HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-03-17, Page 7"'THURSDAY, 11/DIRCH .17, 1955 INION NEWS -RECORD' PAGE SEVEN. Classified Rates • CASH RATE (if paidby °&(('ednesday following' date of in- 'eertion)-Two cents a word -first insertion (minimum 50` cents); aeubsequent insertions 1.cents a +word (nibthnam 35 rents); , 15 .cents , extra forbox number or 'k1or'direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. 'IF CHARGED-15cents extra. -'DEADLINE-12 noon, Wednes- ACCOMMODATION for RENT HOUSE TO -RENT, 11/a miles from Clinton, . Two bedrooms, three- tpiece bath. Apply Ernest Brown, phone Clinton 19W. 11b ' TWO ROOM FURNISHED ,apart merit, central. Available immed- iately. Phone Clinton 73J. lib FOUR ROOM APARTMENT with birth; Available soon: Phone Clin- ton ;230. W. N. Counter.. llp SIX ROOM HOUSE ON GORDON Street. Apply to Mrs. Joe Carilb Matilda Street. •FQUR ROOM, UPSTAIR APART- ment, with •bath. Bert Christian- sen, Railway - Street, Seaforth. .Phone Seaforth 75. 11-2-b FURNISHED, DOWNSTAIR, four -room apartment, good loca- tion. Use of electric stove, frig, garage and other facilities. Phone °Clinton 149W.. lib NICE COMFORTABLE ' FARM house, two bedrooms, hydro, gar- -den, no bathroom. Rent to reliable party for $15 a month. Five miles north-east of Seaforth. Phone Dublin 64r10. 11p FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE -to school and general store, four miles north of Clinton. Apply to Ezra Ellis, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone Clinton 802r4. 11-2-p THREE ROOM APARTMENT • available. Electric. stove, frig, bedding, dishes. Private•entrance. Use washing machine. Londes- • baro. •Phone Blyth 37r6. llb Accommodation Wanted, 'WANTED IMMEDIATELY - a two or three room furnished apart- ment including private bathroom. 'Young married couple, no children. Please reply to Box 111, Clinton News -Record. llb ••50 TO 100 ACRES with buildings, within 15 miles of Clinton by April 15. Write to Box 100, Clin- ton News -Record, 10-11b ARTICLES FOR SALE BIRD HOUSES of various de- signs. At John Plumtree's Barber Shop. 11-2-p CUSTOM DELIVERY, • SERVING CLINTON' AND RCAF Station. Contracts oh local house• hold.moving. 'E'ening contracts if desired. Safe handling assured. Reasonable rates. W. G. ""Bill" Riehl, S phone: • Clinton 685R, 8tfb • ......FARMS FOR ,SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. ' 33-tfb SMALL FARM, COMFORTABLE residence, modern conveniences. Good outbuildings. All in grass. Also 50 acres, comfortable house and bank barn, well watered, for crop or pasture. Write Box. 91, Clinton News -Record. 9 to llti ;JOG ACRES, centrally located in Hibbert Township, Perth County. Splendid -soil for either mixed or cash. crop farming, Well drained, excellent water supply, good build- ings, large barn 50x80; silo,big shed, modern eight -room house with furnace, hardwood floors, hot and; cold water under pressure; hydro throughout. . Contact Mrs. Gordon Coulson, three miles west of • Cromarty (or five miles east of Kippen). 11-2-3--1 bi WHITE BATHINETTE, in good condition; also high chair. Phone Clinton 132M. llb "WESTINGHOUSE 9 CU. Fr. Re- frigerator and Westinghouse. elec- tric range. Both in perfect cori- dition. Priced reasonably. 7 Que- bec Road, RCAF Station Clinton. Phone Clinton 509r12. 11-2-b •WOODCUII'r,RS, see the I.E.L. chain saws, new and used, at Robert Glen's LE:L. Sales and Sdrvice, Clinton, Ontario. Phone Clinton 608J1. 11-2-3-p NEW ' LOW PRICES ON RCA "victor Television. 17" table mod- •els 199.50 and up. See them at 'T, A. Dutton; RCA Victor Dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634r4. 