HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-30, Page 2PAGE—TWO OLIN PON .NEWS-1tECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30,19H
r '
Cilnton News -Record • a, . . j' "Not In Cocktail
From' 0 Early Files • _ Bars"
THE CLINTON NEW ERA THE CLINTON, NEWS-RECORD1xlANI{S Roy Rogers, idol of millions of
M'++ First issue (Huron Ne To Editoi5 and Staffs of Weekly youngsters, '','King. 'of .the Cow -
First issue June 6. 1865 News -Record)' 40 YEARS: AGO 10 YEARS AGO y boys", tells' why 'he and Dale
January 1'881 Newspapers, Reporters .for
The Clinton New Ero Clinton "News-Recoid Daily Papers and Radio Evans, his wife, don't drink. "IC
' Amalgamated 1924. Thursday, December 24, 1914 Thursday, December ?.8, 1944
Personnel:I, were asked, 'Roy,, wily don't you
An Independent Newspaper devoted to. the Interests of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District The firm of Carter and Creigh- Sgm. Lorne Brown„HMCS Ken Dear Friends: drink?' I think the most honest
Population, 2;548; Trading Area, .10,000; Retail Market, $2,000,000; Rate, 4,5c per line flat ton, St. Marys, have installed an ora, is spending his leave with Onbehalf'of Mr. Baker and my' answer.I could give would be, 'I
electric -heater, the first of its kind
Sworn Circulation — 2,016' Mrs, Brown and Stephen self, who represent the Ontario' don't think it is necessary'. And
Home of Clinton RCAF' Station and AdastralPark residential in the town, for the. purpose of, Cpl. `Arthur Aiken is spending Department of ,Agriculture' in this I
P g p his leave with his parents, Mr. and County, I would at this time like don't: My wife, Dale Evans, and
( ) kee in the show windows erfeet-
MEMBERi Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association; Ontario -Quebec Division; CWNA; ly clear of frost. Mrs. W. M. ; Aiken. to thank I, feel we have found about as
Western Ontario Counties Press Association The expectations are for an old You for the excellent
p Able Seaman Wilfred Denomme coverage and pubicity given to happy a life as we can hope for,
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Payable in advance—Canada and Great Britain; $2.50 a year; time Christmas, namely, snow and i spending a leave with .his par- farm meetin s and a ricultural' an h
United States and Forel ' g cold weather, The. snow stoizihs g g d we have not .Found happiness
a gni $380; Single Copies Six Cents ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence De- activities, 1954, in'`cocktail'bars, but rather in our
Delivered by carrier to 'liCAF Station and Adestral Park -25 'cents a_ month; seven cents a ;copy have so badly blocked up the roads Homme. Trusting that we may continue,
Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Departmerit, Ottawa that for the past couple of days Mayor M. J. Agnew was y pera everyday activities. Neva Lang -
the country people could not get Y g given to enjoy this wonderful end,
an`acclamation on Friday night, tion and wishing you and, the ley, Miss ,America, Dale ,goes
'Published EVERY THURSDAY at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada;: in the Heart o£' Huron County into town. Three candidates, Wm. H. Lobb, members of your staff a Very .along with Roy. and Dale. It
Mr.' and Mrs, Herb Govior, Base V: D. Falconer and Melvin Crich Merry Christmas and A Happy seems so unnecessary . , . I firmly _
THURSDAY, DECEMBER '30, 1954 Line, spent a few days with her, qualified for reeve and nine men 'New Year; believe the normal healthy. life I
sister in Detroit. will contest the six councillor G. W. MONTGOMERY, have lived is responsible for my
Miss Tessie .Crooks has been the 'seats: Messrs. Ernest Brown, J. R. Agricultural, -,Re reseniatrve good fortune..
eAt Atwood, cousin, Mrs, E. Swin-
,Butler, Clifford Epps, Albert Shad- for'•Huron County.
dick, N. W: Trewartha, A. J, Me- ' (This advertisement is' inserted
Mr. and Mrs. Sharman left on Murray,.G. W. Nott, James Chow- December 24, 1954 by the Huron County Temperance
LET IT INSPIRE US Wednesdayto y Ell of , Harry Freml n and H. pend the holiday Clinton, Ontario. Federation)..' 52-b
with friends in Goderuh.
