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Clinton News Record, 1955-02-10, Page 6
PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1955 News of Bayfield MISS, LLUCY it; WOODS o soni Billy Parker, London, w e a h from Thursday to Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard London, Spent Sunday in the vil- lage. Miss A.' M. Stirling returned home last week after visiting in Toronto. Miss Barbara and Bobby.Bran don, London, were home over the weekend. Tony Pugh and family, Royal Oak,. Mich., were at their cottage oyer the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baird, Lon, don, are spending a' few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon. Representative ' - Notice i h Towas pof Tuckersinith To -facilitate snow re- moval operations the public. is requestednotto park cars. or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months. And notice is' hereby giv- en that the Township will .not be responsible for an ddmages caused to such. vehicles osa result of snow- plowing operations. E.. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, . Township of Tuckerslnith 6-b , Phone BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Weston left on Thursday last to visit their son, Grafton, and family in Londonf Mrs. John Davison who has been in indifferent health was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday. Mr.- and Mrs, J. H. Parker left on Saturday to spend a week with their daughter, Mrs, Keith Pruss and family, London. Mrs. Roy Scotchmer Bronson' Line, Stanley Township, is in Clin- ton Public hospital •where• she un- derw'ent surgery on Monday. •Mr ,and Mrs. Charles H. Scotch- mer", Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Er- vine and Mr. and Mrs. ;J.; Scotch- mer spent the weekend in Toronto. Corp. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson and two 'children of Saskatoon, moved from 'Toronto on Friday last into J. E. "Howard's house on Louisa street. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Gray, London, visited her mother, Mrs. H. A, . Lawson, and sister, Mrs. Maynard Corrie and family on Sunday: Mr: and Mrs. J. M. Sttwart.1eft on Monday on a motor trip to New Orleans vyhere they will be for the Mardi Gras before .going on to Mexico. -Harold Weston, Ferndale, Mich;, accompanied by his father, George Weston, ,who. is spending the, win- ter with. him, were in the village on Thursday last. Guardsman Bob Orr who has been in training at Camp.Peta- wawa arrived on Friday to spend two weeks' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. There was anattendance of 12 at the regular meeting of - the AYPA held at the rectory on Wed- nesday evening of last ; week. A quiz program was enjoyed: 'Miss' Helen Blair, accompanied by Douglas Wright, Alliston,' and Miss Ethel Blair, accompanied, by Charles Guest, London, spent the weekend wth. their 'parents, ,VIr. and Mrs. Robert Blair. Mrs, David Ormond and three children who were visiting her husband's parents, returned to Plymouth, Mich.;' on Thursday last with H. H. Ormond who was ' in Detroit 'for a couple of days. ' • United WA ' The Womani'• Association of $t. Andrew's United' Church met' at the home of the Misses A, M , . and E. 3, Stirling on Thursday last. The meeting was opened by the. singing of the hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers." The president, Mrs. Gordon Scotchmer, ; gave a reading on "Co-operation." The secretary's and' treasurer's reports wereread and accepted, Mrs. Len Talbot gave a very hum- orous reading, "Are you a good member?" Mrs. Charles Scotch- mer'then read a poem, "Which are You?„ Mrs. Gladwin'Westlake reported on the repair work to be done in the parsonage. Itwas decided to send =a_ donation to the .March of Dimes. Dates were chosen for bazaars in July and August. Miss E In Stirling closed the meeting with a prayer after which lunch was, served by' the hostess and committee. IT WILL PAY YOU, TOO! GET THE FACTS! CaII Vic Dinnin COI RO. Box'190 Zurich, Ont. Phone 168 Managed & distributed by Investors MEW 01110E•WRITE6 VMSnMIdPALCmFS 144 Syndicate of Canada Limited APPLICATIONS Township of Stanley The Connell of the 'Township of Stanley, will receive applications for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for 1955 All applications to be .in. writing, and to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, l'Iarch 5, 1955. (Signed) FRED WATSON, Clerk, Bayfield, Ontario 6-b TENDERS Township of Stanley Council of the Township of Stanley will receive sealed tenders for ' Spraying of Cattle in the Township for Warble Fly. A1i tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'olopk noon, Saturday, March 