1-tfb FARMS WANTED WANTED TO RENT - about 80 acres of grassland. Ed. Grigg, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 403J2. hltfb. WANTED- REASONABLY pric- ed farm in Clinton- - Hensall area. Apply giving full details, in- cluding price, to Box 92, Clinton News -Record. , 9-10-11-b FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale. WARNER. ELECTRIC BROODER 500 chick capacity, good as new. Bert Boyes, phone Clinton 305.11b MILKING MACHINES -Lovell H. McGuire, phone Wingham 593 col- lect. Wingham Surge , Service Dealer. New and tised units, $20 and up. We handle milking equip- ment only. 11-2-3-4 LOVELL McGUIRE, SURGE Dealer, Wingham, has appointed Watkins Sunoco Service Station as the Surge Parts Dealer in Clin- ton. 9-10-11-p NEW LUNDELL FORAGE Har vested one season's use. Owing to owner s' illness, this machine must be sold. Contact R. Cornish, R.R. 3, Bayfield, phone Bayfield 57r11, llb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply 76 M. G. Pickett. phone Clinton 8 p tlf HAY FOR SALE FOUR TONS OF BALED HAY. Reasonably priced. - Roy Vodden, R.R. 1, Clinton. 11b LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID .ERNEST-In Clinton, Public Hos= for.. old, sick and disabled horses ; pital, on Friday, March 11, 1955, and cattle, animals bled_out. Phone to Mr. and Mrs. David Ernest, Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153, col- Clinton,. a son. lect. 3-1,6-b JOHNSTON In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 11, WANTED. OLD HORSES AND 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnston, Blyth, a son. PARKER -In Clinton Public Thos; pital, on Monday, March ,14,- 1955, to Mr,' and Mrs. William LIVESTOCK° FOR SALE Parker, R.R. 1, Brucefield. .a daughter. RADFORD - In Clinton Public MON., TUES. & WED, ' Hospital, on Sunday, March 13, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs: Leonard. Radford, Londesboro, a daugh- ter. ROMANKO - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 16, 1955, to -Mr. and Mrs. John Romanico, Clinton, a daughter. (Karen Anne). SWEIGARD - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, March 15, 1955, to Pastor and Mrs. K. L. Sweigard, Clinton, ,a son (Robert Earl) (brother for Natrice and Gerard). TOWN In. Clinton Public ,HIospi- tal, op Thursday, March 10, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. -Herbert Town,. Clinton, a=daughter.. TURNER In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Saturday, March 12, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, Bayfield, a daughter (Linda Lorraine). BIRTHS dead cattle, Gilbert.. Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect,' 836r32,.or 936r21. 9-ptfb 11 `'' PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. William Cox, phone Clinton 300W4. •- HOLSTEIN' HEIFER COW, due soon; also Holstein bull calf. Bob Rathwell, phone Clinton 702J1.11 p FOUR LEICESTER EWES; one Leicester ram; 11, Suffolk ewes; two Leicester x Suffolk ewes. These ewes all have lambs except one which is due in April. Apply Wes Hoggart, phone • Clinton 802r33. lbp GOOD DURHAM COW, due to freshen on March 18. Apply to Fred Buchanan,, phone Seaforth 841r4. llp MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not.' For evening appointments pI one Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. WATERLOO CA'1"ISLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb IN ANY BUSINESS, REPEAT orders are the yard -stick of suc- cess. -.Farmers 'who have tried Egmont Minerals for their live- stock are now using them reg- ularly. Always available at the farm at $7.00 per 100 for cattier $6.75 per 100 for hogs. Slightly higher delivered prices. . Remem- ber no matter how much you pay, you cannot buy better livestock minerals, J. W. VanEgmond, Clin- ton, phone Clinton 805r13. 9-17-b SEVEN TONS OF MIXED Baled hay for sale. Apply to Bill Harris, phone Clinton 797W2. llb A QUANTITY OF, HAY,' loose, 20 ton or more. John Woon, R R. 1, Clinton. s 11-12-p QUANTITY OF SECOND CUT baled hay at 45 ,gents per bale at the farm. Murray J. Forbes, phone Clinton 751J1. 