HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-14, Page 5"THCLRSD Y, APRIL 14, 1955 • CLINTON :NEWS4RECORD PAGE FIVBI Classified Rates CASH RATE - (If paid by Wednesday following date of in-, aerti'oii)-Two gentsa word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); •i}u'bsequent insertions 12 cents a ward (ininiin1im 35 cents) ; 15 -cents extra for box '=ether 'or 4or`direction to NEWS -RECORD •f�ffioe. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 .noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT UNFURNISHED HOUSE in Bay - ;field.' New furnace and bath. PPhone Bayfield 53r2. 12tfb APARTMENT, FOUR ROOMS -and •bath, modern, new, central location. Apply to Box 144,. Clin- ton News -Record. 14-5-b 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT, . unfurnished, one and one-half amiles from Clinton. Share bath. -Available immediately. Phone F. Powell, -Clinton 722W3. 15b APARTMENT FOR RENT, fur- nished, heated, four rooms, three- piece Phone Goderich 148 ric stove and APARTMENT TO RENT, three rooms, heated and furnished. Frig. ..and rangette; shared bath. Private entrance. Not more than one child. :Phone Seaforth 42. 14-5b Accommodation Wanted 'WANTED, BY JUNE lst, HOUSE "Lo rent. Adults. Apply Box 141, 'Clinton News -Record. 14-5-b ARTICLES FOR SALE HAIR . DRIER "EUGENE", new. ("hone Clinton 127, Mrs. Forcier. 15b SPECIAL - RECONDITIONED 'chesterfield with chair to match- "two sewing machines. Bert Lang - lord Second Hand dealer. 15p NEW LOW PRICES ON RCA "Victor Television. 17" table mod- %els $189.50 and up. See them at, "T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer, :Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634r4.4 "TV FIT FOR A "KING" - We •:Rent --Move - Install. Complete tservice on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 FORD COACH, in excellent condition. Jack Tebbutt, phone Clinton 518J3. . 15p CUSTOM WORK PLOUGHING Gardens and work- ing. I also do excavating. Please contact Ken McKenzie, -phone Clinton 552W. 15p ANYONE REQUIRING LAWNS cut • with power lawn mower - phone Clinton 478W.' 15b GARDENS PLOUGHED and Disc - ed.. Phone Clinton 214.-- 15-6-b ANYONE WISHING to have their lawn rolled with heavy roller, please contact Albert Bond, phone Clinton, 428. 14-5b BULLDOZING and Excavating., Clearing r land. J. & G. Postill, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 702J4. 12-23p 1947, CHEVROLET COACH, five tires, heater, dandy condition. Wi11 sell or trade for cheaper car. Peter J. Lazet, Apt. 1, above Pickett and Campbell's, after 6.30 p.m. 15p BABY CHICKS PICTURE' FRAMING - .We are now equipped to do picture fram- ing. Good selection of mouldings. MacLaren's Studio. 42tfb FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING and Repair Work contact Seaforth Concrete Products; Seaforth. We do any kind of repair work, erect new buildings, remodel and repair barns, concrete work of all kinds, plain or coloured, Seaforth Con- crete Products Phone 740 or after six p.m. Phone 22, Seaforth, Ontario. 15 to 19b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low 33-tfbowwn payments. 'HICKS - DAYOLD - Started. ':Most breeds and crosses available.' "From well-known Bray Hatchery. Ask agent -Mrs. Alex Paterson, "Brucefield. 14-5-6-7-b EIGHT AND 12 WEEK OLD PULLETS LEGHORN PULLETS, 12 weeks old May 5; regular $1.40,. special $1.25, ready for range shelters. Free delivery within 30 miles. Five -week-old world famous Fore- man Leghorn pullets, April 25, 73c. "Dayolds available weekly until June 1. Booking eight and ten - week old pullets now for June de- livery. THE LAHEVIEW POULTRY FARM and HATCHERY LTD. Exeter, Ontario 15-6-b "'KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS should be your April choice. Let's quote you prices, look after your -requirements. }plus their dchoice. own `intensive breeding program of 35 years. Mixed, pullets, cockerels, started also. Agent: Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. 155 BABY SITTING FARMS FOR RENT TEN ACRES, SOME PASTURE, some crop. Apply Clinton News- Record Box 151. 