HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-14, Page 3•Z'H(1RSDAY, APRIL 14, 1955 Clinton Juniors Stage Comedy Play' And Variety Concert In Bayfield Lear sang a sok., "Old -flan Riv- er". Another quartet Gordon Johns, Bert' Pepper, George Turn- er and Stanley Johns —.:sang "Happy Wanderer "This Old House," "Hearts Made of Stone," and "Tweedie -dee -dee", ,accorn.pan- ied by,Mavis Steepe. Miss Steepe, also played various numbers on the piano in 'between program items. After the delightful program there was dancing to the music of The Night Riders, Exeter, --And- rew and William Dougall, and, MauriceLove. The Clinton Junior Farmer play-, ors went to Guelph on Tuesday -to present "The Little .Red School House", ` (Ay our Bayfield, correspondent) The Junior Farmer's Club, Clin- ton, gave a fine presentation of "The Little Red School House", and musical numbers in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday evening of last week. The program opened with mouth r organan Gsedon selec- tions by Bert Pepp Johns. the play This, was followed by which has been adjudged the best in the county -wide. contest. "Ain't that a shame?", "In the evening by the moonlight" and "Listen to the Mocking Bird", 'were sungin quartette by Lloyd Holland, ' Ken Armstrong,. Harry. Lear and Donald Andrews, .with Gail Manning at.the piano. Harry ?N'TON NEWS RECORD NOTICE The citizens of the Town of Clinton are reminded of By-law Number 30 for 1953, Section 3, Which is 'quoted herein for their attention: ."3. No person, • firm or corporation shall allow or let fireworks . be exploded or shot off within the municipality." MAYOR and COUNCIL, TOWN OF CLINTON inners at Music:; Festiva. PAGE THREE,: 'Senior NCO's Are Champions Of RCAF Volleyball The final .volleyball games of the season in the inter -section league at RCAF Station Clinton were, played "when the Senior NCO's defeated the Staff Officers ficers Course. These four happy young folk were among the winners at the Hullett Township music; festival held last week. From left to right are Paul McCool, SS. 5, winner of the solo class for boys 14 years and under, and at the right ism Edgar Leath erS 8 winned, USS r, Wilma Dalec tiedwho tied for seond pforein s condsplace in the The girls are: left, Marjorie Hunkg, SS solo class for girls; 11 years and under. Preaching Mission Held At RCAF Station Clinton Obituaries I Albert Aikenhead Harry S. Marsh A 94 -year-old Brucefield native, Funeral service was conducted .Albert Aikenhead, died Wednes by the Rev. John W. Parrish, day, April 6, in Victoria Hospital, Ferndale First Methodist Church, London. He had lived in that city on Thursday afternoon, March 24, for the past 64 years, and had been for Harry Marsh, nhoHdiieedaon retired since 1920. • , Monday, March He was a member and elder of Park General Hospital iri Fern - First -St. Andrew's United.Church. dale, Mich. He was 80 years old. The assistant minister of his Service was in Spaulding and Son church, Rev. H. S. Bland, con- funeral home, 500 West Nine Mile, ducted service from Mr. Aiken- Ferndale, and cremation took• head's home on. Friday afternoon, place in .Evergreen Cemetery. April 8. Interment was in Wood- Mr. Marsh grew up near Au - land Cemetery.burn, and married Harriet Davies, Surviving are his widow, the Clinton (who predeceased him) former Elizabeth Dagg; a son, sister of Newton Davies and the Harold Aikenhead, London; two Misses May, Margaret and Bessie daughters, Mrs. R. A. (Gladys) Davies, Clinton; and they moved to Elliott, London, and Mrs. Thomas the. USA to live. He was a mem- (Agnes) Bell; seven grandchildren ber of Highland Park A.F. and and 14 great-grandchildren. nmberand of the drill team of the Arthur L. Cole Detroit Cpfisistotyy. Stiirviving is one son, G. Norman 'Arthur Leslie Cole, for 35 years Marsh, • Minneapolis, Minn.; two an optometrist in Goderich, died sisters, Mrs, Eva Rice, Detroit and. suddenly in hospital there, on Sat- three brothers, s. Minnie JWilliam, Goderich; urday,HeApril 9. He was born in Osborne