HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-07, Page 10Seaforth Baldwins Still In Runt For Hockey Title Seaforth's Junior'Baldwlns Will 'never come any closer to' elimin- ation ' i -ation than they did on Tuesday night, . Two goals .down and only two minutes left- coach "Fernier" McFadden lifted his netminder in favour of an extra forward and it really paid off. McPherson pulled the team within one goal of the leading Warriors at 18,17 and Marv. Shantz tied the score just 10 seconds before the final ,whistle. McIlwain scored the winner after. 50 seconds of play in the overtime, The two teams note start a two game total goal series with the first game in Seaforth on Thurs- day night and the return game in Woodstock an Saturday, The Winner will ineet Woodbridge in the. Ontario, final. CJANA)N isTEI VS-RlEGo11 Lions Conunittee Reports Expenses The Boys and Girls Committee of Clinton Lions Club have ,just completed their winter activities. Their 'main - projects this winter have been sponsoring the Juvenile and Midget hockey teams. The - committee, of which Bill Grigg is chairman, releases the following financial .statement: Receipts Light Bulb .Sale „$ , 792.34 Refund from WOAA ,...... 18.00 Gate receipts and done - tions„,,, , , , ons - tions, 133.44 Expenditures $ 943.78 Light Bulbs $ 481.00 Hockey equipment, re- pairs, insurance and entry fees 315.05. Transportation130.75 Phone calls& advertising 9.99 $ 936.79 Balance 6.99 943.78 1 Housecleanin. Time is Window Shade Time Factory Seconds - 3'6' in white and cream Priced as low as $1.50 including roller, Cloth Shades=` (Alberta Watercolour) 3' x 6' $1.75 3'x7' $2.25 Colonial Oil Colour Shades --- (White, Cream, Green) 37” x 6' $2.50 37" x 7" . $3.00 45" x 7' $5.25 Regent Vinyl Plastic Coated Shade A good quality shade (White and Cream) 37" x 6' $2.95 37" x 7' $3.25 42" x 6' $3.95 42" x 7' $4.39 (all shades include roller) cEwant's Gift and Stationery Store HEAT LAMPS F O R Poultry and Livestock'Raising We now have the CLEAR or RED 250 -WATT High Quality Heat Lamps at o new 1 -ow Price, See also the 2 -LAMP and 4 -LAMP AUTOMATIC INFRARED BROODERS. This is by far the most economical way to brood chickens or livestock. o "Be Wise! --- Buy From a Service Dealer" PHILIPS :: PHILCO : : DUMONT & CROSLEY TV • 411•111 Merrill Radio and Electric PHONE 313 CLINTON Gordon Herman Every man _looks smart .in a says xz Biltmore Hat You just can't beat a Biltmore for smart styling. They're casual, comfortable, and easy to wear. We hand a man s Biltmore with confidence, 024.47 Herman's Men's Wear BiLTMORE HATS FORSYTH SHIRTS a word, minimum 75e Men,, April 11—Play "Where's Grandma" in Turner's United Church, presented by Varna WA. Sponsor: Turner's WA. 5.30 p.m. Admission: 50c and 25c. 14b Wed., April 13—Easter Euchre and Dance, Town Hall, Bayfield. Admission' 50c, Norris' Orchestra. Lunch booth. Auspices: Bayfield Agricultural Society. 13-4-b Friday, April 15 — Foryour dancing pleasure, new . and old time music, Clinton Legion Hall, Kirk Street. Beautiful floor; re- freshments; ample parking;• music by Huron Ramblers.' Admission: 50c per person. :.14-15-b Sat., April 16—Baking Sale in Council Chamber. Auspices: Hu- ronic Rebekah Lodge. 14-5-b Dancing is enjoyed by everyone at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, every_ Friday night. Music fur- nished by Clarence Petrie and the Night 'Hawks, Please note that the regular weekly dance will be held On Thursday, April 7, instead of April 8, 13-4-b Dancing every Wednesday and Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall, Stratford. Starting Wednesday, April 7, Earl Heywood and CKNX Barn Dance Gang will be playing every Wednesday night, 9.30 to 12.30. Herb Petrie every Satur- day night. 13-tfb Thurs., April 21 — Bingo, Leg- ion Memorial. Hall, Kirk Street, commencing at 8.30. 