Lawson did not .qualify.
THE BRIGHT -STAR that; flashed across the darkness ` of , the earth nearly The Clinton. Hews -Record Messrs, .Wallace .and Stewart
two thousand ears ago' go eontinu es to light the Way of those who walk the way Thursday, December 31, 1914 MacDonald, Toronto, spent the
of the high, road. • It reveals the way of the higher ideal of life,. the -way of Mayor Fred Jaeksoix was .re- - holiday season at . the home of
Ron -
ambitious their parents, Cpl. and Mrs, Ron -
goals, the way of peace and brotherly ,love. Ideals are like stars; No elected by acclamation and the aid MacDonald..
six voted
-s .- Th ill not have it Notice To Shop'
one can touch them with the hand, like the seafaring man in the desert of waters, Miss Helen Lavis, R.N.; St.pers
You choose'them as your guides, and, following them, you reaehlyour destiny. May will
voted. o po The 1.M council Hl
- ' will be .composed- of '.Messrs. H. Thomas, and Miss `Fanny Lavis, '
London, ,spent Christmas at their
the bright Star of Christmas inspire new ,ideals to carry us over the turbulence Wiltse, F Fitzsunons, C .J. Wallis, Effective on &steads` an
home in town.
of the new year, with. the hope of "Peace on Earth; good will to men.” J. -P. Shepherd, of the old 'council Miss Jean. Morgan, a student at y, January 8, 1955,
and Wes. Walker and James Mil- the University of Toronto, is
—The Traveler. ler. There will be a run for the the enaiority of remail storesAn Clinton will close
reevesitip between James A. Ford spending her Christmas vacation
witlr her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
and Jacob Taylor, at 6 ' m. duriri Januar February
���;g�z`� • ��i�'�d��0� '�•�°""�'�a� A vote will also betaken an the Moran,
P• 9" Y, ry
question of granting the municipal Miss Lorna 75lumsteel, Toronto, "and Marek.
franchise to married women who spent Christmas at her hbme in
re properly qualified. town.
Miss Ellen Fremlin Hensail, RETAIL -MERCHANTS_ COMMITTEE;
SPORTSMAN sand was resent to helplast spent the weekend with her par -
TG A GUOD �7C OR L �7Ayit11\ The -'big arena 'opened up Kxltie
and Mrs; T. Fre rlin,
Wednesday night and the
(From Dept. of Lands and Forests) B along Miss Jean Cameron, R,N„ St. CLINTON AND DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
this winter pastime. With two Thoma§, spent Christmas with her
inks. Clinton will be well supplied.
Who thinks of the other fellow as well. as feet the 'natural resources of ,his state and r parents, Mr, and Mrs.• H, D. Cam -
of Z. Bawden is visiting over
of himself, m nation: cion.
Sunday with her friend, Miss --M]ss . Lois Kearns, Woodstdck,
Who, when hunting, `strives to kill clean so Who in the wonders of ,nature beholds the Mabel -Turner,. Brucef]eld. spent the weekend with her par- t�------
that his. "game will not suffer. , power and the -glory of his, Creator.` x5` YEARS AGO encs, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns,
Who, when in doubt as to d6e or buck, .cock Who realizes- that God has not only • given a
or hen; gives, the ,game the benefit: of the doubt. him dominion. over all the earth and everything The Clinton News Record
Who enjoys the sport £or the sport's sake that lives upon it but has also charged him with Thursday, December 26,.1929 Qualil Serviceand not for the game in the bag or the fish in. the responsibility fortheirpreservation, Present prospects indicate that�6Bii rN(��
Who uses courtesy, kindness and care, in Clinton will be represented by fast BUSIN 7 �J r
the creel. y' teams in, both the intermediate 1
Who respects the property rights of those`' field and forest anywhere; who so lives that in a and junior sections of the ORA. 99
upon whose land he is ;privileged to hunt. future year, none will regret that he passed -here. Tile following are.available for the DIRECTORY
Who never allows his gun to be pointed at
To a good sportsman -TO YOU—We hope intermediates: goal, George El- P gappy
You -had a very Merry Christmas .and wish you Cole, Sam Castle, William Mutch liott; defence, Jack Nediger, M. INSURANCE'