Town- Bert, .near Kitchener, and Arthur ships attended school at Exeter, in Western Canada; one grand - and studied at the University of daughter, eht r, Mrs. Josech, and e ty) -Toronto's School of Optometry. Bolen, Royal Oak, A well-known figure in Gode- g rich, he .was past master of Mait- land Lodge, No. 33, A.F. and A.M., George Bean a charter member of the Lions Club and a member of 'the Mene-MA ettrge a d n diedGene110al Alexandra setung Canoe Club. al, He was also ..an elder and a Goderich, on Sunday evening member of the board of trustees where he had been a patient for of North Street United Church, the past six weeks, Mr, Bean had Mr. Cole is survived by his wife, been in i11 health for a year. the former Agnes Pearl McNally, He was born in Goderich Town - and one brother, Fred, Exeter. ship 68 years ago, a son of the The body rested at the Stiles late George Bean and the late funeral home and services were Phoebe Linfield, held on Tuesday at North Street The early part of his life was United Church. Masonic Services 'spent in Colborne 'Township, but were held at the Maitland Ceme- for almost 40 years he fanned in tery. Hullett. He was an active and faithful member of Knox United Church, Auburn, where he served as an elder for over 30 years. He is survived by his widow, the for- mer Susanna McLaren (whom he married 42 years ago), and two sons, Maurice and Ivan, Auburn. Three grandchildren survive, along with four sisters, Mrs. Ed. Hardy, Goderich; Mrs. Howard Baer, Col- borne Township; Mrs. E. Allman and Mrs. H. Hickman, both of To- ronto. Funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon at Knox United Church, Auburn, and in- terment was in Colborne Ceme- tery. Regular savings mean a secure future. Let your rent money buy your new home. Low down payment — and easy monthly payments. Buy under the N.H.A. Pion made. OtherAlli ted ripre properties gements for are inhome Townno Clinton can be See A. J. DESECK BASE LINE ROAD Clinton, 'Ontario North End Child Health' Conference FRIDAY, APRIL 15 -- 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Mothers are invited to bring well -babies for weighing and discussion of child care with the public health nurse. Immunization Clinic— FRIDAY, APRIL 15 — 3:30 Children three months and over may tection against diphtheria, whooping smallpox. "HURON COUNTY- HEALTH UNIT" - 4:00 p.m. be brought for pro - cough, tetanus, and NG USE WAITING ANY LONGER • • • team to win the volleyball champ- ionship of the station. The four teams in the league have been playing one night a week during the Winter months The season, ended with the team' standings in the following order. Staff Officers, Senior NCO's, Sup- ply, and Telecommunications Of - The RCAF annual Preaching Mission for 1955 was held at RCAF Station Clinton during Easter Holy Week, April 4 to 8. The Mission, ',designed to reach every member of the RCAF, calls for a three-day mid -week service at all Air Force stations across Canada. At Clinton the mission services were held at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the Holy Week for all service person- nel in the recreation centre under the direction of F/L B. Garrett. Evening Missions were held for dependents of Air Force personnel in the Protestant Chapel. Personnel of Roman Catholic faith attended 'Mission Services in the R.C. Chapel under the direc- tion of F/L T. Wardell, Roman Catholic Chaplain at the station, and Father Charles McGuire, To- ronto. Besides the morning Mass and sermon on the three week days, evening Mass and sermon, and "Way of the Cross" services at noon were also provided during the week. The Mission Services held dur- ing the Holy Week concluded with Easter Sunday services held at both chapels on the station. 