HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-03-17, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 17, .1955 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGG FIVE: Weddin.g ird —Ba ones A pretty wedding ceremony Was held in, Brucefield United. Church at noon ori Saturday,,, March 12, when Thelma Christina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baird, R.R. ' 1, Brucefield became the bride of Douglas Franklin Jones, R.R. 2, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, also of R.R, 2, Clinton. Rev. W, J. Maines, Em - bre assisted by Rev. G. Burton, Brucefield,, conducted the service in the church decorated with daf- fodils, yellow, snapdragons and iris. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a ballerina .-length gown of Chantilly faceover white bridal satin. A matching lace jacket with long pointed Sleeves and semi.; Elizabethan col- lar was born over the 'strapless gown. The skirt featured a hustle effect at the hips and the hemline was scalloped. She carried a white Bible crested with red roses and white satin streamers. - ,• Bridesmaid was Miss . Verna Eyre, larucefield, and Mrs. John Stanley, Clinton, sister of the bride, was matron or honour.. They wore identically styled gowns of waltz -length -'nylon tulle over tai over , the strapless: gowns, and matching mittens. The matron of honour in yellow, carried a"yellow covered Bible, topped with mauve 'mums and the bridesmaid mauve carried a mauve -covered Bible, topped with yelloW 'mums.. They wore headdresses of match- ing' velvet leaves and tiny veils. Little Mise Sharon Bird sister of the bride, was the dainty flower girl in nile green organdy, trim- med with lace. She wore a sweet- heart matching bonnet and'carried a' nosegay of pink carnations. Organist ,,was Mrs. E. Wendorf, Clinton, who accompanied the soloist,,,Miss Edith Jones, sister of the groom: was George ge Baird, R.R. 1,-Brucefield, brother of- the bride, and ushers were John Stan - le yand David' Reid, Clinton. For the reception at" Hotel Clin- ton, the bride's mother received wearing navy nylon ,crepe with matching bolero, navy,, and white accessories and a corsage of red. roses. The groom's mother assist- ed in navy, with white accessories, and a'•corsage of pink carnations. The bride donned a grey wool gabardine suite, white nylon coat,, red hat and accessories and a cor- sage of red roses for the wedding trip ,which .will take the young couple to the Eastern United States. Upon their return they feta, with matching shrug jackets will live in Clinton. Book Your Appointment NOW For Your EASTER PERMANENT -COLD WAVE. SPECIAL $20.00 —'for •- $16.00 18.00 — for -- 15.00 15.00 — for 12.50 — for - 10.50':— for 8.00—for- 15.00 12.00 9.50 8.50 6,50 (Special prices in effect from March 21 to April 1.5) YOUR EASTER, GIFT`A from -- I Charles House '6f Beauty (Next to Simpson -Seals Order Office) King Street : : CLINTON : Phone 529 CLINTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL PRESENT C. Downham Nursery ' n ' in. Clinton Council Chamber Wed.; 'March 30 8 p.m. SLIDES WILL BE SHOWN "Beautifying Canada by Landscapipg Your Rome" Door Prize and Many. Other Valuable Prize's will be offered. ADMISSION: 25 cents. Scout and Cub 'News Since spring is just around the corner, work on the Scout camp improvements will soon No into action, - Our camp, situated on the bank of the Maitland River, is an ideal spot for camping. The tenting area, is approximately 155 by 160 feet and will.'aceommodate a troop of 32 boys plus leaders. After the removal of a few trees, the leveling' of the area, grass planting and the, construction of a new cookhouse (24x18). The pres-' ent:cookhouse will be converted to a storehouse. A council fire- place and a flag pole will be erect ,ed. Anyone who wishes to help out by giving advice, donating material, or tithe, etc., should con- tact the leaders. Any help would be gratefully accepted. ' New Course • Two of Clinton's citizens, Joseph Reid and Maurice Bateman, have donated their time to instruct the scouts... in plumbing and sheet metal. If -the boys pass the test, a proficiency bridge will be award- ed. The Snouts wish to thank these two men for their interest in Scouting. • Now Leaders Two Scouts, Arthur Tyndall' and Gordon Scribbins have been pro- moted to become assistant Scout- masters. Congratulations to 'them„ Hockey Well, the series is tied at one game apiece between 'the RCAF" Scouts and the Clinton