HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-02-10, Page 5ll'HURSDAYFEBRHARY 10, 1955 • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVK " Classified Rates Rates CASH RATE -- (If paid by • Wednesday following date of in:. sertipn)—Two Gents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); •subsequent insertions 11/2 cents a word Jrninirratin 35 cents); • 15 cents extra for box number or ' ler direction to NEWS -RECORD • Office. F CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE—.12 noon, Wednes- ACCOMMODATION for,RENT :•ROOMER OR BOARDER, one ,alone or two sharing: ' phone Clin- 5ton 454J. • - 6-p •. FURNISHED TWO -ROOM apart - 1 Merit.Available immediately. !Phone Clinton 73J. 6-b 1 • ;'.,R001VIERS OR BOARDERS. Ap- ply Hanly, across from RCAF Station, Clinton or Phone Clinton e619r21. , • 6-p :UNFURNISHED SEVEN ROOM house, three •bedrooms, new fur- • nace, hot and cold „water on tap. • ,Phone Bayfield 53r2. 3tfli •;POUR ROOM HEATED APART - silent private bathroom, ground 'floor, tuiturnished or partly fur- nished. Available last of February. :Phone Clinton 368W. 6-p Accommodation Wanted REQIRRE ;TO RENT BY EARLY 'March. ,House (with or without ,option to purchase) with minimum ,of fourorooms. Young married oouple with three small children. °WM consider anything. Handy at repairs. Write Box 61, Clinton News -Record. 6-b ARTICLES WANTED :PACKAGE FRONTS from Mon- arch products are being collected °by Clinton Girl Guides and Brown- ies. Give 3tours to a Guide or 'Brownie you know,. Phone Clinton 189R. for information. •6-p ARTICLES FOR SALE SPECIAL THIS WEEK: 21 -INCH Motorola floor model TV, reg. •$329—on sale $279. One only. Phone T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, -phone Clinton 634r4. •6-b NEW LOW PRICES ON RCA Vietor Televisioe. 17" table mod- els $199.50 and up. See them at T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634r4. • 1-tfb TV Ili! FOR A "It/NG" — We 'Rent — Move --install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation phone Goderich 1344M, 6tf13 TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED .on or before March 1 for the per- ' ,chase of a 1952 Mercury % ton pick-up truck; also one West Test :Set and a Weston Model 697 Volt- ,Ohm-Milliameter, 2 sets of Buffalo 'Grips for pulling wire and 2 sets of lineman's spurs and belts. Any ,of the above items may be tender - 'ed for separately. For inspection .of same contact apy one of the commissioners, John Watson, Clar- .erme Sturdy or. Edgar Rathwell. Address, tenders to Chas. E. Wise, 'secretary -treasurer, Goderich Municipal Telephone System, Clin- AtITOMOBILES FOR SALE 1950 HILLMAN. For particulars phone Clinton 424. •6-b 1951 PLYMOUTH DELUXE, four= 'door sedan. Sacrifice for cash. Contact Al Sharp. 6-p 1941 CHEVROLET. $130 or near- est offer. For further information contact Rev. W. Outerbridge, Trin- ity Rectory, Hayfield, Phone Bay- field 61r3. 6-p BABY CHICK$ BRAY CHICKS, Dayold, started. • Most varieties available. A_gent: • Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. BUSINESS Accommodation for Rent STORE NOW OCCUPIED BY *atutoa Farm Supply, Albert St. • Available immediately. •Contact -Neil Campbell, P.O. Box 419, Clin- ton, or phone Clinton 443J, 1-tfb. CUSTOM WORK .PICTURE FRAMING — We are •now equipped to do picture fram- ing, Good selection of mouldings. MacLaren's Studio. 42tfb WILL DO SEWING, Fancy Ma- chine embroidery, outwork, scal- lops; monograms, applique quilts. Specializes in kiddie's clpthes. Slip .covers. Phone Clinton 616r3. 6-b ,=•••=_. EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTED—Female°' GIRL WANTED as Hairdresser's assistant. Contact Charles House of Beauty. • • 61) FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE HALF OF A FAT SOW, weight about 650 pounds. Mao. portions. F. Hessels, RR 4, Clinton, phone Chilton 800r23. YORKSHIRES. FOUR SOWS, due in around a nionth's tirne; one hqg; serviceable age. Further particin- ars from Arnold Jamieson, phon'e Clinton 616r33. 6-b ton,• - 6-7-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS OLD. Orville Webber, Varna, phone Clin- ton 623r11, 6-b LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old, sick and disabled horses and cattle, animals bled out. Phone Leroy Acheson, .Atwood, 153, col- lact.346-b WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21.• 9-ptfb LOST AND FOUND LOST —, BILLFOLD in Clinton near tbe main intersection, lost on Monday. Wine coloured. Some money inside. Reward. Leave at News -Record office. 6-p LOGS WANTED!! HARD MAPLE and • BASSWOOD No. 1-15" and over, straight, clear, sound $110.00 per M. No. 2-14" to 15", straight, clear, sound $85.00 per M. No, 3—Straight Logs, under No. 1 and No, 2 grade • $75.00 per M. Above prices cover Maple and Basswood logs delivered at our ,plant. Goderich Manufacturing Company, Limited, Goderich • Phone Goderich 62 6-7-b MISCELLANEOUS VISIT COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. 