15p FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MILKERS - MORE FARMERS are switching to the Surge Milker every month. Contact Lovell H. McGuire, Surge Dealer, Wingham, phone Wingham 593 (collect. We specialize in good cow milking. i. 15-6-7-8-pg FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE. Ap- ply N. G. Cud, RR 3, Kippen, be- tween Brucefield and Kippen on Highway 4. 14-5-p HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will do baby sitting after school, evenings, • weekends, or holidays. Phone Clin- -ton 323J. 15p BOARD AND ROOM - SOUND COOKING SPY Apples, $2.00 per bushel, Stewart Middle- ton, phone Clinton 437J3. 14-5-p FOR SALE OR RENT BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kovacs (nee RUth Snelling), Port• Col, borne, spent Easter with her par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snel- ling. ' . Mr. and Mrs. John Snelling. Thelma and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown, all of Port Col- borne, visited with Charles and Mrs. Snelling. , Mrs. J. Regan and daughter, June, London, spent a. few days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Charles' Snelling. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE. TEAM OF PERCHERON Horses. Phone Clinton 39231. 15p FARM -5th Concession, Goderich Township, for sale or rent (past- ure or crops). Apply Elvera Chur- chill, 2183 Bloor Street, West, To- ronto. 14-5-b FOR SALE OR RENT, by month or season, Bayfield cottage close to river and lake; three bedrooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, refrig- erator, flush toilet, garage; June, $100; July or August, $200; sea- son, $400. Apply E. Churchill, 2183 Bloor Street West, Toronto. 14-5-b BOARDERS WANTED. Good board and bed in private home for gentleman or two sharing. Phone Clinton 261M. 15b' ROOMS OR BOARD. PHONE Clinton 798W1. 15b BUILDINGS FOR SALE LOT FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING LOT on Town- send Street, 132' x 821/', centrally located. Phone Clinton 652W. 14-5b Furniture Re -Finishing MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not, For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counte5r.. WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for Rall breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m.. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30' a.m. on Sundays. FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re - phone 76 M. ply W. G. Pickett, Clinton FURNITURE FOR SALE SMALL WALNUT DINING Table, and oval mahogany table. Phone Clinton 652W. HAY FOR SALE 120 SQUARE BALES OF GOOD mixed hay. Phone Bayfield 8533. IN ANY BUSINESS,REPEAT orders are the yard-stickof suc- cess. Farmers who have tried Egmont Minerals for their live- stock are now using them reg- ularly. Always available at the farm at $7.00 per 100 for cattle. $6.75 per 100 for hogs. Slightly higher delivered prices. Remem- ber no matter how much you pay, you cannot buy better livestock minerals. J. W. VanEgmond, Clin- ton, phone Clinton 805r13. 9-17-b BALED HAY AND FEED OATS for sale. We can also take in some more cattle to pasture. J. W. VanEgmond, Clinton, phone Clinton 805r13. 14tfb HELP WANTED -Female WAITRESS, experienced prefer- red, day work only. Pinger's Rest- aurant, Clinton, phone 405. 14-5b SALESLADY FOR PART-TIME work, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., five-day week. Write to Post Office Box 83, Clinton. 15b LARGE STIED FOR SALE IN Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618r22. 15x BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI BUSINESS and downtown office building, good, basement. Coal furnace, Phonk Clinton 175. 15-6-7-p OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. .Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb CUSTOM.- DELIVERY SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY SEED, cleaned. Doug Farquhar, phone Clinton 805x5. 15p QUANTITY OF GALORE Barley; also Beaver Oats. Second crop from registered seed. Harold Yeo, RR 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 392W4. SINGLE GIRL WANTED to work in jewellery store. Steady employ- ment. Apply in person. John A. Anstett. 14-55 WOMAN FOR GENERAL clean- ing, once weekly. Hours 8 to 12 in morning or 1 to 5 in the after- noon. Have vacuum and electric polisher. 