15 regular games for $5; three special share - the -wealth games; $60 Jackpot on 60 numbers included in all spec- ials; one special game for $25. Admission: 15 regular games 50c; special games, 2 for 25c. 14-15-b Wed., April 27—Clinton Legion Paper Drive. When spring clean- ing. save your papers, rags, mat- tresses. Tie securely. 14-5-b C, Epps Appoints New Partner (Continued from Page One) Thompson enlisted in 1942 in the Royal Canadian Navy, and receiv- ed his discharge in 1945 with the rank of Lieutenant Commander (E). Since the -war he has been associated with Pumps and Soften- ers, Ltd., London. While in London Mr. Thompson was a member of London Sales and Advertising Club the Sunning- dale Golf Club and the Speak Easy Club (public speaking), With his wife and two children, Peter (nine years) and Carol (sev- en) Mr. Thompson plans to take up residence in Clinton in due course. The Hearn Wholesale Ltd., re- cently was named distributor in the north western part of Southern Ontario, for The F. E. Meyers Company, Ashland, Ohio. This firm was incorporated in 1870, and is well known for its pumps, spray- ers and water treatment equip- ment. The appointment of Duff Thom- pson comes as one of the early steps in a° program of expansion which is expected in the Epps plant,' which has been producing pumps, brass fittings and gun parts for over 25 years, here in Clinton. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Livest*Ck, Grain and Household Effects At Lot 21, Concession 8, Hullett Township, 11/4 miles south and 11/4 miles east of Londesboro, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 at 1.30 p.in. Cattle: 3 Holstein cows, fresh, with calves at foot; 2 blue cows, due to freshen time of sale; Red Durham cow, due in 1week; Poll- Angus cow, due in 3 weeks; 2 Red Durham cows, due in 3 weeks; 2 Durham farrow cows. This is a • good herd of yours cows; number of young poll Angus calves; 6 Poll Angus fed year-olds, ready for market; 6 Poll Angus and Durham calves, 500-600 lbs., suitable for baby beefs. Sheep: 5 Leicester ewes,'with 8 lambs; 1 registered Oxford ram, Pigs: 9 York and Tam pigs, 8 weeks old. Grain: 8-10 tons of choice mixed grain; quantity timothy seed; Household Effects: including kitchen, bedroom and living room furniture. 22 bunches of No, 1 grade cedar shingles and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH, Estate of late Thomas Adams, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 14b ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of. Form, Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects At Tiot 18, Concession 12, Mul- lett Township, 2 miles south and 2 miles east of Biytli, on • WEDNESDAY, APRiL 20 at 1 p.m. Machinery: Model L Case trac- tor; 1935 Chevrolet coach; Inter- national 3 -furrow plow; stiff tooth cultivator; cultipacker; oil -bath McCormick Deering 6 ft. cut mow- er; dump rake; hay loader; 2 farm wagons; 2 flat racks, 16 ft.; walk- ing plow; 48 sheets steel roofing and ridge roll; cutteeq; sleighs; 4 sets harrows; 2,000 lb.lscales;, pul- per. Stock: 2 Hereford and Durham cows; Jersey cow; 2 calves, 1 yr. old; 2 work horses. Complete "line of household ef- fects including 2 ranges; corner cupboard; desk; kitchen furniture; living room furniture; bedroom furniture; mats, .quilts; dishes; radio. Farm: At 3 p.m: on day of Sale, the farm consisting of 150 acres, will be sold subject to reserve bid; brick house, 8- rooms; L-shaped barn; .20 acres bash; gravel pit; 20 acres plowed; balance hay and pasture. Terms: Chattels, cash; property, 10% down, balance 30 days. HENRY SANDERSON Estate Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E, 1'. Chesney, Clerk Administrators: George Hewett," Albert Skelton; solicitor, _ R. C. -Hays. 14-5-b Music Festival Has 231 Entries (Continued; from Page One) SS 6; Joanne Rapson'•and Gloria, Allen, SS 51 Bdb Watt and Shirley. Knox,SS 6 tied ,with Margaret Merrill and Sandra Merrill, USS 12 Hullett and Cioderich. Boy's