6-p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used,' Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10,00 a.m. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays, 6-tfb LIVESTOCK FEEDERS, Farmers —here's good news. We now have available Egmont Minerals for all livestock, which supply all min- erals that your animals could poss- ibly require at a price which will surprise you, Guaranteed apalysis, fully registered with the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Com- pares as good or better than any mineral food on the market, re- gardless' of price. Egmont Minerals are very palatable without the ad- dition of highly flavoured ingred- ients. Get the facts. Phone, write or call at the farm. T. W. Van- Egmond, Clinton, Phone 805r13. 50-7-b • PROPERTY FOR SALE LOT FOR SALE -36' x 70', vacant on Fulford Street. Phone Clinton 233W. 6-p CHOICE BUILDING LOT, east end of Princess Street, close to schools. Lloyd Hatitin, phone Clin- ton 692W. 4-5-6-p LOTS FOR SALE. BUILDING lots in good residential section, close to schools. Act now for best choice. W. N. Counter. 6-p FIVE LOTS IN "Little England" for sale immediately, All in one area. Best offer. Phone Clinton 640W. 51 to 3p-tfb PET STOCK SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS, two months old. Nicely marked. 55.00 each, Phone Clinton 722W3. 6-b PERSONAL • • 'DUTCH pm, DESIRES house- work, by the week. Good refer- -ences if 'desired. Phone Clinton .616r4. EXPERIENCED WOMAN desires housework, by the week. Can give good references if desired. Con- tact Clinton News -Record, Box 51 5-6-b 'FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale. ALLIS CHALAVIERS W.C. Tractor and New Idea manure spreader. Phone Clinton 454J. 5,• 6-7-b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR :sale. L. l. Winter, Real Estate.1 Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb • Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G: Pickett, phOt Clinton 761M. 1-1fb FURNITURE FOR SALE 'CONTINENTAL BED, Full Size. Two years old. le good condition. 'Phone Clinton 424. WILL THE PERSON who took men's Gruen wristwatch from the locker .at Air Force base, Bar- racks 5-75, Room 305, please re- turnsame to -230170, ACI Finn, J."5,, 328 Mary Ave., Renfrew, On- tario, 6-7-8-b SEED FOR SALE A QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY seed Apply Kenneth Trewartha, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 521W4. ° • 6-p SALESMAN WANTED AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN want- ed... Bein business foryourself full or part time, selling ,daily he - comities. • Wherever yoti , may live there's an opening for you. FAM ILEX, Montreal 24. 6-b TENDERS WANTED - TENDERS WANTED BY 81I -IE Town of Clinton. Tenders for structural glass entrance to Town Hall and alterations to vestibule. Specifications for above work are available at cleric's office. Tenders must be received by February 23 by the undersigned. Lowest or acv BIRTHS )3ERUBE—In Clinton Public. Hos- pital, on Thursday, February 3, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, Andre Berude, R.R. 5, Clinton, a daugh- ter. BRADSHAVVe-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, February 8, 1955, to Mr. anci'Mrs. Gordon Bradshaw, Brussels, a son. BRANDON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, February 3, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Brandon, Bayfield, a son. GOOD—In Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Monday, February 7, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs, Russell Geod, Londesboro, a. daughter. JENKINS—In 'Clinton Public Hos- pital, on IVIonclay, February 7, 1955, to Mr., and Mrs.William Jenkins, Clinton, a daughter. KNOTT—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, •February 6, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knott Clinton, a son: MOFARLANE—in Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, February 4, 1955; to Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane, Brucefield, a daugh- ter. McRAE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday,, February 9, 1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Lorne McRae, Clinton, a son. - MARRIAGES McFARLIN-BRANT--In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Mount Forest, on Saturday, January 29, 1955, by Rev. F. C. Sutherst, Beyerlee Marie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brant, Mount Forest (formerly of Clinton) to Ran- dall George McFarlin, RCAF Station, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Randall AlcFarlin, Mount Forest. Three Fires Near Seafortit Same Day A chimney fire at the