of red roses. The groom's mother chose a navy dress with red accessories and a red rose corsage. For travelling to Niagara and New York State, the bride wore a gold toned wool two-piece dress with tan accessories. On their re- turn they will reside in London. The bride was on the Bank of Montreal staff at Hensall for nine months prior to completing her commercial' course at Clinton Dist- rict Collegiate Institute. For the past three years she has been a member of the secretarial staff at Canadian Army Headquarters in London. Her many friends here joir in congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. Trout Season. Opens April 30 SttiSaWSISaSs ;Sin: Saisw '' AWS —OM. DM, of tam anh Fatal Prat. Fair Anglers will be out too, when the Ontario speckled trout season opens a week from Saturday, April 30. This is a day earlier than usual since the regular opening day, May 1, falls on a Sunday. Scene: Vermilion River, near Sudbury: News of Hensall Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer, Windsor, visited with Mrs. J. Fish- er and Mrs, T. Parlmer for the weekend. Church services in the United Church and Carmel Presbyterian Church this Sunday, April 24, will be on Daylight Saving Time. T'he. Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church sponsored a successful sup- per in the church schoolroom on April.16 and cleared over $100. Mr. and. Mrs, Douglas Sangster and Sandra, London, were week- end visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. William, Pepper have arrived home after spending the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pepper at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, John MacFarlane, Forest; Mrs. Margaret MacFar- lane,day last visited one Windsor, week with Mrs., Minnie 'Sangster: Mr. and Mrs, Laird Mickle, Charles, Bob and Ansi, were in Ridgetown on Monday visiting the former's mother, Mrs, George T, Mickle, who is 91 years of age. Saturday night visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faber, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley, Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobol, Mr, and Mrs. William Hyde, Jack Faber. Winners of euchre gauzes were: ladies, Mrs. Bruce Tuckey; gentlemen, Jack Faber. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt spent a few days with Mrs. Alice Joynt prior to leaving for a tour of Eng- land and the Scandinavian cowl - tries. Dr. Joynt will visit surgical clinics in England, Edinburgh and Stockholm, and will visit friends in Amsterdam .and, Copenhagen. The trip will be made by plane. Dr. Joynt also hopes to visit Hen- sall, England, before returning. Tlmnkoffering News. of Brucefield Church services on Sunday will be scheduled on Daylight Saving Time. Mrs. C. R. Grannon, Bathurst, N.B., is visiting with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Peter Cooper, A number of people from the village attended the funeral in Seaforth for W. A. Wright on Monday,' ' Sgt. Peter Cooper left on Wed- nesday for his new posting at Mc- Donald, Man, Mrs. Cooper and Billy., will remain in the village for senrettime, ' Miss Mary Gibson, who has spent the winter with her brother-in-law, and sister, Mr, and Mrs, J. Me- MUrtrie, Hensall; has returned to the village. Mr. and Mrs, Is Barr and fam- ily, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. H. 1T Dinnin and Kathy, Petrolia; Mr, and Mrs. Ted Munn and fam- ily, Kitchener, visited on Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin, Karen Munn, Who had spent the week with her grandparents, re- turned to Kitchener with her fam- ily, Group 2 of the Brucefield WA are sponsoring a Wee -act comedy play Maid of Money" to be staged in the school rams of the church S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE. DISTRIBUTOR Phone Clinton 377 Goderich 320-W by the Kirkton Women's Institute next Thursday, April 28, at 8.15 p,in, The director, Mrs. Archie Dewar, has already guided the players through the performance 15 times, and at the time the Brucefield date was set, the grolap had five other bookings, VARNA The many friends of George Reid wish him a speedy recovery after, his recent illness. The service in the United Church will be an Daylight Saving Tinie, starting on Sunday, April•24. RAILWAY -TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY APRIL. 24th,1955 Full information from ngenfs News of HoImsyiIIe.; Miss; Sybil Courtice, Clinton, will be the guest speaker at theannual spring thankoffering service of the WMS of HolmesvilIe United Church. This service will be held on -Sunday, May 15. Church Services Service in Holmesvile United Church on Sunday, April 24, will be held at 1.30 (Daylight .Saving Time). Sunday, May 1, is the first 01 the morning services, and they will commence at 9.45 a.m. (DST) .and continue through the summer months: WMS-WA The Woman's Missionary Society of Holmesville United Church mef in the Sunday School rooms for their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 12. With Mrs, W. Yeo at the piano, the meeting . opened with the playing of quiet music. The theme of the meeting was "Christ, the Hope of the World", and the call to worship was given by the leader, 1VIrs, Eldon Yeo. The hymn, "Rejoice, the Lord is King" was sung; Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt read the Scripture lesion, and Mrs. Stewart Farquhar led in prayer. The meditation was given by Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs, Frank McCul- lough and Mrs. Jack Yeo, said she hoped the ladies would find the meeting enjoyable as well as