HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-01-20, Page 5121115 SDAT, TA f11 RY '•20 1:955 /N'rn'. NEWS RECOIti)' t , Classified Rates 'anal RATE -- . (If paidby 'Intedr{esday following date of I n- rnet;ion)- Two gents -•a word first .'dn$erition • (minimum 50 cents);, i+uubsequent insertions .11 cents a word (mbeitnam 35scents); I5 vents extra for box number or Dior"direction to NEWS-11PeCORD itnaed� IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 noon, Wednes- ACCOMIMIODATION ,for RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT. Phone Clinton 62. 3-p TWO LARGE FURNISHED 4'ooms, available February1. Phone. 'Clinton 693. 3,p UNFURNISHED SEVEN ROOM house,three bedrooms, new fur- nace, hot'and cold water on •tap. hone Bayfield 53r2. ,3tfb FURNISHED T.H R E ROOM ry,: ent, private bath -Available bruary n. Phone Clinton 199W. 3-p •S1 T. '-CONTAINED,TWO %ROOM rtment, unfurnished. Available ebruary 1. Phone Clinton 722W2, •3-4-b i7NFURNISIIED, HEA IED apart- ent, large living room, !kitchen, ane bedroom and bath. Available 'February 1. Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 692W. 3-b. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, furnished, hot and cold water on tap, good garden, available February fist. Phone Bayifeid 53r2. 2.:tib TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, downstairs, central. Phone Clinton 733. 3-p 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ments. Heated, private conven- iences, private entrances. Rent by `'week or month. Pierson's Motel, Pa•yffield Road, Goderich, phone Goderich 980. 49tfb Accommodation Wanted SMALL HOUSE or self-contained apartment. Wanted immediately. Phone Clinton 261W. 3-b REQUIRE SUi'i•1J OR HOUSE, furmshed or unfurnished, for couple with twe children, ages one and two. Occupancy needed on or about February 7. Reply to Cpi. 3. F. Wilsop, % 963 E. Gerrard Street, Toronto, Ontario. 3-4-5-b. ARTICLES FOR SALE BEATTY AUTOMATIC WASHER, like new. Phone Clinton 99. 2-3-p iREFRIGERATOR, 1950 McClary, 9 cu. ft, Must sell, moving to another area. Apply Box 21, Clin- ton News-Receird. 2p -3b NEW LOW PRICES ON RCA Victor Television. 17" table mod- els 5199.50 and up.' See them at T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor Dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634r4. 1-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE` HUDSON SEAL COAT, BLACK, size 16. Phone Clinton 428. 3-b BOY'S BLUE SERGE SUIT, A-1 condition, about 7-8 years. Also, wanted, good baby's bed, up to, four year old size. Phone Clinton 338W after five o'clock. 3-b EMPLOYMENT. WANTED MARRIED FARM WORKER, one child,,. Protestant, Swiss, wants work on general farm. Good ref- enees. Available immediately. Apply Box . 32, Clinton News - Record. 3-b e FARMS FOR:SALE • NICE LIST OF ' FARMS FOR sale. L. G.` Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-ttb Furniture Re -Finishing FURNITURE,PIANO AND o cabinet; refinishing and re- pairiing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 1-tfb 'FURNITURE FOR SALE DINING ROOM' EXTENSION table; Duncan Phyfe style. Phone Clint'n 546J. g:b HOOSIER. KITCHEN CABINET, reasonably good, 'clean. Also .re- liable Empire cook stove. L. Leeper, RR 3, Clinton. 3-p THREE-PIECE KROEHLER; Bed Chesterfield Suite (two chairs), in good condition, wine shade. $75. 16 Quebec Road, Adastrai Park. Phone Clinton 598M5. 3-b WILTON RUG, 9'x9', GREY; one set bed springs, full size; one small walnut dining- table; three ladder -back chairs; one oval ma- hogany table, antique; one kitchen clock, antique. Phone Clinton 652W. 3-b HELP WANTED --Female WAITRESS WANTED, Full Time. Apply at Ruby and Bill's or phone Clinton 687M. 3-b LADY WANTED TO WORK IN laundry. .Apply in person to Clin• ton Laundry. 2-3-b time works Phone Clinton 0405f or call in person at Pinger's Restaur- ant. 2-3-b RELIABLE WOMAN for house- work for a few weeks. Also to care for one child. Phone Clinton 539M., 3-p LADY TO MANAGE Children's Wear Store. State experience and salary. Reply to Box 31, Clinton News -Record. 