troop.' Clinton took the first , game, 5-4, when Peter Garen, Arthur Tyndall and Rod'Hipson were the goalget- taars. The RCAF troop took the next game 7-4. ' At the end of the first period they led 4-0. "Barry MacLaren' scored in the -se"eond period:' Arthur Tyndall came back in the third and scored three tim- es, to make it 7-4 at the end. Another game, will beaheld to de- cide the champions. A, hike was held on Saturday, March 12: The Scouts moved west down 'the _reli cad tracks •until they came to an evergreen bush which was an ideal spot for hilt ing. The Scouts cooked their meal over an open fire. Games were played and many tests passed, since most of the Scout tests are outdoor ones. On March 25 and 26, a bronze arrowhead course fpr second class Scouts is to be held in Goderich. This course teaches more about leadership and 'outdoor Scouting, It is hoped that. Clinton will be represented at this course. .. rP. L. "Butch" MacLAREN Huron Winners Ira College Royal At the. College Royal last week, Ted Dunn, Bayfield, who is a student of OAC; Guelph, won top of his class in the Sheep showman Carmel Church Inducts New Minister, Tuesday ship division, -and later placed Ithird in the sheep showmanship champion competitiofl - Murray Gaunt, Lucknow, placed third in the Jersey showmanship class, Beth Taylor, Exeter, won the championship in the horse show; manship class at the same show. (By our Henson correspondent), Huron -Maitland Presbytery was at the induction represented>tducti on service in Carmel .Presbyterian Church,'Hensall, on' Tuesday for the Rev.; Donald MacDonald, Tara. The' moderator of the Presbytery, the Rev. W, J, MacDonald, Rip- ley, was in charge of the induction and introduced Rev. Alex Nimmo, Wingham who preached the induc- tior.. sermon, using as his text word. "Lord I Believe; help thou`' my unbelief". Rev. D. J?Lane, Clinton, interim moderator of the charge harrated the steps leading to the induction. Rev. J. Carswell, Whitechurch, ad- � dressed the newly inducted minist- er. The choir sang an, anthem. The reception was held following the induction service with Glen Bell, clerk of the session, and Ed Munn, church elder,forming the reception committee. Rev. MacDonald wag born ` on the Island of Harnis on the north- , west coast of. Scotland, studied for the ministry of the church of Scot- land at Glasgow University and Trinity College, -graduating from the latter in 1938. 11e held one pastorate in Sgotland, Barvan,' Isle of Lewsis, where he was min-, ister for, 12 years. He came : to Canada in 1947, when he was in- ducted to the congregation of Boularderie, Cape Breton Island, where he stayed for three years. f He was called to Tara in 1950. $225 In Grants. To 'Hayfield From Godericb, Tp. The March meeting of the God- erich:.Township Council was- held in '13olrnesville on March 7. H. McCullough requested an increase in the, grant to Bayfield Fall Fair, and received $75. Another delegation requested a grant, to the Bayfield Community Centre, and' received ' $150. Bert Harris was re -hired for another year on the same terms as previously, as grader operator. Six ,tenders were received for fhe supplying of warble fly pow- der. The tender of M. Lobb was 600 d 'There land, quoting a rate of 12 cents``` per head, or 34,50 per hour. The tender of 12 cents per head wag accepted.• Two applications were received for the position of warble fly in- spector and A. -H. Warner was hired at a rate of 80 cents per centsper mile for hour andten m use of car. It was decided that all cattle coming into this .township i under' from any area not operating a 'w-arble fly campaign, should be treated to the satisfaction of the inspector, and if; they are treated by the sprayer, those cattle should be' billed at a' rate of 15 cents per head per spray., Council adjourned until April 4. It estimated that the total of. accepted for pounds. stye new homes built inn. Canada iri 1954 was- one application for the will reach 10,00O, 'a new record spraying of cattle, that of B. Vol- high. $ ' 'SPECIAL VALUES AMY -REMINDERS"' EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK Rumball's IGA arket Lean Pork Chops : 49c Per Lb: COOKED " PICNIC SHOULDER -HAMS' • 43c Per Lb. LEAN MEATY' SPARC'RIBS - 43c Per Lb. BONELESS S.EWING MEAT 45c Per °Lb. (Your Red and Blue; Brand MEAT MARKET) Ilk Members of the Independent Druggists' Alliance — -Competitive Prices -Plus Personal Service MardsDrug Salo.. RII'ere's I.D.A: s Annual March Sade