HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1955-01-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR Turner's Church Ladies PP 'A point ,, Officers For 1955 The January. meeting of, the Woman's Association of Turner's United Church, Tuckersmith, was held at the home of Mrs. Les Lawson on Wednesday, January 12 with, a good attendance. The meeting, was opened with the WA. theme gong. The hymn; 'Praise My Soul" was sung, fol- lowed with the Scripture by Mrs. Fred McGregor and Mrs. Frank Falconer led in prayer. The roll call was answered by each mem- ber presenting a tea towel for the church kitchen. Secretary and treasurer's reports were read and approved. During the past month dishes and flatware have been purchased. Mrs. John Turner favored with a mouth -organ selection. Rev. A. G. Eagle was the speaker and he also conducted installation of the. officers for 1955. A congregation- al on re ate - g g on al supper was planned fAr ' on da yJanuary 24. A hymn was sung followed by the Mizpah benedic- tion. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her..assistant, Mrs. Frank Falconer. The Februarymeeting IS to .be held at the home of Mrs. Gregor McGregor on Wednesday, Febru- ary 16. ebru-ary16. Officers for 1955 are as follows: President, Mrs. Ed. Layton; vice- president, Mrs. Elmer Townsend; secretary, Mrs. Howard Johns; pianist, Mrs. Fred McGregor, as- sistant pianist, Mrs. William Rog- erson; press reporter, Mrs. William Rogerson; parsonage committee, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Clintonians To Take Bus `Tripe The Clintonian Club met at the home of Mrs. C. Nelson with 19 members and one visitor present. 'he meeting opened with the creed followed by prayer, The minutes and treasurer's reports wera..given and the flower committee reported 18 calls made, It was planned to have a bus trip to London in the near future. The program was in the charge of Mrs. Maxwell. Readings were given by Mrs, W. Colclough and Mrs, Maxwell. A contest was won by Mrs. Colclough, The mystery prize was won ,by Mrs, Tom Lep- pington. The meeting, closed. with the Mizpah' benediction, followed by a delicious lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of .Mrs: T. O'Connell, Mrs. Bert Garrett (convener); Mrs. Jack Turner; visiting com- mittee, Mrs. William Pepper, Mrs. Mervyn Falconer, Mrs Warren co Whitmore, Mrs. . Eier Townsend;end program committee Mrs, Frank Falconer (convener), Mrs. Jack Turner, Mrs. A. G. Eagle; buying committee, Mrs. Elmer Townsend, Mrs. Erl;n' Whitmore, Mrs. Gregor McGregor; cleaning church, Mrs. Bill Pepper (convener), Mrs. Her- man Crieh; flowers and cards, Mrs. Frank Falconer, Mrs. Alden. Crich; lunch committee, Mrs. Bill Rogerson (convener), Mrs. Les. Lawson, Mrs Ernie.Crich, Mrs. W. P. Roberts. Flowers for church each Sunday, Mrs. Gregor Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Bert Garrett, Miss' Helen ' Turner and :Mrs. Erlin Whitmore. CLINTON'S MOST MODERNIZED BEAUTY PARLOR Charles House: of Beauty King Street - Clinton (Next to Simpson -Sears Order Office, in the former L. G. Winter Real Estate Office) Specializing in: PERMANENT WAVES TINTING & SHAMPOOS I+'INGE= WAVES 'HAIR OUTS -Ali Styles PHONE CLINTON 529 FOR APPOINTMENT Our Equipment Is All Brand New , • - - SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND - - At Our Cosmetic. Bar 11 oz. size of "Spray Net" • Owned and. Operated by Charles Proctor 6i JANUARYCLEARAN CE �'Sao�r�emFiac�.-sxu�•••••ay�mn=�u-�•,.-.=��1111m NEW ITEMS .ADDED DAILY VISIT OUR STORE OFTEN OUR COMPLETE STOCK of WINTER CLOTHING DRASTICALLY REDUCED WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK LOOK AT THESE SPECIALS: LADIES' :HOUSE DRESSES SNO-SUITS - PRAM SUITS BOYS' LONG FLANNEL PANTS - 2-6x BOYS' KNEE PANTS (Vyella) 2-6x B;I YS' NAVY NYLON GABARiI+INE JACKETS (Eur Collar) -- Sizes 3 6x ......... ....... $4.75 Sizes 8 -12 $6.50 $1:98 4.9E $fl.98 THESE ARE BUT A FEW COME TO OUR STORE` AND SEE FOR YOURSELF MARTI CLINTON DEPT. STORE ONTARIO Personals Girls' Installed Mr. and Mrs, Donaid A. Deas, Officers; P1 an London, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson, Fora` Bak Mrs. e Sale s Hairy McEwan, Rolfe, and Clare are s endii this ,week in p lg Mrs, W, B. Olde, resident of London at the horne of Mr, acid the Ontario Street United' Churc Mrs. Jack" Hamilton. Girls' Club ` -opened'. t e • regular Nelson Patterson, Auburn, is a meeting held ithe church'' parlor patient in Clinton, Public Hospital. last Thursday evening,with the Friends will be. phased to know use