3-4-b HELP WANTED—MALE BREAD SALESMAN, FULL time employment. Experienced man preferred but not necessary. Apply to Bartliff Bros. 2-3-b ARTICLES WANTED BABY'S LARGE CRIB. Phone 2inton 801x2. 3-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, L951 CHEVROLET PICK-UP ;ruck, half -ton, In good shape. .hens Goderich e ' ch 3 76R, 3-p .946 NASH SEDAN, $450 CASH tr 5200 and take over payments. 'hone E. R. Sharpe, Clinton 10, a.m. to 5.30 p.m, 3-4-p 947 MONARCH, five passenger owe, with heater. A-1 condition, )wrier posted to East Coast. Must ell. Phone Clinton 457W. 3-p BABY CHICKS DISE SELECTION OF CHICKS ailed for this year, if you want i hold your own on egg or table tarkete. Specialists like Bray now the breed or cross you need. ieluding some interesting Minor - tel genuine Hybrids. Ask us for rices and full information, order on. Agent—Mrs. Alex Paterson, rucefield, 3-b ' ($tIALTT CHIN '55 F ARE.NO-ThRING orders r baby chicks, started' `chicks, tekerels, pullets and turkey ults. Make : up the lower egg ices now, by greater production, 'ten prices are best. Let us help to purchase the right breeds for e job you want the chicks to do, ease place your orders three to ar weeks in advance. Dale Pro- ne, Seaforth. 2-3-4-5-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE CAME BUILDING, lined with n -Test 13 feet x 24 feet. Levis ntractrng Company Limited, one Clinton 133-W. 3-b BUSINESS Accommodation for Rent ORE NOW' OCCUPIED BY nton Farm Supply, Albert St. ailable immediately. Contact is Campbell, P.O. Box 419, Clin- t, or phone Clinton 443J. 1-tfb USiNESS OPPORTUNITIES ,KE 1.955 YOUR BEST YEAR!. your own boss! Sell household essities with high commission. experience necessary. 'Small ital needed: Openings in your soundings. Write for free cat- 'ue and details. FAMILEX, r3 DeIorimier, Dept. A., Mont- i, 3-b. CUSTOM . WORK TIME FRAMING — We ate equipped to do picture fram- Goedpselection of mouldin s. Laren's. Studio. 42i FINISHED CARPENTERS, per- manent employment for the right men. Apply to M. McAdam, phone Clinton 6943• or in person at Brown's old store. 3-p LIVESTOCK WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for old, sick and disabled horses and cattle; animals bled out. Phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood, 153, col- lect. 3-16-b WANTED, OLD HORSES AND dead •cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936x21. 9=ptfb „, MISCELLANEOUS WATCH TRADE-IN SALE. Trade in your old watch for a smart view Bulova or Gruen. John A. Anstett. 3-b ALL KINDS OF SAWS SHARP- ened also have a few bushels of good table turnips. Dave Elliott, phone Clinton, 263. 2-3-4-p. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING ser- vice,.. Triple -O -System, Write W, A, Wilkinson, 2 Manning Avenue, Stratford, or phone Stratford 1630M. 2-3-p VTSIT,COUNTER'S JEWELLERY Store for best values in Diamond Rings, Bluebird and Forget -me - Not. For evening appointments phone Clinton 230. W. N. Counter. 3-p I.E.L. "PIONEER" CHAIN Saws, strongly built, dependable, low in price. Five and ten horsepower Models, Robert Glen, phone Clin- ton 907r25. 49-4-p LIVESTOCK FEEDERS, Farmers --here's good news. We now have available Egmont Minerals fol`' all livestock, which supply ell min- erals that your animals could poss- ibly require at a price vd9rich will surprise you. Guaranteed analysis, fully registered with the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Com- pares as good. or better than any mineral food on the market, re- gardless of price. Egmont Minerals are very palatable without the ad- dition of highly flavoured ingred- ients. Get the facts. Phone, write or call• at the farm. J, W. Van - Egmont), Clinton. Phone 805x13„ ' 50-7-b PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVES! Want Pep, Vim? Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- vitalize . iron -deficient body; in- crease vigor. "Get -acquainted" size only 60e. All° druggists. 3-b STOVES FOR SALE ONE HEAVY DUTY RANGJrrTE,' good ,condition. 