nything he does not intend to kill. a peaceful, prosperous New Year.. centre, J. Twyford; wings, Doug
Whoeaznestly strives to tonserve4and,'pro- =Adapted from Michigan Out of-7Soors, Kennedy, W. Glees, W. McClin- Be Sure - Be Insured F
they, T. G• N. Cook. Juniors: K. W. COLQUHOUN YR
goal, G, Stock. N. Livermore S. GENERAL INSURANCE
r� r�-r
Cook; defence, J.'Elliott, B, Big- Representative:
�1 �/ D
WEAKNESS UT PE l•I MYONS ^ gait, G. Pickett; centre, k', Me- Sun life Assurance Batik
of Canada 19,
:7 Y .[ G .1• l� llli,7 Ewan, K. Pickett; winggs, H. Gibbs; Office:. ii.oyal Bank BuildingB. Gliddon G. Rath,C, Streets. Office 50 - PHONES - Res, 7.03w2 "(Goderich Signal -Star) St Pauls Church has.ly decorated and re -opening ser- H; d, LAWSONI
A'.WEAKNESS in human nature is seen in There is a story that some years ago in vices will be held on Sunday nest,Building r V
he too common willingness to sign a g Batik of Montreal
g g petition Goderich a practical"- joker got u a the services having .been held in
g, petition the vestry for the past few weeks. Clinton
Irr almost anything, whether the signer has' an asking that a certain prominent citizen be hang- Ernest A, Ru -ball is the new PHONES: Office 251W; Res, 25IJ
st. in the request or not, so long as he ed. When circulated it was freely signed and, Public Utilities superintendent. He Ins. Mute Li Real :Estate
n't expected to make a .donation along with So the story goes, among the signatures was is in charge of the hydro and gent. Mutual Life Assurance Co, Ary xu
s name. waterworks system in Clinton. Mr.
that of the prominent citizen himself. "Co-op" x ,
An instance is given by The Chesley Enter- $umbait served a long apprentice- Insure the Co-op' Way
ship with the late superintendent W. V, ROY 5l .
e, `which cites the fact that 120 signatures Chant and his appointment on the District Representative 1
the assessment Fro tieutown1baoa•one`to g r laCter's death, seemed to be the Box 310 Clinton, Ontario fry„xyF
ere on a petition asking rhes ant Council will ,�® �i'T LNV GAINED logical one. Phone Collect
When _,e Office 557 Res. 324J k,c
e bylaw was voted on last week it had onlyCANADIAN CFIAMBER' I of Commerce is to Huroi] Corn J, E. HOWARD, Bayfield A
supporters with 249 against.” Where was be commended,1states the Letter Review, for Phone Bayfleld 634,
e excuse for the petitioners who reneged— stand taken on importance of , continued inn- C7L'Ci�g ReliUrt Car - Fire � Life - Accident 3 ,c
ey discovered that the grant would be larger migration_in brief recently presented to Fed Wind Insurance
an they had thought; but they may be -more if You need Insurance, I have
cask Government. (By G. W. Montgomery) a Policy
eful in future about putting their names to
_titions. _. -Case for immigration i's simple, 7n peace, "Farm work is pretty well ata HE McHILLO)f MUTUAL
time, `New Canadians' mean enlarged domestic standstill except for- the regular THE INSURANCEUTUACOMPANY
markets'£or Canadian products barred by re- chores. Farmers are quite pleas- Head Office: Seaforth
ed with the five to six inches of
strictive trade practices from expert markets, Officers 19ri4: President, John
protective snow covering which
In. wartime, as well as in peacetime, 'New we have now enjoyed for the past H. Met, Blyth; vice, presi- �
Canadians' are a source of strength, o. country's three weeks. Roads and travelling dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; T
hieTea]C ahead-- manpower resources, are not in danger of being conditions are excepto3�aliy good secretary treasurer and manager, W.C.Nffcoe
forced: -into slave labor by potential a for this time of year.. M. A, Reid, Seaforth,
what will it bring?. 4 aggressors, _ Directors: John H. McEwin Chemist and Druggist
Curious paradox is that those who properly , Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon @¢
At least we may be sure of spring. V ° bardt Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha
deplore ly tge most
Of Canadians to US are Quill Canadian a �r Clinton; Wm, S: Alexander, Wal- � . PHONE 51
What will the hold—the coming hours? frequently the most veheaienC critics of any • ton; T L. Malone, Seaforth; Har-
At least we.may be'sure of flowers, bloc- proposals immigration. Yet Z to" Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper,
%ro oasis to increase flow of immi r
commonsense suggests that if an emigrant is ' • Brucefield; Allster Broadfoot, Sea-
spins and birds and Budding trees, a loss to Canada, an immigrant, by the same 1. In what year were the Canad- forth, t5�gigre*uc�sgi�u�• • . , iiwr�g�..� ,e,h.,��
Thank God, we may be sure of these. token, is something' gained, ian Houses of Parliament in Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr,, Londes-
boro; J, F. Prueter, Brodhagen;
Ottawa destroyed by 'fire? Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric
2, In what year was "The Nation- Munroe, Seaforth. r�T`l��as r
al Policy," the policy of de-�
velopmg Canadian
` industry
throe h tariff Protection, orig- INVESTMENTS Chronicles inatedGet The Facts$, Is ,agricultural production'pos- Call VIC DINNIN
sable to the Yukon? Phone 168 Zurich 3 fit /,,",<;
YOU NO DOUBT heard the CFPL broadcast on Christmas Day, which/., !
4. What animal accounts for trine- Investors Mutual � ��y �� • u, ,r Hi 3
originated in Clinton and included the music of fife male eltoir at Wesley Willis tenths of Canada's fur farm Managed and Distributed by
United Church, a- message from Warden W.4. Daley and the story of "Christmas production? Investors Syndicate of z z`
in Clinton" given by Wilma Dinnin of the.News-Record staff, In case it might 5. What one commodity accounts Canada, Ltd,
be of interest to those who may not have been. able • to hear the broadcast,. we' for a third of all the freight y avid xy';lf
reproduce"the later story here: moved by the Canadian rail- : OPTOMETRY.
ANSWERS: 5. Wheat. 3, In the A. L. COLT; R.O.
Most particularly we would like to tell you Clinton was proud this month. to witness Yukon there is. commercial market Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
Clinton, itself, for that is the part 4f the the opening of the new Christian Reformed ' - gardening and' there have been - Goderich - Phone 33
tY which we know the best. Church which serves the many Dutch folic who successful experiments in the pro-
Chiistmas in Clinton is a joyous time, have settled in this section of the County, duction of poultry, cattle, hogs and J. E. LOiNGSTAFJF
Months ago the merchants commenced their Christmas in. Clinton' would not be right spring, grain. 1. 1916. 4. The HOURS; •„ ' "' ' '
larruiit . for the great job of supplying the Without a,good sampling of hockey games in .tile mink. 2. 1379. ' SEAFORTH: Weekdays except
Lions Arena—and this ear we -are not lacking Material prepared by the editors Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
hristmas-time shopping wants. o£ -their custom- Y g
s. Now their shelves are a good deal lighter them. Four of - _our renowned Colts hockey,' of .Quick Canadian Facts, the poe , Tues., Thurs., Frl_, 9 aim,
iaa they were, for the packages you have taken Players signed with the Zurich intermediates ket annual of facts about•Canada,, to 5.30 p.m,-
orn your own Christmas, tree contained their this year, and tile home games so far have a Saturday; 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
ares, been played in Clinton, The Juveniles, Midgets CLINTON: MaoLaren's Studio
and' Bantams are PROBLEM FOR THE - y
Thanks to the active •work of the Clinton d ear strong, and a, peewee CANADIAN PEOPLE Mondays only, from `9 a m.
tehiri will be formed early to 1955, Practice ind.'x'
to -5.30 p.m,
id District Chamber of Commerce this year, the art of figure'skating, too, keeps the younger Many Canadian unions, such as PHONE .791 SEAFORTH K &
others, and fathers were given an opportunity generation busy on the artificial ice at arena. the Steel Workers' Union, are .un.