10-llb HELP WANTED -Female DENTAL ASSISTANT. Young woman to work in dental office. Previous experience preferred but not necessary. 'Phone Clinton 729 after six. 10tfb 'TV FIT FOR A "KING" - We Rent -Move -Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb THE WET SEASON IS COMING! Why not buy something that will protect your foof? We have Battleship Liquid Asbestos Roof Coating. It requires no heating, just brushes on out of the con- tainer and forms a rubber -like waterproof surface. We also have: Battleship Primer, Battleship Plastic Cement, Anti-Oxidene Coating, Rainseal, Surebrite Alum- inum Paint, Aluminum Roof Coat- ing, Dri White Water Repellent (white coating). If in need of any of these materials please call at house or phone Clinton 323W and, I' will call and see you. Clarence. Perdue, Shipley Street, phone Clinton 323W. Salesman for Pan- ther Oil and Grease Company, Leaside, Ontario. 11-2-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE PCV OPEN "F" LICENSE and 1949 three -ton Dodge truck in. ood condition, with stock racks. pply to Box 110, Clinton News- ecord; ° 11p i BABY CHICKS RAY CHICKS. DAYOLD; start - d. Canadian Approved. Most sarfeties available. Contact agent, qrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 9-10-11-12-13 'I 'SURE RECOMMEND" BIG -4 icks, say many customers, Ask for complete list of breeds and osses. Pullets, cockerels, mixed. ome started. Ames In -Cross. nadian'Approved. Lose no time f you want to -catch good summer arkets, Agent -Charles Scott, burn, phone Blyth 43r23.-.• 11b BUSINESS Accommodation for Rent ':TARE NOW OCCUPIED BY Clinton Farm Supply, Albert St. Available immediately. Contact Neil Campbell, P.O. Box 419, CJin- n, or phone Clinton 443J. y y CUSTOM WORK ICTURE FRAMING - We titre now equipped to do picture fram- ing. Good selection of anouldings. ViaaLaren's Studio. .42tfb HELP WANTED -FEMALE Department of National Defence (Air) at CLINTON, ONTARIO requires STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS Open to qualified residents of Clinton, Ont., and locality, in- ' eluding Goderich. Salary $125. to $205. monthly, based on education and exper- ience. • Three weeks vacation and sick leave with pay. Hospital and Medical Plans available. Application forms obtainable at National Employment Of- fice and Post Offices are to be filed with: Civil S,ervice Commission 25 St. Clair Ave. E., Toronto not later than March 24, 1955 Comp. 55-T-648 HELP WANTED -MALE MUNICIPAL • CLERK -TREASURER ' for the / TOWN OF •CLINTON Details and qualifications may, be obtained from Mayor M. J. Agnew. Applications must be in, the hands of the Mayor by 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, March 12, 1955. llb PERSONAL WILL THE PERSON who was seen taking large sire, fleece -dined galoshes from 'Varna Hall -on Fri- day evening. March 11, kindly re- turn same and save further em- barassment. 11p MEN, WOMEN! OLD AT 40, '50; 60!, Want to feel normally.peppy, yers younger? Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets pep up bodies weak, "old" be- cause lacking iron. Introductory, "get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. '' llb PET STOCK BUDGIES: Breeders, normals, opalines, yellow face blues. Babies, males $6 up; hen, $3 up?.. Mrs. Currie, Lucan. llb . PIANO FOR SALE ROXY- THEATRE"' CLI,NTON Now. Playing-Thurs. Fri. Sat. A SPECIAL PICTURE UPRIGHT PIANO, Nordheimer, battered -and beaten but in good playing condition. $50 or best of- fer. 10 Quebec Road, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, evenings. 