of the hymn, `Whn Morning that he is progressing favourably. Gilds the Skies",and'ra er, Cpl, and Mrs.' Donald Perdue Rev. A.:GlenEagle conducted visited the,formex s parents on the installation of officers for 1955 Monday, enroute to, Camp Borden, as ,follows: Where Don has been transferredpresident, ,Mss. uWon from Cheddar Crossing, BC. Olde; vice-president,- Mrs. Burton' Mr. and Mrs. Georga Scott, Pen- Stanley; secretary, '` M]ss Lucille hold RCAF Station, are Grant; treasurer, 'Miss Emma visiting this week ill Clinton with Plumsteel corresponding secre- Mr, and Mrs. R, MacDonald, and nary, Mrs. Kenneth Pickett; flow - renewing' old acquaintances ]n er convener, Miss Gladys 'Hab= town, kirk; pianist, Miss Elva Wiltse. Anne Marie Taterczynski enter- Work committee, Mrs. Schoen-, tamed a number of `'young friends hals, Mrs. R. Jervis, Mrs. G. Marg - with a TV party on Monday after- Laves; press secretary, Mrs, Marg - noon, at the home of her: grand* Marionar Dale; group leaders (1) Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. (2)CoMrs. and Mrs. Doris in Perdue. Bared :Mrs.) Slavin,rMiss Win- Perdue. dgring the weekend ired' Gray, (3) � Mie Barnett, Mrs. O'Connell; com with Mr. and Mrs, John A. Sutter mittee, Mrs. Ruth Knox, Mr, Mc and family included: Miss Shirley Kay, Mrs. Lillian Orpen; auditors, G. Sutter, Preston; R. P. Robbins, Miss H, Courtice, Miss Rena, Pic - Acton; and Mr, and Mrs. S. M. kett. Estwick, Centralia, Miss Sybil Courtioe conducted Mr. and Mrs/ Wes Shobbrook the worship • service; lead in the have returned after spending four singing of -the. hymn, _Lord of all weeks with their, children, Mr: and being,throned afar", and then Mrs. Willard, Buffalo;' Mr. and dealt with the subject of being Mrs. Frank McElroy and Mr. and aware, taking her' theme from the Mrs. Stanley Shobbrook, Toronto, Poem "God, Let 'Me Be Aware." ° Duringthe business meeting Miss Grant read the. minutes. Miss Mrs. Ray Gibbons Plumsteel gave the annual report which showed the Club had had a New President successful year; A bake sale is OfFriendship being planned for January 29, and riendship Clubother methods of raising money were discussed. The Friendship Club held the Mrs. Marion Colclough , enter - annual meeting on Wednesday, tained with a recording of solos January 12, in the form of a tur- sung by Mrs. Willis VanEgmond, key supper, in the Parish Eqi, of Elwin Merrill and Rev. A. Glen St. Paul's Anglican Church. The Eagle. retiring president, Mrs. Alfred west speaker, for the night was Crozier, was presented with a gift. Miss Kathy Haig, presently on the The officers for the coming year staff of Clinton District Collegiate were installed by Rev. R. M. p, Institute, and formerly of Cape Bulteel. They are: president, Mrs. Breton, Nova Scotia. She gave a Ray Gibbons; secretary, Mrs. R. very interesting and entertaining E. Thompson; first vice-president, talk on life at Cape Breton, where Mrs. J.' W. Counter; second vice- the Gaelic language is still spoken. president, Mrs. Harry, Thompson; Mrs. Lillian Orpen moved a vote treasurer, Mrs. Roy Bellinger; so- of thanks to Miss Haig. The nreet- cial convener, Mrs. Elliott Bart- ing closed with the Mizpah bene - lift hostess convener, Mrs. Bruce diction. Lunch was' served by Bartliff; buyers, Mrs. K. C. Cooke members of Group ;1. and Miss Mary Hudie; cards and lowers, Mrs. Gordon Herman. Good Will Club press reporter, Mrs..K. B. McRae. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS MOTHERS Wil BuyTames TO DIF.ET NEXT TUESDAY The Mothers' Study Group' of Wesley -Willis United Church will For Use At Bazaars meet next Tuesday, January 25, at the home of Mrs. Howard Currie, Initial plans for the annual Twi- light Mrs. Edwin Cooper in Charge, light Musicale, held on Good Fri - All mothers are cordially invited. day afternoon by the Good -Will Club of Wesley -Willis United Church, were made at the first. meeting of the year held in the Sunday School room of the church. Forty ladies were present for the meeting, which also initiated plans for a variety sale on February 19. The president, Miss Win O'Neil, was in charge, and Mrs. Vincent presided at the piano. The meet- ing opened with a hymn, prayer by the president, and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes of the Previous meeting were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe, The financial report was given by the treasurer, Miss L. Walkin- shaw. Decision was made to con- tinue the use of the church cal- endars. A letter from the Unit- arien Relief was read