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Clinton News Record, 1954-12-30, Page 5
C CASH 1aSsifed 'Rates LIVESTOCK FOR SALE RATE -- m paid by 15 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, Ap- ply to Wes Hoggart. Phone Clin-. top, 802r33, 52,b< REGISTERED HEREFORD Bull, one year old. Apply to Bill Harris, R.R.:2, Bayfield, phone Clinton; 908r3. 49-52-b FOUR''' PUREBRED 'Shorthorn Bulls, .ten to 16 months'old. Pric- ed for quick sale. Apply to George L. Reid, Varna. Phone- Hensall $76r25. . LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Rauch; Goderich. Phone ce7}ect; !130r3E:.or, 939r21. 9-bRb NURSING HOME 11`HAME'R-ROWLAND NbR ING HOME—SEAFORTH- Qtadu'ate nurse in charge 24 hosts. Competent -care for con- vaieswnts and aged. Tray ser- v'ice. Quiet pleasant location... PHONE SEAFORTH 498 45-52-b STOVES FOR SALE MEDIUM SIZE OIL SPACE heat- er. Phone Clinton 661W. 52-p IN MEMORIAM FULFORD- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas Fulford, who passed away four years ago, December 31, 1950. "His memory is a keepsake With which we will never part Though God has him in his keeping We still have him in our hearts." Always remembered by his wife and son Earl, and Armelda. Cards of Thanks Arthur Hallam and family would like to thank their friends in Clin- ton for the Christmas turkey, treats and toys received on ! Christmas Day. 52-p I would like to take this appor- i tunity to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbours who visited me, sent ' treats, flowers and cards, while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, special thanks to Miss Sinclair and Nursing staff. It was very much appreciated.—T. B. BAIRD. 52-b i WIY 11 1 Z 1 � 10 4 • TAX[. ISIVICR Get There Safely! FALL r 1• l 0• ASHTON'S TAXI. j rte• , Clinton Community Farmers, ° AUCTION SAFES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. i, TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. EL7 30TT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUH6UN, Clerk . i NAPPY NEW YEAR! NAPPY GREETING! p USE OU2 FUEL OIL! NAPPY t4EATING. s • 11 f Fear 't n 66M s- s ©LOCAL TRAO"MARKB, I,w - m- Y s " • � � to 5 1 ad e Van . 526J b a word r, 5o Celli 1% cent Cents);_ l Orrice. �, IF 'CtiARGD=2S" cents extra, DEADLINE, =22 noon, : Wednes- day. . r• i ' • for, RENT men. PhTn 'Clirtton 764R 52=1-1 NEW, FOUR ROOM `apartment with -three , piece bath. W. N .Counter+ phone Clinton 230. 52-1 SIX ROOM HOUSE IN Bayfield -thee 'piece lsathroom. Two stoves ihifurnashed VInone Bayfield 53x2 1koession immediately. 50-tfl SIX RQPM:: UNFfJRNISHEI dwelling, all conveniences. It mediate possession. Apply to H C Lawson, _Realtor, phone Clin tai 251W. 51-tfl ONE •: FURNISHED APA'RTMENJ and one non -furnished ;apartment 1% miles ;from Clinton. ' Lorm Tyndall, phone Clrratbn 727J3. 52-tfl TWO; -ROOM FURNISHED apart merit`s. Heated, private conven ieioe&, private entrances. Rent b; 'week' or month.• Pierson's Motel Bm3rfi'eld Road, Goderich, phone 'Goderich 980. 49tfl NEW SELF-CONTAINED HEAT ad apartments in Goderich. Four piece baths, Laundry facilitie available. Master TV aerial hook 'up if desired. For further partic ulars,apply in person to Jame Bisset, 103 St, George's Crescent Goderich. 52-1 AVAILABLE N O W, SECONl floor, new duplex, five rooms an 'bath, - 800 feet floor 'space. Lot extra, storage space. Separate'en trance from private drive. Heat ed. Hot water on tap. 131 Picto, 'Street, Goderich. Phone Goderic 1386,' R. A. Jackson. 52-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE 1VW: AND USED RCA VICTOI devisions and appliances. Se trim. at T. A. Dutton's, Bruci :field.:. Phone Clutton 634r4. 51tf CLOTHING FOR SALE FORMAL DRESS BLUE (SIZ', `16) in good condition. $10, Plion Clinton 29. 52 - CUSTOM WORK '.PICTURE FRAMING — We at •_now equipped to do picture frau "MaGood selection of moulding. cLaren's Studio. 42tf EMPLOYMENT WANTED I WOULD LIKE WORK & gro< ery store or meat shop. Eith( full time or part time. Any sa ary considered. Apply Box 52 ,Clinton News -Record. 