HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-03-03, Page 4GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT Let CHARLES STYLE YOUR HAIR TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL TASTE. Culligan Method SOFT WATER used exclusively in shampooing. CHARLES Rouse of Beauty PHONE - 529 9-10-b I PAGE. FOUR 'ersona1s` Miss June McCartney, Toronto, was home, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, 'McCartney, last. weekend. - Mr, and Mrs. Fred Morrell; Mr. and ; Mrs. Eldon Morrell visited wtilir Mr. and Mrs, Harold -Morrell last Weekend. \- Miss Shiley G. Sutter, Preston,. and R. P. Robbins, Richmond Hill, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John A, Sutter. Mrs. W. S, R. Holmes has been visiting her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Holmes and family of Toronto. Kenneth Ashton,' UniVersity of Western Ontario, London, spent the weekend with hireparents, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams,. Coldwater, visited 'recently in town and were guests at the Shanahan -Freeman wedding. Miss Catherine E. Fingland, University of Western Ontario, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Judge and Mrs. Frank Fing- land: 0 HAPPY WORKERS WILL , MEET NEXT THURSDAY • Tlie meeting of the Huron Road East Happy Workers Club will be held, atthe home of Mrs. Bob Ir- win, next Thursday afternoon, March 10. Roll call is to be an- swered by "showing a -baby pic- ture of myself." ^ Group six, lead- ers Clara Dale and Ruth Dale will ,be in charge of lunch. 0 ONTARIO' STREET GIRLS WILL MEET MARCH 10 The. Ontario Street United Church Girl's Club will hold their regular meeting in the"bhurch par- lour on Thursday night, March 10, at eight o'clock. Guest speaker will. - be Miss Stone. . laked with the BEST INGREDIENTS tYA1rDsliEtul ijlll, BARTLI FF'S ENRICHED BREAD Serve Only The Best! Order You r• HOT CROSS BUNS for Saturday. SEE, and TEST DRIVE The Wonderful New. '55 Pontiac &Buick LARGE SELECTION OF ALL 'MODELS s Our Saturday Special- From Qur Store Only - LEMON ,REG. DREAM tr CAKE 37e Bariluf 1 Bros. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 - CLINTON CLMTON' NEWS -RECORD '.THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1955 Clinton. Club .Entertains. 0-4 do11 Lai nes London Road Club Donates $10 For Resuscitator The February meeting or the London Road Club was held at the home o1' Mrs. W. C. Bennett. President Mrs. William. Watkins opened the meeting with the sing- ing of "My Old Kentucky Home," followed by, the repeating of the creed. ' The roll call "A Childhood Mem- ory" was given by 13 members• and one visitor. The secretary's report was approved as read by Mrs. Joseph Clegg, also letters from the sick and shut-ins. The financial report was given by Mrs. Roy Plumsteel and the flower re- port by Miss Helen Anderson. In reply to a letter from the Chamber of Commerce' in regards to a don- ation to a Resuscitator, the mem- bers decided to donate ten dollars. Miss Helen Anderson had charge of the mystery box and it was won' by Mrs_ James Nott. A sale of homemade candy was conduct- ed among the members and it realized $4.65. The -rest of the afternoon was spent arranging programs for 1955-56. The meeting was closed by the singing of "God Save the Queen" and a social hour was en- joyed. - Dainty. refreshments were ser- ved by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Clegg. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Norman Man- ning. Roll call: "Irish Joke" or a fine of 10c. The program is in the charge of Mrs. VanNinhuy. Hostesses, Mrs: Norman Manning, Mrs. W. Managhan. Specials for March 3-4-5 LARD-Whyte's Pure Ib, 19c PEAS -Blue and Gold Fancy -15 oz. 2 tins 33c 10 oz. 2 tins 25c PINEAPPLE JUICE-Libby's-48 oz. tin 31e SODAS-Weston's 1 Ib. box 29e COTTAGE ROLLS-Peameal ......