11p PROPERTY FOR SALE. FOR SALE IN BAYFIELD. Store on Main Street; two lots on Colina Street; 240 Ib. scales; three tables, kitchen chairs. Frances Fowlie, FIVE LOTS IN "Little England" for sale immediately. All in one area. e,Best offer. Phone Clinton 640W. 51 to 3p-tfb CHOICE LOT, EAST END OF Princess Street. Near school. Sew- erage available. Lloyd Batkin, Phone Clinton 61. 10-11-12-b EIGHT ROOM FRAME HOUSE including modern conveniences and garage,' situated on Ontario St., close uptown -formerly. owned by Mrs. W. J. Carter. Apply to J. R. Carter, 111 Llydican Extension, Chatham, Ontario. 11-2-b -HELP -WANTED CONSTABLES • For the Town of Ch.iton SALARY: $2;400.00. For working conditions and further information Apply qt Town Clerk's Office' Inexperienced men will be , considered. (Signed) , M. T. CORLESS, • Acting Town Clerk 10-11-b STOVES FOR SALE MARRIAGES JONES-BAIRD - In Brucefield United Church, on Saturday, March 12, 1955, by Rev. W. J. Maines, Embro, assisted 'by Rev. G.G. Burton, Brucefield, Thelma Christina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird, R.R. 1, Brucefield, to _Douglas Franklin Jones, 4Clinton, son. 'of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, R.R. 2, Clin- ton. DEATHS.. BEATON-In Winnipeg, 1VIan., on Sunday, February 27, 1955, Dr. W. Grant Beaton, formerly of Clinton, in his 67th year. Fun- eral and interment at Winnipeg. BELL -,At his home on Cambria Road;' Goderich, on Saturday, • March 12, 1955, Robert J. Bell, father of -Mrs. Clarence Connell, Clinton, in his 76th year. Fun- eral from the Lodge funeral home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, March 14. McALLISTER-In• Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 16, 1955, Ellen Bell, beloved wife of the late John McAllister, Hensall in her 87th year. Rest- ing at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall until Friday, March 18, at 2 p.m,. Interment will be in Hensall Union Cein- etely. MURRAY-At her residence in Ottawa, on Tuesday, March 8, 1955, Margaret. E. Moffatt, for- merly of Varna, widow of the late Walter L. Murray, in her 66th- year. Funeral from St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa, to NINE ROOM, TWO-STOREY dwelling, corner of Whitehead and Beech Street, modern conven- iences, garage, lawns, trees,- gar- den, family, home or income prop- erty. Apply Charles E. Elliott; Box 238, Clinton. 8-9-10-11-p FINLAY' KITCHEN 'STOVE - white back and -White' shelf, fix lids and reservoir*, ,in good con.,- dition. ; Mrs, Joe Carter. ' 10-1-b SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN We have openings in your district for good smart aggressive sales- men. Applicants must possess a car and not be afraid of hard work. 'Remuneration excellent. Write stating ag , ekperience, phone number to BOX 817, LON- DON, CANADA. ONTARJO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION "MartinLuther" A stimulating and rewarding experience, the life and times of the founder of the Prot- estant Church is - portrayed with sincere ,and simple dig- nity. Coming: "STAND at APACHE RAVER" (Color) T AT ARK TELEPHONE 150 Now Playing-Thurs. Fri. Sat. Alec Guiness Joan Greenwood" A sleuth -minded, Cleric outwits an international thief. An outstand- ing English film based' on the "Father Brown" stories. "Father Brown - Detective" Mystery Drama AT THE'CAPITAL: •TELE447ON1 MON., TUES. & WED. HUMPHREY BOGART Audrey Hepburn- Wm. Holden When the chauffeur's daughter returns from Paris, continental glamour has two wealthy brothers competing for her hand. "SABR A" Comedy - Drama Coming: "TANGANYIKA" Van Heflin and Ruth Roman. Now Playing-Thurs. Fri. Sat. Dennis O'Keefe Patricia Medina Tahiti 1877 - Resisting French invasion the natives seek the help of an American who supplies them with arms. "Drums of Tahiti" Technicolor MON., TUES. &. WED. Robert Stack. Joy Page, ••A leading matador is gored to death, saving his American pupil. Staging a benefit