and it was decided to pack a bale of quilts or clothing for this purpose. LU11CH BON Ireatai run THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1555 Wesley -Willis 'VMS Hears Facts About Life In India The Woman's Missionary Society of Wesley -Willis United Church held the first meeting of the year on Thursday afternoon, January, 1.3,.. in the church parlours with 40 members and three visitors prep- ent: The president, Mrs, Norman Shepherd, opened the meeting: with an appropriate poem followed by a hymn and prayer. The annual reports were given showing a very good year for the society. The al- location of 8665 was met. Mfrs, Charles Nelson'took charge of the devotional part,of the meet- ing,. which consisted of a hymn, Scripture lesson read by. Mrs. H. C. Wilson and another hymn read in unison asa prayer. er. 'A short story on experiences in a village in. India was read. •Miss Diehl gave some facts about In- dia. Mgs. Laidlaw, ' Mrs. - Elmer l;'3ugill, Mrs. James McGill' and Mrs. Nelson tooka part in a small play about i ssionari and their work in India. 'This was followed by a question and answer period. The -hymn, "Jesus, United by Thy Grace" and the benediction closed the meeting. The February meeting in to be in the form of a birthday party. St. Andrew's Club Will Hold A - Valentine Tea The regular meeting of the. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Girls' Club was held in the base- ment of the church with the presi- dent, Clara Macaulay presiding. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of a hymn, after which the Scripture was read by Jean Jacob and Elva Mutch led in prayer. Ann Shaddock, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and Ann Radley, in the absence of the treasurer, gave the trea'surer's report, and also the annual state- ment. The main item- of business was, the planning for the annual Valen- tine bazaar and tea to be held in the church on Saturday, February 12. Mrs. Rathbun, one of the new members gave a very interesting and informative discourse on "Rambling Thoughts for the New Year and Prayer", and was thank- ed on behalf of the club by Jean Jacob. Mrs. Lane addressed Margaret English and thanked her for her interest in the club while a mem- ber and hoped she would like her new home In Weston, and present- ed her with a parting gift from the members, to which the recip- ient suitably replied. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. Host- esses were Clara Macaulay, Sadie Wilson and Madeline Mutch. The president suggested that the club purchase tables for use in the church at bazaars and teas. The executive was given power to act in this matter. Mrs. R. Rob- bins sang, "Come to the Fair". The Scripture lesson from Acts 8, and commentary was read by Mrs. H. C. Wilson. Mrs. R. Jen- kins led in Brayer. A film on Al- bert Schweitzer was shown and Miss M. A. Stone read an article on his life and work. Mrs, Rob- bins sang, "Mighty Like a Rose". A hymn and the Mizpah benedic- tion closed the meeting after which a social time was enjoyed. BE SURE TO INCLUDE: CAKES, COOKIES ' SWEET GOODS Sandwiches Taste Better made with BARTLIFF'S ENRICHED READ Our Saturday Special - From Our Store Only - I, MON nlyLEMON PC Reg. 50c for 39.E Bartliff Bros. A quiet atmosphere in pleasant surroundings. And a trained competent staff. BALL & MUTCH FUNERAL SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 361W urCli SCtLJ1t!C$ Sunday, January 23, 1955 Maio- tRi Etiiteb' Ourc Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "What Does Sunday Mean?" 11.20 a.m.-Primary School 12.15 p.m. -Church School 7.00 p.m. --Evening Praise. 'Our Relations" I1OLMESVILLE 1.30 pm. --Church Service and Sunday School Come To The House of Prayer Huron' Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV. J. E, OST4..OM 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service - 12.15 pan. -Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service EVERYONE WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11,00 a.m. Gospel Service8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. ' Prayer and Bible Study, ST..ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN- CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS, MORGAN AGNEW, Leader and Organist Sunday, January 23, 1955 10.00 a.m.-The Church School 11.00 am, Divine Worship Our Meditation: "The Real Heart of the Oiirlsthur Faith". Do you know what this is? KNOX CHURCH, BAYFIELD 2.00 p.m: Historical Studies. 