•..... ......',. Ib. 45c MARGARINE -Solo Ib. 29c SALMON.. -Pink Seal --1 Ib. tin - 45c SHORTENING -Crispy Flake Ib. 23c GREEN ONIONS bunch 05c ORANGES -Sunkist -size 252s doz. 35c APPLES-Spys 'C' Grade- bushel $2.35 THO PSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver Ontario Street Skating Party Ontario Street Church and Tur- ner's United Church held their an- nual congregational skating party, in Clinton Lions. Arena last Fri- day evening. " A large crowd of 400 enjoyed the evening that was featured by broomball, hockey and skating. The hockey game between the men of Turner's and Ontario Street ended in a 2-2 tie. Broom - ball teams led by captains George Levis and Charles Stewart ended with George Levis' team winning out 1-0. Refreshments were ser- ved. Trinity Club At Bayfield Support Guides, Brownies (By our Bayfield correspondent) The regular meeting of the Trinity Club was held at the rec- tory on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ross Middleton presided, opening with the singing of a hymn and prayer. Mrs. J. Cluff gave the scripture reading. Following the routine reports Mrs. John Cluff, Mrs. Spencer Ervine, Mrs, LeRoy Poth and Mrs. William E. Parker volunteered to care for the chur- eh during March. Donations tW $5.00 were voted to both the Guid- es and Brownies. It was decided to hold a sale of baking on the third Saturday in July. Plans were made for members to attend a concert in Clinton this month. Mrs. Arthur Turland offered her home for the April meeting when the guest speaker will be Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner. Mrs. Ross Middleton outlined some basic rules of art and then supervised charcoal sketching by those present, during the lesson, which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs, Middleton pointed out that the basic principles are the same in drawing landscape as in figures. Two very amusing • contests • on "Observance in this Locale" were conducted by Mrs. J. E. Hovey. Prizes were awerded to Mrs. Le- Roy Poth, Mrs. William E. Park- er and Mrs. S. Ervine, Mrs. R. Roddick, ` Mrs. Maynard Corrier co -hostesses assisted Mrs. W. S. Outerbridge in serving refresh- ments. Speaker From India At - Wesley -Willis John' Halla, M.A., Indore, India, was the special and interesting speaker in the Wesley -Willis Un- ited Church last Sunday. In the morning he spoke on the subject of the church in India, and in the evening his subject was "the chal- enge to Christianity in India." The evening service was in the charge of the Young People's Un- ion and included some special music numbers. The male dhoir provided two selections. A young ladies quartet composed of Misses Margaret Holland, "Helen Potter, Sandra Williams and Elizabeth Nediger sang and also a young men's quartet: Beverly Boyes, Donald Andrews, Ronald Steep° and Lloyd Holland. A beautiful message in song was brought by Mrs, Eileen Robbins. itiiMitingramessiM Flowers -y...; sw`f� Itfi�l •. ,kFLt, "Ie Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COQ, E FLORIST Phone 66W - Clinton A quiet atmosphere yin pleasant surroundings. The Clintonian Club of Clinton held its annual banquet re- cently. Members of the London Central Executive Committee of the Mary Hastings Club were guests. 'Standing,from left to right, are: Mrs, H. Managhan, newly -elected president; Mrs. C. 1ielbon; Mrs. W. Wise; Mrs.. M. Crich; Mrs. Jamieson; Mrs. E. Welsh; Mrs., M. Wiltse; Mrs. Ronald MacDonald; Mrs. H. John- ston; Mrs, N. Carter; Mrs, John Middleton; Mrs. Elmer Hair, London; WWIrs.- Maxwell; Mrs. T. Leppington; Mrs. H. Sloman; Mrs. T, O'Connell; Mrs. T. Deeves Front row, left to right: Mrs. Webster; Mrs. Ernest Epps; Mrs. Wilfred Colclough; Mrs. Robert Grand, London president, Central Executive Committee; Mrs. G. Taylor; Mrs. M. Falconer; 54rs. G. Glazier; Mrs. William Glazier. Enrol 28 Brownies hi Clinton Pack At Special Night The enrolment bf 28 Brownies in the 1st Clinton Brownie Pack took place in the Parish Hall of St. Paul's Anglican Church on Thurs- day, 'February 24, with proud -par- ents of the Brownies present. This 28 are under the capable leadership of Miss