solo (11 years and under) "The. Wise Bird," •Frank Murch, SS 5; Melvin Knox, SS 6; William Blacker, USS 12 Hullett and God- erich tied with Harvey Carter, SS 5. Two-part ;chorus (over 25) "Merrily the Cuckoo," SS 5; SS,1; SS 8; USS 5, (D. A. MacKay). Boy's solo (9 years and under) "The Easter Hare," Frank Tares,. SS 8; Arthur flunking, SS 8; Richard Shaddick, SS 11, Girl's solo (9 years and under) "Good Morning, Merry Sunshine," Barbara Snell, USS 10; Karen A1 - len, SS 5; Janice Wright, USS 12 Hullett and Goderich. • Rhythm Band "Waltz in A. Flat by Brahms," SS 5; SS 6 tied with USS 12 Hullett and Goderich; SS 8; SS 9, (Carl Mills); tied with SS 1; S$ 11 tied with SS 7 and USS • 10, - Double trio (25 or less) "Blue- bells of Scotland," USS 12 Hul- lett and Goderich; SS 6; SS 11; USS 2, Girl's solo (14 years and under) "Little Sandman," Joanne Rapson, SS 5; Djoka Greidanus, SS 5; Mar- garet Merrill, USS 12 Hullett and Goderich, Double trio (more than 25) "Oh Come," SS 1; SS 5; SS 8. Hoy's open class "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," Jim Car- ter, SS 5; Hartwin Fangrath SS 11 tied with Harold Raithby, USS 5; David Alexander, SS ,11 tied with Teilman Westerhout, SS 8. Girl's open class "The Last Song," Myrtle Knox, SS 16 and Virginia Gardner, SS 1. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects From the United Church Shed, AUBURN, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 at 1 p.m„ the following: Norge refrigerator; electric ran- gette; Westinghouse cabinet radio; Easy washing machine; walnut gate-leg table; studio couch; couch; 4 small tables; black Leath- er rocking chair; other rocking chairs; 4 bedroom suites complete with 'inner spring mattresses; single bed with mattre4s (new); wooden bed and stand; pillows; bedding; linen; sideboard; 6 kit- chen chairs; other chairs; kitchen •clock; hall seat; wardrobe; 2 lin- oleum rugs; Axminster rug 11x15; curtains; drapes; fire extinguish- er; wheel barrow; lawn mower; garden tools; kitchen utensils; pictures; dishes and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash. E. WASHINGTON, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 13-4-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farms, Machinery & Sheep At Lot 18, Concession 3, Stan- Iey Township, 11/4 miles west and %r mile north of Brucefield, on 'TUESDAY, APRIL 12 at 1 pan. Machinery: Massey -Harris Com- bine, Super 27 -12 11. withpick-up and straw blower, mounted on combine; 12 ft. Massey -Harris swather (both like new); John Deere model R Diesel tractor with Hower trol, L.P,T.O,; 4 -furrow John Deere plow, 14 -inch bottom, power trot; John Deere 2 -furrow plow; No. 52 Massey -Harris, 32 - plate disc; 10 ft. CocIcshutt cultiv- ator; 3 -strum steel land roller; ^aver 70 tractor ih geed condi- tion; scuffler; corn planter; man- ure loader; buck rake; steel frame circular saw; Oliver No, 4 2 -row corn picker (3 yrs. old); John Deere power mower, 7 ft. cut; Cockshutt rake bar; hay loader; International side rake on rubber; Gehl hammermill (like new) ; two single units Universal milking ma- chine; 13 -disc Cockshutt fertilizer drill, power lift; 5 sections of har- rows; 150 ft. of 7 -inch threshing bolt; 75 ft. 6 -inch hammermill belt; Oliver bean scuffler; sulky rake; rip saw with table; 100 ft. of % cable; 250 ft. of i inch cable; 1,200 Ib. scales; hog scales, pig troughs; iron kettle; gas bar- rels; sap pan and buckets; 1951 Mercury 1 ton truck (24,- 000 miles); White cutting box and pipes; .2 heavy duty rubber tired wagons; pine flat rack; 9 ft. grain elevator and auger; saw mandrel with boxings; 8 railroad iron rails, 12 ft. long and two 16 -ft long; 25 cedar end posts; quantity of 3 -inch maple plank and 2 -inch ash plank and 1 -inch elm lumber. • Sheep: 40 Leicester ewes with lambs;010.gistered Cheviot ram, 1 year re - Harness: Set of breeching har- ness (like new) ; Saw Mill with 2 saws, 156' LP., 152 solid tooth saws, new track and husk; 2 sawdust blowers•and swing circular tail saw, cable feed; cant hooks, swamp hooks, tongs, etc.; log binders; 2 drive belts, one new, Farms: Parcel (1) Lot 23, con- cession 4, Stanley Township, 100 acres clay loam land, 75 acres workable, 50 acres plowed and 25 in grass; 25 acres second growth bush; spring creek water supply. Parcel (2) --Lot 13, concession 5, Stanley Township, 100 acres clay loam, 75 acres workable land, 50 acres plowed,'25 acres in hay; approx. 