show the pupil becomes a public -idol. "Bullfighter and. the Lady" Outdoor Drama Coming: "BRIMSTONE" Rod Cameron & Walter Brennan AUCTION SALE OF HARDWARE and PAINT from the Clinton Sales Barn Clinton SATURDAY, MARCH 19 at 1.30 p.m. This is the balance of the Naeftei Hardware consigned to us from Goderich, consistingof paints as follows: Super Kem Tone; Kem Glo; Kem Tone; Nepto-Lac; Lowe's paints, interior and ex- terior varnishes; shellacs and oils; hinges; door locks; door pulls; other articles too- fnumerous to mention. TERMS -CASH. JOE COREY, Sale Manager Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 11-b "Beechwood Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, March 11. NEVINS - In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Saturday, March 12, 1955, Charles Nevins, late of Auburn, in his 61st year. Funeral from Knox Presbyterian Church, Au- burn, to Ball's ` Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, March 14. PENHALE-At the home of his brother, on the Bronson ' Line, Stanley Township, on Tuesday, March 8, 1955, in his 77th year. Funeral service from St. And- rew's United Church, Bayfield, on Friday, March 11. 'Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. VAN EGMOND-Suddenly at his Home in Hullett Township, on Thursday, March 10, 1955, Fer- gus Clement VanEgmond, in his 57th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Saturday after- noon, March 12. SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY ,.OF GOOD Timothy Seed- for sale. Phone Clinton 803r5. 11-2-3`b QUANTITY ,OF TIMOTHY and Red Clover seed, cleaned. Doug Farquhar, phone Clinton 805r5,11 p QUANTITY of TIMOTHY SEED. Good clean seed. -Reasonably ^ pric- ed. W, C. Sinclair, RR 5, Clinton. Phone, Clinton 621r22. 4 ;» 10 -hl -p. FEED -TYPE SEED BARLEY for your livestock requirements. Com- mercial Galore (originally from Registered Seed) and Commercial Fort (from Certified Seed)., It. N. Alexander Londesboro• lib WORK WANTED FARMERS - 1F''IN NEED OF experienced farm help, call us. Single and married man available. Call Corn: Buruma, RR 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 807r21. 10 to 18b IN MEMORIAM SWITZER-In memory of Charles Switzer who passed away two. years ago March 17, 1953. Ever remembered by Don, Betty and and family. FARM FOR SALE TENDERS will be received until 5 p.m. on March 26, 1955, for a cash purchase of part of Lot •7, Huron Road Concession, Goderich Township, being 54 acres of land and including approximately seven acres of woodlot, (cedar, maple, beech and elm), and approximat- ely 47 acres of arrable land with year round water supply. All tenders are subject to a reserve bid and the highest or any bid not necssarily accepted. The Estate of the late Thomas Rees Jetilrins, Ethel Washington and Edward J. Jenkins, Executors, R.R. 3, Cfinton, Ontario. 10-11-12-b FOR SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, at Lot '2, Concession 3, Tuelcersmith Town- ship, L.R:S., 11/4 miles north and 1% miles east of Kippen, on SATURDAY, MARCH 26 at 1 p.m. Ford tractor with Ford equip- ment, including plow, cultivator, buck rake, post -hole digger, bean puller; Oliver Combine with pick- up: 3 -section spring -tooth drag harrows (like. new) ; disc harrow; McCormick Deering 16 -run power fertilizer drill, on rubber (new); Cockshutt side rake (like new); walking' plow; cultipacker; Mas- sey -Harris binder; mower; sugar beet lifter; modern rubber tired wagon with grain box; Renfrew cream separator withmotor; two milk cans; milk strainer; Woods electric grain grinder, 3 h.p. (like new) ; Holland electric chicken brooder; colony house 1042; three shelters and other poultry equip- ment; 1 ton fertilizer; 120 gal. gas tank; gas barrel; fanning mill;, hay car; ropes, pulleys, chains; 2 sap pans; 130 buckets and spites; feed bokes; 50 bus. table turnips; 2,000-1b. scales; . Army truck with rebuilt motor; fgrks, shovels; lawn mower; 50 ft. garden hose; some household effects -including bed- room suite. TERMS -CASH. JOSEPH DAYMAN, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 11-b 5 -ROOM 1 -STOREY DWELLING; Asphalt siding; oil burning fur- nace; double lot; garage; -im- mediate possession. Price: $3500. 