HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-04-07, Page 3Ts3tIR56AY; APRIL 7, 1555 CLINTON NEWSiIt'ECORD Environment May Cause Cancer Say Scientists . After Research The recent interest in the relit- among doctors . using X-ray area tion, . between cigarette smoking radium : as among doctor's not ex - and lung cancer has caused many Posed to theseforms of radiant people to- ask, Are. there 'sub- energy. crude sub- stances t ' which we' come into' Soot, lamp black, tar and ctats wi h oil contain a chemical called benz- The contact swer can scis s ja definitefer7" pyrene which Will produce cancers answer to this is�a pYr when painted on the skin of ex - here are in our environment perimental animals. There is - no n cancerreausing'agents. That much doubt .that, dwellers in Industrial is known for sure. But justhow areas breathe in considerable important a part they may play quantities of these and many ob- - in the development of humari•can- servers believe .that they, as much cer is not definitely known. as tobacco smoking, may be re For instance, ultra -violet rays sponsible for the fact that the from the sun may cause skin can lung cancer death rate in males eer. ;. But, a recent survey sponsor- has doubled in Canada for the ed by the Canadian Cancer Society, past 12 years. shows that skin cancer is more Reports from England, Switzer common in white people than land, Italy and the United States among Canadian Indians, The show more cancer of the', bladder Same is true of the American am on gwork workers dye industry Negroes who have. very 'little skinthan among others. In one Am - cancer. These • observations sug- erican city, for instance, bladder gest that the pigment of the skin tumours were found' in about ten may have a protective role to play. per cent of dye -industry workers. It is also an established fact In this some connection a German that X-rays,, and gamma rays, scientist, Dr, Otto Warburg, who which will kill cancer cells and won the Nobel prize for medicine cure certain types of cancer;may in 1931, recently suggested a ban cause cancer, too. The incidence on the dyeing of foodstuffs with of leukemia (cancer of the blood) aniline dyes because of the pos-. is said to be ten times as great sibility that these dyes might • • "There is no more noble and humanitarian organization isa the whole world than the Red Cross" GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Your donation to the Red Cross helps provide: - .Preparedness for Disaster •Outpost Hospitals •War Veteran ServiO s .gree Blood Transfusion Service 'Nursing and I3ealth Services BIL/ftothe RNO>> R • $ Cheerfully... Gratefully... Gengrousrts 1 $5,494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR 6510 Mrs. 'W� J.; Ste'vertis Mrs. Walter J. •Stevens, 88, Brucefield, died on Tuesday at the home of her son-in-law and dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc- Ewen, - concession, two, Stanley Township. She Was the former Margaret Tough, and, had lived in Stanley. Township all her life, Her hus- band died in 1924. She was one -of the oldest mem- bers of. Brucefield United. Church. Surviving are three daughters; Mrs. 'William Elsley, Mount For- est; Mrs. F. H. Thompson, Sarnia; Mrs. Mrs, A, McEwen, Stanley Township; and one sister, Mrs, John Davidson, Delke,'Sask. Resting at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, where services will, be con- ducted Friday, April 8, commenc- ing at two o'clock, by the Rev. G. G. Burton, and 'interment '"will be. made in Baird's Cemetery. cause cancer. However, officials of the Can- adian Cancer Society point out that although these cancer-causing agents are known to exist it is not possible to avoid them all in our modern society. Furthermore, it would seem that less than one per cent of all cancers occurring in Canada are