52 - FARMS FOR SALE I MCE. LIST OF FARMS FO'. Ls1oe. L. G. Winter, Real. Estat, ,,Phone Clinton 448. 33-tf Furniture Re -Finishing •�NR::FURNITURE, PIANO AN: 'ratio <'cabinet, refinishing and, ri poring, apply. W. G. Picket prion, Clinton 761M. 35-tf HELP WANTED -Female GIRL;-'FOR,FULL OR PART tin work. Apply, to Brown Dert Restaurant. 52- V(aAIT�iE$S, DAY' WORK; al: maid .' Cor :upstairs work. Phor 'Hotel'Clinton 793. .51 -2 - "PROPERTY -FOR SALE :FIVE'LOTS'IN "Little England for sale immediately. All in or -area. 'Best offer. Phone Clintc 640W. 51 to 3p -ti -MISCELLANEOUS Saw low /49.4• Goderich, Ontario 50 5 -2 -1 - LIVESTOCK FEEDERS, Farmer —here's good news. W e now hav available Egmont Minerals for a livestock, which supply all mi Brals that your animals could pos lbly require at a price which'wi wrprise;,•you. Guaranteed analyst wily registered with the Depart nent of'Agriculture, Ottawa. Co pares as, good or better than an nineral rv11ood. on the 'market, re ;ardless of price. Egmont Mineral are very palatable without the a Rtion of. highly flavoured 'angre ents. Get the facts. Phone 'writ )r call at the farm. J. W Va mond,. Clinton, P Eghone 805r13. 50-7- BINNIE-In Clanton Public Hos- o �' LeFURGEY RO'>t THEATRE• AT TELEPHONE PARA( -AT TELEPHONE' CAPITAL p pitat on Friday, December 24; ( 6 L I N' To, N THE 1150 THE 47 NOW'PLAYING NOW: 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. William \ ww Binnie, Clinton, a son. CANN—In Clinton Public Hospit' EVERYONE READS Thurs., Fri. & Sat. ' Thurs., Fri. & Sat. row: al, on Saturday; December 25, 1954; to, Mr: and'Mr. Thomas. A'ND; USE$ , ii, ss . EASY :TO LOVE Debra Paget:- Dale Robertson and Kevin, McCarthy, Thurs., Fri. '& Sat. ,„.' Cann, Clanton, -a• daughter„ , , ■p Esther' williams - Van, Johnson ,River pirates in Louisiana stage Brett King - Barbara Lawrence COOK—in Clinton Public Hospat- ' WANT ADS Filmed in Florida's, Beautiful a story as broad; lusty and and James Griffith' al,on Sunday, ,December,_26; f954,' Russell Cypress Garderi§. brawling as the Mississippi In which the notorious Jeam' 00%, 13 M, and .Mrs. ,EY a son. .-- -- itself. James .tangles with the equally ' -1 .eFUR Tn: , Clinton Public Mon., MOIL. Tues &. , Wed. "`: a G_3MSI:ER 'FROM infamous' Dalton Gang. Areal galloper ensed in Technicolor. liospital,':oA..Wednesday,.Decem Jan. 3 5 �� NATCHEZ her '22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. F. "DESERT RATS” In Technicolor. ` "JESSE JAMES vs. Robe ,t LeFu,rgey, Clinton, a daughter. Richard Burton - James Mason, The DALTONS" MacDONALD—In Hamilton Gen-'' MARRIAGES R. Newton' Mon. Tues. &. Wed.. emb!'Hospital, on .Monday Dec-- gEACOM—k UIaER—Ix1 St An- Australian troops in World War Donald O'Connor. - Yvette ember 27, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Brew's Presbyterian church man- . II under seige-' from Rommell's Dugay & Gene Lockhart ' Mon. Tues. & wed. ' Frank (Zoomer). - MacDonald; r se, Clinton,' on Monday,' ,Decento' ' it ' " forces. A New York newspaperman gets Hamilton, a • son (grandson of . her 27, 1954, Rev. D. J. Lane; scoops'' from his talking mule, This Pilgrim ao be ; Mr', and Mrs; Ronald MacDon- Elizabeth Maude, daughter of Thurs.� Fri. &, W. who chums with police, Gorses; for laughs. d, Clinton). Mr. and. Mrs: George' Beacom, strictly announced later-- MODDIJONGE=Ill Clinton PublicGoderich, to Maitland Charles Jan. 4-9 "FRANCIS COVERS Hospital, on Tuesday, December . Fuller, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Reg- 28, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John inald,M. Fuller, R.R. A; Goder- . SESASKATGHEWAN"• the BIG TOWN " Moddijonge, Kippen, a daughter. ich. Alan Ladd as a Canadian. Coming: RACINE—In Clinton Public Hos- Mounted Police Sergeant. Coming: ppatal, on Wednesday; December COLQUHOUN—JACKSON — In 29, to Mr, and Mrs, 'Leo' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chur- a ". Gypsy Colt". sr ss Slaves of Calcutta Coming:. .1954, Racine, Blyth, a daughter, ch manse, Clinton, on Mohday , �� qprniCes5 Of the Nile Donna Corcoran, Prances Dee, In Technicolor with s'�t•r RUSHCALL '= In Trenton, on afternoon, December 27,1954, by and it's in Technicolor cast., Thursday, December 29, 1954, • Rev. D. J. Lane, Alice Irene to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rushcall, Jackson, daughter. of Mr. and +• (nee Ruth Scott); Trenton, a Mrs. R• Van Every, Highgate, to son. Ross MacKay Colquhoun, Clin- THRELFALL-In .Clinton Public - ton; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. •+•►�•�►�.w.