75c an hour. Phone Clinton 181W. 155 SERVING CLINTON AND. RCAF Station. Contracts on local house- hold moving. Evening contracts if desired. Safe handling assured. Reasonable rates. W. G. "Bill". Riehl, phone Clinton 685R_8tfb CLOTHING FOR -SALE BOY'S CL.TIIING, SIZE 14 - ehecked slack pants, six shirts, two`, pair jeans, five sweaters; one. jacket, size 10 or 12. Best offer takes all. Phone Clinton 478W1..b EPLOY ENT WANTED FARM WORK WANTED. '7.'. Cameron, Clinton. 15p HOUSECLEANING WORK want - BIRTHS HUNKING. - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, April 13, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunking, Auburn, a son. KYLE -In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, April 10, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Byron Kyle, Hen- sail, a son (a brother for Donald and Suzanne). LEPPINGTON-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, April 7, 1955,. to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Leppington, Clinton, -a: son (Wal- ter Franklin, a brother for Tommy and Johnnie). ' McCRACKEN-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 11, 1955, to WO2 and Mrs. G. J. McCracken, RR 2, Clinton, a son (Kenneth Garnet, a brother for John), PECK -In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, April 12, 1955,, to Mr. and Mrs,, Robert Peck, RR 1, Zurich, a son. SAUNDERS-In Winnipeg, Man., on Monday, April 11, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs, Arthur E. Saund- ers (nee: JoAnne- Cuninghame), a son (brother for Gene). WESTERVELD-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, .on Wednesday, April 13, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Westerveld, Blyth, a son. WISE -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 8, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wise, RR 3, Clinton, a daughter (Linda Lou- anne). QUANTITY OF ALASKA SEED oats, power cleaned. Apply James Landsborough, RR 3, Seaforth. Phone Seaforth 665r16. 13-4-5-p TYPIST EXPERIENCED TYPIST to do dictaphone and general typing for co-operative automobile insurance company located in Toronto. Sen- ior matriculant or . commercial equivalent. Bloor-Bay district, 5 - day week, air-conditioned office. Starting salary $45-$50. Reply, giving full particulars to Box No. 152, .Clinton News -Record. 15-6-7-5 WORK WANTED FARMERS - IF IN NEED OF experienced farm help, call us. Single and married man available. Call Corn. Buruma, RR 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 807r21. 10 to 18b LIVESTOCK WANTED 1 TEACHERS WANTED QUALM'er..D TEACHERS are wanted by the Goderich Township School Area. Schools are upto date and good salaries are being paid. When applying, statequal- ifications and salary expected. For further particulars contact Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, RR4-5 , Clinton. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old, sick and disabled horses and cattle, animals bled out. Phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153,'col- lect. 3-16;-b WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32. or 936r21.. 9-Ptfb PROPERTY FOR SALE, MARRIAGES OLSON-HUSTY-In St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, April 9, 1955, by Rev. D. J. Lane, Mary Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Husty, Clinton and Norman Leslie Olson, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin O. Olson, Ketchen, Sask. THOMPSON-DALRYMPLE - In North Side United Church, Sea - forth, on Saturday afternoon, April 9, 1955, by Rev. J. Stinson, Lila Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garnet Dalrymple, Seaforth, and Lorne William Thompson, Kippen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Kip - pen. APPLICATIONS for ASSISTANT CARETAKER at Clinton -District Collegiate Institute Duties to commence July 1, 1955 Contact Mr. L. Denomme as to duties. Apply 'stating salary, to: H. C. LAWSON, Secretary -Treasurer, Clinton, Ontario. 