attributable to known causes. They emphasize that each person must be on the ` alert to spot signs of cancer in its early stages and see the fancily doctor if any symptoms are present. The seven danger signals that may indicate the presence of 'can- cer and which should be checked on at once are: Orlon Cardigans and ullov ors ORLON Will not shrink * Dries quickly • Completely non -allergic • Resists moth and mildew SUPER ORLON Silky Soft as Cashmere ORLON • Will not shrink * Dries quickly Completely non -allergic * .Resists moth and mildew 5 U P E R ORLON Silky Soft as Cashmere PAGE TRE Mrs.. R,#. F. Gairdner Addresses Bayfield Trinity Club On Musical Play (By our_Bayfield correspondent) • The Trinity Club met on Tues- spellbound. In her introduction day evening at the; home of Mrs, she said, " Tn this musical ;play; Arthur Thurland with 19 present, with all the tender music, the love Mrs. Ross Middleton, president, story, the both serious and hum - carried out the Easter theme in the orous drama that underlies it all, devotional period commencing one is convinced that the main with a short reading. , A hymn truth" being ' conveyed is .the at was sung;. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth temps to understand ..people of offered 'prayer, followed by the other lands. Lord's. Prayer in unison. Mrs. "So, because it is the last week Gemeinhardt read the Scripture, of Lent, when our minds. and Following the usual reports in thoughts should be interested in a brief business session, Mrs. R. the gread brotherhood of man, 1 - Turner, Mrs. Keith Gemeinhardt, shall try to interpret the story of Mrs. George Adams and Mrs. Alfa the beautiful young English Widow Scotchmer, Jr., . volunteered for who volunteered to go to the Or - church cleaning for April.- fent in order to interpret Western An invitation from the Friend- culture to the King's court. It ship Club of St, Paul's Church, was- the same period when Abra- Clinton, to meet with them on ham Lincalm was wrestling with April 27 was accepted. the slave question on this contin- ent and it had struck in her a sy- ecided to -have the newthese d Perhaps waschord. Pe ,It mpathetic white frontal and falls dedicated dren of the harem, she would be to the memory of Mrs. Samuel able to instil her own deep sense McEwen on Easter Sunday. _ A of the sacredness of the human vote of thanks was extended to soul and the evil of any system Mrs. Maynard Corrie, Mrs. Robert which violated it by permitting Turner and Mrs. J. E. Hovey for one person to own another..Maybe taking charge and malting these if she could have the"'young ruler beautiful new furnishings, and to to be, she -could plant something Miss Kathleen Reid, Windsor, for or mould him a little. her kindness in choosing the mat- "She manages not only to edu- erials. cate the king's numerous wives The guest speaker was Mrs. R. and his even more numerous child - H. F: Gairdner, who chose as her ren, some 67 of them, but the King subject "The King and I" which himself, a stubborn half -tyrant of she had seen in Chicago. Based a man, half -childish but "surpris on'the book, Anna and the King of ingly charming, and always a f as - Siam by Margaret Landon, it is cinating individual. Before Anna the latest musical production by leaves Siam she has the children Rogers and Hammerstein which is speaking excellent English and attracting so much attention. also has the government well on Mrs. Gairdner held her listeners its Way to liberal reform that had not been dreamed or thought of previously." As Mrs. Gairdner told the story, reading occasionally from the ly- rics, she led up .to several of the vocal numbers sung as follows: "I Whistle a Happy Tune," Mrs. Brown Higgins; : "My Lord and Master", Mrs. Maynard Corrie; "Hello, Young Lover," Mrs. J. E. Hovey; "Getting to Know You", by the group; "Something Wonder- ful," Mrs. R. Moyer; "Shall We Dance," Mrs. W. S. Outrebridge, Mrs. R. S. Roddick accompanied the vocalists. All sang in very finevoice and interpreted the songs well, although they had lit- tle time to study since the music was not immediately available. It was agreed by all that it had been a very worthwhile program, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Poth, who will also be the speaker. Mrs. William Parker was co -hostess with Mrs. Thurland in serving re- freshments. 