Clinton News Record, 1955-02-10, Page 3THURSDAY', FEBRUARY 10,1955' CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD Local Churches Report Progress Holmes -vine Annual ,Church ,C The annual cbngregationa1, sim- per of the Iiolmesville United Church was held in the Sunday School rooms on Wednesday, Feb ,ruary 2. About 100 persons sat dawn to a delicious supper, served by the women of the WA... Fol laving the supper, with the min- ister of the church, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, as leader,, a sing -song of old-time gospel hymns was enjoy- ed, with Mrs. W. Yeo at the piano. Saar. Wilson acted as chairman for the meeting that followed, and opened it with Scripture and pray- er -The recordin ,steward, Frank Yeo, read the minutes of the last annual meeting. Harold ; Yeo brought in the slate of officers for the session of elders;: E. J. Tret wartha for the committee of ste- whrds ° and W. , R. Lobb for the ch ireh officers. 7rfrs.. NinianGossiHeard. gave astrereaet- d- ing _entitled "p In A carr, and the Misses Iia, Grigg and Sandra Williams sang as a benediction by Mr. Wilson. duet, Now Is ---The Hour", • ac- Members of the Session of Eld- companied by Mrs. Lloyd Bond. d, ers for 190 5 are Lloyd Bond, Har - Reports - were : given by Harold Yeo for the session; William Nor- man for the Sunday School; Mrs. Elmer Potter for the WMS; Mrs. Frank McCullough for the Mission Band; Mrs. Edward Grigg for. the WA; Miss Rita Yeo forahe M and M; Edward`Grigg for the board of stewards; Elmer Potter for the trustees board; and William Nor- man for the auditors. Robert Irwin, Clinton,, gave the report of 'the manse committee; and it was. agreed Chat the con- gregations would: co-operate fully with the committee in the building of a new• manse. Z. Barrie' Walter thanked Rev. and Mo Wilson on behalf of the con- gregation,"for their wonderful work and support in,niaking;Hol-, mesville's 75th anniversary a suc- cess. Carman Tebbutt moved a - vote of thanks to the women for the supper, and it -was -replied -to by Mrs. Jack Yeo, president of the The meeting closes w Clinton Hospital Association p �nnualMeeting Council Chamber TOWN. HALL, CLINTON at .8 p.m. , All those interested in the affairs of 'Clinton- Public lintonPublic Hospital are cordially invited to attend. A. M. KNIGHT President E. E. WALTON Secretary -Treasurer 5-6-b old Yeo, Bert Finlay, Irvine Teb- butt, W. R. ' Lobb, Barrie Walter and Morgan Jones, with John Pot- ter, E. J. Trewartha and H. J. Trewartha as honorary members. The committee: of stewards are Edward Grigg, N. W. Heard, Wil- Iiam Norman, Harry Williams;: El- mer Potter, Dewar Norman, Ken- neth Trewartha, Frank McCu1- lough, Jack Yeo, Wilfred Biggin, Stewart Farquhar and., Kenneth Harris, Officers for the church are: Ed - Ward: Grigg, treasurer; Jack Yeo, envelope steward; Miss -Rita Yeo, M. and M.' treasurer; Harry Wil - llama, captain of the ushers; Frank Yeo,,, recording secretary, and De- war Norman', Carmen Tebbutt and Sidon Yeo are the M and M.com- mittee, 0 .Varna.,United Ends Good Year. On Wednesday, February 2, the annual Sunday School and con- gregational meetings were held in the Varna United Church. A pot- luck 'supper- was. served by the ladies of the congregation','' arid was thoroughly enjoyed by a good- lyziumber including several young people Devotions were conducted by Rev T. J. Pitt. Anson Coleman gave the treas- urer's report for the Sunday School Which showed a -balance on hand.. The membership of the school stands at 101. Sherlock Keyes and George"Reid were re- appointed superintendents and An- son Coleman was re -appointed treasurer, with Gary McAsh and Barry Taylor as secretaries. Teachers and organists were a pointed as follows: organists, Lola Chuter, Jean Pitt; senior Bible class, Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, Fred McClymont; junior Bible class, Mrs. George Reid, Mrs. T. J. Pitt; Intermediate girls, Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mrs. Lee McConnell; Junior boys, Robert Taylor, Wi- liam McAsh; .primary boys, Mrs. Louis Taylor, Mrs. Wilfred Chut- er;- primary girls, Miss Rachel Johnston, Mrs. Gladys Coleman, Mrs. George'Stephenson, The Sunday School including the adult Bible class meets after the Sunday service. Rev. T. J. Pitt — OUR SAME SLOGAN STANDS — "Where Quality Sells and Service Tells" We like .. s Your phone orders Your credit accounts by the week or month " Your cheery smile .. we hope