shop in 'Clinton on Saturday afternoons The folk of Clinton are a good, 'strong and der American head offices. Thus
bile their youngsters. enjoyed a free show in
Roxy Theatre. faithful people, quick to lielp'their neighbours You find Canadian workers, in- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT R
e in time of trouble; fond of the work of , their structed to impose wage demands
Because of the efforts of the very enthus- churches, and willing to do their bit in the which make their products • so ROY N. BENTLEY
Aic retail merchants committee of the Cham- community, especially so at the Christmas costly they' cannot compete, even Public Accountant
g lamppost in downtown Clinton boasts season, in the Canadian market, with ( h St) p'
r ever lam 4'Britanma Rd. corner South
festive teen tree for ornament. And the Town We could not close our tale of Clinton's Alnerican output of.. the same Telephone 1011
iuncil erected a tall and stately tree on the We
withoutmentioxling the good will and product. GODTRICH , ONP,���� (� ,[��
t Post Office square, too. The scores of col- fellowship which exists, between RCAF Station o REAL ESTATE E1eCtx1C °�•��
sed lights on the trees and •in the store win- Clinton,and ourselves, Throughout the year and' In the past. five year cost of J
ws make a tiright avenue of Christmas cheer again 'during the .month of December 'there is family allowance payments has LEONARD G. WINTER a A. ,W. CORNISH
iding ri g t to Clinton's main corner; where Tire i blue sharing of town. and Station' facilities. , ii3c5reasne� from $271 million, to Real Estate and Business Broker "your Westinghouse Dealer"
loured lights are strung,coats of the airmen and airwomen $365 lion. Estimated annual 6 se eal
are a familiar sight cost lin five High Street Clinton PHONE 479
There . quite a social whirl in Clinton at churches ,and entertainment places
streets, shops; years time is .$450 OLINTON
Lodge, .Phone 448.
is season: At last count wie the were a senior places af, Clint -on -L- million.. µ • � � b
urch mss party at the
�etar he Masons;
eg on aand'Auxil airy, the Lions; so be xcivilians f om to n hose present are, alit OFF MAIN STREE,i,
usmen and Kinettes, the Clihtonians; Women's Group Captain I3.'C, Ashdown, Commanding Sy JOE D94NETT
-titute and others, We believe' it is quite Offieer of the Station, has asked that we take n „ 05 A NEW YEAR'S
fe to saygat every one of them has held a this opportunity of extending his greetings to6
nal even or special meeting of some sort 1:116 people.I'of the County. j �' N `: ! ^^ ' `, WISH FOR HEAt�TW,
ring December. Mayor M. J, Agnew, who will at the first. 6,S . ,h r , "MAIN
TheTiinsmen Club had a toy campaign, and o Januar be u his second r. 9 HAPPINESS,
Y g P Year as y .
g p Y those listening, and asks us greetings, to all I ��,bZ I I — AND PRGSPEf?ITy,!
ed u ;dozens of old ,toys for distribution mayor of our town, wends. 'his reefi Q 1
Ion st the need families of the district. The g, g to his en
ins and Legion and many other groups dist- joyment of':the good relationship between RCAF.: tttddd rr
uted food baskets. The Chamber of Coni- Station and the tonin.
:rce organized the appearance of Santa Claus /
J the publisiieis of the Clinton News -Record;
d a Christmas treat for the youngsters. Laurie -Col uhowi, Frank and Harry Mch]wall HOMETOWN
Of prime importance in Clinton is the fact along9 e Cooper and myself, wish 11'c'"e
rt we are a church -going people, There axe y
with Clarence'
g you the vel best`' in .the"coming ,year. We //
i churches serving the` 2,625. people in' town viroid like'to loin, with the, Mayor•,of Olxr townSME
3 those in the nearbyrural area, Each of an i 'vi
ill n ration to you tb •pay ,.Clmtori a visit.,.`+ll !
alta hold .;special Christmas programs; and the We will al):- try to :make your• spay with us a
Ars prepare caro) music for the Yule season: 'pleasant one,