HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-14, Page 6AGE SIX • cUNTON NEWS -RECORD l eyvs o N f� Bay field Representative MIS LUCY R. WOODS Phone HAYFIELD `45 r 3 , •-•-.r•-•-•- • -ham•-ra+ ` zss Barbara Bassett, London,Mrs,„ was home over the lonweekend, Jack Fraser, Jr.,; London, was with his parents over the.. long weekend. Cpl. and Mrs. J. Wilson and'two children; spent the Easter week- end in Toronto.uson, Ronald Poth, London, spent' Easter with his. parents, Mr. andMiss Mrs, LeRoy Poth. - Mrs. H. A. Lawson left on Sun- day to visit her son, Harry, and family in=Kingston. Miss Elvira Churchill, Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. Roy -Fitz- Simons on Saturday. Geor George S.S."Vandoc'' God- g 'erich, was home, from Thursday night until Easter Day. Mrs. J. H. Cobb` left on Thurs- day to spend the Easter season with friends at Oakville. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Orr and John, Stratford, were at their cot-. tage over the long weelzend. Miss Susan McEwen and tcvo, friends, Byron, were at the family cottage, "The Cedars", over theMr. weekend. Mr. and Mrs Charles Parker. and Bonnie, Weston,.spent Easter" with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. E. thrie Perry, Winn peg, arrived on Sunday to visit her sister, M`rs, J. McKenzie. Dr, and Mrs, A. 0.. .Chapman, Detroit, spent the Eastertide at their cottage on Louisa Street. • Mr. and ,Mrs. James P. Ferg- London, were at their cot-' tage on Saturday and Sunday. Amy' Ellen Truitt and Miss Nancy Trufant are guests at the Albion Hotel during Easter week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Collard, London, have sold their cottage on Main Street to C. G. Lee, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cook" and familrv, London, were at their 'cot- tage from Thursday until Monday. Mrs. Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth• are spending this week with her parents -in Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Heard and family spent Easter"Day in Wal - laceburg with Mrs. Heard's par - encs. Mr, and Mrs, T. M. Leckie and daughter, Donna, London, occupied their cottage over the Easter weekend. and Mrs. George Wright, London, visited their daughter, Mrs.Arnold akinsand family, over M amt y Easter.• Mrs. ' W. R. JowettGoderich came on Monday to spend this week, with her daughter, Mrs. Le- Roy Poth. . Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, camn Thay to ehe Eastereovacationursdaat lner sphomnd etin the village. The Rev. and Mrs, F. H. Paull Listowel, were the guests of Mrs R .H, F. Gairdner on Tuesday and Wednesday. F/O and Mrs. Andrew Tome Egmondville, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H D MacLeod. • Mrs. Reg. Francis, Jimmy, Lloyd and Marion spent Easter, with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan Thamesford. and Mrs. J. Mayman, Ayl- mer, spent the Easter weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R L. MacMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham London, visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard on Easter Day. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Nicholls London, spent the Eastertide with the latter's mother, Mrs. F. Me - Ewan, here, who remained at her home after spending the winter in London. Mrs. Maynard Corrie and David and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gray, Lon - don, were in Buffalo, N.Y., from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, Youth of Huron THIRTEEN TO THIRTY! Boys & Girls! Men & Women! Town and Country } „ Stand By . A big dote. Bring your Wife or 'girl friend to Goderich, SATURDAY NIGHT,Sgt. MAY7 Fun, Fellowship, Food! Chuckles and a Challenge! Mark that date now—MAY 7— and watch this space for further facts. (Sponsored by the Huron County Temperance Federation) 15-b Alfalfa Specials ONTARIO GROWN, No. 1 ALFALFA with t33 00 5% Sweet Clover per bus. S ° IDAHO No. 1 ALFALFA—Only few bushels $35 00 per er bus. �tpPJJ• ALFALFA and RED CLOVER—No. 1 Ontario- $36°00 Grown ,, per bus. J • I ,Specialize in LAWN MIXTURES and PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURES. - • . ...... s Fred 0. Ford GRAIN and SEED PHONE 123W - - - CLINTON Bobby and Barbara Brandon}, Lon- don, ;were with their father, Brandon, over Easter, Mr. and . Mrs. Rennie Gillard, and Patsy, St. Thomas, spent Easter Monday with Mrs. Gillard's sister Mrs Paul Cleave, Leslie Elliott, Spencer' Ervine, John Lindsay and Reg. Francis visited friends at Long Point' and Wallaceburg.on Easter Day. Mr.