+.+� * Hospital, on Thursday,, Decem- Colquhoun, Clinton. ber 23, 1954, to LAC and It GOODMAN—RAJOTTE — In St. William Threlfall, Brucefield, a Joseph's Roman Chur- p The Top Shelf CALL IN fll�� AND US ABOUT :Catholic ch, ch, Clinton, on Friday morning, • •sen:SEE DEATHS December 24, 1954, by Rev. J. ; ;, *�� YOUR PROBLEMS W. P. Graham, Lgrraine Rita, a, BEADLE—Suddenly. at his home Rajotte, formerly of Winnipeg, to George William' Goodman, (By BENJAMIN 16EVERH)GE) + on: in Auburn, on Sunday, Decem- her 26, 1954, Charles M. Beadle, RCAF Station Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodman, Win- ^; EAVESTROUGHING Canada has few enough national Canada," cannot reuse the plates beloved husband of the late Sus. an Johnston, in his 84th year. nipeg. _ magazines, but -it is interesting observe the competition for without permission, even though the book itself was copyrighted. Funeral from the Arthur fun- LINDSAY—HENDERSOIQ—In St. readership which Maclean's, Sat- re Fortunately, there has never ELECTRICAL WIRING eral home, Auburn, to Ball's Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, urday Night and Liberty, for in- been any quarrel over obtaining Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, on Wednesday afternoon, Dec- stance, Have been getting in recent this permission. AIR-CONDITIONING December 28. Decembar 2 ember 15,• 1954, by Rev. N. D. years from industrial magazines. McCO —Suddenly at his Knox, Lois Mary,, daughter of Periodicals such as Canadian In- In Canada, the copyright on a GRAVITY WARM -AIR home in Pittsburg, Penn., on Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, dustries "Oval", International Bus- piece of literature (which at one Sunday, December 26, 1954, John Hensall, and Keith William Lind- iness Machines' "Think," and "The time was registered with the de- HEATING McConnell, formerly of Varna, say,Goderich, son of Mr. and Imperial Oil Review" have grown partment of agriculture) is valid and uncle of Lee McConnell, in Mrs. William Lindsay, St. farther and farther away from the during the lifetime of the author, his 85th year, Funeral from the Marys. direct "selling" angle, and have and for 50 years thereafter, The PLUMBING Ball and Mutch funeral home, been using a greater number of same is true in England—where High Street, Clinton, to Bay- o field Cemetery, on Wednesday, general articles to interest all manner of people. They are dis- the copyright on a photograph is good for 50 years from the date A FURNACE FOR EVERY December 29. ONTARIO STREET WA tributed free to almost anyone of the original negative. In the JOB PARKER—In Bayfield, on Tues- WILL MEET TUESDAY day, December 28, 1954, Cath- who is interested, particularly among educationists and thought- Vnited States, copyright on writ - fen works is for some 28 years, arine Johnston, widow of Charles The regular meeing'of Ontario leaders. They are in this manner plus an additional 28 years if the WISE BATEIVIAN Parker, in her 97th year. Fun- Street United Church Woman's making a commendable addition to author or his heirs so desire, and er•al from Trinity Anglican Association will be held on Tues- the development of what we have "Canadian Most of the famous old books, like Sam Slick," "Quo Vadis," Phone 147—Clinton Church, Bayfield, on Friday af- day, January 4, at 2.30 o'clock. ternoon, December 31, com- Program Mrs. Jam- come to call culture", but which might as well be re- and "Tom Sawyer,•' may be copied mencing at two