HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-03-03, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TIURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 Hews�IBayied Representative MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Miss Jessie 'Metcalf, Detroit, was home Aver the weekend. Mrs. Emerson ' Heard o• left'. on Sunday to spend a few days in London. Donnie MacLeod eand Ed Siddel ' put up their supply of river ice. last week. - Mr. and Mr's. ,A• Turland and family visited in Kincardine over the weekend. .-Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne and baby left on Saturday to, spend a month in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr.,' London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bailey, The New Ritz Hotel: i y.�:v.� so -o o+++ Mrs. ' Andrew Toma, who has been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. L. I1, MacLeod, returned to Egmondville on Sunday with her husband F IO Toma, who was also here for the weekend. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner return= ed home on Thursday last after having been with her sisters in River Forest and Evanston, ' 111.; since before Christmas. She also visited in- Lake Geneva, Wis., for a few days. Major John Hession who was taking a two' weeks course at RCAF Station 'Clinton, returned to his duties in the army at Ed- monton, Alta., on Friday. While in the east he spent a day with L. H. MacLeod. Day of Prayer I About 30 attended the Women's Day of Prayer service held in St. Andrew's, United Church on Fri- day - afternoon last. The service, following the pre- scribed form for women of all denominations ' in all parts of, the i world, was . planned by Mrs. J Scotchmer, president of St. And- rew's United Church WMS, assist - Mr.' and Mrs, Jack Corrie and Bobby, Stratford, visited the for- mer's brother, ' Maynard Corrie and family -on Sunday. Mrs, Roy Scotchmer was able to leave Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday and is recuperating at her home on the Bronson "Line. Mr. and Mrs. N. McConkey, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Conkey and small • daughter. Lon- don, were at their home in the village over the weekend. VARNA -. WA Meeting The February meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs: T 31/ Pitt on Wednesday afternoon, February 23, with 15 ladies present, The. president, Mrs, Robert- Taylor, presided. The meeting opened with the theme song. 4rhe entertain- ment committee was in charge of th'd devotional period. Mrs. Anson Coleman read Luke 10: 30-37. Miss Rachel Johnston read 1st John 5, 2-3. Thoughts -on the lesson were read by Mrs. William McAsh, Mrs, Percy Johnston led in prayer. -The business period was con- ducted by the president, The sec- retary's report was read by Mrs. Mervin Johnston, Roll call for March is to be answered with a housecleaning hint. The bazaar committee is in charge of tho devotional period for March. The WA play "Where's. Grand- ma" will be staged in March. The meeting closed with the WA pray- er. Lunch was served by lunch committee. Mrs. Melvin Webster extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Pitt. Number of 1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air Powerglide :Coaches an Sedans -$750_ below listM 2-1954 CHEVROLET. Deluxe Powerglide Sedans, fully equipped , each $1,995 1954 CHEVROLET Standard Sedan, fully equip- ped $1,845 2 1953 PO$TIACS, one Sedan, °one Coach, each $1,495 1953 FORD Sedan, fully equipped $1;495 1953 HENRY J, 4 -cylinder, overdrive $850 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Mr Sedan, fully equipped 1952 CHEVROLET .Sedan $1,295 1952 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan, powerglide..