2.30 p.m. -Public Worship Everyone Welcome At These Services Joseph Street • GOSPEL HALL CLINTON ALL WELCO1'JE Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11,00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs, J. M. Elliott, • Choir Leader 11.00 ani. -Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7,00 p.m,-Evening,Service Thurs., Jan. 27-$ p.m. Chancel , Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Ford. I3AVFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Invites you toservices each Sunday in the Orange Hall, Bayfield, at 3,30 p.m., until the new church is completed. Speaker: I. Bodenham. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street K, L, SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, January 28 - 11.00 a.m.-Sunday SehooI • 11,00 a.rn,-Morning Worship 7,30 pm.. -Evening Gospel Service Jan. 17-23 except Saturday. Spec- ial Evangelistic Services; feat- uring Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Gorman. -Rev. Gorman is a noted En- glish pastor and former presi- dent of Pentecostal Movement in the British Isles. Week night: services 8.00 p.m. Tues., Jan. 25 -Prayer Service and Bible Study. • Friday Jan. 28- Young People's Service. Everyone Is Welcome ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -HEV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MILS. E. 'WENDORF 11.00 a.m;-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m. --Sunday School 7.30 p.m. -Union Service in Wesley -Willis. Wed., Jan. 26 -Ontario St. Congregational Meeting TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m. -Worship Service 3.00 p,m.-Sunday School Mon., ;Jan, 24 -Turner's Congregational Meeting Meeting Held By Summerhill Club The January meeting of the Sununerhiil Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Vodden with 19 members and five visitors present, The meeting was opened with: the president, Mrs. Keith Tyndall, in the chair. The singing of "There's a Church 'n the Wildwood" was followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. A thank -you letter was received from the Children's Aid Society. Plans were made to hold a community party in the Summerhill Hall on Friday, January 28, commencing at 9.00 p.m, The program consisted of piano solos by Mrs. Ross Lovett :and readings by Mrs. Clark Ball, Mrs. Percy.Gibbings and Mrs, N.,For- ,bes. The February a y meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs.'Wesle Vodden, The lunch committee comma eewi� be Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. Nor- man Wright, Mrs. Wesley Vodden arid Mrs. N. Forbes. The program committee will be Mrs. Wes H - gart Mrs. Ivan Hoggart, Mrs. Billy ggrt, rsJenkins and Mrs. R. Lovett. January Clearance Sale Continues VALUES YOU _ CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS - VISIT IR WIN'S CLINTON - - HENSALL SPECIALS for JANUARY 20-21-22 MARGARINE, Rose, Reg., ib. 27o MARGARINE, Squeeze bag, lb. ., 31c BISCUITS, Weston's Straw. crm, 14 az, 29c JAM, Rasp., Stewart's, 24 oz. jar ....... ... 35c VEL or FAB, large pkg. 30e ORANGE JUICE tree-weet 48 oz. tin 330 BLENDED JUICE, Tree -sweet, 48. oz. tin 31c COFFEE, Kadana, 1 lb. bag $1.07 PORK & BEANS, Stokely's, 20 oz. tins, 2/33c MARMALADE, St. Wm's. 2 fruit 24 oz jar 290' MILKO, Instant, makes 12 qts., pkg990 BISQUICR, Betty Crocker, pkg , ........ ., 49c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliyer Ontario Horticultural Association ANNOUNCEMENT 1955 Provincial Competition "Wild Flowers I Have Known" (ADULT) The Wild Flower Committee has suggested that in view of the success in 1954 this. Association again.sponsor a Pro- vincial Essay Competition, open to members of Societies affil- iated with the O.H.A. in 1955. Simple rules have been adopted to permit as many as possible to take part in this contest. Prizes: Suitable prizes are being offered, including three oustand- ing Garden Hooks: Additional prizes will bo added if there aro sufficient entries to warrant same. Rules: 1. Open to Societies' affiliated with the O.H.A., and essays to be written by members in good standing. Ne limit to number entered by a Society. 2. The subject of essay to be "WILD FLOWERS I HAVE KNOWN." • 3. To qualify, essay should contain not less than 800 words and not more than 1,000. 4. Essays must be forwarded previous to March 25,, 1955, to the Secretary, Mrs. F. Fingland, Clinton. Clinton Citizens' Horticultural Society REV. D. J. LANE President C. H, EPPS Treasurer 3-b for MEN and BOYS in STATION COATS WOOL CHECK SURCOATS • CRUISER JACKETS DISCOUNTS , 20 to 40% (Other Specials as Listed Last Week) AIKE Luggage and Slioes