inspirational. "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" was sung. The worship service prepared and conducted by Mrs.. Pearl Baynham with the theme, "The Old Rugged. Cross", took the form of a.pageant with Mrs. Sadie Hoy, Mrs. • Gladys Kerslake, Miss Shir- ley Bell and Mrs. Edith Bell tak- ing part. A beautiful painted cross, done by Mrs. Sadie Simpson, form- ed the background for' this ser- vice. An appropriate duet, "Alone" sung by Miss Shirley Bell and Mrs. Gladys Kerslake, closed the wor- ship p period. Mrs. Henrietta Brown and Carol favoured with a duet, "Sparkling Eyes", followed by a pleasing solo by Mrs, Elva Fuss, accompanied by Ms. Helen len Goddar d . "The e Chimes", a piano solo was con- tributed by Mrs. Blanche Dougall. Guest speaker for the evening was Rev, D. MacDonald, who re- cently came to minister to this church. He spoke on the 40 days after the Resurrection of Christ and stressed the need for prayer in the homes and in the commun- ity. Mrs. Sadie Hay thanked Rev, MacDonald. "Rejoice, the Lord is King" was sung and the meeting closed with the benediction. Lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. Jean Snell. 0 ZURICH VILLAGE PLANS TO ORGANIZE BASEBALL A meeting was called for Tues- day evening, Apri 19, to organize a baseball setup for 1955 season in Zurich. We had a most interest- ing team last year and all who are interested in baseball, a• very fine sport, are asked to attend this meeting and give it full sup- port. The meeting will be in the town hall at 9.30 pan. —• Zurich Herald. The Easter thankoffering meet - ng of Carmel Presbyterian Church Arnold Circle was held in the church school on Monday with guests present from the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, the ladies of the Anglican Church and Carmel Church senior WMS. The president, Mrs. Mary Hilde- brandt welcomed the guests and closed with prayer by Mrs. Eldon:.. The Woman's ;Association meet . ing followed, and with the ares(' dent, Mrs. Jack Yea, in the chair, the meeting opened with the theme song and the creed. The ` Scripture lesson, taken from John II, and comments were given by the president. Mils. Edward Grigg gave the, treasurer's report. A donation' was given to the Canadian Cancer Society, Mrs,_ Edward.Grigg gave a report of the "Ways and Means" committee, and:. a "travelling apron" was sent on its way. The meeting closed with prayer by the president. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs,. Jack Yeo, Mrs, Barrie Walter and Mrs, Harry Cudmore. The business was conducted by. the president, Mrs. William Nor- man, and it was decided to pack a bale for overseas relief. Mrs. Harry Cudmore and Mrs. Jack Yeo were appointed associate members secretaries. Mrs. Lloyd Bond and Mrs. Harry Cudmore 'gave splendid reports of the pres- byterial held recently in Wingham, Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Clinton, gave a short temperance report, and Mrs. W. Lobb read a story "Ac- cording to Thomas". The meeting TRICYCLES Many beautifully finished models to choose from. All made for lasting service, WAGONS Rugged construction feat- ures make our wagons the popular choice for most' boys. SIDEWALK BIKE Quickly NacM• th• youngsters. to rid.. two wheeler. Com• piste with r.- m.vabl. train. lug wheals. 5e. thorn today!' "Clays" Dion Phone :344: Clinton • YAU ds/MPLY ,0ANNO - pNEl b BE/5[114 TETiT Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tufts, Lon- don, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. John Middleton. Miss Lois Middleton spent her Easter vacation with friends in Belleville and Kingston. Marcia and Jennifer Middleton, St. Marys, spent the Easter vaca- tion with their grandmother, Mrs. John Middleton. 911@IIIIIIiIINIIIIIIIPIItllllllllllll(MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIQIImNIIQIlNI a., Save With Graha. gal 38'c The cause of cancer is not known, nor is there any known way of preventing it. But many types of cancer can be cured in their early stages by radiation and surgery, rte^ See me for remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE With State Farm Mutual[ LLOYD ETl. E 8-15p-tfb Phone Collect Zurich 78r5 VEEDOL MOTOR OIL DOMINION ROYAL TIRES•: Graham Oil Service Station IIIIVIIIIIIVIIIilllllIMil N IROVEIIOIIIDQIREIISIMM CHICKEN DINNERS LUNCHES ' - DANCING NIGHTLY' at CLUB 2 I on Highway 21- 2 miles south of Goderich 14-5-6-b Sunset Drive -In THEATRE Goderich 1 EIA Miles East of Goderich on No. 8 Highway THURSDAY and FRIDAY APRIL. 2122' "THE TEXAS RANGER" George Montgomery Gale Storm Comedy Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY APRIL 23-25 "THE LUSTY MEN" Robert Mitchum - Susan Hayward Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - APRIL 26-27 "SIROCCO" Humphrey Bogart, Marta Toren Comedy a Cartoon I3ox Office Opens 7 p.m. First Show ot. Dusk • TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Children's Playground Itefreslunent Booth Children Under 12 In Cars FREE AUTO MAGIC CARWASHER WETS -- SHAMPOOS -- RINSES THREE OPERATIONS — YOUR CAR GOES OUT WASHED, WAXED AND POLISHED. SEE THIS MACHINE IN OPERATION HERE! 1. Automatically cools and wets the entire care in seconds. 2" Descends and blankets the entire surface with "Purple Magic" Shampoo, containing "Vegamin Wax", metered scientifically to ensure just the right: amount, 3. Entire car is rinsed. Dries without streaking. Shines as it dries, WE CAN ACCOMMODATE ALL CARS, PICK -'UP & PANEL; TRUCKS (any height) You Get All This For Just $1.50 (Whitewalls Cleaned -50c Extra) DRIVE IN TODAY ! Lorne row Motors Limited Chevrolet Oldsmobile CLINTON ONTARIO • I yr�a 5