$1,345 1951 CHEVROLET Powerglide Sedan $1,145 1951 FORD Sedan $1,095 1950 PONTIAC Sedan $995 1950 DODGE Sedan, fully reconditioned $895 '1949 FORD Sedan ..... $595 1949 AUSTIN Sedan, new motor, fully reconditioned $395 1948.CHEVROLET Coach, completely recgnditioned $650_ 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan $595 1946 CHEVROLET Coach $350 TRUCKS 1953 CHEVROLET t/2 TON PICKUP 1950 CHEVROLET 1 TON STAKE , 1947 FARGO $995 $750 $495 Cars and Trucks can be driven away at the prices listed in this advertisement For the convenience of those in .Clinton district, please contact KNOX WILLIAMS, Albert St., one doer north of Counter's Builder's Supply. Phone. Clinton 649-J Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PHONE 73X News of Brucefield r Henderson ertson, Deckerville, Mich,, spent the weekend with': Mr. Doan's sister, Mrs. R, Dawson. WA Meet Mr. arid Mrs, George left on Saturday ,for a month's holiday in Florida.: Mrs. Alex Paterson visited last Wednesday with her mother,' Mrs. 13. Sholdice at Brinsley. Mrs, - W. Stackhouse and Mrs, Mac Wilsdn visited:with"Mr. and Mrs. S. Neale, Glencoe, ,on Satur- day. • We are pleased to know. Mr, and Mrs.Robert Watson are lin- proving after a severe attack of the "flu." Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mason, Brant- ford, visited Mrs, Mason's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, over the weekend. Mrs. T. A. Dutton, Miss Kay El- liott and Master DeWayne Elliott returned from a three week's va- cation in Florida. Mrs. George Pinkney and dau- ghter , Doreen, Walkerton, spent' the weekend with Mrs. Pinkney'' mother, Mrs. W. H. Pepper. ed by Mrs. C. W. Brown, presi- dent, Knox Presbyteryian 'WMS, and Mrs. E. Heard, vice-president. of Trinity _ Woman's Auxiliary, who were leaders. Miss A. M. Stirling gave a very fine address on the topic, 'Abide in Me". Prayers were offered by Mrs. F, 'Weston,. Mrs. Gladwin Westlake, Mrs, A. Armstrong and Mrs. R. J. Larson. Mrs. J. 13. Higgins. sang as a solo the hymn, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Sad". Mrs. Don Kings- bury presided at the organ. The collection was taken up by Mrs. Bruce Menerey and Mrs. R. J. Larson. Mn and Mrs, Roy Doan, Alvin- stun, Mr:'and Mrs. William Rob- . LONDESRORO Kenneth Wobd, Guelph, was home over the weekend. - Miss Mary Caldwell, London, spent the weekend with her mo- ther, Mrs. Alice Caldwell.. Mrs. William Goviee and Ben Lyon spent a few days last week in Kitchener with Mr. and Mts. Spencer Hann. Mrs. Nellie Watson is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. 'Sinclair, near, Kippen. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Napier, Dearborn, Mich., visited with Mrs. Napier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsdon over the weekend. Honor Couple The March meeting of the Wo- man's Association was hold in the school room of Brucefield United Church on Tuesday, March 1. The meeting opened with a hymn and Mrs. Gordon .Richardson was at the piano in the absence of. Mrs. George Henderson. The Scripture reading was read. from the 14th chanter of Mark, verses 32-42, and 49-50. The topic 'The Man of Sorrows" was given by :Mrs," Ross Scott. This, with a prayer hymn closed this '"part of the meeting. The. president, 'Mrs. Baird, then took the• chair. - The WA creed was - repeated in unison. Mrs. 3JeBeath read the secretary's re- port and roll call was answered by 26,, members. Mrs. Berry gave the treasurer's report and took the. offering. MiSs M. Swan read thank -you notes from 1VIrs: Hehner, Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Hargreaves. The' meeting closed with singing the W.A. hymn and repeating a prayer. Group one took charge of the programme. Mrs, Richardson sang two delightful solos and: a ,dainty :lunch was served. . The following is from a Detroit paper .of February 23, 1955: "A rosary will be said for Agnes Savage, former librapian at the Detroit Institute of Arts at eight o'clock tonight at the William R. Hamilton Co. 