520.00.. Contact CO: M. Cole, local 357 RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, 8-5 p,m.,or at 5 all - fan Road, Adastral Park. • 3"b BIRTHS ANDREWS - In' Chatham, New Brunswick; on Monday, January 17, 1955, to LAC and Mrs. Jack . Andrews (nee Doris Gibbings), a daughter. BAGNALL—In`South Huron Dist- rict Hospital, Exeter, on Satur- day, January 15, 1955; to Corp- oral and Mrs. Don Bagnall, Clin- ton, ra daughter(Janice Elaine, ( El ne sister for Kim). DIGNAN--In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, January 19, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dignan, RR 2, Hensel', a dau- ghter. ERB-In Clinton Public . Hospital; on Monday, January 17, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erb, RR 3, Zurich, a. daughter (Martha Marie), HAMILTON- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 11, 1955 to LAC and Mrs. John A. Hamilton, "Clinton, the gift of a daughter (Ruth Edith), MERRILL — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, • January 17, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill, Clinton, • a daughter,, (Esther Jean). ROBINSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 18, 1955, to F/O and Mrs. Glen Robinson, North Bay, a son (Donald Edward). DEATHS CH1TIER—In Clinton, on Sunday, January 16, 1955, Edwin George Chuter, beloved husband of Sus- an Elliott, ,in his 76th year. Funeral service from the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High Street, Clinton, Wednesday af- ternoon, January 19, 1955. In- terment in Baird's Cemetery. . CONDELL--At Toronto, on Mon-. • day, January 17, 1955, Maria Hickling,' beloved wife of the late Rev. H. J, Condeil, Brant- ford, one time rector of Trinity Church, Hayfield.. Service from Trull funeral home, 2704 Yonge Street, Wednesday afternoon. Interment in Motmt Pleasant Cemetery, LIVINGSTON—At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Percy Vint, Nesbitt, Man., on New Year's day, January 1, 1955, Eliza Martha Churchill, widow of the late John Livingston, and sister of Mrs. Sarah Cooper, East St., Clinton, in her 91st year. Fun- eral service on Tuesday after- noon, January 4, and interment at Nesbitt. a GUIDES ARE PLANNING. FOR COOKIE DAY The Guides held their regular meeting in the Guide Hall in the old public school, and two new members were enrolled: Sally Deeves and Gail Orpen, The Guides are planning a crookie day, dates to be announced later, • CARD OF THANKS We would like to express' our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbours for their thought- fulness and kindness during our recent bereavement. — C. V. COOKE and FAMILY, 3-b LIVESTOCIC FOR SALE • 15 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, Ap- ply Ross Hoggart, phone Clinton 802r33. 3-b PROPERTY FOR SALE LARGE WARTIME HOUSE near school. Priced to sell. Phone Clinton 115W, 3-b LOTS FOR SALE. BUILDING lots' in good residential. section, close to schools. Act now for best choice. W. N. Counter. 3-p FIVE LOTS IN "Little England" for ,sale immediately. All in one area. Best offer. Phone Clinton 640W. 51 to 3p -tib WARTIME HOUSE ON JAMES Street, Clinton.. Please write G. A. Cook, 208 Warren Street, God erich, for details. 3-p TENDERS WANTED CLInTTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Association invites tenders to sup- ply fuel oil for new nurses' resi- dence on yearl basis. Tenders to be forwarded to Mr. E. Walton, secretary -treasurer, by February 1. 3-4-b CLINTON DISTRICT Collegiate Institute Board invites tenders for cupboards, shelving and gunracks to be installed in Clinton District Collegiate. Institute: -Plans and specifJ. A. Add son's ations residebe ce seen aTenderr to be forwarded to H. C. Lawson, secretary -treasurer, not later than Saturday, January 22, 1955. 