1%z STOREY, 8 -ROOM Dwelling - which includes (3 room), with bath, self-contained heated apartment,- with separate ent- rance. New oil heating furnace; modern conveniences; garage; good location.. -o- 100-ACRE FARM - bank barn, 50'x60'; 1% -Storey Dwelling; hydro; drilled well. -0- 1 LOT - 76'x126', ' Good location. 1 LOT - 66'x165'. Good 'location. Cards of Thanks We would like to• express our sincere appreciation for all kind- ness shown the late -Fergus Van- Egmond. Also to all who sent expressions of sympathy and flor- al tributes-T.HHE VAN EGMOND FAMILY. 11-p ESTWICK - The husband ,and familyof the late Mrs. Evelyi't Estwick of RCAF Station Cent- ralia wish to express their apprec- iation and heartfelt thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown by. their friends, relatives and neigh- bours at the time of their sad bereavement. Many thanks for thebeautiful floral tributes ;and cards, special thanks to the pall- bearers, the Rev. Jonzales and F/L Mould. I wish: to" thank the staff of Clinton Hospital and also Dr. New land, Mrs.. Bond and Mrs. Jervis,. for, the kindness and care shown me awhile a patient there. Also thanks • to my friends and neigh- bours- eighbours- who so kindly sent cards, flowers and treats during my Stay in Victoria Hospital, London. - MURRAY HILL, VARNA. 11b. I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neigh- bours who so kindly remembered me while a patient in Clinton Pou,h- he-Hospital. Special thanks to, Dr. Oakes and hospital nursing staff for kindness and care shown me. -MRS. NELSON COLE. lip We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the kind messages df sympathy; those who offered their cars and helped in any, way. Special thanks to neighbours on Bronson Line for flowers and the Bayfield Agricultural Society. -- MRS. SNOWDEN. ` MRS. WEST LAKE and HAROLD P.ENHA1E1b., H. C. LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251W -, Clinton aw+� t+-e-awe-`ow.•.•+o-r.a.-ea.v FARMS WANTED If you want to sell your farm we have good. prospects. CONTACT John .Bosveld Real Estate Broker 40 WELLESLEY ST. •.GODERICH Phone 1108 Clinton Community Farm,rs AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY. commencing at 1.30 p,m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E, W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer X. W. COI QUHOUN, Clerk Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. "COOKS FLORIST, Phone 66W Clinton MODEL 553 Lowest price $89.95 ever! otorola CAR RADIO with PUSHBUTTON TUNING Now -you can have a Motorola pushbutton radio at a sense• Nasally low price. New giant speaker to give new depth pf tone. Five station push -to -lock control locks in the station. Low battery drain. Galbraith Radio TV Service Phone 482 - Clinton GODERICII PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. • NIGHTS IN 1955 Saturday Night -Paul Cross and His Orchestra Wednesday Night is Square Dance Night with Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding re- ceptions, etc. PHONE GODERICH 675 or 419. 2-tfb FAVORITE Sport Coats New Spring Stock Now In. SEE THESE NOW! Our racks are full of smart new. shades and styles. Slacks Match up your new 'Sport Coat with a, pair of fine quality Slacks. All sizes, all shades. $7.95 to $19.95 PICKEU a C-AMPBELL Arrow Shirts • ` Stetson Hats "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 - (Main Corner) CLINTON