Grace Dunston, a former officers of the Salvation Army, and at present ,nursing in Clinton Public Hospital. She is assisted by Mrs. Elsie McDonald and Mrs. Marie Brandon. District Commissioner Mrs. E. Cook from Mitchell, was present to perform the enrolment cere- mony. Leading up to ;the enrol- ment the story of the Good Sam- aritan was dramatized by Brown- ies Barbara Corey, Margaret Ad- dison, Ruth Steinberg, Nina Mc- Donald, Carol Sims, Kathleen Watkins, Suzanne Bartliff and Ann Sawchuck. A candlelight ' ceremony com- memorating the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, founders of the organization, was perform- ed by the Brownies, all represent- ing Brownies of the countries where the movement is in prog- ress. Home-made candy served by the Brownies brought to a conclusion a very eventful evening in the -lives of the 1st Clinton. Brownie Pack. 0 • MR. AND MRS. W. ROGERSON MARK SILVER ANNIVERSARY On Saturday evening, February 26 family and relatives of Mr, and Mrs. William Rogerson honoured thein on the occasion of their 25th wedding 'anniversary. A surprise party was held and the evening was spent playing games during which the bride and groom were presented with a chrome table and clfairs. One of the highlights of the day was a telephone call from their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. Bettles, Haney, B.C., extending their best wishes. A delicious lunch brought the even- ing to a close. Founder's Night Marked By Guides Mrs. G. N. Turner Funeral 'Service was . conducted on Tuesday afternoon by Rev, A.', G Eagle in the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, for Mrs, Gebrge ` N. Turner, late of Isaac, Street, Clinton, who died at her home. on Sunday. She was in her 88th year. Pallbearers were I -Toward Johns, Allister Broadfoot, Ivy Henderson, George Shipley, Charles Shipley, Wilfred. Jervis. Interment was in Clinton ;Cemetery: Flower -bearers. were George Turner and Brian Turner. The ';former Caroline Shipley, she was' born in Hullett Township, and spent most of her life in Tuckersmith Township. She and her husband retired to Clinton 28 years ago. She was a member of Turner's United Church, and later of the Ontario Street United Church. Her husband predeceased her in 1954, shortly after celebrating his 90th birthday. Surviving are two sons, Harold, Goderich and John, Tuckersmith Township; one 'laughter, Miss Mary E. Turner, at home. Since last week's meeting of the Girl Gnides marked Found- er's Night, the birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, a short study per- iod, about his life and his work in organizing Guiding and Scout- ing., Following the meeting a court of honour was held. Tenderfoot tests in signals were passed by Gail Orpen and Sally Deeves, Mary Jean Colquhoun, Christine Bridle and Beth Cud - more. Gail Orpen and Sally Deev- es also passed their tests in knots. 0 RCAF WA WILL COLLECT FOR ,FAMILY The Wives Auxiliary of RCAF Station Clinton will meet on Mar- ch 7, at 8.30 p.m. in the Richie building. Will members please bring used clothing and something from the pantry shelf, for the needy family the WA has adopted. Mrs. Jean Barnett will be showing slides of the Yukon. All members and honorary members are'tirvit ed. PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS WILL MEET TUESDAY The Girl's Club of the Presby- terian Church will meet on Tues- day evening, at 8.15 p.m. in, the Sunday School room of the church. 0 ONTARIO STREET WMS WILL MEET TUESDAY The. Women's Missionary Soc- iety • of Ontario Street United Church will meet in the church hall on Tuesday, March 8. 