15-6-5 manommiasama FIR SALE R0XY THEATRE C•LINTON Thurs., April 14 - Last Showing Of 'White Christmas The Vistavision 'Sensation Adults and Students 75c; Children 35c DEATHS BEAN -In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday evening, April 10, 1955, George Bean, Hullett Township, beloved husband of the late Phoebe Linfield, in his 69th year,n Knox td Church, from uburto Col- •. borne Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, April 13. Fri. & Sat. Only -April 15-16 "The Outlaw Stallion The love of a 12 -year-old boy for a wild white stallion is the theme of this splendid Technicolor West- ern -Phil Carey, Dorothy Patrick. MON., TUES. & WED. "PHFFFT" Don't try to say it -just see it - it's fast and funny. Judy Holiday - Jack Carson Coming - 'FRANCIS JOINS THE WACS' Ism. T E PARK TEL 1150 N'E' Goderich NOW-Thurs., Fri & Sat. 8 Days Left: to see the Greatest Musical of them a11! "White Christmas" In Vistavision Technicolor with BING CROSBY - DANNY I¢AYE Rosemary. °looney - Vera Ellen and Dean Jagger Tunes, talent and fun sprinkled all over a real heart-warming story. Admission: Adults 75; Children 35 Student admission prices suspend- ed for the run of White Christmas MON., TUES. & WED. Doris Day Phil Silvers and Robert Cummings Technicolor Cinemascope, a tune- ful tale of a bankrupt . musical troupe who locate a genial angel and get their show rolling again. "Lucky Me" ATCAPITAL TELEPP' ONE THE Goderich NOW-Thurs., Fri & Sat. "Saracen Blade" -- In Technicolor - Tells the story of a young English- man who joins the Crusades to confound a nefarious nobleman: Ricardo Montalban and Betta St. John MON., TUES. &-WED. Marlene Dietrich - John Wayne and Randolph. Scott A super -star cast presents an ex- citing romantic story with the great Bessemer steel plants as a background. "PITTSBURG" Coming: "CANNIBAL ATTACK" . with Judy Walsh and Johnny Weissmuller Ontario St. Church Happy Doubles The April meeting of Ontario Street Church Happy Doubles -Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott on. Monday evening. The devotional period was in charge of Mildred and Ross Mer- rill. The hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" opened the meeting. A passage of Scripture from St. Luke 16: 1-7 was read A reading "Thoughts Toward Easter" was given, followed by prayers and the hymn "Christ the COLE - Suddenly, in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sattltday, April 9, 1955, Arthur Leslie Cole, belov- ed husband of Agnes Pear] Mc- Nally, in his 60th year. Funeral ' from the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, under Masonic auspices, on Tuesday, afternoon, April 12, FORD - In Winnipeg, Man., on Tuesday, April 5, 1955, Rose- cepha Mulholland, widow of the late Fred Ford, formerly of Goderich Township, and dear sister of John Mulholland, Clin- ton and Fred Mulholland, Holm- esville. Funeral in Winnipeg, on Saturday, April 9. KIRKCONNELL - In Clinton, on Good Friday, April 8, 1955, David S. Kirkconnell, Brussels, in his 65th year. Funeral from the home of his brother, Andrew Kirkconnell, Base Line, Hullett Township, to Brussel's Cemetery, on Tuesday, April 12. MARSH -In Highland Park Gen- eral Hospital, Detroit, Mich., on Monday, March 21, 1955, Harry S. Marsh, beloved husband of the late Harriet Davis, formerly of Clinton, in his 81st year. Fun- eral from the Spaulding and Son funeral home, Ferndale, Mich., to Evergreen Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, April 24. PLEWES-In Sault Ste. Marie Hospital, on Tuesday, April 12, 1955, William George Plewes, formerly of Tuckersmith Town- ship, beloved husband of the late Bessie Walser, and brother of Mrs. Levi Stong and Mrs. Clara Wise, both. of Clinton, in his 96th year. 5 -ROOM[ 1 -STOREY DWELLING; Asphalt siding; oil burning fur- nace; ' double lot; garage; im- mediate possession. Price: $3500. •11/2 STOREY, 8 -ROOM Dwelling - which includes (3 room), with bath, self-contained heated apartment, with separate ent- rance. New oil heating furnace; modern conveniences; garage; good location. -o- . 1 STOREY. BRICK, 3 Bedroom ,Dwelling; Modern conveniences. oil heating; built in 1953. Good location. -0- 1 STOREY, 5 Roomed Cottage; 11/ acres, land. Price $1,800.00. -� 1 STOREY, 3 Roomed Dwelling; 16x24; wired; on skids; can be moved. NEW HOMES -with or without -acreages, ' in ToWn of . Clinton Budget terms can be arranged. Also two -acre plots in town. A. J. Deseck, Base Line Road, ` Clin- ton (North End). • 15-tfb -0- ONE-STOREY Double Dwelling; modern conveniences, oil heated. Good income property. 50 -ACRE FARM, 5 -room dwelling,. modern conveniences, garage, barn 36x56, located on Highway 4'11/2 miles from Clinton. 