you like ours • FREE 'DELIVERY • PRONE 39 PAGE THREE who was chairman of the meeting, spoke of the good work - which the officers and teachers were doing and expressed the hope that 1955 would be another year of progress. Then followed the meeting of the congregation with the minister. presiding. Fred McClymont . was secretary ofthis meeting as ,well as of the Sunday School meeting. The report of the Session; was given ., by the clerk, Sherlock Keyes'. The pastoral ` charge has 108 families, with 62, at • Varna. Eight persons had joined the church during the year. Mrs. Geo- rge Reid gave the WMS-reports and Mrs. -Louis Taylor the report of the Woman's Association, The church builders fund report show- ed a substantial reduction of the debt,' largely'! due to the .WA.. The church treasurer, Mrs. Charles Reid, gave her report which' showed an increase in giv- ingsf for current and >rmssionary and maintenance funds; with all obigations for local funds met. Fred' McClymont was , reap- pointed to the .parsonage commit- tee. • The treasurer was re -appoint- ed and heartily 'thanked for her services. George Reid was re- elected financial secretary,• A hearty vote of thanks . was accorded. Mr. and Mrs. Pitt for their work. In reply, Mr; Pitt spoke; of the loyalty and co-opera- tion given them,- and thanked all who had in any -way assisted dur- ing the year, just closed. Officials 'appointed .for 1955 are as follows: session, Sherlock Keyes, John McAsh, George Reid, Fred McClymont, Anson Coleman and Alfred Johnston; stewards, Louis Taylor, Nelson Reid, Mervin Johnston, 'Gordon, Johnston, Mer- vyn' Hayter; • Charles%`Reid, Ward Forrest, Thomas Rathwell, Melvin Webster, John McConnell; trus- tees, -John Ostrom Ralph Stephen- son, Alfred Johnston, Anson Cole- man; George ole-man;'George Johnston;' Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Reid; assistant treasurer, George Reid; auditors, Ralph Stephenson, Gor- don Johnston. Porter's Hill Serves Pot -Luck The annual congregational meet- ing of Grace United Church, Port- er's Hili, was conducted on Mon- day, January 24, following a pot- luck dinner served by the ladies of the congregation, - Rev. Peter Renner presided and Wilmer Harrison was secretary. The meeting' opened with a devo- tional period conducted by Rev. Renner. Reports from the various organizations showed good prog- ress during the year and were brought in by the folowing: Ses- sion, Rev. Renner; .church treas- urer, A. Lockhart; Mand M fund, Donald Harris; Woman's Associa- tion, Mrs. Peter Harrison; Sunday School, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison; Young People's Union, A. Lock- hart. Appointed to the official board for 1955 were: Session Rev. Peter Renner, John Torrance, Reid Tor- rance, Wilmer Harrison; Board of Stewards, Allen Betties, Argyle Lockhart, Elgin Cox, Ray Cox and Donald Harris; parsonage board, Reid Torrance, John McCowan, Austin Harris, Mrs. Wilmer Har- rison and Mrs. William Cox; trustees board, Keith. Cox, - Ray Cox, William Cox, Milton Woods. Clerk of congregation, Wilmer Harrison; church treasurer, A. Loekhart; M and M treasurer, Donald Harris; auditor, Allen Bet- ties; organist, Mrs, William Cox; assistant organist, Mrs. Austin Harris; Sunday School superinten- dent, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison; as- sistant superintendent, Mrs: Reid Torrance; Sunday .School secre- tary -treasurer, Wilfred Hicks; Sunday School pianist, Mrs. Aus- tin Harris. Business having beep completed the meetipg was adjourned and closed with prayer. 0 A hundred years ago many Can- .adian city dwellers bought their drinking water from peddlers at a cent, apail;- n .n Heusalt United Reports On Year , The annual meeting of the Unit- ed Church held last Thursday evening with the minister, Rev. W. J. Rogers, acting as chairman. James McAllister was named sec- retary for the evening. Splendid reports were . presented from all branches of the church. Nominat- ing report was submitted by Clar- ence Smillie, Edison Forrest, clerkc'of the Ses- sion, prepared reports: The Wo- men's Missionary Society report prepared by --Mrs. W. B. Cross, was read, by Mrs. E. Geiger. Rais- ed for missions, $2,780; raised for all purposes, $10,550. Elected to the board of stewards were Walter Spencer, Howard Scene, Dr. D. MciC,elvie, Ross For- rest and Albert Alexander, Mis- sionary and maintenance commit- tee, Edison Forrest, Ron Mock, R, J. • Drysdale, Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Dave