0 SLAFORTH MAN SEEN IN FILM PRODUCTION Howard Kerr, son of Mrs. James Kerr, Seaforth, and principal of the Ryerson School of Technology, Toronto, recently appeared on TV in a National Film Board picture featuring his school. - Seaforth News. On a per capita basis Canada imported more goods than any other country in the world during 1953. urth %erLiiies Sunday, March 6, 1955 1Ce>'iep� 1ItUi�Einiteb Churtb Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Christ the Liberator" • 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 p.m. -'Church School 7.30 p.m. -Union Evening Service in the Ontario Street United Church HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m. -Church Service and Sunday School Come To Tho blouse of Prayer Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service - 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service EVERYONE WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread ...:11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 pm. - Prayer and Bible Study. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A. Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist • Sunday,'March 6 10.00 a.m.-The Church School - 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship Subject for meditation "Fashionable Religion" Children's Story KNOX CHURCH, HAYFIELD 2.30 p.m. -Divine Worship Wednesday, March 16 - Men's Club Wednesday, March reserve FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Holy Comrrfunion and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service Preacher, Mr. F. Kirby Wednesday, March 9-8.15 p.m.- Friendship .m:Friendship Club in Parish Hall Wednesday, March 9-7.30 p.m. - Lenten Service. Joseph Street GOSPEL' HALL • CLINTON ALL WELCOME Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00' p.m. -Children's Meeting 7,00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Invites you to services each Sunday in the Orange Hall, Bayfield, at .3.30 p.m., until the new church is completed. • Speaker: " I. Bodenham. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, March 4 - 4.15 p.m. -- Happy Happy Hour '8,00' p.m. -Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, March 6, 1955 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00; a.m.--Morning Worship 7,30 n.m.-Evening Gospel Service Tuesday, March 8 -Prayer Service and Bible Study Everyone Is Welcome, ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A.. B.D. ORGANIST: -MRS. E. WENDORP 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.30 p.m. --Sunday School 7.30 p,m,-Filmstrip "When the Healer Caine" TURNER'S CIVIRCH° 2.00 p.m. -Filmstrip "When the Healer Cant," 3.00 p'.m.-Sunday ^^nmol COMMOTION!. In the report of the Mothers' Study Group meeting' last week, the name Miss Doane, referring to the guest speaker, was incorrect, The name should have been Miss Stone. CUPS and SAUCERS 29c each 4 for 93c John A. Anstett Jeweller Phone 562 - Clinton YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION (As Constii?uted for Provincial Purposes) Annual Meeting Hensall Town Hall ThursdayMarch 10t , Ot h at 8.30 p.m. Special Speaker: ,.. . Robert McCubbin, M.P. Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture WILFRED GREGORY, Q.C. FRANK HARBER President, the Ontario Liberal President, Western Ontario Association (North) Liberal Association and others -Officers will be elected and other important ' business transacted. IVAN IKALBFLEISCH W. G. COCHRANE ROY LAMONT President Secretary Treasurer "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" 9-b • We -Specialize • • • • CHILDREN'S WEAR GIRLS -Cradle to College BOYS -up, to 12 years • LADIES' WEAR. • DRYGOODS • KENWOOD BLANKETS • PATTERNS- - - SIMPLICITY and MCCALL MARTIN ui Department Store CLINTON ONTARIO 4•p-e-•ees---e WANTED.-.. GOOD CLEAN - LATE MODEL USED CARS SEE, and TEST DRIVE The Wonderful New. '55 Pontiac &Buick LARGE SELECTION OF ALL 'MODELS ANSON GILBERT MOTORS Pontiac - Buick --- G.M.C. SEAFORTH ` PHONE 461 HEAT LAMPS FOR' Poultry and Livestock Raising We now have. the CLEAR oi: RED 250 -WATT High Quality Heat Lamps at a new Low Price. See also the 2 -LAMP cnnd 4 -LAMP AUTOMATIC ' INFRARED BROODERS. This is byfar the most economical way to brood chickens or livestock. "Be Wise! - Buy From a Service Dealer" PHILIPS :: PHILCO :: DUMONT & CROSLEY TV Merrill Radio and Electric i. PlIONE' 313 ,CLINTON