o'clock. Inter- committee a girded as the life and times of a liberally and without license by --- - — - - - - - — ment will be in Bayfield Ceme- ieson and Mrs. Vennett A picnic growing nation. anyone who has a°printing press. tery. lunch will be served. The industrial magazines have . — an advantage over the kind that depend on advertising and news - o, Many stand sales for their livelihood. Foreign Coins Are Familiar T None of the latter would have � s•, � dared to release a cover such as • The Imperial Oil Review did re- ° .o•• Canadians Overseas In - Air Force Gently, •! It was an abstract painting by �t With duty and leave taking counts Officer can sell travellers a Canadian artist of what the ;hem regularly across internation- cheques to the men for scrip. The readers were asked to believe was it borders, Canadian airmen in onus is then placed on the individ- an oil refinery, and there was Europe have made foreign finance ual to change his cheques into the more of the same within the cov- i part of their everyday lives, re- currency of the country he is vis- ers. The editors could not have )ort officials at RCAF Air Divis- iting for leave or duty. expected more reaction, both pro on Headquarters here. All this leaves the individual and con, if they had commissioned In the first' place their pay ac with at least 'three monetary med- Salvador Dali to do a nude. :ounts are kept in Canadian dol- iums in his pocket at all times; Personally, I find that kind of ars. These are converted to Am- scrip, travellers' cheques, and the art a bit repulsive, and no doubt xican dollars for payment pure- money of the nation in which he many other people on the distrib- Thanks j°r year pat. roses and the individual is actual- is stationed. In addition ire may ution list are hoping that there •p ro•dgs and Ndppf y paid hVU.S. Military' -Payment have as many as five or six other will be no more of it. But I am moo sear... ,ertificates. With these the air- currencies in his wallet which he forced to concede a rather sign nan buys travellers ' cheques uses frequently. ificant point: there are -thousands vhich are readilyconverted into of people who find inspiration in For instance, two airmen tecen- P P he currency of the nation in which tly returned from a leave tour this form of artistic absent -mind - ie a serving or may cu visiting, which started in France and loop, edness• WELLS Because of the peculiarities of ed through Luxembourg, Belgium, The Review, whose normal 000 3ritish and U.S. occupations in Holland, Germany and Switzer- culation is 90,000, has had 12,000 Europe, the Canadian forces were land. On their return they were requests for copies of the contro- dven the privilege of tying in with settling up their accounts and the versial cover. They came not only :heir systems of using local equiv- conversation ran something like from artists, but also from busin- Auto Electric dents of U.S. dollars and pounds this: ess men, teachers, farmers and oilmen, and an association of en - 9. The-Atneracan equiva "Well, George," said the first, q•r�rAier•n�txN�iDrSibt:a9 ent is the Military Payment Car- "you owe me 50 guilders and 2100 gineers in California asked for ifidate, commonly called scrip; French francs. Oh yes! and rem- 1,500 copies, The paintings were vhile the British equivalent is the ember the 20 Deutchmarks you a good test of Canadian tastes, and 3r1tish Armed Forces Scrip, better borrowed in Cologne? That mak- it apparently encouraged The Re- cnown as BAFS, es—let's see $13.35 for'the guild- view to keep trying, for the cover �• AO ���E� These two systems were set up ers, $6 for the francs, and about of the Christmas issue was an ex - is a control to insure that U,S. $5 for the marks, Total,$24.35." ceptionally fine crayon drawing by lollars- and pounds sterling were "Minus 350 Belgian francs and 11 -year old David Watkin of Jeweller and Watchmaker101' exported illegally or •did not ten Swiss francs," said the other. Brandon, Manitoba. 