Kyle; flower commit- tee, Mrs. G. Thompson, Mrs. Wil- liam Forrest, Mrs. G, Hess, Mrs. S. Mitchell, Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Mrs.. -T. C. Coates. Auditors, R. J. Paterson and Lorne Eller; press reporter, Mrs. Maude Redden;' ushers, L. Eller, J. Clark, D. Joynt, R. Cook, J. Traquair, Milton, Lavery, L. Hay, J. Drysdale„ William;-Mickle, Wil - ham 'Clement, J. Heal, R. Row- Cliffe, Ross Jinks, J. Simmons, William Fuss. Elgin Rowcliffe' reyiewed the early' .history of the church right up'to the present. He paid special tribute td the retiring church treasurer, M. G. Drysdale, who has served devotedly in this connection for a period of 30 years, and owing to ill 'health has retired. His son, R. J. Drysdale, has taken this posi- tion: ,A letter of appreciation is being sent to Mr. Drysdale on be- half of the congregation. Jaek Corbett, •who has served -as superintendent of the Sunday School for six.years, was presented a copy ofthe revised version of the Bible and an address from the Session. A motion of appreciation was. moved to the minister and his wife by Edison Forrest. Contributing to the program were Mrs. W. Fuss and -T. J. Sherritt who sang solos, accompanists were Miss Greta Lammie and Mrs, Sherritt. S. Rarinie conducted a sing period with Dr. McKelvie at the piano. A pot -luck supper preceded the meeting. In -charge of range- ments were the Evening Auxiliary. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples aro weak, worn-out, ex- hausted solely because body Iacksiron.I'arnew vim,vitality, try Ostrex Tomo Tablets. Supplies iron you, too may need for pep; supplemen- tary doses Vitamin By. Introductory or let - acquainted' size only s0¢. At all druggists. 3' visV VBAT MAN I t r, E rS U i E LY E i71. OUR. HEATING- J STUFF -- FOR WE'VE 13E04 AT IT LONIG t ENOUGH H/ L.- 0 t0CAI TCAUCMAt{K9 Inn. Goshen Church And S.S. Ann ;<al The annual meetings of the Sun- day School and congregation were held in Goshen -United Church on February L Preeeding'the busi- ness meetings a goad number sat down to a very delicious pot -luck supper: A, devotional period fol- lowed. The Rev. T. J. Pitt presid- ed at the Sunday School and con- gregational meetings. Ronald Arm- strong was appointed secretary. The report of=the Sunday School was read and .adopted. Elmore Keyes was re-elected superintend- ent and Anson; McKinley,, associate superintendent. The,other officers and teachers were also re -appoint- ed with a few changes. . The school gave $30 to M and M fund and contributed $51'to a special fund supporting •Me. and Mrs. Johnson -who are missionaries in .South America and:, who are well-known in the Varna district. The Sunday School is growing numerically and is giving a- fine service . to the coniinuiiity. The Bible class for adults is fortunate in its '• teachers and helpful discuss sions are held.. following this meeting, the con- gregational meeting Was held. Roy McBride reported for the Session; Mrs. Riebard Robinson for the W'MS and Mrs. Roy McBride for the WA. The building fund report was read by the secretary in the absence of John Armstrong who was indisposed. posed.. The church treas- urer, Frank McClinchey, gave the financial statement, both for cur- rent and M and M funds.- Both: were satisfactory. The congregation decided to put. some wind insurance an the ohurch. building: The committee of ste- wards was re-elected, A cordial', vote of thanks -was accorded the Rev. and •Mrs. T. J. Pitt for their services during tile past year., Nine youngpeople had joined the church oEaster ,Sundon Y profession of faith. There were nine baptisms and one burial dur- ing the year. ,A period of silence was observed in memory of, the, late Mrs. James McBride, The chairman thanked all who• had given of their time, talents. and material gifts during the year. The meeting was closed with pray- er ray er and the 'benediction. • 0 New from DRUG STORES *tot Make f a Red f"I Lilac' . 1 Tweed Shanghai Not one- but .5 'fa mous fragronces from the Nous of Lentheric..beputifull9 packaged for giving... carefully selected for •' keepi0g1 26:411 Ertl iitfZEIZA ELECTRIC ECTRICIAtLSGPLUMBERS, CLINTON • (0,6147 Complete Stock of OVERCOATS! TOPCOATS! JACKETS! 'Shop Early For The Greatest Values In Years ALPACAMA & CRO BIE OVERCOATS, Reg. 55.00 -- NOW CASHMERE & GABARDINE TOPCOATS, Some with Zip Linin j 1/2 Price. 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