95 .ACRE FARM - bank barn, 30x56,,six-room dwelling, hydro, adjacent to school. SIX ROOM FRAME HOUSE, asphalt siding and shingles, good TT C. LAN7 SON cellar. Good repair. One quarter 11. acre lot; small garage, situated in I Brucefield. Hard and soft water REALTOR inside, good well. Apply John A. no ? K1 W . eiliiton - at Galbraith RADIO AND Television from $199.50 up Cards of Thanks MRS. IVY JOHNSTON wishes to express her sincere appreciation for all thekindness shown during her recent sad bereavement. Spec- ial thanks to the doctors and staff of Seaforth Clinic, Rev. Mr. Stin- son, Miss Drope and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, G. A.. Whitney Funeral Home and to my neigh- bours and friends of Seaforth and Brucefield and those who sent floral tributes and cards. 15p The family of the late John Zapfe gratefully acknowledge the many kindnesses of relatives and friends during his illness and pas - ling. This thoughtfulness was again expressed many times during Mrs. Zapfe's illness in London hospital. -His wife and sisters - Beth, Ethel and Grace. 15p Lord is Risen Today", was sung. During the business session it was decided to donate $10 to the Clinton Branch of the Cancer So- ciety. Edna Wheeler and Don Symonds volunteered as canvas- sers for the Cancer Society. Don Symons spoke on the "Care of Dwarf Trees"; this was an int- eresting topic as several members have one or two dwarf trees in their gardens. Two contests were conducted by Doreen Jarvis. Lunch was served and a social half hour followed. The KIRKCONNELL - Family wishes to express sincere apprec- iation for all the kindness shown during their recent bereavement, for flowers and to those who help- ed in any way. Thanks. 15p NOTICE to all persons who consider themselves to have undertaken any transactions with the Clinton Cemetery Board.' NOTICE is hereby given that all persons who have undertaken any business transactions or have en any way dealt . with any person who held himself out as acting on behalf of The Clinton Cemetery Board during the period from Jan- uary 1, 1953 to March 11, 1955, are requested to so advise the under- signed Secretary- Treasurer and provide the said Secretary -Treas- urer with full details of the nature of the transaction on or before May 9th, 1955, after which date the Clinton Cemetery Board will deal only with those obligations and claims of which they have notice. CLINTON CEMETERY BOARD BERT GLIDDON, Chairman, JOHN LIVERMORE, Secretary - Treasurer. 15-6-7-5 KEEP_ YOUR CAR AT Top Performance Give it the finest care available -Bring it here' for regular and expert service. 'cry CI.Tctnkful of Cannes Service Gasoline either premium or regular. -It will take the knock or ping out of the motor and :will give you top mileage per gallon. Drive In Today Clinton Community Farmers AUUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.80 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUH6UN, Clerk AUCTION SALES Please find auction sale ads this week on Page Ten. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Harold Whit- ney Carter, who passed away two years ago, April 13, 1953: "Years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never, The memory of those nappy days When we were all together." -Ever remembered and sadly mis- sed by his wife and family. 15b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere cog K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W - Clinton J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products • Raymond Hoggarth, Prop. Clinton Ontario GODERICH PAVILION DANCING , EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS IN 1955 Saturday Night -Paul Cross and His Orchestra Wednesday Night is Square Dance Night with Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks / Tho Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening. rentals. The management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding re- ceptions, etc. PHONE GODERICH 675 or 419. 2-tfb 0 E. CL%T.ING SANFORIZED DENIM PANTS SANFORIZED WORK SHIRTS. $3.95 up $Z.15 up HEADQUARTERS for G. W. G. WORK CLOTHING COWBOY KING JEANS RED STRAP PANTS PICKETT a CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats "The Store For Min" PHONE 25 -:(Main Corner) - CLINTON