'Chapel, 3975 Cass. Services for Miss, Savage, who died yesterday, at her home at 60 Glynn, will be held at 9 a.m: to- morrow at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. Burial will he in Ann Arbor. Miss Savage was born in Detroit 77 years ago. She worked for many years in the Detroit Public Library. She was a charter member of the Women's City Club. Three sisters, Mrs. Edgar N. Durfee, of Ann .Arbor, MrS. Joseph Keenan and Mrs. John Belanger, and a brother, Phillip J. Savage, survive." Miss Savage has been, coming to Bayfield for a number of years and took an interest in the village. She has maintained a summer home on Main Street for the past five years.. It was with regret that friends here learned of her passing. QUIZ OIL HEATS HOMES` EXACTLY RIGHT HAVE COZY COMFORT DAY'AND HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL at GASOLINE MOTORAIL LUBRICANTS (LINIOPO.Oantc 526J Fifty-five neighbours and mem- bers of the Live Wire Farm For- um met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Honking on Monday night. The broadcast was listen- ed to and discussion held: Prog- ressive euchre was then played. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hunking were called forward and Arthur Clark gave an address. Stewart Ament and Harold Longman pre- sented them with two trilight table lamps. Joe replied fittingly and invited all to their home. Lunch was served. B -L XPII The Burns-Londesboro YPU met Sunday evening, February 27, in the Sunday School rooms of the church. During the business period, the young people planned to hold a skating party on Friday evening, March 4, in the church shed. Following the sing -song, the faith and evangelism commission took charge of the evening's pro- gramme. The worship service was conducted by June Manning with Mervyn Durnin reading the Scrip- ture, Muriel Shobbrook reading a story and Eileen Josling leading in prayer. Rev. J. T. White gave an - interesting theme address on the history and construction of the Bible, followed by a Bible quiz. Following 'lunch; the meet- ing closed with Taps. FOREMAN world Famous Leghorns Available from: , LLOYD HOLLAND, R.R. 4, CLINTON, Ontario. Free Delivery' to Clinton on orders of 500 and over t. POULTRY THE LAI�LF �Y e, l FA • & IIATCEtYLd Exeter Oratorio - (Intended for last week Miss Ann Haugh and .friend, London, visited with Mr. and MIs. Wallace Haugh recently. Mr. and Mrs, Donald McKenzie and little son,spent- a few days recently with the former's par- ents, Mr .and Mrs. S. McKenzie. The many friends of Murray Tyndall are pleased to see him about again after his recent ill- ness with rheumatic fever. Opening March .3, -10 a.m. THURSDAY, Shop EARLY for These VALUES` LOOK! SUPER MARKET PRICES FOR THE FIRST TIME IN KIPPEN GRAND PRIZES ' A BEAUTIFUL SUNBEAM' ELECTRIC MIXMASTER - PLUS — 4- ELECTRIC CORN POPPERS 1 EVERY DAY •LOW PRICES at RED & WIIITE Fancy SOCKEYE SALMON -1/2's tin .. J -for ,.$• 10�' Plus 45 LARGE SHOPPING. BAGS OF GROCERIES Free Balloons, for Children accompanied ,by, their parents. l GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . 3 forzi d, 20 ox:. tin: Red` & White. PEANUT BUTTER GSC ROSE' MARGARINE 4 for $1.00 161 oz. jar 26c Ib. or'' HEREFORD. CORN BEEFROBIN HOOD WHITE •CAKE 19e,: 12 oz. tin 3'Ie' MIX--'pkg. Abb ie are' , a : few of our Grand Opening ; Specials! - SEE OUR BIG 'SPECIAL DODGER — AND FULL PAGE RED & WHITE ADV. IN LONDON FREE PRESS, MARCH 2nd. Prices also greatly reduced on Overall's, Shirts, Underwear, Men's and Boys' Footwear, Prints, Ydrn and Clearing Lines of Floor Covering. SHO.P. AT THE STORE TO RECEIVE TICKETS ON PRIZES KYLE'S MARKET -- KIPPEN Gooletr kh Township Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe and daughter spent the weekend with the lady's parents in Woodstock. Day of Prayer The `service of the Women's World Day of Prayer was observ- ed in St. James' Church, Mlddle- ton, on Friday afternoon, Feb- ruary 25, with a fair attendance. Mrs. John Middleton, president of the Woman's Association, was chairman and also acted as organ- ist. The rector, the Rev. Warren Outerbridge, was the special speaker, choosing as his subject five facts regarding prayer. Mrs. Donald Middleton sang "In the Beautiful Garden of Prayer" in very sweet voice. • Other ladies assisting in the prayer service included Mrs.