home of the Tuckersmith Township Reeve Jame Doig, about five miles southeast of Seaforth, was brought under control quickly by-.Seaforth firemen last Thursday. This was the second of three fire alarnas the same day for the Seaforth brigade. The first call to the home of William Sproat, and, occupied by Mrs. Annie Arn- old, was also to a chimney fire. Here, the house was a total loss, when the supply of water failed, The Fire Chief J. F. Scott estim- ated the loss at $5,000. A third call in the afternoon was to an unexplained fire in the boiler r000m of the Ben Industries bald- ing, where the blaze was cauickly brought under control. Damage was figured at about $100. Firemen said this was the first tune in the history of Seaforth when three calls were received in one day. • WHY SETTLE FOR LESS THAN $10,000 IN A k'EAR. The days are gone When a "few thousand" a year salary was . en- ough for a man to take care of his family, buy a new car, and "salt some away for the future". It you are a middle-aged man who has reached the "ceihng" on your earnings and now want to make good in a new field, we can make you a fine offer to join our or- ganization, where top men are paid up to $12,000 In a year. • Middle-aged men, 45 -50 -55 -and up —are perticularly qualified for our type of business, where earnings start at once, Bert Lichti began on part-time basis—when he start- ed full-time with us, averaged 5787.31 per month his first three months. John , Christensen aver- aged 5752.55 earnings per month his first seven months, G, A. Hol- land, new man starting mid -year, earned 52,194.36 in three-month period.• Average of over 5700 per Month. Paul Fraser, new man, earned $152,27 his very first work- ing day. These are unusual earn- ings of top men. Like earnings are available to you because we do not put a ceiling 00 your income, In spite of shortages in other busi- nesses, our volume is expanding at a terrific rate. We have an open- ing in the Clinton area, for a•rnan Over 45. The man we want must be high grade (not high pressure), ambitious and sincere. Earnings are paid in advance, no investment is needed, no collections, no deliver- ies. Excellent home office coopera- tion. 'Write a personal letter to our ylce-President, Dept. 0-3, P.O. Box 88, Station 01, Danforth, Toronto 6, Ontario. 6-b - WOOD FOR SALE WOOD AND CEDAR POSTS for sale. Phone Clinton 601W1, 6-7-p FOR SALE 11/2 STOREY, 8 -ROOM Dwelling— which includes (3 room), with bath, self-contained heated apartment, with separate ent- rance, New oil heating furnace; modern conveniences; garage; good location. —0- 6 -ROOM DWELLING. Modern conveniences, Hot water heat- ing: Price $6000, fell0031 DWELLIN(. Modern conveniences, hot water heating with oil, Ideal location. 100 -ACRE FARM— bank barn, 50'x60' ; I Vz -S torey Dwelling; hydro; drilled well. 100 -ACRE IRM -2 -Storey Brick Dwelling; modern com,•enierices; good barn; also gobd dwelling for hired hlp; ideal location.. 1 LOT—.76'x126', Good location. 1 LOT -- 66'x165'. Good location. 14 C. tAWS01‘ • REALTOR tender not necessarily accePted. Phone 251.1W .—Clinton L. D. Holland, Clerk, Town of Clinton. DEATHS ASQUITH—At the home of his ROXY THEATRE son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and CLINTON WMresdneWsdayj, MFeabuireusa'ryEin3b, r°1'o5laying—10-12 on PFeb. Robert James Asquith, i95n his 92nd year. Funeral service from "lier Twelve 1VIen the Keith Arthur funeral home, Auburn, on Friday, February 5. Interment was in Ball's Ceme- Greer Gerson tries to teach the tery. 3 R's to 12 boys in an exclusive CARTER—At the General Hospi- boys' school — with the happiest al, Chatham, on Monday Feb- ruary 7, 1955, Lillian Fer.guson, beloved wife of the late William J. Carter, in her 78th year. Fun eral service from the 13eatti funeral home, Rattenbury Stree East, Clinton, on Wednesday February 9. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. RUSSELL—Suddenly, on Friday ,February 4, 1955, at her home 356 CraigroySton Rd., Hamilton Jessie Isabel Caldwell (formerly of Londesboro), wife of Lee Rus. 'sell, in her 39th year. RYAN—At the home of her dau- ghter, near Dublin, on Sunday, February 6, 1955, Margaret • Catherine Baier, vvife of Peter Ryan, (mother of Mrs. W. S. "Bert" Gliddon, Clinton), in her 74th year. Requiem high mass was sung in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Wednesday, February 9. Interment was made in St. Patrick's Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM GREER--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Robert G. Greer, who passed away two years ago, February 13, 1953: "He's is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are ever near. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con- cealed." —Sadly missed by his wife and family. 