25 acres of second growth hardwood bush. K Frame house, bank barn, silo, hen house, garage, good water supply. Terms: Combine and John Deere tractor canbe purchased with 50% down; test of chattels, cash. Prop- erty: , 10% • down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. Sold subject to• reserve bid. WILM LIACALDWELX, Prop. B:w'old .Jackson, Auctioneer. •' 14-b Nearly Hundred Flower Lovers At. tie ndAn nua The Clinton Horticultural So- ciety held an -open meeting on Wednesday evening, March 30, in the Council Chamber,,' with nearly 100 persons present. Rev. D. J. Lane, president, pre- sided at the meeting and conduct- ed a brief business Period, The society is' buying three new benches for the library park and planning a spring flower show,' Mr. C. 11, Epps has been appointed district representative by the;On- tario Society. An invitation from the Auburn society to attend a meeting on April 5 to hear John Clarke, was received by the Clinton society. Mrs. C. 11. Epps gave a splendid report on the recent convention held in Toronto in March which Mr. and Mrs.' Epps attended as local delegates. In her report, Mrs. Epps touch- ed on several items of interest from speeches heard.- Mr. Lane introduced Mr. Mulroy of Downham Nurseries, Strathroy. Mr. Mulroy showed slides of hort- icultural interest, giving interest- ing facts about each, Prizes were given during the evening. These were shrubs which were to be de- livered at planting time. The win- ners were C. Wise, Mrs, James Livermore and Mrs, Myrtle Tyn- dall, who won the door prize. Mrs. F. Fingland expressed the appreciation of those present to Mr.-Mulroy for a very enjoyable and informative evening. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects From the home of the late Mrs. W. J. Carter, Ontario Street, Clin- ton, on SATURDAY, APRiL 16 at 1.30 p.m. the following: Frigidaire; Jewel stove; dining room chairs (needle point); rock- ing chairs; tri -light lamp; end table; drapes; % bed with mat- tress; single bed with inner spring mattress; cherry chest of drawers (antique); chest of drawers; rugs; foot stool (needle point) ; feather- weight iron; hot plate; mirrors; complete set of dishes; other dishes; cooking utensils and num- erous other articles, Terms—Cash MRS. BERT SAULT, Executarix Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 14-5-b AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE Clearing Auction Sale of Cattle at. Lot 42, N.H. Concession 4, East Wawanosh, on THURSDAY, APRIL 14 2%2 miles north of Blyth on No. 4 Highway. Red cow, milking, bred Jan. 14; half Jersey cow, to freshen at time of sale; blue cow, milking, bred Jan. 10; grey heifer, milking, bled Jan, 29; red Jersey, to fresh; en last of April; red heifer, No. 80865, bred • Dec. 12; red heifer, No. 40712, bred' Feb. 10; Hereford heifer, milking, not bred; Hereford heifer, No. 40914, bred Oct. 5; Hereford heifer, No. 40916, bred Nov. 12; red heifer, No. 40917, not bred, calf at foot; black heifer, No. 40911, bred Jan, 11; 5 yearling steers; 3 baby beef heifers; four calves. Practically all cows are calfhood vaccinated. Terms: Cash. No reserve as farm is rented. WALTER IK, MASON, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 14-b LONDON o SNAPSHOT. SERVICE Clinton Bowling Alley Rebekahs PlAn Bake Sale And Hold Quilt Draw The Huronic Rebekah Lodge met Mondayevening with Nob- le