1. Any sore that does not heal... particularly around the face or mouth. 2. A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere. 3. Unusual bleeding or discharge from body openings. 4. Any change in a wart or mole. 5. Persistent hoarseness or cough. 6. Any change in normal bowel habits. 7. Persistent indigestion or dif- ficulty in swallowing. WHY 'DO ALL THAT, WRITING? When "A Rubber Stamp •, ,; will do, it faster, easier, and who knows? may- be neater, too. Order one at the Clinton News -Record' Delivery, Within 10 days. HARRY WILLIAMS THOUGH SPRING IS WERE PLEASE DOPrf FORGET, WELL HAVE SOME COOLISH WEATHEI2. YET, CARDIGANS PULLOVERS $5.95 $3.95 FOR 7 C�1aeter9 IN THGS SMART - /tibia (Jrd; air WAR PHONE 59 CLINTON r „] J 1.01,1. ill/00 &IKS Ins HARRY WILLIAMS FUELOIL MOTOR OI L O 1r GASOLINE _LUBRICANTS Your donation is urgently needed to, support: V 1ESEARCH V EDUCATION V WELFARE 526J CANADIAN CANCE: SOCIETY- CLINTON ANI DISTRICT BRANCH William J. Dale, ' -Jinn. 1, Clinton . 40*300** Goderich Township Farmers in. this part are all out on the land. This is early seeding. Mrs. Priscilla Elliott, Goderich, has been spending two weeks with friends in this neighbourhood. The Easter Day service of Holy Communion will be held in St. James Church, Middleton, at 3 o'clock, Sunday, April 10. The community is Invited to attend this lovely festival service. Mrs. Walter Kaake, Kinloss, passed away at her home on Tues- day. She leaves behind, her hus- band and, one son, R. J. Kaake and three daughters. Her funeral on Friday was largely attended. Among those from this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bettles; M'r. and Mrs. W. Johnston, Hol- mesville; Mrs, Ellie Picot and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris, Mr, and Mrs. James Stirling, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Boyce and daughters, Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Trawlor, Clinton. CONSTANCE COMMERCIAL INN HOTEL is closing to the public from Thursday' night till Monday` morning (April 7 to 11). Part of this time to be . used for re -decorat- ing. Ceriel VanDamme, Prop. Mn and Mrs. Walter Scott were in London on Thursday last. Mr, and Mrs. George }Taggart and Mr. and Mis, Charles Hog- gart were in London on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, 'Tor- onto, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C W. Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley and Master Ronald Riley, spent Sun- day evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mann, Wingham. Master Harvey Mann who had been a patient in Wingham Hospi- tal, is able to be home with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mann. HENSALL Royal Conservatory of Music of ' Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS 61 JUNE,1955 Applications and fees mus reach the Conservatory not later than APRIL 15, 135 COLLEGE 6TREEi' TORONTO 28, ONT. mow...«.4.-.-hFr.