3-b Chamber Sponsors Drive To Bu Resuscitator : -Directors of the Clinton and District Chamber. of Commerce meeting on Tuesday evening de- cided to spearhead a motiement to obtain a resuscitator for. -the Town of Clinton. Beginning with a eon, tribution of $50 from the Chamber; the directors plan to contact erg- anizations in' the town and district with view to soliciting financial support of the project.,` As chairman Bert Gliddon stet - ed, when introducing the idea of the purchase: r the resuscitator would be kept at the TOM Hall in Clinton for the use of doctors of the town, rural area and RCAF Station Clinton when emergencies arise. Recentsaving of a life with the use of a pneolator owned and operated by the Bayfield Fire De- partment has emphasized the need for such equipment in town, The meeting heard a review of the Christmas promotions by the. Chamber, and a host of projects for the future discussed. Among these was house -numbering, which the Chamber feels is of most ur- gent nature in the Town at pres- ent. Total cost of the permanent in- stallation of four strings of lights on Clinton's main intersection was listed at over $170. e Bingo Winners At Legion Games . The first of the 1955 bingos to be sponsored by Clinton Branch No. 140, Canadian Legion, was held in the Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, last Thursday evening. The special game for $25 was won by Mrs, Rau, Bayfield. Share - the -wealth games were won by Earl Mero, Goderich; Stan Wat- son, Mitchll and Mrs. J. R. Mur- phy, RCAF Station Clinton. Regular games were won by Mrs. Gordon Lawson; Mrs. K. W. Cotquhoun, 'Mrs. Elmer Frye, Mrs. Frank Dixon; Mrs. Wib Elliott, Mitchell; Mrs. Frank Haines and Mrs. Harold Fremlin; Mrs. Law- rence Denomme; Mrs. Helen El- liott and Mrs. William Austin, Seaforth; Mrs, George Taylor; Mrs. 'I. W, Colquhoun; Mrs. J. R: Murphy, RCAF, Station Clin- ton; John Rau, Bayfield and Mrs. Farnnnrs lrlrnkHainesadMHenE- liott; Miss Lottie Sloman; Frank Haines; Mrs, Mustard, Brueefield; Stanley. Watson, Mitchell and Earl Mero, Goderich. The next bingo will be held on Thursday, January 27. FOR SALE .9-R00111 DWELLING. Modern conveniences, hot water heating with oil. Ideal location. o- 6 -1100M DWELLING. Immediate possession, Price 53000. —o- 6 -ROOM DWELLING. Modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing. Price $6000. 1 LOT -- 76'x126`. Good location. 1 .LOT -- 66'x165'. Good location. ,l -f. C. EAWSON REALTOR Phone 251W -- Clinton Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere ROXY THEATRE' 0LI'N'TON Now Playing -Thus. Fri. Sat. GUNSM OKE Drama JO the opening of the great 'Montana territory Audie Murphy Susan Cabot Mon. Tues. Wed.—Jan. 24-26 "Veils of Bagdad" . Bagdad in t g the16th century, with Victor Mature as an undercover agent for the emperor. Mari Blanchard - Virginia Field Thurs., Fri., Sat. --Jan. 27-29 "HONDO" John Wayne - Geraldine Page Ward Bond Coin E SARACEN BLADE" AT' DA RK TELEPHONE 1150 NOW-Thurs., Fri, & Sat. :Alan" Ladd - Shelley Winters and 3. Carroll NashAs the Sioux ingrate into Canada, following the Custer massacre, the. Cree defence is aided by a vigorous RCMP Sergeant "Saskatchewan" - In Technicolor -- MON., TUES. & WED:" Randolph Scott - Phyllis Kirk and Lex Bartter A stogy of 1869, when the North- ern carpetbaggers ravaged Texas and the plainsmen struck back in defiance. "Thunder Over The Plains" la Warner -Color ' • . Coming: Mitzi Gaynor and Jeff Hunter hi "THREE YOUNG TEXANS" Technicolor THE CAPiTAL TELEPHONI NOW—Thurs. • Fri. & Sat. • Phil Carey Dorothy Patrick and Thos. Ferguson In the lolling hills of So. Dakota a fiery stallion sets the plot for a tale of romance and adventurer "Outlaw Stallion" lit Technicolor MON., TOES. & WED. John Wayne .- Adele Mara and John Agar'., Down in the South Seas a tiny island creates a legend of conquest and' strife. ,Sands of Iwo Jima' Coming: George Murphy and VirginiaGilmour in ''WALK, EAST ON BEACON" ONTARIO 'STREET MEN'S CLUB The ' men's club of Ontario Street United Church met for the first meeting of the New Year, on Mondanight of this week. The president W. L Wilkins was in the chair, and there was a good attendance. After the business meeting, -a very enjoyable social time was enjoyed by all present, and a most tasty lunch served by the social committee with Frank Lobb and Harold Swan as convene ers. - WITH US, TOP MEN