^ and Mrs. George Fry, ;Mrs.' J. Townshend and two children, John and Paul, London, were: at their cottage the first of the week. Mr. -and Mrs. David' Dewar and son; George, Toronto, visited' the former's mother, Mrs. David De- war, over Good Friday. and Easter. Mrs. Douglas Gemeinhardt re- turned home on Wednesday of last week after having undergone surg- ery. in St. Joseph's Hospital,•Lon Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Higgins have'recently returned home after having visited their daughter, Mrs. Walton Smith, London, for three weeks. Miss Mary Marks, :accompanied by Victor Pickard, Toronto,. was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Marks, from Thursday to Monday. Cpl. and Mrs, Ted Davies, and Joan, Trenton, and Mrs. Davies' mother, Mrs. ' Sutherland, St. Thomas, called on friends, in the village on Monday. • Mrs. W. Denby, and two daugh- texs ' Pat andean J nine Buffalo, came on Good Friday, to spend the Easter week with her daughter Mrs. Kenneth Brandon and 'family. Mrs. L. M. Burt, London, visited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, on Good' Friday and Saturday. Harry Baker was also at his cot- tage, "Wheel In" during that time. Mrs. E. A. Featherston has re- turned to her home in the village after having spent the winter in London. Mr. Featherston was also here over Good Friday and Easter, Mrs. G. Fellows and three child - rep, Fraser, Pamela and Kim, and her mother, Mrs. G. Fraser, River- side, are spending the Easter va- cation at their cottage on Louisa street. Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and two children, John and Nancy, Kitchener, were with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Elliott, from Thursday until Mon- day. Mrs. J. Davison is improved in health and was able to return home from Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett, London, were with her on Saturday. Miss Helen Blair, Alliston, is spending the Easter vacation with. hex parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair. Miss Ethel Blair, accomp- anied by Charles Guest, London, was also home over Easter. Mrs. M. D. McDougall and Miss Emma Thompson, Toronto, were Easter visitors with their sisters, Miss Elsie Thompson, and Mrs. Thomas Westlake, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township. John MacKenzie, Albert College, Belleville, spent the Easter week- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John MacKenzie. He left on Monday to attend the Teachers' Convention in Toronto. CHICKEN DINNERS LUNCHES DANCING NIGHTLY at CLUB 21 on Highway 21- 2 miles south of Goderich 14-5-6-b 1 Nomination Meeting HENSALL TOWN HALL Tuesday, April 19 at 8 p.m. To Choose a Liberal Candidate for Huron Riding Two Outstanding Speakers Will Address Meeting FARQUHAR OLIVER LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION FOR ONTARIO WILFRED P. GREGORY PRESIDENT, ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION In the Interests of Better Government for Ontario 83rd Birthday Celebrated. By Bayfield Mani (By our Bayfield correspondent) Birthday congratulations and„ wha best - wishones go•.ra edW; Baker Eastert; oDay passed his 83rd milestone. Born in Montreal, Mr. Baker came to Bayfield as a small child. He has resided here ever since, except in his younger days when he went sailing on the Greek Lakes for the summer, or followed his vocation as a sta- tionary and hoisting; engineer. He resides with his daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer. Although not in good health the last few. years, he is up and- about the house each day. Mr. Baker is looking forward to warm sunny days when he can sit outside. Close beside him, will be his f a i t h f u I, , „well-trained collie, "Micky", which is his pride and joy. Mrs. William J. Hall, Toledo,. Ohio, was the guest of Mrs. C. W. Brown over Good Friday and Easter, She is at her cottage on Chiniquy Street this week. • Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt return- ed home on Sunday after having spent the winter with her daugh- ter in Torohto, She was accomp- anied by Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Knight who returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sisback, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stur- geon and Gerald Sturgeon, Pres- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson and Francis, Mitchell, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon, over Easter. Mrs. W. F. Metcalf had the mis- fortune to fracture a hip when she accidentally fell in her home on