'all improperly into local civilian 'That. makes $7 for the Belgian, EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE rands. The scripand BAFS .are and $2.50 for the Swiss for a total While I was inquiring about The Review's experiment in aesth- Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches )nly used as 'a monetary medium of wed How much did you say etics, I learned some interesting nt military installations, I owed you?" BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS I make it $24.35." things about copyrights and the The Pay Accounts Officer on the public domain. Spode Dinnerware carious 'RCAF bases is allowed to "OK, $24.35 minus $9.50 is about A short while before C. W. Jef- told the currency' of the country $15. Here's a ten dollar travel- ferys died, Imperial Oal bought Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today n which he is based, but is not lers' cheque and five dollars in thr famous Canadian historical Phone 562 Clinton ?ermitted to keep alae various oth- scrip:" artist's entire collection of several 26-tfb -r incidental currencies which are Such conversations. are fairly hundred sketches, in an effort to ::ceded by the men for travel in notmal and can be heard practic prevent them from being broken )ther countries, However, the Ac- ally any,. time throughout the up. I am not sure that the pur- RCAF Arr Division. Sometimes, chasers knew exactly what they ,~ however; they are -complicated _ by were doing when they asked that `tb+rsisrhr the fluctuations in value of the the copyright be included in the various currencies; agreement, but the results have Consequently, all the, airmen a- been fascinating. 55 row o gree that the trick in travelling is It seems that Jefferys had sold Flowers to know how much to change in a many paintings during his prolific a given country.. • If they change too career; but never sold the copy- much they may find themselves right. According to the Canadian Telegraphed w with surplus .drachmas from Copyright Act of 1924 (now being Greece, lira from Italy, kroner revised) an artist does not neces Anywhere from Norway; or pesetas from sarily part with the right to re - Spain, all of which have a lowered produce a painting even after he value -in. Central Europe. When sells the canvas. Sale concerns they convert them into -the local the physical object only, the can- currency'they generally find that vas and the oil or tempera upon they lose on the deal.' it. So virtually all the Jefferys ■ w Canadian airmen .overseas may drawings belong the oil corn- not ore �.. not be quite in the international pang, insofar as permission to re- COOKE. banker category, says officers at, produce them is concerned. TO OUR 'CUSTOMERS: the 'Air Division headquarters. The situation is intriguing. The P They're getting to know a ,lot, National Gallery of Canada, which FLORIST /% We thank you for your though, about- mternataonal cur- houses some of Jefferys works— Phone 66W — Clinton rency, a small' part of the broad and owns them—requests permis- +�\ education they're getting• while sion from Imperial whenever it has �l patronage in the post and 'overseas, cause to reproduce them, and ! s theoretically,' any private 9) izen, i who has one of the artists4aw look forward to serving IT WILL PAY 1 OIJ` TOO.+ use the owners n a Chriswiz—tmas Is 1 you better in the future, use the sketch on a Christmas card, or some such purpose. The Ryerson Press, which some years GET THE �r��T� l ago published many of the draw- ' 1 ings m atg "Picture Gallery of 7PiJOILrILSMITIi QROiTi' Pickett and Campbell call" Vit lInflI r WILL, MEET JANUARY 5 P.O. Box 190 Zurich Ont. The regt!la', meeting of the - x (The Store fdr Men) Zurich, auaaxE-we,nr[c Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will be Phone 168 °" 1N°'held at the home of Mrs. William Rogerson on Wednesday, January Phone 2ti (Main Corner) Clinton Managed &n distributed b Investors Syndicate of Canada Limited 5. The roll call will be: A N.ew rbc Y t Y .•+++ .Year's restrlution,-ret! �1RrO!tiiaH4t4?�i4+QairRsdeR