5, 1955..;, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • 6-b (Signed) FRED WATSON, Clerk, Bayfield, Ontario Engines last longer . ruebetter with United AVMS The Woman's Association ,,,of St. of the United Church: met on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of the Misses Stirling. In spite of the very cold weather there was a fine attendance of Bad Luck On The Waterfront Siddel's Boat Loses Wheel In Ice (By our Banfield Correspondent) Ed Siddel raninto a bit of bad luck last week with his steel tug, the "Vary Br •" other s He was bucking" ice in•Goderich harbour at the end of the north pier. He turned the boat around, andin backing, got stuck' at the end of the northwest breakwater.' Siddel .left the- tug inthe ice. On Wednesday morning when he started her up again,' the propel- lor came off. When repeated at- tempts AO- raise the lost part fail- ed, he thought that he would have to sendfor a diver. But Bert Mac- Donald came to the rescue: In- geniously, this veteran sailor and fisherrrian,, who is so well-known around Goderich i harbour, rigged up grappling chains and brought up the missing .,heel on Friday. The ice had sheared off the key shaft and wheel. The "Vary Brothers," was towed to the end of the north pier where. Macdonald helped her owner rig up a standard. Her ballast was shifted to the bow, ,and she was' hoisted up with chains. Work is The chapter of the study book, "The Church in India" was given by Mrs. F. Watson and Mrs. A. Dunn, and the president,; Mrs, J. Scotchmer, conducted the meeting. °.A 'bele"of clothing for Korea is in process of being collected and some ,20 ards of flannelette has been pu. ased: to make children's clothing or the bale. In order to, defray this expense, an auction was held of food and novelties, and the whole amount raised very quickly. Arrangements were made for the World Day' of. Prayer : meeting Which will be held in St. Andrew's Church on Friday afternoon, Feb- ruary 25. A cordial invitation is extended to all women in the vil- lage and neighbourhood to attend this meeting. -- Trinity Guild._ - The regular pieeting of Trinity Guild was .held at the home of Mrs. George Adams on Tuesday evening with an attendance of ten. The president, Mrs. Percy Weston, was in the chair and conducted the opening exercises. The minutes of the last meeting as read by the secretary, Mrs. Fred Weston, were approved. Mrs. R. Larson read the treasurer's report. It was deckled -to send a dona- tion to the Diocese of Caledonia for missionary needs.. Arrange- ments to set up a quilt imiiiediat- ely at the Albion Hotel, and to, sponsor a euchre party at the New Ritz Hotel before Lent were eom- pleted. The proceeds from the euchre party are to go to the parish hall building fund. It was also decided that the proceeds from one bazaar and one tea to be held In the summer be devoted to this purpose. Materials far aprons were given out by the bazaar committee, Mrs, R Larson, Mrs. A. Turland, and Mrs. R. Fitzsimons. The day of meetingwas changed to the second. Monday off, each month. Following the benediction, the hostess served tea. Manufacturing produces nearly one-third of Canada's national In- come-. more than twice the in- come from agriculture. J. S Scruton Oils Greases Gasoline Petroleum' Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR. progressing 'on her this week. A shaft Will have to be pulled out and taken to a machine shop to get the key re -seated, After the `shalt has, been drawn, the hole will be plugged and the tug, which is .in a precarious position ltion were the wind to shift, will, be 'towed into Goderich harbour. There she will be hoistedwith a steamboat winch- to complete repairs. Ed Siddenis doing the work, as- sisted by the MacDonalds. , Mac MacDonald took Siddel's crew • out on Sunday and Monday to' lift all. his nets. The total catch was a ton: of perch, The nets will not be set again until the Vary Broth- ers," is operating. Donnie McLeod brought the "W J. McLeod" from Goderich into the home port on Sunday. Due to the shifting'ice-he had not been able, at time of writing, to locate his nets set before the harbours were iced, in. • Toms brothers" and R. L. Mac- Millen ,harvested: a fine crop of river ice 9h Saturday. They -re- s beingexceptionally portitagood and. from 12" to 13" -thick. Knox Church At Bayfield Reports ''Oh January 18 the hiiembers an• adherents of Knox• Presbyterian Church, Bayfield, met for the an- nual business meeting. Following devotion led hY' Rev, 11 J. Lane, the congregation appointed • Mrs. Anna Brown as secretary, and she read the minutes, of the previous meeting 'of January last year. Reports of the organizations were given with that of the Kirk Session, which revealed that there had been only one member remov- ed` by death;•duringg the year, though the moderator had conduct- ed 12 funerals' outside the con- gregation. The sacraments had been regularly observed. The'Ses- sion report expressed the -hope that vacation month services might be continued, with St. Paul's Ang- lican Church, Clinton, as hereto- fore. The official church mag- azine had been placed in every home, and the missionary budget allocation was accepted. Mrs. Nelson Heard submitted the report of the -Woman's Mis- sionary .Society showing regular attendance at 12 meetings, collec- tion of clothing for the Presbyter- ..