Thursday last. She was taken to Clinton Public Hospital'by ambul- ance on Friday, where it is hoped she will make a good recovery. Mrs. Byron Johnson and four. children; Erica, Ruth, Mark and Stuart, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Knapp and two children, Karen and Harry, Ashtabula, Ohio, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond from Thursday until Monday, Guests at The New Ritz Hotel over Easter included: Mr. and Mis. Stewart Atkinson, and D. A. Atkinson, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards, Jr., London; and Miss D. Reinke and Miss Ruth Allen, Hamilton, who •are remain- ing for this week. Little Sandra Irwin, Seaforth, is spending the Easter holiday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Byrd Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Irwin and Robbie, and Mr. and Mrs. John Boyes and babe, Janet Ann, Seaforth, were also with their parents over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart were in London and Hamilton from Monday until Wednesday. Mrs. Stewart visited her sisters, Mrs. G. Holman and Mrs. R. B. John- ston. Mr. Stewart went on to at- tend a re -union at the Technical School, Hamilton, of which he was a former member of the teaching staff. Ken Arkell, who has been at- tending University of Western On- tario, is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. P. Arkell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arkell and two children, JoAnne and Ken, Hamilton, are with them this week. Also with her parents over Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sager and two children, Clare and Nicky, Gode- rich, 4 Years Old Mrs. Reg. ,Francis entertained 11 children on Thursday afternoon, April 7, from 2.30 to 5.30 in hon- our of her daughter, Marion's fourth birthday. After exciting games, the little folk went over to Grandma Francis' home to watch birthday pictures on TV from London, and Marion's picture appeared on the screen. Then they went back to her borne for the best part of the ,party, the eats, with cake and all the trimmings. The table was attractively decor- ated in the Easter theme- with a chocolate bunny at each place as a favour. WMS Meets The WMS of -Knox Presbyterian Church, met at the home of Mrs, J. J. Richardson on Wednesday eanaszonassaisannuinasuaassurauseasua THURSDAY, ' APRIL 14,' 19t afternoon, Mrs, C..E. Brown con- ducted the -devotional period and presided, Mrs,, Russel,Heard read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. Bruce ' 1MIenery gave a financial report.' Arrangements weremade to pack a bale for In- dian missions: In connection with the study book of India, Mrs. H. H. Ormond gave a most interest- ing talk on Mahatma Gandhi. Fol- lowing- the closing prayer, the eight members present enjoyed tea Trinity Guild The monthly meeting of Trinity Church Guild - was held at the home of Mrs. N. W.:'Woods -on Monday evening with an attend- ance of 15. Mrs. Percy Weston opened with the Lord's Prayer and Apostle's Creed in unison, and presided over the business session, Mrs. Fred Weston read the min- utes of the last meeting, and the treasurer's report was giver' by Miss Lucy R. Woods. The secre- tary also read a letter from Miss Mary Fee, Goderich, explaining how to make caps from sock -tops. A very pretty sample of this work was passed around for inspection, The building of clothes closets at the rectory was discussed. It was decided to get an estimate of the work, subject to the approval of the rectory committee. Arrangements were made to hold a progressive euchre party at the New Ritz Hotel on Tuesday evening, April 19. Following the closing prayer, Mrs. George Adams and Mrs. Percy Weston, hostesses, served refreshments. Dedication Before the service of holy com- munion at 11 o'clock in Trinity Church on Easter Day, the rector, the Rev. W. S. Outerbridge dedi- cated the beautiful new white altar frontals, prayer desk and pulpit cloths to the glory of Gqd and in memory of Mrs. Catherine McEwen, a life-long member of the church. They were given by the Trinity Club. For this service the rector's mother had sent lilies from Ber- muda, which were placed on the altar and in the nave. Lilies also were placed on the altar in the memory of Mrs. John Pollock, by her daughter, Mrs. G. Holman and Mrs. J. Stewart. Mrs. Millsap and Mrs. Gardner contributed lilies and spring flowers for the chancel and nave. In his impressive sermon, based on Phillippians 3 : 10, the rector pointed out that Easter was not an isolated spot in the year, to be celebrated and