6-b Cards of Thanks We would like to thank our friends in the Auburn, Brucefield and Goderich areas for their ldnd expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement. REV. and IVIRS. W. MAINES and Family. 6-p We would like to express our sincere thanks to our many &len& and neighbours for their thought- fulness and kindness during our recent bereavement, — ROBERT CREE AND JACK 6-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Jesuits you have seen in a long time. — GREER, GARSON and ROBERT RYAN MON., TUES. & WED. Feb,. 14-16 "Yankee Pasha" The story of a rec4less Yankee trader., who ruled forbidden Mor- occo. Based on a widely -read noveL Jeff Chandler - Rhonda Fleming " AT PARK TELEPHONE THE 1150 NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Gary Cooper - Susan Hayward ruchura widmaric Three adventurers help to rescue a man trapped in a Mexican , gold mine by natives—Only , one man can survive — Thrilling outdoor drama. The Garden. of Evil -- In Technicolor, Cinemascope --- MON., TUES. & WED. Adult Entertainment Ronald Regan - Dewey Martin Steve Forest Korean " war prisoners suffer in Corrununist hands — A true-to-life picture taken from official files. "Prisoner of War" — lit Technicolor — Coming—Feb. 17-19 Coming: "THREE YOUNG TEXANS" "Ride Clear of Diablo'? Mitzi Gaynor - Jeff Hunter tit Technicolor with Susan Cabot oleiwneememesnmemememenee TA,„LCAPITAL TELEPHONE , 47 NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat., nod Cameron - Joan Leslie 4olln Russell A Korean war veteran wins a mine by trickery — Then runs into real ' crooks who are.,after both his mine and his girl. "Hell's Outpost" MON., TUES. & WED. Hag° Haas.- Beverly Michaels A young girl marries a widower -- to escape -from her dull life—Then attempts to murder him. `PICKUP • Coming: "The Law vs. Billy the Kid" with Scott Brady and Betty St John , HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY OF FUEL THESE DAYS? Be ready for that quick drop in temper- ature! Order your win- ter fuel supply (PtIOW ORDER FUEL NOW A. G. Grigg & Son Phone 74W — Clinton C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH T. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELPLIOTT, Auctioneer K, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk _SPECIALS for FEBRUARY 10-11-12 SUGAR, Granulated - 10 lbs. -193c JAM, Stuart's Raspberry -24 oz. jar ; 35c CATSUP, Aylmer -l'-11 oz. bottle 21c SALMON, Maple Leaf Sockeye tin 39c MILK, Carnation—large tin 2 for 27c PEAS, Square Deal -15 oz. tin 2 for 25c CORN, Glen Valley -15 oz. tin 2 for 23c LARD, Schneider's - _. 2 lbs. 43c SHORTENING, Domestic lb. 27c ORANGES, Sunkist --size 252s doz. 35c POTATOES—Ontario No. 1...... ... . .. 10 lbs. 39c 'CARROTS 3 it; .- cello bag 23c THOMPSON S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 •We Deliver TELEVISION.9 NOT WORKING • Call 482 For FAST EXPERT TECHNICAL SERVICE TO ALL MAKES GAI.BRAITH Radio and Television (.0,4411,0N•41.41N0n0.04. o ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker' EXPERT. WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Sulova, Gruen and Cyoua Watches BLUE. RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode ,Dinnerware Visit Our Modern bp -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 5.62 ' Clinton 26-tfb Rebekahs HostTo' Wingham. Lodge Members of Majestic Lodge, Wingharn, were guests of Huronie Rebekah Lodge on Monday night when the degree was conferred by the Clinton lodge. on two can- didates: Mrs. Bessie Falconer and Mrs. Louise Robinson. Noble Grand Mrs. Ethel +Mc- Pherson presided with Mrs. Mary Nediger as degree captain and Mrs. Laura Perdue at the piao. The soloists were Mrs. Marion Andrews, Mrs. Mary Sutter, Mrs... Marjorie Smith and Mrs. Mary Nediger. At the close of lodge a penny sale was held and a buffet lunch was served under convenership of Mrs. Addle' Sturdy and Mrs. Otalie 0 The world's first long distance telephone call Was made 80 years ago over the eight miles between Brantford and Paris, Ontario, by Alexander -Graham Bell. GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS IN 1955 Saturday Night—Paul Cross and His Orchestra Wednesday Night is Square Dance Night with Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management eaters to luncheons, banquets, wedding re- ceptions, etc. PHONE GODERICH 675 or 419. 2-tfb DELIGHT YOUR VALENTINE WITH A GIFT FROM OUR NEW PLEASING ARRAY OF SMART WEARABLES. ARROW WHITE Is ALWAYS GHT See our selection of white shirts. Seven different collar styles, Single or double cuffs. • 4095 to 9.95 WRVS SOCKS FINE WOOLS and NYLONS Plain; and Fancies $LOO to $L95 pr. GIFT TIES See Our Selection GIFT BOXES '$1.00 to $2.50 MEN'S JEWELLERY LINKS TIE BARS SETS $1.00 to sio.00 PICKETT iLs:s' CAMPBELL "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 -- (Main Corner) CLINTON