Grand EtheMcPheron•presid- ing and visitors present from Owen Sound and Seaforth,' Plans were made to hold a bake sale- in the council chambers on April 16 at 3 o'clock, Mrs. Anne Henderson made her official visit to the lodge and spoke to the members on the meaning of fraternity. A penny sale was held at the close of the meeting with the pro- ceeds to assist in the purchase of the resuscitator. The Past Noble Grands conduc- ted the draw for the hand hooked rug, the lucky winner being Mrs,' Archie Robinson, Lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. Ruth Jenkins and Mrs. Margaret Brown: Clinton Wells Test "Ideal" For Fluorine There is to need for Clinton residents to worry about lack of fluorine in their drinking water. The three wells in town, all test 1.2, 1,1 and 1.4' parts of fluorine per million parts of water, which is considered the ideal percentage to help prevent dental decay. This percentage places the sup- ply of water pumped by the Clin- ton PUC for use in town and on RCAF Station Clinton, on a par with that of Stratford, where con- dition, is termed ideal, and with Brantford, where fluorine has been introduced into the water in prop- er amounts since 1948. 'Presence in 'drinking water of fluorine to the amount of 1 part per million parts of meter, has been found distinctly beneficial to youngsters during the first ten years of life. Coun. Dr. H. A. Mc- Intyre, Clinton dentist states that it is very important that babies receive the fluoridated water right from the start, and that it is ben- eficial that mothers drink fluor- idated water during the year be- fore their ,baby Is born. WHEN �TOAI�I THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955r Accidents will happen! They occur in the best regulated homes . so do the wise thing and carry Insurance that'll protect you and your family. K.W.CO l.Q U N 0 U N SUN LIFE AssuRANcE CO oe — ES NT' T:YS G1w.t,703'W2- 8udiaua.g0 cL'I:NTON, fi)«ta cia Opportunity C' ,S 0 tit Take advantage of this opportunity to own a FRIGIDAI! r i E CANADA'S LEADING REFRIGERATORS. We are closing out the balance of our 1954 models, at a price you cannot afford to pass up, These machines carry the usual 5 -Year Protection Plan. 7'6" Cu. Ft. Model. 9.1 Cu. Ft. Model 3.4 Cu. Ft. Model Was $319,95 was $369,95 $24L00 $267.00 The famous Cyclomaric •— the only Refrig- erator of its kind on the market Was $469.95 .. $321.0® Model 20 Frigidaire Range Automatic oven, Deep -well $270.00 Cooker -Was $359.50 ll DANDY 4 HEAVY DUTY G.E. $145.00 ELEMENTS RANGE FORCE RANGETTE $45•00 Chrome Top ... ........ • FORCE RANGETTE---Chrome Top, Enclosed ea 69,00 Elements, Automatic Oven—Was 95.00 .,.: FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC WASHER— $319.00 Was 419.00 utteraPerdwe Ready For The Road! HERE'S A PARTIAL LIST OF HONEST VALUE USED CARS NEEDING A HOME. Try the car of your choice."BuY NOW at these low prices. '54 CREVROLET Bel Air Hardtop Dark blue two -toned. Our Demonstrator. Full new ear warranty. Less than cost! $2200 54 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sedan Dark green two -toned. New car condition. $2050 '50 DODGE Sedan Exceptional 'condition throughout. $995 '50 OLDS. "88" Sedan Resin value at this price $750 '50 'CHEVROLET Coach One owner car. Sharp! $995 '50 PONTIAC Sedan You'll appreciate this one, $995 '49 PONTIAC Sedan None better anywhere! $775 '48 CHEVROLET Coach Completely overhanded. A beauty! $625 '47 DODGE Sedan. A quality car for the price,. $399 '47 FORD 5 -Pass, Coupe Wall appreciate the value in this one. $450 TRUCKS '50 CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery One local owner. Above average in every way. $1050 '36 CHEVROLET % Ton Pickup Handy anywhere. A steal at $150 Others to choose from. SEE THEM ON OUR LOT. OPEN EVENINGS Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Chevrolet -----Oldsmobile Sales and Service CLINTON -- ONTARIO