`Alvin Dutot, Mrs. Gordon Steepe, Mrs, Edward Wise, Mrs. Ray. \ ise, Mrs, O. Cole, Mrs. Arnold Miller, Mrs. Joseph Storey, Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, Mrs. David Deeves, Mrs. Stewart Middleton and Mrs. • Al- fred Hudie. SS 4 Community Club If Yoii're T! ILL }flLIE Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong just a temporary toxic o ndition caused by excess acids and Wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 8-9-10-11-b ,660 If your brakes aren't safe, you'll soon have "the wings of an angel". Be sure be safe . . let as check your "brakes today! South End Cities Service Waterloo Cattle breeding Association "WHERE. BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Here is proof that the use of our bulls will insure inheritance of better than, average type and production on the , average. Following are official figures on the performance of daughters of Holstein sires in service in our Unit now. All are avail- able regularly with the exception of Elmcroft Monogram Duke whose usefulness seems nearly ended. • Daughters' Actual Average ELMOROk",T CELEBRITY - 14 -2 yr records avg 10647-392-3.68- 7 in 305 days, all 2X ELMCROFT MONOGRAM DUKE - 125 -2 yr records avg 10991-406-3.69-61 in 305 days, all 2X ELMCROFT TRADITION -- 21-2 yr records avg 10134.381-3.76-16 in 305 days, all 2X GLENAFTON BENEFACTOR--, 28-2 yr records avg 11388-456-4.01-11 in 305 days, 27-2X GLDNAFTON MILESTONE- 71-2 yr records avg 10982-429-3.91=40 in 305 days, all 2X The SS No. 4Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Jones, with the president, Mrs. I. Tebbutt in charge. The meeting was opened by repeatingthe creed, followed by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the last callmeethe roll was "Whatwe?aIlike anabout the month of February". ' There were 14 .members and two visitors presnt. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $45.42. There wasa business discussion. The meeting was closed with the . Mizpah benediction, and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the host- ess assisted by Mrs. James Lobb and -Mrs. W. Biggin. The next meeting will be- at the home of Mrs., Fred Lobb and the roll call will be "a proverb." GLENAFTON TRADEMARK - 15 -2 yr records avg 9854-388-3. n y , a As Compared with Breed Average of 100% 107%Eat 1ilk 107% 106% 105%.. 107% 108% No. Graded Daughters. % G.D. or Better Breed Average is 47%• 41 56% 198 61% 39 69% 38 84/0 147 41% 56 55% These Bulls are all desirably proven. The foliowing Holstein bulls are also in service but are not old enough to be proven through their daughters but were selected with the same care: Selling Wing Double, Selling Wing Piietje, Ehncroft Hartog Legend, Maple Lea Skokie and Lonelm Lochenvar Envoy. A bull's daughters, tested under varying conditions as in service in an artificial Breedir`rg Unit, is the supreme test. The daughters of Glenafton-Benefactor and Elmcroft Tradition were tested in a few herds that are better than average. For service or information, PHONE CLINTON 242 COLLECT, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays or Holidays. 9-b 670/15 $17.45 -Lifetime Guarantee Clays Dixon Phone 34'9W Clinton NOTICE TO MOTOR VEHICLE OWNERS AND DRIVERS Tuesday; March 15th, 1955, is the last day`' upon which 1954 _rnotOr vehicle: and trailer registration plates maybe used: Itis also the., date of expiration of A '0 514 .chauffeUr'a'&" and o'aeratoils" licences. Secure yours at once