once again - with its many specials and timely reminders. • Check on your needs' and take advantage of these unusual values to save on the products used in your home.' HAIR'BRUSH SPECIAL A genuine, nylon bristle, roll type, luctte handle hair brush, made in France. _ March Drug Sale Price NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS B & B Auto -Body Complete Collision Work Glass Installed Cars Refinished Satisfaction Guaranteed SEE,. GORD BENTLEY or MAX' BRINE Brussels Motors Used Cars HUDNUT $2.00 Egg Creme Sham- poo plus 75e Creme Rinse $ 200 $2.75 value for e WILDROOT SPECIAL. OFFER— Cream-011 and Shampoo $L41 value -Both for ..,..... - 90c BRYLOREEM. Get a free pocket comb with a regular tube of G 0.. Brylereem Both for V u HELENE CURTIS \Lanolin Dis- covery plus $1.50 brush el �11Q $3.25 value 4,1 .ea S] "Pin. Quick" Permanent ....•. $1.75• Pink Suds ' ; $1.20 Shelton Toilet Water $1.75 ,Ilazol Bishop Nita - Polish :... 65e Dial Soap 15e, 2 for 29c A Real Bargain ,Toilet Tissue Not a small roll but a' full size roll 750 sheets 1 ' u` e:2,., rs SPECIAL q q EOH- 2• ors 21 C PRICE Regular Low Price — 2 .for 2.5e Look for 'the Red & White Label L '94"fr%AdAl4"/ BEEF, IRON and -WINE Contains Vitamin Bl . • A valuable general tonic for impaired nutri- tion, anaemia and'geri&al debility, 79c - 16 oz., regular $1.00 i 7 I.D.A. Brand SPOT REMOVER • Based on latest' formula- tion. Evaporates slowly: Leaves no rings when used accord- ing to directions. Reg. 4 oz., 40c; 10 oz., 7'5c 33c,- 59c SPECIAL:' I.D.A. Brand PAPER NAPKINS Reg. 17c 2 for 33c 15c box 2 for 29c Old Spice Smooth Shave ..., $1.25 Mennen Skin Bracer .,.. 65o, $1.30 1'alinolive Rapid Shave 98e Export Cigarettes 33c, 41e Pear's Soap 8 bars 790 POWDER PUFF SPECIAL Three-inch puff§s in cellophane bag—excellent value. 3 for 29c CHECK rwis ro/ mut! An 6xeoptiopal bargain!' • 10 BARS 215 on and 2 oz takes In a fine auortment of fragrances, In a reusable poly. ethylene bag. This h a qualify soap byareputable'manufatturer. CU/EX HAND CREAM SPECIAL Two jars of hand cream • 81 value—for only rap Pua/03, feet 'CSO tie 4ality .S ., cat, edend�coejy at. effecnlors foe 2Se 69c ALBERT STREET, CLINTON Next to J. W. Counter Builders' Supplies Phone 649J 11-12-p emumarinommuswesasiemo YOWL'.DRIVE FARTHER ON I.D.A. Braid SACCHARIN TABLETS '/a grain 100 reg. 20c 15c reg.55c 39c t/z gra 1reg. 23e 19 c reg. 65c � 500 9c C. Quick dissolving Effervescent. Non -caloric sweetener. , MOTH Crystals -- Sprays PREVENTATIVES "- Bombs Speciall-' PARADICHLORBENZENE MOTH CRYSTALS An LD.A. earlybird specialt I.D.A. March Drug Sale Price 2 lbs. for 59c DIOHLORICIDE CRYSTALS LAItVEX MOTII PROOFER 75e, 3.25 93c, L43, 2.00, 8.00 British Made VACUUM" BOTTLES SPECIAL For lunch box or travelling.. Includes plastic cup top . 89'c I.D.A. "Utility" a HOT WATER. BOTTLE -- n Guaranteed for 2 years of satisfactory service. Full capacity moulded rubber. Regular Price 1.79 March Sale Price ..t :........ 1.29 GAGE-STUART- HALL Chest of Letters " An opportunity to obuy a lovely box of stationery —70 sheets and 30 envelopes — suitable as a gift. 1.50 value. 98C - "Auer" Triple Gear CIGARETTE LIGHTER 11111111111 A well engineered. lighter built to, last yet, beautifullyt de- signed. 670/15' $17.45 Lifetime Guarantee 1.00 NOXZEMA SHIN CREAM Sampling Special 40c jar for 290 Look inside for valuable Coupon. I.D.A. Brand TOOTH PASTE • Regular -50c tube. 39c Green Crass Moth Bomb Rex. E.Q. ,53 Moth Predator $L39 _— 75e, $1.25 Electric ctric HEATING PADS 3 -speed. 4 thermostats. One year guarantee 3,99 i.l'3.A. WAX PAPER Brand. Not a cheap, lightweight paper but a genuine heavy grade, quality product packed in a box with metal cutting edge 100 foot roll. 12 inches wide, Regular low price 29c Special March Sale Price 25e 2 for 49c BRONCHIDA 8 -oz. 75c IDAPHOS 16 oz. 1.25 ITALIAN BALM SPECIAL Oire'LR 59c Household Size and 19c Travel Size 78c value for 65c I•D•A BRANDS A.B.S. & C. TABLETS' r°g'52 19c '— 9c, ...19" IDOL -AGAR Teg 79c °159 . OLIVE OIL r'eg. 35c 55cr 98c , 29c, 44c,_ 79e STOMACH POWDERZ: 1,9559C, 1.49' :9559C,1.49' "EASI- FLOOR WAX reg.S3c 39c GLOSS" Wriiting'Paids goes Letter, reg. 1513c,,2/23c Reg.- 49c eg:49c 39c I.D.A. Brand SHAVE CREAM Fine -bubble, rich, moist laj:her. All Round Zipper BILLFOLD • Has 3 celluloid swings, dome fastened change nurse, ticket poc- kets, etc, March Sale Price 1.00- Clayt Dixon Phgne 349W Clinton Unique Photo Service pNEBAICER , CtiRTJ xGNT > nolle .