then forgotten, but that each Sunday was a commem- oration of the first Easter when Christ rose from the' dead. He stressed the need for regular church attendance. "The church," said Mr, Oouterbridge, "is a com- munity of Christians, and if we arr. to be members of this com- munity, we have need for regular worship and constant prayer." As an aid to prayer life, the speaker asked his hearers to keep in mind four gardens: the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve livedin perfect harmony with God, before sin entered; the Gar- den of Gethsemane, where Christ prayed alone, while his disciples slept; the Garden of the Tomb, where He overcame death and rose triumphant; and the Garden of Heaven where he was re -united with God the Father, and of which he said, "I go to prepare a place for you." Annual Report Goderich Township School Area This is the annual financial re- port of the Goderich Township School Area for 1954: Receipts Balance on hand at De- cember 31, 1953 $ 6,541.36 Grants from Provincial Government 11,109.94 Grants from Township :4,000.00 Section or local tax levy ,8,823.42 Temporary loan 3,500.00 Total ....:. . . . ...... . $33, 974.72 Superannuation deducted by board 851,70 Total Receipts $34,826.42 Expenses Instruction $14,815.00 Instructional Supplies ... 1,675.43 Administration 948,28 Plant Operation : 3,120.93 Plant Maintenance 956.92 Auxiliary Services 182.18 Transportation 90.00 Capital Outlay ..... 2,101.92 Extraneous payments 78.12 Temporary loans, interest 3,517,24 Balance on hand at De- cember 31, 1954 ...........: 7,340.40 Total -Expenditures ..$34,826.42 —Frank Yeo, Secretary -treasurer. Other members of the board are Rodney Johnston, Everett Mcll- wain, Howard McCullough, George Potter and Robert Welsh. . Robing At The Window Of Summer Cottage (By our Bayfield correspondent) Miss Margaret MacLeod was working in the garden at her home, on Monday ;afternoon'. when she was attracted by a continual t;a-p ping at Miss Drouin's cottage, next door. Going over to investigate, she found a robin persistently flying at the kitchen window and peck- ing, eck-ing,'' while its mate sat on the roof of the cottage. Margaret could see her reflection in the glass so she supposed that the robin saw its own reflection and was none too pleased with a rival. She got a newspaper and fastened it over the lower sash of the window. Mr. (or Mrs.) Robin just moved up and con- tinued operations on the upper sash. So Margaret covered the whole window. The robin stayed 'around for a whole hour waiting to do battle before it went off with its mate. HARRY RAMS YOU ALWAYS GET,'; WE NOW REPEAT, FROM OUR GOOD OIL THE. PROPER HEAT ks, w LOCAL TRADEMARKS. HARRYl WILLIAMS IIANS FUEL®IL - F g1OTOROIL os' R. R.2, C L I N TON • Oogit. GASOLINE UlBRICANT�> 526J Sunset Drive -In Goderich' First Concession East of Goderich on. Highway No. 8 OPENING DATE; Sat., ApriI 1-6 SATURDAY and MONDAY APRIL 16' and' 18 "MAN IN THE' SADDLE" Randolph Scott — Joan- Leslie TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY APRIL. 1'9. and 20 "ISLAND OF DESIRE" Linda Darnel —• Tab HUnter Box Office Opens 7 p.m. - First Show at Dusk TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Kiddies' Playground Refreslunent Booth Children 'Under 12 In Cars FREE Quality Feeds FEEDS — GRASS SEEDS — LAWN GRASS SEED LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZER PEAT MOSS All Seeds Grow -Coated --proven to give 40% more germination, HOWARD FARM SUPPLIES Warner Bros. Poultry Equipment FEEDS — SEEDS — FERTILIZERS — CONCENTRATES AND GRAINS S. RIDDICK and SONS Mary Street -- CLINTON -- Phone 114 "Imperial 30" ' The Space Saving Range with. Super Corox ... Red Hot in 30 seconds. 0. Fits irito only 30 inches of floor space. 0 Has King -Size Miracle Sealed Oven. 0 Enjoy completely auto matic cooking. - See this beautiful range of Clinton Electric Shop D. Cornish 'Your Westinghouse' Dealer" Phone 479 — Clinton NO MORE CROWDING' OR WAITING IN LINE, AN EXTRA BATH FIXED EVERYTHINGJ . FINE/ / obil a Sweepstakes! Another tremendous triumph for Studebaker's gas - saving engineering1 Studebaker again wins the Mobilgas Economy Run Sweepstakes Award—finish- ing first in a field of 22 popular 1955 cars that competed over a gruelling 1323 -mile route from Los • Angeles to Colorado Springs1 Studebaker is really going places in 19551 Come in and see why! Studebaker's Commander V-8 and President V-8 were 1st and 2nd 'of all competing eights in actual miles per gallon!! W. H. Dalrymple & Son BRUCEFIELD STUDEBAKER Sales and Service