'Our TUNE-UP SPECIALISTS (will snake it purr like a kitten • •0 Test and service entire electrical system; Check Carburetor 0 Clean spark plugs, regap \WELLS. and replace if necessaryAUTO ELECTRK 11 a Use`Only Original Factory Parts) All Work Minh By woo• FACTORY TRAINED SPECIALISTS CLINTON DISTRICT BRANCH William J. Dale R.R. 1, Clinton House-to.Douse Canvass in Clinton eginuing April 12 Donations may be left at either of the banks in town. Clinton Branch Canadian Cancer Society W. L. MORLOK Clinton Sub -Chairman PICKETT and CAMPBELL says .. . see yourself in W. R. JOHNSTON'S Xi 'AYRESPU IAN Nf L WORSTEDS Loomed by Garnett's of England Think of a suit as fine as it can be rich, superfine imported materials like FAYRESPUN . ; • long -wearing, excellent shape retention and tailored exactly to your measure by. W. h. 7ohnston in style of your choice, in any of a -dozen handsome new Spring shades. Come in today for the finest suit you've ever worn. Tailored-to•your-measure from `f69.50 '2 p'c.. Pickett and Campbell Jubi"iSE -' We will be pleased to test your watch in suit '30 ,seconds and show you a printed record, telling its [ru• condition — all in 30 seconds, We make this offer lo acquaint you with our advanced, scien- tliic watch repair service in which all otour work is checked electronically on our Ward/ �a r EXPERT -WATCH REPAIRS PROMPT ECONOMICAL SERVICE J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller Phone 562 --Clinton' D. S. Kirkconnell (By our Auburn correspondent) David S. Kirkconnell died on Good Friday in Clinton, following an illness of three years. He was a son of the late` John Kirkeonnell and Elizabeth Miller and was born in Morris Township. on June 16, 1890. He attended school at SS 8, Hullett. Most of his life was spent farming in Grey, Hullett and Mor- ris Townships. Mr. Kirkconnell was a member of Brussels'IOOF Lodge and Wal- ton United Church: He was un- married. Surviving are ' two brothers, Thomas, Frank, 'Alta., and And- rew, sisters, Dan (Mary) Crawford,Mitch ll; Mrs. John (Clara)- Snelling, Port Colborne, and Mrs. Charles (Jes- sie) Snelling, Brucefield. One brother and three sisters. died pre- viously' The body rested at the• home of his brother, Andrew, Base Line, Hullett, where the funeral service was held on Tuesday, April 12. Rev. J. (form- erly of Brucef Brucefield Maines, United Church) conducted the service. Interment was in Brussels Cemetery. Canadian factories produced 674,434 te hters and 398,- 698,000 bo, oksof mat hes in 1952. Proclamation Town of Clinton In accordance with a resolution adopted at the March meeting of Clinton Town Council and the usual custom: I hereby proclaim that Daylight Saving will be effective at 1 a.m. Sunday, April 24 and will continue in force until 2 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 25 NEW 15 minute waving lotions • NO GUESSWORK • INSTANT NEUTRALIZING • MORE NATURAL WAVES Your Ova. of Cogom•Mad. Tont nam. P•n,an.M, - Miul.r, Sup•e,Y.ry a.ner all with ts•mw,. raving beam. $�•75 IDA Specials All Week Beef, Iron and Wine 79c Floor Wax — 39c Paper Napkins 15c; 2 for 29c Spot Remover 33c, 59c Moth Killer 59c BERLOU $1.29 LARVEX 93c, $1.43 Flytox Moth Proofer $1.39 Woods Moth Blockettes 15c & 25c MOTH BALLS FLAKES 25c Ib., Moth EQ -53 Proofer • for washable woollen 75c • AYER DRY DEODORANT Reg. 85c — 2 for $1.00 NOXZEMA Reg. 40c — for 29c SUN GLASSES 25c - 39c - 99c - $1.49 - $1.98 $2.49 - $2.50 - $2.98 - $3.50 - $4.95 Wildroot Cream Oil with Shampo 98c UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST And call upon all citizens to observe this 'proclamation. (Signed) M. J. AGNEW, Mayor, Town of Clinton 15.6-b irinimimianamannaia S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Phone '— Clinton 377. Goderich 320-W .•s+-•+-.-• -- • • - PHON 14 Owners' Names on Request on all These Cars '53 BUICK SEDAN, Dynaflow— White Wall Tires — Electronic Eye — Eadio — 18,000 Miles. '51 FORD COACH, 39,000 miles '51 DE SOTO SEDAN '10 PLYMOUTH COACH— MOTOR OVIiRHAULBD. NEW BUIC{( AND PONTIAC CARS AND TRUCKS IN SHOWROOM A 4SON GPJERT .l,. }TORS ' Pontiac — Buick — G.M.C. SEAFORTH. PHONE SEAFORTH 461 International Harvester Company Limited LONDON, ONTARIO takes pleasure in announcing the appointment of :urphy ': ros. as their. representatives for FARM EQUIPMENT and REFRIGERATION i — -