OVER 45 CAN MAKE $50,000 iN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS Will you make that much in your present work? If not, here's some thing of interest to you. Eight of our top men average at least $50, 000 each in the last' five years Now, with nation-wide demand in creasing, ALL SIGNS POINT TO EVEN FR THE COMING FIVERDYEARS, What does that mean to you? It means you can join this organiza- tion now ... with this tremendous boom coming on , . . and share in our )pillion -dollar expansion pro- gram. MIDDLE-AGED Business men and salesmen, able to travel for a few weeks at a time, are in- vited to join our top -bracket in- come group, Middle-aged men, 45 -50 -55 -and up—are particularly qualified for our type of business, where earn- ings start at once. Bert Lichti be- gan on part-time basis—when he started full-time with us, averaged $787,31 per month his first three months. John Christensen averag- ed $752.55 earnings per month bis first seven months. G. A. Holland, new man starting mid -year, earn- ed 52,194.36 in three-month per- iod, Average of over' 5700.00 per month: Paul Fraser, ndw man, earned 5152.27 his very first work- ing day, These are unusual'earn- irgs of top men. Like earnings are available to you because we do not put a ceiling on your income. We have an OUTSTANDING producttent No. 56591), Just sa important,. we have an OUTSTANDING,, proven method for selling that product to high -type business and professional men and farmers on long-term credit. Your earning checks mailed in advance, You have no1-hing to buy.' We make all collections and deliveries EXCELLENT HOME OFFICE COOPERATION. Our Company has wide reputation for being a leader in its field. BIG SEASON JUST AHEAD. Age is no barrier. Rush name and age for full details to Vice -President, Dept, A-1, P.O. Box 88, Station 3;, Dan- forth, Toronto 6, Ontario. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PLAN MEETING ON THURSDAY The Clinton Women's Institute will meet on Thursday, January 27, in the Agricultural Office -oard Rooms at 2 p.m. Roll call will be answered by naming "The Teacher I Remember Best". Topic for the meeting will be historical research and current events. The program will' be in the charge of JHostesses:Mesdames T Free- man. Connell, N. Tyndall, Marg Mac- Donald, Williams, Falconer, C. Nelson, H. Tyndall, D. Kyle, G. Glazier, Ed. Saville and E. Epps. GODERICH PAVILION DANCING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS IN 1955 Saturday Night—Paul Cross and His Orchestra Wednesday Night is Square Dance Night with Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks The Pavilion is available for afternoon and evening rentals. The management caters to luncheons, banquets, wedding re- ceptions, etc. PHONE GODERICH 075 or 410. .2-tfb J. A. AN TETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb Better See... Big Liok Motorola TV C ONE FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton MP.VIPPp.Iw..t. - NOTICE -- To All Householders .DO NOT MIX ASHES: WITH GARBAGE TIE ALL PAPERS SECURELY. Garbage Collector ART ` FULFORD Phone Clinton 73W 3-p Farm 'Equipment Franchise A'.nationally known and established Farm Equip - meat Manufacturer with full line of Farrn Tractors and Machinery; has dealer Franchise' available, fora. Clinton Area: ; Please Address AR Inquiries. To BOX' '30, CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD ,baa -+or Clinton, Community Fanners AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 pan, TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W..ELI;IOTT . Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk HOW'S YOUR" SUPPLY OF FUEL THESE DAYS?. Be 'ready for that quick drop in temper- eture!' dr Win ter- fuel Orsupplyeyour .'4OW'. . ORDER FUEL NOW A. G. Grigg & Son Phone .'74W ..-- Clinton Veen nne inn Madel 21T19: 21',' table model -BIG LOOK aluminized tube. Built-in UHF -VHF antennae: Tinted filter, NEW LOW P- RICES SPECJAL .:BARGAINS ON USED RADIOS— Table Models and Consoles $9.95 up A LBRAI TH Radio and Television PHONE 482 CLINTON