-.-r++.0a 5 VARNA Miss Rachel Johnson has been visiting relatives at Cornwall and Toronto. She returned on Sunday. William McAsh and Herb Steph- enson motored to Florida last week to spend a couple of weeks in the. south. New headers New members are joining the library here, There is still a need for many more. The annual fee is $1 per family. Several _new books have been placed on the library _shelves. Sita'ting Party The Gosheiit''and Varna YPU entertained the members of the Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street Young People`S Unions, Clinton, at a skating party in the Varna rink on Monday night. The ice was hi good condition and a very enjoy- able time was spent. Lunch was served in the base- ment of the United Church. The young people are grateful to Mrs, Mel Webster and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter for assisting at the luneh, and to those in charge of the rink for reserving the ice for the party. PORTER'S HILL +-entre -i•.-r-.+.-r +r+++ Community Club The Porter's Hill Community Club will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, February 16 at the home of Mrs. William Townshend. Croklnole Party The Young People's Union of Grace United Church held a crok' inole party on Friday evening last in the church basement. Prizes were as follows: high lady, Mrs. 111. Hicks; high man, Willis Bell; low lady, Patsy Cox; low man, Fred Horton. Lunch was served. You can depend nn Chryco Micronic 0i1 Filters to reduce engine wear and improve ens gine performance. Chryco Micronic Oil 'niters have 571 square inches of filtering area compared to, only 69 square inches for ordinary filters. - That 's ilters.That's over 8 times the filtering surfacel;No wonder Chryco Micronic Oil Filters do a better job of removing grit, sludge and ALL VALUES EFFECTIVE F ,!LLL -O JELLY POWDERS, 3pkgs. 27 CLARK'S --48 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE 29 QUAKER -'MUFFETS .' .,.:. 2 pkgs. 31 BEE RIVE CORN SYRUP .... 2 lbs. 2 MAPLE LEAP -13,44 oz. tin SOCKEYE SALMON' 39 ELLMAILR-16 oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 35 NESTLES QUiCK 8 oz. tin 31 16 oz tin- -59 '/2 Price Deal— VEL or FAB' ' 5 MAPLE LEAF LiQUiD DETERGENT :.., 39c GOODMCK MARGARINE .,... '1 lb. 39c ROM FEB. 10 TO FEB. 16 Hereford c Corned Beef 39c c Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix 21c c NABOB- 1 lb.'biag• x. 9c COFFEE: $1.17 • c Royal Instant' Pudding— V2 Price -2 pkgs. 21c O White Swan a Toilet Tissue, 2 rolls 25c c Brunswick 9c Sardines 3 tins 27c So ... for faster more other harmful elements from efficient MIs inn let us engine oil. HAVE YOUR 011. I;!LT1ER CHECKED NOW! *011500 is a trademark of the Chrysler'' Corporation of Canada, !.united install a Chryco M'cronic. Oil Filter or Filter Ele- ' ment in your car or truck. They're engineeredand ..guaranteed'by the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. MURPHY BROS. CHRYSLER—PLYMOUTH—FARG'fO Sales and .Service PHONE 465 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT. eioANT SIZE Sv peel SALE 6Z( PRICE MEATS BOLOGNA By the piece Ib. 25c WEINERS .; 3 lbs. $1.00 Fruits and Vegs. Golden Yellow Bananas Ib., 19c Polly Bogs Apples— Macs, Spies, 3 Ib bag 39c Imported 20 oz. bags Carrots 2 for 29c Cooking Onions .,. 3 Ib. bag 25c ane- nnenI+ n -nn +-+$+H+ Mr. and. Mrs. Charles'Snelling; were nn Hamilton Sunday awing to the . death of Mrs. Snelling'5„ niece, Mrs. Lee Russell. BRUCEFIELD Miss Phyllis Lobb is absent from, school with the mumps. Mr, and, Mrs. George Andersen spent Saturday in London.. Milani McDowell, Westfield, is spending a few days with his sis- ter;n-law, Mrs. W. Stackhouse. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and family, Stratford, spent Sun- day with Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon Elliott. ,Mr. and, Mrs. J. K. Cornish at- tended the funeral of Mr. Cornish's cousin,Harry Morris; in Sarnia on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A.,2apfe, Byron, spent the. weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Y. Aldwinkle and other friends in the village. nal bale, and the treasurer, Mrs.. Ida Menery reported a good :in- crease. in the contributions over last -year. - • The Church School had an en- couraging report given by Mrs: Vernon Oesch. It showed an in- crease inenrolment and -was self- supporting., The congregation ex- pressed its appreciation forthe excellent work of the Church School staff. A special effort - of the women during the summer made possible the complete decoration of the basement of the church; the pur- chase of a new stove for the kit- chen, and new communion linen. This report was given by Mrs. J. Richardson. The general treas"user's state- ment revealed . the healthy finan- cial condition of the church. With all expenses cared for,' a balance of $407 brought an expression of - gratitude to all contributors. The bonds owned by the trustees add to this surplus. On motion, it was agreed to re- munerate the organist and treasur- er fortheir faithfulness. The congregation voted to ac- cept the allocation for missionary purposes sent down from the Pres- bytery for 1955. The election of officers for 1955 resulted as follows: trustees, A. Armstrong, C. Houston; board of managers, C. Houston, D. Talbot, William Armstrong, G. Westlake, R. McVean, R. Heard; ushers, V. Oesch, R. Heard; organist,,,,Mrs. Anna Brown, with Mrs, A. Arm- strong, Mrs. J. Richardson and Mrs, Ormond as assistants; flower committee, Mrs, D. Talbot Miss L. Greer; church officer, to be ap- pointed by the managing board. Treasurer of congregation, W. Armstrong. A vote of thanks was tendered the minister for his min- istrations during another year. Following the business meeting, tbose present enjoyed light refresh- ments hi the recently decorated basement, served by the women, The annual meeting was closed with prayer. Keep Your Barrs Free From Odours And Dry WITH A Sheld'on. Stable Fan O Economical © Easy ,to instal © Changes the oir four times an hour in the stable, J. H. Brunsdon Phone 15 Clinton: IIAC May beWa nin Backache is often caused by lazy kidney. action. When; kidneys, get out of order,. excess acids' and wastes remainin the system. ' Then backache, disturbed rest: orthat tired -out and heavy -headed feeling: may soon, follow/. That's the time to take Dodds: Kidney Pills;: l)odd's stimulate, the kidneys, to normal action. Then ysos: feel better—sleep better—work better Get Dodds,Kidney,Piils:now. St FARMERS • We :.are ahlpping..eattle. every' Saturday for,. Untied Co -o ratives of 'Ontario and'solicit y peyour patronage. Wewill pick them" up, at ,your Farm... Please PROMS COLLECT not later than, Friday. nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative B. S. Hunt,. Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-ttb CLINTON S MEMORIAL SHOP O OPEN EVERY FRIDAY At other times contact J. J. Zopfe, phone Clinton, 103. Residence, Rattenbury Street East T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON --- EXETER , -- SEAFORTH ., PHONE. ' . WRITE . SEE Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. for A Malting Barley Contract Don't Wait Limited Supply of Seed Available We also supply FERTILIZER with Contracts 5-tfb We con give you top quality service!; • GREASING—Only Cities Service, grease and oils used. , WASHING—Keep your car free from rust spots witho regular wash job. • TIRES -11.F. Goodrich — elf sizes. "• BATTERIES—Cities Service. South End Cities Service PHONE 602 CLINTON • The Bourke family in' the BO cafeteria (left to right):. Laurent 21, Ton Testing, Montreal— Huguollo,.24, Tell Operator, Montreal—Lucie, 17, Stenographer, Montreal—Guy, 24, Central Office, 50. Lomiert Plant - $udonne, 20, Stenographer, Montreal-Gealon, 25, Toll Testing, Montreal. -. The Bourkes work at the Bell! tway'back in 1922, a young man by the name of Arthur Bourke joined our company. Little did he realize that his`children—all six of them -would follow in his footsteps to careers at the Bell. Today Mr. Bourke Would be mora thaii proud of his handsome family. We know we are!' The Bourkes, like all telephone pedple, know from their own experience that the Bell is "agood place to work", They have found pleasant 'associates and oM interesting work at good wages. They have alio.. found satisfaction and opportunity in serving the public in an essential business. And this is as it should be, for good tele- phone servicedepends upon people who like - their jobs, and convey this feeling to our customers. This is the feeling that is largely responsible for "the spiritof service" you find in Bell_ employees wherever you meet -'then. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY- OF CANADA