-H-•-e Mrs. Carl Payne has resigned her full-time position on the staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Thirty Easter boxes were given to the sick and shut-in members of the United Church. In charge-- of harge•of the project were Mrs, W. R. Dougall and Mrs, George Hess. A number of friends ,of Mrs. T. Parimer, upon learning that - last Thursday marked the occasion of her birthday, met at her,home and very pleasantly surprised her with an afternoon tea, Misses Betty Mickle, Hensall, and Helen McKinley, Sarnia, stud- ents at the University of Western Ontario, are at present doing a. month's field work with the Vict- orian Order of Nurses in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, Exeter; Mrs. Lily Bissett, Brant- ford; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Woodstock; Mr: and Mrs. Harold Hedden and family of Dresden, spent the weekend with Mrs. Cath- erine Hedden and Herb. NOW Hb�+V ABCWt' THAT HOME NOU PLAID? ®'_ WEHEE,LP• YOU BET t WE CAN! 1. S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Phone - Clinton 377 Goderich 320-W m STER GIFTSAT YOUR I.D.A. DRUG STORES FOR MILADY Henley Dusting Powder .. 1.00 Hazel Bishop Beauty- Box eautyBox 2.50 Gemey Perfume 1.00, L75, 3.75' Gemey Eau de Cologne .. 1.75 Guerlain Shalimar Cologne..... - 8.00 Shalimar Perfume, 4, & 6. Cutex Pearl Polish and Oily ' - Polish Remover- 74c value fqr only .,.... 69e 'Compacts -modern styles' 1.50 up Pond's Angel Face in mirror case 1.50 Velvetta Bath Salts • 98c Evelyn Howard Hand & Body Lotion with Free Dispen- ser. v 98c DeVllbiss Perfume Atom- izers 1.00, 1.50, 5.00 Shuiton ,Charmer Set 1.50 Toilet Water, 4 oz, ,. 1.75 Body Sachet, 1 oz... 1.50 Yardley Toilet Soap, 3's 1.50 Bath Oil (Lavender) 2.00 Dusting Powder 2.00, 2.50 MEN'S GIFTS Gillette DeLuxe Rocket Razor Kit - 1.59 Niokel-plated Rocket Razor Kit 1.29 Gillette Blue Blades -20 in dispenser 1.00 Mennen Skin Bracer, 65c, L30 Palmolive Rapid Shave 98e Williams Aqua Velva 65c, 1.80 Aero Shave, 6 oz. bomb ., 98e Williams Lather Shave 45c, 65c Hudaut Egg Creme Shampoo with free Creme Rinse - 2.75 value 2.00 Brylereain with free Comb 69e Shulton Electric Shave 1.25 • After Shave Lotion 1.35, 2.00 Men's Cologne 1.25 Talcum, 4% oz, ... . 75e Smooth Shave Bomb, 1.25 Yardley Shaving Bowl ,.,. 1.50 After Shave Lotion 1.25, 2.00 After Shave Powder, 1.25 Invisible Tale 1.25 CANDY Cadbury's Milk Troy CHOCOLATES 1/2 Ib. 80c - 1 Ib, 1,50 Other assortments by such famed candy makerS as Neil - son's, Willard's, Rowntree's, Smiles 'n Chuckles, Lowney's, Moir's, etc. CADBURY'S GENERAL GIFTS Gaga Stationery .. 75e to 2.00 Hasty Notes 50c up Thermos Bottles -Polly Red Top pt. 1.98; qt. 8.95 Waterman Fountain Pens 1.95, 3.95, 5.95 Pen and Pencil Sete 5.45, 6.95 up Paper -Mate Ball Pon 1.98 Refit Sylvania Photoflash Bulbs 17c, 18e, 22c Cartons of 10-- 1.70, 0-1.70, 1.80, 2.20 "Bantam 8", Blue Dot, 16c Carton of 12 1.92 North -mite -Ball Pen 350 Woodbury's Soap Special - 4 toilet size cakes 31c for only Wisdroot; Cream Oil with Shampoo -l.41 value, 980 Epsom Salt 'Guaranteed fresh- 19c 1 lb. tin, reg. 25c Idasal Tablets 300's, ''reg 89c `clef 59c 16 oz.'40 ez. • 44c,89c Mineral Oil reg. 5c,.1.10 7 sets to a box- 23c Seidlitz Powders reg; 29c Toilet Tissues'' strong, white-- 2 for 23c Reg, 2 for 25c I.D.A. Ore -O -Tone, 16 oz., 1.25 I.D.A. Moth Killer, Ib. tin, 59c I.D.A. Health Salts, lb. tin 59c LD.A, Shave Cream 490 I.D,A. Idaphos, 16 oz, ... 1.25 I.D.A. Tooth Paste :... 32c, 570 I.D.A. Idatone, 16 oz. 1.25 LD.A. Wax Paler, 100 -ft. 29c IDA MOTH KILLER (Parodichlorbenzene) 1 Ib. can 59c UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE • F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 o INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • THANK YOU CARDS Myerd sy IHTER-NATIONAL-APIACTS. Fsstaii % 'THERMO-GRAVURE" " ?INTING (Raised Lettering) 'LET US ASSIST YOU 'WITH, YOUR WEDDING PLANS You may select your Wedding Invitations,' Announcements and A.cknowledgments'wit11 cornplste' confidence as to quality and correctness of form vI6 ALSO NAVA PERSONALIZED: WEDDING' NAPKINS, WATCHES AND CAKE 9OXES " Complete Line of Samples -and::Prices at li ® 'News- .e ar . "Fine' Commercial Printing" Phone 4